April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1965 |
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Published in c'C,hristmastown, U.S.A." Shelton Washington
toss the greens
t Olympia ts a
8oo4 OOmpanyl
With a highly successful open-
ing worl(out under its belt and
the appointment of a non-playing
manager, the Shellon town team
rebirth apl)eared i:o he beaded for
a healthy infancy Sunday.
Nineleen aspirants for the squad
reporl.ed at I~oot) Field Sunday
afternoon with several others ex-
pected after being unable to make
tllt~ opening \VOI'I~01.1t. fol' ()tie re/L-
SOil 01' another.
Frank Dan ford, a veteran of
pre-World War I1 playing exper-
ience in the old Timber League,
has accepted the managerial roles
and will direct the Loggers on the
field. He is electronics mainten-
ance director at Eells & Valley
Appliance Center.
Workonts will be held each
Monday and Wednesday even-
ings at Loop Field for thetime
being, Danford said. The possibili-
ty of a scrimmage with MeCleary
town team this Saturday evening
is also in offing.
McCleary and Shelton expect to
be rival entries in the Timber
League this year, along with Aber-
deen, Elms, Bucoda, Chehalis,
*0 7-65
Winlock, the Corrections Center
and possibly others.
Activity to provide the team
with uniforms and finances for the
purchase of equipment has been
underway for the past week or so
and is meeting with encouraging
response from business firms and
interested individuals. Jerry Mal.
lory has spearheaded this activity.
Firms or individuals wishing to
asstst the town team by sponsor-
!ing the tow team by sponsoring
a uniform or contributing cash
may do so by contacting Mallory
or Danford.
If I have made any valuable
discoveries, it has been owing
more to patient attention, than to
any other talent.
---Sir Isaac Newton
Lustre Electric
ent a Blue T.ustra
Shampooer for $1.
buy famous Blue
thls easy-to-use
equipment. You'll
look of
Available At Your
126 6. 2nd Ray ,Prouty, owner
Phone 426-3111
To Manage Town Team
Shelton Recreation won the all-
~eason championship of the wo-
men's Recreation bowling league
by scoring a 2398-2369 victory
over Ritner's Pink Ladies in the
post-season rolloff last Friday.
For the Rec quintet the scoring
was: Donna Coleman 474, La-
Vonne Castle 410, Dot Hanlon
380, Adair Neau 492, Mary Wick-
en 480. For the Pink Ladies it
was: BobbLe Barnett 499, Lorene
Wilson 439, Helen Burnett 363,
Gerry Geist 426, and Vera Bishop
The Pink Ladies held p 69-54 ad-
vantage in the handicaps.
The second half schedule was
completed last Thursday with the
standings like this: W L
Shelton Recreation .......... 45½ 10%
Rttner's Pink Ladies .... 34 22
Olsen Furniture .............. 33½ 22½
Rainier Beer .................... 33 23
Lemke's Service ............ 25½ 30½
Northwest Evergreeu .... 19½ 36½
Lucky Lager .................. 17 29
Boysen Construction ...... 16 40
High game~-LaVonne Castle
High series--Donna Coleman
Split picks--Doris Neff and Lo-
rene Wilson, each 5-7.
Rec 4 (Donna Coleman 493),
Rainier 0 (Mem Smith 463); Lem-
ke's 3 (Corrine Clary 446), Boy-
sen's 1 (San Hoff 465); Lucky 3
~Sandy Belulert 445), Evergreen
1 (Mac Dunbar 470); Olsen 3
Well, it finally happened!
The Shelton Blazers streak of
junior high dual track me~t vic-
tories collapsed after 32 stl~aight
successes during the past nine
Defeat came at the hands of
powerful Washington Bulldog
squad last Thursday in Olympia
by a score of 142~ to 106½. The
last time a Blazer track squad
was whipped in dual or triangular
competition was in 1956.
i er S, Adams S. 12.6.
100 -- Mclntosh W, Jubb S, Nel-
son W. 11.6.
Shot --- Kirkland W, Cushman
W, Richards S. 48'51/,".
50 --- SweLL S, Fluts~Lh W, Mills
S. 6.1.
Bl~ad Jump --- Ohman W, Swett
S, Clause W. 16' 11½".
180 --- Clayton S, Nelson W,
Cushman W. 20.6.
High Jump -- Flower S, Wit-
craft S, 3-way tie W for 3rd. 4'
Here are the figures by classes: Pole Vault -- Stallings W, Tu-
A B C Ttl son S, Hergert S and Ronsh S.
Washington ...... 66 43 33yz 142~ 19' 6,: -- -. • r.^-
Shelton .............. 29 34 43Vz 106yz [ ReLay --- waShington, au.'L
The Blazer victory !n Clase C I C~ASS O
want enough to offset the bad
....... th - Shot -- Burflend S, Brandsford
beating m w[ass A ana e nat'- S, Silva W. 34' 0".
row loss in Class B. Low Hurdle~-Burfiend S, Dob-
Despite the lose several Blazer ler W, Shrum S. i4.2:
cindermen turned in commendable 100 -= Silva W, Eagle S, Batt-
In C competition, Lee Burfiend lem W. 12.0.
50 -- Long W, Jackson S, Cas-
was a double winner with a fine ;tro W. 6.3.
34-foot heave in the shot put and Pole Vault -- Daniels S, Barnett
a 14.2 effort in the low hurdles.
Best efforts in the B's was Doug S, Bostrom S. 8' 6%
75 -- Okonek S, Hazelquist W,
Swett's 6.! in the 50-yard dash Brandsford S. 9.5.
and Eric Clayton's 20.3 in.the 180, Broad Jump --, Jewell W, Long
yard dash.
Chris Close had a valiant 5'4" W, H~eifi~t W. 15' 2".
mgh Jump -- S, Bur-
winning high jump in the Class A fiend S, Cole S and Je~ell W ties.
Today thd Blazers face another 4' 8"
rugged z~val in the Hopkins Hus- Reiay-- Washington. 53.7.
kies from Aberd~en, unbeaten so
far this year, with Lo6p Field a.~ MERCHANTS LEAGUE L
the scene of action. Competition
starts at 3:30. Olympio Plywood .......... 38 18
Other junior high track scores Fuller ConstruCtion ........ 34½ 21½
last week: Hopkins 138 Centralia Prepp's Rexall Store ...... 33½ 22½
111. Miller 134½, Hoquiam 114½. Ralph's Serve-U .............. 29 27
Jefferson 166½, St. Martins 80½, Kimbel & Whitey's .......... 25 31
Hood Canal 141, Tumwater 88. Miller's .............................. 23 33
The individual results of the Stewart's Foodliner ........ 22 34
Washington-Shelton meet: State Farm Insurance ..1937
Shot--Carpenter W, Purvis S,
Snyder W. 42' 6½".
Low Hurdle~--Renecker S, Da-
vis W, Brown W. 16.2.
Dtseus--Hangge W, Stone S,
F'itzthurn S. 96' 9~".
100--Carpenter W, Lamb W,
Austin S. 11.2.
50 -- Dor~ey W, Carpenter W.
Howe S. 6.1.
880 -- Ames W, Ray W, Allen
W. 2:18.
180 -- Smith W, Whitney W, Ju-
dah S, 19.7.
Broad Jump --- Smith W, SLen-
der W, Howe S. 18' 1½".
Pole Vault --- Chemey S, Reneck-
er S, McIntyre W. 9' 6".
High Jump -- Close S, Lamb W,
Cousins W. 5' 4".
Relay -- Washington. 48.9.
High game--Flor Minoza 242.
High series--L. L. Mclnelly 588.
' Fuller 4 (L. L. McInelly 588),
Stewart's 0 (Bob Lichter 526)
State Farm (Jerry Christy 552),
Ralph's 1 (Don Josephson 495)
K & W 2 (Flor Minoza 497), Mil-
ler's 2 (JemT Dresher 504); Ply-
wood 2 (Bob Bansford 565),
Prepp's 2 (Larry Swift 527).
Faslballers To Play
1965 Home Games A!
Callanan Park Field
Home games at Callanan Park
should smooth the road consider-
ably for Shelton's fastball entry
in the Olympia City League this
In past yem's the Shelton team
has had to play all its games
in Olympia, necessitating two trips
a week to the Capital City. This
year, says Manager Chink Hawley.
arrangements have been made to
use the baseball field at Callanan
Park on Mt. View on Monday even-
ings, so the Shelton entry will get
an even break in the home-and-
home schedule which it has not en-
joyed in past seasons.
The team is holding workouts
each Monday and Thursday even-
ings at 6:00 o'clock at Callanan
md Hawley invites all players in-
terested.in joining the squad to do
so at these workouts.
League play probably will start
early in June or perhaps late May.
Bob Ashley and Ray Densley have
been named local umpires for the
league, Hawley said. They will join
the Olympia Umpires Association.
Redin' . ............................... 71 37
'Rithmetic ........................ 70 38
'Ritin' . ............................... 53V~ 54½
~i'ardies ............................... 51 57
Recess ................................ 43 65
Skippers ............................ 35½ 72~.~
High games--Jean Temple 154,
Bruce Scl~warck 204.
High series--Dm