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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! ,:2¸¸ { ;;i~ i;) L ,? PAGE 12 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, Shelton, Washington II HI'S BAKERY OLD FASHION APPLESAUCE BAKERS DOZEN Try Our KISS 'N COUSIN CAKE Phone 426-3179 :::::::::::::::::::::: i!!ii!!;i iiiii!i; ii:i iiiiiil}iiiiiii ::::::::::::::::::: iiiiiiiiiiiii :!:i:i:!:i:i: ::::;:::;::f :.:.:.:.:,1 :::::::1::: :::::::::::::::::::: i!!!i!iiii!i!iii:iii i !ii!iiiii !i!!iii!)i iii!iiiiii!iiiiiii;iii! :::::::::::::::::::::::: ~!:!~?~!¢????~:i~i:i:::i::::..~{:}~!~:~!~{:!~:;~:~!:~::~:.~:~:~}~}~?!:~}~!~?!:?~:;!~!~!~; ;;~??!~!~!~!~!:!:~{~!~!!~ii~!!ii!!!!!i{i!i!!~i~!{i!!!!;!~i~!~i~i~!~i: ii!iiiiiii!!~iii!iiii~i! :!:i!!!!:;;i!!:~i;ii: :,:: ::;: :!: : :!'.i:!;~:i;:~:!:~i;:;?i Y!!i!:: : :i:: :!:!:i: :i:~:!:iiii!iiii : ii:i:: :i: : : : :: : :i:i: :!:i:!:i:i:ii!:iiiiiil i i i ! i : : : :i:?i:i:i:iii:i i ~ !i:::::i: ~:i:i!!:!:i:i:!i!:!;ii! ~i. ~. :~ :~,,:: ,, : ~:",~ :::~ ;.~; '. '~. ,:.: : .... : ; : : ::::;:::;: :::.:, .,%." ......... :., ':':' :::~ : :.:.'.-:,:.'. .......... :.:.:':, : : :::: ........ :':':' ':' : '::::::::: : ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ...... iiiiiiil;iiii!! ii! VNF U.S." Choice Beef. Tender and Juicy iiiii!i]i;ii }i;iiiii!iiI :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ~iii!iiiii!iiiiiii!iiii{ i!!i!i:iiiiiliiiiiiiii!i iii i:i:iii!iiii!i!!i!ii !ii;;iiiiiiii!iiiiiil;ii! :.:.;.:.::.:.:.:+;.:." i iii~ {i!ii!ii!!iii!:i?ii!ilil iiiiil;iiiiii;i;iiiiil;i :i:i:i:i:~?~??i:i:ii :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: .H.'.'H'.V.'.'. KS 7":9::: .~:::• ,• :• Strictly The Finest... Top Quality Meats ... Trimmed To Give You M[ore Rich, Solid Beef For Yeur Table... Priced To Give Budget-Pleasing, Nutritious Meals. Meat Makes The Meal--And Shop-Rite Sells The Finest. U.S. Chaice VNF Beef Steaks... Trimmed Waste-Free. POUND WOW! IT'S THE FAMOUS BROWN AND HALEY BAR REG. 10¢ CHUN KING CHINESE CHICKEN OR SHRIMP CHOP SUEY OR SUKIYAKI. FROZEN ............................................ EACH LB. '1.99 ................ -POONO T,:1 TIN by fair has a due to the work of Stall years care of the a project of th en Club and labor of love, some problemS. available water the one of the the aid of Cross Sound Di~ tl~eir own the landscaping problems the square. Nuel Curtis members and have a potlue! sonic Tern p.m. a~t fy will be Queen for the The monthly business Social Club Eastern star of Mrs. D~Wn Susan Suhr as ONE OF connection val will be Show in Mason County ticipation is terested. is Mrs. RaY blanks must be Judging tors on tile end, the lak! fairly the trout tiler m~n ce* and a good enjoying this week. Also Sunday were of tlle Coin met in the of Katie Badminton, nic lunch the ular ever ii!i iii ~.os""Ls BANQUET ' LAYER quct will be POUND VARIETIES ................................................ BOXES = IvLay 14 with FROZEN .................................................... dinner. WOW! A ~l~ ]~ ~ Invitations POLAR REG. ~ GREAT BUY ~/--~ Banquet I~ave an annual eve who have' tak. VNF U.S. " Banquet I ,ay wow! 0 Choice Beef Save At [] The"King, ( Shop- = Mrs e Rite ='* of Steak,': ),i Bay|0il PO JND On Her POUND Pure, Digestible WESSON OIL oz. Bott,e .................... Lumberjack Sunrise Quality... A Terrific Value! LBS. R BY DA YTON ~'as Thursday Lain, ke Mrs. Floyd now %VC ] midst. Washington Number One.. Tender Spears... "Fresh As Spring" POUND Saturday Mr. and Mr. and High prize ton and Dolores traveling P~ and Margu meeting home of maier :MaY Forty dents from of George and vision son '.[ This field firsL-hand MIRMRNNM operations ,,,,~,,-----.--- Shady Oak Fano~ .................. : ..... Cu. The s'~ County en: to Panhan learned so TOMATOES F,rm and F So resh ... For li ing P~und Elaine Vi Sunday ~mu a ~lgl Fresh Local. 4~) Idn. arlR U- Full of Vitamins ................... L| Bun. , :Mr. and Sunday el Ocean 81~ Mrs. A. I~D~J~|~.~ Pillsbury s ~. ofdinner:M:r. ~ 181118 IWli~=,=v ..................... 22 oz Box ~1 LADI] T~esdaY ........ ~ Sunshine RA KEK~ Krspy a. l,o~ I) I) ........................................ LbBo, ! ,,emke Vi~d MINCED GLANS Reg. nlc Doxsee ............................ 4 '1 Tins lose CLAM CHOWDER Doxsee ........................ 4 / FOODLINER We Guarantee Everything Even Our Smile. Prices Effective April 29-30, May 1. ---- Limit Rights Reserved. New Hours 9 - 9 Men. thru Sat. --- Sun. 10.7 Tinsel ]VII'. all( servcd ~c ~il 9. tbcnl. the Lo the and :Mrs. Fla. College Sund:tY al md WOI'C. fcnhauer :N[r. Jody evening Mr. and ,NALLEY SYRUP o, Bott,e ............ / ::::::::::::::::::::::: ii!iii iiiii ii! iiiiii :.:.:.:.:.:.:+:.:.:.: .., ..,....,., ..,. :;i:!:iJi:!:!:i:i:i! :::::::::::::::::::::::: i:i:!:;:i:i:i:i:i:i.:.? i!Uiii i!i!!ii!iiiiiii .i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii }iiiiii!iiiiiiii!iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii{i i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:;~. Hungry Jack 49 PANCAKE MIX ............ Lb. Bag ............ 'iiiiiiii!iiiii ~;i:i:}:!:?!:i:i:!~ • .'.........e...-... Full Cut ,.. VNF, i}i}iil}}}}}ii}}}ii}iii PUREX Liquid Bleach U.S. Choice Beef, ! i!i!iii!iii;iiiiiiiii ................................................ ,/2 G .on r vor ,. AJAX L,qu,d C,eaner .~ ......................................................... Giant Size Oscar Mayer SLICED BACON POUND Heeilf Round or POUND ~3. ST ................................ 79 Dclicia- ½ gal. 2 Gal. Tub ..................... POUND Extra Lean Boneless Sirloi. Tip, Rump or Bottom Round 89 BEEF ROAST ................................ POUND Hygrade wu.s ~oo~o 49 .:kl~ L,,:,,i=~; MEDIUM '~|ZE RIBS• D:ELIClOUI$ BARBECU ED OR BAKED POUND ;i