April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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29, 1965
No. 40, OES
SCheduled for
poned until
a hundred,
SHETTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAE- Publish ei] in r ohr fma2#own U gA hel£on
See the All New
Rta rma, ter
Curv-Star Retread
America's finest tires
with a Nation-Wide
2226 Olympic Hwy. No.
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BILL BATSTONE, JR. is a three-year letterman in both foot-
ball and track and was chosen all-conference tackle two years in
a row. He plans to major in law enforcement in college.
* $ 'J:
An all-conference tackle two
years in a row, Bill Batstone, Jr. i
plans to major in law enforcement
-give her a smile
she'll keep a// year
Comfortable Hush Puppies~ Casual Shoes
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And that's only half
• Clean w#h ~rhEbrusMno • Stee!
'Micro.cellular ~on.mark~n9 crepO
Navy Mothers To
Install Officers
e is flattering too
Operated and Managed by
~'nristensen,s for Shoes
in college. At present his plans
are to attend Central Washing-
ton State college a year than
transfer to Notre Dame. Eventu-
ally he wants to work with the
State Patrol.
In Bill's junior year at Shelton
High School he was selected sec-
ond team all-conference tackle.
This year he was first team all-
conference taclde. He is a three-
year letterman and has played
tackle position all three years for
the Highclimbers.
After foot.ball season is over
Bill conccnLrates on snow skiing,
a sport enthusiastically shared
with him by his family: In the
spring when young sportsmen's
minds turn to track he starts
practicing for the shot put event.
He is a three-year track letter-
man. After sc, hool is out it is time
for water skiiug, another favor-
ite of his.
Bill is a, member of "S" Club,
Boys' Club and Science Club at
Shelton High school, lie is a past
member of DeMolay.
Subjects on his schedule this
seme:;ter include physical science
literature, dramatics, civics and
basic math.
Shelton has been Bill's home
sine, birth:Jan. 10, 1947. He is the
son of Nil'. ~uld Mrs. William Bat-
stone, both Shelton High school
graduates, and has one sister,
Carolyn, who is 15.
I3ill is 5'10" tall, has blue eyes
and light brown hair and weighs
185 pounds.
Laurel Court To
Install Officers
9 I • b
For 1, 65 6fi May 7
Royal Matron Myra Collier and
Royal Patron Claude Danielson
conducted the Laurel Court No. 26
Order of Amaranth regular meet-
ing April 21.
Assistant Grand Lecturer Lucille
Speece of Laurel Court and Grand
Representative Mamie Kaare of
Canal Court were introduced.
Election of officers was held
with the following retail, Is: Royal
matrou, Boa Larson; Re5 al patron,
Lout L:trson; associate matron,
Marie Slory' associate natron
Glenn storyi 'conductress, ,Georgie
Hellman; associate conducfress Vi
Ferris; secretary, Jessie Cox trea-
sure,', Mable Aitken; trustee,
Ctande Danielson.
These members will be installed
at a public ceremony to be held
at 8 p.m. M:ay 7 in the Masonic
temple. Members and frien~ls are
invited to attend.
RM Myra Collier and RP Claude
Danielson extended their thank.,
to the members for their cooper-
ation in the past year.
A report on their visit to Granl
Court in March was given by RM
Myra Collier, Assoc. Matron Bea
Larson and Assistant Grand Lec-
turer Lucille Speece.
Before the meeting was closed
I_~turel Court Musician Beth John-
son, at the piano, rendered several
songs with everyone joining in
singing along. Refreshments were
Oommunily Club To
Start New Card Series
The Mountain View Community
Club card party will be held at
8 p.m. this Saturday in the club-
house. The public is invited.
April 3 winners were Margaret
Newell, Vera Huntington, Roy
Moore and Phil Anderson. Double
pinochle was held by Phyllis
Winners April 17 were Vi Lau-
g'en, Jen TratniciL Phyllis Moore
and Vera Huntington. Double pin-
ochle was held hy Vera Hunting-
t on and Ed Eads.
Winners of the series are Roy
Moore and Phil Anderson. A new
series starts this Saturday.
To Celebrate Silver
Amfiversary Sunday
An open house in the Kamilche
home of Mr. and Mrs. Don White-
nor will be held to honor their
Silver Wedding Anniversary from
2 to 4 p.m. Lhis Sunday. The
Whiteners were married May 2,
1940 in Shelton and have spent
all their wedded years here.
The couple's son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Wl~it-
ener are hosting the affair. A mo-
ney tree will be presented to the
honm~l couple, ...............
'and will have her installation May
Shayne Larson was named as
DeMo!ay Senior Princess and Can-
dy Nutt .as Junior Princess.
DeMolay elected officers install-
ed were: Master councilor, Joe
Gn~vel'; senior councilor, Ron Ric-
kards; junior councilor, Joe Paul-
ey; and treasurer, John Snyder.
Appointed officers installed in-
cluded: Scribe, Wally Hicks; sen-
ior deacon, Rick Cortes; junior
deacon, Rick Hanson; senior ste-
Ward, George Kimbel; junior stew-
ard, Denny Bailey; chaplain, Dave
Bayley; sentinel, Bruce Edson;
standard bearer, Ralph Dammann;
almoner, John Boardman; mar-
shal, Tom Low,; orator, Steve
First preceptor, Dave Gunter;
2rid, Dan Good; 3rd, Mark Weston;
4th, Mike Hardin; 5th, Terry Car-
JAN POWELL penter; 6th, Brad Joslin; and 7th,
, , • Steve Clinton.
Jan Powell was anndunce~t as Programs were passed by San-
DeMolay Sweetheart Saturday di Gruver and Tami Tembreull.
night at the Mark E. Reed Chap- Marcia Dorcy attended the guest
ter installation of officers.~Miss book. Shayne Larsn was vocalist,
t~:oct accompanied by Mrs. Lout Larson.
of Bethel No. 37, Job'S l)aug ters Refreshnients were sez~ed with
............. Cindy Willard and Jan Powell at-
Society Editor o~arj Jacobsen • Phone 4r~,~,,~,~" 26-4412 -,. I
THE ENGAGEMENT and August wedding plans of Miss Nancy
Jeanne Seidelman and Thomas Lee Longacre, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Longacre of Shelton, have been announced by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seldelman of Lake Bay. Miss Seidelman is a
graduate of Peninsula High school. Her fiance graduated from
Shelton High school.
Navv Molhers Chd~ will inst:~ll
new officers at next Tlmvsday's
meeting to be heht at 7:30 p.m.
in the Memorial Hall.
The new commander will be
Mrs. M. Prouty; 1st vice corn-
mander, Mrs. M. LaMarsh; adju-
tant, Mrs. E. Sharp; finance offi-
cer, Mrs. H. Pearce; chaplain,
Mrs. B. Lord; judge advocate,
Mrs. M. Richardson; matron at2
arms. Mrs. D. Underwood and Mrs.
M. Baxter; coior bearers, Mrs.
B. Johnson and Mrs. C. Piper.
Mrs. M. Richardson will be the
installing officer.
Everything comes to l~im who
hustles while he waits•
• --Thomas Edison
1 Mile North of Hoodsport
Come See The World
Between The Tides
180 Dresses to Choose From and ALL At ONLY $7,00
Mother likes to dress-u,p around home I
• . . for neighborhood ' coffee breaks",
• . . shopping. Remember her on hez
Day with versatile, fashionable day-
time dresses.., here now!
3rd & Railroad
"Always Shop Miller's ill Shelton First"
t Evelyn, ROnald will give her
a K on Our Heritage "the Ameri-
can. Fla~;" dm'ing the program
which begins at 1 p.m.
WOll,Li) WAR. I VET,~I
World War I ¥eterans and Aux
diary will hold Lheir regular meet-
ing next Thursday beginning with
a noon potluck hmcheon in the
Mcmm'ial Hall.
5 :
tending the punch bowl and Joan
~,~,~~ .Quimby and Pare McComb serv- ~ -",!
mg cake. Coffee was poured by
-~. rs. Lloyd
t hes blemishes out of sight... ives ~rs. C: K. Bere'tSGruver~__of Ol?/mpia and
q ALL CLEAR'looking complexion... Monday Night
~a in minutes ! • .--
Bridge Winners a
ii:" ' ':~-o North-south winners in Mend, y
~_ night's master point play for the
Shelton Duplicate Briclge Club
- " /~ were Mr. and Mrs. John Bach,
:: ..:[[~;. ?:ii~:i:i:::::'::':i'~ ....... ~ " Yas It. and Ron Zeidaks, M&rden
pin and Colbert Starr. ~ /
~'~'~'!I ~t ~~%JI'~i¢ East-west winners ~ere LOU
't~: ~.~.~P,~2 |1 , ~~~~.:..~ ~te,vart and Dick Perry, Eva
Aamodfi a~ld Mary Kellel: Stella ,
~: ~i: ~u~~ I 1 ~~~, Hillier and Etta Rector Mz:s. Dave
~l::~: ~'E"' ~~~'~ Ha, ri, ~,nd M]~ GordOn Bennett
'~~ :~.:: $~.~,~ :%~. The club meets every Monday
night in the 'PUD Auditorium. All
III |it =.UI~aI.~U_ ,.-~W~" ", -'~.qlll~--. ' bridge players are w_.___j.deome. BUTTON FRONT shirtdrcss; perky plaid ............. $7.00
All Clear Medicated c°mpres_sed
CULOTTE SKIRT dress ill dashing print ............. $7.00
_ leafed Make-up ,_ %V~TU BACKS YOUTH PRETTY PRINT dress has button fronI ................. $7.00
r%t-~f~Ightinstm"he finish, van shes b em- Powder for medicated to.ucl~-UPaor helpsm[Uugn'protect rEM] lgllAN(jE EIIUCATION
~1~% ?~=tl0n. ~ant!y.ContainingDuBarry,s outthe day. Every fluff off/aft Y s $1 7 Tim Womau s Christian Temp-
ILl• F0~,OnoITH erla pour =,,.de , 5
• ~r s'h .... , it helps heal as it your sldn from bact ".. . . ,~ll, l ee lJnion is promoting the FULL SKIRTED print drc'ss; easy care ................. $7.00
..... ' zemperance Education
P'~ B ~ues, $1.50 plus tax. Refills $1.35. Prices plus tax, Week which Gov Evans has pro-
e ~h~re to ask about Du Barry's ALL CLEAR cleansing routines~ too-- claimcdThe next:t° bemeetingApril 25of tOtheMaYlocall.
e most complete anti-blemish program ever developed, club will be May 7 in the Metho-
dist Church.