April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmas!own, U.S.A." Shelton,
: L:+
_ For Sale + For Sale
IcC[}LLOCI! CHAINSAWS -- 'lh o I)ININ(: SET -- Roman cherry. Ilal-.
iJ+'PcVlIt (low/l, IJtd,'lNve 12 ltJontlliy Jail Provincisl. Also t'ang(: ,gud (|,'y-
D;tYm(,nls. Low interest O,A.C. J or. Call t26-6746 o,' ,126-4546 m' Carl-
('o(,kes, 219 So. First, 426-2412.] son, Seattle First Naiioual Bank.
..... 4/22 l:in ~ C 4/29
f~r+a+,Merle Norman Cosmetic dem-t three hi+miLs$~25. Phom~ 426-8157.
oustra.lon. E~zunes phone 426-4~i82. I C,dl evenings D 4/29
E 6/4 tfn "%- ...... ._.~c" -----~---7 ..........
~]~:E-/~'Tfi~tTLI~'X--S'~Z~:~j-'-~h~Vi~+'"Ln,~I TWO SEATED buggy for sam, Also
supplies. John R|ce. "~hnno ~6-6108 ] a set of double tmrness and a hay-
after 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations 'l ride wagon. Contact Clarence Wi-
,~7 tfn I veil 426-842"3 or Rt. 1 Box 3.
............................... -L 4 r,
PAYMENTS on three-beci= ] .........................
roc m nmbi e h(r m at $100 a month IFOR SALE OR TRADE -- For small
Call,~t')6-4749 after 5 p m " house ...... traih, • 194+). Int( rnaiional
A 1128 tfn] "Metro" camper, fwe new tires.
~'~T6~'~"Z'6~,',¢-C-';'~--=.~,-'-~--:.~=:.,=~.~.~:I $450. Inquire 1739 Stewm't St.
~l+un~s fm sale at the Journal, $1251 .......................... , . •
~aeb. 227 Wear Cots. 12/1 tfn 11956 :15 FT. NASIll.}'A 1.we In'!(u.oorn,
~-~-0--~,~,~V--~~-----~ ~ c(,nlph,tcly furalshed. Also 1963 Fire-
Ion+.er .,l*h ~.+.ho.t.. ~r~.=~., ..... I ball Tray ,1 t,.ai e., self cc nta n(d
.'~o them .¢ fShalinn ~:la,*tv~ ~ ] It ~rb s Second Hind St r., 426-3532
4-1-[~" P~i]r"oad ............... fi)i8 ~tfn [ or Union 898-2457. H 4/29 trn
__ * _ . . ( ......
I~,()-~--L-U~el~at-~-~E ] MAGNATONE AMPLIFIER N ). 262
oullsys and shafts A'll"tvn~"~]'l for ~¢~(,.ordion-guitm'. Two 12 ,nell
sage. glmlton Junk Co., ~rst and] speak+~rs $195, ]~ hone 426-894,,,
_.~!~.Ph.*!,3.e ~-86~;, 9/8 urn I ....................................... Me 4/295(13
~'()'I'¢. SAL.I,,--Z---~~'o-n~ 111 CU, FT. HOTPOINT reft,'ige.rator,
r.~udith,ned ranges, refrigerators I good condition, $50. Also, oio m.asen
~v::.~.h~'rs. dryers. Eells & Valley Ap'-I and Hamlin organ, best offer. Phone
:.,li~aer ~:cnter. 615 ttnI 426-2278. M 4/29 tfn
equiI.mwnt. Fr(,m fireglc-a to Frank-I gral)t~ coral),nation, for sale. Call
!in ~duves, .grates to .g]a.es doors.] evenings 426-204:1. W 4/29
Lar~/o).~,q THe and Fireplace:. Mr. ~ Xcc. RSA Lii:; -- :1957 V(ll¢'sw~J, gea, clean.
~tL 87%5454 Hoodaport, Wash. Also want to buy cement mix~l',
• 5/17 ~ motor operated. 1-2~ cu. ft. Union
898-2270. L 4/23-23
!]-956 CI~ E~fR-OiSET-ST-XTib--N- -WAGON
-- '" "'"' --rebuilt motor.Very reasonable.
Phone 426-4428. ~ J 1/21 tin
wood. Be, st easll of for over $600.
Phone 426=8113, B 4/1 tfn
deer V-8 automatic for sale. Phone
426-3742. 'K 4/1 tfn
1"§63 FOR-D--~,t.a-f]'~n-~r~g~*~n,-"-~'~tl'i:l-ane
Call Dick Kerwood 00, excen,nt condition, reasonably
priced. Call 426-6278 after 2 p,m.
T 4/22 tin
943-121.4 (toll free) Re:
nanlt, $650, or my '60 Renault, $395.
• • • • Both in good condition. Phone 249-
Life Family 3194, Montesano. S 4/22 tfn
i948 "-CI=I EVROL ET" -.L~'-~j = f~- ~picku p,~
• 1-specd, $295. Phone 426-8521.
K 4/22 tfn
i~ 8-H i fiK~i Xff------FLiiFiiooi:i- g 5ha
condition. $295. See at Fifth and
Cota. Phone 426-8150, or 426-3331.
K 4/15 tfn
No mgy Gimmick= dan, $85. Phone 426-6077, L 4/22 tfn
.+ . . ~6~-S~I~E-:-'t;f-tEi~:ddE: Dodg(; sc~
Ni,?.W .ANb-US]~D--JI~BPS,---wh-gbns.
l)i(:kups and universals. Co,,lle's, 219
I~]veryd+ty is Save Day at ,he So. 1st. Plmm~ 426-2412. 4/22 tfn
Sotuld Millwork Co. "for all i953CHEV.61 Pow~,.(glide~-2:d()or. $100.
kinds of I-hfilding Materials ofII'oodsl,orL 877-5277 evenings; K 4/22
Good Quality at, LOW Prices. 1950 Cl-IEV--g56}--]~2--~ii'ii~-T;iii~
truck runs good, good rubber, $300.
25 kinds of prefinished pan- Call evenings. 426-81,57. D 4/29
1§5i FORD V-8 PICKUPf-]~Tton/-four
cling, Cedar Sidings, lumber, speed, very good motor. Phone 426.
Arizona Stone, Vermont Slate, 2278. M 4/29 tl:n
la!'ge stock of plywood, Johns- ]{)37 ci:iEV~()LET i:oulii~f$50hnd 1954
Ford St.at.ion wagon, 6-cylinder. $125.
,¢,le, 898-2137 Union. B 4/29 5/6
doors, door hardware, c!'y~+tal -- Z 'Goods
glass, mahogany mouldings,
nails, S. S. sinks, wrought iron Sporting
patio table hardware, alum-
imlm windows, Olympic Stain,
fibre-glass, chain saws and eth-
el' pl'oduets.
Where the Smart People Buy.
~ Mile So. of Shelton
on Olympic Hiway
Operated by
I ~~_..~2:~::. ' ..... --" "
Construction &
Lane, House Moving
Phone 126-8147
4/22 tfn
wanted [ For Rent Items For Sale Real Estate Real Est tte
DEALER. WANTED for this area. To FOR, RENT -- Larg(." family estate, rwo BEDROOM HOME, full base-OWNER MUST SELL three large FOR SALE by
handh~ nationally known buildiug tl,rivale waterfront pro]le,'iy onv mile ment, recreation room, with two I)edroom, ] ~/.. bath, large living room lmme dox ~to'
products with proven method of Ad- [']'o~n Twan¢,h State Paz'k. Two-car
vet!,sing and merchandising, with garego with al)artment, house ecru- Used Furniture fireplaces on Lake Nahwatzel, with fireplace. Large eonvenient kit- al)artmt'nt ~'en
high profits. Mod+wat.e. inv(~flment I,letely panelled, firephwe, five bed- $16,500. 1~hone 426-6885 or Taylor 4- chen,lovcl wlthUtllltY'vleweXtraacrossr°°m'townallto°nolym-°ne CH~~426"482:1 after
require'd, fully secured by inventory, rooms, three bath~, furnished, Wash- 2338 Kent. A 3/4 urn pic Mts. Price reduced front F,H,A.
d Appli ~oR SALE- Some acreage. Inquire appraisal of $10,500 to $9,950. Call Split-level four
Fro' f wther information write P.O. er and dryer, two year leasere- An anees Bar-Din Enterprises, 31]~ Cookson. 426-2007, It 2/25 tfn er can handle
13ox 7473, Attention Mr. G. L. FeNquiz'ed, Cal'i Tacoma BR 2-6919, 1-4
gar, Seattle, Wn. 98133. 4/22-29 I).m. Monday througli Friday. Phone 426-8113. 3/25 tfnNEARLY NEW_tln:e(~-l)cdroonL C0un-:
EL-P-WJ NTEL--- o-/s--mani o--rs--e--t;:aii2 ........................ .~_j/29 5/6 HOTPOINT AUTO- $~00 ISLA-I~ LAKE tor summer+ un-- t,'y. 426-4319, B 4/29 5/20 NEW THREE b'
er factory. Need ox~perienee in weld- FOR RENT -- Two bedrooms side/side year round living. 115 ft. of water- SMALL " TW()---b(id=r6c~in-- house in to be moved.
ing, sheet metal, and painting. Call duph, x. Partly furnished, $45 month. MATIC WASHER d~V front suitable for one or two faro- I~Ioodsport. By owner. Garage, fenced rosa from I~
426-8032, R 4/1 tfn 860 l~ilinor. Phone 426-4719. 17 NEW TABLE Lamps $j~00 time.flies' enJoymenL Call 426-858917/16anY'tfn 5227.yard' patio. Phone Hoodspm'tL 4/8877-tfn ~-~yO-Ul~-l:~
LADY W~TS---W-ORk-oi-any kind ............................. P 4/+ ++,l Your Choice ........ Each a~
Call 426-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tfn FURNISHED -- One-bedroom apart- ~v'-I-IjL'-sELL up to 3~-fe-et--~h-oi~-e no-~ BY 0WNER-L---Hoo(f-Cah-al~-/v,;()-I)ed= matter what Y'
~'HAT-BETTER-TIME--~an--n0w-to meut, upstairs. Refcrences, 206 EastGE $,~50 bank waterfront, Pickcring Passage room home. Furnace, fireplace, ices Co., pho~
Phone 426-6034, M 311 tfn guest house, $11,900 cash or terms.
tune-up your sewing machine? In "B" Street, Phone 426-3207;=xr a/.,,, REFRIGERATOR ==l=~ ~a, ...... M_.3(11 tl'_n- port 877-5555. E 3/11 tfn
your home for only $8.75, Any nmke .................... "'_ ~'~_ 50 ft. waterfrontage. Phone Hoe!Is- ---------------~
or model. Singer Sewing Center. Ph. NICE LIGItT fit'( )lace apsrtment. On+; FULL SIZE BED $~00
O,ympta357-7586. 4/ltfnb,,a,...tn ftt,.nisbed. Inqui,'c .6 e As ROY I} N @
H-OM'~--'-R-E-]~--~~t~Y, Nortil Sixth Street D 4/29 tfn Rollaway .......................... ~--~ at Five Comers. Phone 426-3156 at-
, • rp y ............. : ......... ,_,- __ ............. t~r 5 p.m. B 7/23 tfn[ New 3.bet
cement and brick work. roofing.FOR RENT -- Three bedroom hou~e. NEW FINISHED WALNUT CASH TALKS[ 10 ACRES,-logged oft, ranch, mostly [ bath, double'g
fenced, two bedroom house with wa- I mountainS, .e
Phone 426-6241.Osborne General Contracting,o 4-1 tbn Call 426-8113, Inquire. 311 CooksonB 4/1 tfnSt" CHEST, Four $~95 And it sez plenty on this one. ter and lights on highway, Route 3, i
WILt~--D()---b-a'~~ ]~)R-R~IT.- Reed Apt. 2 be~'oom, drawer, Formica top ...... ~]~ The owner wants a quick sale. It's Box 394. Arcadia Road. No agents. I F.H.A. termS,/I
a very neat and clean 2 bedroom S 2/4 tfn ..'.'I
in my home. Hillcrest area. 426- tmfurnLsheq, garage, yard. Call t~" WALNUT $~00 home on a beautifully landscaped
4286 . R 2/18 tfn Bissoniere Agency. 426-4666 or -
~ANTETD-22-Ce~l~g--~--. %~a~dhdi. _4336. D a/~_tfn BUFFET .............................. ~-'4~ and fenced lot. The home is fully ~ I IsLANd;
Port of Shelton Industrial Park, I~RRENT,Mt. Vlew CommunttyCiub HIDEBED $~00 furnished incuding washer, dryer, I HIMLIE REALTY
John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426. House anytime. For infornmtion call -. I
J 2J18 tfn 426-3959 or 426-2406. M 6/18 tfn SOFAS, green ....... : ............ ~ refrigerator, range and everything I Largo play,"
~-i-l~~-E-D-f-~o--5--f/ig~o ~l~E~q~ai~l-oa--~--~o you'll need. It's the buy of the I breezeway, gal~
r~ac2~ f2~ll37~leanl~2~6 8Sle3~.ices Go., " downtown. Call 426-4426.~ M 10/8 tin MAPLE DROP-LEAF TABLE 'week at $8,OOO. Even has an ex- I room, 3 bedr¢
o " ] " " .................................................... Extra leaf & $4~50 cellent workshop. Don't miss it. COMPLETE PRIVACY-- I
proved, newly
1/7 tfn FOR RENT -- Furnished apariment This unique and interesting I
out. Nice beac
~-6-BI~E----I~b-~E~WYI~G----a-K~TWh-eKe downtown. Carlon Apartments. Phone four chairs ...................... ~--~1~ A GOOD ONE! home is surrounded by a pri- I ful view. See t~
instatestate., OlympiaR°bert, WashShumate'. 3572535326'12'_ 2.East.. TWO-'I-~'-301LBEDRO()M ................ IIOUSE, unfurnished4{15 tf_n AUTOMATIC $~d~50 If you need plenty of room but vats park. You will enjoy liv-
____, ...... __~_~/11 U a~ for rent. 712 Pine Street. D 4/29 tfn DRYER ................................ ~ prefer an older home you'd better ing in this home with its many
CERTIFIED HOME for nursery carei see this one. There are 3 bedrooms exciting features including an
by mature mother. References. Phone ]D.~4~ I;.,..~-~.=l~
+~552 A 11/5 tfa * "~"~'°'~ 01sen Furnilure with room t~or a 4th. Full base-unusual living room with pret- LARGE TWO+
~p--~_.~ , ment, living room has fireplace, ty stone fireplace and high Downtown. ~C~S
There's a separate dining room, i beamed ceiling, story-book kit- four bedroOmS+'
house426-4322.trailerS.inquire boats,1202 CotaetC' st.Ph°ne 10 Y(~-~,~ O~D95G5ELDING~-~,_~=_. ......... h°~e4"l$17#9_Z/~o-~* 4th & Cota 426.4702 nice new kitchen and it's located chen with built-in appliances; Bath°ratedandinsideh~lf'a
R 4/9 urnNEW SUPPLY of turtles and fish are
~RK o~n--d, in. Algo greeting cards of a~l kl~?s, L_ ............. on a huge lot at the edge of town. 3 bedrooms (2 carpeted) and a wm conmder t:rf'"°rs" Upstairs,,
Call 426-4976. V4/16 t/. ~c apiece. ~ah evenings, ~- is. A""~r|'. The price is $9,950 with terms large bath with many plus fea- t,,-wall. CarporL
~R--ONI-NG---Z)~n--fiour~ ............ V 3/19 tfn #'IUU/IUI[ll available• Better see it today! tures. Downstairs is a full
day service if desired. Call 426-4593. STUD SERVICE -- Chmp. Choc. point apartment with bedroom,, bath,
L9/19 tfn siamese. Phone Tacoma GR 5-2336. kitchenette, and large daylight
~~~-:-~d,+l~+ N1/21.n SHETLAND PONIES ANOLES,DE H,LL
stalls all car entry work. Dan G ........ ~L-,: ............................... FHA, low down, financing will living room with fireplace. $21,- PH :
__: .-...rp, _- i B ^~'" REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Terrmr, MAY 2 bo available here and it's a home ,000 is the prioe and terms are 60' lake fr0h.t~
~v~eL:leary~a°gley ~u21uerS,wasn pnon~kt¢", ~x^~.~t,,~vo ;~'a male puppy, for sale. Four monthsSUNDAY,
' " B "2/4 tfn --ol-d: ph°ng--426-'6152------F~-4~--~n I know y, ou'll like. Its many fea- y~ for the asking. Road ,on lot tnd,
tures include 3 nice size bedrooms, site. Get re~Y,!
W--'~-'T'~~-re~ BULLS-POLLED tterofords, double 12 Neon 1/~ baths, carpeted living room DON'T MISS OUT- Price $4,995,*3".'
Rubber Welders. Mt: ~rtew. 1/1() urn reg., all ages, Fit. Win. Brodcrson,
Quilcene, Wash. Phone 732-4543. with fireplace. Dining room, large Here is your opportunity to pur-
AVON CALLING - Have a ~ew ter- 4/1~-23 30 Head Registered 2 car garage and well kept yard.chase a trim, 2 bedroom home on
ritorles open in the Shelton area-- I2~I