April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1965 |
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Percy M pio
6017 S.E. 86th Ave
Portland, Ore
In Oral
children of Thurston mittee of the Tlmrston-Masem
lea again will be Medical Society, said that "we
vaccine in a have ordered 25,000 doses of oral
designed to wipe polio vaccine, and we hope we
use it all. Infantile paralysis is
in the two coun- a dread disease, and we can wipe 79th YEAR---No. 18
their first dose in it. out . . . with the help of every Thursday, May 6, 1965
1 be Swallowing their parent." .................................
doses in the May All In'e-school children of the
Published in "Chr£stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Entered as second cla,~s matter at the I)oat office at Shelton, Washington, 98.58.1
under Act of March 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cots.
22 Pages --- 3 Sections
10 Cents per Copy
Forest Festi-
next Men-
of the sea-
their annual
Kimbel's yacht,
and the
departs from her
Public Invited to a
State Planning Forum
your state tax problems
Building, May 12 at 8 p.m.
Member F.D,I.C.
By AUeia Ahl
Ahna Catto has been with the
Forest Festival since 1944. She
mad Frank Travis, Sr., were the
chairmen of the Paul Btmyan par-
ade Judging committee.
They judged the floats on their
gppearance and how well they de-
picted the theme and the Keep
Washington Green slogan. They
usually went down to where the
entries were gathered before the
start o fthe parade and got an
idea of what would be passing the
reviewing stand.
After the parade, they compiled
their notes and clmse llae winning
float. When the parades we:c first
judged, there were no divisions.
Now they are divided into separ-
ate divisions, such as horses,
floats, and bands. There arc also
floats which do not compete for
prizes but are in the parade simply
for advertisemcnt.
Mrs. Catto also writes letters to
over 100 dignitaries, inviting them
to participate in the Paul Bun-
yah parade.
Mrs. Catto has lived in Shelton
for 26 years. Shc is also a mem-
ber of tile Zonta. Club.
(Colltinucd O11 :[~|lg(~ 4)
a:lS reach the end
on sale for the
the Simpson
scheduled for
a. May 19. The
sponsored by
demolished, The property valued
at nmre than $35,000.
Polls for botah of these special
, elections will be open from 8 a.m.
to S p.m.
Project To Aid In
Ray Pron,y was elected prosi- Gelling Out Vote
dent of the Shelton Lions Club at
the club's meeting in the Shelton Shelton Jaycees, Jayettcs and
Hotel Tuesday night. Tl~e Little League baseball field Girl Scouts are joining tngethcr
Other officers elected to ser~'e at Callanan Park took mmther bill in a project to provide transpor-
with Prouty are AI Coleman, first : step forward during a work party ration and baby sitting service to
vice president; L. L. McInelly, see- Saturday which put top soil on the those needing it to get to the polls
end vice president; Don Adolf,~on, field and got it leveled, in the special election Tuesday, ac-
third vice president; Tom Reed, Seven dump trucks and a loader cording to Dave Hartman, Jaycee
secretAry-treasurer; lrvin MeAt-were used in the project which: chairman of "Get-Out-The-Vote"
thur, tail twister,and Gayle put about 700 yards of top project.
Wentz, lion tamer, soil on the field. The service wilt be offered in
Installation of the new officers The top moil was donated by Shot(on and the surrounding vic-
i .... :: will be in the near future. Buck Anustrong. inity in an effort to assist those
~ /::i:: : The loader was furnished by veho mig'ht have a problem in get-
' " ~ // • • Graystone with two trucks each ring out to vote to get there.
f.FjfllU~l~rl,lWA,~l#ll21,I com'ing from tile comity, the cityAnyone needing transportation
~1 ~ WAll I~17111111~ : and Bill Kidd and one from the to the polls or a baby sitter while
'Simpson Timber Company. they go to the polls'can-call 426-
/~]r ~_ .. _. Ill .... [ THOSE ASSISTING with the 2551 for assistance.
ha, .=a It" /¥@Wlwork a;~d operation of the equip- Also, anyone who would like to
-- ment were Jerry Watson, Bud vohmteer to assist with the "Get-
.• AI• ,dml Z I Senna, Kelly Nutt, Harvey Strut- Out-Tim-Vote" effort can also con-
Nit Ilh (h.rrh tt°n, Bob Temple, Carl Benmrt, tact the same telephone number.
gl|tl vm; q~ll&ll ~,ll Glen Parr and John Vandewal.
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church will The Shelton Jayeees, who have
break ground for its new church taken on the development of Cal- PAGE 15 FOR MAY 9
next Sunday at noon. Tile ground lanan Park as a project, expressed THESE MERCHANTS WILL
breaking ceremony will be held appreciation for the excellent corn-
at the building site on Wyandotte nmnity participation and to those BE OPEN 'TILL NINE
St. at Pioneer Way. Rev. Gerald who loan~.d equipment. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE
IIomnan will officiate. Robert L. 'The deadline for completion of
:: ~ .... ..... : ..... Ristmc. chairman of the building the field isWune 5.
conuniLtee, Eldon Kahny, chair-
A STICKY MESS---An employee of the Tradeweii from the shelf and broke during the earthquake nmn of the congregation, and e "
Store starts on the messy job of cleaning up br,aken here last Thursday morning, members of the building commit- B&NK with your HOME OWNED bank th
jars of pickles jam and otller items wllich tumbled tee will participate. The public is
* * * * nvited. L"'
The earthquake which shook ing housing Lea Fields Auto Paristal cost of the repair project would The white marblccrete frame
Mason county along with nmch of were shaken loose from the build- bc about $3,000. structure, designed by Seattle at-
the rest of Western ~Arashingtoning, but (lid not fall. Damage to other roads in the chitecL Milton Stricker, is expected
last Tlnlrsday morning caused a (~l'O(!ery sb)res suffered some county was minor, hc said, with to be ready for occnpancy ill OC-
lot of frayed nerves and a smalldanmge with boxes, caus and jarsseveral bridge approach fills set- robot. It will seal 190 on the nlain
amount of damage here. shaken front shelves. Some jars tled a little and in need of build- floor and 40 in the choir balcony,
Nmnerous bttildings and hOlnES were broken, creating a mess to be ing up. The full basement will house an
reported c.racked wails and claim- cleared up. State Itighway crews patched a ample fellowship hall and Sunday
neys damaged, but:, the most so-COUNTY ENGINEEII j. C. crack in Highway 101 in khn'dy School facilities. Approximate cost
rious dams'go in the city of Shel- Bridger said that tim quake caused Canyon. for the total project is $80,000,
ton was a plate g ihss window a slidc in a section of the Grape- City Street Supervisor Robert including" some of the furnisllings. Where "YOUR DEPOSITS ARE BUILDING MASON COUNTY~
shaken out of the front of the old view R,.)ad which necessitated Temple rcported that outside of a The general contract has been
Safeway building which :low hous- closing the road the (lay of thefew minor water line breaks, theawarded to Howard Peel( of So- For your added convenience
es tile Post Office temporarily,quake, city suffered no damage.
Telephone s-rvice was temporar- ~,.ttle. Financing is being nandled OPEN SATURDAYS 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M,
Two large concrete decorations Tim damage is beingl'epaired,~ ily interrupted in some areas, but locally through the new National Member F.D.I.C.
running up the h'ont o£ the build- he said, He estiniated that the to- was restored ia a short tim~. Bank o£ Mason County.
reported that
for the Queen's
Will kick off the
May 20.
that Gov.
ride in the Paul
President' Clive
appointed Jim
and Bud
to look into
providing tran-
group coming
rues Excursion
out that some
on the train
to Loop
$85 to rent
provide (ran-
of $50 for Pro-
is handled by
Shelton School District will receive i ~i
director oftheir oral l)olio vaccine in the
.... Health Dist- Shelton Anl:mry May 11 between
enilaren who failed ,q and 8 p m.
0ral polio vaccine in ~ ThE preschool clinic for all the
receive their "first" tots of Hoodsport, Union, Lower
Y 11. Infants who've Skokomish and Hood Canal areas t • . will decide Tuesday on a proposal
~hhree months of age will be t~eld in Hood Canal Junior -- . . . • * * * Voters in all of Mason County
aOuld get the vae- High School from 2 to 5 p.m. May --I -- .. l . l • [ to issue $1,100,000 in general obli-
LaYe Said. 11. III R S ! !1 I # r I, - gation bonds to finance the con-
uunics will be in op- FOR THE BELIrAIR District I ~ " I '~ k ~ rt struction of a new hospital at
I1 the rural schools ~ n ' p ~ . . Shelton.
of May 11, r~nerallv including Belfair, Tahuya a d AI- I1~ g _ a : I Mason County property owners are being asked to take In addition, voters m the Shel-
Dm ~'~ ~ lyn. the ore-school clinic will be
~feedi ........... e i:-1 the Belfah" School's "Chalet" ~ '= t L l t / .... .oa .f °amti...1 ,..attn. -t next Tuesday's to: School District will vote on a
~'Cine i~'~'~-'~" h~ building from 2 to 5 p.m. on Tues- [ [ ........................................ ~ four-part school finance proposal.
Coincident with this year's For- will be publi-sh,~d a day earlierI ] hospital bond-school levy election. Polls will be open in all of th~
t'~ason ~Medical So'- day, May 11. . . . eat Festival issue, The Journal will than no:real due to the Forest[ ' • ~ [ --mu~ - • • ". _ a ,, ..... ~__..,a ..... ,~ ,u..~-~ county's 43 precincts and all pol-
o, , t I ±no Journal IS convinces ~ney ~nou,u aucep~ ~,~ ~w-
le coope~,ation of the For other area, pre-scnooi ciin- dedicate its May 20 e "'tion to the l%st.iwd schedule for tha week,/ • I lin~ places will be in the same
9a Health District, ies will be held in the local.schools, 75th anniversary of the SimpsonIt will go into the mail on Tues- I I sDonsibilitv and vote yes on both school levies and the hos- : loe~tion as for the November Gcn-
~1~1 ia the two court- including Matlock, Sou(name, ~a- Timber Company. day evening. May 18, instead of | The new hospital here, if voters :, • - --- • oral Election last fall A complete
March of Dimes ~ milche, Grapeview and Pioneer, Work on this anniversary edi-the usual VV'ednes~lay inailing date./Tuesday approve the bond issue I pits( edna proposal, list of polling places" for all~l~re-
Children will be of- from 2 t0 5 p.m. May 11. The pro- tion has been underway for several ~-| for its ~mstruction will,be named [ The need for both is clear, ctncts appears on page 4 of the
:elne in their schools, school children from Harstine ls- weeks and it is shaping up as a ~ • I~ l Mason t~eneral Hospitat. ~ , ._ I We cannot much lon er continue to expect the state Jourtml this week. .......
advises all parents land are to go to Pioneer School
Tne wlnnel el tne contest to o
Consent cards backfor the oral polio vaccine, possible new record for the Jour- ~la|Al|llq~ IL~l~hd~l~r~l / " ' I ........... Voters in me ~a ~neiton c,ty
.................• "-' ' ..... ~'"" of v'~a=es~,, for a, studs" ~'le _lr IIIId [ltJ%i. |1~11 | | | .[ select a ..... name for the proposed| health, department_ to let our hospital_ IaCllItleS operate unaer precincts and in all. of Airport,
immediately. Each pro-school child must be issue, 40 or mine pages being in- | l~ew hosp~talm Mrs. Denms ~ear- [ th~ sub-standard conditions which exist comnared to healthCapitol Hill, Mt. Vmw anti West-
:Unkhouser, chair- accompanied by a parent or guar- dieht~d nt this time ~a = i den, t-otlatcn. I ...... " side orecincts will vote on the
................... O " " " --
teal Services Corn- dian ...... nd "-ic .... |]|"'--" A .~ | The contest to name the pr -] department reqmrements for accreditation school proposals Precincts in
rian ]p/ SOdhhl Ptt laycaSs. Sponsored by[ Shelton General Hospital is over 40 years old and can-~;h~ChnP~l~:s':hl)lol~;l°t;rSa~aStcl°~e
fi~i,~ .... m he conLail~'e~ h~ th~ ~ • it • I | Mrs. Beardcn's entry in the con-[ not be brought up to present health standards, Neither can Arcadia, Cloquallum, Dayton, Isa-
test ~as selected b a 3ndg g
editioil alon~ with messaoes of ~i~ ~~ | .. ...... ~ Y / ...... w ....... ~:_:_~ .... beila, Kamilche, Kamdche 2, Mill
:~ ~:~ ~:': .......... . . . ~' ........ ~ ~ 7. Ul[~ll| ~ll~|il~lllfl~|J~ / committee and was announced this| ~ne ~,JllnlC hospital, state onmmm say, Creek Northside and Union
.... ~' ' ? ~:~ {: ' congraLlllal;lOn II'Olll DllSlness II:'lnS ~m~ ,t~m w m~tI • w m~t~ / . • . ' ' " "
:' ~'~:;~: :~':'/~!'~'::': *-.,,~, ~,, qlis communit,, and ~ | week..As an award for submitting| The overwhelming manner in which Mason County vet- COUNTY AUDI'rOI~ C. 1Nolall
' 'I : !i~ !:::(i }~:;?~'~/,,,;! ~?: .........
~'7":i~ moorage at the Shelton yacht bk- for the special Join'hal edition on Tuson's applicat;ion.as.D}!'ector of so sha'ken u since the earth uake ",q ', ' ' ;. . ' .. '..' . . ' ,... g;.. a. ..... ~ ..... *v r~n~.ttal
~; ~:/!~ sin promptly at 10 a.m~ Monday Simnson's 60th 'mniversarv tt~e program. Sne ne~a ulis post-[;..+ ;~..~'..~P., ,~.,, ,~,~ ~o~q for i cxDe?'~s on, ~,~lto~l, t;iteY Ii, ave ca(tea ]or assss~ance ;~ .~"~.":~"~. .... "2"_ TM _'_:~,-~'i',71
~~i~ with a passenger list including '- ..... "" ,~ .... ,,,o, ................ , ,~ ....... ,,~1 .......... " .... ,~ ............... "t '- " " _ District wnicn was xormeu m ux~
The Journal will print extra ":?2" J2L,:S°T2° I gotten what name she had entered| The school portion of Tuesday's election is a 4-pronged last Ge~'aeral Election.
~!.~.~~l~ the entire Forest Festival royal • ' d' 'o f~ Mason ..... e ................ e ......... - ' eat
~~;~ court and chaperone Alma Burke copies of tins e it: n o" : (rome~-, s ...... se,, .... ¢~... ,. ~m the cont~ , , | ......., ....... • ........ ;., n . ipo ,. ramc Total cost of the proposed boa-
County residents who ]]lay wisb .... .~ ........ ~.~:". ~'"~ "~"=" "'- The Bearden's hou~ was dam- p~upu~,. .t~t~ ~ ~wu ~p~,e~, ,~v,~--o ~,A ,~ ~ " nlfnl to be located in the Mt View
~i},~'.¢~!~lllF. v.~ along with a. large num;)er of Ki- to send them to friends or re a- , .... ~ , • • - / aged in the quake, w~t t . . ] $106,000 to reulace seven over-a~e buses, 5 mills to rat e area is estimated at $1,639,000
• " l forested and quahfmd persons who " h he result ' "s v ..... , ~ - • " ,
• ' . • • . .,,u,,. ,,,{C LO ap)ly as an lnstruc- ~ ~- ~ ' •
wanians and their wives and twos. Because of ~ts sine addttmn- . ~ :.~.;" ." ..~ . / they have no heat, and other prob-[ .............. , ...... e t.__~, .... -~-~with federal funds through the
:~ guests. -, --~,.* ..... ~,, ~ ....... ~,~ ~,~ ,~ ill Lor m~ y mmnnt tne:r appncation/,:.~.. / O±, UU zor me general [una to take care o~ uauiy neeueu ..... --? _^
?j .v,,S~,?s~ ~'i','?.. "~'~;:i~", TM ~o~ to the "directors of the progTmn, | ..... s. / .......... ................ "-*^nanee and niu-nl}rton..program payang ~v
,~ After the court visits Governor
t:ns eoluon. ~vtanmg v,l i de~,./..,e o~., ~T,,. ~,~'.... t ~ | anct tong overaue DUll(nng an~ equlpiIlenL lnant~e percent ot the cost.
~~':i Evans' office to extend an invita- l J : : hal for those x~ho n , • / - • .........
by tt eo~'' • Y , • • al Tile zorn-part scnoot mvy pie
, d wlll leave Fhc ploglam affolds ill child |renew
~~:~ : tion to him to visit the Forest wish us to o so if they "' ~" .~ .." " . " ~ , .. "/ U~m.=J,~,l " . .. ~. .... posal inch|des a total of 14 mills
Festiw~i Kiwanians and tile court the names and addresses of those !'on m tne county m\ oppor~umty/ r~I~j|LF]I| There is no question of the necessity oI aomg these in special levies for the coming
( (n }s to be S(llt tO leiln to S\%lnl ant1 It lS tllgecl r---- r
~i will )ore the Olympia I~]wants to when( the e titi ) " s .' "~ ~" . ~ • ' '" " ' "" "--
~:,~: ,
,,~ club for h.meheon and do soment |he lom'n'd office along with that all children who possibly can/ things. The special levies should be approved. 3ear. .......
more pitching for attendance at 72'5 cents prior to May :18. After take advantage of the instrucUon./ | " :,.__ On the other two sections of the school vote we are is OnerSpec' 0 i , 00( o nTl ea.
~::~{/~/.'::~".~' ::~, the feshval, thal. date individuals will have Instruction win bc at the Swim-I I-It ilMIIU o.mo.,~ o~' cTllase of seven new school busses
The tap back to Shclton xwll ' ' r " s " ,~ ) ............................
Lo marl thou" Dun COl)m.'. mm~ I eel again this yea:-, with| ~ ........... to )'cplace seven busses now ill
~,,~ ~ ~,::.::, ~ fonow late,, m the afte, noon. The May 20 edilion, incidentany, Lee Keifer, owner of the pool :,-/ _ . . One asks author,zatlon to use nle xuaa swimming poe, use the district.
~%~ ~i.}~ : i~i :i~ ! ~ ~ .... slating with the children The c ........ J *-n"~ ~no"" a"--roximatel-- ¢26 000 with accrued interest) q.'he seven busses which will be
'~: "~"~:i ~HI ~!~ No _ operation (~f Keifer 111 the pa' ftiji rli lan .. u ~ w pp .Y '~ ' ..... . replaced are now ~tll depreciated
:'~ :: ..... net C_-~. LII .... ~**:°..,.~. has been one of the key as,,," I~F=''~W''=~" for the purchase of furniture and equipment or xor saris,y- o~,t and no longer get depreciaUon
,~1~11~' For Forest Festival Activities and donations made through i /i ~! licensed provisionally indefin- ***~ ~*'~ ,.u**~**~ ~.~,.~. ~ ............................... THE SECOND speci~i levy of
__ . ## # giving of proceeds from oneliig), !] ,dly, representatives of the State purpose.... nvc mills is maintenance on build-
:i:: FOREST FESTIVAL Are Ira(alma ;\vimming each week tO the"~ . ~,~i~nea~h DeeP~n~)ent;aindtat~2~t]We thi,~k. {,t 1,~(~ '})Of the i.~].te$~t{~on Of ~e oT{g- ings and purctLase ()t" addi~i~ala!
&CC _ARLSON .... BUTTON ~ ]'," THE' I ROGRAM will he ~t l~'p _ ~ ' Y P .... . . _ ........ ...' ' • .. - : ' omdpment for 'tne scnool 's~s~. m:;
• on a six week basis with'hones Commission last "~¥ednesaay. illS( jr?,~lff, at ~tl, ag?a t, ll, aF wll, egt t~t/,?8 ?}~oncy ~8 ?&9~a -'~e~pse of ti~rht bude'e'ts ovel~
da'Stonno Ti~'~' * Earl Owen was installed as gov- .. . ' " • -- Y " :'~ Dr Bernard Bucove and Dr ~ ........ o ~, ".
% born and raised QUEEN S BANQUET ...... "" .. . . .... (nat enougn anal(tonal funds, from . .." : ...... , • it shoals be for somethina compatible with that the past several years, mamten-
ernor oi tile ~nelton Moose l_~uug'~ rlnqntiOnS xxrill h~ fn~thoonai,~ fn A)'tllUr l~l'iCe aLLen(le(l Lne nleeL- ' ' " ~ ~ "* .... ---'- O" - nnnlbel of bnild
bee., an .ctive T.O rETS in ceremonies April 28 in the e;;;;[int[e"('m"fo;"moih'cr"tw;;'x;gel:.~, lng to answer questions about the intent. Personally, the edi, tor i.s goi,Lq to vote ~:l~v°r':aot"b~en keptupi creat-"
he Forest Festival *~-~*~ , Moose Hall at the Shell.on At,port, Whi(£h is the desired le.ngth of tiltl; building pl~opo.'~lson wllich voters aaai~st this ~orti, on of the school proposal a ;acklog of needed repairs.
)f years. Hc began ........ Other officers arc Gerald \Vat-'for h( l Ol h cl ss instr mr n will (asc t)allots ruesaay. .,;'~ ~ , " , " ' ,, ~ ,, " .... Tho mrmov flora the soecial l(',w
...... t ) t g a., . t ,,o . . " .... " ot the ............. -- " --
parade committee. ~][~]l~fO-]~ ters, jmdor governor; Bill Selby p~m: ,,n .... ~o ..u, ~,, ,~, .....The doclors said that the Shel-, we are aomg the same Oll tileiourLll SeCLIOll .... 2.,.,_,, .....~. ... ..,,. ,~o
~e is cllairman ot I.ITN IIEON J,, ptel~t(, Joc C~onqmst, juruo~ ton Gen(:al Hospital d a
as la t e l s w , school )re osal which asks authorization of the sale of the needed x~olk done and to pmchase
raic ~ ...... "' "'~ ~" " "' "" ' ." 's y .a'. The,'e ill be a i- ~,. .. . t t P , " . '- " ,. ' ' " '
tee, as ne nas ~ ........ past governor; Robert Russell,nollnced, along with pick-up times, provisional license for a number
of years. The Clinic Hospital had old Lincoln school property with proceeds to be placed in the additional equipment.
eight years J[.'l(.~][~El'~ treasurer; DaveKuhn, secretary;at a later date. Cost per child The third proposal in the school
corona(tee raises ' Speed Price, trustee and M cl long, will be 15 cents per day. This provisional licenses i~rom 1960-6~3, district's building fund. We think this money should be district ballot is for authorization
the expenses ............. charge pays for use of the pool and a full license in 1964 and has
Out-of- Sergeant at axing, bus expenses," a provisional license again this specifically ear-marked for the purchase of additional prop- fund(° takecreatedSomefor$26,000the constructionn°w in a
tunics are Installing officer was Past Gov.The 1)rogram's board of directors Asked what would be the licens- erty. of a swimming pool several years
with the ernor \Valt ChasE, Olympia, assis- are Bernie Bailey, chairman; Tom ing agency's attitude if voters There is no urgency about either of the last two pro- ago from that fund and convert
eh~ddirectors.bUdget is tel by Chuck Hmnmit as sergeant- Ward, Barbara LaBissoniere, Lar- tma~ed do~m the bond issue Tues- posals and they can just as well be submitted in more ape- it to current school needs.
of the Shel- at-arms. The drill team from the ry Hanson and Mickey Starkey. day, and, if it was submitted and The amount of money in the
Seattle First Olympia \Vernon ,ff the Moose pro-. Their next meeting will bc May tin'ned dowa~ again later this yea:', cific form at the next general school election, would not come any where
the anmunt needed to build
12, at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. the doctors replied that it would But the levies are urgent. And they are needed. They a swimming po01.
has been past sented the floor work. This meeting is open to the public then be necessary for the licensing
ofthecommerce.I~lWanis ClUbHe Also attending fr(nn Olympia and any in(crested persons are agency to take another critical should be favored. The final proposal on the school
of the City were district vice president Bud urged to attend. Any suggestions look at. Shelton Gcneril and Clinic A note of explanation, perhaps, is in order on the dif-district ballot is for authorization
to sell the old Lincoln School pro-
and treasur- Beardsley and Mrs. BEardsley. will be welcomE. Hospitals. ference between bonds and levies. The hospital bonds would perty now used as a bus parking
Chapter be paid for over a period of 20 years, the school levies are ot.
The site is the location of the
• a one-shot tax paid in one year---1966, old Lincohl School wllich has beeh