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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 ic bowls from crashed to of her L. Ager lost some Alma Roe her culler- finally that rela~- Worried by and other me- epicenter was of us at Da- Under the meant we hit. lean, who a first Mrs. Run her mot- rumbling Spurted craz- .~r head. She ran dripping Mrs. Zoe SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrislmaslown, 17.S.A." ", Shelton, Washington I)AGE 3 D F h E thq k " S hl amage rm e ar ua e c 00 Youth 5entenred mde Coem|Y0fC° si( ers? ................................................................. SCHOOL ldEHU S~'reV~, '~h O ~V~ ~ J ~' S tJ O'' ~ ~ be ~l ~, ~'- ~., ~ 1.~e h cl,~ ,:~d ,,y i ~ t J°l e Po tl~ tc~ S, , l~ ~,ay ~f ~e,'nOO l, by t t, e fi~,e in . '__ ~r~0~ ~ ~, it Ler the jolt awakened her. Mrs. clubhouse of the Hood Canal Wo-Nmir Holiday Beach clubhouse. Board =v'^ m Court Here C, edes Menus for Shelton Elementary earth- Jack Johnston was already out of man's Club. The business session Attending the impromptu affair Scnools and Shelton Senior the house just south of Sceva's. is a 11 a.m. and a potluck hmch- were the Bill Ings, the W. O. Pin- Berry Hodgson, 21, Shelton, was'/Vlas, m C.omMv Comnfisshmer.,: Washing- tenlblorNeff, had never experienced an Mrs• Jirn O'Ncil will be hostessgene, Ore., the Lewis Evans all(] ence on a chaz'ge of carnal kllow- serlously of going to wnrl< nn n Week of May 10 to 14 was ea:pt4hquakd and ran from her May 13, when members of the Sam Astleys. ledge by Judge Hew|it Henry in County Zoning and Building Code • Mason County Superior Court Fri-and would like to ~,'cl: the vi(,ws County, house, as her pots and pans were Writer's Workshop meet at her Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Madison By Nadim; Rhodes day. Monday Spanish Lasagne, vicin-tumbling from their places in thehome on Indian Beach. The group of Seattle were house guests on AGATE ..... The School t.~(mrd of Ho(tgson entered a plea of guilty of CO/lilly rc:ddenls on thi, idea. • , " A fra, llchisc lot a V,'IL1CI' sys- spal) ~lT't!ll l){,ltns, light rolls, chimneys,kitchen. She was reassured by is sponsored by the Fine Arts Sunday and Monday ()f M|'. alld Pioneer School will mcct Tuesdayto the charge. The incident involv- IcFa in :ii1 addiliona] oren w;~sfruit and milk• of china companionship with the W. L. department of the Hood Canal Mrs. Carl W. Hanscn tit their at 8 p.m. at the xchool. ,~(i a 14-year-old girl, who at lhe m'anied b~ Trails l,;ml I¢',ke %Va.t(,r .. Roast I:m(:,f s'tn(t2 the turn-Lhamons, who are former rest- Woman's Ch|b and membership is Ayock Beach home. A special meeting of Bell ILl(l- thnc, was home on It,ave lhom " Tuesday in dents of Alaska. In the villageopen to anyone interested in ere-Fishing is holding" up at the e]'s Saddle Club was held at thcMartha ~VashingLon Sclmol ill SO- Comprly at'tel' a hcarin:~ on their wieh, lettuce wedges with 1000 of at Lilliwaup, her sistcr-in-law, ative writing. The meeting is held Rest While Park Resort, |he boat., fairgrounds last F|'iday. lYinalat.tle. ,tpplication fin' a franchise. .[Mand drct~sing, fruit cobbler to thisMrs. Tim O'Neil was having her at 1:30 p.m. house reporting eight nice black- plans were made for the annual Hodgson was rcl)rcscnled by The commi;;sion ~rantcd pc|'mis- and milk, first acquaintance with the heav- MRS. AI,L1E IV. Robinson wan mouth salmon taken over last, l?lay Day Saturday afternoon a.t John C. f~agan, Shelton Atterney. ' " ing earth and fled outside withexpected home Tuesday of this weekend. Considering the ,weath- 1 p.m. as part of the t2orcst Festi- Blian J. Heath was sentenced 'don lo h.Ir~, lAllian Wilson, St.. l:l.I. Wednesday ...... Sauerkraut and infantdaughter,Paige,in her week from Bellewm, where ~hc el', it was a good weekend, also, val activities May 22. k. a r;lax'inuiln of 15 years in a '2, I~ox 81, to op(~l'at(' a s(~C.Ol'ld- wieners, m'~shed potatoes, veg- arms. has been ill with a severe for trailer site and cabin oceupan-The Club will hold its regular cor|'ectional institution after a ,ms- hand store at that address, et.nt.q,~: wedgem cake and milk. MRS. RALPH Candiotti's first'of the flu since Saturday, April ey. meeting this Friday at 8 p.m. at pended sentence he received in The connnisnion reel., \vith mcm- Thursday - Chili con carnc, thought was for her five-month- 24, when she arrived at Vancou- MR. AND MRS. George A. Reid the Fairgrounds. 1963 yeas revoked by Judge Itenry. bets of the Health Department, salad, pc;rout butter sandwich old daughter, Amy, and she made :ver, B.C. aboard the S.S. Or|ann. of Seattle arrived Friday evening Members of the Picker|rig A petition seeking revocation of her hasty exit with the child, i or brc~:~d and butter, cheese ! She has been at the home of to spend a relaxing weekend at l:tomemakcr's Ch|b are renfil)(ted the Suspended sentence, was Plaluling Commission, county as- While her other five daughters iher son-in-law and daughter, Mr. their Indian Beac,~ cottage. A thai, for their meeting next Wed- brought by Prosecuting Attorneysessor and county engineer to dis- slices, cookies and milk. were all at school. A disconnected;and Mrs. Bob Burman during her broken lamp was ,the only Can- nesday they are going to Harstine Byron MeClanahan. cuss thc problem of older type re. Friday ..... Fish sticks, seasoned stove pipe was the only cammltY~illness. Mr. Robinson returned to ualty,they reported, from the Island as guests of that club for McClanahan told the court that sorts which want to sell their rice, cabbage salad, biscuits, ice noted in their home. " ' Lilliwaup last weekend~ after spen- quake at their Seattle home. Gee. hmch. White elephant it.eros are Heath was given a deferred sent- cream and milk. In their car, just this side of i ding several days with her in was in his car, just pulled up to be takenand members ave to ence in court here in 1957, and, cabins to individuals, but., are re- Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. i Bellevue. to stop for a traffic light, when dress as a "Hard-time" group, that in 1963 he was brought into strictcd by lot size and sewage Supplement Your Child's Hansen didn't realize they were A nunlber of other Or|ann pa~ the trembler started. A first he Agate Tip-Top 4-H club held court again and the sentence disposal regulations. Diet with Plenamins from tn the midst of an earthquake, sengers were also ill at the close just got. the feeling that some- a. spring party in the Grange Hall changed from deferred to suspend~ Additional study will be givcn but thought their tires were act-of the South Pacific cruise, it was thing' had happened to all four'last Tu~?sday Twelve members ed. Prepp's Rexail ing very stubborn and their car ireported. Mrs. Zoe Scew~, a mere- tires on his car. • McClanahan said that Heath the problem, and, another meet- hard to control. They discovered bet of the group from Lilliwaup, Mr. and Mrs: Robert A. Slnith and several guests enjoyed the Dallas,when they got to Olympia what came home Wednesday of last of Port Orchard were here to at- activities. Games were played and had bern convicted of Petit Lar- ing will be held in three or four numerous prizes won. Refresh- ceny in King County the past sum- weeks. 132 R.R. Phone 426-4642 in theirhad been happening, week. She had cold symptoms, but tend a. meeting at Rest While ments of punch and cookies weremer and that he also trod been ......................... ' ' Sunday Sunday is Mother's Day and is did not feel ill and was enthus- Park Resort Sunday and visited served. Kathy Dickinnon and Shar- ,charged with £orgery in King ........................................................................................................................ =--- with foremost in weekend planning ofiastic over their two-month roy.. with friends on Indian Beach inlenc Mikkelsen had charge of the County. re- Lilliwaup residents, as it is age. A brother-in-law, Paul Sce- the afternoon. Heath told the court he was not E R G R E E N dam- throughout the country, va, brought her home from Ta- An old Swiss grandfather's clock games and arranged for refresh-guilty of the forgery charge. F R I D A Y ~" E V ments. • Ell|nor Chapter O.E.S. Social Club coma, where she had stayed withthat had not been running for JUDGE HENRY took under ad- THE is planning a Sunday breakfast her sister, Mrs. Ed Knox, and some time was discovered to be Pertaining to 4-H activities, visement a motion by Olympia At- thosc members who have not as torney Gary Alexander to reduce the fabulous in the Lilliwaup Community Hall, family after the ship's arrival, back in operation in thc Carl Hen- ' suggesting taking mothers out to Saturday evening dinner guests sen home following the ea.rth- yet paid their camp assessment of from $10,000 to $1,500 bail for breakfast, as well as dinner, on at thehomeofMr, andMrs. Lewis quake. Vibration of the trembler $i, a,-c asked to please do so:root,. Kinl Lane, Daniel Corm and James WAIIDA Mother's Day. A. Ewms included Mr. and Mrs. had set the pendulum in motion.It is due by May 15 and is the MeAllistcr, all three of whom are : '. Breakfast will be sezared from Willism W. Ing, Mrs. Allen M. Karl LinscotL was expected to only dues collected by the 'club. chargcci with robbery and second 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. said Mrs. James Strine, and Allie Robinson. Thereturn to his home in Eldon Tues- The entire amount goes to the up- degree "~ssault. Reeder, president of the chtb, wor- group enjoyed hearing from Allie day of this week from the Shel-keep of the 4-H camp at Panhan-Alexander told the c6~irt that iL a,nd Iler PARTY TIMERS king with Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson, some of the humorous incidents ton General Hospital, wherc he die. was impossible for the parents el Worthy Matron, aud other mere- of their recent South Pacific crv.ise was taken last Thursday after an MRS. MYRTLE Lindsay of Bay- the three to raise the $10,000 bail, Great Dance & Show 9:30 - 12:30 bers on the Mother's Day project. Mrs. Florence Ross, mother of accident with his power saw. shore Road returned last Tuesday but, they might if it were reduced '~ s It was early in the afternoonfrom a two week vacation in Port to $1,500. .1V[ay 14, is being saved for the Faith Evan , was a fellow passen- • Saturday monthly potluck supper enjoyedger with the Robinsons and Mrs when he was sawing up some ma-Orchard and Seattle. She visited He said if the bail were not re- l~y members of the Lilliwaup Com- ;Zoe Sceva. drona limbs for fireplacc woodfriends and relatives in those at- duced the boys would have to stay munity Club~ who invite their An informal coffee hour was that the saw got out of con|re! eas. 2 BANDS--4~2 CONTINUOUS HOURS OF DANCING friends to join them at supperenjoyed by a group of Holiday and inflicted a gash on his right Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kelly and in jail until the neXt jury term, presently set for February, 1966, a~d the business meeting and Beach neighbors, who gatheredleg.insideTheof theCut' legWhiChaboveWaSthe°nknee,the Westport.Sun Jim spentTheylaStreturnedWeekcndwithneara held.unless a special jury session was "The RAYMARKS" pinochle party following, bled profusely, but luckily no ten- good supply of clmns and reported Judge Henry said he would take and a Because of heavy rainfall the dons or arteries were severed, a, good time on the outing, the matter under adviscment az~d previous night and wet condition )H M:rs. Linscott tied his leg above The announccnlent and publicity "SURPRISE BAND" of the woodsy area, the cleanup the woffnd and runhed her husband last week of the achievements of would consider whether a. special j,rry session should be ca|led to get project for the Lilliwaup cemetery to the hospital in Shelton, corn- Molly Taylor should sharpen our. was postponed last Saturday. An-:I~ pleting a daV that she admits pride in our comnmnity. A four-the ease disposed of. 9:30- 2 A.M. other more favorable day will be • year scholarship was awarded toThe three youths, when they ap- set by the community club corn-B~ was rather "shaky". mittee Volunteers may contact Rumbling of a huge truck on ~lo]ly. She is enrolled in Michi- peare.d in com't two weeks ago, en- • ' • lered not guilty pleas to the char- Have Fun at the EVERGt2FEN l h~ highwa.y was a preamble toKan State Unive|'siLy. A gradual- ges which resulted from an attack Mrs. John Aaro or Mrs. 3. L. Cat-: Ir the noise of the earthquake foring senior, Molly is the daughter on and robbery of 84-year-old Old Olympia-.Tacoma It|way to about time. the Linscotts. When the sharp, of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor ot Frank Wiley of Shcllon' earlier rocking thmMering of the quakeAgale. this year. By Mahel Kidd started, Evva Linscott's first:--y .............................. "-2' ............................................. ,, ............... ; .................................................................................................... -:: ......... , ; .......... ,---,,, DAYTON Gathelmg Monday thou h • ' -- ' '" A E g't ~a.s one experienced byll ....... evenm m the home of Mls nan g - "- • ~. ], y others, the idea. thatthcll - Lemke was a group of laaies to furnace was "blowing" UP" I boner Mrs. Roy Evans (Karen "[___-- ....2"~. \__~_ [I I Smith) at a bridal shower. ~ ..m an It f Hostesses we,,e M,.s. a,nos eame Mwspaper ll L ij Dougherty, Mrs. T. A. Tibbits and |I#_!i__ I,, ..... z_~__ _I ]l ' ' Mrs. Dick Leonard. r.xcepnonal /I ¢ I Games were played with prizes tin . ,,,., /i =i".t to arcu Evans ai,,ge,"l toreslers i'r0 -ram. . it, , Hickson, :Dee Nich,oi.s and Then ,~ ..... " ~P ., ,At,;.)-"il ....... ' ' ~' • ~-~ ~,,-ns Dee Nichols also won I ~neJton s umque anct worUly ]I ': ~J~ T ....• " Exceptional Foresters received .~ .... in(. sour prize ...... ' " " , wioe pumic attention this week Othez guests ~ho ~njov(d the th~ou ~, Ilus t~ • " " -, .. ' -.. : . ~ : - • gh a two-p~ gc i .'t "~ ted a.r- evening wine MalgueHte l emke ticl ea 1 ~es c • " " ' - ~ , e in the S .~ tile T'n .a pi A;orial Hazel Leman, Estelle Bmmc]l, magazine section last Sunday ..... Dorothy Roberts. June McQuilkin,The article tells of the EF pro- ~.~ Donna Combs, Betty Combs nnd gram of training older retarded Mabel Kidd. Unable to attend butboys to learn useful, more-nearly- sending gifts were Jackie Mac- normal lives throug'h developing • • lid , Rae and Jtme Chapman. skills in Christmas tree farming Don't forget to come out to and other silva-culture activities. • vote on the Hospital Bond Election Six pictures illustrate the two- Tuesday. Weekend guests of the Clifford page spread, showing several of the boys at work on the 1,000 Combs was.the Jnhn Rock family acres the EF have leased from of Burlington. Mr. Rock is recov- the Shelten Port Commission for ering from an accident with his Christmas tree farming, showing power ~'A\vn mower which broke new program supervisor Ed Kroh I'll engrave your Bulova Free of Charge numerous bones in his foot be- retired Army officer, instructing "Toni HaW' sides cutting away part of the the boys, and showing EF presi- sole of his foot. dent Bob Kimbel and director ALSO --- Re~ember MOTHER'S DAY Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scrogham Buck Armstrong examining one of This Sunday, May 9th. and family motored to Hoodsport the trees. Saturday evening and ca]icd on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bingley. MRS. A. H. WOLDEN and chil- 1VfeLain and children of Kent were weekend guests in the home of . , Sunday was a big planting day [3 ~fX for the Hood Canal Garden Club members who gave their time to set out petunias in the planters and rhododendrons on the grounds of the Hood Canal Junior High School. Thirty-eight rhododend- II run ~shrubs were obtained and Pll~ planted for the improvement of i the grounds. The club gardeners i were Mrs. :YIattie Backlund, Mrs. D. H. Pierce and /~Irs. Vel~ae Hill, Reports on this and other pro- jects, election of officer~,' and con- 26 2412 tributions for the "grab bag"' will feature the meeting of the club their mother, l~rs. A, E. Lemke. Jim and Allen Hickson visited By Rod Olsen Sunday in Burien with their aunt, Choosing Mrs. Mabel Clothier. major home- Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Moffett and Sharon called on Mr. and Mr~ furnishings James Hickson Thursday after- isn't a Job noon. Sharon is just back from which should Tampa, Fla., where she hosbeen be rushed. working for almost a year. wnzJe Especially CONCERTO "0" Modern youthful look ENGINEER 'T' FIRST LADY "A" at Charleston since it can in a 17 jewel quality The exocutive look -- Fashion's now there she• visite~l ~t'- involve quite if-willdMg, watch• Shock- plus top performance tapered Pear-shape Air Force Base and spen~ .he resistant• weekend with Doris HicRson. a bit of Stain ess steel case. end real value, 17 jewcls set with sparkling Luminous• hlso Yellow or white. Shock-resistent. solitaire diamond. -" - "- t-I J ]~Iadsen of a family's available with $24.95 Expansion beud. 17 iewels. ./ylr. ana 2ars. ' ~' ......x - , Black DIaL Yellow or white. Ye low or white, Tacoma and the 2', A. 'l"li~l~ltSc:l?~.~ hard earned $39.95 $49.$5 ' $39,95 ily were Saturday even g_ - income---all in the James Hickson home. lee C Brown Jr. left last Tues- in one lump .... or over a period of time. day fo," boot training'nBt.'h;hNa'r~VY In addition to pleasing the rest ai.'San Diego, Mrs, Z,',,~, ~,.,.~. ~ of the family, a person also ano ....... her m~', Mrs. un ......... • Men" er wants to make sure it ~vill wear ofAberdeen arrived home oay well, give the roo~a a lift, and after a visit in wendel, Ida., with still fit in with everything else j j Budd Sr ,tn~ their father, . . '_ . • d .... including tile budg:et. brother, 3 3 Budd Jr. Donna Hu]bert daughter ef Mr. Sometimes a person seems ner- " and Mrs Alvi~ ~-Iulbert was hun-vous and hesitant for fear of nr guest" at a bridal shower Sat,- n~akm~, a mistake. This is only natural and is another reason