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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 29, 1965
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PAGE 10 C( 3OURI AL--- Publishecl in ce h sCrnas oww,, U.S:gt.", gheI on, Wa ing on JAN POWELL TO BE INSTALLED AS HONORED QUEEN OF JOG|ES SATURDAY MISS JAN POWELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powell, will be installed as Honored Queen of Bethel No, 37, International Or- der of Job's Daughters a 8 p.m. this Saturday in the Masonic Temple. VFW To Install Jointly In Public Ceremony Friday There will be a joint VFW Post and Auxiliary installation of of- ficers at 8 p.m. this Friday in the Memorial Hall. The phblic is In- vited to attend. Refreshments will be served by Colleen Gephart, Beu- lah Stewart, Lucllle Rice, Fae Robinson and Lois Pearson. Saturday evening the post en- tertained the auxiliary with a din- net selved in the Shelton Hotel attended by about 60 people. Vis- iting guests were Rev. and Mrs. ,~iarence Lody. Master of ceremonies was Fie- renz Mtnoza who gave an interest- ing talk then called on Todd Schmidt, past commander', to speak. A few words wele also said lay incoming commander, Ho- ward Swope, and Bernice Jansson, auxiliary president. Mlnoza also introduced the incoming officers. The Past Presidents Club me" in Montesan0 for a 7 p.m. dinner last 'rhu'rsda]. Attending from Shelton were club president, JeS- sie Cox, secretary-treasurer Bee Gray, Marian Johnson, Florence Hamilton, Sue Weaver, Fae Rob- insert, Merle Vender Wal, Joseph- ine Sparks and Lucille Speece. Names of mystery pals were re- vealed and new ones drawn :for the coming year. The next meeting will be July 29 in Westport. Sunday afterTmon 50 dozen c0o- kies were donated and served '.by the auxiliary at a lounge party for patientsin American La~e hospital. Attending were Sue Wegc- ver, Vi Laugen, Marian Johnson, Florence Hamilton and auxiliary hospital chaitTaan Phyllis Moore, The patients enjoy these parties Slate President Speaks At Dislriol Garden Glub Meeting Mrs. Wayne J. Chastain of Spo- kane, president of the Washing- ton State Federation of Woman's Clubs, was guest of honor and dinner speaker' at the well-attead- semi-ammal meeting of the Penin- sula District clubs held Tuesday in Tacoma. New officer's elected at the 1 p.m. business session presided over by Mrs. Charles Hatten, president, were second vice president, Mrs. Arthur Williams, Fortnightly Club of Gig Harbor; second direc- tor, Mrs. David Van Giffen, Tele- sis Club of Tacoma, and record. ink secretary, Mrs. Jolm Dodge, Beta Club of Puyallup. "A St~vey of Our Community Needs", was the topic for' the af- terno0n panel discussion followed by workshops based on panel top- ics. Speakers included Dr. Decil R. Fargher, county-city health di- rector of Pierce County; Mrs. Ruth Bethel, social worker and former county superintendent of Schools; Roy Clemens of the Pierce County Planning Commission, and Dr. Angelo Giaudrone, superinten- dent of Tacoma school district. Participation of district clubs in the continuing Community Ira- provement contest was urged by the district president at the close of the afternoon. Enthusiasm for attending the l state convention to be held May 10-12 in Spokane was engendered by the banquet address of Mrs. Chastain entitled, "What in the World are We Doing?" The state president also in- * * * * very much. stalled the newly elected officer's. Honored Queen elect, Jan Pew- son; senior custodian, Loreah Sel- Wednesday evenL~ all commit- Mrs. Chastaln was accompanied eli and the members of Bethel I jestsd; junior custodian, Laurie tee chairman met at the home of by Mrs. Horace J. Thomas, state No. 37, Intenmtional Order of I Godwin; librarian, Linda Potter; Bernice Jansson to compile year recording secretary. Job's Daughters cordially invite I inner ~,ard Jill Sel~estad" outer end reports. Hostesses for the late afternoon • " 1 • ~ ' .~ ' I Several auxiliary members at-tea were members of the conven- the pubhc to attend the instal a ............. tion of officers and membersat I g:aI~mwl~i~n~ussell' cnolr alrec- tended a Loyalty Day Program at Lion hostess club, the Monday Civic 8 p.m. this Saturday in the Ma- ' • . , ,, , the BoI'de~ttlx school Friday of- Club, and Mrs. Paul Drennan and sonic Temple I Courtesy officers to be msmnea ternoon when:the essay contestMrs. David Van Gfffen of Telesis Ttmse being installed include: Iare: Flag bearer, Jean _Da~s; Winners were announced. Winning Club. Musical numbers were fea- .... ~ -ueen Jan Powell" .~ [keeper of me dgnts, ~ouise ~osdn;the first place prize of a sweater tured at the tea and evening din- p"r~nce'ss, ~:)iane' Turner; jr. 'pl~n'-'lpage .in north, Becki Holland; was Jeannette WatdHp from Bor- her. cess, Cathy Joslin; ~dde, Joyce ]page re.south, ~ancy ~wanson;deaux schooL Powell; marsllall, D~'lene Gray; iheadbanasan° ro?eS, Tracy Runners uP were Todd Looney Representing the Hood Canal and Louis: McNeal. Ernest Tim- Woman's Club at the Tacoma er,Chapl'ainsharonBarbarawatters;W°lfe:' recoi:der,trea'sur" ~lltn;Pierce.SUnsnine cnainnmL vicm paul was main speaker for the meeting were l~rs. Nina Miller, Yvonne Van Laanan; musician, ] Members of the choir are Saadi occasion withFrank Kokett, chair- president, Mrs. Archie Calahan Marsha Moore. ~Smith, Cheryl Cowan, Donna Reed, [ man of the Loyalty Day program, 'Mrs. J. L. Catto and Mrs. Charles First messenger, Susan Speece; /Aleca Ruddell, Ramoha Wermer, [issuing the awards. T. Wright. second messenger, Cheryl James; I'Cllerie Richardson, Lurene Hul- ] Each year the post sponsors the A handsome gavel, the handi- third messenger, Kim Miclmels; [bert, Lincia Koch, Patty Th0mas. Ic°ntest for 6th grade students work of Mrs. W.lfight, well-known fom~h messenger, Janet Vigor; ~Nadine Larson, HollyScottand J from all three schools who write local craftsman and artist, was i the essays as part of an English pre.uented to the district to be fifth messenger, Merridee Ander- |Susan Morris. [project. Winners are chosen by a used as a traveling gavel, awarded , .~ I group ~omposed of teachers andto the group having the largest SELLS HILDERMAN RITE i po= and auxiliary members, conventiontion to membership.attendanceTheinboxPr°p°r'con- -- taining the gavel was made of Receive Souvenir hammered brass with a design of dogwood blossoms and lined with" Of Memorable Trip green velvet. This, to(), was the A souvenir of an experience work of Mrs. Wright. long to be remembered was re- ceived this week by Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper. The Croppers GARDEN CLUB SALE were on a vacation trip over the SLATED THIS FRIDAY last Christmas holiday when their The Shelton Garden Club ~dll .~ip, the S.S. Monterey, went hold a plant and white elephant sale from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. this aground at Bora Beta. Their mail this Week brodgh~ Friday in the old Neff Pharmacy a silver celery dish with" the ih: building, 4th and Railroad. Scription "S. S. Monterey. ~ . Bora Contributions can be brought to Bora... December 29, 1964" from the store between 4-5 p.m. Thurs- the Matson Line along with a let- day. ter expressing•appreciation of the tolerance of the passengers dur- ing the time they were inconven- ienced. ENGAGEMENT REVEALED THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Judy LouiSe Johnson and Dennis Ray Colvin, son of Mr. and MrS. John D. Speas, has been revealed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deyrl M. Johnson. All are of Shel- ton. Both young people will graduate from Shelton High school in June. I~o date has been set for the wedding. Silve!. Tea Saturday Jeri Spencer, To GI,max Mus,© Week Eugene M. Teten The highlight of Music Week, Marrmd Hero which began last Sunday, will be ~ .....~ v v Mr and M~s Val Sienko an the musical Silver Tea to be held • """ - " from 2 to 4:30 p.m. this Saturday nouncethe .marriage of their daughter Jen LaVonne Spencer, in the home of Mrs. Charles R. a to Eugene M Teten son of Mrs Lewis, 70 West Birch St. A cord- • • " , * ' ial invitation is extended to the Eva R. Schou of Elizabeth, Colo., public to attend, and Ralph Teten of Denve¢, Colo. The Shelton Music Club will The couple were married in a present a talented young piano 7 n m double rin~ ceremony Am'il student Paul Grotjahn of Seattle, - =-':" - , "-~" . . ~ =-. • -~,', -,~l ,~-e=~n~ o ~-o,,~ n~ ~o0o_ 26 m the nome o~ nor parents. ;..~ '... ~.*....:. ~. ~..., 0....~..~..~o rcev Horace ri. NLOURI:S o~:~lelaEe(i ~Several vocalist n;~mbers will "be with Mr. and M~s. El~gene tiall as interspersed throughout the after- the couple's only atLendants. noon. Mrs, James Barrom is president of the Shelton Music Club which sponsors Music Week locally, Mrs. Bernice Stewart is chairman of the event this year. VISITORS Visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bartsch this Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peel of Federal Way. A reception dinner followed the ceremony in the Empire room of the Hearthstone restaurant in Bremerton. A dinner party for relatives and th'iends was given last Sunday in honor' of the couple in ~he home of the bride's par- ents. The bridegroom is a 2rid class petty officer and will soon leave for Japan. Mrs. Teten plans to Gin him later. Hong Kong Party Entertains ESA Tacoma Guests A "NigtH in lhmg K()ng" party wt:s held t)y Beta Zeta Chapter, Ep.~;ih)n Sigma All)ha in the Isl.tnd Lakr hi)ale O17 B()bbie Goodwin April 28. Mrs. Goodwin's recreation rooln was dec,n'ated in O~iental tradi- tion with ~r~mbers and guests seated at low tables on the floor. Everyone dressed in Oriental at- tire. After' dinner was served the group held a White Elephant auc- tion with Charleen Smith acting: as auctioneer. Out-or-town guests, all members of Omicron Chapter' in Tacoma, in- cluded Mesdames Ken Fengler, Jack Nichols, James Newell, Wayne Herren, James Harrison, Leslie Dooley,William Barber, HanT Conner, Herb Godfrey and Al McKeehnie. AMARANTH NEWS LUNCHEON ~LATED Laurel Court No. 26 Order of Amaranth will sponsor a hmeheon and bake sale in the Masonic tem- ple today. Set-¢ing will begin at noon with donation $1 per per'non. Tickets available at the door or from Amaranth members. * ¢ $ OPEN INSTALLATION There will be an open installa- tion of officers for' Laurel Court No. 26 Order of Amaranth this Friday evening in the Mt. Moriah Masonic Temple. Members and friends are cordially invited. CHOIR ENTERTAINS Members 0f the Laurel Court choir entertained last Thursday for the Bremerton :court and again Friday for Grays Harbor cour~ in Aberdeen. Both occasions were for installations. The group will sing again this Friday for' instal- lation of officers in Laurel court. They ACClOE Local learning Junior sored by eration ~fire accident causes, We're lng A| 126 Railroad ALMOST AS MUGH AS-II ,:, People with hearing loss : ldo ! hardship they place on others. hear is nerve-wracking --- but so. ' shout and repeat. Show your I your loved ones; let us shoW YOU, hear better, enjoy life more tm tone• Come to see our representatix! MR. HARRY BODEN.SC I at Eells and Valley Applmnee' Friday, May 7th, between 10 a.m. He will gladly test yyour hearing He will gladly test your hearing helpe d with one of the beautiful or obligation and 'show you how helped with one of the beautiful DANIEL E. BRUNEB 106 EAST 4th AVE. OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON ,MR. AND MRS:JIM HILDERMAN (=Pamela Christine Selis) out their wedding cake following a February 13 marria(le in the hoffle of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 8ells. Mr. a,d Mrs, H~illle Hilderman are parents of the bridegroom. All are of Shelton. MAY S EAGLE'S CARD PARTY ][$ CANC~,LLED There will be no Eagle's card party May 8 as a bowling dinner is scheduled for that tlate. ri"a'teI's the April 24 party high win- W~ Vera Huntington and Mary Needham; 2nd high, Cora Hill and Vi Laugen. Pinochle was bold by Syble Taylor and Vi Lau- gen. GOLDEN AGE CLUB There will be a potluck birth- day dinner for members of the Golden Age Club at noon next Thursday in the Memorial HaIL Election,0f office~;~vi'l! follow. [ The Eagles Auxlliary~ will spon- I sor a rt!~inage ~ale from 9:30 [a.rn. to 4.80 P:~. this Friday and ! Satt~Yday tn the PUD Auditorium. m /(' i i:i : i'i SEE`YOUR OREDIT UNION TO. A LOAN FOR ANY PURPOSE --- BECAUSE • . . You pay low interest' Pates on the: uhpald balanc~ no pro-payment penalty. .... Payments are arra,~led tO Ylt your budget. ... Your business here Is kept oonfldential. • • . Here you deal with friends who understand your problems and will help work out a solution. • • • This is yaur organization ---owned by you and our other members. Future Home of Your Credit Unl,on at Fourth & Cedar MASON COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION SERVING ALL RESIDENTS OF MASON COUNTY EXCEPT 81MPSON EMPLOYI~$ Chrysler resale value holds up so well, it almost makes up for the few extra dollars you pay a month. That's not talk. That's based on used car suide book l rices. Come in and make us prove it. See us. We deliver!! I OTORS, IH.¢., * 707 S. 1st /i