April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1965 |
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PAGE 11.
The earthquakc,
ill., and Feac-
provide the
Week !
Va~ dressing in
coffee. The
and a
yard and
as the
like ocean
a show-
grabbed a
,t the yard.
aving been
DAle was as
and the
What hap-
and locales
ear and
Enroute we
Gene Se-
was drink-
of the
coffee seem-
own, a book
new ce-
did not
The Pun-
and found no
came. Slle
of their
one can 0f
that he
took to
ng crashed.
there then.
their mail
like to
a trail-
a or&-
Was not too
birthday of her great-grandson
Rubble Walker. Mrs. Dale Peugh,
her daughter, Mrs. Gleml Yates
and grandchildren Lisa and Rusty
Yates, spent last Wednesday vis-
Iting tile Dick Sewards and Rich-
ard Hanks in Olympia.
Mike Meeks now lives m Shel-
ton with some other young men
at the Mill Creek Motel. The fel-
lows have started a band and call
it "The Tarringtons" and their
nmtto is, "We'd rather figIit than
switch". The band is composed of
guitar, dramas and organ. ;iV[ike
sings with the band. Let's hope
they will come to Harstine Hall
sometinle soon, so we Call dance
to live nmsic.
Bill Gortz, U.S. Marines, sta-
tioned at Bangor was here for
several days vacation last week
in Iris parents' home at the South
LAST WEEK we called on Mr.
and Mrs. John Hitcheock. They
have the most beaut]tiff collection
of rocks and other artifacts col-
lected last winter on the deserts:
in the South and Southwest. In
fact we have never seen such an
extensive private collection. They~
should display it at the Mason
County Fair next fall, where they
could win dozens of ribbons. Beu-
!ah is making a hobby of arrang-
some of the rocks most taste-
fully on black felt, to use as wall
panels. The crystal, and pink cal-
sidon are unbelievable, they are
so beautiful. Like her flower ar-
rangements. What Beulah Hitch-
cock has done with tl%se rocks
is outstanding. Last summer at
the 50th anniversary of the HaP-
stine Grange. The prize bouquet
made by Beulah was of red, white
and blue sweet peas. It was placed
on the podium near our Americari
The Forest Festival buttons are
attractive as ever this year, and
are now on sale in Shelton in most
every store. They are your admis-
sion ticket to our always wonder-
ful Mason County Forest Festi-
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Williams
of Sunset Hill never have a dull
moment. Two weeks ago they had
a thoroughbred colt born in their
barn. This week they have another
great-grandson, born in Puyallup
Hospital to their granddaughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
May 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carl-
Matl0ck Area Sees b.tle Damage
by l)ora lh?arlnff
MATLOCK ...... The 'rhnrsday
morning earthqnake shook the
l:nlildings hcl'C II fc'~V sccon(ts, but
no damage was repro'ted, only
some wells were pumping cloudy
water and a few cracked ceilings.
:It wasn't nearly as hard as April
!1949 quake.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier at-
tended Pomona Grangc dinner and
meeting at Skokomish Grange.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier at-
tended the Bowling Banquet Sat-
urday evening. It was at Agate
Grange and Matlock Bowling team
got second place. Joan Sharp toot(
high series trophy and Nellie
Rossnmlcr high game trophy.
31R. AND Mllg. A1 Taylor and
family of Tacoma and Warren O1-
nnd of Shelton spent SItnday with
lhe Andrew McGarvic fanlily.
Mr. and MIS. Boll Dawson were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Slccveland ,)f Gate's.
They are former Matlodk resi-
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
were hmcheon guests Satur(:h@
of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tin'her
Shelton. It was a birthday hmch-
con in honor of Mrs. Bradl)crvy
and Rult~ Tin'her.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
were callers at the Fh)(tger Spald-
ing home Friday evening.
MILS. AI;GIJSTA Portman, Mrs.
Lud Rossmaier and Mrs. Elvin
U.S.D.A" Choice BoneleSS Beef
SIe eal ........................
Fresh Lea; lb.
6touna huck .............
he Earthq
Hearing were dinner guesls Vqcd-
nesday of Mrs. l~]dward Valley in
honor of Mrs. Hearing.~ birthd'~y.
Mr. Ilaroht I-h)pkins and Mrs.
Mcrland (]oodbnrn and children
called at the R. E. Bradl)erry
home S:llnrday. Danny and L,)ri
Go~dbnl'n spcnl the evening with
|hcir unc.le and aunt.
Becky Brel,,meyer spent the
weel~ end with her gran(tp:ircnls
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Sunday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
l:h'ehnh, yev Jr. called dud lo[Ik
l~e('ky immc.
Mr. and Mrs. E(t Valley spont
Saturday evening wilil the l~,,lb
I)It V," F,. O n s.
Mr. and Mrs. •lames t{odgers of
Elma spoilt Salllrday evening al
the Kenneth Howard homo.
Mr. and Mls. 1)ottK M,qy of Se-
Itltlt' \Vl'l'e ~IIlI(IIIV ilillntq' ~+~IleSls (l~
~*{1'. ~llld ~[V:;. l(oiHiclh Ho\vard.
Th(, E