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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I I Grapeview R0ad Is DamagedBy Ea-rthquake ast "e'sday iq3a ()l};oll, (tllr primary teacher, I hr(flhor ?'lik(, ;~.1 hr>me with his f()r .%}1o had ,'r.v.:~i:l lhi:~ ~II'(~IL jll~,l[ :H(';IHItq~, I~,l!;. T,-;.~;:!(';ion at~d Ml's, ;,It)tlIL'I}':; }h'll;$(: tht! (:~,ilal)Se oI J~iel~inu.~ 1¢1()1¢ pa.rt ill tile judKing the FOS(Iwa y. TI,(: h; exp(.rieuce of Mrs. L(mi.~;e Eivart will nol. Im I'(!KKy and Naucy off ;l( sch~)ol early, l~nui:~(~ \vns driving /)n the IL()(:ky I~qy r()li, d /)TI the way Ill T/I.('ollla 10 \,i,'dI wiIh hel" lilr)thel') Mrs. VV. J. ViKus, with :~on l~.oK(!r and their pot dog a]()ng' v~,hen t~ll(l- denly about 120 feet of Lhe high- ~vliy begsI~l IO er&e!( and Cl'Uyllbl0, Stepping" on the gas, Louise drove forward Io ese;ipe .~didinK into tim bay. Ahea.d an exeited woman \vaved hit (t()~'ll ill tinle for her to avoid el'ashinK dowll over ;I tlu'(,e-fo()t (h'op in the roa'.l. Not al)le It) tllrn back she re~ts- (lle(l ilia| tile t)(2st, w'ly was to go on. Carefully edgillg her way ,)ver lhe (lrop alld }l(.!illK assi:~ted by byslanders who moved a fallen tree from her pathway, she was able to resume her trip with an hotlr's dela.y at the Taeonm Nar- rows I3)'i(i and l(lllh l:~a;te:~oll and Art Nick- Iglll:4 :i:;,;iMcd. A rl. by tal,:ing OVCl" iUIl'l ()J" (lie }ll]llOIll]('ill,~. At lh(~ m(,eiin~ at the school M()!l(l;ly afl,!l" school ()Ill' 4-H'ers (lis(:tlssed the eoPnilu.> I~Mly l)ny and also the po:;:db]lil.y ()f a swim- illin.14 l)arty, It was dceided to hold lhe swimminK party this Friday evenir~K at the Pool NuoLare in ShcAton. A sizeable alld interested alld- ((}nee was delighted Sunday after- noon when they atLended Lhe piano recila l Dl'Cs(qlled by Mrs. l)on Cudiff and her pupils at Lhe BeN fair Community church. 'l'akinK part in the recital were Art alld Kim Nicklaus, Susan and Janie Kay l:'ogreba, Mareella Westberb, Alice and David Hicks and Jody EnKen. Following" the musical presenta- Lions, pune.h and cookies were served, giving everyone a chance to congratulate the apL pupils and to visit awhile. ~;lo)11 I|l(' s;,I]/(" (!V(')liII~ |'o1" it SllJt- fL])]~" ('ch'bral i()II ilIl([ sol(lie [ilne- ly enlo;! NexL day, April 28. was Kristi Some]'s' bi,'lhday and this lively litLle ,ni,'~s shaved cake lind ice cFeILnl lhat evenillK wilh fanlily and fri~,nds. Kristi ix now Sevell years old. Brother |)Oil \vas not long foll(Iwing suit, becoming 14 years ,lid May 1. l)on celebrated by attending the lnvit&tional traek meet Saiur(Iny night and by having t)is hirthd;ty dinner and cake SIIllday afIet'nooll. Elaine Zehe spent a busy and woudt!Fful afi.crnoon t,'riday when she and three other Shclion High School classmates atiel~ded a Ca- reer Conference at the U. of W. with P.E. lind VoclttionS Illstrile- !tot Mrs. Ruth Will~Lrd. Among oiher things Elaine obselwed wh~le |here Wel'e gynH~astics delllonstra- lions, lllodern (lance, syllerollized swimming and a tl)ur of the cam- pus. On the way home afLer din- ner, the group stopped aL P.L.U. to get a glimpse of their May FeS- Lovell and Dr,, for Ill(" $3,000 SE ENEN ,.:.,,,, A,,, .. ...... (.,],th,~(,~ TO ~)I'(L%(~lt~t ]{OIII}tHI ~]()lv(}r ship. The winner f cs(aval May 14; Spring Concert Is To lie May ll Ellon ()Isen, son of Mr. and Mrs. By (~indy lVillar(l l:oth alKebv:i and geometry could The Girls' l#~z'linK OIsen)is home on leave un- May 14, frl)m 7:30 Io 9 p.m., apply for lhe openings for En- of SHS helped to Ill May 8 after having finished (he S[IS Club and the arlKine(q'illg" Technician training of- lalional Track Boot Camp aL Sa.u I)iego. He willclasses will eombine their (ffforts lered by ihe St:Lie liighway I)e- be sent to Kingsvilh~, Tex., forto pres(mt a night of entertain-i)artnmnt to those boy.~ not phtn- May 3 more enJ' "on-the-job training" for struc- men( at Lira Reed building social: ning to attend eollege. If selected who attended bY tu)'al aviaLion whm: he completes ball. the boys w,)uld receive $25,l l)er chili, candy his leave. Those wh(, attend will enjoy an month, plus books, luition, "tild a.t Lheir • bets of the ............ evening of feslivi|.ie:~ simulating room and board at the lhfiversity Seaman I,h)y(I E. l)roul.y, USN, the eelebration of the Flower Fes- ()f WashingLo,~ ,)r \Vashington were participa son of Mr. and Mrs. IL A. Prouty, tivM of ancient Ilome. The enter- S|ale University for eight weeksopened fronZ ShelLon, is parLieipating iu (dr Lainment will be enjovable Io all this summer, the afternoon • \V~LS run afLer sLrike operations against Corn-age groups and tastes; wresLlinK * * :;: munist Vie( Cong and North Vie(- and wil(l animals, ~t pill)pet show, Apl'il 27 interviews were b('Km~ning. Profits name;,' military targets while ser- flower booths, porLrait l)ainLh]gs, for lhe I~.eed Seholavship whichtween the two x, ing with Heavy AtMtek Squad-zodiac wheel, penny throwing an(| ix offered by the Mart( E. Reed finance tlleir ron Two aboard the attaek ;tir-other games, and a sublime proph- Scholarship Foundation. "SearleL S" crafl c.nrrier ITSS Coral Se,t, ,)per- e|ess. A buffet ,>f finger-goods of q'h(, foundati()n was established of their a.ting in the Soulh China Sea off the Coast of Vie( Nam a Y~oman wtriety will be offere(i. I)3' the ~impson Timber Company posed trip Studenis, parentS, faculty mere- March 2(;. 1947. Its pu)'pos(~ ix to month. ........... hers, school personnel arid friends promote hiKher education by I)ro- of Lhe school are invited. There riding scholarships for deserving r- ~. ., ix no admission ch'trge, buL do- students. '~ { ha(ions to help defray the ex- The inierviewinK board consist- pelme pf the food will bc much ing of R. D. Hollm~d, Rod Olsen, {'apprectat.0~t. i;~. . ,r alld Dr. Harry Tokas hegan their