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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 29, 1965
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PACE ILIELTONLLMA 0N-C0UNTY ff0URNAL --. Published in 'Chnstraa vtow L helton; Washington ............. ...... . .................. . ...... .,. (li er Show Their Pewee In Re "tati ~:'1RST ACRL~$ 3---Tom Lowe hls left leg tightly taped to sup- port a pulled muscle sheath, flashed across the finish line the victor in the 100-yard dash in SatOrday l~ight's Invitational fi- nals. Teammate Don Clary, whose elbow shows up in the right foreground, was next to the camera as he finished sec- ond to Lowe. UP TO A RECORD -- Mike Johnson is shown making his successful cross over the pole vault bar at 14 feet 3 inches for a new Shelton Invitational Track Meet record Saturday night• He has just completed his push away from his fiberglass vault- ing pole and is making his twist away from the crossbar• Mike has a Shelton school re~ord of 14' 5", BROAD JUMPERS W$C track coach Jack Mooberry IS passing out the ribbons to the broad jump victors in this scene at Saturday night's Shelton In- vitational track meet. Waiting for his blue ribbon after setting a new meet and School record at 21 feet 9~2 inches Is Shelton's Mike Johnson at the fa~" right while at the far left is High- climber Jerry Westlund, who was fifth in the event. Between them are (from left) Sumner'e Zackula, F o r t Vancouver's Goode, and R. A, Long's Crum. rlne. If any dotlbt existed that Shel~ meet record. He has el4' 5" school ton has one of the state:s power- mark .... ' house prep track aggregations it After clearing 14' 3" Saturday was indelibly erased Saturday night by a comfortable margin he night on Loop Field when the made three attempts at 14' 9" Highclimbers won their own Invi- without success. His record broad rational meet by the widest margin jump was made on his first an~ with the highest point total from only leap of the evening the strongest field in the five year Three other recordswere broW- history of the event. The Climbers simply and literal- ly ran away from their guests to pile un an incredible 75 points. War behind came Puyallup with 39, R.A. Long at 36, West Bremer- ton and Sumner at 30 each, ML. Tahoma at 29, Port Angeles 25, South Kitsap 24 1/3. Aberdeen, winner of the Invit- ational aH four p~evious years, came in with only eight points. Other scores: Olympia 19 1/3. ~ort Ya]Yeouver 19..North Thurs- ton, Raymond, and Hoquiam 16 'inch, ~ark Morris 15. Cm'tis and Contrails ]2 each, Kelso 10, Ever- green (Vaneouveri 8 1/3, Lopez V~la, ncl 6, Aulmvn 5. Tumwatel: 4, Peninsula, Elnaa. East Bremerton -nd Central Kitsnp 2 each, La- Center, and Ortin~ 1 each. RidF.e- field. Bellarmine. 3ovce and Castle Rock 0 each. OUTSTAN!OING inividual Per- Co, met-of the meet has to be Shel- +on's versatile junior, Mike John- son, who won two events with rec- urd performances. His 21 foot 9V~ inch broad jump was both a new meet and school record while his 14 foot 3 inch pole vault was a new MEET RECORDS NOW After Saturday's competition. ~eet records for thc Shelton In- ,iLational now look like this: 1 100- -La nghans, Aberdeen, 10 ,let, 1963. h ' 220--Lung ans, Aberdeen, 22 flat, 1963. 440---Van Dyk, Hudson's Bay, ~1.2, 1963. 880---Boora, Aberdeen, 1:57.5, ' 964. Mile -- Watte, Port Angeles, 4:29.3, 1965. 2-Mile--Winkle, Puyallup, 10:- 01.5, 1965. Low Hurdles---O'Dell, Mt. Si, 20.7, 1963. High hurdles--Pasckvale, Aber- ::leon, 15 flat, 1961. en the mtle by Waite of Port Angeles at 4:29.3, the high jump by Noyes of Contrails at 6 feet 5/8 inch, and the shot put by Ve~t of Pnyallu~ 'at a •hefty 56 feet 11½ inches. THERE WERE THREE near records---the 440 by 1West Breme~'- t on's Tropple at 51.3 (record is 51.2), the high hurdles by Ray- mond's Mee at 15.3 (record is 15.0~, and the low hurdles by North Thm'ston's Berg at 21.0 (record is 20.7). LooT.) Field's rain-softened track was not conducive to records in the rmmtn~, ewmts, oz]ly one of five new marks coming outside field events. Beside,~ Johnson's two blue rib- bons. Tom aowe was Shelton'~ ,~tller winner. Lowe breezed to via- ~orv in the 100 in a fine 10.3 con- ~.iderin~ track condition. He for- sook the 440. in which he we.,~ cmalificd, hut ran the anchor leg" on Shelton's third place 880 relay ~:eanl. GREAT AS WAS the 20 'poinf contribution of Johnson, hardly 'ess brilliant was the outst~ndin~ nerformmlce of seninor Don CI,xvW The swift Sl)rin.tcr came through with two highly important sec- ond places in the 100 and 220 and ~,ave his 880 relay team a.second leg lead for a total contribution of 17V.2 ooinis. (First place rated ~0 points, second 8. third 6, four- th 4, fifth 2 and sixth 1). Clary got into the 100 by the hack door, so to speak. He wa~ tied for seventh place after the qualifying heats in tim afternoon (places were detetrmined' hy tlmesl and won one fli~0ped coin for the last spot in the fitml.~, He ,was, t2xe, No• 4 qualifier in the 220, then came through in the clutch with his two upset seconds when the chips were down. All-in-all, the s~ior speedster had himself a very big night whe~ it co, rated big. Broad Jump--.Mike Johnson, ANOTHER GREAT contributinr Shelton, 21' 9½", 1965. to the Highclimber cause came High jump--Noyes, Centralia, from =enior Je.rry WeStlund, who 6' 5/8 ', 1965. , placed in three e~ents for a total Pole Vault--Mike Johnson, of 14 points. He took second in the ~helton, 14 3", 1965. high jump at 6 feet even (tying i DiscusT~,-Suktwaty, R. A. Long, his own scho01 'record) behind i 163' 10~ 19 /5 , 63. ,,Noyes' record jump, fourth in the Shot---Vest, Puyallup, 56' 11~£ , broad jump behind Johnson's rec- 1965 ' ord leap,, and fifth in the pole Mile' relay-:-Lake Washington, 3:- vault again belMnd Johnson's rec- 1963. ord soar ~ an 3].2, • ~ • d Clary were the 880 relay:-Aberdeen, 1:33.5, only Climbers competing tn three 963. events. , REWARDED---Don C;ary p!ay- ed a key .role in Shelton's tre- mendous showing in Saturday's fifth annual Invitational track n~i~t With hl~ t~b sebb~d IH~Ces. Here he is receiving his red rib- bon for his placing in the 220- yard dash behind George Op~ahl of Longvlew,s Mark Morris hl h. POLE VAULTERS---University of Washington track coach Stan Heiserman is shown here shak- ing the hand of Shelton's Mike Johnson after handing him the blue ribbon for winn ng the pole vault at a new meet record of 14'3" Saturday in Shelton's fifth annual Invitational track meet. Heiserman had previously hand. ea fifth and fourth place rib- bons to H ig hclimbe, rs Jerry Weatlund and Bob Miller, thirO place to Lee Arthaud of Ho- quiam and second place to Lar- ry LeBrec Of Aberdeen. Arthaud and LeBrec tied for second and flipped for the second place ribbon. I Johnson, Clary and Westlund among them scored enough points to ~rin the meet for Shelton, a total of 51½. Other Shelton points came on Bob 3~nson's fifth in the 880, Duahe Wtlson's tie for third in the high jump, and Bob Miller's fourth in the pole vault. Two former Sheltonians com- peted for visiting schools Sate]r- day. Mike Buzzard took third in the 100 for Lopez Island while Larry Dittman, due to a muscle strain suffered Friday, ~failed to qualify for Aberdeen in the (lashes, where he has had clockings of 9.9 in the 100 and 50.8 in the 440. An estimated 1,500 spectators thrilled to the performances o~ 250 prep athletes in what has be- come one of the state's outstand- ink track spectacles. The grand- stand was packed and soy.oral hundred additional watchers stood along the sidelines to the west of the stands, probably equalling Or perhaps even exceeding an average footbsll game crowd in Shelton. THE PI.ACINGS in each event were: 2-mile Winkle, Puyallup; Ring, Mr. Tahoma; Hayes, Curtis; Lyn- ch, N. Thurston; Hanberg, West Brem.; Avery, LaCenter. 10:01.5 HawkinS, (meet record since it is first time event ha~ been included). 120-yard High Hurdles--Moo, Raymond; Taylor, Mt. Tahoma, Holtine/ South Kitsap; Phillips, Aubutm; Hamel, Peninsula; Ma- lone. Mark Morris. 15.3 (record Tahoma, tie 15.0) tis; Discus--Windel], Fort Vancou- gre ver; Kuter, Evergreen; Harper, for R.A. Long; Monroe, Tumwater; 180 Rowswell, N, Thuvston; Hansen. Thurston; Mark }]Ior~s 1'47' 6': (record 163' 1 I " 0 ~ --- note: ~esL Puyallup, scratched or th~w out-of-bounds ris. 21.0 { on all three of his throws, each ,220--C exceeding 165'). ClarY, S] Lundberg, 100--Tom Lowe, Shelton; Don cos, Elm~ Clary, Simlton; Mike Buzzard, Lo- (record pez Island; Nail, South Kitsap; j Opsahl, Mark Morris; Muir, Mr. Tahoma 10.3 [record 10.0). Shot---Vest, Puyallup; Stahl, nor, Jerry Puyallup; Ebbert, South Kitsap; Reagan, McGuire, Hoquiam, and Windell,(meet Fort Vancouver. tied; Randall.ord Olympia, 56' llV2" (meet records" 880----Newman, Kelso; Sa~ldison, Port Angeles; Brewer, \¥est Brem- erton; Hagedon] Puyallup; Bob Etzel. Johnson, Shelton; Rasmussen. R. ord). A. Long. 1:59.8 [record 1:57.5). 440--Tropple. West Bremerton; Y SETS NEW hind, 14' 3" Stu Looney's new school record in the .440 sad repeated his feel in the tw0-mile highlighted Shel- on the 'a:~('!mr lap ()f the 880 re- ion's 35th consecutive dual meetlay Lov,,,~ he~t Hawkins in the track success last Thursday at ~outh Kitsap. The 79-57 count was mo~ one- ~ided than the margin indicates as 'he Climbers for. the most part .yore looking ahead to Saturday's big Invitational and wherever pos- ible performed undo= - ~', , =r wraps. Looney toured the e ight laps ~n :10:33.2 to set the new school mark. The 2-mile has been an ev- ent on the prep'track calendar for only two years. Shelton swept the three jumping ~vents with Je~ry W • " esthmd shar- centnry, h(,wever. Torn'm.,,)w the Climbers go after their 36th in ~ row against Central Kitsap at Silverdale. This is the final dual meet of Lhe year. TIlE EVENT RESIILTS: .... 2-mile-..Stn Looney S, Dave Mil'- tenlmrger S, Harpe~" SK. 10:33.2 (new school record). .High Hurdles--Holtine SK, Mtke Brlckert S, Kales SK. 15.7. 100--Tom Lowe S, Hawkins SK, Don Clary S. 10.4. ton 50. 880--:Bob Jolms~n S, Smith SK, 38Central Jeff Haskins S. 2:01.0. 440---Hawkins SK, Moore SK. 50 5 Low Hurdles--Perry Ruse S, Brlekert S, Holtine SK. 21.7. Broad jump--Mike Johnson S, M alrty Ro.~,e S, Jerry Weslund S. 20-11 .... MILLER JOINED Johnson in Shot put--Elbert SK, Bill Bat- the double.wimler circle with '~ stone S; Brown SK. 52' 9t~''. blue ribbon in line discus at 141,0,7 .. Po,e vault---Mike J.ohnson S and Shelt0n ~on nine events, the Bob Miller S, tied, Westlund S. 12' ~thers being, th?8 mi~ (~t¢ld Pi, ep. O", . . oe~nau in ~ :41:. )., __}e 100 (Tom[ 220--Nail SK, D~= Clary R, Lowe in 10.4), me 880 (Bob John- ]Te~y I~Ris~mnlere.~. 23.1. 0) ano toe l~W . t son in 2:01., . ^_!e. hut ]. H gh jump-=We~flund S, Dimne I ' lgose in zl y) dles (Per'3 o •'. • I Wllson S and Chief Clayton S, tie South Kitsap w n. the 880 re-]for 2nd. 51 10". lay in the scn~mtt~g time of] Mile run--~ReidPreppernau 8. • 1 ' _.... in J Javelin--Bryant SK, Barring t kin first and thiro m the hi~hlSK ~.~1~= _~z ~no ~,, a g -40 an ............ ~-~,-.,.,.,,.,,o , . htudlea and the 4, a first in l Discus--MIBer S, Ebbert SK. the 220: . . I Re~ny Ma~on S. 141' 0". S~uth's HaWkinS !'an a blister. ~ Mile relay--South Kitsap, 3:35.0. ing ~0.5 to cleanlY uounce. Lowe] 880 Relay--South Kitsap 1:33.2. st ~0~. [ Eat(il i: EJECTiNG--Like a fighter-pi. lot ejecting f~om I~is cockp!t, Jerry Westlund shot ttp.°ver.,toe high jump bar at six tees ~at- urday night to earn an tin.P0,_r- tans second place for the ~=O~.- clitTI ) r Inyl[at Oil It Track and F'ield Meet on .L;~ West,und of 14 points in three omtte e.t events to' be one of the mare cogs In Shelt,on's 've team victory In the big e •