April 29, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1973 |
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Page Six
' Summon-man COUNTY 9009.17.41: Thursday, 142111129
680.08 '
, . I . 2,80 Int. Land Contracts ...... ........(CurrentExp.)..-. .
..................................................................... ..
' t. & a reements '''''' “(Current
. Declaration of. candidacy ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
“salt on cant" tax ....... "(Current EXPIL” 2532
R Den" Tom Mama”- “cense” “2'00 fee 121200 Reimble State
Auditor ........ ..(County.Rd.).... 88,069.47
Treasurer‘s casn balance January 1’ 1942 """
“$175341” A“; liwgsfitfie """ "'
""" " ’ 3650 Gas rebate, state auditor ..........
“(gounty Rd.;.... Lgéggg
RECE'PTS 3”“ ’3” e 1 “es " l ' ‘nce tax
......................... .. (A vance'rax .... .
' From taxation ............................................... ..
229,971.91 Sale of Maps
.................................................... .. 42.50 ggzamnmcts
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII “(Tax Contr.Fund)w 62”.”
Officers of M080" County M- ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .. 593,220.48 , . -
lscellaneous sources ..... .. .......... u $ 4,868.15
1942 Transfers ................ ............... .... .. 3.326.612.04
326.6120! ,Totaileai‘f‘mg“
"55389 00
NERS Atltomob e icense . . . . . . . . .. . - M 4159734
First District .......... ............... .. Vincent .E..Pau1 Total
receipts and cash balance". ..... 51325155136 fiugmglgfl: g2: fees
Interest on Delinquent Taxes (Current Exp ). h .
S cond District . ........................... .. H. R. Dickinson DISBURSE
EN 0 m ................... 4,813.47 . . _ _ ' _ _ _ "(Current
Exp')"__ 1175 w ,,
Tilird District .......................................... .. Robert
Trenckmann, Chairman Warrants Issued
........................................... git? stradcéeaielsdggedi
............... 1,000.00 18:11:; 30:23?“ .... "(Current Exp)...“
600 7r s
COUNTY OFFICIALS D u Remittances to state ................ .. .. 40,517.89
I ‘ Dance permits ..................... __(CurrentExp').'I_ 5m ,
Auditor ‘
" Harry £3301: Remltmnces to Clues and- towns 5,189.46 CLERK'S
OFF'CE (Current Expense) 00 Sale‘timber state for. res. ....(Current
Exp.).... 1,033.18
Assess" walzlr‘enI-Ieuston 3% rebate °n taxes
" '622257 Civil earnings
........................................................ ..$ 1,002.25 .
Depost on marriage license....(Cui-rent Exp.).... 4.00
Attorney --------------------- ‘: 3' anEl'fi, , Roles
“van.” ‘3“? i i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
" 3045 55 Civil miscellaneous .. 5 .0 Skill ball licenses
.................. ..(Current Exp.).... 3,000.00
Clerk ....... .. . Clare Engelsen, Acting, 5 Fe Martin Non-high remittances
. 5:516:97 Notarlal certificates 96.03 Punch board lie. stamps
"..(Cumnt Exp_)m_ 30,00
sheriff ----------------------------------------------------- ‘- Euge’?
E‘ Mam“ Tax contracts ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ’
' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' " 261.49 Marriage
recordin ...... .. lzg‘oo Easements R. of. W. Bonne....(Current Expl...
Supt. of Schools ........... "finger-L Dion School Dists. Genera:i .
. . . . - - -- I 29325 Transcripts on. a peal 511-00 Sec, of state filing
fees ...... ..(Cun'ent Exp.).... 1 .4
.. warrant, interest pal 16 10000 Probate tees earned ..... u _ Dept. of
agriculture .............. “(Current EXPJW 5_ 8
APPOINTWE OFFICERS Cl‘nt Okerstrom gong: ’fdee’tned f1 . ' '
' ' ' I ' H 24.16856 Prom” miscellaneous " 2% Tax
P.U.D.’s 1 3 ........ ..(Current EXP.).... 540.50 .v
............................................................... .. l on in
eres pal .. , - m f
959:..;--::::::::::: ' ~ L- m ------------- -------------------------
"92349-2; 3232929212953 .............................................
.. . o , i. ,
Health Officer .................. .. Dr- s- P- Le a Warrants outstanding
Jan. 1, 1942 4 , 68-22 40 089.04 -. I s 2 136 00 1? 3s , h (
Welfare Administrator ----------------- Less cancelled 51"“
" . , Total earnings ................................................
.. 122 32 s '122'32 Reforestation Yield Tax ...... ..(Current
Exp.).... 1 .59 i . issued. Ma
Nurse ................................................................
Florence . , . . v . t3 , $1 040,435.60 Overbids at Tax Salem... (Tax
Forecl. Trust)....$ . Reforestation meld Tax ,,_,(G¢n1.0bl. Bond).... .92
,2 imle $28
SUPER'OR °°URT Grand mm under d‘Sbumme"
""""" ’ Reforestation Yield Tax .... ..(County
School).... 1., the“
Judge """""""" "
" D' F' wr‘lght ' i 328518626 TREASURE-"'5
°"'°E (current Expense 500 s 500 Reforestation Yield Tax
....(Soldler’s Relief).... .08 .‘ci'iition PM.a
........................................................................ ..
John M. Wllson Auditor’s balance Dec. 31, 1942 , . Certificates with
seal . . “on Yield Tax "mlNoh High-Atmw ,, 3.22 ,da 1 no"
Judge ...... .. . . 24 340 20 . 95 5o Reforesta , outst d
STATE SENA OR (24th D'St.) P rt Angeles warrants outsmndmg Dec. 31’
1942 .............. i. " I cats; Foredosure ............ "Egax
$3133. 2100 Reforestation Yield Tax (P.U.D.NO.3§en11.;.... loaned all}:
1 Bl ck ------------------------------------------------------------------
" Deeds ‘ -------------------------- -' ax ' '
tat'on Yield Tax....(RoadDist. o. .. . on, r, i 7
Dona d a STATE REPRESENTATIVES r Shelton Treasurer’s cash balance
December 31, 1942---- . . 53°95’06"“ Distraints ........ ..
.................. ..(Tax Forecl.Fd.).... 1.20 Egg“ gen “dd Tax
“..(Road gist "2-3: ,,al 1:811:75
Charles R. Sava e
.. p “cremation Yield Tax ....(Ro‘a.d s o. ,. ,.30 7.,
u. s. no.4 ....... . . . . - - . For,“ RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES . . . 6
117 70 n, , V .___1__ . “mos. ‘
Francis Pearson
...................................................................... ..
Port Ange es RESOURCES SHERIFF'S 'OFFICE (Current Expense) 164 85 s
f:jsfiued De.
LAss I Fees .......’ ..............................................
..'. e V W. , l. t. ‘, '
COUNgggufiingV-fi Cash— 9mm" 3" 194 . Mileage ~- 26533
Refund-adv. Exp. .............. ..(Poblic_Assist.).... 733.52 493.2323
1910m" __________ __ 5,156 , . ‘ r Total Deeds
........................................................................ ..
_ Réfundflstate audimr ......... ..(mbllgo‘ksfii‘stguu 1,73%? .‘ ,
“6'. to Wk
.- 4.919 .............................. .. 13,1 , ' 2 v 4 ~ t
aud'tor .... .. at r p. ', .
3333.: ..10,012 gggfggfggfgggfffflfl; """ " ..s ;
340.9: _ Total earnings ........................................... .. 0
429-45 53;, ‘ "Agoaggygt go, 53,33 ._ iglégecfir‘
1940 ...................... .. ..11,601 Indigent Soldiersn Fund '.
346.1 =‘ ‘ Sale 'of gravel ............... ..( 08 l 0- .-
- . . . v I < USTICE OF THE PEACE—JESS .. _ 24.70 V P e 833.
Number 0‘ Aer,“ assessed” 1942
County Insnmte Fund , 6‘2 ' justice Court—Current Expense
...................... ..5 816.95 2%. difx IEU-D- £3683 "E323 S3.
51313 ‘ i, wctober 1(
T3333lirvéimtgncfiifiiiiiilfiéo"533(53995525599555“i “‘3 W
83333 fiiigof‘x’fiidpisigazitTrina“ 2:737:75 -
Juaucecouo*‘5{‘°€“"§ i’.‘ i" B "" "
$342423? 4 ....::::::::(no.,i Dist. No. 2,-.. nang «2 $32293;
_ ------- . . ., i . _. oo ........ .. i . """ ' - . 4
Monday of each month and adjourn to Monday of each week thereafter. county
Bondi gedemptéon 8: {’13- Fund €332_§;t: Ggme __________ u gringo:
gigiUD. s ....... "($32; 21g:- ‘giigo , -‘ issued, Fe,
. County Boa epalr uaran y ............... .4 ' ‘ *‘ ' t Ft h
fies ‘‘‘‘‘‘ u ‘l . ................. .. H .. .. V -I _ Sane
_ - -61 32 .JusflceCourt—Sme S e , . . .' .. ..... ..
Roalest.No.3).... 32.79 ., 1
STATEMENT OF TAX LEVIED 0N 0mm" R°1ad mats 1 3 ‘ ' ' '
' . . . . . . . . . .. 72:01 :Justice,Oou:t——.St3-Le Hwy Safety
"""" " A 3323:: 34? ES??- 1113333 ...........
..(.L...(Sh’eiton Gen.).... 292.17, £53m pay:
1942 TAX ROLLS -' T t I Tax “rec 95"”
* “ , Justice Court—State Parks 4 Pkwys. ............ .. . Suzie of
Timbérfi . - ' 3:8.“ " :amo‘fi‘fltngf;
‘ Dem o a ................ .- 84323-90 ‘ ‘ ' *' ‘ ‘
" st .................... ..(Gen..Obl.Bond).... , -. ,2.
Val“ °f “wage assessed
"$2’097'377'00 5203025033 Délirfilfeagltcmgg
ffii‘niyggaalaii" ‘ I f; . .. irotolxuies ........... ..-
....................... ........ .. 6 4,901.20 gfii‘ifirfit (Co.
Sch. Eund).... 1.14.40 :' gggfiesg
Value of improvements ......... .. 226126200 'Real and Personal
............................................ ..$ 16,021.18 8 16,021.18 ,
SUPERINTENDENTvs OFFICE 9 right? Edy-est H ______ _,(soldieri§ellgfg....
p rate 5%;
“we °f 9‘" and “w” 1°“ 832'355‘00 331’70500
Revolving funds ............ .. 3.00.00 v ' sole. or registers and
records ...... ..(institute)....$ 33.00 g state Eorest .. ..(Non High en 1
183-03 _...20 years
value of ImPNangigg-Z ----- " 1760'186'00 1 759711.00
Automobiles (official) . - i - -- Refunds ...................
..(Current Exp.).... 149.43 ‘ gore: ~- 27433 to Grayba,
aue 0 person --------------------- “ ’ ' ' ’ Road machinery
and tools .................................. .. , , ., , w ‘ _‘ .y , ,
V 7 _ - a ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V . 7 5.29 ,. , 11,4000
Asses“ by state Tax commissmne ‘ ‘ b t '9 ml" ----- "
2550090 ‘ ‘ ........... ............................ .. $ 132-43 Sa
4: County Prop. ....(Gen.0bl.Bond).v-- 4 - V V
van” °f steam and electric mum“. """ 12833533
Miscellaneous “a! mm s“ M ' I r TM.”-
""""" "7 """" " ‘
, ,' Sale County Prop. .... ..(Co.Sch.Fund).... 1.245%? ~
Value of telegraph and tele. companies... 26191500 ,. ‘ p . r- $
39,466.45 §~cH¢oL3g v'ruition' from outside'pupllsi Clt)’
00 Sale County Prop. .......... ...(Soldiers 801100.... 1841, 17.8 h
anuéry’ .
Value of elec- light and DOV?” c°mpames 10'626'00 Fixed
Assets— . ‘ I . . -» pf “Tacoma, .................... ..(Sch.Dlsts.
Genl.)....$ 2,500.O sale county Prop. ..(Non High Attend-L..- 1.9 53:95
.‘ sold, Bra
Value °f stem‘mt °°mpames
""""""""" "
4'661'00 Court House. jail and grounds .....................
417809000 , Rents-of ‘property .. ....(Sch.Dists.Genl.y).... 300. .0
sale: County_'Prop. .. ........ ..(P-UP-3‘Gw-lm '2” ~67 1942,
Value of MOW Vehic‘e Tm“5f- C°5 """" " ’
‘_ fixtures . . . . . . . . . . .. 23,000.00 . 3,150“: ,5 ct
....(Sch.Dlsts.Genl.).... 20.00 sale County Prop. .....(RoadD1st.
No.1).... v, M
S gingigcrgfigdlgundmg ' 19,500.00 Sale-z of 113mg“; ; ____ _.
....(Sch.Dists.Genl.).... 9,445.01 sale County prop,
._,,,(Roadlest.No.‘2)...- 245.36 434,033,631
Total “‘1‘”- 0‘ taxable pmperty """""
4559131400 55’814’330'00 p244 .......... .f ....... ..‘. ......
.... ..; .................. .......... I . , salo' of‘sohool bus
.......... ..(schgists. sue County Prop. "Minoaégxigt-gog 2:43:15?)
‘ Januar’
' Salebf sundry supplies .... ..(Sch. .5 3. en. fl ~ Safe County
Prop. . . . . . . . . . .. e :11 Yo ., 0,801
TAX LEVIED ON 1942 TAX ROLLS Total fixed assets
................................ --~ 3226100000 tines ..................
..(Sch. Dists.Genl.)...- 1.50 Sale county Prop. .....(Shelton Gen).-.
--59.73 Outgitafig
Levy Valuation Tax _ ' A I nit-lion Tuition .... ..............
..(Scn.Dists.Genl.).... 2.640-00 Sale‘of current . . . . . . . . .
..(P.U.D.No-1).--- 25,75,939 ' Issued Ja
State—General " 3'33: 55'814'330 22:23 TOTAL ........
................... ..L... ............ .. p. I. 3366,4353 maimn‘gfimon
Fund 113:5. 2:03.33 gape, gags,“ gig: game 390
School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .. . , . rederal ................ . . V . , _' Vonnec lo .. u -.
- - ‘ 'y “ ayabl J,
Higher educatiom. . I _ LIABILIT'ES v g, T ta. Advance
'E'xpen'ditlire ...... ..(Sch.Dists.Genl.).... -.50
Miscenaneous ..... _, _,(P,U.D.No.1).... 217.70 whom Seem
University ................................................ -- 1-154
“09-80 , . . 999‘" . .° . us. ‘Dept'xof‘Agri- ........
--(Sch-Dlst3-G°¥“1-)--~ 15-30 Sale County Prop. ..............
......(P.U.D.No.1) “u 31 194
College ............................................ ....... .. 0.681
3.35132 warrants Outstanding—5 . 5. 37 Hemnd__.rr_ampomfion
"(84:11. Diets. Genl.).... 3,03%.33 mph 01, .Agfl in lieu taxes
(P.U‘qgmyw E”? “Emma, Ma
Western Wash. College of Education-~- 0198 1'035-92 Public Assistance .
....................................... ......... 4,675.08
nermdwverp'ayment .... .. (Sch. Dists. Genl.)---- 13-00 sale County
Prop. (P.U.D.1Ge_l}.1 Ob . Eon, ).... 99,491.50 _ “e 5385”
Eastern waSh- 001168"a 0‘ Educatpnw 0'173 1’ 6'77 Current
Expense Fund ' 5'97‘6'33 Rerundr‘vG‘asoune ------------
--(.Sch-D§stS-Genl-)~~- 0'81 Sale of Current .................. ..(P.
.D.3 lec.) {839-30 .,?i31terest pal
Central Wash. College of Education... 0.125 13 $332 County Road Fund
.............................................. .. .
Refuhdglns'umnc‘e' .......... ..(Sch.Dlsts.Genl.).... 2:76.19
$3,194): mdse., ....... .. ...(P.U.D.g%lec.;.... 33.8.27,7 omen, yes
Total higher education ------------------------------ « 2-331 _
'325'61 ,- ._ 5 17 51433 Reforestation'Yield Tax ....(Sch.
Dists. Genl.).... 63.00 Miscellaneous ....... .. 1713.113. 3 Egg)-.. 1
341.67 of bonds
Veteran’s Compensation .. 0.056 15 059-22 Total warrant indebetedness
.................... ,. . £000.00 wfiteriRent-............. .....
........(Sch.D}stS-Gen1-)---- 613-00 wheeling charges . .--(P.-U-. ~3El
Total statte tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.590 ,5 5-00 County
bond Indebtedness
"""""""""" "
334039075 state: Auditor, Spec. aid ....iscn.Dists.Genl.).... 6. ~7 .67
new, conduits _______ ._ ,_.(P.U.D. 1cc. 547,00 AUD
County—Current expense 5,814,330 53,227.95 Net resources
.......................................................... .. , “emitted;
. Grays. Harbor gist; gongw 3:9ng R_E_A,tDep081t Fund 010.00
S h l ....................................... u ' ' . 2'
4P.U.D.,Tax..... .............. .. c . s . en. . - . Deposi s I
..................... ........... .. .. . i 1»
Sgldoigrs' relief ............................... ..l. ........ ..
3.323 4328-3; TOTAL ........................................... ..
......... .. V ' 8360,9153 82:91,, ‘of Timber ..................
..(Sch.Dists.Genl.).... 549.07 Dept. Agfi. mum, taxes ,,,,,, "(noadp
st 2).... 2.09 and Jar
' t. a: red., count enera .. . i - . t v I _ h “ed (1‘
B539? county tax .... ------------------- --10-750 $5,814,330 961504-44
TREASURERS’ CASH 0N ml?” 7.49 . soon ........... .;
................................................. _. s 33,614.29 . , . . _.
V 9493 “A.
Cities, Road Districts— Shelton Branch, Seattle First-Nat'l Bank .
$.31 . ' 1', ' , ‘ , V ‘ . F v v , i 1, 9 l ....... ._
City of Shelton ...................................... ..16.300 $2,289,339
537'316'14 Amount of Security .. ....... ... ...................
........ "931490090 (Slal‘euqf‘ CountyProp. ......
..(Sch.Dlsts.Bldg-)-~- 32 ,Grand total misc, receipts
...................... .. 1 $593, to clerk
Road Dist. NO. 1 ' 3-000 1223,33? iiggg'gé Bank balance Dec. 31,
1942 . ...-309,f17(1’:.§g v: $.4Tregsury Nat‘l. Def.
(finnlfgggfvge-gm 131745-86 ~. . , , .4. to clerk,
d Dist. No. 2 3-000 1 i , ' k t tandin ............ .. ..
.statel-Aii itor ...................... .. Ores , , . . ~ a , ._
33:11 Dist. No. 3 . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.000 1,0561775
3’1‘0'35- greegstfrecr‘gsbalanci ........ .. p ............ ..Z
.............. .. 309,607.65 Appt. rec’d. from ,state .... ..(Co. sch.
Equal)... fifiand Deb
Total city and roads -------------------------- ‘— $5’814'33°
54739113 Less taxes collect while rollsawerte W“: bald . 7395115037“:
ftr‘onl; 33m '19843 ~ v : 7 ' i "9“" ‘i' :4
t tax— ’ bank an no 542ng 5. ‘ . , e‘o," 0011 1' . . . ,
.- ' v‘ ,. ,~ ‘
“13303989332444... 1 ...................... .. 4.000 $ 466,784 $ 1,867.05
:E‘gfidvlgigmfffff”, .......................... N; ttttt _; .......
“ 1,633.39 Reform; Yield Tax __________ "(50,, Discs Bond).,,, 10
798.05 STATE REMITTANCES $ 594 75 VI.
Public Utility Dist. No. 3 12.000 5,347,546 -, . i Appt. ~Wash. Liquor
Board ....(Current Exp.).... 1 ._ i . General ..... ..... ...............
.... 674.50 HA‘R
Forest fire Patrol tax ---------------- -- ’689‘95 Totals
................................................................ .. , K33.
, -v t n v. , ~———-—» $275 83353 School (ream e o s - 17.8“ .
by air I
Total Dist. and Fire Patrol .............. .. $5,814,330 $65, ~ Cash in
vault .................. ..'. ................................... ..
1,537.20 1 ..Total.
............................................................. .. ‘ A, i
giggxirfggucgds}; ............ Mfiflfig Z ) Cerufy
SCHOOL D'STR'CTS a... ' no. 4...: Total cash
...................................................... .. '
$309,506.46, Rent welfare Egg. ............... 3.83 “mans. compensation.
33.32 :3,
WW. Valuation and. sue. no. mo. men Levv 7“ Securities held in escrow
agreement bewt’eelg gétttgyggfify prof; (Current Exp:):-- 1112.11.93
grfifiydgfifiwfilfid”? 9—50.33 DeliutyétiLE
2 ------------ -' 70'82° 6 " 4 10 5‘ $3535 Mas” own”
Treasurer’ Namw 1139”? :1 sale of airport .;....~.:_.'_‘..'.}
......... ..(CurrentExP.).... 1,000.00 Fisghe’ries .................
..Cj. 22.950 , u‘
i """" " 30313 g " i :3 702309
gggngnergfigfffififgg“ $32,251," ‘ ghe‘lt’Ln of County,
(Deeded) ‘ ‘ ' tE , ) 20060 Forest fire.'protectiOn‘....
............................... .. 4,095.00 .
5...: .1: 76,288 3 II. . 4 10 733.3: Branch. Sauna-Filo“)t Namna‘
Bank“ a: lmzm' . ‘ ------- “to???” 3‘!" -, . , ; 5
25’ rum;
8/309 ------- -- 78933 8 " 2 1° 7 5 $ 40’000‘00 my °£
Ancm'rage’ 3%7‘” "‘6 ‘ a ‘ 17% due 1943-50 to it air
"r't‘and Farm (Current Exp.).... 200.00 ' r A u y e M Ex
10 """" " 241’198 6 " 1 lg 2';5420
49’338‘33 8*? Oi gemllt‘agg‘ewioy ‘93: $81" (4499’ -'
rigspgis'yéo land ' (Currant EXP-)--~ 119-6” CITY AND TOWN
REMITTA-NCES . . '1‘ ‘ 74.893th
_,,_ .... i I 1 o , -_- I. _. 1;. , , 1‘ a I ..2 H .............. ..
' 3.; I, , V I I , V ls
i2 """" " 11,316: g .. 4 10 1.164-65 53,000.00
Stabte of o. Dakota, '314%.~ dues-15485 fizzle auxinasfiees ----
(CurrePtExP-)-'-- 1‘? T’” 4mm, .............. ,7. Rome???
'16" ""1 77,341 6 .. 4 10 773.40 70,000.00 City of
Tacoma. 31%: due 1949'5“ . x v 35 12.88442 Sham“ General " A
" 31335-130
18“ 49,579 6 4 10 495.76 70,000.00 U. S. Treasury, 214%, due
12-1553/49; .- Shelton B ............................................ ..
........ .. , -
20.: .... .. 118,025 5 4 13 flag-fig 10,000.00 State of Wash.» C. 0.,
4%, due 1949-50., _: . Refundk ‘ , , .
22 --------- -- 2191117 6 4 1 ' ' ' . . Voucher Books
(Current Exp.).... 25.57 ‘ , . . ‘
25 """"" " 129'944 g i
$314’000'00 23:41:35,; ......................... "(Current
figsvggztiagzswnent taxes ''' "s
42"" 86’003 ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' Pll sicians Fees,
Sanity ....(Curren xp. . . ‘ _ ------------
43”“ 66'703 6 4 10 DETAIL 0F ' 'Regairs Memorial Bldg.
....(Current Exp.).... 80.00 Non-high remittanges
45.__. 282,513 6 5 15 4 30 8,889-26 AUDITOR'S OFFICE (Current Expense)
Detaloo ° 3 City of Shelton, Civ. Def. (Current Exp.).... 431-12 Tax
Contract Fun I """" ’261_49
47 . . . . . . . . .. 88,917 .... 4 10 259~51 Recording
................................................................ ..
2,061.90 NIP'R'R‘ vs. Benton C0. m-(current Exp.)m. 10.00 Schml
Dists‘ Genera ____________________________________________ __
52"” 25’951 6 ' 4 :0 144935 Ph°t°stat WP” '33'95
Mileage 8. L. Cc. ................ ..(CurrentExP.).... 17.00
54 --------- -- 144,939 6 ' 4 '0 ’777‘10 Certified copies
'25 'P.U.D.’s 13; 3 .................... ..(CurrentExp.)....
56..... 77,695 6 . . 4 10 69'02 Searching_reoords ‘ 43-
16/57..." 6’90; g i g 2 438‘80 Satisfactions ...........
.5..££f..a....,;g 433;: 3 1,821.63 Total
187160 " ' Acknowledgments an i av1 ...................... .. .
300...- 137.376 6 j: 3; 9333-1; ——————————
302W, g 15 4 10 .597-45 D“. g“, DISBURSEMENTS' n ‘.“,1.
304.... , ' Beneficial-led m - Recap-rs .“h w, we. 4* r tats
306"" g 5 4 The social security act as .mgnd- FU‘NDS I r
unio- llmllnnoous Trot-om: Tom Crediuz Redeemed Interest leoumed Intomt
570111536238 5
307/33?” TI 27993021 8 I: "'3 2 13 36,387.24 edfi’Fciflcwy
“Psiznates “1' ‘3‘?” State General .................. .. 8
6.54 s 232.93 ..figfiabé .................. .. 3206 233.36 I:
............... . . ............................ .. 67.50 206,498.35
“1565,33 . ~ “a
311.... . .272 316 10 5 15 4,084.64 flclarles. If an insured worker
‘12! state School _____ 22378 _ , . 7,006.53 6,950.00
__________________ _, 6,950.
""""" ’ ' Total School Tax..........$
76,095.92 before reachmg the use .0! 55 b“ State University .. 116.82
61889-71 ’ 3 4,114.23 4.11423
Tm“ “mam” """" "55'814’330 s 76 095 92
survivors eligible to: box-lento, 1! State Conege .................. _,
69.25 4,078.38 . . . . . . . . . . .. 4,1476 1,207.09 1,207.09
Total schooltatax
..................................................................... ..
15,059222 otherwise qualified, "c, in “ebb Bellmgham Normal ......
0 20.62 1,3364%: I I I _ I u I 1,042.23 1,042'23
$03} sgafit xtai't' "" " 62,504.44 lowing order:
His widow 65 3"!" Cheney Normal 1%: 12,4337 ' ' '
’760.96 754‘83 139.33
Total distn‘cyt tax ................................................ _.
65,689.95 or age or over or his widow regard~ Ellensburg Normal ....... ..
$4.29 468.69 1. 492.98 439,09, 4 895-09
""" " ~—~———--— less of age if (she has
dependent Veterans’ Compensation .. 102.10 4812-98 4,915.08 4,895.09
Grand total on rolls
....................................................... ..$219,349.53,
children in her care; unmarried de- State For. Fire Protection 23.05 "
, . .... .. 167.50 190.55 229,50
Less local improvements ..................................................
5,236.68 pendent child or children under 18, Sate garnet-{£5 ..... ...
.................. .... ” 259.50 259.50 950.98» " 950-98
—‘—3 or dependent parent. gm" H” 53:35,
"""""" '” 96,34 .. 892.77 989.11
950-94 :__ 950.94
Total general tax on rolls ........................................ .:
........ ..3214,112.8 stat: P PMSTII: 9633 N 13 . 1.115345.“
v ' ........................ .. 13, . .................. .. 9 74 913.99
Forest Reserve .............................. .. _ . , 88,038.25 1.53 ,F
Iona! Outstanding 19.6353: 124.31
MM a“. z". lu‘ TOTAL plig Dec. 31. IN: . . . . . . . u '55 4
u. ....................... ..
“meg Purpose _00 3,000.00 General Ob]. Bond . . . . . . . .. 2,3485 I . .
8,920.96 y l '
March 1, 1934—Mason County ....... ................................. ..
....s 11,000.00 $ £83338 5 $33300 $ 22,000.00 County School
.................. .. 480.01 7,738.90 1357-55 13%;: 22 12.13934 12,139.34
July 1. 1931—School District 309 ........ .. .... 29,000-00
4’300'00 ’ ‘ 4130000 county School Equal. ..................
..................... .. 12,189.84 .. .406-90 ______________________ [6012
Dec' 27' 1935‘"S°h°°1 District N°' 45
""""" " 430003 2776000 ""
"1500100 20,260.00 Soldier’s Relief .2 ............ .. 49.99 302.69
54.22 154 066-75 _____________________________________ __ 91,437.77
M‘mh 1' 1935—P'U'D' No' 143631,? loud) 2203330
2000200 1500.00 500.00 County Road, ..... .. . 383%??? 9333:: 833230: 72519
13668235 1092213
rel). 15, 1935:9113. No. 1 ( n. Con-st-"ygig'ffiéi'fz'im
131500.00 13,500.00 2,100.00 11,400.00 Non Hi h School --------- -- 261:”
'95.," 2633130 .................. " 30,4303, . 5,58 3:151:56
Sept- 1 1936 P.U.D. NO- 1 (SP. 35 000 00 PUD. o. 1 General .... .. . 4 , ,
Jul 1’1938—PUD NO. 3 .............................................. ..
35,000.00 35,000.00 .................. .. boom Rev. Bond
''''' u; 1,146.55 .................................
2,350.00 3,496.55 1,562.50
y ' ’ ' . 34,000.00 34.000-00 1900-00 33’ ' ,, ', i 1
103.12 957.76 19.12 .................. .. 2,035.00
July 1, 1939——P.U.D. No. 3 (1939) . 900000 Gen, 0b), Bond .... ,, , 9
Jan 1 1940—9013. No. 3 ................ .. 9~°°°-°°
9i°°°'°° """""""""
" .385’000'00 n 2% Fund ...,..~ ................
......................................... .. 619.19 619.1
' n’s 1941—PUD No 3
.................................................. ,. 385,000.00 385,000.00
................ .. . ,_ S N0 2 3d 1 13433 251590 3,749.33
Marc ' ‘ ' " ' ~ « ’ ’75 53 .................. ..
..$550,560.00 Run, 9. 3 General . .... -. 13, 5. 2 748 27 4 138 85
' n Renewaé 1,32%,23 ...................................... ..
.961.56 11716'84 '
I ” 0301'! v . . V . , . I .
DETAIL 0F TRANSFERS .. $8 30,“, 5, In Red. 2,315.83 €213.33 gggggg I:
f m Fund Transfer *0 Fund Amwm- :: '39 3°“ & w“ Red'
1’180' .............................. ..f ......... .. 20,588.97
7,889.12 .-
Reason 70" 7'3"“e' Trans‘r" r° Construction
......... .. 20,588.97 39,949.21 127,772.
. chool S hool General ............................................
"$206,498.35 i A 10 322.43 10731432 7,88912 125,626.87 87,823.05 F 16
Apportionments ...................................... .. State S c 8 920
Electric , ,,,,,, ,, .. , 31 189 38 44 034 38 I n 1636100
________________________ _, ,
Apportionments .... .. County School School General 101028110 ”.
Electric Bond ..... .. 12,845.00 ............... ,124-31 2.803-81
--------- u: t t . _ ’ i I -; ................... __ 31.50 36:06
Apportionments ............... .. .. Non-high School School General 5v
Harbor Improvement ____ __ 2,603.00 . 33.30 1229-70
_________________________________________________ __ .
Order 8d. of Co. Corns. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Forest Reserve School
General 8,745.86 Institute ............ .. ............ .. 196.70 ..
6247.37 .................. .. 10 37850 """ " 5,516.97
Order Bd. of Co. Coms. .. ...... .. Forest Reserve County Road ....... .. I
1.56 Taxoonu-act Fund ________ __ 4,129,57 , .366.” ,989.37
""""" " 62257 U 62257
To Correct Error ----------- -- Cummflxpe‘fie Tax 0”“ Fund 124.31
“Wm? Tax: ---------- 622g; 2922 70 1020'“ 4,102.15 . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ..
4,023.75 4,023.75;
To Correct Error Public ASSlst. Harbor. Impr. 12 189.84 Road Dist. No.
1- .. .... .. 159.8_ {763-61 1,636.51 511.96 ' ' i t h t ~ _ '
N 6,065.25 6,065.2
State Law .............. .. Co. Sch. Equal- SCh- D‘St- Genera
2'350_00 Road Dist. No; 2 ......... .. 111. 4 3.852372 21901-10
€917.43 I - ' ' . _ I . ' . _ I _ _ . _ . _ I u 6,827.22
0rd“ P'U'D C°ms‘ P'U’D' No' 1 Gen' Rev‘
Bond Fldnd '61949 3°“ Dist“ N°' 3 """"
" 16355 527317 ’ 9'55 51337.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
, . . . . . . . . .. 5,305.56 .................. .. 5,305.53
Order P'U'D C°ms " P'U'D' No' 1 Gen' 2%
Tax Fun """ " 2615-00 Shem“ B‘md
"""""" " “'3 3280700 35190 3150 33
501.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33,307.03 ....
.. 33307.0
Order PiU-D Coms P'U'D' N“ 1 Ge“ 5‘" Cmstr' Fund
2’748 27 Shem General --------- -- ~ 31°50 ' 1785' 9 '
1'98154 . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. 1,905.30 .... .. .. 1,905.30
Order P.U.D Coms .... .. .. P.U.D. No. 3 Elec Renewal and Repl. ....... ..
.961-56 Shelton Road and Bridge 19253 3.37 , .4 ................ 1,159.91
. . . . . . . . . . i i I H
Order P.U.D Coms .... .. .. P.U.D. No. 3 Elec 1940 Bond & Int- Red- 2
“0'00 Port Of Grapeview Gen... 1,135.37 24.54 .971.83 . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' h h I - V ' “
Order P.U.D Coms .... .. P.U.D. No. 3 Elec 1938 Bond & Int. Red.
2,340.00 Port “,le Gen. 943.39 23.44 734.09 ' I I . . . V I i h i
Order P.U.D Coms .... .. .. P.U.D. NO 3 Elec 1939 Bond & Int. Red.
311189-38 Port of Allyn Bond .. .. 733.79 .30 776.41 . . . . I I I 0
order P'U'D‘ Coms ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' '
' " P'U'D' NO' 3 Elec' Elecugc Bond
"""""""""" " 7889:12
Port Of Dewgtto‘ Gen' 776‘07 976.03 . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Order P.U.D. Coms. ........... .. .. P.U.D. o. 3 Constr. (Electric Bond .
, 31:50 Port of Dewatw Bond 97537 51 207.36 33 6M 29 246 644 38 360 980.70
256,350.76 261.49 4,657.52 261,390’58
rder Bd. of Co. Corns. ................ .. Harbor Impr. Shelton Gen.
School Dist,“ General .... 29,514.67 , . , . , , . , u
....................................... H I 75-00 2333038
1 t R d 4103335 49 10 262.28 33117.40 ................ 54,409.17 23,755.28
.... . . 0
Order Bd. of Co. Coms- R0“ District N°- CW“ 5’ 03 6065 25 School
Dists Bldg. .......... .. 11.029. 4773 47 .198 11 115 89 7,000.00 1,477.00
Order Bd- 0‘ 00- Cm“ " 3°“ Dismct N°‘ 2 0mm" mad
6'827‘22 S°h°°1 Dists- 3°“ Red” 2'143'94 8"
' '48 " '439'50 """" "90000
................. .; ................. .. 300.00 .
Bd f Co. Coms. Road District No. 3 County. Road """"
" '_ Road Repair Guaranty 439.50
................................... .. .‘ r. ..... .. , _ h I I I N
gigggani'zgfion .sch_ Dists. Gen. Sch. Dist-S. Gen. Tax Foreclosure
.............. .. 899-66 ""‘ 117'70 ' 29.0.70 u \
. . Sch. Dists. Gen. Non High ................ .. Tax Foreclosure Trust
272,34 ............... .. 122.32 ............ .... .. d --------
------------ -» , L; 701,51 5.46 -,
giggamzatlon 9: Sch. Dists. Gen. gufireBF tgixpcglse 75-33 “.45
$279,971.91 559?? 2043-3326,,51234 325,351.36 $ 35 16,000.00 $ 24,208.50
15 72.38843 $520,012.04 1 , 4
""""""""""" " .
_ c n is _ n, H, ........,.. ‘ ~ ‘ -' i _~— . ,, . '
Order Schl. Board .......................... .. Sch. Dists 13mg
Tom,,.,.,,,_;,........,........1...........................3,329,013.04 . ,
. o .