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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 29, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 29, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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893.08 85.52 25.32 60.47 510.75 £66.80 547.37 ._.—._a 197.94 5.: 9‘9"?" .888 00 gogggge 333358 828 833 .H l"; .4 : " iQ-UY'C". NQW : grili 29'". 1; -7 F1129, 194.2,. survey thereof. appraised at $500.00. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and t’OI'ldlllUIlS following: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he he not the oWner of the improvements. must forthwith pay to the officer making : 1.29mi! '? '“iimi‘iéF ‘ . ’ i or sari.- or .STATE 1.74an SEREBY GIVEN. That‘ 1,“,ménc ie 4th day of May. . mg at ten o‘clock in the sale the full amount of the. ap- 59090 of said day, in from praised value of the improvements, gain, entrance door to the as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- J’m't Home in tho city (it-chase. price must be paid annually “minty of Mason, Stat}: of thereafter with interest on all deferred . . up". by the Countv Auditor payments at the. rate of six per centum kDHnly, the following described per annum: Provided, That any pur- ndfi' together with the 1m- chaser may make full payment of prin- be cipal. interest and statutory fees at .‘47 ~ 6 . 4 b1§ltuated .lhereon, will lC auction to the highest ,~f“610r. to-w'it: 11:0 one except of States. or persons who “Ed their intention to be- can purchase state lands. 49 1, ~ gtougon No. him any time and obtain deed. The pur— chaser of land containing timber or other valuable materials is probited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first ob- taining consent. of the CommisSioner of Public Lands, until the full amount. of the purchase price has been paid citizens 1'“ ‘74- 0f SPFUOH 36. and deed issued. fie m.n°"thv Tang) 3 west.i All sales of state lands are made l cumming 40-00 aCl‘F‘S. more ‘ subject to the reservations of OllS. imnrding to the government ’ gases, coal. ores. minerals and fossils " DETAIL OF BOND ISSUES AND OUTSTANDING BONDS ‘ filmed. March 1, 1934;: issued by Mason County; amount of 3'1395uB $28,000.00; purpose, general obligation; interest rate a,“ payable March 1 and September 1; term of bonds, 10 ‘gptmn. no; to whom sold, McInnis, Van Dusen & Co.; amount ' v, ' outstanding December 31., 1942, $8,000.00. 7.: 48531.21. July 1, 1931; issued by School District No. 309; amount ‘11 lSsue $75,000.00; purpose, Junior High School Building; in- , 330 . "q of bonds outstanding In. ‘:%x;. interest 41/2%; interest payable January 1 and July 1; term of years; option, yeS; to whom sold, State of Washington; December 31, 1942, $22,000.00. 931839911. December 27, 1935; issued by School District No. 45; ' OI'iginal issue $6,000.00; purPOSe, School Building; interest payable December 16; term of bonds, 20 years; ‘3 . 11°; to Whom sold, State of Washington; amount of bonds --“3 December 31. 1942, $4,300.00. 0 akfiegeooo. thallfli, March 1, 1935; issued by P.U.D. i“3‘16 $33,000.00; purpose, utility; interest rate 57.; interest iitobcr 10 and April 10; term of bonds, 10-20-30 years; option, {thorn sold, the public; amount of .bonds outstanding December No. 1; amount of 8d. February 15, 1935; issued by P.U.D. N0. 1; amount of “195116, $4,500.00; purpose, General Obligation; interest rate i -- ,st payable October 10 and April 10; term of bonds, 20 °Dt i .1011. no; to whom sold, Shelton Branch Seattle-First. National "Mount of bonds outstanding December 31, 1942, $500.00. : 23960, September 1, 1936; issued by P.U.D. No. 1; amount 1Issue $17,500.00; purpose, Special Construction Fund No. 2; rate 5%; interest payable September 1 and March 1; term i $11,400.00. 5 20 years; option, no; to whom sold, $12,500 to Hubanks, Inc., ' Graybar Electric; amount of bonds outstanding December hailed, July 1, 1938; issued by P.U.D. No. 3; amount of original $00.00; purpose, construction; interest rate 5%; interest V z-January 1 and July 1;,term of bonds, 15 years; option, no; ‘ 1942. $35,000.00. 1. Wu ., ,3! ed. July January IOld. Bramhall Stein; amount of bonds outstanding Decem- 1, 1939; issued by P.U.D. No. 3; amount of original 1000.00; purpose, construction; interest rate 4%; interest. 1 and July 1; term of bonds, 20 years; option, no; "[9916, Bramhall & Stein and Conrad, Bruce & Co.; amount ‘ Ontstanding December 31, 1942, $33,000.00. : “8d, January 1, 1940; issued by P.U.D. No. 3; amount of ‘ is3116 $9,000.00; purpose, 1940 construction; interest rate 4%; ' 'Wli W,’ 31, 1942, $9,000.00. paliable 'July 1 and January 1; term of bonds, 15 years; option, 0m sold, Bramhall Stein; amount of bonds outstanding .- ’ l“led. March 1, 1940; issued by P.U.D. No. 3; amount of ori- 1- ~. 'hte $385,000.00; purpose, purchase of W.C.P. Co.; interest rate , o “est payable February 15 and August 15; term of bonds, 30 33901.1, yes; to whom. sold, John Nuveen & Co., Chicago, 111.; °f bonds ousttanding December 31, 1942, $385,000.00. AUDITOR’S MARRIAGE TRUST FUND ACCOUNT 95nd January 1, 1042 ...................................... ..“ ................ ._$ 91.00 SHELTON, WASHINGTON "Milled during year .............................................................. .. 283.00 “Ital ............................................................................................ ..$374.00 t0 clerk of county .......................................... ..$ 126.00 , «to clerks of other counties .............................................. .. 175.00 hand December 31,1942 .......... ............ .i .................... ..$ 73.00 Auoi‘r‘o’s's OFFICE MASON scum-v: -« of every name. kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section .‘t of chap- tcr 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms. conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 192?. relating to easements for rights- ol‘—way and the carrying of timber. stone. minerals and other products over the same. JACK TAYLOR. Commissioner By FRANK YATES. Asst. Commissioner of Public Lands. 4-1—8-15-22-29—5t. State of 'v’v'usnington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR. 0F HYDRAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF “'A'I‘ER RIGHT APPLICATION NI). 5817 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Ken- ’neth K. Kohl of Seattle. State of Washington. under date of April 17. 1943, filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia. Washington. an application for a permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream. tributary of Hood Canal. in ‘tlie amount of 0.1 second-feet, sub- ject to existing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of each year for the purpose of irrigation and continuously for domestic supply and fire. protec- tion; that the approximate point of Section 30. Township 22 N., Range 2 in Mason County. A map showing the location and plan of said diversion and the place. of the proposed use is on file in the. office of the State Supgrvisor of Hydraulics. Olympia. Washington, together with such other information as is required by law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be, injuriously affect- ed by said application may file. With the State, SuperviSor of Hydraulics, at Olympia. Washington, such objections or representations. in writing. as he. may desire to make, within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is May 6. 1943. ‘ Witness my hand and official seal this 17th day of April, A. D. 1943. CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. (SEAL) State Super-visor of 4-29n5-6—2t. Hydraulics. State of Washington, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR 0F HYDRAULICS. Olympia. NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 5819 ' TO 'WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that E. O. Beardsley of Chicago, State of Illi- nOis, under date of April 20, 1943. filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia, Washington. an application for a permit to divert the public waters of Lilliwaup Creek tri- butary of Hood Canal, in the amount of'fi've (5.0) second-feet, Subject to eXistmg rights, from April 15 to Octo- her .1 of each year for the purpose of irrigation and continuously for power and domestic supply; that the approxmiate point of diversion is lo~ cated within Lot 2 of Section 19. Township 23 N., Range 3 W.W.M., in Mason County. A map showing the location and plan of said diver- $10!] and the place of the proposed use is on file in the office of the Slate Superwsor of Hydraulics, Olym- pia, Washington. together with such pther information as is required by aw. Any person, firm .or corporation whose right Will be injuriously affect- ed by said application may file with the State Supervisor of’ Hydraulics, at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, in Writing, as he may desire to make, within thirty (30) days after date of last publica‘ tion, which date is May 6, 1943. Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of April, A. D. 1943. CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. (SEAL) State Supervisor of 4-29--5-6—2t. Hydraulics. (19) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to and in conformity with an order of the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of iWashington, duly made and en- terédpn the 12th day of April, 1943. ordering the undersigned to sell, in the manner providedby law (Section 133. Chapter 263, Laws of 1927), the undersigned will on Saturday, the 22nd day of May, 1943. at the‘fiou’r “of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said diversion is located within Lot 1 of g—h. Mason County, the party" flit-st part. hereby expressly excepts and reserves out ulfl the grant hereby made. llfllu itself. sors, and assigns. gases, coals. ores, sils of every name. kind or descrip— tion. and which may be in or upon said lands above described; .or any part thereof. and the right to ex- plore the same for such oils. gases. coal, ores. minerals and fossils: and it also hereby expressly saves re- serves out of the grant hereby made, unto itself. its successors and assigns, forever. the right to enter by itself. its forever, all 0i .. agents, attorneys and servants upon ,said lands. or any part .or' parts 'thereof, at any and ’all times. for the purpose of opening. developing and working mines tliereon,‘and tak- ing out and removing therefrom all such oils. gases. i-oal. ores, minerals and fossils. and to that fur- ther expressly reserves out of the grant hereby made. unto itSelf. its successors and assigns, forever. the right by it or its agents. servants and attorneys at any and all times to erect. construct, maintain and use all such buildings. machinery. roads and rail- roads. sink such shafts. remove such oil, and to remain on said lands or any part thereof.” for the business of mining and to occu y as much of said lands as may e necessary or convenient for the suecessful prosecu- tion of such mining businesshhereby expressly reserving to itself, its suc- cessors and assigns. as aforesaid. gen- erally, all rights and pOWers in, to and over, said land, whether herein expreSSed or not. reasonably neces- sary or convenient to render bene- ficial and efficient the complete on- joyment of the property and the. rights hereby expressly reserved. No rights shall be exercised under the foregoing reservation, by the county, its successors or assigns, until pro- vision has been‘made by the county, its suCcessors or assgins, to pay to the. owner of the land upon which the rights herein reserved.‘to the county, its successors or assigns, are sought to be exercised. full payment for ’all damages said owner. by reason of entering upon said land: PROVIDED, That if said owner from any cause whatever refuses or neglects to settle said damages. then the. county, its successors or as- signs, or any applicant for a lease or contract from the county for the purpose. of prospecting for or mining valuable minerals, or operation con— tract, or lease. for mining coal. or lease for extracting petroleum. or na- tural gas, .shall have the right to institute such legal proceedings in the Superior Court of the county wherein the land is situated. as may be necessary to determine, the. damages which said. owner of said land may suffer. Mason County. the party of the first part. further expressly saves. excepts and reserves out of the grant hereby made, all public roads, CCC roads, streets or alleys now in use. or rights-of-way for roads now owned by, or sought to be appropriated at this date for public roads. CCC roads or streets. by said county, and PRO- VIDED further that proceeds from sale‘ of forest products shall apply on contracts, in and to thefollowuig described real pro erties, Situated in said County and tate, to-wlt: _ Description No. 1. Vacated portion of. Sherwood Avenue 10’ Wide adja— cent Lots 9 and 10, Block 13._ Town of Allyn. Mason‘County, Washington. Offer $2.00. De‘scription No. 2, Lots 1 to 20. in— clusive. Block'so, and vacated Ran- dolph Street and alley adjacent Lots 11 and 12, Block 31, DetrOit N0. 2. glason County, Washington. Offer 35.00. _ Description No. 3. Lots 28'to 31 m- clusive, Block 7; Lots .5. to .12 inclu- sive and. 28 to 40 incluswe, ,Block 8: Lots 28 to 35 inclusive .and 5 to 12 inclusive Block 9; all 1n- Lakewood Plat C, Mason County, Washington. Offer $41.00. , _ Description No. 4. Tax No. 168 of Section 9. Twp. 22 N., Range 1 W. W.M. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at. cor. No. 1.. a post 4 x 4 x 48 in., identical With the M. C. to frac. secs. and 9, Tp. 22, N. R. 1 bears N. 345’ 30’ E. 1.79 chs; N. 5° 30 W 1.24 chs; thence along the corrected meander line; S. 83° 41' E. 10.53 chs; thence S 10° 41’ E. 8.54 chs; S. 58° E. 3.98 chs; N. 42° E. 4.25 chs; thence W. along the N.’ line Oyster Reserve No. -1 in said See. 16, 12.05. chs;__ thence~N. along the E. boundary line of the. Frank W. Ironside tract of ‘oy‘ster‘l'a‘nd 9.55 chs; to place of be-. ginning. Offer $10.00. its stii'ies- ‘JOURN minerals and tos‘ . . E0N“N‘~ l l i I i .58" West 106.53 feet, more or less, t .. I, March 19’ 1943 glitrlsgtht‘he 110011}, dog of fhe Court 'Description No. 5. Niall, NEV... Sec- lgg'gg .- . EIARRY DEYETTE, Auditor of Mason County, Washington, County and Suite?! 616291399361: all 8?§},,32'$4'573§‘ 23 N" Range 1 W'W‘M' 063738 l )3 etil'tify the foregoing report to be correct. not less than the'mlfllmum WW3 Slated Description No. 6. NW1/4. SW18. Sec- ' below, plus adv'crtismg and cruising tion 12‘ Twp. 20 N., Range 2 4.8939 . i., b costs, $0 the highestland best bid— Offer 3.40.90. ' 950.94 i E 1? d8“! 2.11 the “gm, tlt ev and interest Description No. 7. Tract No. 1 being » -- -. AUan HARRY DEYETTE, of sand Mason 003906 subnect. to 81/2 swv. swl/i Nazi NW7. less 20 it. , Duty AuditOr Auditor Mason County 31,113 igégvggt‘igonSPHdmons’ ‘ exceptwns gig txii/16557 sidrewgor lash-left figix‘ligoeses. ‘ ' C l , . ., . ' 7 W.W.M. Offer 7.50. "89599 ' OPERATION WARRANT ACCOUNTS q‘gcscription No: 8. Ni/2 NEii. NEIAE “. . 221 -; A Warrants warring; * NE“; NE 43 EV.) NW4 N V4, .4. i 5 . . all in Section 14, Twp. 20 N., Range x in“) “mm” °“““"“'"‘~.’ 2 W.W.M. Offer $144.00. f. I Ex Jan. I, 1942 Issued ' TOTAL Redeemed Cancelled Dec. 31. 1962 Description No. SE14 ex- . I _ .Pense .................................. ..$ 11,268.34 $ 63,061.87 $ 74,330.21 $ 69,655.13 .................. .. $ 4,675.08 cept p3,, platted m Island Lake " 1 , iSIStance 7,733.92 18,191.39 25,925.31 19,055.94 6,869.37 aggregaéid‘sfi vScfiitiogffltjr,‘ 20 N.. 9307-03. . 60-72 60-72 60:72 Degscription ‘Na. 10. swl/l' NWMi.” L’mgao , ,- 8,716.31 88,691.79 97,408.10 91,437.77 - Section 7, Twp. 20 N., Range 3 ww. , 3.9 1 Gen. ................. .. 116.68 22,220.90 22,237.58 22,237.58 M. 098640.30; '1 SE SEV‘ S _ s 40:, ’10:; 1 2% Tax Fund .................... .. 326.77 326.77 326.77 “3383339333 33ml. Sect/{on 35¢; bgfh $113943 3 Electric .......... .. 1,096.25 88,338.04 89,434.29 87,823.05 in Twp. 20 N., Range 3 W.W.M. Offer $22.57 ‘, .1. '- 1” V'ement ........................... .. 34.56 34.56 34.56 sagéggfiption No 12 SE14 NWI/ . 8% L045.” ‘1 Kim: ...................... .. 5.00 .................. .. “on 12 Twp‘ 2'1'NJ' Range 3' “a‘wJ/L 5,513.97 ,1 .................................. .. 50.00 50.00 50.00 0%.» 6100,00. , . \ 261,49 7, t9. General . 11,320.76 250,312.40 261,633.16 256,350.76 suescrlggpn goéwlg- 1351,? gm?“ 5;; Building ........................... .. 23,755.28 23,755.28 23,755.28 4. “"3”, in“. a. 2‘, mil-Range 3. s 1 A, Guaranty Trust 300.00 300.00 gggno WEVXPMi tortillas pfogm sec .. i sure . 295.75 295.75 .75 ...................................... .. . screw 3 -‘ i w I '3 """" A r v 4. 'r . 22 N., Ran e 3 W.W.M. 77 , .t ....................... .. ....$ 40,157.26 $555,639.47 $595,796.73 $571,388.31 8 68.22 $ 24,340.20 Shir 83033. g , .‘ De'srcriptiozxé 1:10. gang): 34, “swig? DELINQUENT TAXES, REAL AND PERSONAL 3%.. “16,90. N; 16 SW SW eSCI‘l lOn , . . ‘ i 4. 4, . DECEMEER' 31":342 School r.u.n. P.U.D. TOTAL NEM- sgction 33. '1:_Wp- 23 N-i Range "n “in ‘ “a” County! City Districts Districts Districts No. 1 No. 3 3 $§$0'0%0ts 3 4 and 59438 5 ~ 638.32 $ 4,315.71 $1,004.37 6 1,019.45 .......... $ 4,654.94 $ 200.36 $704.71 $15,366.44 5, SE%pNW%. 'NEI'A swu.‘ nets 6‘ “555,85 '1‘035757 . 2,295.78 396.81. 573.18 .......... .. 2,694.34 82.92 388.50 8,587.60 and 7. say. swn. my. 3191/... swv. 6350.00 925.66 1,700.23 326.30 297.50 31.25 2,046.54 42.84 280.53 5,650.85. fig/4;, 9;“ in Sfit'am‘; gym” N~ 4211-423 402.82 1,108.31 186.41 278.70 .......... 1,526.92 24.40 194.11 3,811.67 g 39% 'L, DION, ' 1207.09 5:79-62 1,147.59 118.35 267.16 8.14 1,196.88 20.85 202.14 3,540.73 Treasurer'of Mason County. {042,23 . 43.09 800.43 104.92 176.13 7.74. 952.41 32.98 .......... .. 2,417.70 (SEAL) 429*5‘3'13-39 754.83 . 111.29 1,310.25 105.62 190.16 .......... .. 756.30 —17.90 2,455.72. 439,09 . 78.90 1,455.67 143.64 415.00 41.37 780.58 ................ .. 2,915.16 Householtl 5:! . .P 4,895.09 87-71 846.29 28.90 366.24 20.13 468.91 1,818.18 The household spider of the genus- 173_o5 . 73.89 606.41 192.99 121.48 10.12 745.64 1,750.33 Aracbmda carries its own hypoder- 229.50 a 104-18 439-58 56-49 95-08 5.13 184-55 886.01 mic syringe, has four pairs of legs, 950.98 s 2032' 45-20 4-93 .50 1238 83.03 six to eight eyes, breathes by means 950 94 \1-16 18-26 2-38 ~37 2-31 22115. of sacs—or so-c’a‘lled‘lunSS-On the [3 745:“ , .7357 48,53 1,34 ................ .. .23 .45 ---------------- -- “)6 lower side 01- the abdmen» and 74:913.” 7 .4385 $16,021.18 8 2,673.45 8 3,800.08 $125.98 $16,023.15 $ 386.45 1769.99 $49,312.64 often goes parachufing, [9339,35 ~ Non High—1942, $1,028.58; 1941, $798.40_—_$1,826.98 3,570.00 'v 8,920.96 BUDGET ACCOUNT, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 12,189.84 .M' ORIGINAL BUDGET i AMOUNT EXPENDED 30.72 ' salary and operation and capital Salary and Operatlon and Capital Total Surplul or )1 , ‘ eat Wm: maintenance Outlay; Emergencles TOTAL W’s” Main‘eunce‘ 1 mm.” l‘pu‘mmn Bout“ 1307-3295 r ' 1,872.00 $ 660.00, .................. .. $ 2,532.00 $ 1,872.00 $ 537.06 ....... .. $ 2,409.06 $ 122.94, 37321.77 2' ;‘ ..... .. 4,352.00 1,000.00 5,352.00 4,275.50 867.26 5,142.76 209.24 3351,56 v ,, °f Equal 55.00 5.00 .................. .. 60.00 36.00 1.56 37.56, 22.44 1362.50 . ‘ 7,412.00 1,776.50 9.988.50 7,308.50 1,762.22 9.86759 120.91 '326 77 2,676.00 313.00 2,989.00 2,676.00 302.17 2,978.17 10.83 ' 1,390.00 540.00 1,930.00 1,225.28 214.32 1,439.60 490.40. 1,700.00 527.50 2,233.33 1,512.00 381.13 1,893.13 3 334.37 \ 100.00 .. ..................... .. . .............................................................. .. 1 0.00 250.00 .. 365.00 .. 365.00 365.00 .................. .. 180.00 .. 180-00 -- 180.00 180.00 .................. .. 30.00 .. 3000 -~ 17.65 17.65 12.35 750.00 .. 750.00 100.00 100.00 650.00 150.00 .. 150.00 40.43 40.43 109.57 ...................... .. 1,475.99 1,475.99 1,475.99 . 1,475.99 ......................... .. 1,000.00 1,000.00 . 579.14 . 829.14 170.86 1,960.00 2,987.33 . 211.60 5,158.93 1,996.78 2,753.93 4,750.71 408.22 2,940.00 1,904.25 .. 120.00 4,964.25 3,060.00 1,351.99 4,411.99 552.26 .......................... .. 216.00 216.00 208.89 208.89 7.11 2 180.00 480.00 2,960.00 2,125.00 478.18 2,853.18 106.82 1,979,00 1,979.00 .................. .. 1,637.48 1,637.48 341.52 2,156,50 _ 2,156.50 .................. .. 1,428.90 1,428.90 727.60 5 305.56 4,398.00 2,115.00 6.633-00 4,510.00 1,985.64 6,495.64 137.36 ' 3,180.00 1,127.90 . 4,819.40 3,241.50 1,560.26 4,801.76 17.64 20.00 10.00 . 30.00 20.00 6.90 26.90 3.10. 6,782.00 1,770.00 8552-00 67578-90 1,557.71 8,136.61 415.39 2,136.77 12,980.49 15,117.26 2,136.77 13,741.49 15,878.26 —761.00 ~ 1420.99 904.74 27325-73 1’420-99 981.73 2312-72 13.01 i ................. .i ......... .. 200.00 200.00 .................. .. 57.01 57.01 142.99 . , ' xpend. . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356.66 .................. .. 1,476.72 1,476.72 —1,476.72 : """"" . 350.00 ...................... .. - . . ................ ._ 350.00 261933333 ”' . ' 5,400.00 ..... .. 5.400-00 5,189.10 210.90. 8'477'00 322.78 ........ .. 322.78 ....................... .. 322.78 '30'0‘00 1 8152.09 852.09 ....................... .. 852.09. 295.75 5,783.77 5,783.77 ....................... .. 5,783.77 . 10.25. ......................................................... .. 1.035 -------------- u. ........ .. ... ................. ... ...... .. 10.25 715,115, ............ ..$,44,835‘;01 $- 47,471.85 $ 1,100.00 8 3,554.09 6 96.96035 3 447245-22 $ 41,149.86 51046-87 $ 86,441.95 3 1. 19.00 . CUNY .‘JOURNA mvwvw'm Classified Service ‘AAAAAAAAAAAA‘AAAA ‘lnMAA FLOOR SANDER l more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. 750 minimum charge on each notice. 3 By Day or Hour Card of Thanks. 751‘; original l ‘ poetry 500 per inch: classified l display rates on request. I J. L. Advertisements accepted over HARDWARE the telephone from phone subscrib- I .——....—.—.— .——-.-. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (mi nlm um charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment. made be.— FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of stomach, ulcers, indi- gestion, heartburn, b e. l c hing bloating, nausea, gas pains, get free sample Udga, at Fir Drug . Store. 3-11—6-18— --1.’it. AUCTIO Will sell at public auction at the H. F. Buth ranch,- 14 miles south of Olympia, 2 miles east of Littlerock, 14 mile south on Case road, Mon- day, May 3, starting at 10:00 o’clock. Three carloads of well broke, east of the mountains draft horses, also some out: standing saddle horses. 100 head of Hereford stock cattle, consisting Vof cows, calves and yearlings. Also some register- ed Herefords of both sexes: Several sets of good used har- nesses and collars, and some farm machinery. John Mc- Gowan of the National Bank of Commerce in Olympia, Clerk, will make arrangements “for credit at this bank before the sale. Mike Croninn of Lewiston, Idaho, Auctioneer. R. E. (Ed) Neal, owner. Lunch on Grounds. B4-29—1t. l MA‘W A! “‘W Rent FOR RENT: 2 room furnished, ca- bin. Wood and lights furnished. Maple Beach, 3 miles south on Olympic Highway. 4-15-29—3t. "w TWO FURNISHED CABINS for year around living. Bremerton and Shelton bus connection. At- tractive location, 12 miles north on Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port 24.13. C. H. Everett, Tilli- cum Beach. 4-8--5—6—1M FOR RENT: furnished modern PHONE 100 l ! | l l l fore the first of the month to save. expense of billing. An extra charge of 100 will be made when billing is necessary. Vvvvvvv vvvvm Wanted I'll‘llll i WILL PAY CASH for late model light car, must be low mileage, in excellent condition. See P. E. Ball, Minerva Park, Hood Canal 5 p. m. to 8 p. In. No dealers. 4—29—1t. } WANTED: someone with buzz] saw to cut up wood pile. Mrs. Farrell, Capitol Hill. 4-29~—1t. WANTED: washing machine andl pressure cooker. Ed Yanasak, Route 1, Box 139. 4-29~5—13—3t. WANTED: good home for Spring- er Spaniel dog. Call 338. T»4-29—5-6-2t. l WANTED: woman or girl for house cleaning two or three days a week. Call 487W. . C4—29—1t. WANTED: baby buggy, reason- ably new and sturdy in good condition, not wicker. Will pay cash. Phone 564R. W—4-15—29—2t. WANTED: men to work in vital defense industry. Certificate of availability is necessary. Shelton Concrete Products. Seventh St. Bridge. 4-15tfn. WANTED: boy 16 or over to work i on farm and learn business of, raising food. Apply in person to Alfred Lee, c-o Nalley Ranch Skokomish Valley. I 4-15-22-29—3t. | WANTED: man to plow and bar- row small garden plot. Call Steve Beers 14F22. 4-15-297—31; i cottages. 2 ms. and bath- Rent WANTED: upright piano in good $40.00 month. Lights, water, gas cooking, oil heat, included. Lil- liwaup Motel, Lilliwaup, Wash. I l 4-22—5-22—1M LONG LEASE onhouse and 5 to 20 acres of land. See T. A. Philips on Carman Ranch, be- tween Shelton and Dayton. 4-22—5-6—3t. l -_ Cause No. 34M54 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under General Execution IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ,FOR KING COUNTY ‘ ‘ Carroll Richardson and Anne Rich- ardson, his wife, Plaintiffs ——vs.—- Thomas A. Ralston and Edna M. Ralston, his wife, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a general execution issued out of and under the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washington. in and for said County, on the 16th day‘ of April. 1943; upon a judgment rendered in said Court on the 16th day of April, 1943. in favor .of Carroll Richardson and Anne Richardson, his wife, and against Thomas A. Ralston and Edna M. Ralston, his ,wife, judgment debtors. for the sum of One thousand three hundred seventy-six and 57/100 ($1376.57) Dollars, together with at- torney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased costs, and to me directed and delivered. I did. on the 20th day of April, 1943, levy upon all the right, title and interest of said judgment debtors .iii and to the followmg de- scribed propertyito satisfy said judg- ment. to-wlt: , ‘ (1) All that-portion of Government Lot 4. Section ,. Townshi 22 North. Range 1, west 5W. ascribed as follows: Beginning at” the Southwest corner of Section 6, Township 22 North. Range 1 West, W. M. and pro- ceeding thence 81011 the South line of ‘l l l condition. Write full informa- tion, price, etc., to Box T, c-o Journal, Shelton. T—4-15-29——3t. WANTED: practical nursing ‘by capable, experienced woman. Mrs. Ed C. Miller, phone 2821. 4-15-29—3t. WANTED: builder’s level in good , .sct'vicable condition. Reasonable ” ‘for cash. George W. Woodruff. Mt. View, Shelton. 4-8-22—3t. WANTED: reliable girl for gen- eral housework. Apply Pantor- ium Cleaners, Thursday after- noon or Saturday afternoon. .P—4-8tf. WANTED: cottonwood bolt cut- ters in the Skokomish Valley. Highest wages paid. Address: Washington Excelsior and Mfg. Co., 871 Othello St., Seattle. 4-1~tfn. WANTED TO BUY: good port- able typewriter. Write Maurice Anderson, Mason Hotel, Shelton. 4-22-29—2t. WANTED: young girl usherette at. Graham Theatre. No exper- ience needed. Apply at Theatre. ' 4-22—5-6—3t. WANTED: housekeeper to care for invalid mother during day. $50 month and board. See Bill Bergeson, 1325 Railroad after 7 p. m. B—4-22-29—2t. WANTED: 4 or 6 quart glass said Section 6, Nor h 89 deg. 34' 30" ‘ East 4,431.74 feet; thence North 0 butter Churn' Inqu‘re Jougmal' deg. 18’ 15" West 2,297.34 feet more w '22tf' or .less to the,ander 1:2? itt‘hcérice alongttlic ‘tsaild chali‘idgg WANTED: beginning May 10th overnmen o . or ma ' deg. 48' 57" East 35.56 feet; thence capable woman to "age North 58 deg. 45’ 5 " East 281.58 feet to the Northwesterly' corner of the tract of land described and the true. paint, of beginning thence con- tinuingalong said meander line North 58 deg. 45' 57" East 14.14 feet; thence North 35 deg. 33’ 57" East 70.86 feet: thence South 54, deg. 26' 03" East 108.52 feet, more or less, to the Northerly right-of—way line of ' Pri- mary State Highway No. 14 (Navy Yard Highway); thence along the Nor- therly margin, of. said right-of—way South 43 deg. 15’ 08" West 125.02 feet more or less to a. point thereon which is South 32 deg. 18’ 58” East 106.53 feet, more or less, from the aim; of beginning; thence North 32 eg. 18' o the point. of beginning; said land be- ing also known and ‘1 described as household. 6 days week for work- ing mother. Two school children. Influire 'Shafer’s Bakery. 4-22—5-6—3t. WANTED: experienced waitress and cook for Tin Can Cafe, Un- ion wages. See Mrs. McAlister ‘ at Shelton Hotel. 4-22—5-6~—3t. Syria’s Historical Record Syria, which is turning another page in its eventful history, has a record dating back further than that of any other country on earth. It: historical record dates back to 2245 Tract. “D” and the Southwesterl . 10 feet of Tract “E” of the uni-e): 3- Cu When N‘mford founded corded plat of said Govarnment Lot 4. Babylon. (2), Also. all that. portion of a tract of second-class tidelands. formerly owned .by the State of Washington. as defined b Chapter 255 of the SeSsion Laws 0 1927, conveyed by the State of Washin ton to the’Chas. R. McCormick ‘Lum er Co., a corpora- tion. by deed dated September 3. 1935. recorded September 20. 1935. in. Volume 63 of deed, age 112, under Auditor's File 110. 121, situate in, front of, adjacent to or abutting up- on the first above described upland, including part of the vacated Clifton State Oyster Reserve Plat No. 138. and lying between said Government Lot 4 and: the Southeast line of an o ster tract conveyed to, the State of ,ashington to W. T. uddlng thru deed’ issued December 26, 1905, under Application No. 3876. and. between two lines running North 46 deg. 45’ West from the Westerly ends of the North- erly and Southerly lines of the first above described upland, tract to the aforesaid southeast line of said plyster land tract conveyed to the said . T. Budding. Situatc in County of Mason, State of ,VVashin ton. NOW THER ORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on“ Saturday the 22nd day of May, 1943, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I Will sell the above described prop- erty. or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together with attorney’s fees, interest, costs and increased costs. in all am- ounting to the sum at One thousand four hundred ten and 26/100 ($1.410-26). Dollar‘s. Said sale will take place at the front. door of the Court. House at Shelton in said County and State, and Will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the hi host and best bidder. Dated at She ton, Wash, this 20th day of April. 1943. '- E. F. MARTIN. Sheriff of Maser; Countv. 4-22-29— -6-13-20~5t. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That. pursuant to an order of the Board of County Commissioners made and en- tered, on the 23rd day of February. 1943. there will be offered for sale by the Sheriff of said County. at pub- lic auction. at the front door .of the court house in Shelton. Washington, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, May 8, 1943. at ten o’clock a. m., the following described real property, the “Elnora Johnson House". Tract No. 14C. Section 19, Township 20 North. Range 3 West of Willamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows 2 Beginning at the Southwest cor- ner of‘ the Southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section, township and range; thence north a distance of 477 feet, more or less along the west side of said forty to the right of way of the Angle< side county road; thence following said road in an easterly direction. making due east sixty (60) feet; thence. south parallel with west line, a distance of 353 feet. more or less, to the county road at the top of the hill: thence westerly 60 feet to the place of beginning, subject to the right of way of the county road and containing 57/100003 acres more or less, together with appurtenances. Minimum selling price of said real property for cash shall be not less than two thousand dollars ($2.000). and minimum, terms are placed at 20% cash at time of sale, and balance - to be paid at $30.00 per month, includ- in% interest at 6% on balance. ATED this 7th da of April, 1943. HARRY DE ETTE. County Auditor and. Ex-Offi- cio Clerk of Board of Mason County Commissioners. 4-15-22-29—3t. ~wy..-¢~ww hm KYWXNTADS A. cleared, 5 room house and bath. Lights and well. Some outbuild- ings. 6 miles from Bremerton bus line. Inquire 20117,; East Pine, Shelton. R-—~4-29-'—5—21~»4t' WILL SELL OR TRADE for Shelton property, 80 acre ranch. new 5 room house, barn, wired, well, farm equipment, two horses, 25 acres cleared. M. J. Dunkelberger, Matlock. 4-15—5-15—1M FOR SALE»: house to be moved, 3 rooms and bath, hot water plumbing system, electric wir- ing. $750.00. Phone 217R4. D——4-15tfn. FOR SALE: 40 acres, 17 cleared, range, orchard, berries, 7-room house, water, electricity, out buildings, new barn. 6 head cat- tle, farm machinery, hay etc. C. E. Reed, Matlock. 4—1-30—IM FOR SALE: house, 4 rooms and bath with hot water plumbing and electric wiring. Good gar- den space. $1,000. Located in Upper Skokomish Valley, phonel 217R4. D—4-22tfn. vvvvv,‘ '1‘ v vwvvvvvv'vw‘” { For Sale ‘ -‘A‘A‘A‘AAM t.A-4¢AAA-“ SEED POTATOES: earliest of all' varieties. Grown in Skokomish Valley. 7c pound. Phone 217124. D~4~15tfn. FOR SALE: fur coat size 10. Worn one week. Am allegic to | it. Inquire Journal. L—4-15—29—43t FOR SALE: fresh milk goats and weathers for meat. Ernest C. Harrington, Route 1, Box 2180, Calkins Place near Lost Lake. 4—15-29—3t. l i CHEAP, large wether and harness very gentle with children, good worker. Buck. Dragsaw, Handi- man tractor. W. Hoessl, Rt. 2, Box 230, Shelton, Wash. 4-22-—5-6—3t. FOR SALE: Westinghouse elec- tric range. Good condition. Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Mill Creek. 4-22-5—6#3t. FOR SALE: three year old black Percheron gelding, weight ab- out 1400 lbs. Call evenings. Roy BOWman, Route 2, Shelton. 4-22—29—5-6—3t. FOR SALETlarge, modern house, 1 acre ground, cleared, Fine garden spot. Close in. Inquire Journal or phone Bremerton 800831. A—4-22—5—6—3t. FOR SALE: 5 acres, 9 room house. Arcadia road, half mile off highway. Gravity water, garden plowed. $3500. Inquire Journal. R~4—22-—5-6-—3t. FOR SALE 65 acres, about 41.4.. miles from Shelton, osme timber. lots of wood, also 4 room house, good pole barn. Some cleared. $1575. Terms, $375 down. Plenty of wood for years. See Herb Angle today. price. t * 131/4 acres of land and water- front on Spencer Lake. Excel- lent property for summer homes or year around homes. Excellent buy at $2250 terms, or $2,000 cash. I: k 4-room modern home in excellent condition with large unfinished upstairs. Linoleum on floors. Also $2500, terms $500 down. >1: :1: =l= 4-room modern home with garage attached with large unfinished upstairs. Nice yard and about an acre of ground. Plenty of ground for garden, chickens and cow if you wish. $3400, some terms. This home is nearly new and is an excellent buy for a fine home. Located close in. :1: 3k * acre of good land with two room house, electric lights and city water. Excellent view prop- erty. $1,000, terms $200 down. * * HERBERT G. ANGLE Used Cars WANT TO BUY good used car. Prefer ’36 model V-8 coach. Will pay cash. James E. Riddle, Star Route 1, Box 88 (Skokomish Valley). 4-22--5-6—3t. WANTED: 1936 or later 11/2—tion truck, preferably Ford or Chev- rolet. John Webber, Route 1. ' 'VY".""."‘ WV... "' v and. Emmi LOST STRAYED or STOLEN: one light yellow 2 year old heif- er .with horns. JB. brand. on : right hip. $10 reward for in- formation leading to return. A. A. Bennett, Shelton, Route 3, Box 240. 4-22,~—5—6—~3t. ' LOST: grey skiff, number 30X586 from Bedell’s dock. Reward. Finder please call Mrs. Bedell, 345M. 4-29~—1t. CARD 0!“ THANKS We wish to express in this way our most sincere appreciation of the many kindnesses, sympathies 'and floral offerings shown us by our friends during our, reCent, bereavement. ' Mrs. and Mrs. O. S. Brumbau'gh and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brumbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brumbaugh, Mrs. Delta Menth, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Menth, Milton Brumbaugh, William F. Eckert. CARD. 0!? THANKS We wish to express our thanks for the many 'kindnesses. and flor- al offerings tendered us by our friends and. neighbors during our bereavement over the death of our beloved wife and mother, Péarl, Edna Davis. Bert Davis and Family N0. 1584 NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ST TE ,OF WASHINGTON FOR TH COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Binns, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the underSigned have been appointed and have qualified‘as executrix and exe- cutor respectively of the above entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same, duly veri~ fied. on said executrix and executor or their attorneys of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such’service. within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the 58 e will be barred. 1943ate of first publication April 22, Helena Huston Binns. Executrix of said Estate John Howard plans. Executor of said Estate . Address 514 Fidelity Bldg.. Taco a. Washington. Williamson. B nus & Cunningham. Attorneys for Estate, 514 Fidelity Building, Tacoma, Washington. 4:22-29--5-6——3t. excellent garden tract.l ‘ 4-29—1t. | Emma. Emmbaugh. Mfr FOR SALE: ladies browu all wool coat, size 14, belted. Only worn few times. $12.50. Original price $19.50. Iinquire Journal. ' B~4-22--5-6—~3t. FOR SALE: about 2 ton loose hay f.o.b. place. Joseph Bisesi, Route 2, Box 143. Across road from Harstine landing. 4-29-1t. FOR SALE: used parts, differen- tial, transmission, clutch as- sembly, 4 wheels, speedometer and cable, for 1929 Model “A” Ford tudor sedan. Good condi- tion. Robert Winkelman, Mat- lock. 4-29—5-6-13——3t. FOR SALE: Skokomish soil. Oliv- er E. Johnson, Star Rt. 1. Box 50. 4—29—7-29~—3M FOR SALE: Leghorn cockrels. Roosting April 30. M. M. Lytle, Kamilche. L—4-29~5-13—3t. FOR SALE: strawberry rhubarb, l 1 4c pound. Bring containers. Mrs. M. Matthes, Route 2, Agate. 4-29~—5-6—2t. CHEAP: one young male goat, one boat, one propeller and shaft. Hoessel, Route 2, Box 230, Shelton, Wash. 4-29—1t. SWAP: sheep for horse and bar- ness or cow. G. E. Sharer, A1- lyn. Sherwood Creek Road. . . 4-29--5—13—3t. FOR SALE OUTBOARD MO- TORS: 1 2%-h.p. Johnson, 1 4-h.p. Evinrude, 1 21/2-h.p. Water Witch. A. B. Eckart, c-o, . Kuett’s Tavern, Union.. 4-29——5-6~—2t; FOR SALE: tWO family cows, one Jersey, one Guernsey. William Bourgault, Star Rte. 1, Box 144, Skokomish Valley on highway 101. 4-29—~1t. FOR SALE: 1941 “Traveleze” trailer. Sleeps four. Excellent tires. Cleave Robinson, 1325 Olympia Way, Shelton. 4-29—5-13—3t. ———-——————______ FOR SALE: 400 laying hens, 100 rabbits and seven shoats. Pre- fer to sell in one lot. Will also lease house and buildings for same if desired. Bert Davis, Lilliwaup. Phone Lilliwaup 1. 4—29tfn. “ WW Wm‘ M. 7307359011 CARES mvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv‘ Chariots, T. Wright. LAWYER Phone 337 Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW ' Title Insurance Building I: Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton ; I.“ . L INSURANCE l ' HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRIN G Accounting 'Fax Services, Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 y . WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licenscd Emhalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS : ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 q————-———