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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/959 ' School Sets Nite Agate corn- invited it) at- oneer Sch(,ol light Fi'ida y and re- the eve- PTO meet- P.m. Tuesday. RALE ale Guilds of St. spotlsor a l'llnl- and 9 in the on Cots Slreel. t° donat,: to the Call HA 6-4675 :thqle stare lo- I] S SEn :FOR rG Smorgasborn Begins New O.E.S. Year Welcome Chapter No. 40. Ord,,r cf Eastern Star, held the first meeting of the new year h|st Sat- re(lay evening, folh)wing a very SltCCessfnl smt)rgasbord dinnt, l'. , The ehapter l'OOnl was decorated 'with baskets of apple blossoms and quince for the meeting. In eharg'e of the decorations were Mesdames Doris Hillman, EsteLla l{ol)ertson and l)orothea Brickert. i Visiting Worthy Matrons at- ;tending the meet.lag were Mrs. Katherine Dewey, Reliance chap- ter; Elsie Anderson, Belfair; and Worthy Patron, .hflien Bet:It, lte- liance, Bremerton. The names of Marvin Biehl 'tim Melvin Robertson, Worthy Patron -rod associate patron respectively, were omitted from the list of o'f- ]fie.era installed April 11. i A rHlllmage and plant sale ix l)lallned for l,'ri(hly and Satnrdly at tile PUD. Any members hav- ing articles of clothing, plants, i ete., for the sale nlay leave ttlem iHt'ler S p.n. 'l'hnrslay or after '8:30 a.m. Friday at the PUI). Oompiote lhauly Servioe Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting voR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,,, ... ,th HA 6,2431 E SPECIALS It/ELTON-MASON COUN JOURNAL/-- Pub|tshed in "Oh r.,tma,tme, U.S.A.." Shelton Jayettes Again Sponsor Nephrosis Project At the state Jaycee convention which was held in Spokane last weekend, the Shell on Javettes were again succesful in taving nephrosis chosen as the Jayette stale project for the coming year. A cheek was presented to a repre- sentatiw from the National Kid- ney Disease Foundation in the amount of $2,000 which was col- lected by tile Jaycee Auxiliary Clubs throughout the state, and which is the largest single dona- Ileal 'o/hieh the },'ollndatioFi has le- ceive(I. At the Friday night program, a "Queen for a Day" was chostn from the several hlm(h'ed girls at- lending. The four contestants were required to speak on the sub- iject "What Being a Jaycee Wife !Means to Me." The judges chose I Mrs. Bernie Dorcy from the local club and presented her with a crown and bouquet of red carna- tions, among many other gifts. t Installlation of new off leers will take place at the Colonial House on May 9th at the joint Jaycee- Jayette Installation dinner. -New officers for the coming" year are president, Mrs. R. C. Mercer; first. vice president, Mrs. Chuck Red- man; second vice president, Mrs. Bernie Dorcy; secretary, Mrs. Tom Ryan; and treasurer, Mrs. Bernie Bailey. Election of board members will take place at the May 7th meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Cliff Starkey. This is to be a special  meeting and all members are urged to attend. Rainbows Slate Candy-Apron Sale Rainbow girls are busy planning a boxing" party for the candy and apron sale slated for May 9 at the Lumbermen's Mercantile. The boxing of the candy will be Wed- nesday and Thursday of next week. The girls wish to extend their thanks to the public for its mtp- port of the recent scTap metal drive. The next meeting of the Shel- ton Assembly will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 11, in the Ma- sonic Temple. " WOMEN'S- CHILDREN'S Mrs. Sherwood Gets 302 PAIRS ODDS & ENDS | 000000'PS0XFORDS PTA Membership 00 Mrs 00thel B. Sherwood was SANDALS awarded a life membership by the WORK SHOES Mt. View Parent-Teachers Associ- WORK OXFORDS ation at last Monday's meeting LOAIEliS PER PAIR or the group. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chase and Joe Borek will represent the PTA at the state convention next month. During the program Paul Arm- strong spoke to the group on the dangers of explosives. Girl Scout Troop 6 presented the flag salute and refreshments were served by sixth grade mothers. THONGS . . . 59¢ PAIR When You Think of Shots'Thlnk O f BOOTEllY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES The Boss Is G0nd! I'm On My Own and Will Do Business My Way... ANy PORTRAIT EVER T00EN BY DEAN .89 e 11' &ny lize Up to 11 x 14 14 and 16x20 . . /2 Price Make me an offer. i want to clean Out all the old files sa I wont have too much to move to our new location next door. at these prices, many be- Price, to advertise our move to to clean out our files, sales. Wedding Reprints Any Size Shelton,'Wahtn Marries in Olympia topher, Olympia, chose a light blue 8oolety Editor . • Phone HA. 6-4412 / 'L'lo:it('??;o.:,nileWiih(.rteingi,a.!i to M' William Walker, Olympia. Planning June Wedding on her pl'Hyer b(iok fol.' the mony in the chapel of St. John's] Episcopal church, Olyml)ia Mrs. Merna Haskins, Shelton, was mail'( n of honm in a beige ' knife suit with pink accessories and pink rose bud corsage. Mr. R,bert Christopher, brother of the hride, was best ntan and Mr. William Btmce and Mr. Don- aid VCestt'all, ushers. Pink stock, piuk carnations and pink tapers decorated the honle. of the bride's parents for the re- ception following the wedding cer- t:?lnonies, The young couple will malc  their home In Tumwater. Mr. Walker is employed at Capitol Ci- ty Title Company. Church Women Set Spring Tea All women of Mason county hre invited to the annual spring 'ilver tea sponsor0d by the churchwomen of St. Dav'td's Episcopal ctmrch May 12 in the Guild rooms of the church, reported Mrs. Ferald [)ill,. chairman of the event. Chamber music for the occasion will be by Mrs. Dean Palmer, :Mrs. Harvey Hillman anti Mrs. Oliwn" Ashford. In charge of the preparations for the tea are Mrs. George Le- Compte, table; M's. Robert Tabke, rooms; Mrs. Martha Rand, small tables; Mrs. Ivan Myers, posters. Presidents of the Guilds Will act as hosl(esses. R. AND MRS. RICHARD INGER wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Billie McPherson, to Mr. Delbert Vance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Vance, Montesano. A June wedding is being planned. (Dean photo.) Chinese Student Speaks to Local Woman's Club An appreciative audience, mem- bers and friends of the Shelton Woman's Club, gathered at tile PUD attditorium b'riday evening to hear usan Ntann Ing Chang. Miss Chang told her reasons why she came from China by way of Taiwan l Formosa) to stndy at the University of VCashington. She old of her family's flight when the Japanese invaded Cnina, and then from Chtmgking, where her father was a professor at tile Uni- versity of Chungking. With the defeat of the Nationalist Chinese as'my, they again moved to For- mesa. There is deep in the heart of these Chinese people a hope to re- turn to tile Chinese mainland. In the meantime rnany of the young people are preparin tbml('h-. for responsibilities when that time comes. Such are the aspiraLmns of Miss Chang Wild was graduated from tile University of Taiwan with high ,.honors. Miss Chang, wearing a beantiful Chinese dress, very generously att- swered many questions from the floor and during the tea hour talked informally witlPgroups as they bronght inquiries to her. She was the overnight guest of the Rev. Charles T. Hatter and Mrs. Hatten. Decorations for the progz'am were arranged by Mrs. Charles Lentz and her committee, and were .of beautiful baskets of dog- wood, red currant and greens. Mrs, Mrs. G. C. Brewster and her cdm- mittee were in charge of the tea hour. Table decorations were a centerpiece of LtHips and accessor- ies ill pastel color% c, ake, coffee and Lea served by Mr:'. lit. J. l)tlll- mann and Mrs. Merrill Saeger. VFW Post Slates Loyalty Day Meet Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 16q4 will conduct their annual Loyalty Day e,xercises at the meeting, $ p.m, on Friday at the Shelton Memorial Building. Plans will be completed for their Poppy Day sales and for the 5th district VFW conventiort which will convepe ip Shelton at 8. p,m, on Saturday, May 16th', for the annual nomination and election of district officers. Shelton member L. F Godwin is a candidate for iupior vice commander. Mason, Thurston, Grays Harbor md Pacific counties VFW mem- bers will meet in the 3rd District PUD attditorium at 303 Cota St. The auxiliaries will meet i the: Memorial Building. After the meetings a buffet luncheon will be served in the Memorial Build- ing. i Commander Darrell Slarks an- nounces that at this meeting plans will be formulated for VFW par- ticipation in the Forest Festival and for conducting Shelton Mere-i orial Day Ceremonies in which the American Legion and the World War I Veterans Organization will assist the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Gold Star Mothers residing in Mason cmmty a.n0 who have not previously been contacted by Post 1694 are requested to immediately notify L. F. Godwin at HA 6-4386 or Commander D. D. Sparks, af- ter 6:30 p.m. at HA 6-6342. Gardeners Begin 21st Busy Year Tile Shelton Garden Club started its 21st year with tile April 20i;h meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Travis, St'., with Mrs. Hen- :ry Jest and Mrs. V. T. Connolly !as co-hostesses. Mrs. Frank Snlith thanked the members for the flowers and many messages received at the time of her recent bereaventent. Mrs. Ferald Dill also thanked the club members who assisted her ,as chairman of the conservation and 20th birthday luncheo tmh] March 16th. $61.25 was cle'ared to help plant the Triangle in May, the shrubs around the new doctors' offices on the Shelton General Hospital grounds, as well as rose bushes on each side of the post- Mrs. Smith read the notice of .he call to the 26th annual con- vention of the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs, th theme, "From the Mountain to the Sea," to be held in Centralia arid Chehalis, June 22 to 25. Res- ervations may be made by calling Mrs. Frank Smith at HA 6-4304 The club voted to renew its $10 membership to the University of Washington Arboretum, the quar- terly magazine to be sent: to the ;Shelton Library so members may have access to the excellent arti- cles on shrub and flowering trees published, each time. Mrs. George Cropper announced the Arboretum Garden Tours which were so popular last year. The fii'st tour is of six gardens, thI-ee in Broadmoor and three on Mercer Island, May 6 and 7, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Donald Grahams' Broadmoor garden is one o£ the showplaces of Seattle. It covers I'A acres th 350 va- rieties of rhododendrons, 100 ca- mellias 15 magnolias, a judas tree, the davidia (dove tree) and the 35-year-old weeping hemlock. It has been opened to the public only a few times. Coffee will be served there. May 14th, four gardens in the Tacoma Country Club district will be an tour with hmcheon served at the Tacoma Country Club, Au- gust 13th, four beautiful gardens will be open for a tour at the I-Iighlands in Seattle." Ffinds fPom these tours will help toward the installation of the Japanese Tea Garden, which was a gift of the city of Tokyo and is being used at the Trade Fair this week. Tickets for the Broadmoor-Mercer Island tour may be purchased at any of the gardens the day .of the tout' or also available will be season tickets, which will include the Ta- coma tour May 14th and the High- lands tour, also four gardens, Au- gust 13th, at a reduced price. Mrs. Smith appointed Mrs. D[lt, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Cropper to be on the nominating committee for officers for the coming year. Mrs. Travis demonstrated wreath making from ferns and displayed two beautiful orchid plants raised in the greenhouse of her son Frank Travis, Jr. Mrs. Percy Kennerly announced the Catholic Women's Guild will have a plant, bulb and mmmage sale May 7 and 8 at Bud Pauley's garage at First and Railroad. Guests were Mrs. Charles Coo- tagno and Mrs. W. O. Galloway. CAR W,SH The Siblings Children's Ortho- pedic Guild will sponsor a car wash Saturday at Cole and Myhre Mobile and Doran Shell Service stations from 10 a,m. until 5 p.m. Donations era dollar and up will be sent to the Seattle Children's Orthopedic Hospital. I Mark Zerr, 6th grade stuclent winner of' the VFW Loyalty Day 0t0 ]essay contest, will be presented Godwir at 2:30 p.m. on May 1st at the Bowleaux School auditor- l ium. The winner, and th two "runners up" wttt alo v(e ,Tm, tor Forest Festival buttons. Library Pioks Log Train Bookplate A design incorporating a log- ging train and a forested hillside was chosen by the board of trus- tees for the new library bookplate. The winner of the contest for a bookplate destgn, conducted at the Irene S. Reed High School, was Earl N. Fulmer. The prize was delivered earlier this week by Mrs. Frank Willard, chairman of the board. The bookplate i to be used to deqignate books given to the Li- brary as memorial ..?if Is. Probiems- sis-ted At the next reg::,:t:" :meting of the Mason Cot!nty Chapter, Wash- ington Association for Retarded Children, the featured speaker will be Cortland Skinner of Olympia. A repre,ntattve of the Social Se- curity Department,/ Skinner will speak on all phases of Social Se- curity and will also answer ques- tions about It. The publtc is invited to attend anti learn more about social se- curity and the benefits that are rightfully yours, The meeting will convene at 8 p.m. Friday, May 8, at Rogers school. Sale Successful Members of the Vicki Lee Orth- opedic Auxiliary reported that a total of $95 was sent to the Seat- tle Children's Orthopedic Hospi- tal as the resflt of the recent rummage sale. All left-over rummage was do- hated to the Rogers school for re-  tarded children. Jr. Deputies Busy Qroup of Youngsters All boys from 12 to :18 years are invited (o joi the Junior Deputy Sheriff's League. All boys intm:- ested are asked to attend the next nleeting of the group at 7:30 ll.m., May 11, in the Armory, to vivw . film shown by Sheriff W. A. P.I- ter. One of the activities slated by the grotlp is a class in the use and nomenclature of gpns. The next class is set for today, Thursday, at 7:30 p.m., in the Mason county courthouse. Any young men interested in joining the grottp are asked to eontaet John Rebman, Jr., 83:', Turner, HA 6-.t310. l00Ioose Will Install Charles Savage wilt bc im-talled as the new governor of the'Shel- ton Moose Lodgo at :()1)  I)). Tuesday in the 5,foose Hall at ':he Airport. Other officers to be in- stalled for the ensuing temn are William Wilson, jllni,r ov0rllor, Clift' Howard prelate, W;dt Tyyn- ismaa, secret;,ry, (J(,rry H:.H'|, tr(msurcr, and Jack Snth. three year t:rust:ee. Installing ttw new (ffic,: will be Cliff I-Iow:,rd, past glveH,:r of the lodge, a.nd the Vvromen of the Moose. HAWAIIAN VA(!ATION: Shar- on Toncy and ,(Inya Spil.qh, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tony, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray St)il- seth will leave for their first flight [o the Hawaiian Islands Tuesday. During their week's stay they will re,ide at the Hawaiian Villas(,. The young women are employed by Western tlotelg. II IIIII I III II I I II I II IIII IIII I I II I ,11 ,1,11 il $omfldng bo,e4 Su*hi,q n . . . • @oOd Luck Marriage sharm whlek w. kepe ,; tkey My ';t koldt tke sr  e kePPY Idly yeur Lky Met- dege Cherm bring th reallMtlon d ,no glowln 9 dream d keppneN. One Lucky Marri,ge Cheem will  found il ev'vry ordmr of Art Po|n# bwlfHoal or efmoun4e- m,O. S o lavltfte mouncemen Mmple4 there  soe 11. Lst cur se¢lety edl kay. ,ll k. d.t.lh d your w.dd;n. THE JOURNAL DIAL 6-441= i ,i iii i , L ii iiiiiiimlll -- , , , i im  Fireston [ Get Your Lawn and Garden Needs Here RO..00R OARO0000 HOSE $5 79 (§a-lnch, 10rear warranty) ................................ : ....... . 00RA. WH,. $1.98 (Serrated edge for keener cutting) ........................ HEDGE S.E.RS $2 49 (True-Temper, rust-resistant blades) ..................... . SPAD,NO FOR00 '3;79 (Light weight, well balanced, 10,-in. Tines) ...... CULTIVATOR  I! (4-prongs 4-inches long, hardwood handle) ............ . Super Special! 18-1NCH ROTARY Power Mower 2A-H.P. Clinton Motor, Recoil Starter, 4-Height Adjustments, All Steel Shell. Lunsford's tPe Sf 0 fle o 317 RAILROAD AVE. i iiii I . I I I I II I II lll r Mothers A SlffART, COMFORTABLE CHAIR In her favorite color and fabric Available also in Rocker or Roto-Rocker MOTIIER WILL ENJOY IT!! Olsen Furniture Company 328 COTA HA 6 4702 /959 ' School Sets Nite Agate corn- invited it) at- oneer Sch(,ol light Fi'ida y and re- the eve- PTO meet- P.m. Tuesday. RALE ale Guilds of St. spotlsor a l'llnl- and 9 in the on Cots Slreel. t° donat,: to the Call HA 6-4675 :thqle stare lo- I] S SEn :FOR rG Smorgasborn Begins New O.E.S. Year Welcome Chapter No. 40. Ord,,r cf Eastern Star, held the first meeting of the new year h|st Sat- re(lay evening, folh)wing a very SltCCessfnl smt)rgasbord dinnt, l'. , The ehapter l'OOnl was decorated 'with baskets of apple blossoms and quince for the meeting. In eharg'e of the decorations were Mesdames Doris Hillman, EsteLla l{ol)ertson and l)orothea Brickert. i Visiting Worthy Matrons at- ;tending the meet.lag were Mrs. Katherine Dewey, Reliance chap- ter; Elsie Anderson, Belfair; and Worthy Patron, .hflien Bet:It, lte- liance, Bremerton. The names of Marvin Biehl 'tim Melvin Robertson, Worthy Patron -rod associate patron respectively, were omitted from the list of o'f- ]fie.era installed April 11. i A rHlllmage and plant sale ix l)lallned for l,'ri(hly and Satnrdly at tile PUD. Any members hav- ing articles of clothing, plants, i ete., for the sale nlay leave ttlem iHt'ler S p.n. 'l'hnrslay or after '8:30 a.m. Friday at the PUI). Oompiote lhauly Servioe Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting voR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE EDWARD'S SALON ,,, ... ,th HA 6,2431 E SPECIALS It/ELTON-MASON COUN JOURNAL/-- Pub|tshed in "Oh r.,tma,tme, U.S.A.." Shelton Jayettes Again Sponsor Nephrosis Project At the state Jaycee convention which was held in Spokane last weekend, the Shell on Javettes were again succesful in taving nephrosis chosen as the Jayette stale project for the coming year. A cheek was presented to a repre- sentatiw from the National Kid- ney Disease Foundation in the amount of $2,000 which was col- lected by tile Jaycee Auxiliary Clubs throughout the state, and which is the largest single dona- Ileal 'o/hieh the },'ollndatioFi has le- ceive(I. At the Friday night program, a "Queen for a Day" was chostn from the several hlm(h'ed girls at- lending. The four contestants were required to speak on the sub- iject "What Being a Jaycee Wife !Means to Me." The judges chose I Mrs. Bernie Dorcy from the local club and presented her with a crown and bouquet of red carna- tions, among many other gifts. t Installlation of new off leers will take place at the Colonial House on May 9th at the joint Jaycee- Jayette Installation dinner. -New officers for the coming" year are president, Mrs. R. C. Mercer; first. vice president, Mrs. Chuck Red- man; second vice president, Mrs. Bernie Dorcy; secretary, Mrs. Tom Ryan; and treasurer, Mrs. Bernie Bailey. Election of board members will take place at the May 7th meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Cliff Starkey. This is to be a special  meeting and all members are urged to attend. Rainbows Slate Candy-Apron Sale Rainbow girls are busy planning a boxing" party for the candy and apron sale slated for May 9 at the Lumbermen's Mercantile. The boxing of the candy will be Wed- nesday and Thursday of next week. The girls wish to extend their thanks to the public for its mtp- port of the recent scTap metal drive. The next meeting of the Shel- ton Assembly will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 11, in the Ma- sonic Temple. " WOMEN'S- CHILDREN'S Mrs. Sherwood Gets 302 PAIRS ODDS & ENDS | 000000'PS0XFORDS PTA Membership 00 Mrs 00thel B. Sherwood was SANDALS awarded a life membership by the WORK SHOES Mt. View Parent-Teachers Associ- WORK OXFORDS ation at last Monday's meeting LOAIEliS PER PAIR or the group. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chase and Joe Borek will represent the PTA at the state convention next month. During the program Paul Arm- strong spoke to the group on the dangers of explosives. Girl Scout Troop 6 presented the flag salute and refreshments were served by sixth grade mothers. THONGS . . . 59¢ PAIR When You Think of Shots'Thlnk O f BOOTEllY "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES The Boss Is G0nd! I'm On My Own and Will Do Business My Way... ANy PORTRAIT EVER T00EN BY DEAN .89 e 11' &ny lize Up to 11 x 14 14 and 16x20 . . /2 Price Make me an offer. i want to clean Out all the old files sa I wont have too much to move to our new location next door. at these prices, many be- Price, to advertise our move to to clean out our files, sales. Wedding Reprints Any Size Shelton,'Wahtn Marries in Olympia topher, Olympia, chose a light blue 8oolety Editor . • Phone HA. 6-4412 / 'L'lo:it('??;o.:,nileWiih(.rteingi,a.!i to M' William Walker, Olympia. Planning June Wedding on her pl'Hyer b(iok fol.' the mony in the chapel of St. John's] Episcopal church, Olyml)ia Mrs. Merna Haskins, Shelton, was mail'( n of honm in a beige ' knife suit with pink accessories and pink rose bud corsage. Mr. R,bert Christopher, brother of the hride, was best ntan and Mr. William Btmce and Mr. Don- aid VCestt'all, ushers. Pink stock, piuk carnations and pink tapers decorated the honle. of the bride's parents for the re- ception following the wedding cer- t:?lnonies, The young couple will malc  their home In Tumwater. Mr. Walker is employed at Capitol Ci- ty Title Company. Church Women Set Spring Tea All women of Mason county hre invited to the annual spring 'ilver tea sponsor0d by the churchwomen of St. Dav'td's Episcopal ctmrch May 12 in the Guild rooms of the church, reported Mrs. Ferald [)ill,. chairman of the event. Chamber music for the occasion will be by Mrs. Dean Palmer, :Mrs. Harvey Hillman anti Mrs. Oliwn" Ashford. In charge of the preparations for the tea are Mrs. George Le- Compte, table; M's. Robert Tabke, rooms; Mrs. Martha Rand, small tables; Mrs. Ivan Myers, posters. Presidents of the Guilds Will act as hosl(esses. R. AND MRS. RICHARD INGER wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Billie McPherson, to Mr. Delbert Vance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Vance, Montesano. A June wedding is being planned. (Dean photo.) Chinese Student Speaks to Local Woman's Club An appreciative audience, mem- bers and friends of the Shelton Woman's Club, gathered at tile PUD attditorium b'riday evening to hear usan Ntann Ing Chang. Miss Chang told her reasons why she came from China by way of Taiwan l Formosa) to stndy at the University of VCashington. She old of her family's flight when the Japanese invaded Cnina, and then from Chtmgking, where her father was a professor at tile Uni- versity of Chungking. With the defeat of the Nationalist Chinese as'my, they again moved to For- mesa. There is deep in the heart of these Chinese people a hope to re- turn to tile Chinese mainland. In the meantime rnany of the young people are preparin tbml('h-. for responsibilities when that time comes. Such are the aspiraLmns of Miss Chang Wild was graduated from tile University of Taiwan with high ,.honors. Miss Chang, wearing a beantiful Chinese dress, very generously att- swered many questions from the floor and during the tea hour talked informally witlPgroups as they bronght inquiries to her. She was the overnight guest of the Rev. Charles T. Hatter and Mrs. Hatten. Decorations for the progz'am were arranged by Mrs. Charles Lentz and her committee, and were .of beautiful baskets of dog- wood, red currant and greens. Mrs, Mrs. G. C. Brewster and her cdm- mittee were in charge of the tea hour. Table decorations were a centerpiece of LtHips and accessor- ies ill pastel color% c, ake, coffee and Lea served by Mr:'. lit. J. l)tlll- mann and Mrs. Merrill Saeger. VFW Post Slates Loyalty Day Meet Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 16q4 will conduct their annual Loyalty Day e,xercises at the meeting, $ p.m, on Friday at the Shelton Memorial Building. Plans will be completed for their Poppy Day sales and for the 5th district VFW conventiort which will convepe ip Shelton at 8. p,m, on Saturday, May 16th', for the annual nomination and election of district officers. Shelton member L. F Godwin is a candidate for iupior vice commander. Mason, Thurston, Grays Harbor md Pacific counties VFW mem- bers will meet in the 3rd District PUD attditorium at 303 Cota St. The auxiliaries will meet i the: Memorial Building. After the meetings a buffet luncheon will be served in the Memorial Build- ing. i Commander Darrell Slarks an- nounces that at this meeting plans will be formulated for VFW par- ticipation in the Forest Festival and for conducting Shelton Mere-i orial Day Ceremonies in which the American Legion and the World War I Veterans Organization will assist the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Gold Star Mothers residing in Mason cmmty a.n0 who have not previously been contacted by Post 1694 are requested to immediately notify L. F. Godwin at HA 6-4386 or Commander D. D. Sparks, af- ter 6:30 p.m. at HA 6-6342. Gardeners Begin 21st Busy Year Tile Shelton Garden Club started its 21st year with tile April 20i;h meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Travis, St'., with Mrs. Hen- :ry Jest and Mrs. V. T. Connolly !as co-hostesses. Mrs. Frank Snlith thanked the members for the flowers and many messages received at the time of her recent bereaventent. Mrs. Ferald Dill also thanked the club members who assisted her ,as chairman of the conservation and 20th birthday luncheo tmh] March 16th. $61.25 was cle'ared to help plant the Triangle in May, the shrubs around the new doctors' offices on the Shelton General Hospital grounds, as well as rose bushes on each side of the post- Mrs. Smith read the notice of .he call to the 26th annual con- vention of the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs, th theme, "From the Mountain to the Sea," to be held in Centralia arid Chehalis, June 22 to 25. Res- ervations may be made by calling Mrs. Frank Smith at HA 6-4304 The club voted to renew its $10 membership to the University of Washington Arboretum, the quar- terly magazine to be sent: to the ;Shelton Library so members may have access to the excellent arti- cles on shrub and flowering trees published, each time. Mrs. George Cropper announced the Arboretum Garden Tours which were so popular last year. The fii'st tour is of six gardens, thI-ee in Broadmoor and three on Mercer Island, May 6 and 7, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Donald Grahams' Broadmoor garden is one o£ the showplaces of Seattle. It covers I'A acres th 350 va- rieties of rhododendrons, 100 ca- mellias 15 magnolias, a judas tree, the davidia (dove tree) and the 35-year-old weeping hemlock. It has been opened to the public only a few times. Coffee will be served there. May 14th, four gardens in the Tacoma Country Club district will be an tour with hmcheon served at the Tacoma Country Club, Au- gust 13th, four beautiful gardens will be open for a tour at the I-Iighlands in Seattle." Ffinds fPom these tours will help toward the installation of the Japanese Tea Garden, which was a gift of the city of Tokyo and is being used at the Trade Fair this week. Tickets for the Broadmoor-Mercer Island tour may be purchased at any of the gardens the day .of the tout' or also available will be season tickets, which will include the Ta- coma tour May 14th and the High- lands tour, also four gardens, Au- gust 13th, at a reduced price. Mrs. Smith appointed Mrs. D[lt, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Cropper to be on the nominating committee for officers for the coming year. Mrs. Travis demonstrated wreath making from ferns and displayed two beautiful orchid plants raised in the greenhouse of her son Frank Travis, Jr. Mrs. Percy Kennerly announced the Catholic Women's Guild will have a plant, bulb and mmmage sale May 7 and 8 at Bud Pauley's garage at First and Railroad. Guests were Mrs. Charles Coo- tagno and Mrs. W. O. Galloway. CAR W,SH The Siblings Children's Ortho- pedic Guild will sponsor a car wash Saturday at Cole and Myhre Mobile and Doran Shell Service stations from 10 a,m. until 5 p.m. Donations era dollar and up will be sent to the Seattle Children's Orthopedic Hospital. I Mark Zerr, 6th grade stuclent winner of' the VFW Loyalty Day 0t0 ]essay contest, will be presented Godwir at 2:30 p.m. on May 1st at the Bowleaux School auditor- l ium. The winner, and th two "runners up" wttt alo v(e ,Tm, tor Forest Festival buttons. Library Pioks Log Train Bookplate A design incorporating a log- ging train and a forested hillside was chosen by the board of trus- tees for the new library bookplate. The winner of the contest for a bookplate destgn, conducted at the Irene S. Reed High School, was Earl N. Fulmer. The prize was delivered earlier this week by Mrs. Frank Willard, chairman of the board. The bookplate i to be used to deqignate books given to the Li- brary as memorial ..?if Is. Probiems- sis-ted At the next reg::,:t:" :meting of the Mason Cot!nty Chapter, Wash- ington Association for Retarded Children, the featured speaker will be Cortland Skinner of Olympia. A repre,ntattve of the Social Se- curity Department,/ Skinner will speak on all phases of Social Se- curity and will also answer ques- tions about It. The publtc is invited to attend anti learn more about social se- curity and the benefits that are rightfully yours, The meeting will convene at 8 p.m. Friday, May 8, at Rogers school. Sale Successful Members of the Vicki Lee Orth- opedic Auxiliary reported that a total of $95 was sent to the Seat- tle Children's Orthopedic Hospi- tal as the resflt of the recent rummage sale. All left-over rummage was do- hated to the Rogers school for re-  tarded children. Jr. Deputies Busy Qroup of Youngsters All boys from 12 to :18 years are invited (o joi the Junior Deputy Sheriff's League. All boys intm:- ested are asked to attend the next nleeting of the group at 7:30 ll.m., May 11, in the Armory, to vivw . film shown by Sheriff W. A. P.I- ter. One of the activities slated by the grotlp is a class in the use and nomenclature of gpns. The next class is set for today, Thursday, at 7:30 p.m., in the Mason county courthouse. Any young men interested in joining the grottp are asked to eontaet John Rebman, Jr., 83:', Turner, HA 6-.t310. l00Ioose Will Install Charles Savage wilt bc im-talled as the new governor of the'Shel- ton Moose Lodgo at :()1)  I)). Tuesday in the 5,foose Hall at ':he Airport. Other officers to be in- stalled for the ensuing temn are William Wilson, jllni,r ov0rllor, Clift' Howard prelate, W;dt Tyyn- ismaa, secret;,ry, (J(,rry H:.H'|, tr(msurcr, and Jack Snth. three year t:rust:ee. Installing ttw new (ffic,: will be Cliff I-Iow:,rd, past glveH,:r of the lodge, a.nd the Vvromen of the Moose. HAWAIIAN VA(!ATION: Shar- on Toncy and ,(Inya Spil.qh, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tony, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray St)il- seth will leave for their first flight [o the Hawaiian Islands Tuesday. During their week's stay they will re,ide at the Hawaiian Villas(,. The young women are employed by Western tlotelg. II IIIII I III II I I II I II IIII IIII I I II I ,11 ,1,11 il $omfldng bo,e4 Su*hi,q n . . . • @oOd Luck Marriage sharm whlek w. kepe ,; tkey My ';t koldt tke sr  e kePPY Idly yeur Lky Met- dege Cherm bring th reallMtlon d ,no glowln 9 dream d keppneN. One Lucky Marri,ge Cheem will  found il ev'vry ordmr of Art Po|n# bwlfHoal or efmoun4e- m,O. S o lavltfte mouncemen Mmple4 there  soe 11. Lst cur se¢lety edl kay. ,ll k. d.t.lh d your w.dd;n. THE JOURNAL DIAL 6-441= i ,i iii i , L ii iiiiiiimlll -- , , , i im  Fireston [ Get Your Lawn and Garden Needs Here RO..00R OARO0000 HOSE $5 79 (§a-lnch, 10rear warranty) ................................ : ....... . 00RA. WH,. $1.98 (Serrated edge for keener cutting) ........................ HEDGE S.E.RS $2 49 (True-Temper, rust-resistant blades) ..................... . SPAD,NO FOR00 '3;79 (Light weight, well balanced, 10,-in. Tines) ...... CULTIVATOR  I! (4-prongs 4-inches long, hardwood handle) ............ . Super Special! 18-1NCH ROTARY Power Mower 2A-H.P. Clinton Motor, Recoil Starter, 4-Height Adjustments, All Steel Shell. Lunsford's tPe Sf 0 fle o 317 RAILROAD AVE. i iiii I . I I I I II I II lll r Mothers A SlffART, COMFORTABLE CHAIR In her favorite color and fabric Available also in Rocker or Roto-Rocker MOTIIER WILL ENJOY IT!! Olsen Furniture Company 328 COTA HA 6 4702