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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,,,, , ,, ,i I| I,,,, iiiii I I II Ill I lllll PNo 8 ............................. cL-IMBER TRACKMEN WAD,.0m,..a ,°;-m AGAIN, SOUNDLY WHIP WOLVES. expectedly easy 722/3 to 401/3 Mud and rain and the South Wolves couldn&apos;t squelch Bob Sand's dauntless Highclimber cindermen, who rolled to an an- HERB ROTTER Title Insurarq:s Building Prospectus on Request ONLY CAREFUL DRIVERS Garry Safeco'e tehmlve Gold Identification Card. It masns their driving record and respect for the lives and property of othem has earned them important cash savingsl If you are qow paying hiBh insurance rata deepita constant care and caution-then Gall us todayl Safeco was designed for mature, "Preferred Risk" people who take their driving and iusuranca m¢ioualy. 8AV sr WITH '! Rocky Hembr0ff Agency . .1,6 Ho. 2No PHONE HA 6:3367 W ei-I Orillin-g WATER WELLS- TEST HOLES SHELTON-MASON COUN'P JOURNAE -- Published in uCrsfmaatown, U.B.A.," She]ton, Washing, ton 6iris Win, Boys Lose In Prep Tennis Play wound up with a win and a loss for their weekend competition but this time it was the reverse of the previous week. The girls won over North Thurston, 3-2, after losing the first two singles matches, then rallying to take the third singles and both doubles for a come-from- behind victory. Leslie Rice started the victory ball rolling by taking the No. 3 singles, then Kathy Drebick and Barb Barnett, who had been losers in the No. 1 and No. 2 singles, won the No. 1 doubles and Anna Marie Riske and Jean Martig clinched the decision by winning the second doubles. The boys +squad, 'missing the 'presence of No. 1 singles player Nick Zopolts, lost by a 1-4 count to 'the Rams. Zopolis went to Seattle for West Point physical exams, Teturned in time to play in the No. 1 doubles match with Glen Young and that was the only match the Climbers won. Young, stepping up to the No. 1 singles spot, Jerry Eby and Martin Auseth, also playing a notch above their accustomed i places, were losers, as were Aus- eth and Eby as the No. 2 doubles combo. This Friday the Climber squads engage Elma.., HARLEY SOMERS f Blazers Capture 10th ALTERNATE ON GRID GROUP Straight Dual Track' 00l,et-footed Harley S,,n,e,'s Meet by 210-38 Count leading scorer in the Ccnh'al North Thurston provided lit+Lie League last fall whle playing halfback for the She)ton High- competition in the B and C events ++ and took a solid whipping in the climbers, was named second alter- A division as guest:s of the Shel- Rate halfback on the West squad ton Blazers in a one-sided junior whichmeets the East in the an- high track meet on Loop Field last nual state all-star football game Thursday afternoon. next August 29 in Spokane. The Blazers wound up with a Harley was also the Central 210 point total against 38 for League's top ground- gainer last North Thurstor[. fall. One new school record emerged John Lund, husky North Thtu's- from the slaughter when Ricky ton guard, was named an alter- Durkin hoisted himself to 9 feet 2 nate lineman while Bob Schwarz inches in the Class B pole vault, of Chehalis was selected as one bettering the old mark by one of the first squad halfbacks to inch. become other Central League Danny bison turned in an excel- players honored by the selectors ..... lent 20.9 second 180 yard dash head coach Werner Neudorf of in Class B and Jerry Linton Foster, assistants Chuck Furno of knocked more than two seconds Fort Vancouver and Larry Muniz- off his previous best time with a za of Arlington. 1:40.8 performance in the Class A Brian Boulac of Olympia was 660. named an end on the first squad. North Thurston failed to score a single point in the Class B MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Johnson's Shell Service 42V.., 21%, Prepp's Rexall Store .... 41 & 22., Thackeray Electric ...... 36 28 Kimbel Motors Inc ..... 31 33 , Olympic Plywood ........ 27 l& 36%+ Western Meat .............. 27 37 Ziegler's Camera Shop 261/ 37 l& Don's Flying A Service 24 40 "High game--Norm Cowan 223 High total--Norm Cowan 578 victory under Iop Field eondit- mrs more suitable for water polo than running and jumping Tues- day afternoon. Shelton's cinder squad swept the high hurdles, broad jump and half mile and leaped one-two in the pole vault while submerging a rival which had done well in Olympic Peninsula league compe- tition this spring and figured on the dope sheet to be a real men- ace to the winning streak the Climber thinclads have run up in dual meet action the past two years. IT WAS the tenth straight tri-! umph for Sund's track and field athletes in dual, triangular or quadrangular meet rivalry since varly last year. Their only loss in the interim was in the Central League all-conferenco meet a year ago. Conditions were so miserable it was impossible for good marks, but the 10.9 century run by Bob Hawkins of S.K. and the 17.7 high hurdle romp by Laurie Sore- era of $helton were certainly corn:. mendable. m The meet served as a mid-week tune-up for the Highclimbers for the Central League all-conference meet Saturday at Loop Field. The results: HIGH HURDLES -- Laurie GOLF CLUB CALENDAR events and only seven in the Class C. The margins were 77-0 and 70- 7 in those classes while the Blaz- ers ran up a 63-31 edge in the Clas A competition. The Blazers go to Centralia to- day for a dual meet. Last week's results: CLASS A (Shelton 63, North Thurston 31) LOW HURDLES '--- Walton NT, Jim Lamont S, Ed Kazinsky S. 16.4 100-YARD DASH .... John Sells S, Gillis NT, Ronnie Orr S. 11.5 50-YARD DASH ..... Gary Simons S, Lee Buzzard S, Gillis NT. 6.2 IBedell Drilling €o, LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton ii j i iiilll iIj/ lit,, ,, I I i ii I I,,H, i i HH: I H I II , J BLUE OX THEATRE Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 1 - 2 -3 Announcing the return engagement of two great pictures brought back for your pleasure and enjoyment! "DAMN YANKEES" -- Plus -- Starring Tab Hunter "JAILHOUSE ROCK" . and Gwen Verdon StBJ'rlng Elvis Prealey Every song, and every scene The rebel of song in a riot of that made the show Broadway's Rock n' Roll. Elvis at his greatest I greatest ! Due to special arrangements Walt DIsney's "THE SHAGGY DOG" will play six big days beginning Wednesday, May 20-21-22- 23-24-25-Forest Festival Week. Special Matinee Saturday, May 23, 12:00 p.m. Continuous+ Admission Children 35€, Students 75€, Adults 85€. Somer8 $, Tim Hurst S, Gary Schneider S. 17.7. 100-YARD DASH -- Hawkins SK, Sherry Halbert S, Bolinger SK. 10.9. 880-YARD RUN--Dave Round- tree 8, Roy Buzzard $, Dave Pearce S. 2:12.7. POLE VAULT--Gary Lord S, Tom Kendall S, Norman SK. 9' 7". 440-YARD DASH--Bolinger SK, Vlnce Bostwlck S, Lon Oeyette S. 55.5. SHOT PUT--Ochs SK, Warren Zeitler S, Collins SK. 48 ft. LOW HURDLESDaniels SK, Kendall S, Schneider. S. 23.3. HIGH JUMP  L. Somers S, Bering SK, Will Rodgers S and Hurst S and Hembd SK all tied. 5' 2". BROAD JUMP--Halbert S, Ray Baker S, Don Northness S. 18' 7". 220-YARD DASH .... Hawkins SK, Halbert S, Offield SK. 25.0. MILE RUN--Rawlin Mclnelly S, Sandburg SK, 'Mike McCletndon S. 5:08.5. DISCUS-Collins SK, Zeitler S, Dave Sharpes S, 126' 5J+. ''. RELAY--Shelton (Joe Ilw)n, Bostwick, Halbert, Deyette). 1:43.0. J.P @ Patches Your Favorite KIRO-TV Star IN PERSON -- ON STAGE AT- BLUE OX THEATER SAT.,,MAY 2 2 BIG SHOWS 1 P.M. & 3 P.M. FUN! GAMESI PRIZES! Children 35€;- Adults 50€ € Kneeland's successor as pro- manager of the Shelton course has not yet been selected and he will remain at his local post until such time as the new man is chosen. That selection is in the hands of the board of directors of the Shel- ton club now and a number of can- didaes for the position are being considered, according to President Bill Ba tstone. Kneeland is a native son of Shelton who was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school in 1932 and has been prominent in golf- ing circles here since his high school days, when he caddied and played on the old Shelton golf course which later became a part of the present airtort. In moving to the Twin Cities area he joins a friend of long standing, Harry Christopherson, i who recently purchased a bowling alley in that conlmunity. $ * $ CLIMBERS LOSE PAIR Dave Knutzen cardcd a sturdy 84 for low score on his team yet had the unfortunate experience of being shutout by both his individ- ual rivals as the Highclimber prep golf team dropped a pair of Cen- tral League matches to St. Mart- ins (9fi-5%) and Chehalis (121,- 2%) last Friday on the Olympia Golf & Country Club course. At the same time Chehalis shaded St. Martins 8%-6% to re- main unbeaten in conference com- petition. Rotchford of St. Mart- ins was medalist for the day with an excellent 73. Jim Aho, shooting an even 100 in the No. 2 spot, eored three points against St. Martins but drew a blank against Chehalis. , 660YARD RUN -- Jerry Linton ALPH KNEELAND BUYS I Neal Close, No. 4 and Don Van S, Huke NT, Ed Johnson S. CHEHALIS GOLF COURSE [Blarieom, No. 5, made 2Y2 points 1:40.8 Final details of his purchase of lduring the day. Close shot a 96 SHOT PUT--Sells S, Gary Combs the nine-hole Riverside golf course J and Van Blaricom an 87. S, Weatherbie NT. 48' 4%" at Chehalis have been completed] The standings now ?e: DISCUSS--Kazinsky S Gustafson by Alphie Kneeland, pro-manager] W ' T Pts. NT, Combs . 94' 9" of the Shelton - Bayshore 'golf [ Chehalis ............ 7 0 0 14 180-YARD DASH---Corky Peter- course for the past five years. ]North Thurston 5 3 0 10 son S, Lamont S, Leroy Austin Kneeland purchased the River- St. Martins ...... 4 1 I 9 S: 22 flat side course from Tom Law, owner Raymond .......... 4 4 1 9 POLE VAULT--Walton NT, La- for the past sl years. ' Elms .................. 4 3 0 8 mort S, (only entries). 10 ft. Shelton .............. 2 7 0 4 BROAD JUMP--Simons S, Clark LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 John Howe, Governor Phone HA 6-4743 Wafter Tyyniamaa, Scy. Phone HA 6-3292 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport Montesano ........ 0 7 0 O OLYMPIA WINS EASILY Rain and wind made goodk golf virtually impossible but failed to i dampen the fun for the inter-club lineups of Olympia and Shelton clubs Sunday on the Bayshore nine, Olympia won a 48 to 11% victory. Clint Willour had low gross and Jack Gray low net for the home forces with Willour also taking the prize for longest drive on the sixth. Ed Muller was longest off the tee on No. 4 for another prize and Tony Nelson was closest to the pin on No. 3 to complete the prize llst for the Shelton links- men. • $ $ The feminine counterparts of both clubs will tangle on the same premises tomorrow. Ladies Day play on April 21 i was a flag tournament at par plus handicap. Winners will be an- nounced next week. SCHNABEL BANGS ACE George Schnabel added his name to the exclusive group of hole-in-one shootera on the Shel- ton-Bayshore golf course when his tee shot off the 125-yard third hole wound up in the cup after a perfect carom off a convenient tree on Wednesday of last week. SRA TOURNEY SATURDAY Entries are still acceptable in the Simpson Recreation Associa- tion spring golf handicap tourna- ment scheduled this Saturday. Opening play is slated for 8:00 S .nl, Many prizes are up for grabs in this competition. PItEP TRACK RESULTS Stadium 682/3, Olympia 44 1/3 Aberdeen 72, Wilson 41 W. Brem 73 2/3, Cen Kit 48 1/3 Centralia 60, Chehalis 53 Shelton 68, North Thuvston 45 Olympia 76%, rilson 36]/. Chehalis 66, Elma 47, St. Mar- i' tns 16, Raymond 10 Hudson's Bay 76, Centralia 42 So. Ben 62b£, Montesano 50/. Hoquiam 63 2/3, Kelso 54 1/3 S.K. 63/, C.K. 56, N.K. 31, Stadium 66, West Bremerton 47 Lincoln 72, East Bremerton 41 For YourTown... ' .... -"" 'YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Your local newspaper strives to represent every facet of the community. It promotes business by advertising pro-  0J .... ducts and services; it supports churches, schools, and civic clubs by publishing information concerning their ac- 5 0 L I D, 'U N J T I N G F 0 R C E ! tivities; it recognizes individual members of th community as interesting events occur in their lives; and it spreads ,local news, and national news in local terms, By help- ' ing different factions of the commumity to learn each * cooperation for the gQod of the entire area -+ HELP YOUR TOWN GROW! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER! 116 4;OMMUMUtOtIS IUIIIK IIMIVilIIIY Oil IIIIIIMIITOM • IUIILI l, WAiMINOIOM NT, Austin S. 17' 3" HIGH JUMP-:-Clark NT, Kazin- sky S and Lazarus NT tied. 5' 4" RELAY---Shelton {Sells, Simons, Linton, Peterson). 52 flat CLASS B (Sheiton 77, North Thnrston 0) LOW HURDLES--Joe Waters S, Ricl Barger S, Crandall Mc- Cutcheon S. 14.4 100-YARD DASH--Dave Utter S, Rennie Andcrson S, ary Calk- ins S. 12.2 50-YARD DASH--Stan Johnston S, Barger S, Jim Swindall S. 6.3 POLE VAULT+-Ricky Durkin S, MeCutcheon S, Bill Cuzick and Dave Robertson S tied. 9' 2" (new school record). SHOT PUT. -. Johnston S, McCut- cheon S, Swindall S. 4/)' 1" 180-YARD DASH--.Dan Olson S, Fred Bostwick S, Bill Dodds S. 20'.9 BROAD JUMP-Utter and Ander- son S tied, Barger S. 16 ft. HIGH JUMP -o Robertson and An- derson S tied, Waters S. 4' 7" RELAY .... Shelton (Utter, Bose- wick, Dodds, Johnston). 52.4 CLASS C (Shelton 70, North Thurston 7) LOV HURDLES ..... Bob Carson S, Bob Rawding S, Porteous NT. 15 flat 100-YARD DASH Dan McHenry S, Brian Brickert S, Gary Brev- ig S, 13.2 50-YARD DASH--- Darrell Coch- ran S, George Davidson S, Joe Snyder. 6.7 75-YARD DASH- Bill S, Roger i Pearson S, Larry Mille)' S. 10.1 POLE VAULT -- Larry Leighton S, Carson S, Phil Scrafford S and Brevig S tied. 7 ft. SHOT PUT Cochran S, S, Carson S. 26' 9V" BROAD JUMP--B. Miller S, Dav- idson S, Porteous NT. 13' llVs" HIGH JUMP ..... Porteous NT, Brickert S, Leighton S and Raw- ding S and Brevig S all tied. 4'8" RELAY --- Shelton (McHenry, B. Miller, Davidson, Brickert). 56.6 HORSESHOE GROUP SEEKING PLAYERS Simpson Recreation Association Thursda  N IASON COUNTY t0000_._oquroooes ANOTHER BIG DOL.LY producing well ' ir chos while Trl Big Dolly Vavdt,ns and some x- I cepti0nallv" husky r:dnb()ws fig-I ured in the fresh water flailing t news of the past week in Mason t county. ] Ray Gudger of Route 2 exhibited I a 21-inch 'bow among a limit catch he elaim(,d from Lake Spen- , cer Friday while reports said a pair of 22-inch 'bows werc taken from neighboring Phillips Lake by unidentified Bremerton anglcr,. Spenser's catch report was 87 anglers with 417 fish, Phillit)s 27- 76. Top Dolly of the season so far fell for the Pop Gear hire Archie Reid of Olympia dangled io l,ake Cushman l,st weelcend. It meas- ured 7 lbs. and 25t. inctes. 13-year-old Ricky Reed used an FST with no weight to take a 2-Ib. Dolly in the same waters, where rising temperatures sht)uld mcrease the activity among silver,+ in the next two weeks. Fishermen using spoons only with little or no weiglt were tl;e most successful getting cutthroat in Cushman, reports Clem Heater of Lake Cushman Resort. Cut- throat provided most of the action for 70 fishermen who took 200 fish, she relates. Several limits and near-limits were included, Lake Nahwatzel was reported with 527 rainbO 107 fishermen. anglers picked fine average an dale 361 fishert ]ic access area 3,837 trout, ac0 depa rt:ment Spd There were n( from the salt week and ditto era. IF YOU OWN A BELL BOY BOAT l, tr:de:ta° Be e lelr  S'y Y:lU e k  3 oLYs °lt SOUND mLLWORK C01 2 Mile South of ShaRon 9 L ' TI LLE R-C U LTIVATO R Plenty of capacity for tilling or cultivating heavy soils. Non-winding, self-sharpening tines, guaranteed against breakage! "Fastatch" tino assemblies (8%" to 29") change in seconds. Full working visibility. Ask us for a demonstration today! 8ow 3 hp! First with finger-tip POWER WASHINGTON CO-OP FARMERS ASS'N • 116 N. 1ST • PHONE 14 horseshoe club is looking for more president. .+ " ] We wat to increase the raze of the league," Richards said, "and. will welcome any team at all. Its member do not have to work for Last year there were eight teams in the league and Richards said the club can accommodate up to 16 teams. Plans are being road to add four more pits at the +IL I ever built. Ji" Rai]rond Avenue site. There are flood lights for after dark compe- WE'LL sH AII ( tition.  'II,-- MOWER." ',:I The rules are being" changed this  hand, or pO t[ Ist year everyone had to use the Jl! inches to '"i! e,ubs +hoes Jlr M ting wade. Any teams interested in oin-  ]I( AS AS INTI#I++( ;;" Richardsing the leaguethrough: shouldthe SimpsonC°t{tact : ..,.:...,.,... // Offer for  the ri:l]' t personnel office, " - £, MS ERS ........ ::I! RES S MOWERS ..... -- ROTARY ELECT KY WILSON BLADES [tayouh'v Research ' b o w I e r s 'g/]) t It" brou elected Ky Vilson their 1959-60 president at the n;mua! post-seas. on banqt]ct I,'lidtly nigl, t in the Shelton Holel, where a smorgas- bold dimler was e]ljoyed. Miriam Chri,tian was elected vicc-presideut ; Ted Wit tcnberg, secrciary-tt'caSm'e; arid Lew Carl- son, sergeant-at-al'n]s. +Wittenberg is tim re!ivlng president. Awards for lchicx'e;q£ent,,; (lur- i:g" the sensor1 \\;vertt tO Bob Eli,)t, bolh hiKh game and hi2, h series for men; Nits Nelson. hi?.h series for women; A1 Joh':tem )11<t Kay St einherg', achi,venlert Lrophies respecti\\;'cly for men md women; Margaret Bacon, Marie Cormier, Nita Nelson and Jean Nelson 200 pin awards for women; Mainte- nance, for team championship and trophies to Captain Bill Roberts and each member of the team. Special guests for the evening were Dr. Ben Briggs, research di- rector; and Ralph Wyatt, person- nc! dizctor. * . I Engine Repairs we 00ro00d,y An.oDors Our AUTHORIZED SERVICE SI:I : for a,d 00ar*s ,or c,..,NTO00 1 < BRIGGS & STRAT'rON MotorS. I+: w " COOPER CLPPER Reel-type 4;i , • 0 + MASTERC[T Rotary-type 0,I t SALES" SERVICE" REN] ' MERRY TILLER (;ARDEN T¢I , ii+ Hednck S-ort C 123 COTA STREET PHONE ; ,,,, , ,, ,i I| I,,,, iiiii I I II Ill I lllll PNo 8 ............................. cL-IMBER TRACKMEN WAD,.0m,..a ,°;-m AGAIN, SOUNDLY WHIP WOLVES. expectedly easy 722/3 to 401/3 Mud and rain and the South Wolves couldn't squelch Bob Sand's dauntless Highclimber cindermen, who rolled to an an- HERB ROTTER Title Insurarq:s Building Prospectus on Request ONLY CAREFUL DRIVERS Garry Safeco'e tehmlve Gold Identification Card. It masns their driving record and respect for the lives and property of othem has earned them important cash savingsl If you are qow paying hiBh insurance rata deepita constant care and caution-then Gall us todayl Safeco was designed for mature, "Preferred Risk" people who take their driving and iusuranca m¢ioualy. 8AV sr WITH '! Rocky Hembr0ff Agency . .1,6 Ho. 2No PHONE HA 6:3367 W ei-I Orillin-g WATER WELLS- TEST HOLES SHELTON-MASON COUN'P JOURNAE -- Published in uCrsfmaatown, U.B.A.," She]ton, Washing, ton 6iris Win, Boys Lose In Prep Tennis Play wound up with a win and a loss for their weekend competition but this time it was the reverse of the previous week. The girls won over North Thurston, 3-2, after losing the first two singles matches, then rallying to take the third singles and both doubles for a come-from- behind victory. Leslie Rice started the victory ball rolling by taking the No. 3 singles, then Kathy Drebick and Barb Barnett, who had been losers in the No. 1 and No. 2 singles, won the No. 1 doubles and Anna Marie Riske and Jean Martig clinched the decision by winning the second doubles. The boys +squad, 'missing the 'presence of No. 1 singles player Nick Zopolts, lost by a 1-4 count to 'the Rams. Zopolis went to Seattle for West Point physical exams, Teturned in time to play in the No. 1 doubles match with Glen Young and that was the only match the Climbers won. Young, stepping up to the No. 1 singles spot, Jerry Eby and Martin Auseth, also playing a notch above their accustomed i places, were losers, as were Aus- eth and Eby as the No. 2 doubles combo. This Friday the Climber squads engage Elma.., HARLEY SOMERS f Blazers Capture 10th ALTERNATE ON GRID GROUP Straight Dual Track' 00l,et-footed Harley S,,n,e,'s Meet by 210-38 Count leading scorer in the Ccnh'al North Thurston provided lit+Lie League last fall whle playing halfback for the She)ton High- competition in the B and C events ++ and took a solid whipping in the climbers, was named second alter- A division as guest:s of the Shel- Rate halfback on the West squad ton Blazers in a one-sided junior whichmeets the East in the an- high track meet on Loop Field last nual state all-star football game Thursday afternoon. next August 29 in Spokane. The Blazers wound up with a Harley was also the Central 210 point total against 38 for League's top ground- gainer last North Thurstor[. fall. One new school record emerged John Lund, husky North Thtu's- from the slaughter when Ricky ton guard, was named an alter- Durkin hoisted himself to 9 feet 2 nate lineman while Bob Schwarz inches in the Class B pole vault, of Chehalis was selected as one bettering the old mark by one of the first squad halfbacks to inch. become other Central League Danny bison turned in an excel- players honored by the selectors ..... lent 20.9 second 180 yard dash head coach Werner Neudorf of in Class B and Jerry Linton Foster, assistants Chuck Furno of knocked more than two seconds Fort Vancouver and Larry Muniz- off his previous best time with a za of Arlington. 1:40.8 performance in the Class A Brian Boulac of Olympia was 660. named an end on the first squad. North Thurston failed to score a single point in the Class B MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Johnson's Shell Service 42V.., 21%, Prepp's Rexall Store .... 41 & 22., Thackeray Electric ...... 36 28 Kimbel Motors Inc ..... 31 33 , Olympic Plywood ........ 27 l& 36%+ Western Meat .............. 27 37 Ziegler's Camera Shop 261/ 37 l& Don's Flying A Service 24 40 "High game--Norm Cowan 223 High total--Norm Cowan 578 victory under Iop Field eondit- mrs more suitable for water polo than running and jumping Tues- day afternoon. Shelton's cinder squad swept the high hurdles, broad jump and half mile and leaped one-two in the pole vault while submerging a rival which had done well in Olympic Peninsula league compe- tition this spring and figured on the dope sheet to be a real men- ace to the winning streak the Climber thinclads have run up in dual meet action the past two years. IT WAS the tenth straight tri-! umph for Sund's track and field athletes in dual, triangular or quadrangular meet rivalry since varly last year. Their only loss in the interim was in the Central League all-conferenco meet a year ago. Conditions were so miserable it was impossible for good marks, but the 10.9 century run by Bob Hawkins of S.K. and the 17.7 high hurdle romp by Laurie Sore- era of $helton were certainly corn:. mendable. m The meet served as a mid-week tune-up for the Highclimbers for the Central League all-conference meet Saturday at Loop Field. The results: HIGH HURDLES -- Laurie GOLF CLUB CALENDAR events and only seven in the Class C. The margins were 77-0 and 70- 7 in those classes while the Blaz- ers ran up a 63-31 edge in the Clas A competition. The Blazers go to Centralia to- day for a dual meet. Last week's results: CLASS A (Shelton 63, North Thurston 31) LOW HURDLES '--- Walton NT, Jim Lamont S, Ed Kazinsky S. 16.4 100-YARD DASH .... John Sells S, Gillis NT, Ronnie Orr S. 11.5 50-YARD DASH ..... Gary Simons S, Lee Buzzard S, Gillis NT. 6.2 IBedell Drilling €o, LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton ii j i iiilll iIj/ lit,, ,, I I i ii I I,,H, i i HH: I H I II , J BLUE OX THEATRE Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 1 - 2 -3 Announcing the return engagement of two great pictures brought back for your pleasure and enjoyment! "DAMN YANKEES" -- Plus -- Starring Tab Hunter "JAILHOUSE ROCK" . and Gwen Verdon StBJ'rlng Elvis Prealey Every song, and every scene The rebel of song in a riot of that made the show Broadway's Rock n' Roll. Elvis at his greatest I greatest ! Due to special arrangements Walt DIsney's "THE SHAGGY DOG" will play six big days beginning Wednesday, May 20-21-22- 23-24-25-Forest Festival Week. Special Matinee Saturday, May 23, 12:00 p.m. Continuous+ Admission Children 35€, Students 75€, Adults 85€. Somer8 $, Tim Hurst S, Gary Schneider S. 17.7. 100-YARD DASH -- Hawkins SK, Sherry Halbert S, Bolinger SK. 10.9. 880-YARD RUN--Dave Round- tree 8, Roy Buzzard $, Dave Pearce S. 2:12.7. POLE VAULT--Gary Lord S, Tom Kendall S, Norman SK. 9' 7". 440-YARD DASH--Bolinger SK, Vlnce Bostwlck S, Lon Oeyette S. 55.5. SHOT PUT--Ochs SK, Warren Zeitler S, Collins SK. 48 ft. LOW HURDLESDaniels SK, Kendall S, Schneider. S. 23.3. HIGH JUMP  L. Somers S, Bering SK, Will Rodgers S and Hurst S and Hembd SK all tied. 5' 2". BROAD JUMP--Halbert S, Ray Baker S, Don Northness S. 18' 7". 220-YARD DASH .... Hawkins SK, Halbert S, Offield SK. 25.0. MILE RUN--Rawlin Mclnelly S, Sandburg SK, 'Mike McCletndon S. 5:08.5. DISCUS-Collins SK, Zeitler S, Dave Sharpes S, 126' 5J+. ''. RELAY--Shelton (Joe Ilw)n, Bostwick, Halbert, Deyette). 1:43.0. J.P @ Patches Your Favorite KIRO-TV Star IN PERSON -- ON STAGE AT- BLUE OX THEATER SAT.,,MAY 2 2 BIG SHOWS 1 P.M. & 3 P.M. FUN! GAMESI PRIZES! Children 35€;- Adults 50€ € Kneeland's successor as pro- manager of the Shelton course has not yet been selected and he will remain at his local post until such time as the new man is chosen. That selection is in the hands of the board of directors of the Shel- ton club now and a number of can- didaes for the position are being considered, according to President Bill Ba tstone. Kneeland is a native son of Shelton who was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school in 1932 and has been prominent in golf- ing circles here since his high school days, when he caddied and played on the old Shelton golf course which later became a part of the present airtort. In moving to the Twin Cities area he joins a friend of long standing, Harry Christopherson, i who recently purchased a bowling alley in that conlmunity. $ * $ CLIMBERS LOSE PAIR Dave Knutzen cardcd a sturdy 84 for low score on his team yet had the unfortunate experience of being shutout by both his individ- ual rivals as the Highclimber prep golf team dropped a pair of Cen- tral League matches to St. Mart- ins (9fi-5%) and Chehalis (121,- 2%) last Friday on the Olympia Golf & Country Club course. At the same time Chehalis shaded St. Martins 8%-6% to re- main unbeaten in conference com- petition. Rotchford of St. Mart- ins was medalist for the day with an excellent 73. Jim Aho, shooting an even 100 in the No. 2 spot, eored three points against St. Martins but drew a blank against Chehalis. , 660YARD RUN -- Jerry Linton ALPH KNEELAND BUYS I Neal Close, No. 4 and Don Van S, Huke NT, Ed Johnson S. CHEHALIS GOLF COURSE [Blarieom, No. 5, made 2Y2 points 1:40.8 Final details of his purchase of lduring the day. Close shot a 96 SHOT PUT--Sells S, Gary Combs the nine-hole Riverside golf course J and Van Blaricom an 87. S, Weatherbie NT. 48' 4%" at Chehalis have been completed] The standings now ?e: DISCUSS--Kazinsky S Gustafson by Alphie Kneeland, pro-manager] W ' T Pts. NT, Combs . 94' 9" of the Shelton - Bayshore 'golf [ Chehalis ............ 7 0 0 14 180-YARD DASH---Corky Peter- course for the past five years. ]North Thurston 5 3 0 10 son S, Lamont S, Leroy Austin Kneeland purchased the River- St. Martins ...... 4 1 I 9 S: 22 flat side course from Tom Law, owner Raymond .......... 4 4 1 9 POLE VAULT--Walton NT, La- for the past sl years. ' Elms .................. 4 3 0 8 mort S, (only entries). 10 ft. Shelton .............. 2 7 0 4 BROAD JUMP--Simons S, Clark LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 John Howe, Governor Phone HA 6-4743 Wafter Tyyniamaa, Scy. Phone HA 6-3292 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport Montesano ........ 0 7 0 O OLYMPIA WINS EASILY Rain and wind made goodk golf virtually impossible but failed to i dampen the fun for the inter-club lineups of Olympia and Shelton clubs Sunday on the Bayshore nine, Olympia won a 48 to 11% victory. Clint Willour had low gross and Jack Gray low net for the home forces with Willour also taking the prize for longest drive on the sixth. Ed Muller was longest off the tee on No. 4 for another prize and Tony Nelson was closest to the pin on No. 3 to complete the prize llst for the Shelton links- men. • $ $ The feminine counterparts of both clubs will tangle on the same premises tomorrow. Ladies Day play on April 21 i was a flag tournament at par plus handicap. Winners will be an- nounced next week. SCHNABEL BANGS ACE George Schnabel added his name to the exclusive group of hole-in-one shootera on the Shel- ton-Bayshore golf course when his tee shot off the 125-yard third hole wound up in the cup after a perfect carom off a convenient tree on Wednesday of last week. SRA TOURNEY SATURDAY Entries are still acceptable in the Simpson Recreation Associa- tion spring golf handicap tourna- ment scheduled this Saturday. Opening play is slated for 8:00 S .nl, Many prizes are up for grabs in this competition. PItEP TRACK RESULTS Stadium 682/3, Olympia 44 1/3 Aberdeen 72, Wilson 41 W. Brem 73 2/3, Cen Kit 48 1/3 Centralia 60, Chehalis 53 Shelton 68, North Thuvston 45 Olympia 76%, rilson 36]/. Chehalis 66, Elma 47, St. Mar- i' tns 16, Raymond 10 Hudson's Bay 76, Centralia 42 So. Ben 62b£, Montesano 50/. Hoquiam 63 2/3, Kelso 54 1/3 S.K. 63/, C.K. 56, N.K. 31, Stadium 66, West Bremerton 47 Lincoln 72, East Bremerton 41 For YourTown... ' .... -"" 'YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Your local newspaper strives to represent every facet of the community. It promotes business by advertising pro-  0J .... ducts and services; it supports churches, schools, and civic clubs by publishing information concerning their ac- 5 0 L I D, 'U N J T I N G F 0 R C E ! tivities; it recognizes individual members of th community as interesting events occur in their lives; and it spreads ,local news, and national news in local terms, By help- ' ing different factions of the commumity to learn each * cooperation for the gQod of the entire area -+ HELP YOUR TOWN GROW! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER! 116 4;OMMUMUtOtIS IUIIIK IIMIVilIIIY Oil IIIIIIMIITOM • IUIILI l, WAiMINOIOM NT, Austin S. 17' 3" HIGH JUMP-:-Clark NT, Kazin- sky S and Lazarus NT tied. 5' 4" RELAY---Shelton {Sells, Simons, Linton, Peterson). 52 flat CLASS B (Sheiton 77, North Thnrston 0) LOW HURDLES--Joe Waters S, Ricl Barger S, Crandall Mc- Cutcheon S. 14.4 100-YARD DASH--Dave Utter S, Rennie Andcrson S, ary Calk- ins S. 12.2 50-YARD DASH--Stan Johnston S, Barger S, Jim Swindall S. 6.3 POLE VAULT+-Ricky Durkin S, MeCutcheon S, Bill Cuzick and Dave Robertson S tied. 9' 2" (new school record). SHOT PUT. -. Johnston S, McCut- cheon S, Swindall S. 4/)' 1" 180-YARD DASH--.Dan Olson S, Fred Bostwick S, Bill Dodds S. 20'.9 BROAD JUMP-Utter and Ander- son S tied, Barger S. 16 ft. HIGH JUMP -o Robertson and An- derson S tied, Waters S. 4' 7" RELAY .... Shelton (Utter, Bose- wick, Dodds, Johnston). 52.4 CLASS C (Shelton 70, North Thurston 7) LOV HURDLES ..... Bob Carson S, Bob Rawding S, Porteous NT. 15 flat 100-YARD DASH Dan McHenry S, Brian Brickert S, Gary Brev- ig S, 13.2 50-YARD DASH--- Darrell Coch- ran S, George Davidson S, Joe Snyder. 6.7 75-YARD DASH- Bill S, Roger i Pearson S, Larry Mille)' S. 10.1 POLE VAULT -- Larry Leighton S, Carson S, Phil Scrafford S and Brevig S tied. 7 ft. SHOT PUT Cochran S, S, Carson S. 26' 9V" BROAD JUMP--B. Miller S, Dav- idson S, Porteous NT. 13' llVs" HIGH JUMP ..... Porteous NT, Brickert S, Leighton S and Raw- ding S and Brevig S all tied. 4'8" RELAY --- Shelton (McHenry, B. Miller, Davidson, Brickert). 56.6 HORSESHOE GROUP SEEKING PLAYERS Simpson Recreation Association Thursda  N IASON COUNTY t0000_._oquroooes ANOTHER BIG DOL.LY producing well ' ir chos while Trl Big Dolly Vavdt,ns and some x- I cepti0nallv" husky r:dnb()ws fig-I ured in the fresh water flailing t news of the past week in Mason t county. ] Ray Gudger of Route 2 exhibited I a 21-inch 'bow among a limit catch he elaim(,d from Lake Spen- , cer Friday while reports said a pair of 22-inch 'bows werc taken from neighboring Phillips Lake by unidentified Bremerton anglcr,. Spenser's catch report was 87 anglers with 417 fish, Phillit)s 27- 76. Top Dolly of the season so far fell for the Pop Gear hire Archie Reid of Olympia dangled io l,ake Cushman l,st weelcend. It meas- ured 7 lbs. and 25t. inctes. 13-year-old Ricky Reed used an FST with no weight to take a 2-Ib. Dolly in the same waters, where rising temperatures sht)uld mcrease the activity among silver,+ in the next two weeks. Fishermen using spoons only with little or no weiglt were tl;e most successful getting cutthroat in Cushman, reports Clem Heater of Lake Cushman Resort. Cut- throat provided most of the action for 70 fishermen who took 200 fish, she relates. Several limits and near-limits were included, Lake Nahwatzel was reported with 527 rainbO 107 fishermen. anglers picked fine average an dale 361 fishert ]ic access area 3,837 trout, ac0 depa rt:ment Spd There were n( from the salt week and ditto era. IF YOU OWN A BELL BOY BOAT l, tr:de:ta° Be e lelr  S'y Y:lU e k  3 oLYs °lt SOUND mLLWORK C01 2 Mile South of ShaRon 9 L ' TI LLE R-C U LTIVATO R Plenty of capacity for tilling or cultivating heavy soils. Non-winding, self-sharpening tines, guaranteed against breakage! "Fastatch" tino assemblies (8%" to 29") change in seconds. Full working visibility. Ask us for a demonstration today! 8ow 3 hp! First with finger-tip POWER WASHINGTON CO-OP FARMERS ASS'N • 116 N. 1ST • PHONE 14 horseshoe club is looking for more president. .+ " ] We wat to increase the raze of the league," Richards said, "and. will welcome any team at all. Its member do not have to work for Last year there were eight teams in the league and Richards said the club can accommodate up to 16 teams. Plans are being road to add four more pits at the +IL I ever built. Ji" Rai]rond Avenue site. There are flood lights for after dark compe- WE'LL sH AII ( tition.  'II,-- MOWER." ',:I The rules are being" changed this  hand, or pO t[ Ist year everyone had to use the Jl! inches to '"i! e,ubs +hoes Jlr M ting wade. Any teams interested in oin-  ]I( AS AS INTI#I++( ;;" Richardsing the leaguethrough: shouldthe SimpsonC°t{tact : ..,.:...,.,... // Offer for  the ri:l]' t personnel office, " - £, MS ERS ........ ::I! RES S MOWERS ..... -- ROTARY ELECT KY WILSON BLADES [tayouh'v Research ' b o w I e r s 'g/]) t It" brou elected Ky Vilson their 1959-60 president at the n;mua! post-seas. on banqt]ct I,'lidtly nigl, t in the Shelton Holel, where a smorgas- bold dimler was e]ljoyed. Miriam Chri,tian was elected vicc-presideut ; Ted Wit tcnberg, secrciary-tt'caSm'e; arid Lew Carl- son, sergeant-at-al'n]s. +Wittenberg is tim re!ivlng president. Awards for lchicx'e;q£ent,,; (lur- i:g" the sensor1 \\;vertt tO Bob Eli,)t, bolh hiKh game and hi2, h series for men; Nits Nelson. hi?.h series for women; A1 Joh':tem )11<t Kay St einherg', achi,venlert Lrophies respecti\\;'cly for men md women; Margaret Bacon, Marie Cormier, Nita Nelson and Jean Nelson 200 pin awards for women; Mainte- nance, for team championship and trophies to Captain Bill Roberts and each member of the team. Special guests for the evening were Dr. Ben Briggs, research di- rector; and Ralph Wyatt, person- nc! dizctor. * . I Engine Repairs we 00ro00d,y An.oDors Our AUTHORIZED SERVICE SI:I : for a,d 00ar*s ,or c,..,NTO00 1 < BRIGGS & STRAT'rON MotorS. I+: w " COOPER CLPPER Reel-type 4;i , • 0 + MASTERC[T Rotary-type 0,I t SALES" SERVICE" REN] ' MERRY TILLER (;ARDEN T¢I , ii+ Hednck S-ort C 123 COTA STREET PHONE ;