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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t130, 1959 .  Hospital Blant(m, Rte. April 22. Donald Dosch, , a girl April 22. . Edwar(i&apos; E. Chris- a girl, April 23. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin'Braz, Rte. :5 F, ox 469, a boy, April 26. "Clinic Hospital Mr'. and Mrs. Miles MeQnilkin, Route :',, a girl, April 27. My. and Mrs. Robert Wolden, 1702 Pioneer Way, a hey, April 29, KNOW... CLINT WILLOUR Wives sometimes oppose , life insurance . .. wid- ows never do. NLreW NATI O NAt. Ineurance for [_.fP LAUNDRY Coin Operated - Self Service Open 24 Hours * Shop and Wash Save 50% FROM SAFEWAY - FREE PARKING 134 North First St., Shelton BUD PAULEY'S ALL CARS READY TO RUN trd 4-Door Station .... 8on, Price Reduced 15.00 R & H, Auto. Trans., Power "Steering " License m,e Pickup Truck --on, 6-Cyi.. Long Box- "Vive'sGGu;h $895.00 in n Husky Station Wagon .... $895.00 • Valve grind, new rings blll[e 4-Door, 8-cyl ..................... $645.00 TUNE UPFOR SPRING Shop Work -- $5.00 Per Hour Free Estimates BIG GAS BILLS? i II HILLMAN-MINX i I I I Motors Dodge. Plymouth Agency &NO RAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-8153 NITE HAWKS TALON MAJOR PiN PRIZE ) ? f t.€ % , MAJOR I.EA(]UE (final 2nd half) pts. Northwest Evergreen ........... 231 Home Gas Company ........... 200 Dali's Nite Hawks ................ 196 Timber Bowl ....................... 182 Wolden"s Chevron Service 1as Jim Patlley Inc ..................... 133 Rilner's Broiler . ................... 1071.1., Olson's Barber & Beauty .... 102,2 High totals .... Dale Yost 636, B(rt Hoard 611, Glen Robert- son 610, Jim Archer 602 High gqmes .... Glen Robertson 238, Dale Yost 236, Ernie An- derson 225, Jim Archer 223 Dan's Nile Hawks came out with the 1959 Major League bowl- ing championship after winning from Northwest Evergreen Friday night in a post-season roll-off fol- lowing the close of the second half schedulc at the Timber Bowl. The Evergreen quartet won the second half title Friday during an evening which found four pin- busters above the 600 mark, in- cluding Evergreen's Bert Hoard at 611 (205-188-218) and Jim Ar- cher at 602 (214-223-165l. The Nite Hawks were first half champions and had Friday's top scorer in Dale Yost at 636 (183, 217-236). Glen Robertson of Home Gas was the fourth big scorer at 610  209-173-238). TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hoed Canal (Oakland Bay tides are one ovr and 55 minutes later.) Friday, May t High .............. 0:31 a.m. Low ................ 6:52 a.m. High ........... *.. 12:19 p.m. Low ................ 6:20 p.m. Saturday, May 2 High .............. 1:21 a.m. 11.7 ft. Low . ............ 7:47 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .............. 1:43 p.m. 8.9 ft. Low ............... 7:23 p.m. 3.5 ft. Sunday, May 3 High .............. 2:03 a.m. 11.6 ft, Low ................ 8:32 a.m. 2.9 ft. High .............. 2:47 p.m. 9.5 ft. Low . ............... 8:18 p.m. 4.1 ft. Monday, May 4 High .............. 2:39 a.m. 11.4 ft. Low ................ 9:11 a.m. 2.0 ft. High .............. 3:40 p.m. 10.0 ft. Low . ............... J:07 p.m. 4.6 ft. Tue.iay, May 5 High .............. 3:10 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low _ .............. 9:45 a.m. 1.4 ft. High .............. 4:26 p.m. 10,5 ft. Low ............... 9:49 p.m. 5.0 ft. We(hmsday, May 6 High .............. 3:37 a.m. 11.0 ft. Low ................ 10:18 a.m, 0.8 ft. iHigh .............. 5:07 p.m. 10.9 ft. i Low 10:29 p.m. 5.4 ft. Thursday, May 7 ttigh .............. 4:02 a.m. 10.9 ft. Low ................. 10:49 a.m. -0.6 ft. High .............. 5:44 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 11:08 p.m. 5.8 ft, %VOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL W L Insulating Board .......... 43 17 Purchasing .................... 37,§ 225 Olympic Plywood .......... 32 28 Accounting .................... 31 29 • ( Printing... @ BIG 'EEKENI) COMIN(; If that moist stuff which has I)een leaking out the clouds sine(, last weekend lets up in time, next weekend should provide Mason County sports fans with a real tasty athletic menu. In actions scheduled for Loop Field's spacious surface, the two major spring sports champion- ships in the Central League should be parcelled out- if certain things :ome about .and the Highelimbevs hhve title possibilities in bbth. The track title is definitely and irrevoeahly on the hhN.k In the all conference competition Saturday which pits the toil runners, throwers an(I jumpers of all even ('entral League s(qtools agaillst one another at the sitme tim( I. In the neighborhood of 100 prep athletes will be involved in this traditional competition, which has i been held at Loop Field ever since l its instigation because of the ade- quate facilities of the field and tim splen(lid job of nmnagement Shel - ton school officials have turned out in conducting the event each year since. Legal Publications Application No. 25830 NO'I'ICE OF ALE Ok" 'I'IMliFIt (IN sTATE LANI) Notice is Iwreby given that on Tiles- Of said day, l front of the main en- trance dora' tn the county cotlrt In*rise in the City of Shelton, County of Ma- son. Stale of Washlngt(m, I)y the County Auditor of said couniy, tlw ttmber on the following described state land will be soll at l)ublie aueti.n to ll.g ft. the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Fourteen old growth Douglas fir 4.8 ft, only, marked with red tags, eoml)ris- 8.5 ft. ink alq..oximatety 72,000 bd. ft., lo- cated on l)irt NW ; NW'i, Seeti.n 36, 2.8 ft. Townshil) 20 North, Range 4 West, W.M , contain ng 10 acres n € ", . less• Tinll)er will be sold ou a I.K st'ale basis. Minimum acceptable bid per llmus- and b4. ft. : $44.50 for Douglas fly. and $2.00 for cull logs, if any. At time of sale the pllF('lllls(.r IIILISi mai<e a deposit of 1009; of the 1)i(1 )r ice iJa(yd oo the! cruise estilnatt!. 3,204.00 of this deposit, plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or it total of $3,209.00, nll.lst be in the forlll Of (:ash, nH)nt!y order, curlified cheer or bank draft. Tile balance Of the requil'(,d del)OSil, if any, nlay be paid hy personal check. Purchaser lnust also flll'nish a stlr(+ty bond of $5{R).00 to gtlal•anlee (u,mpli- with all terms of the bill of sale. All cheeks, money vdrs, vie., are to be made payable to the C.m- missioner of Public I,ands. Time for renloval will Im six nlontlls. Located apl)roxilzlahqy 4 luil,'s s(mih of Shelton. Accessibility: Via couoty road. Complete contract specil'ivatims may be exaalilled at Shelton Distr'ict Ilea(l- quarters, County Auditor's office, and ConlalisSioller t)f Pal)lie Lands, Olyl - pia. Said tirol)at on said land will I)e sold for not b'ss than th*' al)l)raisod vahle, as aPl)Z'aised by the C(mlmis- sitmer of Put)lie Lands in the man- ner pr[)vided by law, a statpln[!nt of whicla is now oil fi|tt ill the offiae .f tim Auditor of said county. P.ERT L. COLE Collllll}ssionel' of Pqblie l,alld., 4/30-5/7-12-19-26 51 NOTICE ()F WATER RIGHT &PPL|CATION NO. 15882 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER Ill,l- SOURCES. OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That Emmett F. and (]race M. Kldriek of. Brernert.n. Washington. on April 7, 1959, filed ap- Lumber 29 31 plieation for permit to divert the I)ub- ............................ lie waters of Uooten Lak ill the Loggers .......................... 26fiz aal amount .f 0.05 second foot, subject to Engineering .................... 25 35 existing right, from April 15 tt; Octo- Research 16 44 her 1 each year for the purpose of ........................ irrigation and continuously for fire High game---Phyl Ziegler 217 protection; that the approxhnat,, point High total--.Phyl Ziegler 586 of diversion iv located within Lot 87, W(xten Lake Tracts of Section 19, I  m' Township 23 N.. Range 2 W., W.M., " ' in Mason C,)unty. . Any oi)jections must be accompan- ied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee arfl filed with tim State Super- visor ol Water Resources within thirty (30) days h'om May 7, t959. Witness my hand and offie, lal seal this 13th day of APril, 1959. M. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Resources (SEAL) 4/,':10-5/7 2t No. 3108 NOTICE TO CREI)ITOIIS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON F()R IASON COUNTY the Matter of the Etate of WIL- Pays For Itself ' °--° Condo W. Dick is the appointed and qualified AdmiIlistrator ol said estate, • • • ' All ne,'anns having claims agaillst said eease-d'! are required to s,!tw,, the ]IDRINTED STATIONERYinsures a handy supply ,ame in duplicate, duly verified, on said Administrator or his attorney, of letterheads and envelopes--no time lost look- Robert L. Snyder at the address below stated, and file the same with th( ing for the proper Paler and an envelope. Clerk of said Court, togeth*$" with proof, of such ervice. withfln six months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the same will be bhrrd. mATE of first publication: April 30, L'-X)NDA W. DICK Administrator When you think of Printing .... Route 1, Box 447 Shelton, Washigton ROBEtT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law think what it saves -- o,,ey Bulldi. Shelton, Washington 4/30-5/7-12-19 41 NOT what It costs! DRINTED STATEMENTS with matching window envelopes save billing time---get better returns. DRINTED BUSINESS HELPS such as "daily cash sheets," "paid out slip#' held keep records straight, shorten bookkeeping time. ! I)RINTED ENVELOPES pay for themselves time saved writing return addresses. CALL FOR BIDS Hood CartaJ School DiStrict No. 404 calls for sealed bids for the sale of the Upper Skokomish School property to be opened May 9, 1959, at 10:00 a.m. at the Lower Skokomish Seho,)L The propery is composed of ten aerPs, nlore or less, al)I)roximately 11 fillies northwest of Shelton. Generally, the best use for this property is as a suburban home site. The, Board reserves the right to re- Ject any or all bids. y state law the property cannot be sold for lss than 90% of its appraised value which m r(mghly $320 per acre. Bldl* will be received at the home of the Clerk: Mr. Robert Smith Potlatch. Washington /s/ ROBERT SMITH, Clerk School District No. 404 4/30-5/7 2t NOTICE OF 8ALE BY NEAI, ED BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that ursuant to resoluthm adol)ted by the ort of Shelton. acting by and through its Board of Comnlieskmers. seah'd bids will be received for the purchase of three used letallic 25,000 galhm fluid storage tanks located on what was formerly known as the Shelton Naval Auxiliary Air Station in Mason County, Washington, All bids must be for cash. The succesful bidder will be required to remove the tsnks with- in three months from the date of sal£. and to clean up the present site of said tanks after their removal in a satin- factory manner. Furtimr details and examination or the tanks may be obtained by con- taeting James A. Paaley. chairman of the Board of the Port of Shelton at his place of business, 5th and Rail- road. Shelton Washington, Sealed bids' will be received at the aforesaid off Lee of James A. Paulcy, and to 8:00 o'clock P,M., May 21, at which time they will be opened read. Of Shelton rerveu the > to accept Or reject any or all Date of f[Pst gubllcetton--April 30. 1959. By James A. Pau]ey, ChtirmanSh,lton, 4/30-5/7 21 in PRINTING LOOKS MORE BUINESSLIKEI IS MORE BUSlNESSLIKEI " Dial 6-4412 for your prkting needs! f on County Journal s I "A'"°"" S lD E L I N E cSL A N T • I)eOORIA NEW GRID By B,,, o, OOAO.00 .......  M()NTESANO All'red J. [e- l Basehall action docketcd for' Fri-!C°ria, 25. former Autmrn high (lqv ,tftern )on isn't quite s i)osi - scho()l athlele and a 195S gra(hmtc i '' ' , , ', , , I tively defiml lve l|l de( el'l|i |nlng Ihe of Weslm'n Wasilingl on C()llegc of • : Igdllent ion, was |1;ill|Oil v;lrsi(y ! conferen('e ClO\\;\'u btl iL CO|lid gt) la very io|lg wly ill that directiou f,)otl)all coach at M,mlesnno hiRh school last week. if eithe|' Shelton or Chehalis man- {ages to win both games. I These al'e two lllldefeale(t ('.h|bs in leigue play, alollR wilh Norlh ' lurston, so 1}le ella which man- ages to take both en(ts ()f the Iwi|| bill will he in al excelhmt posilion for lhe flag becalise it w(n|ht force North Thurslon, which still has to play both tetms, to go all the way against both, The ieagae's two I)e,t Idteh - ers, hoth lefthanders and t)oth juniars, will be hooking up in the sevell-hlll|ng oi)enhl K ganle when Shelton's Jerry Mallory I takes the slab agai||s! (!Jlellalis' l)ave I)owling. I$oth have I)iteh - ell no-l,it, no-run ganle,i an(I n.lther has allowed mnr, titan four hits itt any game so far. The Higllimber track squad has been signally SllCCeSsful Lhis vear in its dual, triangular and one ftuadrangular competition becatlse of the excelent depth it possess. Because of that the Climbers are definite championship hopeful in Saturday's all-conference meet, yet they are Cerlain to find an Elma sqtlad of diametrically opposite content, very little depth pos- sibly an even stronger title pos- sibility because of th ouLstanding ahilities of a small handful of ath- letes who c, ould come through with enough first places to win the crown for the Eagles• In a multi-entry meet like this those firsl, places can do the trick because the total points are di- vided up and spread out among so many schools. Whatever the eventuality, how- ever, one thing is certain thet'e's a lot of athletic entertainment on <he bill of fare at Loop Fiehl if }ou'll be tlere at 2:00 o'clock I,'ri- day for the ball games and 7:30 o'clock aturday night for the track championships. If you want the full course, the track preliminary heats at 1:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon will be worth your attention, too, GETTING READY Bet you haven't given it a thought, but Junior Legion base- ball is only a little over a month in Lhe'offing, just in case you wanted to know . Preparations for the coming season are going ahead in goo(i order both and on the 4th District front. (ommander Bill Pearson, ath- leti,, chairm.m Bill Dh'kie. and Bruce MeLeaa repre,nted Fred B, Wivell post at a district Jun- ior Imsebali meeting htst Thurs- (lay at whh.h plans for the 1959 ,ason were discussed. Seven entries are certain and two more possibilities are being exph)red gor the coming season. Shelton Olympia, Laccy, Lake- wood, Parkland and Tacoma teams drawn from Lincoln and Wilson high schools arc ready to answer the opening bell. A comhined val- ley entry fronl Puyalhtp, Sumner and Orting and a third Tacoma team drawn from Stadium high material are possibles. You'll be hearing more on this front in the coming weeks. STOCK SEEING ACTION Wen Stock contlntms to slmw up as Baltimore's No. 1 relief pitch- er, according to past week's box scoresof major league baseball games. He had successive days of action on Wednesday and Thursday last week against the Boston Red Sex, going 2/3 of an inning the first trip, finishing the fourth inning, then going out for a pinch-hitter. He gave a hit and a walk but was not scored upon. Thursday he hurled 2 2/3 inn- ings without being scored upon al- though touched for three hits. He fanned two. walked none, batted once himself, then retired for a pinch-hitter after compIetlng the fourth frame. Baltimore went on to eventually win this one, 8-7, but the fifth of six Oriole hurlers used in the game got credit for the victory. In both cases Stock relieved the starting pitcher with Baltimore trailing. WOMEN'S BURP LEAGUE W L Rainier Beer .................. 88 32 Shelton Recreation ...... 69 51 Ritner's Straight Shots 69 51 The Tropics .................. 60 60 Mick's Tavern .............. 55 65 Log Cabin .................. 49 71 Heidelberg Beer ............ 47 73 Rishel Logging Co ....... 44 76 High game--Mildred Daniels 188 High aeries--Mary Anderson 484 Too Lab To Glassily He will succeed Rolland Rob- bins, who re,-,iglac(I recently,, Lo ac- cel)t the foolball aIld tl'aCl( ('()i|ch- ing pos(s at Stllllrl*!t' high school ;|fief leading Montesano to th(} Cenlral.le'(gue fool hall title in his first yen|' al (tle lh|lhtog hehn in 1957. His 1958 team fi||ished i|I second place. DeCoria graduated from Aub||rn Mgh in 1952 after earning nine varsity letters in football, baskeL- ball and track. He was in military : , IrPx'i (: t "for two years after iis hiKh school graduation. Lindberg's 611 Ends Fraternal Pin Slate FRATERNAL LEAGUE (Final 2nd half) W L Cascade-Olympic .......... 43 L:, 24 L,/2 Fuller Construction .... 40 28 Active Club .................. 39 29 Moose Lodge ................. 36 32 Lions Club ................... 33 :15 Shelton Hardware ...... .. 30 38 Kiwanis Club ................ 26V 41!:2 MeCleary .... , ................... 24 44 High game--Buck Maekey 246, Gene Lindberg 235, Jess Phil- tips 228 High scries-- Gene Lindberg 611 Gene Lindberg's 611 series {191- 235-185 ) featured curtain-drop- ping night on the second half play in the Fraternal bowliug league "Monday night at. the Timber Bowl. Now all that remain is the playoff tomorr|)w between the second half champion Cascade- Oly|npic Construction (Bob Whit- marsh 512), which clinched the title Monday with a 3-1 verdict over Lindbcrg's Active Club, which won the first half pennant. In other finales, Shelton Hard- ware (Jess Phillips 226 nnd 572 and Buck Mackay 2,16 and 565) blanked McChmry (Bob St)y 522), Fulle" Construction (Bill .ohnson 551) took a 3-1 decisi0n from the Lions (Mary Biehl 557), and Moose Lodge (Bill Wilson 549) won a 3'-1',. victory over the Kiwanis Club ted Byrne 5f)6). Summer Pin Leagues Now Being Formed Summer bowling leagues are now forming at the Timber Bowl with play scheduled to start thi Friday. Anyone interested in participat, ins in any kind of a summer league, including a traveling team to enter the inter-city league which has proved highly popular the pat couple of years, sho|fld contact L. L. Melnelly at the Tin- t)er Bowl. FOR SALE: household articles dav- enport and (:hair. beds. dressers, din- ,'ttP set. washing nlachine, elcL PhonO. HA. 6-3475. L4/3--5/7 FOR SALE: two bedroom Elillcrest home, plastered walls, ha|'dw,)od liv- ing room l'ioor New oil furnace double garllge. $480{). Piton,, HA, 6- ___4.!?_8: ....................... LI.4 a!!7:5414 NO. 7.562 ITMMONN BY I'UBLICATION IN THE ST_IPI,]RI()R C(.)URT ()l" TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON F()i{ MASON COUNTY :) Gladys Jane Van Va('t*'r. tlaintit'f. .... v, -- William A, Van Vactor. Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON T() THE SAID WILLIAM A VAN VACTEIL DEFENDANT : YOH aI'o Il('l'(!l)y snlll[fl()nod [t) aPDear within alxty (60) days altar the date of the first i)ubl](ation of this 8Ul'O- tnons, to-wit. Wt.hin at×ty (60) days aftor the 30th day of Aprtl, 1959. and defond the atmve-enttth,d action tn the above-entitled court, and allSwt!r the complaint of tlw l)hlintiff, and serve a copy elf your [10.'wer Ul)On tile nndersigned atlnrney at his offt('e be- h)w stated; and in ('as,, of your fain lira so to do, judgment will be ren- derPd agatnst ynu according f) he demand of the eoml)h, int. which has [hqqi filed wilh the ('h,rk of said eollrl. That the t'.a/lse of acLion lmrein is lor a divorce between the l)arlies above named wherein Plaintiff alleges crnd treatment on Lhe part of the defend- ant. GLENN E, CORIEA: Attorney for' Plaintiff. Office an post-office add|'eas: Bell luildhag. 191 S0utl FOtlrth ,fret Wash Jngt orl. 4 /a(-,,/7-14-21-28.-5t. Pa ,' 6 #,fEd r 00AYS OF E,00,f00dlllS : Stortin9 MON., MAY 4 thru SAT., MAY 9 DON'T MIS AN HOUR OF FUN FOR .YOUR WHOLE FAMILY! $[AIIING SIO CAESAR " ART CARNEY " IAYE P. MORGAN and ti MORGAN BliOTHE • UMIH }:iNN nd  ALEIANO[R • CLiff RI[IN , ..,.a.,c...s- AUDR[Y MEADOWS "ll Cke[ VOUt le]cvt}on Shedule4t  SUNDAY, MAY 3 - NBC'IV ,., r,. .." c ...... , €OF EE DAY Free O0ffee All Day Friday & Salurday PLUS A Repeat of Our BAKER'S DOZEN SALE PREP BASEBALL SCORES tloquiam 7. Olympia 5 W(,st Brem 6, Central Kit, 2 l]l|na 11, Hoquiam ,Vest Brer|mrl:on 2, Sta(liun 1 Wcsl Bvemerton 3, Stadium 2 South Kit 6; North Kit 2 Get 13 Simdnuts or SI)uddies For the Price of 12 THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY t :Spudnut Store 114 Cota Stre(t • Phone HA 6-21.41 Spring Gean Up $ALE" Our Used Car Lot Is Overloaded with All Kinds of Used Cars - From $50.00 and Up - 1942 to 1.958 Models WE MUST HAVE ROOM... SO JIM SAYS SELL 'EM -- TRADE 'EM Anyway to Make Room for Our Spring Season New Ford Sales 1958 FORD V-8 FAIR00NEVlGTORiA 2-DOOR " MOST ALL POWER IQUIPPED 1957 OHEVROLET V,8 BEt..AIR HARDTOP 2.DOOR ENGINE OVERHAULED, LOADED WITH EXTRAS 1956-FORD FAIRLANE V-8 D.41OOR 29,000 MILES  PERFECT CONDITION .... 1956 FORD V.8 OUSTOMLINE 4.DOOR RADIO - HEATER - NEW SH[IY BLACK PAINT 1954 PLYMOUTH 6-OYL, 4-DOOR SEDAN VERY NICE, INSIDE AND OUT 1953 PONTIAO GATAUNA 2-DOOR MOTOR OVERHAULED  RADIO, HEATER, ETC. 1951 PONTIAO HARD TOP RAD[O, HEATER, PERFECT RUNNING CONDITION 1951 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR SEDAN A SOLID BUILT CAR  THAT IS GOOD THRUOUT 1948 OADILLA¢ REAL GOOD 15 OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Station Wagons 1967 FORD OOUNTRY SEDAN V8 ENGINE - RADIO - HEATER - NEW PAINT - FORDOMATIC 1966 FORD OUSTOM RANOH WAGON V8 ENGINE - RADIO - HEATER - LOW MILEAGE Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS .... TRADES II II t130, 1959 .  Hospital Blant(m, Rte. April 22. Donald Dosch, , a girl April 22. . Edwar(i' E. Chris- a girl, April 23. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin'Braz, Rte. :5 F, ox 469, a boy, April 26. "Clinic Hospital Mr'. and Mrs. Miles MeQnilkin, Route :',, a girl, April 27. My. and Mrs. Robert Wolden, 1702 Pioneer Way, a hey, April 29, KNOW... CLINT WILLOUR Wives sometimes oppose , life insurance . .. wid- ows never do. NLreW NATI O NAt. Ineurance for [_.fP LAUNDRY Coin Operated - Self Service Open 24 Hours * Shop and Wash Save 50% FROM SAFEWAY - FREE PARKING 134 North First St., Shelton BUD PAULEY'S ALL CARS READY TO RUN trd 4-Door Station .... 8on, Price Reduced 15.00 R & H, Auto. Trans., Power "Steering " License m,e Pickup Truck --on, 6-Cyi.. Long Box- "Vive'sGGu;h $895.00 in n Husky Station Wagon .... $895.00 • Valve grind, new rings blll[e 4-Door, 8-cyl ..................... $645.00 TUNE UPFOR SPRING Shop Work -- $5.00 Per Hour Free Estimates BIG GAS BILLS? i II HILLMAN-MINX i I I I Motors Dodge. Plymouth Agency &NO RAILROAD . PHONE HA 6-8153 NITE HAWKS TALON MAJOR PiN PRIZE ) ? f t.€ % , MAJOR I.EA(]UE (final 2nd half) pts. Northwest Evergreen ........... 231 Home Gas Company ........... 200 Dali's Nite Hawks ................ 196 Timber Bowl ....................... 182 Wolden"s Chevron Service 1as Jim Patlley Inc ..................... 133 Rilner's Broiler . ................... 1071.1., Olson's Barber & Beauty .... 102,2 High totals .... Dale Yost 636, B(rt Hoard 611, Glen Robert- son 610, Jim Archer 602 High gqmes .... Glen Robertson 238, Dale Yost 236, Ernie An- derson 225, Jim Archer 223 Dan's Nile Hawks came out with the 1959 Major League bowl- ing championship after winning from Northwest Evergreen Friday night in a post-season roll-off fol- lowing the close of the second half schedulc at the Timber Bowl. The Evergreen quartet won the second half title Friday during an evening which found four pin- busters above the 600 mark, in- cluding Evergreen's Bert Hoard at 611 (205-188-218) and Jim Ar- cher at 602 (214-223-165l. The Nite Hawks were first half champions and had Friday's top scorer in Dale Yost at 636 (183, 217-236). Glen Robertson of Home Gas was the fourth big scorer at 610  209-173-238). TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hoed Canal (Oakland Bay tides are one ovr and 55 minutes later.) Friday, May t High .............. 0:31 a.m. Low ................ 6:52 a.m. High ........... *.. 12:19 p.m. Low ................ 6:20 p.m. Saturday, May 2 High .............. 1:21 a.m. 11.7 ft. Low . ............ 7:47 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .............. 1:43 p.m. 8.9 ft. Low ............... 7:23 p.m. 3.5 ft. Sunday, May 3 High .............. 2:03 a.m. 11.6 ft, Low ................ 8:32 a.m. 2.9 ft. High .............. 2:47 p.m. 9.5 ft. Low . ............... 8:18 p.m. 4.1 ft. Monday, May 4 High .............. 2:39 a.m. 11.4 ft. Low ................ 9:11 a.m. 2.0 ft. High .............. 3:40 p.m. 10.0 ft. Low . ............... J:07 p.m. 4.6 ft. Tue.iay, May 5 High .............. 3:10 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low _ .............. 9:45 a.m. 1.4 ft. High .............. 4:26 p.m. 10,5 ft. Low ............... 9:49 p.m. 5.0 ft. We(hmsday, May 6 High .............. 3:37 a.m. 11.0 ft. Low ................ 10:18 a.m, 0.8 ft. iHigh .............. 5:07 p.m. 10.9 ft. i Low 10:29 p.m. 5.4 ft. Thursday, May 7 ttigh .............. 4:02 a.m. 10.9 ft. Low ................. 10:49 a.m. -0.6 ft. High .............. 5:44 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low ................ 11:08 p.m. 5.8 ft, %VOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL W L Insulating Board .......... 43 17 Purchasing .................... 37,§ 225 Olympic Plywood .......... 32 28 Accounting .................... 31 29 • ( Printing... @ BIG 'EEKENI) COMIN(; If that moist stuff which has I)een leaking out the clouds sine(, last weekend lets up in time, next weekend should provide Mason County sports fans with a real tasty athletic menu. In actions scheduled for Loop Field's spacious surface, the two major spring sports champion- ships in the Central League should be parcelled out- if certain things :ome about .and the Highelimbevs hhve title possibilities in bbth. The track title is definitely and irrevoeahly on the hhN.k In the all conference competition Saturday which pits the toil runners, throwers an(I jumpers of all even ('entral League s(qtools agaillst one another at the sitme tim( I. In the neighborhood of 100 prep athletes will be involved in this traditional competition, which has i been held at Loop Field ever since l its instigation because of the ade- quate facilities of the field and tim splen(lid job of nmnagement Shel - ton school officials have turned out in conducting the event each year since. Legal Publications Application No. 25830 NO'I'ICE OF ALE Ok" 'I'IMliFIt (IN sTATE LANI) Notice is Iwreby given that on Tiles- Of said day, l front of the main en- trance dora' tn the county cotlrt In*rise in the City of Shelton, County of Ma- son. Stale of Washlngt(m, I)y the County Auditor of said couniy, tlw ttmber on the following described state land will be soll at l)ublie aueti.n to ll.g ft. the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Fourteen old growth Douglas fir 4.8 ft, only, marked with red tags, eoml)ris- 8.5 ft. ink alq..oximatety 72,000 bd. ft., lo- cated on l)irt NW ; NW'i, Seeti.n 36, 2.8 ft. Townshil) 20 North, Range 4 West, W.M , contain ng 10 acres n € ", . less• Tinll)er will be sold ou a I.K st'ale basis. Minimum acceptable bid per llmus- and b4. ft. : $44.50 for Douglas fly. and $2.00 for cull logs, if any. At time of sale the pllF('lllls(.r IIILISi mai<e a deposit of 1009; of the 1)i(1 )r ice iJa(yd oo the! cruise estilnatt!. 3,204.00 of this deposit, plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or it total of $3,209.00, nll.lst be in the forlll Of (:ash, nH)nt!y order, curlified cheer or bank draft. Tile balance Of the requil'(,d del)OSil, if any, nlay be paid hy personal check. Purchaser lnust also flll'nish a stlr(+ty bond of $5{R).00 to gtlal•anlee (u,mpli- with all terms of the bill of sale. All cheeks, money vdrs, vie., are to be made payable to the C.m- missioner of Public I,ands. Time for renloval will Im six nlontlls. Located apl)roxilzlahqy 4 luil,'s s(mih of Shelton. Accessibility: Via couoty road. Complete contract specil'ivatims may be exaalilled at Shelton Distr'ict Ilea(l- quarters, County Auditor's office, and ConlalisSioller t)f Pal)lie Lands, Olyl - pia. Said tirol)at on said land will I)e sold for not b'ss than th*' al)l)raisod vahle, as aPl)Z'aised by the C(mlmis- sitmer of Put)lie Lands in the man- ner pr[)vided by law, a statpln[!nt of whicla is now oil fi|tt ill the offiae .f tim Auditor of said county. P.ERT L. COLE Collllll}ssionel' of Pqblie l,alld., 4/30-5/7-12-19-26 51 NOTICE ()F WATER RIGHT &PPL|CATION NO. 15882 STATE OF WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER Ill,l- SOURCES. OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That Emmett F. and (]race M. Kldriek of. Brernert.n. Washington. on April 7, 1959, filed ap- Lumber 29 31 plieation for permit to divert the I)ub- ............................ lie waters of Uooten Lak ill the Loggers .......................... 26fiz aal amount .f 0.05 second foot, subject to Engineering .................... 25 35 existing right, from April 15 tt; Octo- Research 16 44 her 1 each year for the purpose of ........................ irrigation and continuously for fire High game---Phyl Ziegler 217 protection; that the approxhnat,, point High total--.Phyl Ziegler 586 of diversion iv located within Lot 87, W(xten Lake Tracts of Section 19, I  m' Township 23 N.. Range 2 W., W.M., " ' in Mason C,)unty. . Any oi)jections must be accompan- ied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee arfl filed with tim State Super- visor ol Water Resources within thirty (30) days h'om May 7, t959. Witness my hand and offie, lal seal this 13th day of APril, 1959. M. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Resources (SEAL) 4/,':10-5/7 2t No. 3108 NOTICE TO CREI)ITOIIS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON F()R IASON COUNTY the Matter of the Etate of WIL- Pays For Itself ' °--° Condo W. Dick is the appointed and qualified AdmiIlistrator ol said estate, • • • ' All ne,'anns having claims agaillst said eease-d'! are required to s,!tw,, the ]IDRINTED STATIONERYinsures a handy supply ,ame in duplicate, duly verified, on said Administrator or his attorney, of letterheads and envelopes--no time lost look- Robert L. Snyder at the address below stated, and file the same with th( ing for the proper Paler and an envelope. Clerk of said Court, togeth*$" with proof, of such ervice. withfln six months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the same will be bhrrd. mATE of first publication: April 30, L'-X)NDA W. DICK Administrator When you think of Printing .... Route 1, Box 447 Shelton, Washigton ROBEtT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law think what it saves -- o,,ey Bulldi. Shelton, Washington 4/30-5/7-12-19 41 NOT what It costs! DRINTED STATEMENTS with matching window envelopes save billing time---get better returns. DRINTED BUSINESS HELPS such as "daily cash sheets," "paid out slip#' held keep records straight, shorten bookkeeping time. ! I)RINTED ENVELOPES pay for themselves time saved writing return addresses. CALL FOR BIDS Hood CartaJ School DiStrict No. 404 calls for sealed bids for the sale of the Upper Skokomish School property to be opened May 9, 1959, at 10:00 a.m. at the Lower Skokomish Seho,)L The propery is composed of ten aerPs, nlore or less, al)I)roximately 11 fillies northwest of Shelton. Generally, the best use for this property is as a suburban home site. The, Board reserves the right to re- Ject any or all bids. y state law the property cannot be sold for lss than 90% of its appraised value which m r(mghly $320 per acre. Bldl* will be received at the home of the Clerk: Mr. Robert Smith Potlatch. Washington /s/ ROBERT SMITH, Clerk School District No. 404 4/30-5/7 2t NOTICE OF 8ALE BY NEAI, ED BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that ursuant to resoluthm adol)ted by the ort of Shelton. acting by and through its Board of Comnlieskmers. seah'd bids will be received for the purchase of three used letallic 25,000 galhm fluid storage tanks located on what was formerly known as the Shelton Naval Auxiliary Air Station in Mason County, Washington, All bids must be for cash. The succesful bidder will be required to remove the tsnks with- in three months from the date of sal£. and to clean up the present site of said tanks after their removal in a satin- factory manner. Furtimr details and examination or the tanks may be obtained by con- taeting James A. Paaley. chairman of the Board of the Port of Shelton at his place of business, 5th and Rail- road. Shelton Washington, Sealed bids' will be received at the aforesaid off Lee of James A. Paulcy, and to 8:00 o'clock P,M., May 21, at which time they will be opened read. Of Shelton rerveu the > to accept Or reject any or all Date of f[Pst gubllcetton--April 30. 1959. By James A. Pau]ey, ChtirmanSh,lton, 4/30-5/7 21 in PRINTING LOOKS MORE BUINESSLIKEI IS MORE BUSlNESSLIKEI " Dial 6-4412 for your prkting needs! f on County Journal s I "A'"°"" S lD E L I N E cSL A N T • I)eOORIA NEW GRID By B,,, o, OOAO.00 .......  M()NTESANO All'red J. [e- l Basehall action docketcd for' Fri-!C°ria, 25. former Autmrn high (lqv ,tftern )on isn't quite s i)osi - scho()l athlele and a 195S gra(hmtc i '' ' , , ', , , I tively defiml lve l|l de( el'l|i |nlng Ihe of Weslm'n Wasilingl on C()llegc of • : Igdllent ion, was |1;ill|Oil v;lrsi(y ! conferen('e ClO\\;\'u btl iL CO|lid gt) la very io|lg wly ill that directiou f,)otl)all coach at M,mlesnno hiRh school last week. if eithe|' Shelton or Chehalis man- {ages to win both games. I These al'e two lllldefeale(t ('.h|bs in leigue play, alollR wilh Norlh ' lurston, so 1}le ella which man- ages to take both en(ts ()f the Iwi|| bill will he in al excelhmt posilion for lhe flag becalise it w(n|ht force North Thurslon, which still has to play both tetms, to go all the way against both, The ieagae's two I)e,t Idteh - ers, hoth lefthanders and t)oth juniars, will be hooking up in the sevell-hlll|ng oi)enhl K ganle when Shelton's Jerry Mallory I takes the slab agai||s! (!Jlellalis' l)ave I)owling. I$oth have I)iteh - ell no-l,it, no-run ganle,i an(I n.lther has allowed mnr, titan four hits itt any game so far. The Higllimber track squad has been signally SllCCeSsful Lhis vear in its dual, triangular and one ftuadrangular competition becatlse of the excelent depth it possess. Because of that the Climbers are definite championship hopeful in Saturday's all-conference meet, yet they are Cerlain to find an Elma sqtlad of diametrically opposite content, very little depth pos- sibly an even stronger title pos- sibility because of th ouLstanding ahilities of a small handful of ath- letes who c, ould come through with enough first places to win the crown for the Eagles• In a multi-entry meet like this those firsl, places can do the trick because the total points are di- vided up and spread out among so many schools. Whatever the eventuality, how- ever, one thing is certain thet'e's a lot of athletic entertainment on <he bill of fare at Loop Fiehl if }ou'll be tlere at 2:00 o'clock I,'ri- day for the ball games and 7:30 o'clock aturday night for the track championships. If you want the full course, the track preliminary heats at 1:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon will be worth your attention, too, GETTING READY Bet you haven't given it a thought, but Junior Legion base- ball is only a little over a month in Lhe'offing, just in case you wanted to know . Preparations for the coming season are going ahead in goo(i order both and on the 4th District front. (ommander Bill Pearson, ath- leti,, chairm.m Bill Dh'kie. and Bruce MeLeaa repre,nted Fred B, Wivell post at a district Jun- ior Imsebali meeting htst Thurs- (lay at whh.h plans for the 1959 ,ason were discussed. Seven entries are certain and two more possibilities are being exph)red gor the coming season. Shelton Olympia, Laccy, Lake- wood, Parkland and Tacoma teams drawn from Lincoln and Wilson high schools arc ready to answer the opening bell. A comhined val- ley entry fronl Puyalhtp, Sumner and Orting and a third Tacoma team drawn from Stadium high material are possibles. You'll be hearing more on this front in the coming weeks. STOCK SEEING ACTION Wen Stock contlntms to slmw up as Baltimore's No. 1 relief pitch- er, according to past week's box scoresof major league baseball games. He had successive days of action on Wednesday and Thursday last week against the Boston Red Sex, going 2/3 of an inning the first trip, finishing the fourth inning, then going out for a pinch-hitter. He gave a hit and a walk but was not scored upon. Thursday he hurled 2 2/3 inn- ings without being scored upon al- though touched for three hits. He fanned two. walked none, batted once himself, then retired for a pinch-hitter after compIetlng the fourth frame. Baltimore went on to eventually win this one, 8-7, but the fifth of six Oriole hurlers used in the game got credit for the victory. In both cases Stock relieved the starting pitcher with Baltimore trailing. WOMEN'S BURP LEAGUE W L Rainier Beer .................. 88 32 Shelton Recreation ...... 69 51 Ritner's Straight Shots 69 51 The Tropics .................. 60 60 Mick's Tavern .............. 55 65 Log Cabin .................. 49 71 Heidelberg Beer ............ 47 73 Rishel Logging Co ....... 44 76 High game--Mildred Daniels 188 High aeries--Mary Anderson 484 Too Lab To Glassily He will succeed Rolland Rob- bins, who re,-,iglac(I recently,, Lo ac- cel)t the foolball aIld tl'aCl( ('()i|ch- ing pos(s at Stllllrl*!t' high school ;|fief leading Montesano to th(} Cenlral.le'(gue fool hall title in his first yen|' al (tle lh|lhtog hehn in 1957. His 1958 team fi||ished i|I second place. DeCoria graduated from Aub||rn Mgh in 1952 after earning nine varsity letters in football, baskeL- ball and track. He was in military : , IrPx'i (: t "for two years after iis hiKh school graduation. Lindberg's 611 Ends Fraternal Pin Slate FRATERNAL LEAGUE (Final 2nd half) W L Cascade-Olympic .......... 43 L:, 24 L,/2 Fuller Construction .... 40 28 Active Club .................. 39 29 Moose Lodge ................. 36 32 Lions Club ................... 33 :15 Shelton Hardware ...... .. 30 38 Kiwanis Club ................ 26V 41!:2 MeCleary .... , ................... 24 44 High game--Buck Maekey 246, Gene Lindberg 235, Jess Phil- tips 228 High scries-- Gene Lindberg 611 Gene Lindberg's 611 series {191- 235-185 ) featured curtain-drop- ping night on the second half play in the Fraternal bowliug league "Monday night at. the Timber Bowl. Now all that remain is the playoff tomorr|)w between the second half champion Cascade- Oly|npic Construction (Bob Whit- marsh 512), which clinched the title Monday with a 3-1 verdict over Lindbcrg's Active Club, which won the first half pennant. In other finales, Shelton Hard- ware (Jess Phillips 226 nnd 572 and Buck Mackay 2,16 and 565) blanked McChmry (Bob St)y 522), Fulle" Construction (Bill .ohnson 551) took a 3-1 decisi0n from the Lions (Mary Biehl 557), and Moose Lodge (Bill Wilson 549) won a 3'-1',. victory over the Kiwanis Club ted Byrne 5f)6). Summer Pin Leagues Now Being Formed Summer bowling leagues are now forming at the Timber Bowl with play scheduled to start thi Friday. Anyone interested in participat, ins in any kind of a summer league, including a traveling team to enter the inter-city league which has proved highly popular the pat couple of years, sho|fld contact L. L. Melnelly at the Tin- t)er Bowl. FOR SALE: household articles dav- enport and (:hair. beds. dressers, din- ,'ttP set. washing nlachine, elcL PhonO. HA. 6-3475. L4/3--5/7 FOR SALE: two bedroom Elillcrest home, plastered walls, ha|'dw,)od liv- ing room l'ioor New oil furnace double garllge. $480{). Piton,, HA, 6- ___4.!?_8: ....................... LI.4 a!!7:5414 NO. 7.562 ITMMONN BY I'UBLICATION IN THE ST_IPI,]RI()R C(.)URT ()l" TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON F()i{ MASON COUNTY :) Gladys Jane Van Va('t*'r. tlaintit'f. .... v, -- William A, Van Vactor. Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON T() THE SAID WILLIAM A VAN VACTEIL DEFENDANT : YOH aI'o Il('l'(!l)y snlll[fl()nod [t) aPDear within alxty (60) days altar the date of the first i)ubl](ation of this 8Ul'O- tnons, to-wit. Wt.hin at×ty (60) days aftor the 30th day of Aprtl, 1959. and defond the atmve-enttth,d action tn the above-entitled court, and allSwt!r the complaint of tlw l)hlintiff, and serve a copy elf your [10.'wer Ul)On tile nndersigned atlnrney at his offt('e be- h)w stated; and in ('as,, of your fain lira so to do, judgment will be ren- derPd agatnst ynu according f) he demand of the eoml)h, int. which has [hqqi filed wilh the ('h,rk of said eollrl. That the t'.a/lse of acLion lmrein is lor a divorce between the l)arlies above named wherein Plaintiff alleges crnd treatment on Lhe part of the defend- ant. GLENN E, CORIEA: Attorney for' Plaintiff. Office an post-office add|'eas: Bell luildhag. 191 S0utl FOtlrth ,fret Wash Jngt orl. 4 /a(-,,/7-14-21-28.-5t. Pa ,' 6 #,fEd r 00AYS OF E,00,f00dlllS : Stortin9 MON., MAY 4 thru SAT., MAY 9 DON'T MIS AN HOUR OF FUN FOR .YOUR WHOLE FAMILY! $[AIIING SIO CAESAR " ART CARNEY " IAYE P. MORGAN and ti MORGAN BliOTHE • UMIH }:iNN nd  ALEIANO[R • CLiff RI[IN , ..,.a.,c...s- AUDR[Y MEADOWS "ll Cke[ VOUt le]cvt}on Shedule4t  SUNDAY, MAY 3 - NBC'IV ,., r,. .." c ...... , €OF EE DAY Free O0ffee All Day Friday & Salurday PLUS A Repeat of Our BAKER'S DOZEN SALE PREP BASEBALL SCORES tloquiam 7. Olympia 5 W(,st Brem 6, Central Kit, 2 l]l|na 11, Hoquiam ,Vest Brer|mrl:on 2, Sta(liun 1 Wcsl Bvemerton 3, Stadium 2 South Kit 6; North Kit 2 Get 13 Simdnuts or SI)uddies For the Price of 12 THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY t :Spudnut Store 114 Cota Stre(t • Phone HA 6-21.41 Spring Gean Up $ALE" Our Used Car Lot Is Overloaded with All Kinds of Used Cars - From $50.00 and Up - 1942 to 1.958 Models WE MUST HAVE ROOM... SO JIM SAYS SELL 'EM -- TRADE 'EM Anyway to Make Room for Our Spring Season New Ford Sales 1958 FORD V-8 FAIR00NEVlGTORiA 2-DOOR " MOST ALL POWER IQUIPPED 1957 OHEVROLET V,8 BEt..AIR HARDTOP 2.DOOR ENGINE OVERHAULED, LOADED WITH EXTRAS 1956-FORD FAIRLANE V-8 D.41OOR 29,000 MILES  PERFECT CONDITION .... 1956 FORD V.8 OUSTOMLINE 4.DOOR RADIO - HEATER - NEW SH[IY BLACK PAINT 1954 PLYMOUTH 6-OYL, 4-DOOR SEDAN VERY NICE, INSIDE AND OUT 1953 PONTIAO GATAUNA 2-DOOR MOTOR OVERHAULED  RADIO, HEATER, ETC. 1951 PONTIAO HARD TOP RAD[O, HEATER, PERFECT RUNNING CONDITION 1951 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR SEDAN A SOLID BUILT CAR  THAT IS GOOD THRUOUT 1948 OADILLA¢ REAL GOOD 15 OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Station Wagons 1967 FORD OOUNTRY SEDAN V8 ENGINE - RADIO - HEATER - NEW PAINT - FORDOMATIC 1966 FORD OUSTOM RANOH WAGON V8 ENGINE - RADIO - HEATER - LOW MILEAGE Jim Pauley, Inc. TERMS .... TRADES II II