April 30, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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10 Shelton TL
DORIC; guest!
• Center of Downfown
• Modern, €omfortable
rooms --. TV0 radio
b Golden Egg Dining
Room end Coffee Shop
• Oaken Bucket Lounge
• Perking Ave;leble
n,s wux. ,,
Washington History
Two French explorers who had
traded in the upper Missis,qlopi
Rivee region reported to Ktng
Charles [I of England that a great
az'('a, l'ieh ill fill'H, "¢.'llS nortll (:if
Laige .qlli)el'i()r 'd.,llieil \\;van rtache(I
through Hudson's Bay country.
This was the beginning of the
formation on May 2nd, 1670, of
th( n (),v l'l I IIOIIN ]'l tidsHl'S Bay
Company. Th. cllal'tCl • l.citlls ill
part . . ." 'l?he (l()Vel'l'loF find
Company of Adventurers of Eng-
land lradeing into tiudson's Bay
• . to incori)ovate them and grant
unto them, Lnd [heir (,uccessors,
By Mrs. Nell Vance
Seven tables of pinochle were
played Friday ewmlag at the card
pary given by the IAIliwaup Com-
nn.mity club at their clubhouse in
Lilliwaup. High score went to
Mrs. Edna tlaines and I.)ick
Schaltfler, low It) Enil:ita Prusia
and Jim Cave, and 300 pinochle
to Mrs. Dorothy Swanson and
Steve Ahl. Mrs. Vera IAnseott
and Mrs. Tillie Bocck were host-
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Waseher and
family of Seattle spent the week-
end at their home on Hood Canal.
• No Charge for Children the sole Trade and Cmnnmrce of Mrs. Ilene Age, entertained a
"" "hose S s Stai "' Ba ¢s group of Hood (?anal Woman's
Uffizi4 , all .., .,;ea, L , ,',: gilts. y:;, Club members at. her home/last
l%lVCrS, IMtKeN, UI'eCKeS an(l S()uni- " " "" * " e ) si
• . ' . 12 S
Cards q,7,hS0 t:'' 22' _,", ,, " ,'/tainment for the Womans Club
u'ance at tne Stl'elglltS cOnllnonly . "
called Hudson's Strei,lats todetl4 ]Im'thday dhmer. Those attending
.; ,T .g - , "' e," were Mesdames Christine Ahl
2S0 rooms tr0m "
el' with all In() Lan(ls...' one . ' _, " .'" 2
G. L Perry, Mg,. I of the reasoas for this charter os:;}),n:n,e B;:ae,.tr?on, M/.2ie e2:,
iwas the hope of finding the North- . .. y , ,, *-,.-s, - .. - .
'WRITE FOR ATTRACTIVE FOLDER twest Pasmi-,'e b- w'lv (:if tludsou mutt, Jennie riot! anu mrs. Emu
4 .y . ' Anderson, a newcomer to tlood
Bay. Cane 1.
NEW YORK .-George E. See-
'field has been named general )nan-
:l'a('t?l' q)IT [[;t\\;qIllilH" celhlt)se opera-
'tll)ll:q i[ P,';I':4 HND(IIIIIi'e(t ted:: W by
I Iu::::,dl 1,'. l,:rie:tm, presidenl. Tile
app*)irll DKII: to till; €, newly created
pc:dtim will bring Nil'. Scofleld
to the celhdose producer's execu.-
Pike Strut tire. offices here, where he will
7flAvea make his headquarters.
Borrow by Check with...
,. repay monthly only
of what you .owe
15 $800
He: "It's nice to know we have $800 available. We'll pay the
dentist, get the car fixed...and we can buysome new clothes."
hot " ' "
Y', and I m going to watch for an apphance le...
fm,==:m : we=her. W@'¢a*t4t alms) $450 in
He: "We won't be strapped to big moathly payments, either.
Only $35 the flint month... $3L10" the second. Know why?"
8he: "Of coursM With our Seaflrst Ready-Credit Account,
we repay monthly only 10% of what we owe. What's more,
the money @e pay in becomes availabl e to us for borrowing
*Plus low l% rate on the outstanding blance and nominal service charges.
For [urther details, visit, telephone or writ . . .
03 Wmt ItJroad Amue • Iom HA 64291
LTON-MABON COUNT JOURNAL --. Publtshe4 in "Ch,isl U.B,A.;'
ALLYN .... Mr. and Mrs. Charles and their two girls joined them
Amaeher were privileged to have and all picnicked together, re-
his sister and husband, Mr. and turning Nun(lay evening.
Mrs. Frank Klube of Raymond, as :Mrs. Celia Glacier and Imr sis-
Sunday dinner guests, ter-in-law, Mrs. Anna Glacier,
Enjoying Sunday dinner with stopped in to see Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Dorothy Clark and her moth-t(.leorg'e Milosevich Saltu'day eve-
or, Mrs. M. W. Bayer, was Mrs. [ning as they returned from attend-
Ashton Watkins of Coulter Creek. ins a funeral in Tacoma of a for-
Mrs. Elton Cleveland has been mer friend.
home nursing a case of measles. Mr. and Mrs. Fretl Budding of
We're glad she is now feeling bet- Capitola, Calif., were also Satur-
ter and hopes to return to school day visitors in the Milosevieh
this week. I home. The Buddings are here on
s Harv Rice wets business and are staving 't a me
Mr. and Mr.. ev , [ . ' . " "
glad to have her son, }uzz Wilson,, tel during their few days stay.
home for the weekend. Buzz works l Saturday hath of %heir daugh-
in Seattle as a mechanical engi- tory, Mrs. Eva Martin and Olga
user and he brought a friend with Milosevieh, called on their parents.
him, Bill Linkletter, also of Seat- The turn-out to the ambuhmce
tie. Together they fished in Spen- meeting was a bit disappointing,
eer Lake and caught their limit but it was decided to try to carry
of fish. on for another month and try to
Han!ine Ferry
Service Stops
This Monday
By Done)to Glaser
tion Everyone--the ferry goes into
drydock Monday, May 4th. The
barge will run on limited sched-
ule at 7:30, 10:15 a.m.; 12 noon;
4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. There
will be no night ferry during this
time as the barge has no lights
with which to run at night.
ISLANDERS due to the fact
that the postal service ceases
when our ferry goes down, and
that the county is not involved
in this, folks decided it was only
fair to donate one dollar a box t:o
Mrs. Eleanor Pierce and Mrs.
Frances Moake of Eldon motored
to Tacoma on a shopping tour.
Mrs. Josephine Peterson enter-
tailwd a gl'oup of Lalliwaup ladies
last Ieriday afternoon at her home
in Lilltwaup. The occasion was a
dress rehearmd of the skit the
ladies will put ()ix at the birthday
dinner of tits Woman's Club to be
held at the Colonial House in
Shelton Tuesday evening.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mesdames Christine Ahl,
Jennie Hoff, Mattie Backlund,
Kathryne Beardsley, Frances
Moake, Zoo Sceva, Ilene Age, and
the hostess, Josie Pete,con:
Mrs. Harry Smith of Beacon
Point spent the weekend in Van,
sourer, Wash., where she enjoyed
a visit with ller sister, Mrs. Ever-
al egg.
Mrs. Lulu Smith of Beacon
Point and Mrs. Frances Moake at-
tended Rebekah lodge in Shelton
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gore and
children of Tacoma spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Will-
iam Megaton. Early Sunday
morning the Gore family left for
the ocean beaches to dig razor
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gualts and
children of Port Angeles visited
the William McKasoa family on
Hood Canal Garden Club will
meet Thursday, May 7, at the
home of Mrs. Maude Crosby on
the Union side of Hood Canal. A
potluck hmch will he served at
12:30. Each member is to bring
an original May basket for dis-
tribution for shut-ins in hospitals.
A disettssiou on what we enjoy
about our garden club meetings
will be had and election of new
officers will bc held at this meet-
Saturaay afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Art Waline of Shelton called on
the Rices for a visit•
Visiting Mr. and Mrs Fred Lock-
wood are their grandson and wife
anti little son, Mr. and Mrs. Brnce
Smith and Kelly, the Lockwoods'
great-grandchild. The Smiths are
from Long Beach, Calif.
Sunday Mr. William %Voile and
soil Gregory, called at the Deshon
honle to visit with his dauglter,
Connie Wolfe.
Due to an unaccountable error
in last week's column a name was
repeated and thus used lnadvisedly
in another account. :My humble
!apologies to those involved. It was
Mrs. Lila Foltz of Puyalhtp who
had been the long-time school
teacher in Tacoma and a former
school-mate of Mr. Fred Lock-
Mr. and Mt. Glen gee of Med-
ford, Ore., visited a week with
Glen'a sister and htmband, Mr. and
Mrs. Nell Vance and Glen's niece,
Mrs. Marion Johnston of I.,illl-
waup. The Kees were former res-
idents of Lilllwaup. Sunday the
Vancea entertained at dinner, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Kee, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Johnston and the John-
stony' granddaughter, Margie Be-
ntis, who is visiting her grand-
parents. The Kees left Monday
morning for their home in Med-
ford after having a gala time dig-
ging clams and picking up oys-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and
daughter, Jaymie Lou, of Seattle
and Mrs. Florence Ross, brother
and mother of Mrs. Lewis Evans
spent Sunday with the Evans.
create a little more interest in its
Around Mason County with
County Extension Agent
With a day like Sunday and
with a fishing pram atop" every.
other ear--.we knew the season Of
outdoor living was launched.
Why not become a creative
cook? Ask for our new OUT-
DOOR COOKERY book free to
you. Have you really experienced
flanking sish kabob- barbecued
chicken and fish broiled with an
exotic sauce ?
NOT LONG AGO I was in To-
the vohmteer mail carrier. Please
leave your contribution in a plain
envelope marked "Mail Carrier".
Thank you.
wood and not Mrs. Helen Boyce. coma. It was a luncheon to intro-
unday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. dmce a new gourmet food. Tlle
Victor Raisoni had their aunt and men there we, ftam radio, news-
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Conboy paper and television advertising.
of Longbranch call on them, They kept the conversation in-
Mr and Mrs, Howard Wynn and penetrable with reports of their
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Hanaon and mixtures for barbecue. The poor
children spent a pleasant weekend promoter with her product was
at the ocean. They camped out pushed into the background. She
and reported lovely weather. Sun-was trying to rise above a dozen
enthuaiastic men cooks!!
ins. When in Puilman the first pa
of April, we home ageats were
put to work in the laboratories
of the College of Home Econom-
ics. We were exposed to some of
the new commercially produced
gourmet foods. They're interest-
Lug but expetmive and I throw
the challenge to you who love the
gesthetics of flavor to do your
own experimenting. It's a wonder-
ful world and one that offers as
I Islanders wish tO extend their
srincere sympathy to their neigh-
bar Ben Rigney on the passing of
his wife Jean, in the Swedish Hos-
pital, Seattle. Jean passed away
Wednesday, and was buried on
Satmxtay at the Calvary cemetery
in South Tacoma. Jean was one
of the best liked persons on the
Island and we shall all miss her.
stine Island school teacher, was
taken ill the first of the week.
Mrs. Eacrett, of Shelton, substi-
tuted on Tuesday and Wednesday,
but because of earlier commit-
ments she was unable to teach
the rest of the week, so the Her-
y Ms€Nelly here,"Why shilly-ihallyl
•ake my tip, and you'" wia every a/l¥.
Just play it real cool--
Use that fine Union fuel--
"ben you'll GO, mare and not dm¥-da//¥p'"-
---Cin Bailey, Studio City, Calif..
rtoonis*t for this series.
See hew, MacNMly, let's be specific: "Fine ..
Union fuel" can mean eitkcr New 7600
(powered like a premium, priced like a gegu-
iar) r New Royal 76 (the West'e mint pwr-
fl Immature). Whl will it b -?
much as any creative hobby.
SHELTON opened its doors to
students from India and their cui-
sine last Saturday. If your tongue
burned with a true curry, you
should have watched the Indians
cut each bite of the highly potent
with a larger amount of rice.
Electric anu gas ranges can be
loaded with enough accessories to
boosts the price from $200 to $550.
Buying large appliances is about l
as complicated as shopping for
a new car. Remember--the more
automatic gadgets -- the more
We like the rotary grill in some
of the ranges. Broiler chicken
turned slowly for one hour was
delicious and brown. We found
the thermostatically controlled
surface units were so adaptable
that soft custard came out with-
out curdling on the direct low
HOME hEWING is over a one
billion dollar yearly business in
our country. Nearly two-thirds
of the women who earn money at
home are sewing for other folks.
Some of our county women have
been caught in a bind of not know-
ins what to charge. There are
some gafides for this." We don't
like to work for less than mini-
mum wage which, I believe, is
$1.00 per hour. It's really impos-
sible to earn this if your custo-
wants you to sew on inexpen-
sive fabric. You can'f make it pay
unless you are tryin to duplicate
a high quality expensive garment.
MaSs production in low cost ready°
mades has cut chances of this kind
of saving.
My husband and l spend many
weekends on the salt water. Go-
ing past beach homes at a trolling
pace reminds me of the truth of
our state architect's words when
he says "you can't put a halter
on the sun---but if you're building
a house you can certainly extend
eaves on the south side.
The other day I noted many a
)icture window with faded uphol-
stered furniture inside. n cave
of 9 to 36 inches can do the pro-
tection trick for the south. Low
i westerly mm can be controlled
'building a short ttght fence.
..hes or trees planted strateg-
ically can also do a good job of
channelling the sun where we
want it.
IT'S ODD IN us humans. Sun-
stine Island children got two days
unexpected vacation. Sehool was
to get out on May 29 but now it
will be June 2, and that does not
go over so good with the small
Is our face red! Slip of the type-
writer and not of the mind we
hope. It was SHELTON VAL-
LEY who brought the traveling
gavel to Harstine. Sorry, Shelton
Valley, we won't make that mis-
take again. Harstine takes the
gavel to Twanoh on May 1st. All
officers are urged to attend.
The Harstine Island Ladies Club
will entertain the Picketing La-
dies today, Thursday, at the com-
i munity hall. A11 women of the
comnlunity are invited to attend
this meeting whether members of
the Ladies Club or not. There will
:be a bake sale and a plant sale.
The Ladies of Harstine will pre-
sent a short ply)gram for the en-
tertainment of their guests. The
ferry leaves the mainland about
!ire after twelve.
Islanders congregated better
:han 20 strong at the community
hall to discuss ways and means
of getting water in the hall• They
also decided to move the old berry
shed back off the road into the
park for use as a camp site. They
decided to hox in under the hall
for a woodshed. Mrs. Ann Yates
attended this meeting and volun-
teered to carry the mail during
the ferry lay-off. We all appre-
ciate this very much Ann. Thank
can take pride in their little school
and the children. Harstine chil-
dren claimed four of the poster
awards in "the Keep Washington
Green poster contest. David Bar-
nett claimed the third place prize
in the primary division. Mr. Eddie
Waits and Mr. Philip Barnett took
honorable mention in the primary
division, Miss Cheryl Mocks won
honorable mention in the inter-
mediate division. Congratulations,
kids, on a job well done. We are
all proud of you.
We have two former Island res-
idents on the sick list this week.
:Mr. Roscoe Page, now of Olympia,
fell at his home this past week
and broke two ribs. Mr. Andrew
Johnson, Island resident now of
Sarah House, fell and suffered one
broken rib. We hope you get well
soon, fellows•
A wood cutting party was held
at the hall :Monday. We were in
sad need of wood as most of us
carried it when there wa some
doings at the hall. Also on Mon-
day the forestry water truck
stood by at the hall While they
i had a burning of trash and slash°
lngs around the hall. Getting it all
cleaned up andprettied up for the
summer see'son.
THERE WILL BE A work par-
ty at the Start Yates place on
Saturday to finish the float.
Mrs. Anita Bullard, of Shelton,
rise is delightfu and we are lifted
with it. Aftetmn sun flooding in-
to our rooms loses ita charm be-
cause it stays too long and un-
Court Grants Pair
3-Year Deferred Term
Dale E. Roessell. 20, of P, elfuir>
and Robert D. Clayton. 21, also
of Belfair. were granted lhree-ycar
deferred sentences F'riday m(ir-
ning in the Mason county SUl)er-
ior court I)y Judge Charhm T.
The pair were charged with con-
tribnling to the delinquency of a
minor gh'l, They were defen'ded on
the (_'harge. by Frank Hues)on.
Warren Duffey of Shelton is a
]candidale for the office of presi-
Ident of the SGA at the Central
,Washington College of Education
at Ellensburg.
was is Ballard visitor on Thursday.
She also planted trees at the
home of her daughter. I The old
Andrew Johnson place).
The luck of the Irish was sure
riding with Maomi Lohrer this
past Tuesday when she rolled her
cat' over on the low road near
the ferry landing. We are happy
to report that she was unhurt.
but the car is a mess.
Point Wilson has been very
much populated this past week
with the Niemis and the Birches
and their families of Aberdeen.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jerrells" and
family were also out over the
The Island residents extend their
heartfelt sympathies to the Emil
Anderson family. Mr. Anderson
died Monday in Shelton General
the KING radio household hint
, NO
& Loan
TV PictUrel
To Insure
ance from
contest last week• She will receive
a box of White King products for have our
her prize, make the
We would like at this time to pairs.
wish happy birthday to our prin-
cess in the Forest Festival parade. Just
Miss Ruth Wingert will celebrate
her bh'thdy on April 30. Many
happy returns of the day. Cele-
brating their anniversary on May
Dorothy and Bob Barnett. ][A|AM||0
Congratulations and happy anni-
II Vll'q m" mv---
versary from all of us.
Through the use of new tech- 2218 01ympig
niques and new plating equip- M.
ment, steel pipe is now being in-
tezally plated with nickel.
Voice of MusJc Console Hi,00
Wa, ,209.900 $169.00
A Real Buy at ....................
Webcor I)onsole Hi.Fi
Was $199.95 $1
A Bargain at ....................
V-M Podable Hi.Fi
Was $99.50 . $'
Sacrifice at ............................
V-M Podable Hi.Fi
Was $124.50
Save For .......... , .....................
Decca Sterio Hi-Fi
Was $122.S5 Qomplete S9 9
A Steal at .............................. i
• Friday & Saturday Only .
Your Choice dEilker d These Valuable Gifts Friday and Saturday
II e
with Charcoal Broiler and Electric
Eeils Iley
123 South Second Street
Phone HArrison 6-4663
10 Shelton TL
DORIC; guest!
• Center of Downfown
• Modern, €omfortable
rooms --. TV0 radio
b Golden Egg Dining
Room end Coffee Shop
• Oaken Bucket Lounge
• Perking Ave;leble
n,s wux. ,,
Washington History
Two French explorers who had
traded in the upper Missis,qlopi
Rivee region reported to Ktng
Charles [I of England that a great
az'('a, l'ieh ill fill'H, "¢.'llS nortll (:if
Laige .qlli)el'i()r 'd.,llieil \\;van rtache(I
through Hudson's Bay country.
This was the beginning of the
formation on May 2nd, 1670, of
th( n (),v l'l I IIOIIN ]'l tidsHl'S Bay
Company. Th. cllal'tCl • l.citlls ill
part . . ." 'l?he (l()Vel'l'loF find
Company of Adventurers of Eng-
land lradeing into tiudson's Bay
• . to incori)ovate them and grant
unto them, Lnd [heir (,uccessors,
By Mrs. Nell Vance
Seven tables of pinochle were
played Friday ewmlag at the card
pary given by the IAIliwaup Com-
nn.mity club at their clubhouse in
Lilliwaup. High score went to
Mrs. Edna tlaines and I.)ick
Schaltfler, low It) Enil:ita Prusia
and Jim Cave, and 300 pinochle
to Mrs. Dorothy Swanson and
Steve Ahl. Mrs. Vera IAnseott
and Mrs. Tillie Bocck were host-
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Waseher and
family of Seattle spent the week-
end at their home on Hood Canal.
• No Charge for Children the sole Trade and Cmnnmrce of Mrs. Ilene Age, entertained a
"" "hose S s Stai "' Ba ¢s group of Hood (?anal Woman's
Uffizi4 , all .., .,;ea, L , ,',: gilts. y:;, Club members at. her home/last
l%lVCrS, IMtKeN, UI'eCKeS an(l S()uni- " " "" * " e ) si
• . ' . 12 S
Cards q,7,hS0 t:'' 22' _,", ,, " ,'/tainment for the Womans Club
u'ance at tne Stl'elglltS cOnllnonly . "
called Hudson's Strei,lats todetl4 ]Im'thday dhmer. Those attending
.; ,T .g - , "' e," were Mesdames Christine Ahl
2S0 rooms tr0m "
el' with all In() Lan(ls...' one . ' _, " .'" 2
G. L Perry, Mg,. I of the reasoas for this charter os:;}),n:n,e B;:ae,.tr?on, M/.2ie e2:,
iwas the hope of finding the North- . .. y , ,, *-,.-s, - .. - .
'WRITE FOR ATTRACTIVE FOLDER twest Pasmi-,'e b- w'lv (:if tludsou mutt, Jennie riot! anu mrs. Emu
4 .y . ' Anderson, a newcomer to tlood
Bay. Cane 1.
NEW YORK .-George E. See-
'field has been named general )nan-
:l'a('t?l' q)IT [[;t\\;qIllilH" celhlt)se opera-
'tll)ll:q i[ P,';I':4 HND(IIIIIi'e(t ted:: W by
I Iu::::,dl 1,'. l,:rie:tm, presidenl. Tile
app*)irll DKII: to till; €, newly created
pc:dtim will bring Nil'. Scofleld
to the celhdose producer's execu.-
Pike Strut tire. offices here, where he will
7flAvea make his headquarters.
Borrow by Check with...
,. repay monthly only
of what you .owe
15 $800
He: "It's nice to know we have $800 available. We'll pay the
dentist, get the car fixed...and we can buysome new clothes."
hot " ' "
Y', and I m going to watch for an apphance le...
fm,==:m : we=her. W@'¢a*t4t alms) $450 in
He: "We won't be strapped to big moathly payments, either.
Only $35 the flint month... $3L10" the second. Know why?"
8he: "Of coursM With our Seaflrst Ready-Credit Account,
we repay monthly only 10% of what we owe. What's more,
the money @e pay in becomes availabl e to us for borrowing
*Plus low l% rate on the outstanding blance and nominal service charges.
For [urther details, visit, telephone or writ . . .
03 Wmt ItJroad Amue • Iom HA 64291
LTON-MABON COUNT JOURNAL --. Publtshe4 in "Ch,isl U.B,A.;'
ALLYN .... Mr. and Mrs. Charles and their two girls joined them
Amaeher were privileged to have and all picnicked together, re-
his sister and husband, Mr. and turning Nun(lay evening.
Mrs. Frank Klube of Raymond, as :Mrs. Celia Glacier and Imr sis-
Sunday dinner guests, ter-in-law, Mrs. Anna Glacier,
Enjoying Sunday dinner with stopped in to see Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Dorothy Clark and her moth-t(.leorg'e Milosevich Saltu'day eve-
or, Mrs. M. W. Bayer, was Mrs. [ning as they returned from attend-
Ashton Watkins of Coulter Creek. ins a funeral in Tacoma of a for-
Mrs. Elton Cleveland has been mer friend.
home nursing a case of measles. Mr. and Mrs. Fretl Budding of
We're glad she is now feeling bet- Capitola, Calif., were also Satur-
ter and hopes to return to school day visitors in the Milosevieh
this week. I home. The Buddings are here on
s Harv Rice wets business and are staving 't a me
Mr. and Mr.. ev , [ . ' . " "
glad to have her son, }uzz Wilson,, tel during their few days stay.
home for the weekend. Buzz works l Saturday hath of %heir daugh-
in Seattle as a mechanical engi- tory, Mrs. Eva Martin and Olga
user and he brought a friend with Milosevieh, called on their parents.
him, Bill Linkletter, also of Seat- The turn-out to the ambuhmce
tie. Together they fished in Spen- meeting was a bit disappointing,
eer Lake and caught their limit but it was decided to try to carry
of fish. on for another month and try to
Han!ine Ferry
Service Stops
This Monday
By Done)to Glaser
tion Everyone--the ferry goes into
drydock Monday, May 4th. The
barge will run on limited sched-
ule at 7:30, 10:15 a.m.; 12 noon;
4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. There
will be no night ferry during this
time as the barge has no lights
with which to run at night.
ISLANDERS due to the fact
that the postal service ceases
when our ferry goes down, and
that the county is not involved
in this, folks decided it was only
fair to donate one dollar a box t:o
Mrs. Eleanor Pierce and Mrs.
Frances Moake of Eldon motored
to Tacoma on a shopping tour.
Mrs. Josephine Peterson enter-
tailwd a gl'oup of Lalliwaup ladies
last Ieriday afternoon at her home
in Lilltwaup. The occasion was a
dress rehearmd of the skit the
ladies will put ()ix at the birthday
dinner of tits Woman's Club to be
held at the Colonial House in
Shelton Tuesday evening.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mesdames Christine Ahl,
Jennie Hoff, Mattie Backlund,
Kathryne Beardsley, Frances
Moake, Zoo Sceva, Ilene Age, and
the hostess, Josie Pete,con:
Mrs. Harry Smith of Beacon
Point spent the weekend in Van,
sourer, Wash., where she enjoyed
a visit with ller sister, Mrs. Ever-
al egg.
Mrs. Lulu Smith of Beacon
Point and Mrs. Frances Moake at-
tended Rebekah lodge in Shelton
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gore and
children of Tacoma spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Will-
iam Megaton. Early Sunday
morning the Gore family left for
the ocean beaches to dig razor
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gualts and
children of Port Angeles visited
the William McKasoa family on
Hood Canal Garden Club will
meet Thursday, May 7, at the
home of Mrs. Maude Crosby on
the Union side of Hood Canal. A
potluck hmch will he served at
12:30. Each member is to bring
an original May basket for dis-
tribution for shut-ins in hospitals.
A disettssiou on what we enjoy
about our garden club meetings
will be had and election of new
officers will bc held at this meet-
Saturaay afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Art Waline of Shelton called on
the Rices for a visit•
Visiting Mr. and Mrs Fred Lock-
wood are their grandson and wife
anti little son, Mr. and Mrs. Brnce
Smith and Kelly, the Lockwoods'
great-grandchild. The Smiths are
from Long Beach, Calif.
Sunday Mr. William %Voile and
soil Gregory, called at the Deshon
honle to visit with his dauglter,
Connie Wolfe.
Due to an unaccountable error
in last week's column a name was
repeated and thus used lnadvisedly
in another account. :My humble
!apologies to those involved. It was
Mrs. Lila Foltz of Puyalhtp who
had been the long-time school
teacher in Tacoma and a former
school-mate of Mr. Fred Lock-
Mr. and Mt. Glen gee of Med-
ford, Ore., visited a week with
Glen'a sister and htmband, Mr. and
Mrs. Nell Vance and Glen's niece,
Mrs. Marion Johnston of I.,illl-
waup. The Kees were former res-
idents of Lilllwaup. Sunday the
Vancea entertained at dinner, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Kee, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Johnston and the John-
stony' granddaughter, Margie Be-
ntis, who is visiting her grand-
parents. The Kees left Monday
morning for their home in Med-
ford after having a gala time dig-
ging clams and picking up oys-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and
daughter, Jaymie Lou, of Seattle
and Mrs. Florence Ross, brother
and mother of Mrs. Lewis Evans
spent Sunday with the Evans.
create a little more interest in its
Around Mason County with
County Extension Agent
With a day like Sunday and
with a fishing pram atop" every.
other ear--.we knew the season Of
outdoor living was launched.
Why not become a creative
cook? Ask for our new OUT-
DOOR COOKERY book free to
you. Have you really experienced
flanking sish kabob- barbecued
chicken and fish broiled with an
exotic sauce ?
NOT LONG AGO I was in To-
the vohmteer mail carrier. Please
leave your contribution in a plain
envelope marked "Mail Carrier".
Thank you.
wood and not Mrs. Helen Boyce. coma. It was a luncheon to intro-
unday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. dmce a new gourmet food. Tlle
Victor Raisoni had their aunt and men there we, ftam radio, news-
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Conboy paper and television advertising.
of Longbranch call on them, They kept the conversation in-
Mr and Mrs, Howard Wynn and penetrable with reports of their
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Hanaon and mixtures for barbecue. The poor
children spent a pleasant weekend promoter with her product was
at the ocean. They camped out pushed into the background. She
and reported lovely weather. Sun-was trying to rise above a dozen
enthuaiastic men cooks!!
ins. When in Puilman the first pa
of April, we home ageats were
put to work in the laboratories
of the College of Home Econom-
ics. We were exposed to some of
the new commercially produced
gourmet foods. They're interest-
Lug but expetmive and I throw
the challenge to you who love the
gesthetics of flavor to do your
own experimenting. It's a wonder-
ful world and one that offers as
I Islanders wish tO extend their
srincere sympathy to their neigh-
bar Ben Rigney on the passing of
his wife Jean, in the Swedish Hos-
pital, Seattle. Jean passed away
Wednesday, and was buried on
Satmxtay at the Calvary cemetery
in South Tacoma. Jean was one
of the best liked persons on the
Island and we shall all miss her.
stine Island school teacher, was
taken ill the first of the week.
Mrs. Eacrett, of Shelton, substi-
tuted on Tuesday and Wednesday,
but because of earlier commit-
ments she was unable to teach
the rest of the week, so the Her-
y Ms€Nelly here,"Why shilly-ihallyl
•ake my tip, and you'" wia every a/l¥.
Just play it real cool--
Use that fine Union fuel--
"ben you'll GO, mare and not dm¥-da//¥p'"-
---Cin Bailey, Studio City, Calif..
rtoonis*t for this series.
See hew, MacNMly, let's be specific: "Fine ..
Union fuel" can mean eitkcr New 7600
(powered like a premium, priced like a gegu-
iar) r New Royal 76 (the West'e mint pwr-
fl Immature). Whl will it b -?
much as any creative hobby.
SHELTON opened its doors to
students from India and their cui-
sine last Saturday. If your tongue
burned with a true curry, you
should have watched the Indians
cut each bite of the highly potent
with a larger amount of rice.
Electric anu gas ranges can be
loaded with enough accessories to
boosts the price from $200 to $550.
Buying large appliances is about l
as complicated as shopping for
a new car. Remember--the more
automatic gadgets -- the more
We like the rotary grill in some
of the ranges. Broiler chicken
turned slowly for one hour was
delicious and brown. We found
the thermostatically controlled
surface units were so adaptable
that soft custard came out with-
out curdling on the direct low
HOME hEWING is over a one
billion dollar yearly business in
our country. Nearly two-thirds
of the women who earn money at
home are sewing for other folks.
Some of our county women have
been caught in a bind of not know-
ins what to charge. There are
some gafides for this." We don't
like to work for less than mini-
mum wage which, I believe, is
$1.00 per hour. It's really impos-
sible to earn this if your custo-
wants you to sew on inexpen-
sive fabric. You can'f make it pay
unless you are tryin to duplicate
a high quality expensive garment.
MaSs production in low cost ready°
mades has cut chances of this kind
of saving.
My husband and l spend many
weekends on the salt water. Go-
ing past beach homes at a trolling
pace reminds me of the truth of
our state architect's words when
he says "you can't put a halter
on the sun---but if you're building
a house you can certainly extend
eaves on the south side.
The other day I noted many a
)icture window with faded uphol-
stered furniture inside. n cave
of 9 to 36 inches can do the pro-
tection trick for the south. Low
i westerly mm can be controlled
'building a short ttght fence.
..hes or trees planted strateg-
ically can also do a good job of
channelling the sun where we
want it.
IT'S ODD IN us humans. Sun-
stine Island children got two days
unexpected vacation. Sehool was
to get out on May 29 but now it
will be June 2, and that does not
go over so good with the small
Is our face red! Slip of the type-
writer and not of the mind we
hope. It was SHELTON VAL-
LEY who brought the traveling
gavel to Harstine. Sorry, Shelton
Valley, we won't make that mis-
take again. Harstine takes the
gavel to Twanoh on May 1st. All
officers are urged to attend.
The Harstine Island Ladies Club
will entertain the Picketing La-
dies today, Thursday, at the com-
i munity hall. A11 women of the
comnlunity are invited to attend
this meeting whether members of
the Ladies Club or not. There will
:be a bake sale and a plant sale.
The Ladies of Harstine will pre-
sent a short ply)gram for the en-
tertainment of their guests. The
ferry leaves the mainland about
!ire after twelve.
Islanders congregated better
:han 20 strong at the community
hall to discuss ways and means
of getting water in the hall• They
also decided to move the old berry
shed back off the road into the
park for use as a camp site. They
decided to hox in under the hall
for a woodshed. Mrs. Ann Yates
attended this meeting and volun-
teered to carry the mail during
the ferry lay-off. We all appre-
ciate this very much Ann. Thank
can take pride in their little school
and the children. Harstine chil-
dren claimed four of the poster
awards in "the Keep Washington
Green poster contest. David Bar-
nett claimed the third place prize
in the primary division. Mr. Eddie
Waits and Mr. Philip Barnett took
honorable mention in the primary
division, Miss Cheryl Mocks won
honorable mention in the inter-
mediate division. Congratulations,
kids, on a job well done. We are
all proud of you.
We have two former Island res-
idents on the sick list this week.
:Mr. Roscoe Page, now of Olympia,
fell at his home this past week
and broke two ribs. Mr. Andrew
Johnson, Island resident now of
Sarah House, fell and suffered one
broken rib. We hope you get well
soon, fellows•
A wood cutting party was held
at the hall :Monday. We were in
sad need of wood as most of us
carried it when there wa some
doings at the hall. Also on Mon-
day the forestry water truck
stood by at the hall While they
i had a burning of trash and slash°
lngs around the hall. Getting it all
cleaned up andprettied up for the
summer see'son.
THERE WILL BE A work par-
ty at the Start Yates place on
Saturday to finish the float.
Mrs. Anita Bullard, of Shelton,
rise is delightfu and we are lifted
with it. Aftetmn sun flooding in-
to our rooms loses ita charm be-
cause it stays too long and un-
Court Grants Pair
3-Year Deferred Term
Dale E. Roessell. 20, of P, elfuir>
and Robert D. Clayton. 21, also
of Belfair. were granted lhree-ycar
deferred sentences F'riday m(ir-
ning in the Mason county SUl)er-
ior court I)y Judge Charhm T.
The pair were charged with con-
tribnling to the delinquency of a
minor gh'l, They were defen'ded on
the (_'harge. by Frank Hues)on.
Warren Duffey of Shelton is a
]candidale for the office of presi-
Ident of the SGA at the Central
,Washington College of Education
at Ellensburg.
was is Ballard visitor on Thursday.
She also planted trees at the
home of her daughter. I The old
Andrew Johnson place).
The luck of the Irish was sure
riding with Maomi Lohrer this
past Tuesday when she rolled her
cat' over on the low road near
the ferry landing. We are happy
to report that she was unhurt.
but the car is a mess.
Point Wilson has been very
much populated this past week
with the Niemis and the Birches
and their families of Aberdeen.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jerrells" and
family were also out over the
The Island residents extend their
heartfelt sympathies to the Emil
Anderson family. Mr. Anderson
died Monday in Shelton General
the KING radio household hint
, NO
& Loan
TV PictUrel
To Insure
ance from
contest last week• She will receive
a box of White King products for have our
her prize, make the
We would like at this time to pairs.
wish happy birthday to our prin-
cess in the Forest Festival parade. Just
Miss Ruth Wingert will celebrate
her bh'thdy on April 30. Many
happy returns of the day. Cele-
brating their anniversary on May
Dorothy and Bob Barnett. ][A|AM||0
Congratulations and happy anni-
II Vll'q m" mv---
versary from all of us.
Through the use of new tech- 2218 01ympig
niques and new plating equip- M.
ment, steel pipe is now being in-
tezally plated with nickel.
Voice of MusJc Console Hi,00
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• Friday & Saturday Only .
Your Choice dEilker d These Valuable Gifts Friday and Saturday
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with Charcoal Broiler and Electric
Eeils Iley
123 South Second Street
Phone HArrison 6-4663