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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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€ 14 HELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Track, Baseball Titles on Block at Loop Field Thls Wee Hens Fly Fastest In I st Racing Pigeon Eveni; Fassio Winner Piths led tile way home in the first honiing-pigeon race of the year staged by the Shelton Rac- ing pigeon Club last weekend. Pete Fassio's loft at. Union pro- duced the winner, a blue check hen which made the 166 mile tril from Salem, Oregon, to Union at the fantastic average of 1,557.10 yards per minute: All six prize wimlers in the race topped the normal' yai'dage aver- age of 1,200, lhanks to a sJ.rong wind at higher elevations. Dick Giles of Hoodsport had the second and third place birds, .qlso both hens, one a red check which averaged 1,542.10, the other a blue check averaging 1,517.37, Giles also had a red check cock, which took sixth place at 1,323.66. : Jack Graham of Union brought home Ihe fourth and fifth place winw'ru, a. silver cock at 1,453.37 50 Years of Progress By Evinrud 4 World's Finest Outboard Now at DELIGHT PARK 2ND HALF ALLEY ,CHAMP MEN'S COMMERCIAL (final 2nd half) W L Delight Park ................. 41 23 Local 161 ....................... 39]fi 24 / Hansen Oil .................... 35 29 Wingard Sport Shop .. 34 30 Verle's Sporting Goods 31 33 Gott Oil ........................... 30 ;. 33 b Ritner's Htghballcrs .... 25 39 Moose Lodge ................... 20 44 High games --- Chub. Nutt 246, Glen Roessel 225, Jim Archer 223 High totals ........ Chub Nutt ,645 Jim Archer 619, Cliff How- ard 601 Men's Commercial league bowl- ers rang down the curtain on their second half schedule last week -.,ith a burst of high-level scor- ing and Delight Park as the sec- ond half champions. Chub Nutt's 645 smqes and 246 game topped individual pin-punish- ing in the finale but his Ritner's Highballers, the first half cham- pions who were tangling with De- lighi Park last night for the all- season crown, still dropped a 1-3 loss to Local 161 (Armon Tuberg : 550 ). Jin Archer banged off a 619 (193-223-203) to lead Wingard's Sport Shop to shutolt success ov- er Gott Oil (Dale Weston 453i. Delight Park got good team scming and clinched the crown in a 3-1 victory over last place Moose Lodge despite Cliff Howard's 601 (211-203-187l for the losers, matching the victory me(end place Local 161 scored over Ritner's and maintaining the lh game margin between the two front-mmner. Glen Roessel's 225 and 588 led Hansen Oil to a 3-1 decision over Yerle's Sporting Goods (Gene Mc- Guire 525). and a blue ¢heck h at 1 418.70. The Shelton Racing Pigeon Club had 122 birds in the race. Approx-. imately half ,of them were ltmted as Casualties and members of the club would greatly appreciate word of any of their birds which have strayed. Information should be given Giles at Hoodsport (phone TRojan 7-5329, or Lawr- ence E. Johnson, 332 West G street, Shelton, phone HArrison HILLOREST HARDWARE Hot PitOhing Battle Looms as ,Ohehalis Battles Highclimbers CENTRAI, LEAGUE BASEBALL SHELTON .................... 6 0 32 3 Chehalis ........................ 6 0 82 5 North Thurston .......... 6 0 57 19 St. Martin's ................. '2 6 19 50 Montesano .................... 2 6 21 37 Raymond ...................... 2 6 18 78 Ehna ............................... 0 6 12 49 Last Week Shelton 6-3, Montesano 0-1 N. Thurston 7-7, St. Martin's 4-4 Chehalia 30-22, Raymond 2-0 Montesano 8-2, Raymond 1-5 Chehalis 7-12, St. Martin's 0-1 North Thurston 10-15, Elma 3-5 This Friday Chehalis at Shelton, 2 p.m. North Thurston vs. Montesano Elma vs. St. Martin's Highclimber hopes for retaining the Central League baseball cham- pionship Shelton diamond teams have have held 14 of the last 15 years will be largely detelTained on Loop Field this Friday when the undefeated, run-crazy Chehalis Bearcats come stalking Coach Chet Dombroski's forces. In the well-muscled body of Dave Dowling the Bearcats pos- sess what they believe is the key to dethroning the defending cham- pion HighcUmber nine. DOWIANG is tabbed to hook up with Shelton's Jerry Mallory in a duel of junior lefthanded pitchers which should be one of the classics of Central League baseball history if beth continue the kind of mound mastery they've displayed so far this season. Mallory has given up only one earned run in three league starts this year, that one a poorly-played fly-ball which went for a home run off the bat of Elma's Greg Osgood in the first game o the conference schedule. In 21 innings Mallory has struck out 37, walked four and pitched two shutouts. Dowling, considered a bright professional prospect, has been equally as effective on the Che- halls slab although details of his record are not available at this writing. BEHIND HIM will be the league's strongest batting power, i Farmont & Olympic Hiway 6-8155. It exploded for 52 runs against l ........................................................................................................................................................ Raymond last Friday, 30-2 and 22-0. Shelton defeated the Gulls by 6-0 and 4-0 scores by compar- ison. In six conference games !Chehalis has scored 82 runs, an average of just short of 14 per game. Shelton has counted 32 in the same distance but has stranded 45 base runners, indicating good abil- ity to get nlen on the sacks, if not to get them are(rod to home plate. In Friday's second game Dom- broski hopes his muscular senior righthander, Jim Sargent, will be ready for action to go against the Bearcats' Oeorg¢ Lyle, axtothe .... sehior righthander. Sargent misseff last Friday's Montesano series due to illness, after' pitching a no- hit ii]1 : : : ::'(: :: : POTENTIAL POINT I)i('kers on the Hlghcllmber track sqvad aM it seeks the Central League cin- der championship ,, a ; u r (1 a y night on Leo 1) Fiehi are Tom Kendall (upi,er left), pole vanlt- er and low hurdh,r; Rawlin M(,- lneliy (upper right), shown win- ning the mile last Friday against North Thurston; and the #URRY! EN?'ER A'OW lqT",. . SOUHD NLLWORI[ GO, V2 Mile South of Shelton HA 6-4282 no-run game against Raymond the week befgre. The twin bill gets underway at 2:00 o'clock. It will be the first meeting Of any of the league's 'big three" this year, North Thur- ston also being undefeated In six conference games to date. A dou- ble win for either Shelton or Che- halls tomorrow would be a huge stride toward the 1959 Central League title. TRACK ROLLERS LAST LONGER O, O, OOLE & SONS Shelton r,lay qnartet of Joe Lawson, Viave itostxvi('k, Sherry ll:dhc'rt and l,on I)eyette (shown lower from left to right), liar- Icy Sos'hers nornlitlly rnns in I,a%Vsol's I e :r d o f f i,ot I)rlt Blessed Frida,y's nleet he(,anse Of a boil on an ankle. (Journal photos, Ziegler prints). IIICKS' RAINIER BREWIN'G CO.. 6EATTLE & SPOKANE. WASH. USA . BREWERS OF Climbers Whip Adversity and Bulldogs Both MALLORY NO-HITS iliOHTESAHO Put their backs to the wall and those Highclimber baseball war- riors of Chet Dolnbroski's lrltvt what it takes. They proved it Friday, when it semed Lady Luck was abandon- lng them, by winning a Central League double-header from Mon- tesano, 6-0 and 3-1, on the Monte- sane diamond where their luck hasn't been of the best in previous visits. They dhl It in the f:we of these om|nons events: Jim Sargent. their" no-hit hm'ler of the Raymond series, was com- pletely hers de combat from a se- vere bout ith the flu bug; Jerry Mallory, their of her start- ing pitcher, was hit in the snail of his back by a blistering [in(- drive in batting practice Thm'sday night, knocked cold for several minutes, and a doubtful quantity even when his injury proved to be only a muscle bruise; MLIA)R¥ was further handi- capped by a persistent blister on the index finger of his pitching hand which required ferquent ap- plications of "tough skin," a sci- entific substitute for' real skin, be- tween innings. But tills is what happcned: Mallory pitched a no-hit, no-rn game against the Bulldogs in the seven inning opener and played a prominent batting role in the sec- ond game victory am an outfielder; Ray Manke stepped out of his accustomed role as a second base- man to pltcll a nifty four-hit, nine- strikeout, one - walk, five - inning second game which enabled the Climbers to keep their conference record unblemished in six games. Mallory pitched tn only 23 bat- ters hi the seven innmg opener as only three men reached bane RAINIER BEER AN D RAINIER ALE and one. of them was wiped out trying to steal. The sturdy Climb- er southpaw gave a walk in tile first and two other Bulldog bat- ters gained lives on infield errors. None reached second base. TIlE ilULLDOGS tried to out- maneuwr the Clinlbers by saving their ace pitcher, George Raines, to go a.gainst Manke in the sec- ond game, but the strategy failed when Manke came up with his ex- cellenl slab job and Dromboski countered with some shrewd mar- shaling of his own. The Climbers had,stranded ten base runners in the first game by lack of timely hitting, so when they put runners on second and third with one out in the first in- ning against Raines, the Climber mentor decided to get at least one run for sure and called on Roger Hermes to squeeze it over. The Rulldogs tried to nip Mal- lory (he had doubled as lead-off man) at the plate and missed, so Donlbroski came right back with another bunt by Garth Getty which put Al Smith (he had walked t home for all the rams Manke needed, as things devel- oped. THE THIRD tally was un- earned, coming in the third when Smith singled and rambled all the way around when Herme's rap skidded through, the third base- man's legs and got past the left- fielder. Hermes was the day's batting istar with three hits in six official trips. He batted home two runs and was on base five times in seven trips to the plate. Mallory also had three blows during the day, in seven official trips, including doubles in each game. His first double came dur- ing a four-hit attack which scored two tams in the first tuning and won the opener for him.. Kerm Livernmre drove both tallies across with a single after Al SmitI] bad singled and Mallory had / Climbers Figure In 3-Way Battle For Circuit Cinder Crown Shelton's undefeated High¢limb- ers will share the favorite role with Ehna and North Thurston when the 1959 Central League all- conference track meet is held lln- der the bights of Loop Field this Salurday night. Action Starts at 7:00 o'clock with the field events gettmg un- der way first, running events tak- ing the spotlight at 7:30. th)wever, preliminary heats in the qprints and hurdles and quali- fying throws in the weight events will be held starting at 1:00 ()'clock in the afternoon. More than 100 prep runners, throwers and jumpers will partici- pate in the 13-event program for ribbons given the first foul" place winners in each event and for in- dividual trophies giveri each first place winner. ONLY ONE Central League record appears to be in danger this year, the shot put. North Thurston's Earl Williams broke his own school record last week in .,}e meet here on Loop Field with a toss of 48 feet 1. inches. The conference record is 48' 2, '' held by Neeley of Chehalis and set in 1957. Williams won the title last year at 47' 11!,;.,". Ehna, which has had only so-so success in dual and triangular meets this year, appears to have the first-place potential 1o repeat the success the Eagles enjoyed last year in the all-conference competition, when four talented athletes gained Elma a tie with Chehalis for the title. Two of them ........ Robin Brock- mueller and George Peek ........ are back to try to repeat their 1958 performances. This pair is fav- ored to place one-two in the cml- tury and 220 with Brockmueller the favorite in the broadjump. Both run on an Eagle relay team which could pick up the marbles, and Roger Weld is an Elma hurd- ler who couhl win both the highs and lows. MIKE MURPHY is a potential pole wult wi:mer for the Eagles, too, so ]]Ima appears to have a good chance to win six or seven events and pick up a few extra points with seconds and thirds for smnething approximating 35 to 40 points. Last year the winning total was 28 points. Shelton, which ham defeated both the Eagles and North Thurs- ton in a quadrangular meet and the Rams again in a dual meet, has excellent depth but may not have the first, place strength nec- essary to win a multi-school meet like this. The Climbers figure to have first place potential in the pole vault (Tom Kendall), the three longerLraces (ton Deyette 440, Dave Roundtree and Roy Buzzard 880, Rawlin McInelly mile), discus (Dave Sharpes and Warren Zeit- ler), and the relay (Harley Sea- mers, Vince Bostwick,. Sherr Halbert, Deyette); plus some of the lesser llaces in the broad jump (Ray Baker), shot put (Zeitler), and the hurdles [Ken- dall and Harley Somers in the lows, Laurie Somers and Tin Hurst in th highs). WEAKNESSES IN the Climb- er armor exists in the sprints and high jump, where any points Shel- ton scores will be unexpected and highly needed gravy if the home forces hope to cart off the team title. North Thurston's strength lies largely in the weight and jumping events (excluding the pole vault). Outside the three favorites, .St. Martins has a distinct first place threat in sophomore half-miler Ron Ayotte, Raymond in miler Dick Van Rooy, Chehalis in weight- man Chuck Denny and quarter- miler Jolr Garrett, and Monte- sane in pole vaulter Bruce Aubu- (hen and , quartermiler Roger Brumfield. play ball ! doubled. ALl, 'rile IIEST of the i first ------  ,m,,, m ,,-m.--m mm emm ganre funs v[ere unearned, an out- Kendall, Mclnelly, Zeitler In Stellar field h,)hble of Hermes' single • chasing Livermore home jn the NO mm l Illil lbird, a wild throw on an attempt- ed pick-off play at. third base al- lowing Getty and Bob Fitchett l.o w, regist(,r in the fourth, and an in- sh0tfeqroof -. field miscue giving Snih the life ]3fought to naturally which eveutually led t.o his check- ing in on Livermore's single in the sixth. Montes'mo's hme run of the (lab' was scored on Colton's long triple and Whanell's single in the second off Maffke. Mallory's no-hit job was saved by two fine fielding plays, Bill Fitchett making a brilliant slop in the third base-shortstop hole to rob Paul Cokely in the fifth and Getly coming up with a shoe- string catch off Raines in the sev- enth. Tile short scores: R H E Shelton ........... 201 201 0-8 I0 2 Montesano .... 000 000 0 O 0 Batteries .-Mallory and Hermes Fritz and CoIlon. R II E Shelton ............... 201 00 3 4 0 Montesano ..t ....... 010 00.-1 4 3 Batteries--Manke and Hermes; Fala snd Colton, pe.els by w.s • inclosure • nc GATES • PARTITIONS •  PORTS 3 CLIitlBERS WiN A Tirol l-N,ltdall was the da?," ()1]\\;.' (h)uble willllt'l' all(t tile Hi;:',•hclimb - el'S \\;\'Oil eighl eveu[s sw;cpinK lhe high hurdles arid half nile as Shelton raced to a 6S-,15 Iri- unlph over Nocth Tluirs/on in a Central League (lual track lneet on Loop Fieht lasl Friday after- nooll. JeI'lt]itl] tllrned tJp as a .;lirpriso winner in the 220-yard low hut- (ties, which he negotiated in the 22.9 se(()i:ds for the fastest tinl," the h)w sticks have beell traveled by a Climber this season. ]{ARLI]y SO31EI{, :,7o. 1 ]ow hurdler in the Climber cailip to date, had a boil on one of his aP.- kles and was unable t compete Friday. may find he isn't the No. : boy in this event any more if Kendall shows that sort of pace the rest of the way. It was no surprise whatever when Kendall lofted himself to eleven feet to win the pole vault, matching his best career mark in that event. Anothe performance of special note Friday was the 4:55.8 mile turned in by Rawlin Mclnelly for an easy victory over North Thurs- ton's capable Ralph Sprout, as was Warren Zeitler's 133 foot 8 inch discus winning throw. ,DAVE ROUNDTREE, Roy Buz- zard and Dave Pearce gave Shel- ton its 880 sweep, while long Lun- rie Somers skimmed tile high hur- diem in his top tinie of the year at 17,4 and was followed across the finish line by teammates Tim Hurst and Gary Schneider to hog all nine points in that event. Somers incapacitation weaken- ed the Climbers in the 100 yard clash and relay events, too, but the four-man combo of 3"oe Law- on replacing Somers), Vinee Bostwick, Sherry Halbert andLon Deyette still produced a comfort- able victory in the creditable time of 1:39.4. }h)wever, Norlh Thurs- ton's Dick Yarboro won the cen- tury in 10.9 seconds after trailing Sonlers a week earlier when they met in a quadrangular meet. Friday's lstt]t s : HIGH HURDLIS .... L a U r I e 'i(ini,'rs ,%, 'l,i ,;(,hiit,id(,r S, 1'/.4 100-YARD NT, Sherry 1 I).9 SS0- Y A RD trl,*" S, Roy l'earee S. 2:08 440-YARD , t'ince 55.5 • POLE VAULT : N, lion (;uthrle LOW Kocqlig NT, 220-YARD Cole NT, Joe SHOT en Zeitler S, MILE RUN '.4, Sprout NT, 4:55.8 HIGH JUMP Btrrtseh NT Rodgers a.nd BROAD Bilker S. Hi DISCUS NT, McCall NT. RELAY .... S h Bostwick, 1:39.4. D i Outboarding's n PROFILE POWER ...from for'59 You Can this Mac ' Hilicresl 1.209 Olymple New inside as well al! The new Johnson go better with yoUr make your boat / HEM NOW SAEGER HOTOR Hillcrest Phone HA. • $C!-D45 NOW ONLY 49¢ 34x96-1nch Pan,el$11.10 • 34x120-1nch Panel--S13.90 • 34x144-1nch t LAWTON LUHBER COHPANY 420 SOUTH PHONE € 14 HELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Track, Baseball Titles on Block at Loop Field Thls Wee Hens Fly Fastest In I st Racing Pigeon Eveni; Fassio Winner Piths led tile way home in the first honiing-pigeon race of the year staged by the Shelton Rac- ing pigeon Club last weekend. Pete Fassio's loft at. Union pro- duced the winner, a blue check hen which made the 166 mile tril from Salem, Oregon, to Union at the fantastic average of 1,557.10 yards per minute: All six prize wimlers in the race topped the normal' yai'dage aver- age of 1,200, lhanks to a sJ.rong wind at higher elevations. Dick Giles of Hoodsport had the second and third place birds, .qlso both hens, one a red check which averaged 1,542.10, the other a blue check averaging 1,517.37, Giles also had a red check cock, which took sixth place at 1,323.66. : Jack Graham of Union brought home Ihe fourth and fifth place winw'ru, a. silver cock at 1,453.37 50 Years of Progress By Evinrud 4 World's Finest Outboard Now at DELIGHT PARK 2ND HALF ALLEY ,CHAMP MEN'S COMMERCIAL (final 2nd half) W L Delight Park ................. 41 23 Local 161 ....................... 39]fi 24 / Hansen Oil .................... 35 29 Wingard Sport Shop .. 34 30 Verle's Sporting Goods 31 33 Gott Oil ........................... 30 ;. 33 b Ritner's Htghballcrs .... 25 39 Moose Lodge ................... 20 44 High games --- Chub. Nutt 246, Glen Roessel 225, Jim Archer 223 High totals ........ Chub Nutt ,645 Jim Archer 619, Cliff How- ard 601 Men's Commercial league bowl- ers rang down the curtain on their second half schedule last week -.,ith a burst of high-level scor- ing and Delight Park as the sec- ond half champions. Chub Nutt's 645 smqes and 246 game topped individual pin-punish- ing in the finale but his Ritner's Highballers, the first half cham- pions who were tangling with De- lighi Park last night for the all- season crown, still dropped a 1-3 loss to Local 161 (Armon Tuberg : 550 ). Jin Archer banged off a 619 (193-223-203) to lead Wingard's Sport Shop to shutolt success ov- er Gott Oil (Dale Weston 453i. Delight Park got good team scming and clinched the crown in a 3-1 victory over last place Moose Lodge despite Cliff Howard's 601 (211-203-187l for the losers, matching the victory me(end place Local 161 scored over Ritner's and maintaining the lh game margin between the two front-mmner. Glen Roessel's 225 and 588 led Hansen Oil to a 3-1 decision over Yerle's Sporting Goods (Gene Mc- Guire 525). and a blue ¢heck h at 1 418.70. The Shelton Racing Pigeon Club had 122 birds in the race. Approx-. imately half ,of them were ltmted as Casualties and members of the club would greatly appreciate word of any of their birds which have strayed. Information should be given Giles at Hoodsport (phone TRojan 7-5329, or Lawr- ence E. Johnson, 332 West G street, Shelton, phone HArrison HILLOREST HARDWARE Hot PitOhing Battle Looms as ,Ohehalis Battles Highclimbers CENTRAI, LEAGUE BASEBALL SHELTON .................... 6 0 32 3 Chehalis ........................ 6 0 82 5 North Thurston .......... 6 0 57 19 St. Martin's ................. '2 6 19 50 Montesano .................... 2 6 21 37 Raymond ...................... 2 6 18 78 Ehna ............................... 0 6 12 49 Last Week Shelton 6-3, Montesano 0-1 N. Thurston 7-7, St. Martin's 4-4 Chehalia 30-22, Raymond 2-0 Montesano 8-2, Raymond 1-5 Chehalis 7-12, St. Martin's 0-1 North Thurston 10-15, Elma 3-5 This Friday Chehalis at Shelton, 2 p.m. North Thurston vs. Montesano Elma vs. St. Martin's Highclimber hopes for retaining the Central League baseball cham- pionship Shelton diamond teams have have held 14 of the last 15 years will be largely detelTained on Loop Field this Friday when the undefeated, run-crazy Chehalis Bearcats come stalking Coach Chet Dombroski's forces. In the well-muscled body of Dave Dowling the Bearcats pos- sess what they believe is the key to dethroning the defending cham- pion HighcUmber nine. DOWIANG is tabbed to hook up with Shelton's Jerry Mallory in a duel of junior lefthanded pitchers which should be one of the classics of Central League baseball history if beth continue the kind of mound mastery they've displayed so far this season. Mallory has given up only one earned run in three league starts this year, that one a poorly-played fly-ball which went for a home run off the bat of Elma's Greg Osgood in the first game o the conference schedule. In 21 innings Mallory has struck out 37, walked four and pitched two shutouts. Dowling, considered a bright professional prospect, has been equally as effective on the Che- halls slab although details of his record are not available at this writing. BEHIND HIM will be the league's strongest batting power, i Farmont & Olympic Hiway 6-8155. It exploded for 52 runs against l ........................................................................................................................................................ Raymond last Friday, 30-2 and 22-0. Shelton defeated the Gulls by 6-0 and 4-0 scores by compar- ison. In six conference games !Chehalis has scored 82 runs, an average of just short of 14 per game. Shelton has counted 32 in the same distance but has stranded 45 base runners, indicating good abil- ity to get nlen on the sacks, if not to get them are(rod to home plate. In Friday's second game Dom- broski hopes his muscular senior righthander, Jim Sargent, will be ready for action to go against the Bearcats' Oeorg¢ Lyle, axtothe .... sehior righthander. Sargent misseff last Friday's Montesano series due to illness, after' pitching a no- hit ii]1 : : : ::'(: :: : POTENTIAL POINT I)i('kers on the Hlghcllmber track sqvad aM it seeks the Central League cin- der championship ,, a ; u r (1 a y night on Leo 1) Fiehi are Tom Kendall (upi,er left), pole vanlt- er and low hurdh,r; Rawlin M(,- lneliy (upper right), shown win- ning the mile last Friday against North Thurston; and the #URRY! EN?'ER A'OW lqT",. . SOUHD NLLWORI[ GO, V2 Mile South of Shelton HA 6-4282 no-run game against Raymond the week befgre. The twin bill gets underway at 2:00 o'clock. It will be the first meeting Of any of the league's 'big three" this year, North Thur- ston also being undefeated In six conference games to date. A dou- ble win for either Shelton or Che- halls tomorrow would be a huge stride toward the 1959 Central League title. TRACK ROLLERS LAST LONGER O, O, OOLE & SONS Shelton r,lay qnartet of Joe Lawson, Viave itostxvi('k, Sherry ll:dhc'rt and l,on I)eyette (shown lower from left to right), liar- Icy Sos'hers nornlitlly rnns in I,a%Vsol's I e :r d o f f i,ot I)rlt Blessed Frida,y's nleet he(,anse Of a boil on an ankle. (Journal photos, Ziegler prints). IIICKS' RAINIER BREWIN'G CO.. 6EATTLE & SPOKANE. WASH. USA . BREWERS OF Climbers Whip Adversity and Bulldogs Both MALLORY NO-HITS iliOHTESAHO Put their backs to the wall and those Highclimber baseball war- riors of Chet Dolnbroski's lrltvt what it takes. They proved it Friday, when it semed Lady Luck was abandon- lng them, by winning a Central League double-header from Mon- tesano, 6-0 and 3-1, on the Monte- sane diamond where their luck hasn't been of the best in previous visits. They dhl It in the f:we of these om|nons events: Jim Sargent. their" no-hit hm'ler of the Raymond series, was com- pletely hers de combat from a se- vere bout ith the flu bug; Jerry Mallory, their of her start- ing pitcher, was hit in the snail of his back by a blistering [in(- drive in batting practice Thm'sday night, knocked cold for several minutes, and a doubtful quantity even when his injury proved to be only a muscle bruise; MLIA)R¥ was further handi- capped by a persistent blister on the index finger of his pitching hand which required ferquent ap- plications of "tough skin," a sci- entific substitute for' real skin, be- tween innings. But tills is what happcned: Mallory pitched a no-hit, no-rn game against the Bulldogs in the seven inning opener and played a prominent batting role in the sec- ond game victory am an outfielder; Ray Manke stepped out of his accustomed role as a second base- man to pltcll a nifty four-hit, nine- strikeout, one - walk, five - inning second game which enabled the Climbers to keep their conference record unblemished in six games. Mallory pitched tn only 23 bat- ters hi the seven innmg opener as only three men reached bane RAINIER BEER AN D RAINIER ALE and one. of them was wiped out trying to steal. The sturdy Climb- er southpaw gave a walk in tile first and two other Bulldog bat- ters gained lives on infield errors. None reached second base. TIlE ilULLDOGS tried to out- maneuwr the Clinlbers by saving their ace pitcher, George Raines, to go a.gainst Manke in the sec- ond game, but the strategy failed when Manke came up with his ex- cellenl slab job and Dromboski countered with some shrewd mar- shaling of his own. The Climbers had,stranded ten base runners in the first game by lack of timely hitting, so when they put runners on second and third with one out in the first in- ning against Raines, the Climber mentor decided to get at least one run for sure and called on Roger Hermes to squeeze it over. The Rulldogs tried to nip Mal- lory (he had doubled as lead-off man) at the plate and missed, so Donlbroski came right back with another bunt by Garth Getty which put Al Smith (he had walked t home for all the rams Manke needed, as things devel- oped. THE THIRD tally was un- earned, coming in the third when Smith singled and rambled all the way around when Herme's rap skidded through, the third base- man's legs and got past the left- fielder. Hermes was the day's batting istar with three hits in six official trips. He batted home two runs and was on base five times in seven trips to the plate. Mallory also had three blows during the day, in seven official trips, including doubles in each game. His first double came dur- ing a four-hit attack which scored two tams in the first tuning and won the opener for him.. Kerm Livernmre drove both tallies across with a single after Al SmitI] bad singled and Mallory had / Climbers Figure In 3-Way Battle For Circuit Cinder Crown Shelton's undefeated High¢limb- ers will share the favorite role with Ehna and North Thurston when the 1959 Central League all- conference track meet is held lln- der the bights of Loop Field this Salurday night. Action Starts at 7:00 o'clock with the field events gettmg un- der way first, running events tak- ing the spotlight at 7:30. th)wever, preliminary heats in the qprints and hurdles and quali- fying throws in the weight events will be held starting at 1:00 ()'clock in the afternoon. More than 100 prep runners, throwers and jumpers will partici- pate in the 13-event program for ribbons given the first foul" place winners in each event and for in- dividual trophies giveri each first place winner. ONLY ONE Central League record appears to be in danger this year, the shot put. North Thurston's Earl Williams broke his own school record last week in .,}e meet here on Loop Field with a toss of 48 feet 1. inches. The conference record is 48' 2, '' held by Neeley of Chehalis and set in 1957. Williams won the title last year at 47' 11!,;.,". Ehna, which has had only so-so success in dual and triangular meets this year, appears to have the first-place potential 1o repeat the success the Eagles enjoyed last year in the all-conference competition, when four talented athletes gained Elma a tie with Chehalis for the title. Two of them ........ Robin Brock- mueller and George Peek ........ are back to try to repeat their 1958 performances. This pair is fav- ored to place one-two in the cml- tury and 220 with Brockmueller the favorite in the broadjump. Both run on an Eagle relay team which could pick up the marbles, and Roger Weld is an Elma hurd- ler who couhl win both the highs and lows. MIKE MURPHY is a potential pole wult wi:mer for the Eagles, too, so ]]Ima appears to have a good chance to win six or seven events and pick up a few extra points with seconds and thirds for smnething approximating 35 to 40 points. Last year the winning total was 28 points. Shelton, which ham defeated both the Eagles and North Thurs- ton in a quadrangular meet and the Rams again in a dual meet, has excellent depth but may not have the first, place strength nec- essary to win a multi-school meet like this. The Climbers figure to have first place potential in the pole vault (Tom Kendall), the three longerLraces (ton Deyette 440, Dave Roundtree and Roy Buzzard 880, Rawlin McInelly mile), discus (Dave Sharpes and Warren Zeit- ler), and the relay (Harley Sea- mers, Vince Bostwick,. Sherr Halbert, Deyette); plus some of the lesser llaces in the broad jump (Ray Baker), shot put (Zeitler), and the hurdles [Ken- dall and Harley Somers in the lows, Laurie Somers and Tin Hurst in th highs). WEAKNESSES IN the Climb- er armor exists in the sprints and high jump, where any points Shel- ton scores will be unexpected and highly needed gravy if the home forces hope to cart off the team title. North Thurston's strength lies largely in the weight and jumping events (excluding the pole vault). Outside the three favorites, .St. Martins has a distinct first place threat in sophomore half-miler Ron Ayotte, Raymond in miler Dick Van Rooy, Chehalis in weight- man Chuck Denny and quarter- miler Jolr Garrett, and Monte- sane in pole vaulter Bruce Aubu- (hen and , quartermiler Roger Brumfield. play ball ! doubled. ALl, 'rile IIEST of the i first ------  ,m,,, m ,,-m.--m mm emm ganre funs v[ere unearned, an out- Kendall, Mclnelly, Zeitler In Stellar field h,)hble of Hermes' single • chasing Livermore home jn the NO mm l Illil lbird, a wild throw on an attempt- ed pick-off play at. third base al- lowing Getty and Bob Fitchett l.o w, regist(,r in the fourth, and an in- sh0tfeqroof -. field miscue giving Snih the life ]3fought to naturally which eveutually led t.o his check- ing in on Livermore's single in the sixth. Montes'mo's hme run of the (lab' was scored on Colton's long triple and Whanell's single in the second off Maffke. Mallory's no-hit job was saved by two fine fielding plays, Bill Fitchett making a brilliant slop in the third base-shortstop hole to rob Paul Cokely in the fifth and Getly coming up with a shoe- string catch off Raines in the sev- enth. Tile short scores: R H E Shelton ........... 201 201 0-8 I0 2 Montesano .... 000 000 0 O 0 Batteries .-Mallory and Hermes Fritz and CoIlon. R II E Shelton ............... 201 00 3 4 0 Montesano ..t ....... 010 00.-1 4 3 Batteries--Manke and Hermes; Fala snd Colton, pe.els by w.s • inclosure • nc GATES • PARTITIONS •  PORTS 3 CLIitlBERS WiN A Tirol l-N,ltdall was the da?," ()1]\\;.' (h)uble willllt'l' all(t tile Hi;:',•hclimb - el'S \\;\'Oil eighl eveu[s sw;cpinK lhe high hurdles arid half nile as Shelton raced to a 6S-,15 Iri- unlph over Nocth Tluirs/on in a Central League (lual track lneet on Loop Fieht lasl Friday after- nooll. JeI'lt]itl] tllrned tJp as a .;lirpriso winner in the 220-yard low hut- (ties, which he negotiated in the 22.9 se(()i:ds for the fastest tinl," the h)w sticks have beell traveled by a Climber this season. ]{ARLI]y SO31EI{, :,7o. 1 ]ow hurdler in the Climber cailip to date, had a boil on one of his aP.- kles and was unable t compete Friday. may find he isn't the No. : boy in this event any more if Kendall shows that sort of pace the rest of the way. It was no surprise whatever when Kendall lofted himself to eleven feet to win the pole vault, matching his best career mark in that event. Anothe performance of special note Friday was the 4:55.8 mile turned in by Rawlin Mclnelly for an easy victory over North Thurs- ton's capable Ralph Sprout, as was Warren Zeitler's 133 foot 8 inch discus winning throw. ,DAVE ROUNDTREE, Roy Buz- zard and Dave Pearce gave Shel- ton its 880 sweep, while long Lun- rie Somers skimmed tile high hur- diem in his top tinie of the year at 17,4 and was followed across the finish line by teammates Tim Hurst and Gary Schneider to hog all nine points in that event. Somers incapacitation weaken- ed the Climbers in the 100 yard clash and relay events, too, but the four-man combo of 3"oe Law- on replacing Somers), Vinee Bostwick, Sherry Halbert andLon Deyette still produced a comfort- able victory in the creditable time of 1:39.4. }h)wever, Norlh Thurs- ton's Dick Yarboro won the cen- tury in 10.9 seconds after trailing Sonlers a week earlier when they met in a quadrangular meet. Friday's lstt]t s : HIGH HURDLIS .... L a U r I e 'i(ini,'rs ,%, 'l,i ,;(,hiit,id(,r S, 1'/.4 100-YARD NT, Sherry 1 I).9 SS0- Y A RD trl,*" S, Roy l'earee S. 2:08 440-YARD , t'ince 55.5 • POLE VAULT : N, lion (;uthrle LOW Kocqlig NT, 220-YARD Cole NT, Joe SHOT en Zeitler S, MILE RUN '.4, Sprout NT, 4:55.8 HIGH JUMP Btrrtseh NT Rodgers a.nd BROAD Bilker S. Hi DISCUS NT, McCall NT. RELAY .... S h Bostwick, 1:39.4. D i Outboarding's n PROFILE POWER ...from for'59 You Can this Mac ' Hilicresl 1.209 Olymple New inside as well al! The new Johnson go better with yoUr make your boat / HEM NOW SAEGER HOTOR Hillcrest Phone HA. • $C!-D45 NOW ONLY 49¢ 34x96-1nch Pan,el$11.10 • 34x120-1nch Panel--S13.90 • 34x144-1nch t LAWTON LUHBER COHPANY 420 SOUTH PHONE