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1 ( ,
So cial Even ts
86clety Editor • Beve Welle • Phone HA. 6-441
• ttOTELa
HA 6-4134
Met Winner Plans
Olympia Appearance
The Olympia Fine Arts Guild
will sponsor the appearance of tile
recent Northwest winner of a con-
tract with the Metropolitan Opera
Company, Roald Reitan. 'rhe
young 1)aritone's appearance will
begin at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the
Queen Vahu,ie Latham will hold
a fun party at her home fay the
naembers of Bethel 3, Order of
.Tab's I)aughlers,
The girls haw. lind n busysched-
vie lrayeling to Belfair for Friend-
Olympic high school auditorium, shill Night, titillating four new
G ........ mmllel's Cindy 'J'ickson Gerry
cneraJ aflmlssion [leKets [)! ...... "' , ' " ' ' •
€ 1 r.n ,o*r 1. ..t.* ;.ad ¢*nnl MS t IAII WIISfn II'en( b]nlsley and Ca-
",:;gbga'V':'niX,Ti'"HA ",;':;i'0C'"' thy Mnls. Last Saturda the ao-
• ' ' "' " Ibh,s held a fool sale :It Tradewell.
The next raBBling of the Jobies
A plant sale is slated by tim
members of the Dirt Dabbers Gar-
den Club for Friday md Saturday,
May 8 and 9 in Sears Order of-
fice. Anyone wishing a particular
type of plant is asked to-call Mrs,
I. G. Carder, HA. 6-6969 or Mrs.
Frank Winkelman, HA. 6-4773.
PHONE HA 6-4582
Give Mum New Beauty
Fo Her Day, May 10th
will be election of officers on Tues-
day, in tim Masonic Temple.
Bluffers Beat
SRA In Playoff
The Aberdeen Bluffers beat the
Shelton Simpson Recreation Asso-
ciation Pinochle Club lll,Sl0 to
107,110 in a play-off game Satur-
(lay, April 18, in the Armory.
High score for the play-off was
won by Mrs. Betty Kuhnle of
-qhelton, 9,370; second high was
won by Phil Fecile of Aberdeen,
8,630. Traveling pinochle prizes
were won. by Cliff Splinter and
Lottie Logan, both of Aberdeen.
The next regular game for the
local club will be held May 12.
JOURNAL -- Pabhshed in "Ch'fistmastown. U.,.A.." Snelton,
Jane Rucker 1959 DeMolay Sweetheart
ADMIRING GLANCES were drawn by Jane E. Reed chapter. She wLII compete for the
Rucker, 1959 DeMolay sweetheart, recently honor of State DeMolay Sw'eetheart. Pic-
ot the annual DeMolay Sweetheart Dance tured with Jane are Sherry Halbert, Stew Biehl
in the Mesonic Temple. Jane was presented and Jerry Kilbourne. ,l)eaa phot,).)
with an orchid let and gifts from the Mark
Jr, High Girls See
4-H Fashion Show
Fashions out of this world came
to life at the Junior High School
Girls' Club assembly April 22.
The Women's Christian Temper-
ance Union will meet at one o'-
clock Friday in the Faith Luther-
an chnrch for a no-host hmcheon.
Mrs. Agnes Kangar will be in
charge of the arrangements.
Miss Elsie Dewell will review a
chapter of the study book, "Sha-
dow Over America." A cordial
invitation is extended to all in-
terested in the program, why pax'-
ents should understand the nice- Carolyn Schroede] Donna Wolf,
hal problem• Shirley DtJlenburg; Sharon Town-
Nadine Thompson, New York
stylist for SWnplicity Patterns
Company produced the show with
a wardrobe made from patterns
of hey company. It was planned
for 4-H clothing club projects and
showed basics in wardrobe coordi-
Mrs. Jane Windsor, Mason coun-
ty agent, worked with Mrs. J. E.
Jeffery and Mrs. Norman Remme
to present the rewue in ShelteR.
Models were Cathy Heuston, Glor-
ia Fulton, Barbara Chase, Dar-
lene Graffe, Margie Iillenburg, I
Pat Leonard, Kathy Santamaria,:
Musical Magic
Proclaimed by
Mayor Moore
Mayor Earl Moore has
D 1 '(1 -
send Naomi Nagai, Carol Prather,
Judy Rowe, Karen Sarkowitz,
ALONG WITH SHAY DAY Kareal Wolf and Nancy Burnett.
In the morning Mrs. Mabel
Burke of Lumbermen's Met'can-
. tile .cooperated with Mrs. Wind-
!llli,, ,i, el hond
w;tk vbb•• grlp.
Dropped forged cme-
#ece lind. Iknt €w.
Hebllll// @ISle
Rlelerl '4m m
$1.?S * ']fI,,Y
twin sbk size with t
extra depth. In red,
white, pink mr tur-
qu4e color*.
claimed the we.eli of May ; to 10
as Music Week in Shell on Tire
purpose of National Music Week
during those dales is to encourage
the performance and enjoyment of
nat]sic thrtmghout the country. Na-
tional Music Week is ponsored
hy tire Shelter Music Club and
National Federation of Music
Clubs. The theme this year is
"There's Magic'. in Music-.U'sc It."
In Shetton through the mum-
eel classes in the public so, heels.
the p r i v a t e music teachers,
churches, community concerts,
Shelton Music Club and junior
clubs will focus their" attention on
the nlllsical resoul?ces of this com-
During Music Week the follow-
mg are some of the musical activi-
ties scheduled: The h'me S. lhmd
high school concert, Tlles(la.y at
8 p.m. in the high sc.hool au(iitof
sor to show 4-H clothing leaders ium; a musical tea for tilt,, parents
suitable material for the styles] o the Treble Clef Junior Music
brought. Miss Thompson led the Club members and the.it friends
• 3:30 to 5 p.m M[)ndav ;it the
session by showing points of con- c . ; . .,.. ' ....
i. %lc.,on 00ostaCcesvri00:00g the sel,,r The Sharp .l,,,d,,,: M,,sic
g' rments, sses ror tne mot ..... ,
• "" s ......... Club will hold ,ts t :t on 'lhurs-
nlng were eae (tames Willis UI'- it-- M i " I" "" [ s tD ( *' -'
..... "acR .... ay, [ Y i, t 1[1 ! ,'; I Llnle ant,
nett Jonn m ae ilenn uce ancl I" ' r, , ,
Fr '" Wolf ' " p ac . The' ]ocatia a,nd Pzzlcaio
anK . 'Jllnior Clubs will have a mllsical
......... tea fro' their nl()lhel's :lad frieilds
I[TT:I'KI[T A, "k,T l at the mmc of Mrs Vie(Iv Nor-
v y 1 w Aux. t o l00ame[vo,,l c.,,nselo,, ,l,.,ng m,,sic
& Oe • • week.
District Delegates The officers ,,f the Shelton Mu-
i'ne next regular DUSlness meeT- "
Ing oI tne veterans ot v'orelgn C ' "
"'' S .... .......... IAubs distract meeting sponsored
Oegslarl dt, ......... 1..1 mgton Stale l'ederaUon of Mu,,m
war. AUXiliary Will fie flelcl qnl'l-[]..)x the r,minsq,, a,,io ,,, ,f
't t $2.29 d,- Ma'- 1 a ..... i ...................................
: .y, y , , o p,.**, h c,le " ( " " €
..: .... ; ........ Y .,, = lt-ll'emertm. OJ:lgmaL.,mgs o£,'.
llemorlal nail, l'ne new premaen .. , e a ",1 "" ''"
-o .......... ' l uonovan ]F'i-Illn .r oI ;.nelt()n W Ill
r8 letty (iOaWln Will presl(l( , ,r
• , . L [be f(atm'ed. The meetin will be
in 4Y id bl bold-
er. On, n.
C0nv0rtible DIKE
Remove tank to make
91rl's model. Rear lug-
gage carrier, middle..
welgf tiros and delux
ta|ner whls.
link e,d |.•
Oilud tnand ¢owhlde,
kll l,lhes Iinnd, f*n..
, ed pad and infer* i
laird ftnee 119M eJ
Isf* k*md.
Full 13 Foot Rell For Drlvleg Cnferf
Ueevy O''
Nan-evaperot|ng, Mees
rigid SA|70-R-1 spedfl..
cations, Olrates efflc-
gently a! 40 beluw end
2S0" above sere.
M% HeW 0U
/elglerf Ill€ Pelt
Election of district delegates
and alternates will be the order
of business fez' the evening.
Hostesses for the evening will
be Dorothy Kelsey, Alice Haines,
Nellie niter and Augusta Twohy.
The prize will be brought by Flor-
ence Hamilton.
At the recent installation of new
officer's the following appointive
officers selected by Mrs. Godwin
were also installed: Mesdames
Daisy Pinney, secretary; Lost
Pearson, flag bearer; Bernice
Jansson, banner bearer; Merle
VanderWal, Jessie Cox, Cecilia
Gunter, Dorothy Kelsey, color
bearers; Miss Marian Johnson,
histoNan; Mrs. Lucy Edmiston,
patriotic instructor; and Mrs. Stel-
la Booth, musician.
The Reverend Mrs. Virginia
Hodson of the "Ohop Bob" Chil-
dren's Home on the Rainier High-
way ie conducting services all this
week at the local church.
Services were held for the young
people at the local church last
Saturday evening, after' which
games were played and lunch
Miss Dixie Hall and Alex C.
Smith of Shelton are to be married
May the 9th The receptio is to
be. in tl F_gles halt a the air-
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nelson
are on. a trip to Buena, Wash., and
Lewisten, Idaho,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Petty and
children pent Sunday with the
Lawrence La Monts at Dayton.
Mrs. Judd Chaffee, Mrs. Jss
Jordan' and Dianne of Olympia
spent Thursday with Mrs. ECwin
Thursday Mrs. Art Nelson and
Mrs. Wes Ru made a business
trip to Tacoma.
Robert .e1.y visited his par-
eats, the Kelleys, in Aber-
decal .ox the wek,t
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moon and
two sons of Tumwater spent Sun-
dy with the Alvin N'agel family.
Carroll Kelley is on the annual
Navy Reserve cruise which Is for
two weeks and will cover about
2,000 miles. His-ship was in Van-
couver, B.C., over the weekend
and his wife Barbara visited him
Mr. and Mrs. Pbillip Simmons
and two children and Roland and
Grace Simmons drove to the ocean
beach (North Cvel for clams Sat-
The family, all of Olympia, of
the Harry Simmons came over
Sunday to help them celebrate
their 43rd wedding anntversary.
Gaff Fuller was a first place
winner in the Forest Festival post-
er contest and Dora Minnegishi, ]
twin daughter of the Harry Minne-
gishis, also placed. Dora has only
been in the U.S.A. and Kamilche
Valley school a couple of years.
In the intermediate division
Mike Fry was a wtnner and in
the primary group Sharon Me-
Henry also won.
There will be a dance at the
Progress Grange hall this Satur-
day night, May 2nd.
l lrri,tay, May 8, at tlw ('.hetTio
L,!dg[! near B(dfair.
Peggy Prouly Feted
At Bridal Shower
Miss Peggy Prouty was honored
at a surprise bridal shower: [le-
eently in the home of Mrs. Dehnar
Cole, with Mrs. Gordon Pope as
co-hostess. Miss Prouty is the
bride-elect of Mr. Charles Heinitz
of Milwaukee, Wis.
Games were played and prizes
won by Mrs. 0ertrude Holder', Mrs.
, Dave Price and Mrs. h'ene Jack-
son. Bouquets of spring flowers
decorated the Cole home for the
occasion. -
Among those present were Mr,.
Raymond Prouty, mother of the
honored guest, Mesdames Dave
Price, Chuck Cox, Clay Berry,
Frank Smith, Mel Dobson, Earl
Moore, Orln Ellison, Bueford Rose,
Valdor Jackson, Ellis Wells, Tom
Watts, Irene Jackson, Gertnlde
Holder, Miss Dorothy Schweiter-
ing, Miss lary Dobson, and Miss
Elizabeth Butler.
Unable to attend but sending
their best wishes were Mrs.
Charles Dahirnan an dMrs May-
hell Daniels.
Two SbeHon Studenls
Get Degrees ai U,
More than 450 University of
Washington students received ba-
chelor'a degrees advanced degrees,
and teaching certifidates winter"
quarter, Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, reg-
istrar, announced yesterday.
There were 341 bachelor's de-
grees, 34 teaching and dental cer-
tificates, and $6 advanced degrees.
William Maxwell of Shelton re-
ceived a bachelor of science de-
gree in civil engineering and Joyce
McNee, also of Shelton, received a
B.S. degree in pharmacy.
Members of the Order of East-
ern Star Social Club will meet for
a 12 o'clock hmcheon Tuesday in
the home of Mrs. Ann Batchelor.
Mrs. Annette MImson and Mrs.
Jewel Deer will be co-hosteses,
Transportation will leave the Mt.
Moriah Masonic Temple at II:45
The Hillcrest Homemakers Club
will hold a public card party at!
8 p m Saturday in the home of
Mr'. and Mrs, Ernest Stoner', 1.7:16
Olympic Highway Nortit. Mrs. El-
lis Wells and Mrs Irene Jackson
will be hostesses. Refreshments
will be served.
'Stenberg is home on leave follow-
ing basic training at: b'ort Ord,
Calif., after which he will be sta-'
tioned at Fol___ "t Leavis i ....
Gladys Nelson, Bertha Taylor
and Grace Petty were on the sup-I
per committee at Abe Tuesday eve- ]
ning meeting of the Degree of I
Honor Lodge.
Jd JgL..
' L BLO|| : ,n
Sm•o*h Imi&d line,
Ne.Mrek ad Bag.
la*y on the hand fQ
N, rellinlb
and COTA, SSelton
tveeed mm ,win e
vstam w mq
R Prouty
• wner
Fellowship Supper
Sunday, Mr. Olive
The quarterly felh)wship supper
will be held in the parish hall next
Sunday evening at 6:00. It will be
"potluck" supper and the ladies
are urged to hring their dishes to
the parish hall by 5:30.
Sunday school and Bible classes
every Sunday at 9:45, followed by
the worship service at 11:00.
Adult membership clash meets
on Monday eveings at 8:00 The
high school class on Wednesday
at 3:45. and the junior Confirma-
tion class on Saturdays at 9:00.
The Lutheran Wonten's Mission-
ary League spring rally will be
held at the Good Shepherd Luth-
eran church jn Tacoma on May 6
at 6:30 p.m. If you intend to go,
Annual Tacoma
Antique Show Set
The l'uget {mnd &t'['a is agun
looking forward to the c[)m,ng of AS 'qu"
Ill*' D.nllllll| antique dealer's sho\\;x
;llld s',lle t*l })[' held al SI. Lll[(e's
MenloI'iai Episcopal ('l%tlrvh Ill 'I'ai-
,'()ma. May 5. 6 and 7 ()vet b'U
,,,,e00se0000ldeaie, s.',,,:,.,e.d,t.,s D[PENDABLEI
ninth show sponsored I)v the \\;re-
cnen of tits church. Thel'e ill be
on display and for Fill(! IIl,' ex-
qllisile ('ollecliolls of OHl'}y AIIlt'Fl-
('fill and Elll'opean IDlt)Ol'lH (If the
finest glass, china, silver, pewter,
brass, eoppcr, jewelry and furni-
'Phe show will be fran norm 1[)
10 p.m., and smorgasbord will be
served at noon and night; snacks
will be served througllout the af-
The church is on the corner of
North 36th and Gave Sts.. and can
be reached by the Point Defiance
hus. By car. it: can be reached by
going north on Stevens Street
from Sixth Avenue to North 36th
St, turn left on 36th to Gave
St {three blocks).
Daughters of Pioneers
Schedule Instllation
Installation of officers will be
the order' of business at the regu-
lar business meeting of the Ma-
son county chapter No. 14, Daugh-
ters of Pioneers of Washington.
The meeting witl convene at 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 7, in the Bayshore
home of Mrs. Warren Lincoln.
"i i " •
O PIItEtUll 8R¥1€11
Phone HA 6-3322 or ltA 6-6201
Fger snd Vibrator Types
please contact Mrs. R. Fitzhum.
Sundav school teachers will & k
meet on'Tuesday evening at 7:30. kgan Eaorett Lum r go
If ' you cannot attend services •
on Stnda.y, tune in the Lutheran
Hour and" 'This Is The Life" pro-
_gram on King TV. Hill-reel (E leaner & H i, ghway) Pho:e HA 64522
I Ill l I I
. 5pecM for/H 0 THER'S DAY
. llli,E, Ina ,
One Week Only
FOR 8 /
Choice of 4 Lovely Patterns
Exceptionally Durable: Guaranteed
against breaking, el'ackirlg, chipping,
or crazing, it wilt last you a lifetime.
Distinctively Lovely: Every piece a
graceful expression of contemporary
styling, Rich, glowing decorator col-
ors that eannoL fade or chip off.
Flawlessly Smart: Used in some of
America's finest homes, for both for-
real and informal occasions, and spec-
ified by leading decorators,
Eminently Practical: Ideally right
f,r evexyday meals an 4 snt}cks , in-
doors and out, and for important
buffets and dinners as well.
Easy to Care For: Light ta, handle,
easy to clean, free of clatter stacks
quickly; safely, and is washabl in
boiling water, in sink or dishwasher,
without damage.
Economical, Too: You save money
year after year, because you have no
chipped or" broken dishes, al no ex-
pensive replacements.
Proton PLASTICS will replace
any piece of Dinnerwa'e by" Pro-
Ion that becomes broken, crackd,
chipped, or crazed, in the course
of norntal hofisehold use (except
when overheated) within TWO
YEARS of date of purchase. This
guarantee applies even to dishes
used in a home automatic dish-
1 ( ,
So cial Even ts
86clety Editor • Beve Welle • Phone HA. 6-441
• ttOTELa
HA 6-4134
Met Winner Plans
Olympia Appearance
The Olympia Fine Arts Guild
will sponsor the appearance of tile
recent Northwest winner of a con-
tract with the Metropolitan Opera
Company, Roald Reitan. 'rhe
young 1)aritone's appearance will
begin at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the
Queen Vahu,ie Latham will hold
a fun party at her home fay the
naembers of Bethel 3, Order of
.Tab's I)aughlers,
The girls haw. lind n busysched-
vie lrayeling to Belfair for Friend-
Olympic high school auditorium, shill Night, titillating four new
G ........ mmllel's Cindy 'J'ickson Gerry
cneraJ aflmlssion [leKets [)! ...... "' , ' " ' ' •
€ 1 r.n ,o*r 1. ..t.* ;.ad ¢*nnl MS t IAII WIISfn II'en( b]nlsley and Ca-
",:;gbga'V':'niX,Ti'"HA ",;':;i'0C'"' thy Mnls. Last Saturda the ao-
• ' ' "' " Ibh,s held a fool sale :It Tradewell.
The next raBBling of the Jobies
A plant sale is slated by tim
members of the Dirt Dabbers Gar-
den Club for Friday md Saturday,
May 8 and 9 in Sears Order of-
fice. Anyone wishing a particular
type of plant is asked to-call Mrs,
I. G. Carder, HA. 6-6969 or Mrs.
Frank Winkelman, HA. 6-4773.
PHONE HA 6-4582
Give Mum New Beauty
Fo Her Day, May 10th
will be election of officers on Tues-
day, in tim Masonic Temple.
Bluffers Beat
SRA In Playoff
The Aberdeen Bluffers beat the
Shelton Simpson Recreation Asso-
ciation Pinochle Club lll,Sl0 to
107,110 in a play-off game Satur-
(lay, April 18, in the Armory.
High score for the play-off was
won by Mrs. Betty Kuhnle of
-qhelton, 9,370; second high was
won by Phil Fecile of Aberdeen,
8,630. Traveling pinochle prizes
were won. by Cliff Splinter and
Lottie Logan, both of Aberdeen.
The next regular game for the
local club will be held May 12.
JOURNAL -- Pabhshed in "Ch'fistmastown. U.,.A.." Snelton,
Jane Rucker 1959 DeMolay Sweetheart
ADMIRING GLANCES were drawn by Jane E. Reed chapter. She wLII compete for the
Rucker, 1959 DeMolay sweetheart, recently honor of State DeMolay Sw'eetheart. Pic-
ot the annual DeMolay Sweetheart Dance tured with Jane are Sherry Halbert, Stew Biehl
in the Mesonic Temple. Jane was presented and Jerry Kilbourne. ,l)eaa phot,).)
with an orchid let and gifts from the Mark
Jr, High Girls See
4-H Fashion Show
Fashions out of this world came
to life at the Junior High School
Girls' Club assembly April 22.
The Women's Christian Temper-
ance Union will meet at one o'-
clock Friday in the Faith Luther-
an chnrch for a no-host hmcheon.
Mrs. Agnes Kangar will be in
charge of the arrangements.
Miss Elsie Dewell will review a
chapter of the study book, "Sha-
dow Over America." A cordial
invitation is extended to all in-
terested in the program, why pax'-
ents should understand the nice- Carolyn Schroede] Donna Wolf,
hal problem• Shirley DtJlenburg; Sharon Town-
Nadine Thompson, New York
stylist for SWnplicity Patterns
Company produced the show with
a wardrobe made from patterns
of hey company. It was planned
for 4-H clothing club projects and
showed basics in wardrobe coordi-
Mrs. Jane Windsor, Mason coun-
ty agent, worked with Mrs. J. E.
Jeffery and Mrs. Norman Remme
to present the rewue in ShelteR.
Models were Cathy Heuston, Glor-
ia Fulton, Barbara Chase, Dar-
lene Graffe, Margie Iillenburg, I
Pat Leonard, Kathy Santamaria,:
Musical Magic
Proclaimed by
Mayor Moore
Mayor Earl Moore has
D 1 '(1 -
send Naomi Nagai, Carol Prather,
Judy Rowe, Karen Sarkowitz,
ALONG WITH SHAY DAY Kareal Wolf and Nancy Burnett.
In the morning Mrs. Mabel
Burke of Lumbermen's Met'can-
. tile .cooperated with Mrs. Wind-
!llli,, ,i, el hond
w;tk vbb•• grlp.
Dropped forged cme-
#ece lind. Iknt €w.
Hebllll// @ISle
Rlelerl '4m m
$1.?S * ']fI,,Y
twin sbk size with t
extra depth. In red,
white, pink mr tur-
qu4e color*.
claimed the we.eli of May ; to 10
as Music Week in Shell on Tire
purpose of National Music Week
during those dales is to encourage
the performance and enjoyment of
nat]sic thrtmghout the country. Na-
tional Music Week is ponsored
hy tire Shelter Music Club and
National Federation of Music
Clubs. The theme this year is
"There's Magic'. in Music-.U'sc It."
In Shetton through the mum-
eel classes in the public so, heels.
the p r i v a t e music teachers,
churches, community concerts,
Shelton Music Club and junior
clubs will focus their" attention on
the nlllsical resoul?ces of this com-
During Music Week the follow-
mg are some of the musical activi-
ties scheduled: The h'me S. lhmd
high school concert, Tlles(la.y at
8 p.m. in the high sc.hool au(iitof
sor to show 4-H clothing leaders ium; a musical tea for tilt,, parents
suitable material for the styles] o the Treble Clef Junior Music
brought. Miss Thompson led the Club members and the.it friends
• 3:30 to 5 p.m M[)ndav ;it the
session by showing points of con- c . ; . .,.. ' ....
i. %lc.,on 00ostaCcesvri00:00g the sel,,r The Sharp .l,,,d,,,: M,,sic
g' rments, sses ror tne mot ..... ,
• "" s ......... Club will hold ,tst :t on 'lhurs-
nlng were eae (tames Willis UI'- it-- M i " I" "" [ s tD ( *' -'
..... "acR .... ay, [ Y i, t 1[1 ! ,'; I Llnle ant,
nett Jonn m ae ilenn uce ancl I" ' r, , ,
Fr '" Wolf ' " p ac . The' ]ocatia a,nd Pzzlcaio
anK . 'Jllnior Clubs will have a mllsical
......... tea fro' their nl()lhel's :lad frieilds
I[TT:I'KI[T A, "k,T l at the mmc of Mrs Vie(Iv Nor-
v y 1 w Aux. t o l00ame[vo,,l c.,,nselo,, ,l,.,ng m,,sic
& Oe • • week.
District Delegates The officers ,,f the Shelton Mu-
i'ne next regular DUSlness meeT- "
Ing oItne veterans ot v'orelgn C ' "
"'' S .... .......... IAubs distract meeting sponsored
Oegslarl dt, ......... 1..1 mgton Stale l'ederaUon of Mu,,m
war. AUXiliary Will fie flelcl qnl'l-[]..)x the r,minsq,, a,,io ,,, ,f
't t $2.29 d,- Ma'- 1 a ..... i ...................................
: .y, y , , o p,.**, h c,le " ( " " €
..: .... ; ........ Y .,, = lt-ll'emertm. OJ:lgmaL.,mgs o£,'.
llemorlal nail, l'ne new premaen .. , e a ",1 "" ''"
-o .......... ' l uonovan ]F'i-Illn .r oI ;.nelt()n W Ill
r8 letty (iOaWln Will presl(l( , ,r
• , . L [be f(atm'ed. The meetin will be
in 4Y id bl bold-
er. On, n.
C0nv0rtible DIKE
Remove tank to make
91rl's model. Rear lug-
gage carrier, middle..
welgf tiros and delux
ta|ner whls.
link e,d |.•
Oilud tnand ¢owhlde,
kll l,lhes Iinnd, f*n..
, ed pad and infer* i
laird ftnee 119M eJ
Isf* k*md.
Full 13 Foot Rell For Drlvleg Cnferf
Ueevy O''
Nan-evaperot|ng, Mees
rigid SA|70-R-1 spedfl..
cations, Olrates efflc-
gently a! 40 beluw end
2S0" above sere.
M% HeW 0U
/elglerf Ill€ Pelt
Election of district delegates
and alternates will be the order
of business fez' the evening.
Hostesses for the evening will
be Dorothy Kelsey, Alice Haines,
Nellie niter and Augusta Twohy.
The prize will be brought by Flor-
ence Hamilton.
At the recent installation of new
officer's the following appointive
officers selected by Mrs. Godwin
were also installed: Mesdames
Daisy Pinney, secretary; Lost
Pearson, flag bearer; Bernice
Jansson, banner bearer; Merle
VanderWal, Jessie Cox, Cecilia
Gunter, Dorothy Kelsey, color
bearers; Miss Marian Johnson,
histoNan; Mrs. Lucy Edmiston,
patriotic instructor; and Mrs. Stel-
la Booth, musician.
The Reverend Mrs. Virginia
Hodson of the "Ohop Bob" Chil-
dren's Home on the Rainier High-
way ie conducting services all this
week at the local church.
Services were held for the young
people at the local church last
Saturday evening, after' which
games were played and lunch
Miss Dixie Hall and Alex C.
Smith of Shelton are to be married
May the 9th The receptio is to
be. in tl F_gles halt a the air-
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nelson
are on. a trip to Buena, Wash., and
Lewisten, Idaho,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Petty and
children pent Sunday with the
Lawrence La Monts at Dayton.
Mrs. Judd Chaffee, Mrs. Jss
Jordan' and Dianne of Olympia
spent Thursday with Mrs. ECwin
Thursday Mrs. Art Nelson and
Mrs. Wes Ru made a business
trip to Tacoma.
Robert .e1.y visited his par-
eats, the Kelleys, in Aber-
decal .ox the wek,t
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moon and
two sons of Tumwater spent Sun-
dy with the Alvin N'agel family.
Carroll Kelley is on the annual
Navy Reserve cruise which Is for
two weeks and will cover about
2,000 miles. His-ship was in Van-
couver, B.C., over the weekend
and his wife Barbara visited him
Mr. and Mrs. Pbillip Simmons
and two children and Roland and
Grace Simmons drove to the ocean
beach (North Cvel for clams Sat-
The family, all of Olympia, of
the Harry Simmons came over
Sunday to help them celebrate
their 43rd wedding anntversary.
Gaff Fuller was a first place
winner in the Forest Festival post-
er contest and Dora Minnegishi, ]
twin daughter of the Harry Minne-
gishis, also placed. Dora has only
been in the U.S.A. and Kamilche
Valley school a couple of years.
In the intermediate division
Mike Fry was a wtnner and in
the primary group Sharon Me-
Henry also won.
There will be a dance at the
Progress Grange hall this Satur-
day night, May 2nd.
l lrri,tay, May 8, at tlw ('.hetTio
L,!dg[! near B(dfair.
Peggy Prouly Feted
At Bridal Shower
Miss Peggy Prouty was honored
at a surprise bridal shower: [le-
eently in the home of Mrs. Dehnar
Cole, with Mrs. Gordon Pope as
co-hostess. Miss Prouty is the
bride-elect of Mr. Charles Heinitz
of Milwaukee, Wis.
Games were played and prizes
won by Mrs. 0ertrude Holder', Mrs.
, Dave Price and Mrs. h'ene Jack-
son. Bouquets of spring flowers
decorated the Cole home for the
occasion. -
Among those present were Mr,.
Raymond Prouty, mother of the
honored guest, Mesdames Dave
Price, Chuck Cox, Clay Berry,
Frank Smith, Mel Dobson, Earl
Moore, Orln Ellison, Bueford Rose,
Valdor Jackson, Ellis Wells, Tom
Watts, Irene Jackson, Gertnlde
Holder, Miss Dorothy Schweiter-
ing, Miss lary Dobson, and Miss
Elizabeth Butler.
Unable to attend but sending
their best wishes were Mrs.
Charles Dahirnan an dMrs May-
hell Daniels.
Two SbeHon Studenls
Get Degrees ai U,
More than 450 University of
Washington students received ba-
chelor'a degrees advanced degrees,
and teaching certifidates winter"
quarter, Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, reg-
istrar, announced yesterday.
There were 341 bachelor's de-
grees, 34 teaching and dental cer-
tificates, and $6 advanced degrees.
William Maxwell of Shelton re-
ceived a bachelor of science de-
gree in civil engineering and Joyce
McNee, also of Shelton, received a
B.S. degree in pharmacy.
Members of the Order of East-
ern Star Social Club will meet for
a 12 o'clock hmcheon Tuesday in
the home of Mrs. Ann Batchelor.
Mrs. Annette MImson and Mrs.
Jewel Deer will be co-hosteses,
Transportation will leave the Mt.
Moriah Masonic Temple at II:45
The Hillcrest Homemakers Club
will hold a public card party at!
8 p m Saturday in the home of
Mr'. and Mrs, Ernest Stoner', 1.7:16
Olympic Highway Nortit. Mrs. El-
lis Wells and Mrs Irene Jackson
will be hostesses. Refreshments
will be served.
'Stenberg is home on leave follow-
ing basic training at: b'ort Ord,
Calif., after which he will be sta-'
tioned at Fol___ "t Leavis i ....
Gladys Nelson, Bertha Taylor
and Grace Petty were on the sup-I
per committee at Abe Tuesday eve- ]
ning meeting of the Degree of I
Honor Lodge.
Jd JgL..
' L BLO|| : ,n
Sm•o*h Imi&d line,
Ne.Mrek ad Bag.
la*y on the hand fQ
N, rellinlb
and COTA, SSelton
tveeed mm ,win e
vstam w mq
R Prouty
• wner
Fellowship Supper
Sunday, Mr. Olive
The quarterly felh)wship supper
will be held in the parish hall next
Sunday evening at 6:00. It will be
"potluck" supper and the ladies
are urged to hring their dishes to
the parish hall by 5:30.
Sunday school and Bible classes
every Sunday at 9:45, followed by
the worship service at 11:00.
Adult membership clash meets
on Monday eveings at 8:00 The
high school class on Wednesday
at 3:45. and the junior Confirma-
tion class on Saturdays at 9:00.
The Lutheran Wonten's Mission-
ary League spring rally will be
held at the Good Shepherd Luth-
eran church jn Tacoma on May 6
at 6:30 p.m. If you intend to go,
Annual Tacoma
Antique Show Set
The l'uget {mnd &t'['a is agun
looking forward to the c[)m,ng of AS 'qu"
Ill*' D.nllllll| antique dealer's sho\\;x
;llld s',lle t*l })[' held al SI. Lll[(e's
MenloI'iai Episcopal ('l%tlrvh Ill 'I'ai-
,'()ma. May 5. 6 and 7 ()vet b'U
,,,,e00se0000ldeaie, s.',,,:,.,e.d,t.,s D[PENDABLEI
ninth show sponsored I)v the \\;re-
cnen of tits church. Thel'e ill be
on display and for Fill(! IIl,' ex-
qllisile ('ollecliolls of OHl'}y AIIlt'Fl-
('fill and Elll'opean IDlt)Ol'lH (If the
finest glass, china, silver, pewter,
brass, eoppcr, jewelry and furni-
'Phe show will be fran norm 1[)
10 p.m., and smorgasbord will be
served at noon and night; snacks
will be served througllout the af-
The church is on the corner of
North 36th and Gave Sts.. and can
be reached by the Point Defiance
hus. By car. it: can be reached by
going north on Stevens Street
from Sixth Avenue to North 36th
St, turn left on 36th to Gave
St {three blocks).
Daughters of Pioneers
Schedule Instllation
Installation of officers will be
the order' of business at the regu-
lar business meeting of the Ma-
son county chapter No. 14, Daugh-
ters of Pioneers of Washington.
The meeting witl convene at 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 7, in the Bayshore
home of Mrs. Warren Lincoln.
"i i " •
O PIItEtUll 8R¥1€11
Phone HA 6-3322 or ltA 6-6201
Fger snd Vibrator Types
please contact Mrs. R. Fitzhum.
Sundav school teachers will & k
meet on'Tuesday evening at 7:30. kgan Eaorett Lum r go
If ' you cannot attend services •
on Stnda.y, tune in the Lutheran
Hour and" 'This Is The Life" pro-
_gram on King TV. Hill-reel (E leaner & H i, ghway) Pho:e HA 64522
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YEARS of date of purchase. This
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