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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 SI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JONAL -- Published in "Christmas{own, U.S.A." Shelton, Pa 17 eetainlT yOU s00ve!" SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 30 - MAY 1 & 2 !H(00T00NING 69 c LIPTON TEA 45 ( i00i£iy*Tea Bags 4. o, 67 c Lipton Soup 2/35 c ONION, BEEF VEG ....................... S0up six 2/29 c LIPTON, GREEN PEA, 4-OZ ....... N.a.C.Grahams 39 c ONE POUND PACKAGE .......................... Grapeview Mothers Club to H01d BABY FOOD 10/75' 'Hard Times' Pady Saturday Night SUNNY JIM, CREAMY OR CRUNCHY, 18-OZ. PNT. BUTTER $3 = WHOLE KERNEL CORN, 12-OZ. 2/35 c I Niblets Corn PurexBleach, 35 c .... q:.nn. Jim Preserves 4/Sl TISSUE ueuinnl7 Softweve 2.. ....... 2/49 ¢ 12-oz. TIN- IDEAL FOR LUNCHES 6-OZ.chick. 5/i s S PAM Lunch Meat ...... PAPER 000.oz = GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2/49¢ ,, GRAPEVIEW .- Hard times have become synonymous with fun times here in Grapeview and if you have any doubts as to the truth of this remarkable statement, just grab a pair of jeans from tile old rag bag (if no jeans, tile bg itself will do} and hustle over to our Fire Hall Saturday evening, May 2nd, at nine p.m. The Grapeview Mothers Club, encouraged by the success of their previous party, have bee, n persuaded to put on an- other Hard Times Dance and they promise a lively time with peppy music and delectable refreshments. Tickets are on sale now at the Grapeview Grocery or can be pur- chased at the dance. Hope to see you there! IT'8 A PRETTY good bet that no one was lonely at the Howard Cook residence last weekend ! Howard and Cleo entertained Bill and Donna Mason and their two children {Kelly and Tommy) of Bainbridge Island from Friday evening until Sunday. Daughter Betty was home for the weekend from Bremerton and son Dean with his wife Pat came out on Saturday from Bremerton also. Then on Sunday the Cooks met Cleo's mother, Mrs. Hattie Me{z- get, in Tacoma, on her return from a visit to China Lake anti Van Nnys, Calif. The Cooks and Ma- sons attended an I.R.D. (Indus- trial Relations Department) pic- nic at Twanoh Park Friday eve- ning where they nearly froze des- pite the many lovely bonfires. A delicious though impromptu pre- dawn breakfast at the Clam Hells' did much to help thaw out the foursome. Joining in on the fun were Russ and Ruth Wells. Dear me! What is this younger gener- ation coming to?! Extremely low t i d e s and thoughts of fresh buttered clams (Mm!l lured several Grapeview- ltes oceanward this past weekend and all were rewarded for their time and effort by bagging the limit. Rod and Sylvia Hansen drove down with their youngsters Ronnie and Cheryl Friday after- noon and pitched their tent at Pa- cific Beach, camping there until Sunday. Howard and Barbara :Wynn and children accompanied them, camping nearby and the Vernon Bcesons drove down for a Sunday mooning call and, inciden- tally, got their limit in clams too. This expedition was the first of its kind for Sylvia and she tells us she's ready to go right back. Clem and Marge Hell took off bright (?) and early Saturday morning for the beach at Oihut with plans to stay overnight but a few others must have ha.d the same idea .-no aecomodations available, so they returned home the same day. How- ever, not emply handed for there were plenty of happy clams for their chowder. Shelton High School's Junior Prom at the Angle gym wan the setting last Friday for a fun- filled evening of dancing by our teen agers and included four young gentlemen from Grapeview. They l were Larry Ether{on, Harley Sein- ers, Richard Okonck arid Chick SLaudt. EX-POSTMATEIt Walter Eck- err paid a call last week to our faithful mailman, Al Shoeffler, who is recuperating at his home from a recent illness. Walt tells us that A1 wishes to extend his thanks Lo his. many friends here for the cheery "round-robin" get well letter posted from the store. I'riends of the former Mrs. Frances Spooner will be interested .................... SWANSON'S  ONE-POUND PACKAGE T TOWELS Chicken Thighs Breasts o know that the donations for flowers reiveci at the store were given in her roamer.,/, to the Chil- dren's Home of Washington (pre- viously known as the Washington ?:' 2/35¢ I ohtidren's .ome) , Frozen FISH STICK00 /'/ Cathedral DayatSalntMarks in Seattle is the scene each spring BOOTH. 8-OUNCEPA of a beautifully moving pageant= C which brings a procession of hun- dred's of young people from the "-'"'".--. .... ,d/,'dO_ many Episcopal churches in the TU3E 5 Diocese of Olympia. Taking ,)aft,. in the spectacle from Grapet.w were Dimla and Edana Strickland, Pamela Jean Clayton and Eliza- beth Seiners who,drove over for " ............... € tbe day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert ........... , Strickland. The group enjoyed a PRODUCE Steve's MEA 00!iced BACON " EAONING -- am* ltACON S UAK00 29' Q ib a: liON ELEs S ' , UEEF STEW... 69' picnic hmch at Vohmteer Park, visited the Seattle Art Museum there and then stopped at Foz-t Nisqually for a sbort tour of the historical spot on the way home. From now on when the Burt Benson family rolls out the red ca.rlt they'll be rolling out in their cute new Hilhnan Minx. purchased last Sa.tnrday. Moon- stone white on the outside con- trasts beautifully with the bright red upholstered interior which includes red carpeting. Congratu- lations and happy driving! It was nice to be able to say "hello" again last Smlday to our boating friends from Green Point, Steve and Beulah Gabrielson, who have been early-vacationers sans children to their property on Har- stine Island for the past week. They are so happy with their re- cently-built cottage, complete with eight-foot fireplace which keeps them snug even on our (:hilly April evenings. IIlI,l, STOUI}T of Benson Lake will have the pleasure of his son Chuck's company for a while long- er, thanks to a trip Lo Seattle's Ma)mard Hospital where he trader- went minor surgery Monday mor- ning. Chuck, on leave from his pilot's job with TWA in Saudi Arabia, bas been visitin K with his dad since April 3. Out from Auburn for a week- end in the country were the Roy Blaekburns wbo stayed at their beach cot:tlge near Cha.rlic Ander- son's on Stretch Island last SaL- urda.v and Sunday. I.'ormer residents of Grapevicw, the Dave Pittnutns fronl PImblo, Colo., have been visiting with cx- neighbors, Don and Madge Pet- nebera since early last weekend with plans to stay until Thtlrs- day. Tile former Pittman place is now occupied as a vacation home by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kof stad of Kent, Wash. A simared pin on his outboard late last Monday afternoon sent young Clem Wells on an unexpect-i ed and rather unnerves crui POINT AA LARGE Ralph" d, ON HIL L CREST which ended, happily entmgh, when Ross \\;Veils and Ed Okonek, in Ed's boat, found him drifting close to shore at Vaughn Bay and towed him safely home. Searching party included Les and young Leslie Rice, Ruth Wells and Julie Stock who stood by in Los' new outboard cruiser. A cheerful ending to what could habe been a real tragedy. You can take the boy out of the country but you can bet your boots he'll come back if it's at all pos- sible. Dean Cook with his bride of four months plans to retrorn to Grapevtew next month to re- side in Julie's and Doris' cottage next to the school. Dean and Pat lived formerly in Manchester. Attending the Beachcombers' (]arden Club Spring Luncheon given last Wednesday, April 22, by the Rhododendl)n Garden Club were several Grapeview ladies. Mrs. Edwin Grigg, Ml, Lee Sonic, new members Mrs. Bert Strickland and Mrs. Joe Tschida were among the eighty ladies en- joying the delicious repast and Sarah even came home with a prize--a pair of rose clippers. John McGlothin took off in the wee small hours last Tuesday mor- ning to drive to Coos Bay for a visit with his daughter Alyce and family, the Dick Cavanaughs, and iris son's family, the Jim McOloth- lins, stopping in Caress on his re- turn last weekend Lo see his moth- er who will celebrate her ninety- sixth birthday in June. John is sporting a pair of crutches since a recent accident in which a trail- er fell on his leg, bruising it badly. We are lmppy to see Lock Wren up and about after a recent hos- pitalization in Seattle. Lock re- turned home from several day at Swedish Hospital last week. We're wishing him a speedy recovery! ROLLIE MARTIN returned to Grapeview last Tuesday with a D-4 Caterpillar tractor for bull- dozing and a lugwheel Oliver tractor for vineyard work in tow. An impressive sight, to say the least. Looks like there's gonna be some changes made around these here parts with that kind of equipment in operation. Cloquailum News ,,,,,,-,, I By Don Eveleth The community was saddened by tile passing of a friend and neighbor last week, Mr. William {Bill) Betsworth. He had lived in Mason county for 39 years. The Kenneth Pearsons drove to Seattle early Saturday t:o meet her cousin fronl Tenstchee, Mrs, Mubelle Eakle. She will be their guest for several days. Satuz'day overnight gnests of the Joe Whitings were John Woo( and Linda Mullenix. Marcia, had as her overnight guest Cathy Joe Swanson. Weekend guests of Don Eveleth were Dick Oppe!t and Craig Hart- Icy. Mr. and Mrs. George Lehoki and sons, Mike and Ehner, and Ben Sackett and son of Forks, were Sunday dinner guests of th A!.. exanders in Ehna. Marion Eveleth visited his brother, Orville Eveleth, in Gra- ham Sunday. The next regular community dance at tim Grange hall will be Saturday, May 2. Heart of Hills Road Due to Reopen May I 'the, new lleart O' the }-tills road Lo Hurricane FLidge, which has been closed since the end of tile ski season on March 29, will re- open on May 1. IL will be ()pen dtily Ill'thai ,%.200 llti. !(, , i)O ll'l, during May and 24 hours a day starting June 1 Superintendent Daniel B. Beaxd annomteed to- day that satisfactory progress is being made on the correction of the slide rea hetwctft the tun- nels. Olympic National Park road crews have been scaling the loose rock in prepartion for a guniting treatment which will be used Lo stabilize the loose road cots. En- gineers of the Bureau of Public Roe,Is have determined th;t appli- cation of cement over a wire mesh offers ttle best solution to the problem of falling rocks and slides in the tunnel area. Bids will be opened on May 1 for the contract to do the gunite treatment. Tle contractor will be able to main-, tam one-way traffic while this job is in progress. The Hurricane Ritlg visitor Center will not be open for meal service tmtil June 13, but the pub- lic reatrooms in the building will open on May 1. KIRO Star to Appear Here Saturday J. P. Patches, favorite KH.O-'PV ehihtren's star, will appear in per- ;on this Saturday, May 2, on stage at the Blue ()x theater. J. I'. will present two shows during the afternoon, the first beginning at 1 p.m. and another show at 3 p.m. The afternoon's enterla.inm(t will tnclnde fun, games and prizes for the children. Last; month a show starring Brakeman Bill of KIRO-TV was presented at the theater. WE PUT YOU ON A PEDESTAL When It comes to the strictly personal matter of your insurance protection, we know bow important it is that you be treated as an individual. That's why we always "put you on a pedestal" with P.S., Pet. onal Service. ANGLE Insuranoe 4th & R.R. F;A 6-272 APPLIANCE CENTER 123 SOUTH 2ND PHONE HA 6-4663 Eeils & Valley * Dial.a-Matte cutting keight ad. * 2.way synchromesh tro.smien * 4-Cycle RriH s & Strallon eine . Recoil starter a.d silent mu!er * Trims dose, beh side u, L .;t aute". Insist on your new mower being assembled, adjusted, and tested, by an authorized dealer. Our knowledge and experience In service and assembly is your aesurance of tyouble- fm operation. Play it safe and be sure. Buy only from an AUTHORIZED dealer. ' 0059" Don't buy any mower *'in a 22-hath Blade ONLY YOU GET ALL THIS In the New 1959 Hdo-Mows 1959 SI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JONAL -- Published in "Christmas{own, U.S.A." Shelton, Pa 17 eetainlT yOU s00ve!" SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 30 - MAY 1 & 2 !H(00T00NING 69 c LIPTON TEA 45 ( i00i£iy*Tea Bags 4. o, 67 c Lipton Soup 2/35 c ONION, BEEF VEG ....................... S0up six 2/29 c LIPTON, GREEN PEA, 4-OZ ....... N.a.C.Grahams 39 c ONE POUND PACKAGE .......................... Grapeview Mothers Club to H01d BABY FOOD 10/75' 'Hard Times' Pady Saturday Night SUNNY JIM, CREAMY OR CRUNCHY, 18-OZ. PNT. BUTTER $3 = WHOLE KERNEL CORN, 12-OZ. 2/35 c I Niblets Corn PurexBleach, 35 c .... q:.nn. Jim Preserves 4/Sl TISSUE ueuinnl7 Softweve 2.. ....... 2/49 ¢ 12-oz. TIN- IDEAL FOR LUNCHES 6-OZ.chick. 5/i s S PAM Lunch Meat ...... PAPER 000.oz = GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2/49¢ ,, GRAPEVIEW .- Hard times have become synonymous with fun times here in Grapeview and if you have any doubts as to the truth of this remarkable statement, just grab a pair of jeans from tile old rag bag (if no jeans, tile bg itself will do} and hustle over to our Fire Hall Saturday evening, May 2nd, at nine p.m. The Grapeview Mothers Club, encouraged by the success of their previous party, have bee, n persuaded to put on an- other Hard Times Dance and they promise a lively time with peppy music and delectable refreshments. Tickets are on sale now at the Grapeview Grocery or can be pur- chased at the dance. Hope to see you there! IT'8 A PRETTY good bet that no one was lonely at the Howard Cook residence last weekend ! Howard and Cleo entertained Bill and Donna Mason and their two children {Kelly and Tommy) of Bainbridge Island from Friday evening until Sunday. Daughter Betty was home for the weekend from Bremerton and son Dean with his wife Pat came out on Saturday from Bremerton also. Then on Sunday the Cooks met Cleo's mother, Mrs. Hattie Me{z- get, in Tacoma, on her return from a visit to China Lake anti Van Nnys, Calif. The Cooks and Ma- sons attended an I.R.D. (Indus- trial Relations Department) pic- nic at Twanoh Park Friday eve- ning where they nearly froze des- pite the many lovely bonfires. A delicious though impromptu pre- dawn breakfast at the Clam Hells' did much to help thaw out the foursome. Joining in on the fun were Russ and Ruth Wells. Dear me! What is this younger gener- ation coming to?! Extremely low t i d e s and thoughts of fresh buttered clams (Mm!l lured several Grapeview- ltes oceanward this past weekend and all were rewarded for their time and effort by bagging the limit. Rod and Sylvia Hansen drove down with their youngsters Ronnie and Cheryl Friday after- noon and pitched their tent at Pa- cific Beach, camping there until Sunday. Howard and Barbara :Wynn and children accompanied them, camping nearby and the Vernon Bcesons drove down for a Sunday mooning call and, inciden- tally, got their limit in clams too. This expedition was the first of its kind for Sylvia and she tells us she's ready to go right back. Clem and Marge Hell took off bright (?) and early Saturday morning for the beach at Oihut with plans to stay overnight but a few others must have ha.d the same idea .-no aecomodations available, so they returned home the same day. How- ever, not emply handed for there were plenty of happy clams for their chowder. Shelton High School's Junior Prom at the Angle gym wan the setting last Friday for a fun- filled evening of dancing by our teen agers and included four young gentlemen from Grapeview. They l were Larry Ether{on, Harley Sein- ers, Richard Okonck arid Chick SLaudt. EX-POSTMATEIt Walter Eck- err paid a call last week to our faithful mailman, Al Shoeffler, who is recuperating at his home from a recent illness. Walt tells us that A1 wishes to extend his thanks Lo his. many friends here for the cheery "round-robin" get well letter posted from the store. I'riends of the former Mrs. Frances Spooner will be interested .................... SWANSON'S  ONE-POUND PACKAGE T TOWELS Chicken Thighs Breasts o know that the donations for flowers reiveci at the store were given in her roamer.,/, to the Chil- dren's Home of Washington (pre- viously known as the Washington ?:' 2/35¢ I ohtidren's .ome) , Frozen FISH STICK00 /'/ Cathedral DayatSalntMarks in Seattle is the scene each spring BOOTH. 8-OUNCEPA of a beautifully moving pageant= C which brings a procession of hun- dred's of young people from the "-'"'".--. .... ,d/,'dO_ many Episcopal churches in the TU3E 5 Diocese of Olympia. Taking ,)aft,. in the spectacle from Grapet.w were Dimla and Edana Strickland, Pamela Jean Clayton and Eliza- beth Seiners who,drove over for " ............... € tbe day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert ........... , Strickland. The group enjoyed a PRODUCE Steve's MEA 00!iced BACON " EAONING -- am* ltACON S UAK00 29' Q ib a: liON ELEs S ' , UEEF STEW... 69' picnic hmch at Vohmteer Park, visited the Seattle Art Museum there and then stopped at Foz-t Nisqually for a sbort tour of the historical spot on the way home. From now on when the Burt Benson family rolls out the red ca.rlt they'll be rolling out in their cute new Hilhnan Minx. purchased last Sa.tnrday. Moon- stone white on the outside con- trasts beautifully with the bright red upholstered interior which includes red carpeting. Congratu- lations and happy driving! It was nice to be able to say "hello" again last Smlday to our boating friends from Green Point, Steve and Beulah Gabrielson, who have been early-vacationers sans children to their property on Har- stine Island for the past week. They are so happy with their re- cently-built cottage, complete with eight-foot fireplace which keeps them snug even on our (:hilly April evenings. IIlI,l, STOUI}T of Benson Lake will have the pleasure of his son Chuck's company for a while long- er, thanks to a trip Lo Seattle's Ma)mard Hospital where he trader- went minor surgery Monday mor- ning. Chuck, on leave from his pilot's job with TWA in Saudi Arabia, bas been visitin K with his dad since April 3. Out from Auburn for a week- end in the country were the Roy Blaekburns wbo stayed at their beach cot:tlge near Cha.rlic Ander- son's on Stretch Island last SaL- urda.v and Sunday. I.'ormer residents of Grapevicw, the Dave Pittnutns fronl PImblo, Colo., have been visiting with cx- neighbors, Don and Madge Pet- nebera since early last weekend with plans to stay until Thtlrs- day. Tile former Pittman place is now occupied as a vacation home by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kof stad of Kent, Wash. A simared pin on his outboard late last Monday afternoon sent young Clem Wells on an unexpect-i ed and rather unnerves crui POINT AA LARGE Ralph" d, ON HIL L CREST which ended, happily entmgh, when Ross \\;Veils and Ed Okonek, in Ed's boat, found him drifting close to shore at Vaughn Bay and towed him safely home. Searching party included Les and young Leslie Rice, Ruth Wells and Julie Stock who stood by in Los' new outboard cruiser. A cheerful ending to what could habe been a real tragedy. You can take the boy out of the country but you can bet your boots he'll come back if it's at all pos- sible. Dean Cook with his bride of four months plans to retrorn to Grapevtew next month to re- side in Julie's and Doris' cottage next to the school. Dean and Pat lived formerly in Manchester. Attending the Beachcombers' (]arden Club Spring Luncheon given last Wednesday, April 22, by the Rhododendl)n Garden Club were several Grapeview ladies. Mrs. Edwin Grigg, Ml, Lee Sonic, new members Mrs. Bert Strickland and Mrs. Joe Tschida were among the eighty ladies en- joying the delicious repast and Sarah even came home with a prize--a pair of rose clippers. John McGlothin took off in the wee small hours last Tuesday mor- ning to drive to Coos Bay for a visit with his daughter Alyce and family, the Dick Cavanaughs, and iris son's family, the Jim McOloth- lins, stopping in Caress on his re- turn last weekend Lo see his moth- er who will celebrate her ninety- sixth birthday in June. John is sporting a pair of crutches since a recent accident in which a trail- er fell on his leg, bruising it badly. We are lmppy to see Lock Wren up and about after a recent hos- pitalization in Seattle. Lock re- turned home from several day at Swedish Hospital last week. We're wishing him a speedy recovery! ROLLIE MARTIN returned to Grapeview last Tuesday with a D-4 Caterpillar tractor for bull- dozing and a lugwheel Oliver tractor for vineyard work in tow. An impressive sight, to say the least. Looks like there's gonna be some changes made around these here parts with that kind of equipment in operation. Cloquailum News ,,,,,,-,, I By Don Eveleth The community was saddened by tile passing of a friend and neighbor last week, Mr. William {Bill) Betsworth. He had lived in Mason county for 39 years. The Kenneth Pearsons drove to Seattle early Saturday t:o meet her cousin fronl Tenstchee, Mrs, Mubelle Eakle. She will be their guest for several days. Satuz'day overnight gnests of the Joe Whitings were John Woo( and Linda Mullenix. Marcia, had as her overnight guest Cathy Joe Swanson. Weekend guests of Don Eveleth were Dick Oppe!t and Craig Hart- Icy. Mr. and Mrs. George Lehoki and sons, Mike and Ehner, and Ben Sackett and son of Forks, were Sunday dinner guests of th A!.. exanders in Ehna. Marion Eveleth visited his brother, Orville Eveleth, in Gra- ham Sunday. The next regular community dance at tim Grange hall will be Saturday, May 2. Heart of Hills Road Due to Reopen May I 'the, new lleart O' the }-tills road Lo Hurricane FLidge, which has been closed since the end of tile ski season on March 29, will re- open on May 1. IL will be ()pen dtily Ill'thai ,%.200 llti. !(, , i)O ll'l, during May and 24 hours a day starting June 1 Superintendent Daniel B. Beaxd annomteed to- day that satisfactory progress is being made on the correction of the slide rea hetwctft the tun- nels. Olympic National Park road crews have been scaling the loose rock in prepartion for a guniting treatment which will be used Lo stabilize the loose road cots. En- gineers of the Bureau of Public Roe,Is have determined th;t appli- cation of cement over a wire mesh offers ttle best solution to the problem of falling rocks and slides in the tunnel area. Bids will be opened on May 1 for the contract to do the gunite treatment. Tle contractor will be able to main-, tam one-way traffic while this job is in progress. The Hurricane Ritlg visitor Center will not be open for meal service tmtil June 13, but the pub- lic reatrooms in the building will open on May 1. KIRO Star to Appear Here Saturday J. P. Patches, favorite KH.O-'PV ehihtren's star, will appear in per- ;on this Saturday, May 2, on stage at the Blue ()x theater. J. I'. will present two shows during the afternoon, the first beginning at 1 p.m. and another show at 3 p.m. The afternoon's enterla.inm(t will tnclnde fun, games and prizes for the children. Last; month a show starring Brakeman Bill of KIRO-TV was presented at the theater. WE PUT YOU ON A PEDESTAL When It comes to the strictly personal matter of your insurance protection, we know bow important it is that you be treated as an individual. That's why we always "put you on a pedestal" with P.S., Pet. onal Service. ANGLE Insuranoe 4th & R.R. F;A 6-272 APPLIANCE CENTER 123 SOUTH 2ND PHONE HA 6-4663 Eeils & Valley * Dial.a-Matte cutting keight ad. * 2.way synchromesh tro.smien * 4-Cycle RriH s & Strallon eine . Recoil starter a.d silent mu!er * Trims dose, beh side u, L .;t aute". Insist on your new mower being assembled, adjusted, and tested, by an authorized dealer. Our knowledge and experience In service and assembly is your aesurance of tyouble- fm operation. Play it safe and be sure. Buy only from an AUTHORIZED dealer. ' 0059" Don't buy any mower *'in a 22-hath Blade ONLY YOU GET ALL THIS In the New 1959 Hdo-Mows