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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa 22 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown " Shelton, W; Thl .... FOR SALE SIIRUBS---Good supply on hand, fruit trees, large well branched trees. Wagener Feed Co., 219 So. First. Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tfn ONE R-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carco arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; 1944 Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the lurchae of any Kenmore Washer. ears t;atsmg Sales Office, Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn i 8OYSEN PAINTall types and kinds, 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free choice of 19 eolor. L.M, DECOR- with the purchase of any Kenmore ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. Wuher. Sears Catalog Sales Office, 1/26 tfn vergreen quare. Phone HA 6-8201. 9/26 tfn rONO CHAI] SAWS, {{% h.p., d|rect drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and chain. Hllicrest Hardware. 11&apos;/18 tfn conditioned ranges, refrigerators. washers, dryerm. Eells & Valley A pllance Center. 6/Stfn FOR SALE. dry heavy or light Idab wood, $10 a cord. HA 6.4127. c6/nn LOR FIL proes¢mll, direct dan- I()OIING and all oiler bu/ldin r, faster, more efflclenL Also 24- hour photo finishing. Try tm. Ziei teriai$, nothing sown, m men,ha to pay under .FHA terms now avallahis ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HJL 6-616S. at Lawton l,noer. 490  ]at ., 8/tf phone HA. 6-450& 6/thl t'RAVEL IS OUR BUIINESSI At- SiLEeiXL--PiI'CE"}n'•7x'i'5=-|Y--irac -= ranKefflents for all tours, transpor- ' tor full treads. LunsIord s Fire- tafion aad reservation, at no addl- stone. ^ tk)nal cost to you. Clara Bell Angle, stone. 4/ phones HA. 6-4184 or BA, 6-9272. T-'  d'  ". ........................................... 8/26tf_n ._OOgden. HA 6-618. 2/L? tfn EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new WE BUY TOUR EQUITY, or will cell clOtb.s at 220 No. First St,, next to on consignment, your boater motors, baundwette. May 1 snd 2, 9 a.m. trailers, eta. Hlllcrt Brdr, o 5 p,m. Prorceds benefit Seattle Orthopedic Hospital. R4/28-80 2/20t, FOR SALE: ud steel, platss, pl9, SKINDIVERS- Ued aqua rungs, new pulleys and shafts. All types sal- surplus -In. Neoprene wt suits, sags. Shelton Junk Co,, irst and tailored -in, skindh, lng and water Mill. phone HA. 6-8626. 9/$tfn skiing suits or kits. Newest in skin- diving equipment. 1951 Hllhnsn COVERINGS -- for walls, windows, Minx for sale. Phone HA 6-6877. floors. Paint wallpaper, drains, Morgus' Diving & Marln.. 4 miles rugs. tile, yarasoods, L.M. DEC'ORo East Arcadis Road. 3/19 tfn ATIN CEIT]. 821 Railroad. .................................................................... 1126 t.fn FOIt QUICK SALE-Reasonable, Wes- IVO'R--S]Pfi--=w-hela[ler, 2 traiie tinghouse electric stove with oven fenders, sink and basin. Phone HA and Silent Sioux oil heater, medium 6-6558. W4/16-0 size, good condition, Phone M, C. Stark, 261 Union. 4/23-30 FURNITURE /FOR SALE . Living EXTRA---SPECIAi-S..--o-'n-M6the{'s room set with rug, coffee ahd end table. Bedroom set. Dinette set. All practically new. Phone HA 6- 8981. Y41-5/7 ,;THING DO: 86 moths to pay under F.H.A, terms on all bafldlng supplies. _Lump it all under ope bill -"'ton,-..u=b' 0 s. I nSbph EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new clothes at 290 NO. First St., next to Launderette. Map 1 and 2. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Procced benefit Seattle Orthopedic H0spital. R4/-30 IICH LACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, road and flll vel, washed sand and gravel, dral-e grvel and pea gravel for drdveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA 6-62. John's Creek Sand and Gravel. Bayshore. + '+ 7/*J;f I)'()OR{--'-ND WINDOWS for sale. Bathtubs and wash bowls. Cleave Robinson. Phene HA 8-8710. R4/16-50 || . , , SEASWIFT MARINE CONSTRUCTION 4---14 x 5' 10" V-Bottom Run- abouts from ........ $200 to $375 I---16 X 6' " V-Bottom ........ $400 1 ,+. 16 x 7' 5" Lapstroke Con- vertible top and steering $925 All Above - New Construction Phone HA 6-4652 2315 OLYMPIC HIWAY NO. I)av Gifts. Lunsford's Firestone. 4/30 SEARS SHAY DAY + SPECIAL Padded Chaise Lounge Reg. $18.88 $16.88 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 5-Position, folding aluminum frame, green cotton duck pad, NOW IN STOCK at Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Slelton Ph. HA 6-8201 I i i J i i ., , IJ, .i,,, i APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Floor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polisherw House Jacks LAWTON LLTIBER 420 S. Ist Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tin i BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 R.R. Ave, - HA 6-4332 Used Furniture 3 Davenos .................... $29.00 Ea. Davenport & Chair ............ $75.00 m,!! n , , , { USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1 Maple Twin Beds. Mr. & Mrs. Chest, Mirror and Nlte Stand. 1 2nd Hand Chest Drawers Corner Cabinet 1 Montag Wood Heater 2 Wood Cook Stoves I Mahogany Desk 1 Davenport and Chair 1 5-Pc. Dinette Set 1 40-GaL Table Top Electric Hot Water Tank Davenport & Chair ............ $49.00 5 Refrigerators .... $49.50 to $99.50 Electrlc Range ................... $59.00 1 Apt. range elec ................. $42.50 3 Refrigerators ............ $39.50 Ea. 1 40" Elec.-range ................. $59.50 Trash Burner A-1 ................ $45.00 1 40" Elec, range ................ ,$39.50 6-Year Crib .......................... $10.00 1 Wringer washer .............. $39.50 Stroller .................................. $5.00 1 Elec, clothes dryer .... $69.50 Dining Set ............................ $29.00 Coil springs Chest, 5 Drawers ................. $20.00 Spindle bed. full size Wood Bed ........................... $6,00 2rid Had Chet .................. $12.50 Baby Buggy ........................ $12.00 96" Mah. Drop leaf table 2 Youth beds New Furniture . Book ca 2 Swing rockers Davenport & Rocker .......... $119.00 2 Library tables Single Ms ttres & Box Spring ......................... $4.2.95 Set FOR SALE OR RENT--Profeesional rug. upholstery equipment, supplies. L. M. Decorating Center, 821 Rail- road Avenue. 2/26 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- sent at Walt's Marine Suppl),, on beautlftd Hood Canal, Phone Hood,- port  7-. l]Ima H,A. TRS now ava,lae on ah p ulldlm$ materi, als allows you to consu-ucnon eesta unaer ons bill. For information lmlutre at Lawton Lumb. 426 IL 1 Phone  615tt FOR SALlY--Just reeelved, a few 198 model l&Vh.p. viarude outboard mo- tors at greatly reduced prices. Hlll- erst Hardware. 1/15 lfn BST BET IN 'I'OW'II " ! Heav pask -al. eartoas 97 cents, gal- {oM $-.7Q, S½-p!loa, U.97. F,.- ter's lee Cream Center, 422 Norm FIrat. /gttn INRUD] OI',OARD MOTOR uce and eervles at Hlllcrt Har n stamps for sale at the Journal, 111.26 each, I07 So. 4th. Ll/lt 0OR SAL--2-wheel trailer, good con- ditlon. Ca! HA 6-9 preferably evenings. 02/26 tfn jth the Jurchae of any Kenmore washer, sears ;atalog Sales Office, vergreen ;square, Phone HA 6-8231. 3/26 tfn WARDS PORTABLE Zlg-Zag Sewing Machine with Greist attachments. wardrobe trunk, like new. Phone HA 6-3498. except Friday evening or Sat- urday. B4/16-30 Classified Advertising Rates ' 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1,00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1,50 per insertion. All classified advertisements mut be paid in advance, Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is neceary. FOR SALE KEEP THE CARPET cleaning pr,lb- lem small--use Blue Lustre on your wall to wall. Lumberman's Mercan- tile Company. 4/30 FOR RENT GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At __highway bridge. S4/4tfn FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- plex. Electric heat, garage, utility room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tfn 100 W. Pine, phone H. 6-4679. R4/18ffn FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt. 2 large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 p.m. K2/26 tfn unfurn shed house. Garage. Phonc I HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P3/26 tfni 8-room building with two baths, some ' furniture, all new .220 wiring and plmnblng. No leaks in roof. Reason- able. Please call HA. 6-4297. Marie A. Kubixk, 205 East Pine. 4/2tfn at 1522 Rtdgeroad, Phone HA. 6- 6517. A4/2tfn 'r+E-A CHIrR-S, R'ELA.X after sclio'6i ! hours. School-year lease, furnisimd 2-bedroom Canal beach home, wasll- er. dryer. Also summer season. Mrs. Catto, evenings, Olympia, FL 2-3760, weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. C4/2 tfn heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tn FOR SALE--Girl's 24" bike SlY. Want to buy used brick. Phone HA 6-3390, FOR RENT--Reed Apt 2-bedroom un- G4/30 furnished, yard, large garage. Waiter GOLDFISH f,)r sale. 35 cenls ;a-(:h. George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4886. 688 Arcadia phone HA 6-4378. 10/2-1 18 V4/30 tfn F---0"R-RENT: 1 bedroom fur-nish C'(V--FER'TiLiZER-'fl)r-'s-al- in -two 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 after ard load, $9 delivery in Shelton. 6 p.m. DlO/lltfn honc HA 6-4412, L4/30 tfn FOR RENT--Large partly fure-d B-0'-&--SNS'-'iii,;?-Eq'ip-lentCo= three room apartment downtown, pany sales and service. Local reprl,- Adults. No pets.._5. O- Water, gar- sentative Wally Anderson. Phone bage furnished, k'one HA 6-8270. HA 6-6001, A4/30 tfn P1/29 tn --I'iP-J'O-I=[N-SON--Ou$7(I--.t FOR RENT -- Carlon Apts. Newly pun|p, $35. Both in good condition, furnislmd, 3-room apartments, steam Phone HA 6-8134. L4/30 heat. Downtown. $50 and up. Phone 4/2 tfn HA 6-4665. PRIMROSES! Polyanthlm and auric- F(J'R+-SALi-R'eS-atfl'-)o-;'d-+H+ii: V )i---R.N-TS_-bl-oon-s---iarg-+living ulas, many shades and colors, 86€ ford Bull. No papers but full ca. or 9 for $1.00. The Garden Shop, blooded, Coming 4 years old. Phone room, picture windows, utility room Route 1, Box 48. 4/16-28-30 HA 6-6880. $4/30-5/14 3t wired for washer & dryer, carport, close in, partly furnished. To see call MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1801 Laur- S-AD-I)LE--H-ORSE--FOt-SAIEL-6Y ears at 706 Cots after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. el, Phone 6-8187. Dolls of all kinds old, gentle and well trained. Phone B3/12 tfn repaired. Do it now! Come In and HA 6-6415. B4/30-5/7  R-E'NT'--Re,  rr s'e{l iarge ee IDF collection of new dolls and. building, 220 wiring, close to stores ancywork. Also original inserteu and bag, phonograph, trumpet and patterns in pillow cases. Mrs. Ann case. tennis rackets, camera, bowl- on highwaN, 201 E. Pine. Ideal ,for TwardowskL 11/6 tl ing ball and flag. lnqmre Lunsford's cabinet shop or business or home or both or tear down if sold. Phone EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new Firestone 317 Ralh'oad Ave 4/30 HA 6-4297. 205 ]. Pine. K3/5 tfn clothes at 2 No. First St., next to OATS, TI'- and outboard me- F-OI+-IENT_:2 " b,'d];(,om,--tmfurnlsi'td aunderette. May 1 and 2. 9 a.m. tots at Hillcrest Hardware. 2/20tfn house, nicl'ly decorated, across from to 5 p.m. Proceeds benefit Seattle USED B---N-cri-l-t-ke G,,II' Course, $55 per me, Pl*onl. HA 6-4000. B,t/30 tfn __Or.thop(+dlc Hos_p!tal:__ ..... _R4/23:30 new, Johnny's Mimic BOX, 2/26 tfn (N_E_B_iS_06i+_patmnfor i:ent PRACTICALLY NEW Royallte type- writer, $60 cash, Phone HA 6-6411. wiflx fireplace, downtown. Utilities H4/2-30 FOR RENT paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. Furnished. . S1/22 tfn SINGER SLANT- NEEDLE. Repos- FOR RENT --. Small hot{s,' furnishl,d O-N-E-LARG-E apartment at sassed. Take over payments of,$6.00 reduced rent.. Will take one small )se.r month or pay off balance of 6.60. Equipped to '' zag, over- cast, blind hem, L g decorative stJtcIIes, etc. For further Informa- lion call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- time. 4/28 tfn killed. Sell at market pricc. Phone HA 6-451I. /:)4/30 i .... BOOTH bONSTRVCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn J!., , ,, , FIR SLAB WOOD Green -- 15 - 20 Inch $18 PER LOAD Shelto and Vlcinty PHONE HA 6-2113 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn , L HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FORmST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Sllton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6337 Ethel M, Barton - John A. Dinning Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boats our specialty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLA Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterpi'i Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-8837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop ,,loctrlc heat. Nil children. $30 p,'r month. 6101 Pine. Ph,,m 6-6336. --+ D4/30-5/14 FOR RENT--3-rsom apt. furnished. 5th and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tfn Ul i Custom Tractor Work Rotovating or regular plowing, discing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. child. 1208 Railroad. Phone ttA 6-2228, La12/4 tfn FOR heated fur- nished aparUnent. Adults only. 311 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tfn sEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn WANTED • Used Furniture • Will Pay Cash or take on Consignment. PHONE HA 6-3375 or HA 6-2411 K/3-12/tfn DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-20-tfn iii BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery Lowest Cost per month for first line tires Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 USED FURNITURE Daveno .................................. $65.06 Dav.& Chair ........................ $75.00 4 Chairs ................................ $I0.00 Rocker . .................................... $15.00 Chair ...................................... $20,00 1 Girls' Bmycle .................... $15.00 1 Davenport ........................ $19.00 1 Swing Rocker .................. $19.50 1 Club Chair ........................ $19.00  1 Daveno .............................. $25.00 1 Swing Rocker .................. $15.00 1 Dresser ................................ 15.00 1 Table & 2 Chairs ............ $10.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 News From BELFAIR GARDENS Start spraying roses regularly for lovely bushes as well as hloons, Fertilize all your plants, they need ehergy as well as we all do. Re- member, plants make a home en- joyable; we have many usual' and unusual ones. \\; BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rt. 1, Box 55 Belfalr, Wash. Across from Belfair P.U,D. FOR RENT DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent. an. Also attractively furnisled one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except light. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tfn ONE AND TWO bearoom unfurnished apartments, hot water heat, range. refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-8088 or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn F-L) k----REN'F-u-r" s h--h" "ed- -o-ne bedroom duplex apartment, washing facilities• 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn $25 A MONTH unfurnishcd 1-bedroom apt. Neat, (',lean, completely modern. Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- nished apts. at slightly higher rates. Spormn's Apartment Motel. HA 6- 3772• A4/9 tfn F0-1 RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank, Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tfn CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, ny day or week. Cameron Hotel 2/3tfn PeR RENT -- Attractive waterfront home, 1 bedrooms, city conven- iences, 10 miles from town. Call HA d-3641. G1/15 tfn RN--IH ED APAI-iENiia-b|e At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4txn L-AWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or worn- Phone HA 6-6126. B4/19-30 -0t-" iR EN-T-- ---- 3 j.o oi:nT e d pt:, washing facilities, carport, adults only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. R4/16 tfn FOR .RE. NT: 4-room apt.. completely furnlsned. Phons HA 8-6500. F 1/v tfn FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn ]PeR RENT--Sm] house on Angle- side. Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 p.m. D10/23 tfn EODERN 3-room ground floor fur- nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- sioned lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn nished house, available April 5. Ga- rage. Phone HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P3/26 tin rooms, wusher, dryer, refrigerator, electric range, trash burner, oil heat- er, Water and garbage included. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 _ 5th+,+" !n++ ............................ B2/26 tfn ONE BEDROOM duplex on Mt. View witi gat'age+ SIox'es. water and gar- bage fornished. Adults only. Phlme ttA 6-3218. B4/30-5/1,i WANTED ESTABLISHED h'rrilory for Avon Cosnl,'lh:s now OpOll ill AI]yD-Gral a'- WANTED WNTED -- Bark or pe.ehd fir p, des ahd piling. Tacoma ]:'ole anti Piling C(impany. P. O. BOx 3012, Taconla __99. Junl.!!:.8-9340: ......... ' ......... 'I/:l:6__t!:l:l WANTED: large or small tracts el timber. Cash. Cruiser available a our expense. Jones Tie & Lmnber Co., P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20tfn SAW FILING -- Henry Boysen, 221 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tfn FRUIT TREE spraying by licensed sprayer. Garden plowing. Alder saw- dust for sale. Phil Hardie, phone HA 6-6584. 3/5 tfn cash or take on assignment, Phone HA 6-3375. 2/26 tfn [ think it can't be fixed call llenry I Landis, HA 6-3098. ]/12 tfl | stallations, oil conversions. Shelton I Furnace Co., 321 So. Thtrd. Dial HA. I _:___L L_ ................. !1. IONE FULL-TIME VAT-KINS +TocalitY available on Hood Canal. Earnings are better than average for person who is willing to work. No lay-ells. Watkins nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La- dies Home , Journal, Good House- keeping, McCalls and other maga- zines. For details write Watkins Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem- erton, Waslington. or phone ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ................................... 8].:+? tra MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wat- kins locality in city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.00 per hour and up easily possible. This is a wonderful opportunity for re- tired person who needs extra income. Write Watkins Products, 2109 East llth St., Brcmerton, Washington. or' call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:{)0 _+a:!q: .................................................. 3/12 u 9 AUTO PAINTING $403 Also spray paint houses, roofs, etc. For esti- nmtes phone HA 6-4322. Inquire _ 12o2+_C,!t_a. S_t: ...... +.__RRS/!2 tfn WORK WANTED--Clerking, care for sick, house cleaning, janitor work or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis Durand, plmne HA 6-3036 or HA 6- 3323. 1/22 tfn BOAT BUII,DER, cabinet maker, or FOR SALE oR h(nte---Modcra Mt. View, FH D. Grytness, HA 6-8120. THREE throughout carport to 6-3180 after FOR SALE home., electric large sun St. Phone HA I4 0 M 2- FOR one with rug; wall to wall c plenty built- foundation an age; two 60' nice home at down. about i HA 6-6573. shorc on formation LAKE 50 ft. Call Seattle, 16250 16th Wash. SALE wlttorfront 0 House, well. room. excepti( Shelton. For 6-8015. 100 FT. Nice three-ro city lilnits. /',r tlllilnlr lhou, tIA FOUR BED] ll]cnt O11 limils. Fruit HA 6-6707. FOR on Totten $30 per mc The FOR place ; car age ; two Beverly ally anlbiti<,tlS yotlng Illltn to learn boat building. Apl)lv 1916 () yJ p c FOR Hiway North or call'ttA 6-G83l cw!- 4-room hoose ..... ni:g:_ .................................. r}:/26.t fn concrete WILL DO IR<)NING in my home. By land with pine the houl'. Pit:kup and delivery. Ref- (,rencl+S. Ph<mc 6-37{ri. W4/9 tfn cared about 4§ ton. Needs WE BUY scrap Iron, battei'les, radia- tors. copper, salvage of all kinds: good buy at Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mih be arranged. __Strap ts:__p_ !mne__HA. 6-8626:_ _ _S_4/7tf *, * WANTED--Roto-tlIIing, gardens and 5 room lawns, 14 years experience. HA 6- rooms, vi,w-Vict,)r ax','a. Pr,,f,.r,,ac* given 684z. 2/5"5/24 has new tl, ,,arly tmlh,rs, act now. Phont CHAIN---sAW SHARPENING-spcedy: large ItA 6-42:19 G4/30-5/7 accurate precishln grinding. Now at WANTEI) .... N+,at al)l)caring nlarriod Saeger /otor Shop, Hillcrest. Phon located on HA 6-4602. 1/15 tfn nice yard around hom. REAL ESTATE $6,00. G.I. Ion., FOR SAIE: the H. W. Skelsey rop- Have trade of erty on 7th and Euclid St. I-hone Union 411. S6/5tfn in Dayton C t brush land. *  IllHn, 25--i8, with late Model (:ar. wh¢) Ca.]ihlg on Fulit!r ]l-ll,'h ctlstonlers. See Flllh,r l'cpu'*soolaliv! at Ih! Shel- ttHl Hotel 2-5 p.lll. Saturday, May 2. F4/30 SASII & DOOII MAN. Exp¢,rienced in iiss!Il)[ing win(hiw fl'alll(S, t)ta!ral- ing DeWalt .aws. Pel'ma*enl job g'uod salary. Writ( Box 753. B,lle- rue. Wash. C4/30 courteous service. Phone us eollect. Eln 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering Inc. " 3/27tfl WANTED ..... Inh,rim' al]d exterillr painting. Bill Ih,omn, Phlme HA DRESSMAKING and Alt(+ratiom, but- tonh)hs, ai)l'ons, zippers, crochet and fancywork made €o order. Phone __H_A_ : 2 O: ............... S_/?)_U'n_. WANTED: 1000 recappable tires. O.K, Rubber Welders, Mr. View, 1/l(Itf= Exclusively at Beckwith Jewelry The Garden Shop ROUTE 1, BOX 48 Phone HA 6-3710 Azaleas .......... Ea. $1.75 Flame, yellow, lavender, heavily budded. Rhododendrons Large plants, budded. • $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. Clematis Ten colors, large flowered blues, purples, pinks, reds and whites. Also evergreen. $1.75 & $2.00 Ea. Magnoliaa ,. .... Ea. $3.00 Blooming plants. RED BUD TREES ...... $2.00 EA. ROSES .......................... $1.00 EA. Unfinished Chest, 4 drawer $15.95 Kelly's Furniture - ...... ' ""'   -- ' 5-Pc. Din set .................... $49.5o 52-Gal. Water Heater $89.95 626 So, First  Iii ........ Phone HA s.,.,x, EELLS MI) VAllEY BELIEVE :++:: Uph. Chair+ .......................... $+.95 ++i+.+. . :+.. !: .... , , - ---:----r-,- + .... : .......  , ' Ls . If It's Concrete m=, mm ,m,m,m cl I :==  or Carpentry Work . Honesty, sincerity, an See FRIGIDAIRE F,rst good serviceareremem- Let Geo Do. • REFRIGERATORS beredong afterprice rge is forgotten. "  BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING • RANGES ' " Cont'rete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floors, Wails, Driveways, Steps, Swhnming lools, Patios, Plain or Colored i ! • WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 GEORGE'S GENERAL Cement and Carpenter HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6'-2487 Terms M • RCAIITII.| BABY CHICKS! New Hampshire White Leghorn White Rocks i meat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So. First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 FOR SALE,,,, ..,., Owner Transferred SEE THIS 6-ROOM Northcliff Home Phone HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p.m. 923 Roy Blvd. P 4/23-5/7 FOR SALE 200 foot waterh'ont by 450 foot depth, drilled well with large pump house and work shop conl- bined, 3 car carport. Beautiful lo- cation in a Cove--$8,500.00. $ * * 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, $5,000.00, $50.00 per month until $500.00 is paid in as down payment, balance at $40.00 per month. • :{, * 186 foot of waterfront on Bay, 10 acres more or less. nice creek Oil property, close,to town---S4,500,00. 5 acres, south of toWn on Olym- pia Highway, 2 bedroom h(nme, large utility porch, lots of out- buildings, young orchard and" all types of b(;rries-.$8,000.00 cash or good terms. • * ,{: 3 bedroom house, living room and dining room combined, fireplace, oil fornace, plastered, 1 !or 60x 100 foot--$13,650.00--will F.H.A. ---$450.00 down and closing costs. Spencer Lake Waterfront ....... 230 foot at $25.00 per foot, low bank. 4 very large bedroom house full basement, fireplace, dining 'oom, very good condition, corner lot and nside lot- $12,500.00. :k * * Praetic'ally new 3 bedr,)om lmuse on Mr. View dining" room nice utility room, attached garage, fire- place, all electric heat---S12,000.00. WALTER GEORGE Real Estate ' 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 Also 2 hores be traded for in Mason coup have to trade: s WHY \\;Vhen you c ern home large kitchen wired for merit with age in lot with fruit, )lot. A good ;600 down * you nse bed rooms, room, some i place, oil with space facilities in is in good cellent value balance can be ments about Located on nes district. ,S $ Nice 4 room ' bed rooms, garage with home for Located Hillcrest ca]ue ht ,table party. , , J6 acres of with nice plenty of about 8 good hardtop sider terms. 7 room rooms and act'es nlore property to home. outside city road. Priced wishes cash. on smaller Phone LIVE FREE! This ,t-plex provides ;ill income ments while you enjoy oue ol' lhe hedroom apartm(:.nts as yottr home. location With lots of room for expansl gate #this excellent buy today. Call WATERFRONT R 165 FEET OF CHOICE ON HAMMERsLEY Arcadia side. 6 - 10 foot baltic. proximately 1,000 feet deel,, t(,t:H 4 $1,250 or less th'n $26 per frontage foot, Call Kurt Mann WATERFRONT HA 6-8535 or HA 6-3228 Eve :i Pa 22 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown " Shelton, W; Thl .... FOR SALE SIIRUBS---Good supply on hand, fruit trees, large well branched trees. Wagener Feed Co., 219 So. First. Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tfn ONE R-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carco arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; 1944 Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the lurchae of any Kenmore Washer. ears t;atsmg Sales Office, Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn i 8OYSEN PAINTall types and kinds, 6-MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free choice of 19 eolor. L.M, DECOR- with the purchase of any Kenmore ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. Wuher. Sears Catalog Sales Office, 1/26 tfn vergreen quare. Phone HA 6-8201. 9/26 tfn rONO CHAI] SAWS, {{% h.p., d|rect drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and chain. Hllicrest Hardware. 11'/18 tfn conditioned ranges, refrigerators. washers, dryerm. Eells & Valley A pllance Center. 6/Stfn FOR SALE. dry heavy or light Idab wood, $10 a cord. HA 6.4127. c6/nn LOR FIL proes¢mll, direct dan- I()OIING and all oiler bu/ldin r, faster, more efflclenL Also 24- hour photo finishing. Try tm. Ziei teriai$, nothing sown, m men,ha to pay under .FHA terms now avallahis ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HJL 6-616S. at Lawton l,noer. 490  ]at ., 8/tf phone HA. 6-450& 6/thl t'RAVEL IS OUR BUIINESSI At- SiLEeiXL--PiI'CE"}n'•7x'i'5=-|Y--irac -= ranKefflents for all tours, transpor- ' tor full treads. LunsIord s Fire- tafion aad reservation, at no addl- stone. ^ tk)nal cost to you. Clara Bell Angle, stone. 4/ phones HA. 6-4184 or BA, 6-9272. T-'  d'  ". ........................................... 8/26tf_n ._OOgden. HA 6-618. 2/L? tfn EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new WE BUY TOUR EQUITY, or will cell clOtb.s at 220 No. First St,, next to on consignment, your boater motors, baundwette. May 1 snd 2, 9 a.m. trailers, eta. Hlllcrt Brdr, o 5 p,m. Prorceds benefit Seattle Orthopedic Hospital. R4/28-80 2/20t, FOR SALE: ud steel, platss, pl9, SKINDIVERS- Ued aqua rungs, new pulleys and shafts. All types sal- surplus -In. Neoprene wt suits, sags. Shelton Junk Co,, irst and tailored -in, skindh, lng and water Mill. phone HA. 6-8626. 9/$tfn skiing suits or kits. Newest in skin- diving equipment. 1951 Hllhnsn COVERINGS -- for walls, windows, Minx for sale. Phone HA 6-6877. floors. Paint wallpaper, drains, Morgus' Diving & Marln.. 4 miles rugs. tile, yarasoods, L.M. DEC'ORo East Arcadis Road. 3/19 tfn ATIN CEIT]. 821 Railroad. .................................................................... 1126 t.fn FOIt QUICK SALE-Reasonable, Wes- IVO'R--S]Pfi--=w-hela[ler, 2 traiie tinghouse electric stove with oven fenders, sink and basin. Phone HA and Silent Sioux oil heater, medium 6-6558. W4/16-0 size, good condition, Phone M, C. Stark, 261 Union. 4/23-30 FURNITURE /FOR SALE . Living EXTRA---SPECIAi-S..--o-'n-M6the{'s room set with rug, coffee ahd end table. Bedroom set. Dinette set. All practically new. Phone HA 6- 8981. Y41-5/7 ,;THING DO: 86 moths to pay under F.H.A, terms on all bafldlng supplies. _Lump it all under ope bill -"'ton,-..u=b' 0 s. I nSbph EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new clothes at 290 NO. First St., next to Launderette. Map 1 and 2. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Procced benefit Seattle Orthopedic H0spital. R4/-30 IICH LACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, road and flll vel, washed sand and gravel, dral-e grvel and pea gravel for drdveways. Norman An- derson, phone HA 6-62. John's Creek Sand and Gravel. Bayshore. + '+ 7/*J;f I)'()OR{--'-ND WINDOWS for sale. Bathtubs and wash bowls. Cleave Robinson. Phene HA 8-8710. R4/16-50 || . , , SEASWIFT MARINE CONSTRUCTION 4---14 x 5' 10" V-Bottom Run- abouts from ........ $200 to $375 I---16 X 6' " V-Bottom ........ $400 1 ,+. 16 x 7' 5" Lapstroke Con- vertible top and steering $925 All Above - New Construction Phone HA 6-4652 2315 OLYMPIC HIWAY NO. I)av Gifts. Lunsford's Firestone. 4/30 SEARS SHAY DAY + SPECIAL Padded Chaise Lounge Reg. $18.88 $16.88 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 5-Position, folding aluminum frame, green cotton duck pad, NOW IN STOCK at Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Slelton Ph. HA 6-8201 I i i J i i ., , IJ, .i,,, i APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Floor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Polisherw House Jacks LAWTON LLTIBER 420 S. Ist Phone HA. 6-4303 2-10tin i BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 R.R. Ave, - HA 6-4332 Used Furniture 3 Davenos .................... $29.00 Ea. Davenport & Chair ............ $75.00 m,!! n , , , { USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1 Maple Twin Beds. Mr. & Mrs. Chest, Mirror and Nlte Stand. 1 2nd Hand Chest Drawers Corner Cabinet 1 Montag Wood Heater 2 Wood Cook Stoves I Mahogany Desk 1 Davenport and Chair 1 5-Pc. Dinette Set 1 40-GaL Table Top Electric Hot Water Tank Davenport & Chair ............ $49.00 5 Refrigerators .... $49.50 to $99.50 Electrlc Range ................... $59.00 1 Apt. range elec ................. $42.50 3 Refrigerators ............ $39.50 Ea. 1 40" Elec.-range ................. $59.50 Trash Burner A-1 ................ $45.00 1 40" Elec, range ................ ,$39.50 6-Year Crib .......................... $10.00 1 Wringer washer .............. $39.50 Stroller .................................. $5.00 1 Elec, clothes dryer .... $69.50 Dining Set ............................ $29.00 Coil springs Chest, 5 Drawers ................. $20.00 Spindle bed. full size Wood Bed ........................... $6,00 2rid Had Chet .................. $12.50 Baby Buggy ........................ $12.00 96" Mah. Drop leaf table 2 Youth beds New Furniture . Book ca 2 Swing rockers Davenport & Rocker .......... $119.00 2 Library tables Single Ms ttres & Box Spring ......................... $4.2.95 Set FOR SALE OR RENT--Profeesional rug. upholstery equipment, supplies. L. M. Decorating Center, 821 Rail- road Avenue. 2/26 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- sent at Walt's Marine Suppl),, on beautlftd Hood Canal, Phone Hood,- port  7-. l]Ima H,A. TRS now ava,lae on ah p ulldlm$ materi, als allows you to consu-ucnon eesta unaer ons bill. For information lmlutre at Lawton Lumb. 426 IL 1 Phone  615tt FOR SALlY--Just reeelved, a few 198 model l&Vh.p. viarude outboard mo- tors at greatly reduced prices. Hlll- erst Hardware. 1/15 lfn BST BET IN 'I'OW'II " ! Heav pask -al. eartoas 97 cents, gal- {oM $-.7Q, S½-p!loa, U.97. F,.- ter's lee Cream Center, 422 Norm FIrat. /gttn INRUD] OI',OARD MOTOR uce and eervles at Hlllcrt Har n stamps for sale at the Journal, 111.26 each, I07 So. 4th. Ll/lt 0OR SAL--2-wheel trailer, good con- ditlon. Ca! HA 6-9 preferably evenings. 02/26 tfn jth the Jurchae of any Kenmore washer, sears ;atalog Sales Office, vergreen ;square, Phone HA 6-8231. 3/26 tfn WARDS PORTABLE Zlg-Zag Sewing Machine with Greist attachments. wardrobe trunk, like new. Phone HA 6-3498. except Friday evening or Sat- urday. B4/16-30 Classified Advertising Rates ' 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1,00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1,50 per insertion. All classified advertisements mut be paid in advance, Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is neceary. FOR SALE KEEP THE CARPET cleaning pr,lb- lem small--use Blue Lustre on your wall to wall. Lumberman's Mercan- tile Company. 4/30 FOR RENT GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At __highway bridge. S4/4tfn FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- plex. Electric heat, garage, utility room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tfn 100 W. Pine, phone H. 6-4679. R4/18ffn FOR RENT--Partly furnished apt. 2 large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 p.m. K2/26 tfn unfurn shed house. Garage. Phonc I HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P3/26 tfni 8-room building with two baths, some ' furniture, all new .220 wiring and plmnblng. No leaks in roof. Reason- able. Please call HA. 6-4297. Marie A. Kubixk, 205 East Pine. 4/2tfn at 1522 Rtdgeroad, Phone HA. 6- 6517. A4/2tfn 'r+E-A CHIrR-S, R'ELA.X after sclio'6i ! hours. School-year lease, furnisimd 2-bedroom Canal beach home, wasll- er. dryer. Also summer season. Mrs. Catto, evenings, Olympia, FL 2-3760, weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. C4/2 tfn heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tn FOR SALE--Girl's 24" bike SlY. Want to buy used brick. Phone HA 6-3390, FOR RENT--Reed Apt 2-bedroom un- G4/30 furnished, yard, large garage. Waiter GOLDFISH f,)r sale. 35 cenls ;a-(:h. George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4886. 688 Arcadia phone HA 6-4378. 10/2-1 18 V4/30 tfn F---0"R-RENT: 1 bedroom fur-nish C'(V--FER'TiLiZER-'fl)r-'s-al- in -two 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 after ard load, $9 delivery in Shelton. 6 p.m. DlO/lltfn honc HA 6-4412, L4/30 tfn FOR RENT--Large partly fure-d B-0'-&--SNS'-'iii,;?-Eq'ip-lentCo= three room apartment downtown, pany sales and service. Local reprl,- Adults. No pets.._5. O- Water, gar- sentative Wally Anderson. Phone bage furnished, k'one HA 6-8270. HA 6-6001, A4/30 tfn P1/29 tn --I'iP-J'O-I=[N-SON--Ou$7(I--.t FOR RENT -- Carlon Apts. Newly pun|p, $35. Both in good condition, furnislmd, 3-room apartments, steam Phone HA 6-8134. L4/30 heat. Downtown. $50 and up. Phone 4/2 tfn HA 6-4665. PRIMROSES! Polyanthlm and auric- F(J'R+-SALi-R'eS-atfl'-)o-;'d-+H+ii: V )i---R.N-TS_-bl-oon-s---iarg-+living ulas, many shades and colors, 86€ ford Bull. No papers but full ca. or 9 for $1.00. The Garden Shop, blooded, Coming 4 years old. Phone room, picture windows, utility room Route 1, Box 48. 4/16-28-30 HA 6-6880. $4/30-5/14 3t wired for washer & dryer, carport, close in, partly furnished. To see call MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1801 Laur- S-AD-I)LE--H-ORSE--FOt-SAIEL-6Y ears at 706 Cots after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. el, Phone 6-8187. Dolls of all kinds old, gentle and well trained. Phone B3/12 tfn repaired. Do it now! Come In and HA 6-6415. B4/30-5/7  R-E'NT'--Re,  rr s'e{l iarge ee IDF collection of new dolls and. building, 220 wiring, close to stores ancywork. Also original inserteu and bag, phonograph, trumpet and patterns in pillow cases. Mrs. Ann case. tennis rackets, camera, bowl- on highwaN, 201 E. Pine. Ideal ,for TwardowskL 11/6 tl ing ball and flag. lnqmre Lunsford's cabinet shop or business or home or both or tear down if sold. Phone EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new Firestone 317 Ralh'oad Ave 4/30 HA 6-4297. 205 ]. Pine. K3/5 tfn clothes at 2 No. First St., next to OATS, TI'- and outboard me- F-OI+-IENT_:2 " b,'d];(,om,--tmfurnlsi'td aunderette. May 1 and 2. 9 a.m. tots at Hillcrest Hardware. 2/20tfn house, nicl'ly decorated, across from to 5 p.m. Proceeds benefit Seattle USED B---N-cri-l-t-ke G,,II' Course, $55 per me, Pl*onl. HA 6-4000. B,t/30 tfn __Or.thop(+dlc Hos_p!tal:__ ..... _R4/23:30 new, Johnny's Mimic BOX, 2/26 tfn (N_E_B_iS_06i+_patmnfor i:ent PRACTICALLY NEW Royallte type- writer, $60 cash, Phone HA 6-6411. wiflx fireplace, downtown. Utilities H4/2-30 FOR RENT paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. Furnished. . S1/22 tfn SINGER SLANT- NEEDLE. Repos- FOR RENT --. Small hot{s,' furnishl,d O-N-E-LARG-E apartment at sassed. Take over payments of,$6.00 reduced rent.. Will take one small )se.r month or pay off balance of 6.60. Equipped to '' zag, over- cast, blind hem, L g decorative stJtcIIes, etc. For further Informa- lion call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- time. 4/28 tfn killed. Sell at market pricc. Phone HA 6-451I. /:)4/30 i .... BOOTH bONSTRVCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn J!., , ,, , FIR SLAB WOOD Green -- 15 - 20 Inch $18 PER LOAD Shelto and Vlcinty PHONE HA 6-2113 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn , L HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FORmST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, Box 119, Sllton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6337 Ethel M, Barton - John A. Dinning Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boats our specialty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLA Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterpi'i Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-8837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop ,,loctrlc heat. Nil children. $30 p,'r month. 6101 Pine. Ph,,m 6-6336. --+ D4/30-5/14 FOR RENT--3-rsom apt. furnished. 5th and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tfn Ul i Custom Tractor Work Rotovating or regular plowing, discing and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-3678. child. 1208 Railroad. Phone ttA 6-2228, La12/4 tfn FOR heated fur- nished aparUnent. Adults only. 311 No. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tfn sEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn WANTED • Used Furniture • Will Pay Cash or take on Consignment. PHONE HA 6-3375 or HA 6-2411 K/3-12/tfn DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-20-tfn iii BATTERIES - TIRES Enlarged Stock for Immediate Delivery Lowest Cost per month for first line tires Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 USED FURNITURE Daveno .................................. $65.06 Dav.& Chair ........................ $75.00 4 Chairs ................................ $I0.00 Rocker . .................................... $15.00 Chair ...................................... $20,00 1 Girls' Bmycle .................... $15.00 1 Davenport ........................ $19.00 1 Swing Rocker .................. $19.50 1 Club Chair ........................ $19.00  1 Daveno .............................. $25.00 1 Swing Rocker .................. $15.00 1 Dresser ................................ 15.00 1 Table & 2 Chairs ............ $10.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 News From BELFAIR GARDENS Start spraying roses regularly for lovely bushes as well as hloons, Fertilize all your plants, they need ehergy as well as we all do. Re- member, plants make a home en- joyable; we have many usual' and unusual ones. \\; BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rt. 1, Box 55 Belfalr, Wash. Across from Belfair P.U,D. FOR RENT DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent. an. Also attractively furnisled one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except light. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tfn ONE AND TWO bearoom unfurnished apartments, hot water heat, range. refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-8088 or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn F-L) k----REN'F-u-r" s h--h" "ed- -o-ne bedroom duplex apartment, washing facilities• 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn $25 A MONTH unfurnishcd 1-bedroom apt. Neat, (',lean, completely modern. Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- nished apts. at slightly higher rates. Spormn's Apartment Motel. HA 6- 3772• A4/9 tfn F0-1 RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank, Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tfn CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, ny day or week. Cameron Hotel 2/3tfn PeR RENT -- Attractive waterfront home, 1 bedrooms, city conven- iences, 10 miles from town. Call HA d-3641. G1/15 tfn RN--IH ED APAI-iENiia-b|e At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4txn L-AWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or worn- Phone HA 6-6126. B4/19-30 -0t-" iR EN-T-- ---- 3 j.o oi:nT e d pt:, washing facilities, carport, adults only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. R4/16 tfn FOR .RE. NT: 4-room apt.. completely furnlsned. Phons HA 8-6500. F 1/v tfn FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn ]PeR RENT--Sm] house on Angle- side. Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 p.m. D10/23 tfn EODERN 3-room ground floor fur- nished apt. Steam heat electric kit- chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- sioned lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/12 tfn nished house, available April 5. Ga- rage. Phone HA 6-4549 or HA 6-8436. P3/26 tin rooms, wusher, dryer, refrigerator, electric range, trash burner, oil heat- er, Water and garbage included. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 _ 5th+,+" !n++ ............................ B2/26 tfn ONE BEDROOM duplex on Mt. View witi gat'age+ SIox'es. water and gar- bage fornished. Adults only. Phlme ttA 6-3218. B4/30-5/1,i WANTED ESTABLISHED h'rrilory for Avon Cosnl,'lh:s now OpOll ill AI]yD-Gral a'- WANTED WNTED -- Bark or pe.ehd fir p, des ahd piling. Tacoma ]:'ole anti Piling C(impany. P. O. BOx 3012, Taconla __99. Junl.!!:.8-9340: ......... ' ......... 'I/:l:6__t!:l:l WANTED: large or small tracts el timber. Cash. Cruiser available a our expense. Jones Tie & Lmnber Co., P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20tfn SAW FILING -- Henry Boysen, 221 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tfn FRUIT TREE spraying by licensed sprayer. Garden plowing. Alder saw- dust for sale. Phil Hardie, phone HA 6-6584. 3/5 tfn cash or take on assignment, Phone HA 6-3375. 2/26 tfn [ think it can't be fixed call llenry I Landis, HA 6-3098. ]/12 tfl | stallations, oil conversions. Shelton I Furnace Co., 321 So. Thtrd. Dial HA. I _:___L L_ ................. !1. IONE FULL-TIME VAT-KINS +TocalitY available on Hood Canal. Earnings are better than average for person who is willing to work. No lay-ells. Watkins nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La- dies Home , Journal, Good House- keeping, McCalls and other maga- zines. For details write Watkins Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem- erton, Waslington. or phone ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ................................... 8].:+? tra MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wat- kins locality in city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.00 per hour and up easily possible. This is a wonderful opportunity for re- tired person who needs extra income. Write Watkins Products, 2109 East llth St., Brcmerton, Washington. or' call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:{)0 _+a:!q: .................................................. 3/12 u 9 AUTO PAINTING $403 Also spray paint houses, roofs, etc. For esti- nmtes phone HA 6-4322. Inquire _ 12o2+_C,!t_a. S_t: ...... +.__RRS/!2 tfn WORK WANTED--Clerking, care for sick, house cleaning, janitor work or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis Durand, plmne HA 6-3036 or HA 6- 3323. 1/22 tfn BOAT BUII,DER, cabinet maker, or FOR SALE oR h(nte---Modcra Mt. View, FH D. Grytness, HA 6-8120. THREE throughout carport to 6-3180 after FOR SALE home., electric large sun St. Phone HA I4 0 M 2- FOR one with rug; wall to wall c plenty built- foundation an age; two 60' nice home at down. about i HA 6-6573. shorc on formation LAKE 50 ft. Call Seattle, 16250 16th Wash. SALE wlttorfront 0 House, well. room. excepti( Shelton. For 6-8015. 100 FT. Nice three-ro city lilnits. /',r tlllilnlr lhou, tIA FOUR BED] ll]cnt O11 limils. Fruit HA 6-6707. FOR on Totten $30 per mc The FOR place ; car age ; two Beverly ally anlbiti<,tlS yotlng Illltn to learn boat building. Apl)lv 1916 () yJ p c FOR Hiway North or call'ttA 6-G83l cw!- 4-room hoose ..... ni:g:_ .................................. r}:/26.t fn concrete WILL DO IR<)NING in my home. By land with pine the houl'. Pit:kup and delivery. Ref- (,rencl+S. Ph<mc 6-37{ri. W4/9 tfn cared about 4§ ton. Needs WE BUY scrap Iron, battei'les, radia- tors. copper, salvage of all kinds: good buy at Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mih be arranged. __Strap ts:__p_ !mne__HA. 6-8626:_ _ _S_4/7tf *, * WANTED--Roto-tlIIing, gardens and 5 room lawns, 14 years experience. HA 6- rooms, vi,w-Vict,)r ax','a. Pr,,f,.r,,ac* given 684z. 2/5"5/24 has new tl, ,,arly tmlh,rs, act now. Phont CHAIN---sAW SHARPENING-spcedy: large ItA 6-42:19 G4/30-5/7 accurate precishln grinding. Now at WANTEI) .... N+,at al)l)caring nlarriod Saeger /otor Shop, Hillcrest. Phon located on HA 6-4602. 1/15 tfn nice yard around hom. REAL ESTATE $6,00. G.I. Ion., FOR SAIE: the H. W. Skelsey rop- Have trade of erty on 7th and Euclid St. I-hone Union 411. S6/5tfn in Dayton C t brush land. *  IllHn, 25--i8, with late Model (:ar. wh¢) Ca.]ihlg on Fulit!r ]l-ll,'h ctlstonlers. See Flllh,r l'cpu'*soolaliv! at Ih! Shel- ttHl Hotel 2-5 p.lll. Saturday, May 2. F4/30 SASII & DOOII MAN. Exp¢,rienced in iiss!Il)[ing win(hiw fl'alll(S, t)ta!ral- ing DeWalt .aws. Pel'ma*enl job g'uod salary. Writ( Box 753. B,lle- rue. Wash. C4/30 courteous service. Phone us eollect. Eln 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering Inc. " 3/27tfl WANTED ..... Inh,rim' al]d exterillr painting. Bill Ih,omn, Phlme HA DRESSMAKING and Alt(+ratiom, but- tonh)hs, ai)l'ons, zippers, crochet and fancywork made €o order. Phone __H_A_ : 2 O: ............... S_/?)_U'n_. WANTED: 1000 recappable tires. O.K, Rubber Welders, Mr. View, 1/l(Itf= Exclusively at Beckwith Jewelry The Garden Shop ROUTE 1, BOX 48 Phone HA 6-3710 Azaleas .......... Ea. $1.75 Flame, yellow, lavender, heavily budded. Rhododendrons Large plants, budded. • $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. Clematis Ten colors, large flowered blues, purples, pinks, reds and whites. Also evergreen. $1.75 & $2.00 Ea. Magnoliaa ,. .... Ea. $3.00 Blooming plants. RED BUD TREES ...... $2.00 EA. ROSES .......................... $1.00 EA. Unfinished Chest, 4 drawer $15.95 Kelly's Furniture - ...... ' ""'   -- ' 5-Pc. Din set .................... $49.5o 52-Gal. Water Heater $89.95 626 So, First  Iii ........ Phone HA s.,.,x, EELLS MI) VAllEY BELIEVE :++:: Uph. Chair+ .......................... $+.95 ++i+.+. . :+.. !: .... , , - ---:----r-,- + .... : .......  , ' Ls . If It's Concrete m=, mm ,m,m,m cl I :==  or Carpentry Work . Honesty, sincerity, an See FRIGIDAIRE F,rst good serviceareremem- Let Geo Do. • REFRIGERATORS beredong afterprice rge is forgotten. "  BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING • RANGES ' " Cont'rete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floors, Wails, Driveways, Steps, Swhnming lools, Patios, Plain or Colored i ! • WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 GEORGE'S GENERAL Cement and Carpenter HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6'-2487 Terms M • RCAIITII.| BABY CHICKS! New Hampshire White Leghorn White Rocks i meat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So. First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 FOR SALE,,,, ..,., Owner Transferred SEE THIS 6-ROOM Northcliff Home Phone HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p.m. 923 Roy Blvd. P 4/23-5/7 FOR SALE 200 foot waterh'ont by 450 foot depth, drilled well with large pump house and work shop conl- bined, 3 car carport. Beautiful lo- cation in a Cove--$8,500.00. $ * * 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, $5,000.00, $50.00 per month until $500.00 is paid in as down payment, balance at $40.00 per month. • :{, * 186 foot of waterfront on Bay, 10 acres more or less. nice creek Oil property, close,to town---S4,500,00. 5 acres, south of toWn on Olym- pia Highway, 2 bedroom h(nme, large utility porch, lots of out- buildings, young orchard and" all types of b(;rries-.$8,000.00 cash or good terms. • * ,{: 3 bedroom house, living room and dining room combined, fireplace, oil fornace, plastered, 1 !or 60x 100 foot--$13,650.00--will F.H.A. ---$450.00 down and closing costs. Spencer Lake Waterfront ....... 230 foot at $25.00 per foot, low bank. 4 very large bedroom house full basement, fireplace, dining 'oom, very good condition, corner lot and nside lot- $12,500.00. :k * * Praetic'ally new 3 bedr,)om lmuse on Mr. View dining" room nice utility room, attached garage, fire- place, all electric heat---S12,000.00. WALTER GEORGE Real Estate ' 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 Also 2 hores be traded for in Mason coup have to trade: s WHY \\;Vhen you c ern home large kitchen wired for merit with age in lot with fruit, )lot. A good ;600 down * you nse bed rooms, room, some i place, oil with space facilities in is in good cellent value balance can be ments about Located on nes district. ,S $ Nice 4 room ' bed rooms, garage with home for Located Hillcrest ca]ue ht ,table party. , , J6 acres of with nice plenty of about 8 good hardtop sider terms. 7 room rooms and act'es nlore property to home. outside city road. Priced wishes cash. on smaller Phone LIVE FREE! This ,t-plex provides ;ill income ments while you enjoy oue ol' lhe hedroom apartm(:.nts as yottr home. location With lots of room for expansl gate #this excellent buy today. Call WATERFRONT R 165 FEET OF CHOICE ON HAMMERsLEY Arcadia side. 6 - 10 foot baltic. proximately 1,000 feet deel,, t(,t:H 4 $1,250 or less th'n $26 per frontage foot, Call Kurt Mann WATERFRONT HA 6-8535 or HA 6-3228 Eve :i