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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L959 "Ohri,tmastow., (, USED CABS FOR SALE--52 Deluxe Chevrohq, aato- foundation, mldh:, ll&apos;ansnlissbJn, real clean, god $6250. Phone I)aini: gu.d I)uy. IIA 6-,t61,9. F4/23._.t f n ..................................................... IVi,I/9 I fn iome, dou-]1956 OLDSMOBILE 88, Holiday c.upe. $4100. [ cadio, heater, power brakes. ()++viler ltlUt sacrifice. }'hone HA 6-,t5{}7. D4/23-30 2t ...................................... PJ/16-30 F()R SALE--'48 Chev. C(mpe, GMC 270 motor. Pimnc 6-,1429 aftl,r 6;31) *. 2 wells .... p:n: .......................... T./2375/7 tits. See to 1952 620 GMC log' truck lind iraih.r. Agate Good l:ondition, Reasonable. Jack F. E, Meh'alf, Copalis Cl'OSsi ng', Wash. 4/23 tin .... !lU,m, .. Cop: _200_ 7. ...................... 4123-30 home 1954 RAMBLER four-door Cross (OtUl- try wagon, radio, heater, ovt.rdrlvc, g.od c,)nditton. Pht)ne HA 6-4287. G.t / '3()1 fn Lost 00tmn LOST -- Green 1)ai'ekeet, mah, from 37 Arcadia, Friday, Band numhor WBS 248P-58-18. Phone HA 6-,1270. St/30 Y4m tl Legal Publications I i N()TICE OF ilEARING ON INTENTION TO ,1,:1.1. C01UNTY |ERSONAL I'RO Il'.l{'rY NOTICE IS }IEREBY GIVEN, that wonderfttl It apea'rs to the best interests of Ms- County" that the following des- cribed personal property belonging to Mason County hc sold: fer car, the H3/ tfn County Equip, 12 "/4 76 46 54 Description 1942 Ford Truck Chassis & Cah 1951 Dodge 8 yd. Dmnl) Tmu:k 1941 Chev. Truck Chassis & Cab 1951 AC Model D. Grader Adams Mod+q 8.1 Pull Grader 1942.Farnlall tractor w/n.,wcr Tarpot patcher ITrailer) 8 ton semi-trailer Trailer dolly 2 dump lruek bodies 2 Dozer blades for IHC TD9 2 A Fran., pulley 1 12 angle blade with arms NOTICE IS FURTIIER GIVEN, that the Board of Coumty O0nimissh)ners will meet on Monday. May 4, 1959 at 2:00 :P.M. in the office of the Board the Court House In Shelt0n, to hear: determine th* advisability of mak-, auC]a sale, at Which time ahd place .tld Board shall hear evidehce ania should any be offered, and advisability of such l: sale. DATED,this 20th day of tril. 1959. BDARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHI!TON ' Joiln BaFiekman Roy. Mitchell C, W. Strockenbach ATTEST : C, Nolat Maso .. Clerk of the Board 4/23-30 2t Preferred Prol00rties E LAKE LOTS .... with no bank, good beach. Among available today. Full price $350, $500 I18!I If Your Rent Is $50 or More .... Hillcrest, $4200 , $300 down, $35 per Angleide, $5500, $500 down, 40 per Hillcrest, two lots, $4500, $500 down, ' month. Hillcrest, $6,500, $500 down, $50 per Downtown, $4,950, 4500 down, $45 per m Mr. View, $5500, $1000 down, $50 per "R TRANSFERRED, MUSt'SELL . . . attractive, • larger than average, guest cottage, on Mt. View. years old. The price is $9,600 (eras little as $300 down FHA. today. IN, FHA .... very attractive 3 bedroom 11 year old On 90x100 beautifully landscaped baseboard electric heat, built-in oven plastered ttnd many more plus fea- - $15,500, HOME, FIREPLACE, 5 ACRES .... charmer ia in the Agate district. A the acreage is cleared, has several excellent soft for 'gardening. Will with 10w down payment. LARGE FAMILY ...... plus roomy play area. Attractive Large living room, dining room, corn- utility and garage. Owner will or what have you. Outside 0ely a %totle's thow from ailrcad See it today, REALTY CALL HA e.sSS5 226 Norflt First EXCELLENT BUYS! FOR Ar, CAR, TRAILER; [TC .... home on 5 acres at Agate. Fruit spot, and other buildings. $5500 with Owner will take most anything of tSUL PLAY AREA FOR CmLD.ZSt ... mtreet from this 2 bedroom home is the school playgrouhd. And "it's so nice for panelled walls, wired for range, and you can move in for $500." ACREs,__ IN SKOKOMISH VALLEY... f'-.mhed and very neat small home. Even has IW $4750 WRh $1000 down and $45/month. " qown payment. \\; ItEOROOM HOME . . . and it lcely decorated. Plastered ex- car garage, nice residential district, and with $300 down plus FHA closing costs. HOM- WI'H BASEMENT, . . very comfortable home with fireplace, basement, and extra lot ff desired. EN FARM ON 50 ACRES NEAR AGATE fine chicken houses, barn, outbuild- land with creek thru property. $15,000. IMy 4 BEDROOM HOME IS DOWNTOWN excellent family home. Features include room, basement, 2 car garage, and chools. $10,500 on terms. tLLt LKE SOY LiFT... if you'd like lake frontage! So much boating, fishing, etc, Only $1275 'ERTIES YOU SHOULD SEEI . .. get your summer 1ace out there, Have Check on these. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR • Title Insurance Bldg Legal Publicatior, s In tile Matle" of COIrN'I'Y R()AI) I'R(hIE('T NO. 308 '1'1' IS HERIqP.Y RES()LVIqI') Fly the Fl.ard of (,,,u air C ntmissi )nl's tilai it is their inh. ll 'n 't ef)n,'tl'llCi a i I-iF X- illlt I,! V 1.] Inih, (,f ('I)LUItV road ft'onl ]-t,llsit)l lM/kc nlri]lor|y tO Shot'wood Ct't'ok. Tit]s iltllU'()VCnlPni iS locah*d ill the NW NW S,'eii(m 3, T,)wnship 21 N, Hango 2W W.M. Th,, ltcin(gl)al quantities arc clear- ing eiRhl acres, uuvlassified excava- lion 12.00{} cubic yards. FIE IT B'URTIIER ItESOLVED that the al.)ovl describc(I county road pt'o- )(q' is II¢C(',Sil'y and l)t'ltl)t!t ', and ih, estimale(l costs (.f said pr)ject arc herewitll set Ollt in detail as f(dlows: From Gas Tax funlts--Rl,ad Con- struclilm, $5,00{},0(1. Total. $5,000/)0. Labor : Day. Tit(, county road proje('i h,,rein des- trilled is HEREFlY I)ICT.ARFD to be a public necessity and tile' County [{oa(l Enginel!r tS tIFIItEBY ()RI)ERED AND AUTIIORIZID to rcpocl and lrocced thor.n as by law [covided. BE IT FLIRTtIER RESOLVED that this project, if (It(',' w rk, b, perf)rnmd by stlporvisl)r in" flceordance with the Sitmdard Road lind Bridge Sl)ecil'ica- lions of the Statc of Washington as adopti,d by this hoard. • AD()PTED Ihis 20th day of April 1959. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- I SI()NIqRS OF MASON COUNTY, I WASItlNGTON ] John Flarleknmn, Chairman I C.W. Streckenhaeh 1ATTER " Mitchell C. Nolan Mason Clerk of the Board 4/23-30 2t NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER ON RTATE LANDS Notice is hereby givPfl that on Tues- (lab'. the 5ih day of May, 1959, com- leone:rig at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main en- trance door to the :ounty court house ill+ the. City of Shelton. C unty of Ma- son, Slate of Washington. by the Coun- ty Auditor of said county, the thnber on the folh)wing described state land will( be sold at publi( auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: tim Applh'ati°nbeT No. 2,83 All " ,' within a marked sale area boundary, comprising approximately 242.000 bd. ft. of Dougla fir, 38.000 bd. ft. of hemlock and 16,000 bd. ft, of white pine, located on the S of J+ot 4, Of Section I8, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M., in Mason County, containing -9.0 acres, morc or ess, Tiniber will )e sold on a cash bass. Minimum acceptable bid is $.6,934.00. At time of ,ah the purchas6r must pay $6,934.00, plu. a $2.00 bill of sale fee, or a total of 6,936,00 in the form of cash, money order, certified check or bank draft. The balance between the appraised price and the bid price, if any. nmy be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish a surety bond of $2.(00.00 to guarantee compli- ance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, m)r ",y orders, etc are to be made payable'to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Time for renloval will be one year. Located approximately 22 miles northwest ef Shelton. Accessibility: Purchaser must enter inlo road rise agreenmnt with Silnp- son Logging company, et)ptes of which are on file in the District and Olym- pia offices. € Complete contract specifications may examined at Shelton District Head- County Auditor's office, and ,mmissioner of Public Lands, Olym- pia. Said timber (In •aid land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Conunissioner of Pubhc Lands in the manner provided by law, a statement of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county. Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid on tle day of sale. BERT L. COLE Conunissioner of Public Lands 4/2-9-18-28-80 5t No. 2996 N()TICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE No, 1093 IN TttE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) Tn the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of JOSEPH CARL KNAUF, De- (:eased, and GLADYS KNAUF, De- (:eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MILFORD C. KNAUF, in his capacity as admintstrat'or of the estate of Jo- seph Carl Knauf, :]eceased, and-LAUR- EL WALKER. as administratrix of the estate of Gladys Knauf, deceased, will sell at private sate and fc)r cash the following described real estate: That portion of the Northeast (qIrler of the Southwest quartvr tl SWV) lying West of the Westerly right-nf-way line of the Old County Road and all of the Northwest quarter of the South- west quarter INW4 SWa£) ex- cepting right-of-way for existing Cloquallum County Road, all be- ing in Section three (3), Town- ship nineteen (19) North. Range four (4) West, W.M.. to the highest and best bidder. Bids must be submitted in writing and may he left With the administrator and ad- ministratrix at 121 South Ei)urth trcet, Shelton, Washington. Bids will e received until the date of sale. The sale will be made on or after May 1, 1959. The administrator and administratrix reserve the rlg!t to reject any and all bids, MILFORD C. KNAUF Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Clarl Knauf, Deceased. LAUREL WALKER Admlnlstratrlx of the Estate of Gladys Knauf, Ddceased. ]LEWIS & CORREA Bell ,Bull ding ll South Fourth Street S]elton, Washing-ton 4/23-30 2t No. Sl :' -NOTICE TO CREDITOBS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON , COUNTY . In the Matter of the state of IVA STONER Deceased. 3ohn r. Stoner is the appointed and qualified Administrator oT said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are reeuired to serve the same in duvliedtb, duly verified, on said Adminfstrator or his attorhey, Robert L. Snyder at the auaress below statsd, and file the same with the Clerk of said Courtt together With proof of such servlce, wltnln six months after the date of first publics- tion of this notice, or the same will barred. of first publication.,.Aprll 9, JOHN W. STONEt Administrator Star RoUte 2, Box 149 Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER at Law uildlng Washington 4/-16-23-30 4t Nn, NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN'THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON IO R MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of PRANK WATER. De€eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY ..GIVEN that the said Administrator, wut on or after May 19, 1959, offer for sa:el tile (eli)w- ing descrihed real property situated in Masou County, Washington: • The East half (E) of the East half (E) of the West half (WvT) of the last half E½) .of the North- r (NE) lyln lorth of eaSt qallrte ,  . . € C. oad  now loeate(1 and _ht _ounty R , . In use, In Section 18. Township 21 North. Range 4 West. W.M.. contain- ing 5.5 acres, more or mess, together with the appurtanees thereunto be- Ion in . l ids must be In writing and de- livered to the Admint?trator, iiis attof ney Robert L. yaer, or the Clerk of .ald Courl, before 12 ()'clock noon, May 18, 1959 ....... Said property wct tal ' hDn'ered for sale for cash, or • S / • credit. and the sale shall be subject to the confirmation and approval of said Court. The Administrator reserves the right to reject any and all blds. DATED this 27th day of April, 1959. Ad LANNING 1, BoX 99 ton ton Attorney for trator 4/90-5/7-12 3t i i • , i Legal Publicatmns NOTJ('E ()1" NAI. I'; ()1" 'rlMIU,'.R t)N NTATI", I.ANI) Nolive is hcretw giv('tl that ln Tues- daY, thl' 12tll day of Mny. 1959, c)tu- let,ncin at if'If l)'(']o('k ill ttt(' ['Ol'(.n)()ll of said day, ia I'I'tl]11 (d' lilo 1)l:lin (.n- trsn('0 d(.M' tt t}W ('(}(1lily I'oUFt hl)o(" in tlw City (,1' Silt]lee, (h,utlly [d' tad',( - Soil, Start, (,f Wasllittfftoli. I,y ill(' (.unty Auditor id' said cl(lllly, lhv tililt)OF lie tile followin d'svribod state larld will be s,,ht at I)Uh]ic at|(.- lion i(, tiw high,,s1 id/hhw therofor. to-wit : N Applielttioa , o, 1"-5112 Sltlail s('l(tl red treos within a hi;irk- t'(] salo at'(':l bl)tul(hlt'V, t'l)llll)l'j.hl  ;ll)_ proximately 23.00{} lal• ft. .f l)m  : , fir 40()0 l 't o' Iocg.,p. pine and 1.{}{}0 bd. ft. of whitv pine. located .n part Nt SW', S,'('ii.n i, Town:-;hi 11 23 N.rth, Rang,' 2, W.M., re,n- raining 42 ncrl.s, nltt'+, (It' I(LtS. Tin(her witl b, sold on a ('ant scah. basis. Minimun| acceptai)lo bid I.'r thous-, and hd. fl.: $6.5{} for all v(mlfers m1 ;t iLno})Pt' tally basis. At tinw of sah' the l}|s(r ellis( niake a d(q)osit of 21V/ of Ill(. bid )t' ('0 hase(] i,n tho I'ruis,+ etinlat,,, 16.41 ' th s deposit, )his a $5.0) t)iil of safe tel,, or a tola ¢, $. l..l(). Ol(t,t t) n the form of (+ash |tltUlOy (#rd(.t'. ('tq'-: ti' '(I check er bank draft. TIll, bal- Ilnct' ill' the i'eqllil'l'd dlqmsil, il' llllV, t(itx, ' hi, paid hy p,l'S(ntaL chock. At tinio of sltle pnrchascr ill/iS( Ills() I'(Ir- llisl| a cash bond 0f $100.00 In the form of ('a}l, n}oncy ordoI', c+.t+lified check or bank draft to gual.anlol. C{lll )liaIw. with all terms td' tim bill ol salt,. All (']tel'ks, nleney or(i,q's, el(',, at,(= t() l)e nladc payable to the (-(inlllliSSion(q. {If Public Lands. Time to" removal will t)o one yeir. Located approxinmtcly 12 mih,s west of GorsL Accessibility: via stale a(:(.oss road. .(l)nll)lete vontract spo('ifil'alilm nuly be oxanflned at Port Orchard Distcict Headquarters County Audilor's of five, and Comnflssloner el Public l.:mds, Olympia, aid timber on said land will'he sold for not less than the appraised vah|c. as appraised hy the Coluniissi,,n(,r f Public Lands. in the manner provided law, a statement of whivt| is nlw file in the office of the Auditgc said county, BERT L, COLE  Commissioner of Public Land... '1/30 It ' " No, :]105 NOTIC TO cBE1)ITOBN IN TItE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ,MASON' COUNTY In lhe Maltev of' the,Estate of CAR- OLINE ROBINSON, Deceased. Alonzo Robinson is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. All persons navlng ctaims against sald de- ceased are required to serve the same iu duplicate, duly verifled, on said Executor or his attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address heh)w stated, and file the same' with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be harred. DATE of first publication: April 9. L9F@. ALONZO ROBINSON Exet'utor Rout 3, Box 172 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building' Shelton, Washington 4/9-16-23-30 4t ---V NOTICE OF %VATER Itl(l|lT APPIACATION NO. 15389 STATE OF WASHINGTON. OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That Loui O. Lar- son of Shelton, Washington, on April 13, 1959, fih!d application for permit to divert the public water's of Lake Spen- cer in the amount of ,01 second foot, subject to existing rights, from April 15 to October I each,year for the pur- pose of irrigation; that the approxi- mate point of diversion is located with- in Lots 26 & 27, Silencer Lake Water- 'rent Tracts. of Section ,32, Township 21 N., Range 2 W. W.M.. in Mason County. Any objections must be accompanied hy a two dollar ($2,00) recording f+,e and fih.d with the State Supervisor (,f Water Resources within thirly (30) days from April 3{}. 1959 Witne•s my hand and official seal lhis 16th day of April. 1959. M. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water R(,sl)ur('es (SEAL) 4/29-30 2t In tha Matter of COUntY ROAD PROJECT NO. 310 IT IS HEREBY IESOLVED BY the Board of County Commissioners tlmt it Is their intention to replace a woo(i- vU bridge over Dew Creek on el)unry road no. 260 by constructing a 1(1' die. culvert pipe. This improvement is located in the SE NE Section 9, Township 22N, Range 4 WWM 'The prineipM quantitte• tnvoh.ed are 100 lin ft. 10' die. culvert pipe, 5.800 cu. yds. eommoa excavation and 1,0IX) cu00ff% sRB. FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described county road pro- Ject is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said proiect are herewith set out in detail ,as'follows: From Gas Tax funds--Engineering, $300.00 : "Road " Construciton. $9.700.00 ; Total, $10,000.00. Labor: Day. The county road project herein des- cribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be a ,Public necessity and the County Road Engincer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon a• by law provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this project, if day work, be performed hy supervise(: in accordance with the Standard Rcl and Bridge Specifica- tions of the State of Washington as adopted by thie board, ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1959. BOARD OF QOUNTY OMMIS- SIONRS O MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON John Briekman. Chairman C. W, Streckenbaeh Roy Mitchell ATTEST: C. Nolan Mason Clerk of the Board 4/23-80 2t 1 Legal Publications ,, , r i No. 2052 NOT1CF (')1" III,:AI{IN(+ ON |,'INAL I{F,I'O|{T AND I'I+;TITII)N I'I)R !) I:.'I'|U III'TI{)N IN TI-IE S/l'l+;l{l)l. ('/)tTt'Jl' I)1+" TIll:, STAq' '; (|[¢ W,\\;S[ll N(ITI)N 1,'111" MASt)N Ih II'N'l'Y In i}w Mali,'r +,t lho l']stalp +d" AL- FRF.'I) .J'. l.lUt,'l'(II{iN', l),'c,';t,'d. t{l'lt:l I%'. ][(lllgFoll. AdnlilqlSlt'ltIFix of tht" said osinb', h:t: fih'd it; the s/tttl ('l)lll't hoF fhlal l'P]'ll't llll{I poti[idl f(ll' (tiSlt'ihu|i()ll. asl.lll,t' II.' (h,tll't |O s('tlh' said i'cihJl•i, di.;tliblli, ' ih, I)l'<q- ' 'ty i tl e pct:,,n th,qct, cl/lillHl and discharge th,' .mid A(hninis11'atl'ix. Said l'4'11o1'I lilt(| In'litl,n will In. ]l(qt)'d (lU • ' <)r:{} {} 111 1  N1il (i y ,l 5'lay, I..).. ;11 1 tl, , in i]I€' ('Otll'iltOIII €'I' :'Hi(l C(mrl, itl |]1o ('d nlv ()llt | ]l()U.q(' It( S]l'll I)lt, W:lsl/in$4 I1 , t)AT]+.'I) TIIIS (ith ('I v ,,f April, 1959. llA l{IT.Y [ll,:Y t,.'T T I,.' ('h,rl .f said (.h,lll'l R('tP.ERT I.. SNYI)Et. (h n'+'y Fltlihl big Nh+'ll(ol, ",V:l:41t ill'l on Allo 'ncv for Adnfinitratrix 4/9-16-23-30 4t NOTI('I,; O1" AI.I'] I)F N'rA'rE TII)E I,ANI)4 N()TI('E IS ttEIU;:I,Y GIVEN, T}mf :)il Tutt;day. tilt' 2nd d:ly o[ .I IItD', l .Jo.), coilllll(n('i/lg /11 IA'n /cb('k ilt the, l'(.l'o. no)tl l,f s:lid dlly, la fl,I|l )1' lib' [YI/lilt etlt t'iln('o dr)oF I() th+' (+t)Illll y ('tltll'l t-t¢)us,  in tht. i.i V of S}l,, '|lntv tl' 5asolt, Si:)l*' of A.' a, h i IU4 t o l). I)3' the (J<)t nty Audit.r of said (.tll)lly. ill.' folhwinR (h sel'i b,'d stale tide land.% t(,gvtlwr witlt tlw ilnl)rm'emcnts sitttatod lin.voon, wiil 1)o s(dd at l)tlt)- lic aut'lJon lO ihv high+'.t bi,hh,r t]l,'l'o- fl)r, to-wit: N()TE+ No <,no except (,itizens id' tilt, Unit,,d States, ,r tt'rs Is wh( Imvo dP('htrl.d tilt'it' int¢,ntiat to 1)(H•4}lt It ' sn('h, can pt!r(.[laso St(lit' lltn(i:. Application No. 13238 The tid,,lan(is ol tii. sec(,ml class, own*,d by Ih+ + Stat,' ,,f Vta.hington. situate il| l'r(,rI of. a(ljIwvnl h +lr ahul- ling ulmn the S.uih 100 fo.I .f lira North 30{} foet (d' l)Vot'ntlllqlt 1..t t, Sevtbm 21, Township '2'2 N.rih, Range 1 Wesl. W+M., with :l fl't,at:lgo (,[ 1.55 ]inlttl ('haitls, nll'., tl" h,ss, ilp- )lais,d at $5{}.0(I p,'r lin+'al chain t,l' ;77.5(/. Exc(qUing. th*,r+,fr<)ln, /lily tidelands (if the St'('otld (']/IMS I',,ll%'t'3'¢'fl 11) Tilt)S. ()'Ndll ued A. L, Ml'l)¢mahl. throut-.i eed iSSll,(I [')t'fN'tllh+'F l. Ii{)0 for tilt' cultivation (,1' (WStt't's in a(,ciwdatIce with th(' prm'i..i as ()1' hnph,v 2,t. Laws of 1895. under APl)licali,,a No. 3{}01 and lo W. II. Kin,viand lhrough deed ismmd Svi:temb,,r 15, 19{}6 l',w the eultival ion of o3,st o 'S in llC('(wdan['o with tho t) r't e.risions of ('}miller 2'I, Laws of 1895 under Aiq)h('ldlon No. 3/0. Said lands will be sold l%r not less thaa tim a])pFaisv(l Vll]ll(' :ll)()V stat('d and tlt)(,n th., tot'tll. ;itl(i ¢'(mditi,,ns following: Not l+'ss than ,)n'+t'nth (d' tht + pur- chhse" I)ric+' ill(iS1 i)+' paid al t]l,' tiltle f)f sah +, T}lc I)Ul'('has('I', If ]tl' I)(' llO1 the owm.r of 'tl't(' inlprov(*nlcnts, must forthwith i)Ily 1o [ia, Jl'fj(,o,' totlklll4' th sah, the full amount ol' the ap tt'aisvd vahlt, of the IIII[,)FI)VCIII4'II|S, ;IS ab(+vt, stat,,d, ()ll(+-l+,tl+il +,I" |ht, D +'''•- chltsl, Itrice lnust be paid annually thereafter witb illter(.st on all ( I,'t[ paYnlents at th+' l'aie of SiX ]JOt' con- tLnn l)Pt" ann(nil: Provided, That ally pLtl'cbllsl,r Iliay illak(, |'ll]l t) vi t'n (,f t)riIl('il)al. JntCl'eSt and statuato|'y fees Id any titllt' tuld obtain d+'cd. TIlt' |)Ln'['hasq' of ]and conl/tilling t int])('F ''  lh+'l' valuabh, nlIli q' II]N ia I rohi - it'd I)y law |'|'ltl cutting or l't',lllOvitl, • aoy SU('it titoher or tnaUu'isls witholll ftrsL oltailltn , nsonl of 1|1,, C4,111* Iliissi(lll++t ' [)f PUMic, Lilt|it ill,' full lUllollnl (d' liw pul'cllaso ptqco htt hH+ll I)aid and d,'+'d issued. All sah's of stat' leads are made subj('('t l( thl' t'+'SO t''Hi ](tlS >1' oiJ., gaseS, ct)ai, ores, nlitlt,l'll]S and fl')SllS l)t' (:x'(t'y natll(. ]liIld and dvs('t'ipt, ion, and t() lht" addili.nal tt,l'ltts an(I coD- tlilions l)('(,scrib,,d in soel i,,n 3 (it' chap- ter 256 of lira ,ff 1907. Said land will I., sold st bi-ct to Lhf 11'111)S. CI)ll(iitioltS al](i I'('sol'v/ttl()tlS of etla/)1+w :]12 l th,, Svsioo Laws of 1927. r('lalitl' 1. {,:ts+,m,,nts I'.t rights- of-way rind tim c;tt'l'ylnM [)t" litllIwl'. sl, Jn ', nllll('l'ttlN Had t)|h('l [ll'l)(hlctS ovcr the Stllle• P, EFlT L. ('OIAC C()ltltll]SSh)llt.r eli Puhli(" Itnd.. 4/;¢(}-5,:7-12.11b./t. g No. 28Sl NOTICE OF IIFAI]ING FINAL REPORT ANI) I'ETITiON FOR I)ITRInI'TION IN TItE SUPEIUIff{ C()UI{T OF TIIE STATE OF' WASHINGTON YOR MASON (?()UNTY ( III Prablllc ) In t}w Matt,r t,f tlw E;dah' (,t MAH.- TftA t.. JA('OI]b. Dvcom+ed. N(ITICE IS IfEREBY (I1VI+]N lhaL (ILENN E. CORREA A(]lllllUdll'll/or de bonis lion• haN filed Ill l/1(' <,ffice i)f the C,h.rk <)1 said C()lll'I It I'iiml z'l'l,<rt alld petitiml for disll'ibllliltl asking |lie Coul't I() s+'llh! said rolmrl, dlstril)- Lltl' Jill t)l'O].rl'|* ' tO till' ])+'t'l(llS till,rote elltiiled illld (iischll I'gt! l}l l)+,t It lOll, W aS Ad/llinist vatllr (it. t)()ll Js 11Oll : au(] that said rvl)ort and p(.lition will lm {} h.ard on the 29th day of May, 1. ,)9. at 10:00 o'ch)('k in tlw ({}i'{!lloon o] said day, <)r ns soon lhert,aftF.t as the nmt- U'I' Call hi' hq.llrd ill tiw ('(')lll'l rot#Ill of thP +ll)ovc-'alit](+d ¢'*Kll't. lIl lit(' COUl'thotlse In Shclton. MasIE C.ountY, Washington. at whi('h llrlll, and pJacc any ptH'S¢.lll inter+,sted ;-n said Estate ltiay al.)P('ar and fih' obj('('tnns lllereto and eontest Lho saint, Dated this 24th day tff April, 1959. ttARHY DEYETTE (3erk of said (;uurt By " h'cne MeGuire. Depuly. LEWIS & CORREA Attorneys t'oi EsLate Bell Bldg. 121 South 4th St. Shelton, Washington SEAL, Mason Co, Sup. Ct.) 4/30-5/7-12-19 4t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on Tuesday, the 5th day of' May, 1959, commenclng at tcn o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the Couuty Court House in the city of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state tide lands, together with the, improement.s situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit : NOT E--No one except citizens nf the orlc OPSAE ONtMBER • 'ON' BTATE Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 5th day of May, 1959, com- mencing at te o'clock in the forenoon of said day, il front of the mate en- trance door to the county courthott in the Clty of ,Port Ordhard. County of Kitsap, State nf Washlngt0n, .py the County Auditor of said county, .ra)e timber on the following describes state land will be sold at public auction to the highest .blaMer therefor, to-Wit: I AplleM!on No. F-H12 Kll timtSel- Within 2 marked sale area boundarle, plus a few markdd trees outalde of the sale area boundarles, comprising approximately 4,. bd:] ft.-of Doas'las fLr, 54,000 bd. tt. oli hemlock, 8ft.000 bd. it. of White ptne l nlld 7,000 bd. ft. of cedar, located on l part Of the NEtA SE% part of the SE E ana pa{'t of the S SWV. SE, Section 15. part of the NWIA NE4 and part of the E% NE NWrl east of road in Section 22 all in Township 24 North, Range 1 West, W.M., containing 39 acres, more or less. Timber will be sold on a cash basis. Minimum acceptable bid i• $13,409.00. At time of sale the purcha•er must poaY $13,405.00, plus a $2,00 bill of sale e, or a total of $13 405.00, 2n the form of cash, money ¢')rder, certified cheek or bank draft, The balance be- tween the appraised price and the bid er price, if any. may be paid by p - sonal check. Purchaser must also tut.- nish a surety bond of $2,500.00, to guar- antee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All cheeks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Comml•sioner of Public Lands. Time for reelects1 will be one year. Located approximately 15 miles north- west of Gorst, Aceosstbility: Via publtc aCCess road. Complete contract specificattoni may b examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Audltor's offfiee, Ld Comtnlssioner of .Public Lands; f , timber on,said land will b., sold or not less tlmn the appraised value, as appraised  by the Commissioner of Public LandSt. in the manner provided by law, a statement of which Is now on fl In theoffice of the Auditor of sa, count ],. e .=rm, . I15 a: Cash to b, paid mi the day of sale, BERT. L. COLE C<mimissioner of Public Lands -Vl--s0 t United States, or persons who have declared thele intention to become ]such, can purchase state laads. APPLICATION NO. 113280 The tidelands of the second class below the line of mean low tide. own- ed by the State of Washington, situate lh front of, adiacent to or abutting up- on those p0rthms of Government Lot 5, Section 24, Township 21 North, Range 2 West. W.M,. descrilied as follows : The east 246,7 feet of said Govern- ment Lot 5 with a frontage of 3.81 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at$25.00 per lineal chain or $95,25; also That portion of the EV= of said overnment Lot 5, lying west of the East 246.7 feet thereof with a front- age of 8.45 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $25.00 per lineal chain or $161.25. Satd lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upoda the terms and condition tel Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chaee price must tie paid at the firne af sale. The purchaser, if he be not the Owner of the improvements, must orthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full anutunt of the ap- l)raised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of thc pur- chase price must be paid annually thei,ehfter with ihlerest on all deferred payments at tie rate (if six per centum cper annum: Provided, That any pur- aser may make full payment of prin- el, interest and •tatutmT h,es at any tlm and obtain deed. The pur- chaser of land containiu timber or other valuable materials m prohibited by taw from cutting or removing any such timber or materials tthout first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, until th, full amount of the purchase price has been paid and" deed issued. All stiles of state lands are made subject to the reserve(ions of oils, gas- es. coal. ores, minerals and fossils ot' every name, kind •nd description, and to the additional terms and conditions prescribed in secth)n 3 of chapter 258 of the Laws of 1907, Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of e_ltpter $12 of the Semion Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of-wy and 1be carrying of tim ner, • toae, minerals and other proaucts over th same, (EAL) ' BERT L. COLE, Comlllissloner of Publiv Lsnds, 4/2-9-16-2-30--5t. Christian S00:ience Service Stlnday G,)t's law of justice a(I mercy will be brought out at Christian Science services Sunday. "Everlasting I)unishment '' is the topic of tht, Lesson-Sermon, a cent.rhl thente of which is set. forth in the Golden Text: "F:vil pursu- elh sinn¢?rs: bill Lo the righteous good sba, ll be repayed" (Proverbs 1:1:21 ). Selections from "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- lures" by Mary Baker Eddy will include 122:30-31) : "lustice te- quires reformation of the sinner. Mercy cancels the debt only when justice approves." Among the Bible passages to be read is this from Psalms (51:1): "Have mercy upon me, O God.. according to thy loviig-kindness: according unto the multitude Of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions." Adventists Plan 00veral Services The special three weeks Ander. son-hankel series of evangelis{ic on Prophecy concluded April 25. A warm welcome is ex- tended to fellowship in God's house. Ladies Dorcas Society meets ev- ery other Tuesday at 10: a,m. at the church, May 5 will be the next meeting. Midweek prayer service is held Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school hour is at 9;30 a.m. Saturdays, which is the church at study, with classes for all ages, Worship servtce follows at 11 o'clock. May 2 there will be a yotmff people's service for all missionary wlhmteers and other at 3:00 p.m., followed by another baptismal service at 4 o'clock. Baptists to Start Attendance Contest The First Baptist Sunday school is starting an attendance contest May 3rd, competing with other Conservative Ba p t is t Sunday schools throughout the state of Washington. Each Sunday in the month will be highlighted with some special feature. May 3rd will be "Mystery Gift" Sunday. A mystery gift will be given to the one bringing the most new members to his or her department. May 10th will feature a Mothers Day program and all mothers present that day will be honored. In addition to the state contest :+"]6c'tl competitim Is in progress belween the departments of the SIIlltl:,ty school. Boards with dif- ferent colore(I lights will repre- sent each class and each depart- ment. Attendance is the key to success fo V this venture and all members and friends are nrged to attend faithfully. Mrs, Mable Goodwin is super- intendent of the' Stmday school and department superintendents include Mrs. John Cole. Jr., Be- ginners; Mrs. George Valley, Pri- mary; Mrs. E. C Knautz. Juniors; Mrs Bob Err:n, Junior High; Mrs, Howard Yule. High School; and Mrs. Pat Wagner, Adults. Iegal Publications NOTICE O!¢ SALE.OF NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER l'ublic notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Puh]ie Law 273. 78th Congress (58 Stal. 132; 16 U.S.C.A, 583-5831), and the Cooperative Agreement for the Management of the Participating For- est Properties in the Shelton Cooper- ative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of Amoriea and the Simpson Loggtn Ci)nlp{tny, dated December 12, 1946, ll m++rehantahle timber marked or des- ignated for cutting on an area em- bracing 234 acres, more or 'less, witlin Sections 30 and 31, T. 22 N., R. 5 W., and See(leas 25 and 36, T. 22 N., R, 6 W, W.M., surveyed. Bingman Block, Mason County, Sheltnn Coeperatlve Sustaiaod Yield Uitit, Olympic National Fof'est, State of Washington, will be m.)ld to the Simpson Logging Compsny, Seattle. Washington, on May 11, 1959, The estimated volumes are: 12,800 M board feet Douglas-fir and Western white pine, 300 M I:toard feet Western red cinder and 2,900 Mboard feet West- era hemlock and other specie•. The mininmm at'.(:0'ptable price per M board f( , • "t is as follows: Douglas-f|r altd Western white pine $24,25, Western red cedar $7.40 and Western hemlock abd othor pectes $7.25. This includes the folh)wing stumpage rates per M b0ard fe.t: Deuglas-flr and Western white pine $23.40. Westeia red cedar $8,55 and W.stern hemlock and other species $6.40, plus $0.45 for sale area better- ment and $0.40 for alash disposal for all species, Tf requested by the State of Washington or by Mason Coutty er by any person deemed to have a reasonable Interest in the Pr0posd sale. or in its terms, a public hear|hg will be held in the office of the Forest Suporvt•or, Po•t Office Building, Olymo pia, Waflngton, on ths 2th day of April, f919, at 2:00 P.M. Requests for public hearing will not be constder,d unless received in the office o the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Rulhto ing, ()lympta, Washington, cm or be- fore April 24, 1959. Dated April 1, 1959, Lbtyd G. Gillmor, Fore•t Super- visor, Olyn|pic Nathmal Forest. 4/9-19-23-80 4t No. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REIORT AND 1ETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE (iF  WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Prohate) In the Matbr of the Estate ef MA- BEL CARMAN. IXeoased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt GLENN E, CORREA. as Administrator de h(mis non *if tim estate of Mabel Carman, has filed in the office of the Clerl< of said Court his Final Report ar, d Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, d- iril)ute t]le l)rol)erly Lo tile persohs lhercto entitled and to discharge said Administrator de bonts non: and that said Report and Petition will be heard on the 15th day of May, 1959 at 10:00 #.M. at the (urt Room of the Prt- bate Del>artment of ssld Court, at which time and place any person Inte'- ostcd In said Estate may. app.' aid file objeetlon thereto ana to.test the 8sine, DATED th !y0tll day gTrll, 19+9. H R DEYE Clrk Of ai Collrt LZWIS 'Guire' De,.ty Attt, rneys for Estate Bell Bttildin! + 121 Sonih llourth Street Shelton. Washlngt-n 4/16-23-3f}-5/7 +It Episcopalians Plan United Service Tlere will be a united service of the ctlngregations of the ti]piseol)al chlu'eh in lhe Otllhll'tt Convo(qt. tion at the new building of St. Failh Lutheran Plans .,(,hn'.+ 00ht, rc,, in ,,-,t,,, e()l)lillg' Slit|day afl.ernooll tit 4 H01y O0mmunbn Sun ..c,oc.. ,,,+sed ,.t(li, ,,,sed • (if melnbers elf the varions chul'ches free1 Shelton, Vtlncouver There will be Holy Communion ....  Aberdeen will furnish (he ran- at both the 8:15 and .the 11:00,';.";'.,. Bisbop Dagwell of Oregon a,m. worship services thin Sunday. will be the preacher at this united This. Sunday is the beginning of service. .,l I nationally observed Family Week, so we invite you to worship to- gether as a family Lhis Stmday and every ,Sunday. "The family that prays "together stays togeth- The Sunday school and adult Bible classes are'held between the l worship services at 9:30 a.m. On Tuesday evening, the youth= cla§s meets at 7:00, On Wednesday at 7,:00 p.m, the' Ladies Aid of the church will have a special program in the church parlos for its regular ,monthly meet:fig., All the ladies of the ckurch: are welcome to bring their mothers or another, lady friend. On ,Thursday at 3:30 p.m., the junior choir will have its rehear- sal, and at 8:00 the senior choir. Bginnig" Friday of next week Faith Lutheran church invites you to its ffpectal sp'ring sb.rvices with Pator Robert H. Rlsmiller of the Lutheran Bible school' in Seattle Ss the guest speaker, Tlee will be services each 'evenlng at 7:30 Friday, May 8', through Tuesday, May 12, PaStOr Bretheim ts ar- ranging special music for each Sevee. Bring morngone with you, You'll bth be richer for coming. Journal Want Ads Pay Rmt Ohri.tiH 01mr00 "New Teetament Christianity" Lewis E. Whitney, MiniSter Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET ' Bible.Sho01 9:45 {bin. Church Services 11:0U a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. , I Following the service a. Convo- cation dinner will be served in the parish hall, and a short businr, ss meeting held. Members of the congregation of Saint David's and of the commu- nlty in general are cordially in- vited to the service, whether or not they remain for the dinner and business nteeting. Services at St. David's on Sun- day will folh)w the regular scht(i- ule: 9:00 a.m. HOly C()mnlunion; 9:45 a.nL---church schilol; 1L litlI1, ..... Holy Commttnion and sernlou by the vicar. MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Baptist Church of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welcome t i_ i , i Sainl David's Ohuroh (Episcopal) + 4th & Cedar Streetg Rev. R'obert Bonnet Echoll, Vicar AT SAINT DAVID'S: Services 9 and 11 a.m. Chnrch School 9:45 a.m. ' AT SAINT JOHN'S Olympia: United Convocation SerVice ..... 4 p.m. II I [I THE HETHODlST OHURt)H 4th & Pine -- Parsonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a:m. i " i I I II I I i i ii ii ! i i i i ji m i i FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY. MAY 3-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "BttlMing Happy Homes" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departments. 7:00 p.m. "Lazy Husbands and DifficUlt Wives" ! ..... L "-( ......... FAITH LUTilERAN OHUROH Sventh & 'i'ankllr Sta. -- J. ernhard lSlrtheim, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m, Sunday worship 8:1.5 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mld-Xveek Service--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. 1/I ' ii I r i i ii i I x   III]Ta OHUROH OF THE FHR SQUARE iIOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN "Stintl&y Shobl ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worghlp ........................................ 1t:00 a.m. lvah0e1111tli: Sedtob .................................... 7:00 p.m, rayeP Meit'ing ........................ Wedneilday 7:00 p.m. .... REV. OARY N. BLACK, Pastor 6HUR6H OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST Aider St., dhelto,. Wash. Sundity Sch6ol,gi30a:m. Church 11 a.m. .... We&re€day vening testimony meetings 8 p.m. lstlhg, ro6m .lttl in church, Reading rcmm hours 2 to t p.m. Mort. & Frl. Wed. eventng 8:45 to ?:45 .......... + ++/+- ......... , ,, ,, a t , MT, VIEW ALLIAHCE CHUROH WIl'lhlflllltOn & J Sta. Eugene Breid, Paator Sunday ehool .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Mornin WO'ahip ........................... : .................................... 11:00 a.m, A. T. ' .................................................................................. 6:30 p,m. Evenllg Service ...: ............................................................. 7:30 p.m. Mid-week ervtce Wednesday ........................................... 7:30 p.,m EVERYONE WELCOME _ i ,,, flJ ii i i i | BEmEH'$ 0LU! P.U,D. AUDITORIUM • SRD & COTA SUNDAY, MAV 3 8:00 s.m. Breakfast at Shelton HOtel. 9:15 a.m. Coffee tin,e, 9:30 a.m. Gue=t speaker Gordoh McLean. "The Home That Wins" 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "Without God's Help". ' ,i .... You Will Enjoy the Fellowhip At the SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 60D 130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor me Sunday School ..................................................................... 9:45 s.m. (A class for each member o[ your flily) Morniug Worship ........................................................ '..' ...... t1:0t} a,m. Christ's Antbassadors ...................................................... 6:00 p,m, Revival Service .................................................................... 7:00 p.m, Ltsten to Revivaltlme Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO _ r,,__ L959 "Ohri,tmastow., (, USED CABS FOR SALE--52 Deluxe Chevrohq, aato- foundation, mldh:, ll'ansnlissbJn, real clean, god $6250. Phone I)aini: gu.d I)uy. IIA 6-,t61,9. F4/23._.t f n ..................................................... IVi,I/9 I fn iome, dou-]1956 OLDSMOBILE 88, Holiday c.upe. $4100. [ cadio, heater, power brakes. ()++viler ltlUt sacrifice. }'hone HA 6-,t5{}7. D4/23-30 2t ...................................... PJ/16-30 F()R SALE--'48 Chev. C(mpe, GMC 270 motor. Pimnc 6-,1429 aftl,r 6;31) *. 2 wells .... p:n: .......................... T./2375/7 tits. See to 1952 620 GMC log' truck lind iraih.r. Agate Good l:ondition, Reasonable. Jack F. E, Meh'alf, Copalis Cl'OSsi ng', Wash. 4/23 tin .... !lU,m, .. Cop: _200_ 7. ...................... 4123-30 home 1954 RAMBLER four-door Cross (OtUl- try wagon, radio, heater, ovt.rdrlvc, g.od c,)nditton. Pht)ne HA 6-4287. G.t / '3()1 fn Lost 00tmn LOST -- Green 1)ai'ekeet, mah, from 37 Arcadia, Friday, Band numhor WBS 248P-58-18. Phone HA 6-,1270. St/30 Y4m tl Legal Publications I i N()TICE OF ilEARING ON INTENTION TO ,1,:1.1. C01UNTY |ERSONAL I'RO Il'.l{'rY NOTICE IS }IEREBY GIVEN, that wonderfttl It apea'rs to the best interests of Ms- County" that the following des- cribed personal property belonging to Mason County hc sold: fer car, the H3/ tfn County Equip, 12 "/4 76 46 54 Description 1942 Ford Truck Chassis & Cah 1951 Dodge 8 yd. Dmnl) Tmu:k 1941 Chev. Truck Chassis & Cab 1951 AC Model D. Grader Adams Mod+q 8.1 Pull Grader 1942.Farnlall tractor w/n.,wcr Tarpot patcher ITrailer) 8 ton semi-trailer Trailer dolly 2 dump lruek bodies 2 Dozer blades for IHC TD9 2 A Fran., pulley 1 12 angle blade with arms NOTICE IS FURTIIER GIVEN, that the Board of Coumty O0nimissh)ners will meet on Monday. May 4, 1959 at 2:00 :P.M. in the office of the Board the Court House In Shelt0n, to hear: determine th* advisability of mak-, auC]a sale, at Which time ahd place .tld Board shall hear evidehce ania should any be offered, and advisability of such l: sale. DATED,this 20th day of tril. 1959. BDARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHI!TON ' Joiln BaFiekman Roy. Mitchell C, W. Strockenbach ATTEST : C, Nolat Maso .. Clerk of the Board 4/23-30 2t Preferred Prol00rties E LAKE LOTS .... with no bank, good beach. Among available today. Full price $350, $500 I18!I If Your Rent Is $50 or More .... Hillcrest, $4200 , $300 down, $35 per Angleide, $5500, $500 down, 40 per Hillcrest, two lots, $4500, $500 down, ' month. Hillcrest, $6,500, $500 down, $50 per Downtown, $4,950, 4500 down, $45 per m Mr. View, $5500, $1000 down, $50 per "R TRANSFERRED, MUSt'SELL . . . attractive, • larger than average, guest cottage, on Mt. View. years old. The price is $9,600 (eras little as $300 down FHA. today. IN, FHA .... very attractive 3 bedroom 11 year old On 90x100 beautifully landscaped baseboard electric heat, built-in oven plastered ttnd many more plus fea- - $15,500, HOME, FIREPLACE, 5 ACRES .... charmer ia in the Agate district. A the acreage is cleared, has several excellent soft for 'gardening. Will with 10w down payment. LARGE FAMILY ...... plus roomy play area. Attractive Large living room, dining room, corn- utility and garage. Owner will or what have you. Outside 0ely a %totle's thow from ailrcad See it today, REALTY CALL HA e.sSS5 226 Norflt First EXCELLENT BUYS! FOR Ar, CAR, TRAILER; [TC .... home on 5 acres at Agate. Fruit spot, and other buildings. $5500 with Owner will take most anything of tSUL PLAY AREA FOR CmLD.ZSt ... mtreet from this 2 bedroom home is the school playgrouhd. And "it's so nice for panelled walls, wired for range, and you can move in for $500." ACREs,__ IN SKOKOMISH VALLEY... f'-.mhed and very neat small home. Even has IW $4750 WRh $1000 down and $45/month. " qown payment. \\; ItEOROOM HOME . . . and it lcely decorated. Plastered ex- car garage, nice residential district, and with $300 down plus FHA closing costs. HOM- WI'H BASEMENT, . . very comfortable home with fireplace, basement, and extra lot ff desired. EN FARM ON 50 ACRES NEAR AGATE fine chicken houses, barn, outbuild- land with creek thru property. $15,000. IMy 4 BEDROOM HOME IS DOWNTOWN excellent family home. Features include room, basement, 2 car garage, and chools. $10,500 on terms. tLLt LKE SOY LiFT... if you'd like lake frontage! So much boating, fishing, etc, Only $1275 'ERTIES YOU SHOULD SEEI . .. get your summer 1ace out there, Have Check on these. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR • Title Insurance Bldg Legal Publicatior, s In tile Matle" of COIrN'I'Y R()AI) I'R(hIE('T NO. 308 '1'1' IS HERIqP.Y RES()LVIqI') Fly the Fl.ard of (,,,u air C ntmissi )nl's tilai it is their inh. ll 'n 't ef)n,'tl'llCi a i I-iF X- illlt I,! V 1.] Inih, (,f ('I)LUItV road ft'onl ]-t,llsit)l lM/kc nlri]lor|y tO Shot'wood Ct't'ok. Tit]s iltllU'()VCnlPni iS locah*d ill the NW NW S,'eii(m 3, T,)wnship 21 N, Hango 2W W.M. Th,, ltcin(gl)al quantities arc clear- ing eiRhl acres, uuvlassified excava- lion 12.00{} cubic yards. FIE IT B'URTIIER ItESOLVED that the al.)ovl describc(I county road pt'o- )(q' is II¢C(',Sil'y and l)t'ltl)t!t ', and ih, estimale(l costs (.f said pr)ject arc herewitll set Ollt in detail as f(dlows: From Gas Tax funlts--Rl,ad Con- struclilm, $5,00{},0(1. Total. $5,000/)0. Labor : Day. Tit(, county road proje('i h,,rein des- trilled is HEREFlY I)ICT.ARFD to be a public necessity and tile' County [{oa(l Enginel!r tS tIFIItEBY ()RI)ERED AND AUTIIORIZID to rcpocl and lrocced thor.n as by law [covided. BE IT FLIRTtIER RESOLVED that this project, if (It(',' w rk, b, perf)rnmd by stlporvisl)r in" flceordance with the Sitmdard Road lind Bridge Sl)ecil'ica- lions of the Statc of Washington as adopti,d by this hoard. • AD()PTED Ihis 20th day of April 1959. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- I SI()NIqRS OF MASON COUNTY, I WASItlNGTON ] John Flarleknmn, Chairman I C.W. Streckenhaeh 1ATTER " Mitchell C. Nolan Mason Clerk of the Board 4/23-30 2t NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER ON RTATE LANDS Notice is hereby givPfl that on Tues- (lab'. the 5ih day of May, 1959, com- leone:rig at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main en- trance door to the :ounty court house ill+ the. City of Shelton. C unty of Ma- son, Slate of Washington. by the Coun- ty Auditor of said county, the thnber on the folh)wing described state land will( be sold at publi( auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: tim Applh'ati°nbeT No. 2,83 All " ,' within a marked sale area boundary, comprising approximately 242.000 bd. ft. of Dougla fir, 38.000 bd. ft. of hemlock and 16,000 bd. ft, of white pine, located on the S of J+ot 4, Of Section I8, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M., in Mason County, containing -9.0 acres, morc or ess, Tiniber will )e sold on a cash bass. Minimum acceptable bid is $.6,934.00. At time of ,ah the purchas6r must pay $6,934.00, plu. a $2.00 bill of sale fee, or a total of 6,936,00 in the form of cash, money order, certified check or bank draft. The balance between the appraised price and the bid price, if any. nmy be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish a surety bond of $2.(00.00 to guarantee compli- ance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, m)r ",y orders, etc are to be made payable'to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Time for renloval will be one year. Located approximately 22 miles northwest ef Shelton. Accessibility: Purchaser must enter inlo road rise agreenmnt with Silnp- son Logging company, et)ptes of which are on file in the District and Olym- pia offices. € Complete contract specifications may examined at Shelton District Head- County Auditor's office, and ,mmissioner of Public Lands, Olym- pia. Said timber (In •aid land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Conunissioner of Pubhc Lands in the manner provided by law, a statement of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county. Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid on tle day of sale. BERT L. COLE Conunissioner of Public Lands 4/2-9-18-28-80 5t No. 2996 N()TICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE No, 1093 IN TttE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) Tn the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of JOSEPH CARL KNAUF, De- (:eased, and GLADYS KNAUF, De- (:eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MILFORD C. KNAUF, in his capacity as admintstrat'or of the estate of Jo- seph Carl Knauf, :]eceased, and-LAUR- EL WALKER. as administratrix of the estate of Gladys Knauf, deceased, will sell at private sate and fc)r cash the following described real estate: That portion of the Northeast (qIrler of the Southwest quartvr tl SWV) lying West of the Westerly right-nf-way line of the Old County Road and all of the Northwest quarter of the South- west quarter INW4 SWa£) ex- cepting right-of-way for existing Cloquallum County Road, all be- ing in Section three (3), Town- ship nineteen (19) North. Range four (4) West, W.M.. to the highest and best bidder. Bids must be submitted in writing and may he left With the administrator and ad- ministratrix at 121 South Ei)urth trcet, Shelton, Washington. Bids will e received until the date of sale. The sale will be made on or after May 1, 1959. The administrator and administratrix reserve the rlg!t to reject any and all bids, MILFORD C. KNAUF Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Clarl Knauf, Deceased. LAUREL WALKER Admlnlstratrlx of the Estate of Gladys Knauf, Ddceased. ]LEWIS & CORREA Bell ,Bull ding ll South Fourth Street S]elton, Washing-ton 4/23-30 2t No. Sl :' -NOTICE TO CREDITOBS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON , COUNTY . In the Matter of the state of IVA STONER Deceased. 3ohn r. Stoner is the appointed and qualified Administrator oT said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are reeuired to serve the same in duvliedtb, duly verified, on said Adminfstrator or his attorhey, Robert L. Snyder at the auaress below statsd, and file the same with the Clerk of said Courtt together With proof of such servlce, wltnln six months after the date of first publics- tion of this notice, or the same will barred. of first publication.,.Aprll 9, JOHN W. STONEt Administrator Star RoUte 2, Box 149 Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER at Law uildlng Washington 4/-16-23-30 4t Nn, NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN'THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON IO R MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of PRANK WATER. De€eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY ..GIVEN that the said Administrator, wut on or after May 19, 1959, offer for sa:el tile (eli)w- ing descrihed real property situated in Masou County, Washington: • The East half (E) of the East half (E) of the West half (WvT) of the last half E½) .of the North- r (NE) lyln lorth of eaSt qallrte ,  . . € C. oad  now loeate(1 and _ht _ounty R , . In use, In Section 18. Township 21 North. Range 4 West. W.M.. contain- ing 5.5 acres, more or mess, together with the appurtanees thereunto be- Ion in . l ids must be In writing and de- livered to the Admint?trator, iiis attof ney Robert L. yaer, or the Clerk of .ald Courl, before 12 ()'clock noon, May 18, 1959 ....... Said property wct tal ' hDn'ered for sale for cash, or • S / • credit. and the sale shall be subject to the confirmation and approval of said Court. The Administrator reserves the right to reject any and all blds. DATED this 27th day of April, 1959. Ad LANNING 1, BoX 99 ton ton Attorney for trator 4/90-5/7-12 3t i i • , i Legal Publicatmns NOTJ('E ()1" NAI. I'; ()1" 'rlMIU,'.R t)N NTATI", I.ANI) Nolive is hcretw giv('tl that ln Tues- daY, thl' 12tll day of Mny. 1959, c)tu- let,ncin at if'If l)'(']o('k ill ttt(' ['Ol'(.n)()ll of said day, ia I'I'tl]11 (d' lilo 1)l:lin (.n- trsn('0 d(.M' tt t}W ('(}(1lily I'oUFt hl)o(" in tlw City (,1' Silt]lee, (h,utlly [d' tad',( - Soil, Start, (,f Wasllittfftoli. I,y ill(' (.unty Auditor id' said cl(lllly, lhv tililt)OF lie tile followin d'svribod state larld will be s,,ht at I)Uh]ic at|(.- lion i(, tiw high,,s1 id/hhw therofor. to-wit : N Applielttioa , o, 1"-5112 Sltlail s('l(tl red treos within a hi;irk- t'(] salo at'(':l bl)tul(hlt'V, t'l)llll)l'j.hl  ;ll)_ proximately 23.00{} lal• ft. .f l)m  : , fir 40()0 l 't o' Iocg.,p. pine and 1.{}{}0 bd. ft. of whitv pine. located .n part Nt SW', S,'('ii.n i, Town:-;hi 11 23 N.rth, Rang,' 2, W.M., re,n- raining 42 ncrl.s, nltt'+, (It' I(LtS. Tin(her witl b, sold on a ('ant scah. basis. Minimun| acceptai)lo bid I.'r thous-, and hd. fl.: $6.5{} for all v(mlfers m1 ;t iLno})Pt' tally basis. At tinw of sah' the l}|s(r ellis( niake a d(q)osit of 21V/ of Ill(. bid )t' ('0 hase(] i,n tho I'ruis,+ etinlat,,, 16.41 ' th s deposit, )his a $5.0) t)iil of safe tel,, or a tola ¢, $. l..l(). Ol(t,t t) n the form of (+ash |tltUlOy (#rd(.t'. ('tq'-: ti' '(I check er bank draft. TIll, bal- Ilnct' ill' the i'eqllil'l'd dlqmsil, il' llllV, t(itx, ' hi, paid hy p,l'S(ntaL chock. At tinio of sltle pnrchascr ill/iS( Ills() I'(Ir- llisl| a cash bond 0f $100.00 In the form of ('a}l, n}oncy ordoI', c+.t+lified check or bank draft to gual.anlol. C{lll )liaIw. with all terms td' tim bill ol salt,. All (']tel'ks, nleney or(i,q's, el(',, at,(= t() l)e nladc payable to the (-(inlllliSSion(q. {If Public Lands. Time to" removal will t)o one yeir. Located approxinmtcly 12 mih,s west of GorsL Accessibility: via stale a(:(.oss road. .(l)nll)lete vontract spo('ifil'alilm nuly be oxanflned at Port Orchard Distcict Headquarters County Audilor's of five, and Comnflssloner el Public l.:mds, Olympia, aid timber on said land will'he sold for not less than the appraised vah|c. as appraised hy the Coluniissi,,n(,r f Public Lands. in the manner provided law, a statement of whivt| is nlw file in the office of the Auditgc said county, BERT L, COLE  Commissioner of Public Land... '1/30 It ' " No, :]105 NOTIC TO cBE1)ITOBN IN TItE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ,MASON' COUNTY In lhe Maltev of' the,Estate of CAR- OLINE ROBINSON, Deceased. Alonzo Robinson is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. All persons navlng ctaims against sald de- ceased are required to serve the same iu duplicate, duly verifled, on said Executor or his attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address heh)w stated, and file the same' with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be harred. DATE of first publication: April 9. L9F@. ALONZO ROBINSON Exet'utor Rout 3, Box 172 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law Govey Building' Shelton, Washington 4/9-16-23-30 4t ---V NOTICE OF %VATER Itl(l|lT APPIACATION NO. 15389 STATE OF WASHINGTON. OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That Loui O. Lar- son of Shelton, Washington, on April 13, 1959, fih!d application for permit to divert the public water's of Lake Spen- cer in the amount of ,01 second foot, subject to existing rights, from April 15 to October I each,year for the pur- pose of irrigation; that the approxi- mate point of diversion is located with- in Lots 26 & 27, Silencer Lake Water- 'rent Tracts. of Section ,32, Township 21 N., Range 2 W. W.M.. in Mason County. Any objections must be accompanied hy a two dollar ($2,00) recording f+,e and fih.d with the State Supervisor (,f Water Resources within thirly (30) days from April 3{}. 1959 Witne•s my hand and official seal lhis 16th day of April. 1959. M. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water R(,sl)ur('es (SEAL) 4/29-30 2t In tha Matter of COUntY ROAD PROJECT NO. 310 IT IS HEREBY IESOLVED BY the Board of County Commissioners tlmt it Is their intention to replace a woo(i- vU bridge over Dew Creek on el)unry road no. 260 by constructing a 1(1' die. culvert pipe. This improvement is located in the SE NE Section 9, Township 22N, Range 4 WWM 'The prineipM quantitte• tnvoh.ed are 100 lin ft. 10' die. culvert pipe, 5.800 cu. yds. eommoa excavation and 1,0IX) cu00ff% sRB. FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described county road pro- Ject is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said proiect are herewith set out in detail ,as'follows: From Gas Tax funds--Engineering, $300.00 : "Road " Construciton. $9.700.00 ; Total, $10,000.00. Labor: Day. The county road project herein des- cribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be a ,Public necessity and the County Road Engincer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon a• by law provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this project, if day work, be performed hy supervise(: in accordance with the Standard Rcl and Bridge Specifica- tions of the State of Washington as adopted by thie board, ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1959. BOARD OF QOUNTY OMMIS- SIONRS O MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON John Briekman. Chairman C. W, Streckenbaeh Roy Mitchell ATTEST: C. Nolan Mason Clerk of the Board 4/23-80 2t 1 Legal Publications ,, , r i No. 2052 NOT1CF (')1" III,:AI{IN(+ ON |,'INAL I{F,I'O|{T AND I'I+;TITII)N I'I)R !) I:.'I'|U III'TI{)N IN TI-IE S/l'l+;l{l)l. ('/)tTt'Jl' I)1+" TIll:, STAq' '; (|[¢ W,\\;S[ll N(ITI)N 1,'111" MASt)N Ih II'N'l'Y In i}w Mali,'r +,t lho l']stalp +d" AL- FRF.'I) .J'. l.lUt,'l'(II{iN', l),'c,';t,'d. t{l'lt:l I%'. ][(lllgFoll. AdnlilqlSlt'ltIFix of tht" said osinb', h:t: fih'd it; the s/tttl ('l)lll't hoF fhlal l'P]'ll't llll{I poti[idl f(ll' (tiSlt'ihu|i()ll. asl.lll,t' II.' (h,tll't |O s('tlh' said i'cihJl•i, di.;tliblli, ' ih, I)l'<q- ' 'ty i tl e pct:,,n th,qct, cl/lillHl and discharge th,' .mid A(hninis11'atl'ix. Said l'4'11o1'I lilt(| In'litl,n will In. ]l(qt)'d (lU • ' <)r:{} {} 111 1  N1il (i y ,l 5'lay, I..).. ;11 1 tl, , in i]I€' ('Otll'iltOIII €'I' :'Hi(l C(mrl, itl |]1o ('d nlv ()llt | ]l()U.q(' It( S]l'll I)lt, W:lsl/in$4 I1 , t)AT]+.'I) TIIIS (ith ('I v ,,f April, 1959. llA l{IT.Y [ll,:Y t,.'T T I,.' ('h,rl .f said (.h,lll'l R('tP.ERT I.. SNYI)Et. (h n'+'y Fltlihl big Nh+'ll(ol, ",V:l:41t ill'l on Allo 'ncv for Adnfinitratrix 4/9-16-23-30 4t NOTI('I,; O1" AI.I'] I)F N'rA'rE TII)E I,ANI)4 N()TI('E IS ttEIU;:I,Y GIVEN, T}mf :)il Tutt;day. tilt' 2nd d:ly o[ .I IItD', l .Jo.), coilllll(n('i/lg /11 IA'n /cb('k ilt the, l'(.l'o. no)tl l,f s:lid dlly, la fl,I|l )1' lib' [YI/lilt etlt t'iln('o dr)oF I() th+' (+t)Illll y ('tltll'l t-t¢)us,  in tht. i.i V of S}l,, '|lntv tl' 5asolt, Si:)l*' of A.' a, h i IU4 t o l). I)3' the (J<)t nty Audit.r of said (.tll)lly. ill.' folhwinR (h sel'i b,'d stale tide land.% t(,gvtlwr witlt tlw ilnl)rm'emcnts sitttatod lin.voon, wiil 1)o s(dd at l)tlt)- lic aut'lJon lO ihv high+'.t bi,hh,r t]l,'l'o- fl)r, to-wit: N()TE+ No <,no except (,itizens id' tilt, Unit,,d States, ,r tt'rs Is wh( Imvo dP('htrl.d tilt'it' int¢,ntiat to 1)(H•4}lt It ' sn('h, can pt!r(.[laso St(lit' lltn(i:. Application No. 13238 The tid,,lan(is ol tii. sec(,ml class, own*,d by Ih+ + Stat,' ,,f Vta.hington. situate il| l'r(,rI of. a(ljIwvnl h +lr ahul- ling ulmn the S.uih 100 fo.I .f lira North 30{} foet (d' l)Vot'ntlllqlt 1..t t, Sevtbm 21, Township '2'2 N.rih, Range 1 Wesl. W+M., with :l fl't,at:lgo (,[ 1.55 ]inlttl ('haitls, nll'., tl" h,ss, ilp- )lais,d at $5{}.0(I p,'r lin+'al chain t,l' ;77.5(/. Exc(qUing. th*,r+,fr<)ln, /lily tidelands (if the St'('otld (']/IMS I',,ll%'t'3'¢'fl 11) Tilt)S. ()'Ndll ued A. L, Ml'l)¢mahl. throut-.i eed iSSll,(I [')t'fN'tllh+'F l. Ii{)0 for tilt' cultivation (,1' (WStt't's in a(,ciwdatIce with th(' prm'i..i as ()1' hnph,v 2,t. Laws of 1895. under APl)licali,,a No. 3{}01 and lo W. II. Kin,viand lhrough deed ismmd Svi:temb,,r 15, 19{}6 l',w the eultival ion of o3,st o 'S in llC('(wdan['o with tho t) r't e.risions of ('}miller 2'I, Laws of 1895 under Aiq)h('ldlon No. 3/0. Said lands will be sold l%r not less thaa tim a])pFaisv(l Vll]ll(' :ll)()V stat('d and tlt)(,n th., tot'tll. ;itl(i ¢'(mditi,,ns following: Not l+'ss than ,)n'+t'nth (d' tht + pur- chhse" I)ric+' ill(iS1 i)+' paid al t]l,' tiltle f)f sah +, T}lc I)Ul'('has('I', If ]tl' I)(' llO1 the owm.r of 'tl't(' inlprov(*nlcnts, must forthwith i)Ily 1o [ia, Jl'fj(,o,' totlklll4' th sah, the full amount ol' the ap tt'aisvd vahlt, of the IIII[,)FI)VCIII4'II|S, ;IS ab(+vt, stat,,d, ()ll(+-l+,tl+il +,I" |ht, D +'''•- chltsl, Itrice lnust be paid annually thereafter witb illter(.st on all ( I,'t[ paYnlents at th+' l'aie of SiX ]JOt' con- tLnn l)Pt" ann(nil: Provided, That ally pLtl'cbllsl,r Iliay illak(, |'ll]l t) vi t'n (,f t)riIl('il)al. JntCl'eSt and statuato|'y fees Id any titllt' tuld obtain d+'cd. TIlt' |)Ln'['hasq' of ]and conl/tilling t int])('F ''  lh+'l' valuabh, nlIli q' II]N ia I rohi - it'd I)y law |'|'ltl cutting or l't',lllOvitl, • aoy SU('it titoher or tnaUu'isls witholll ftrsL oltailltn , nsonl of 1|1,, C4,111* Iliissi(lll++t ' [)f PUMic, Lilt|it ill,' full lUllollnl (d' liw pul'cllaso ptqco htt hH+ll I)aid and d,'+'d issued. All sah's of stat' leads are made subj('('t l( thl' t'+'SO t''Hi ](tlS >1' oiJ., gaseS, ct)ai, ores, nlitlt,l'll]S and fl')SllS l)t' (:x'(t'y natll(. ]liIld and dvs('t'ipt, ion, and t() lht" addili.nal tt,l'ltts an(I coD- tlilions l)('(,scrib,,d in soel i,,n 3 (it' chap- ter 256 of lira ,ff 1907. Said land will I., sold st bi-ct to Lhf 11'111)S. CI)ll(iitioltS al](i I'('sol'v/ttl()tlS of etla/)1+w :]12 l th,, Svsioo Laws of 1927. r('lalitl' 1. {,:ts+,m,,nts I'.t rights- of-way rind tim c;tt'l'ylnM [)t" litllIwl'. sl, Jn ', nllll('l'ttlN Had t)|h('l [ll'l)(hlctS ovcr the Stllle• P, EFlT L. ('OIAC C()ltltll]SSh)llt.r eli Puhli(" Itnd.. 4/;¢(}-5,:7-12.11b./t. g No. 28Sl NOTICE OF IIFAI]ING FINAL REPORT ANI) I'ETITiON FOR I)ITRInI'TION IN TItE SUPEIUIff{ C()UI{T OF TIIE STATE OF' WASHINGTON YOR MASON (?()UNTY ( III Prablllc ) In t}w Matt,r t,f tlw E;dah' (,t MAH.- TftA t.. JA('OI]b. Dvcom+ed. N(ITICE IS IfEREBY (I1VI+]N lhaL (ILENN E. CORREA A(]lllllUdll'll/or de bonis lion• haN filed Ill l/1(' <,ffice i)f the C,h.rk <)1 said C()lll'I It I'iiml z'l'l,<rt alld petitiml for disll'ibllliltl asking |lie Coul't I() s+'llh! said rolmrl, dlstril)- Lltl' Jill t)l'O].rl'|* ' tO till' ])+'t'l(llS till,rote elltiiled illld (iischll I'gt! l}l l)+,t It lOll, W aS Ad/llinist vatllr (it. t)()ll Js 11Oll : au(] that said rvl)ort and p(.lition will lm {} h.ard on the 29th day of May, 1. ,)9. at 10:00 o'ch)('k in tlw ({}i'{!lloon o] said day, <)r ns soon lhert,aftF.t as the nmt- U'I' Call hi' hq.llrd ill tiw ('(')lll'l rot#Ill of thP +ll)ovc-'alit](+d ¢'*Kll't. lIl lit(' COUl'thotlse In Shclton. MasIE C.ountY, Washington. at whi('h llrlll, and pJacc any ptH'S¢.lll inter+,sted ;-n said Estate ltiay al.)P('ar and fih' obj('('tnns lllereto and eontest Lho saint, Dated this 24th day tff April, 1959. ttARHY DEYETTE (3erk of said (;uurt By " h'cne MeGuire. Depuly. LEWIS & CORREA Attorneys t'oi EsLate Bell Bldg. 121 South 4th St. Shelton, Washington SEAL, Mason Co, Sup. Ct.) 4/30-5/7-12-19 4t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on Tuesday, the 5th day of' May, 1959, commenclng at tcn o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the Couuty Court House in the city of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state tide lands, together with the, improement.s situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit : NOT E--No one except citizens nf the orlc OPSAE ONtMBER • 'ON' BTATE Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 5th day of May, 1959, com- mencing at te o'clock in the forenoon of said day, il front of the mate en- trance door to the county courthott in the Clty of ,Port Ordhard. County of Kitsap, State nf Washlngt0n, .py the County Auditor of said county, .ra)e timber on the following describes state land will be sold at public auction to the highest .blaMer therefor, to-Wit: I AplleM!on No. F-H12 Kll timtSel- Within 2 marked sale area boundarle, plus a few markdd trees outalde of the sale area boundarles, comprising approximately 4,. bd:] ft.-of Doas'las fLr, 54,000 bd. tt. oli hemlock, 8ft.000 bd. it. of White ptne l nlld 7,000 bd. ft. of cedar, located on l part Of the NEtA SE% part of the SE E ana pa{'t of the S SWV. SE, Section 15. part of the NWIA NE4 and part of the E% NE NWrl east of road in Section 22 all in Township 24 North, Range 1 West, W.M., containing 39 acres, more or less. Timber will be sold on a cash basis. Minimum acceptable bid i• $13,409.00. At time of sale the purcha•er must poaY $13,405.00, plus a $2,00 bill of sale e, or a total of $13 405.00, 2n the form of cash, money ¢')rder, certified cheek or bank draft, The balance be- tween the appraised price and the bid er price, if any. may be paid by p - sonal check. Purchaser must also tut.- nish a surety bond of $2,500.00, to guar- antee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All cheeks, money orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Comml•sioner of Public Lands. Time for reelects1 will be one year. Located approximately 15 miles north- west of Gorst, Aceosstbility: Via publtc aCCess road. Complete contract specificattoni may b examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Audltor's offfiee, Ld Comtnlssioner of .Public Lands; f , timber on,said land will b., sold or not less tlmn the appraised value, as appraised  by the Commissioner of Public LandSt. in the manner provided by law, a statement of which Is now on fl In theoffice of the Auditor of sa, count ],. e .=rm, . I15 a: Cash to b, paid mi the day of sale, BERT. L. COLE C<mimissioner of Public Lands -Vl--s0 t United States, or persons who have declared thele intention to become ]such, can purchase state laads. APPLICATION NO. 113280 The tidelands of the second class below the line of mean low tide. own- ed by the State of Washington, situate lh front of, adiacent to or abutting up- on those p0rthms of Government Lot 5, Section 24, Township 21 North, Range 2 West. W.M,. descrilied as follows : The east 246,7 feet of said Govern- ment Lot 5 with a frontage of 3.81 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at$25.00 per lineal chain or $95,25; also That portion of the EV= of said overnment Lot 5, lying west of the East 246.7 feet thereof with a front- age of 8.45 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $25.00 per lineal chain or $161.25. Satd lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upoda the terms and condition tel Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chaee price must tie paid at the firne af sale. The purchaser, if he be not the Owner of the improvements, must orthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full anutunt of the ap- l)raised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of thc pur- chase price must be paid annually thei,ehfter with ihlerest on all deferred payments at tie rate (if six per centum cper annum: Provided, That any pur- aser may make full payment of prin- el, interest and •tatutmT h,es at any tlm and obtain deed. The pur- chaser of land containiu timber or other valuable materials m prohibited by taw from cutting or removing any such timber or materials tthout first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, until th, full amount of the purchase price has been paid and" deed issued. All stiles of state lands are made subject to the reserve(ions of oils, gas- es. coal. ores, minerals and fossils ot' every name, kind •nd description, and to the additional terms and conditions prescribed in secth)n 3 of chapter 258 of the Laws of 1907, Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of e_ltpter $12 of the Semion Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of-wy and 1be carrying of tim ner, • toae, minerals and other proaucts over th same, (EAL) ' BERT L. COLE, Comlllissloner of Publiv Lsnds, 4/2-9-16-2-30--5t. Christian S00:ience Service Stlnday G,)t's law of justice a(I mercy will be brought out at Christian Science services Sunday. "Everlasting I)unishment '' is the topic of tht, Lesson-Sermon, a cent.rhl thente of which is set. forth in the Golden Text: "F:vil pursu- elh sinn¢?rs: bill Lo the righteous good sba, ll be repayed" (Proverbs 1:1:21 ). Selections from "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- lures" by Mary Baker Eddy will include 122:30-31) : "lustice te- quires reformation of the sinner. Mercy cancels the debt only when justice approves." Among the Bible passages to be read is this from Psalms (51:1): "Have mercy upon me, O God.. according to thy loviig-kindness: according unto the multitude Of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions." Adventists Plan 00veral Services The special three weeks Ander. son-hankel series of evangelis{ic on Prophecy concluded April 25. A warm welcome is ex- tended to fellowship in God's house. Ladies Dorcas Society meets ev- ery other Tuesday at 10: a,m. at the church, May 5 will be the next meeting. Midweek prayer service is held Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school hour is at 9;30 a.m. Saturdays, which is the church at study, with classes for all ages, Worship servtce follows at 11 o'clock. May 2 there will be a yotmff people's service for all missionary wlhmteers and other at 3:00 p.m., followed by another baptismal service at 4 o'clock. Baptists to Start Attendance Contest The First Baptist Sunday school is starting an attendance contest May 3rd, competing with other Conservative Ba p t is t Sunday schools throughout the state of Washington. Each Sunday in the month will be highlighted with some special feature. May 3rd will be "Mystery Gift" Sunday. A mystery gift will be given to the one bringing the most new members to his or her department. May 10th will feature a Mothers Day program and all mothers present that day will be honored. In addition to the state contest :+"]6c'tl competitim Is in progress belween the departments of the SIIlltl:,ty school. Boards with dif- ferent colore(I lights will repre- sent each class and each depart- ment. Attendance is the key to success fo V this venture and all members and friends are nrged to attend faithfully. Mrs, Mable Goodwin is super- intendent of the' Stmday school and department superintendents include Mrs. John Cole. Jr., Be- ginners; Mrs. George Valley, Pri- mary; Mrs. E. C Knautz. Juniors; Mrs Bob Err:n, Junior High; Mrs, Howard Yule. High School; and Mrs. Pat Wagner, Adults. Iegal Publications NOTICE O!¢ SALE.OF NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER l'ublic notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Puh]ie Law 273. 78th Congress (58 Stal. 132; 16 U.S.C.A, 583-5831), and the Cooperative Agreement for the Management of the Participating For- est Properties in the Shelton Cooper- ative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of Amoriea and the Simpson Loggtn Ci)nlp{tny, dated December 12, 1946, ll m++rehantahle timber marked or des- ignated for cutting on an area em- bracing 234 acres, more or 'less, witlin Sections 30 and 31, T. 22 N., R. 5 W., and See(leas 25 and 36, T. 22 N., R, 6 W, W.M., surveyed. Bingman Block, Mason County, Sheltnn Coeperatlve Sustaiaod Yield Uitit, Olympic National Fof'est, State of Washington, will be m.)ld to the Simpson Logging Compsny, Seattle. Washington, on May 11, 1959, The estimated volumes are: 12,800 M board feet Douglas-fir and Western white pine, 300 M I:toard feet Western red cinder and 2,900 Mboard feet West- era hemlock and other specie•. The mininmm at'.(:0'ptable price per M board f( , • "t is as follows: Douglas-f|r altd Western white pine $24,25, Western red cedar $7.40 and Western hemlock abd othor pectes $7.25. This includes the folh)wing stumpage rates per M b0ard fe.t: Deuglas-flr and Western white pine $23.40. Westeia red cedar $8,55 and W.stern hemlock and other species $6.40, plus $0.45 for sale area better- ment and $0.40 for alash disposal for all species, Tf requested by the State of Washington or by Mason Coutty er by any person deemed to have a reasonable Interest in the Pr0posd sale. or in its terms, a public hear|hg will be held in the office of the Forest Suporvt•or, Po•t Office Building, Olymo pia, Waflngton, on ths 2th day of April, f919, at 2:00 P.M. Requests for public hearing will not be constder,d unless received in the office o the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Rulhto ing, ()lympta, Washington, cm or be- fore April 24, 1959. Dated April 1, 1959, Lbtyd G. Gillmor, Fore•t Super- visor, Olyn|pic Nathmal Forest. 4/9-19-23-80 4t No. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REIORT AND 1ETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE (iF  WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Prohate) In the Matbr of the Estate ef MA- BEL CARMAN. IXeoased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt GLENN E, CORREA. as Administrator de h(mis non *if tim estate of Mabel Carman, has filed in the office of the Clerl< of said Court his Final Report ar, d Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said Report, d- iril)ute t]le l)rol)erly Lo tile persohs lhercto entitled and to discharge said Administrator de bonts non: and that said Report and Petition will be heard on the 15th day of May, 1959 at 10:00 #.M. at the (urt Room of the Prt- bate Del>artment of ssld Court, at which time and place any person Inte'- ostcd In said Estate may. app.' aid file objeetlon thereto ana to.test the 8sine, DATED th !y0tll day gTrll, 19+9. H R DEYE Clrk Of ai Collrt LZWIS 'Guire' De,.ty Attt, rneys for Estate Bell Bttildin! + 121 Sonih llourth Street Shelton. Washlngt-n 4/16-23-3f}-5/7 +It Episcopalians Plan United Service Tlere will be a united service of the ctlngregations of the ti]piseol)al chlu'eh in lhe Otllhll'tt Convo(qt. tion at the new building of St. Failh Lutheran Plans .,(,hn'.+ 00ht, rc,, in ,,-,t,,, e()l)lillg' Slit|day afl.ernooll tit 4 H01y O0mmunbn Sun ..c,oc.. ,,,+sed ,.t(li, ,,,sed • (if melnbers elf the varions chul'ches free1 Shelton, Vtlncouver There will be Holy Communion ....  Aberdeen will furnish (he ran- at both the 8:15 and .the 11:00,';.";'.,. Bisbop Dagwell of Oregon a,m. worship services thin Sunday. will be the preacher at this united This. Sunday is the beginning of service. .,l I nationally observed Family Week, so we invite you to worship to- gether as a family Lhis Stmday and every ,Sunday. "The family that prays "together stays togeth- The Sunday school and adult Bible classes are'held between the l worship services at 9:30 a.m. On Tuesday evening, the youth= cla§s meets at 7:00, On Wednesday at 7,:00 p.m, the' Ladies Aid of the church will have a special program in the church parlos for its regular ,monthly meet:fig., All the ladies of the ckurch: are welcome to bring their mothers or another, lady friend. On ,Thursday at 3:30 p.m., the junior choir will have its rehear- sal, and at 8:00 the senior choir. Bginnig" Friday of next week Faith Lutheran church invites you to its ffpectal sp'ring sb.rvices with Pator Robert H. Rlsmiller of the Lutheran Bible school' in Seattle Ss the guest speaker, Tlee will be services each 'evenlng at 7:30 Friday, May 8', through Tuesday, May 12, PaStOr Bretheim ts ar- ranging special music for each Sevee. Bring morngone with you, You'll bth be richer for coming. Journal Want Ads Pay Rmt Ohri.tiH 01mr00 "New Teetament Christianity" Lewis E. Whitney, MiniSter Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET ' Bible.Sho01 9:45 {bin. Church Services 11:0U a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. , I Following the service a. Convo- cation dinner will be served in the parish hall, and a short businr, ss meeting held. Members of the congregation of Saint David's and of the commu- nlty in general are cordially in- vited to the service, whether or not they remain for the dinner and business nteeting. Services at St. David's on Sun- day will folh)w the regular scht(i- ule: 9:00 a.m. HOly C()mnlunion; 9:45 a.nL---church schilol; 1L litlI1, ..... Holy Commttnion and sernlou by the vicar. MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Baptist Church of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welcome t i_ i , i Sainl David's Ohuroh (Episcopal) + 4th & Cedar Streetg Rev. R'obert Bonnet Echoll, Vicar AT SAINT DAVID'S: Services 9 and 11 a.m. Chnrch School 9:45 a.m. ' AT SAINT JOHN'S Olympia: United Convocation SerVice ..... 4 p.m. II I [I THE HETHODlST OHURt)H 4th & Pine -- Parsonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 CHARLES T. HATTEN, Minister Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a:m. i " i I I II I I i i ii ii ! i i i i ji m i i FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY. MAY 3-- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "BttlMing Happy Homes" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departments. 7:00 p.m. "Lazy Husbands and DifficUlt Wives" ! ..... L "-( ......... FAITH LUTilERAN OHUROH Sventh & 'i'ankllr Sta. -- J. ernhard lSlrtheim, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m, Sunday worship 8:1.5 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mld-Xveek Service--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. 1/I ' ii I r i i ii i I x   III]Ta OHUROH OF THE FHR SQUARE iIOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN "Stintl&y Shobl ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worghlp ........................................ 1t:00 a.m. lvah0e1111tli: Sedtob .................................... 7:00 p.m, rayeP Meit'ing ........................ Wedneilday 7:00 p.m. .... REV. OARY N. BLACK, Pastor 6HUR6H OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST Aider St., dhelto,. Wash. Sundity Sch6ol,gi30a:m. Church 11 a.m. .... We&re€day vening testimony meetings 8 p.m. lstlhg, ro6m .lttl in church, Reading rcmm hours 2 to t p.m. Mort. & Frl. Wed. eventng 8:45 to ?:45 .......... + ++/+- ......... , ,, ,, a t , MT, VIEW ALLIAHCE CHUROH WIl'lhlflllltOn & J Sta. Eugene Breid, Paator Sunday ehool .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Mornin WO'ahip ........................... : .................................... 11:00 a.m, A. T. ' .................................................................................. 6:30 p,m. Evenllg Service ...: ............................................................. 7:30 p.m. Mid-week ervtce Wednesday ........................................... 7:30 p.,m EVERYONE WELCOME _ i ,,, flJ ii i i i | BEmEH'$ 0LU! P.U,D. AUDITORIUM • SRD & COTA SUNDAY, MAV 3 8:00 s.m. Breakfast at Shelton HOtel. 9:15 a.m. Coffee tin,e, 9:30 a.m. Gue=t speaker Gordoh McLean. "The Home That Wins" 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "Without God's Help". ' ,i .... You Will Enjoy the Fellowhip At the SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 60D 130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor me Sunday School ..................................................................... 9:45 s.m. (A class for each member o[ your flily) Morniug Worship ........................................................ '..' ...... t1:0t} a,m. Christ's Antbassadors ...................................................... 6:00 p,m, Revival Service .................................................................... 7:00 p.m, Ltsten to Revivaltlme Sunday, 10:30 p.m. KIRO _ r,,__