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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 30, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 30, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ e 24 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington TEMPERANCE INSURANGE EXOHANGE FIRE • AUTOO CASUALTY Robed Sloane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147' i i l LAWTON LUMBER COHPANY 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET Open tll Noon Saturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson Owner & Operator [GAS- ........ TOONS i t t l ltl Id By RALPH and HARRY "You Just ain't KIDDING." Nothing can stop us from giving you good service! OOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVlOE • MOBIL TIRES • First and Pine Streets Phone HA 6-3906 Merritt Starks Sell Grocery Store After 25 Years at Union City ]By VIVIAN JONES en the youngsters spirits, and they (lent, Mrs. Rowe of Pet leith; 2n,t brother, Jack PoLls, of Spokane. UNION--As of this week, we shall all be missing Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Starks' well stocked gro- cery store, across the highway from Alderbrook Inn. Also Bud Wyatt's "Shuffine" Grocery store in Union, along by our postoffice. The Merritt Starks came here from Iowa and have been on the Canal some 25 years. First they operated the "Water Wheel" gro- cery, then to their present loca- tion for 15 years. They have many friends and have endeared them- selves to the whole community. Sometime near the end of May they will be off to Spangle, in eastern Washington, to see their granddaughter, Joan Young grad- uate, then on for a lengthy trip east to Iowa, visiting friends and relatives whom they have not seen for many years. Mrs. Stark has been secretary of the Hood-Canal Woman's Club for 14 years. Mr. Stark ha been president of the Sportmans Club. As a going away gift the Merritt Starks were pre- sented with a beautiful set of luggage. We shall all miss you, good luck, ben voyage, and come back Imon. BUD 'WYATT has sold his grocery store in Union to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball of West Park, Bremerton. They are now very busy enlarging and remodeling the store and if all goes well, expect to open very shortly after May 1. The Thomas Balls tell us they will feature competitive prices. Tula Kimball, leader of the 4-H Girls "Cooking Cutles" is having a bake sale Saturday, May 2, at the Flagwood Gift Shop at 1:00 o'clock. The girls will have cake, bread, rolls, pies, cup cakes, coo- kies, and they hope there will be some vohmteer bakery things in- cluded. Girls in this 4-H project are Janlce Blake, Betty Ann John- son, Meraldean Viger, Betty Cow- en, Diana Tlmm, Diana Deemer, Shelly Allison, Margaret Buechel. Ed Dalby has been spending a few days in Seattle visiting his son Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Symonsens, of Ab- erdeen, spent Sunday with Mrs. Nina Miller. Miss Georgia Stuart, of Seattle, guested last week with Mrs. Miller. Miss Stuart was for-i merly school nurse in Shelton. Ni- na Miller's son, Jene Miller, wife and family of Aberdeen, visited Nina last Saturday. Wanda Wyatt, our postmaster, was off for a week to Portland where 20 postmasters were re- ceiving special training at the re- gional office. Last Sunday a joint meeting of the National Associa- tion of postmasters held at the Martlnque, in Wlnslow, on Bain- bridge Islands. Postmasters were from Kltsap, Thurston, Mason and King county. At this joint meet- ing Wands was again elected pres- ident. There were 63 present. We hear Dr. Wilbur is a very happy man. Ever since lake fish- mg season opened Its been nothing but the limit for "Doe." Hey, there, what's the chance of a Rainbow ? And speaking of trout, seems the Kids Fishing Derby was the us lal suc(ess. Rain did not damp- all went home we hear with lim- its, or? A very special thanks to Wright Carlson fox" donating the use of his ponds. Harry Hess, George Matson, Merritt Stark, for refreshments; Harry Coles, Hal Graves, for preparing the fish poles. A good time was had by all, and not to be forgotten by any means was the nice state pa- trol officer, who was wonderful watching the kids by the highway. Let's not forget the sportsmens meeting this Thursday at the com- munity hall, 8 o'clock. Nomination of officers, a film---we hope--and refreshments. HOOD CANAL Woman's Club elected new officers for its 32nd year. For president, Mrs. George Bremer of Shelton; for vice presi- P'00luck Dinner Planned Monday At Skookum Bay By MANETTE MOORE LITTLE SKOOKUM BAY u A potluck dinner will be featured at the business meeting of the Skoo- kum Bay Improvement Club on Monday, May 4. Come at 6:00 p.m. sharp and remember, mem- bers only. A rewarding event of Sunday was the delivery of an 8-pound 3- ounce baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Braz at the Shelton General Hospital. The new infant is named Shane Alan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Silva of Little Skookum and Mr. and Mrs. Manu- el Braz of Honolulu, Hawaii. A LENGTHY" vacation to sunny California came to an end Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lord re- turned to their home on Little Skookum, which they hadn't seen since December. During the trip, the Lords were able to visit with their sons, Jay Lord of Hayward, and Byron Lord who is stationed with the Navy in San Diego. The Lords also visited near Los Angeles at the home of Mr. Lord's brother, Emery Lord. Other stops included the homes of Warren Cowden, formerly of Shelton, and Wilma Kent of San Diego where the Lords enjoyed a dinner one day along with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck of Shelton who were also vacationing in Califor- nia and got in touch with the vice vice president, Mrs. Kaye Sterling, of Union; Mrs. Winifrcd Gilmore, of Potlatch, secretary; Mrs. Blanche Calahan, Hoodsport, treasurer. Mrs. Rose Mile, Hoods- port, and Mrs. Ale(ha Stark, of Union, are trustees. Some new members joined, Mrs. Kaye Ster- ling, Mrs. Katie Nlles, Mrs. Marie Turner and Mrs. Vivian Jones. Club members held a birthday din- ner at the Colonial House in Shel- ton, Tuesday night, April 28. Skits were held by members from Lilli- waup, Hoodsport, Potlatch. The affair was most delightful and mmcessful. The skits presented were hilarious and for members only. This gives you an idea? ? Well. Well, sir, we understand Ran- dall Updyke, "Uppy" to all of us, and Dick Buechel, are associates in an outboard motor dealership, Mrs. Roll Reed of Seattle spent a few days last week at Don and Helen Beckrnans. Saturday Helen entertained 15 sorority members. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Webster, of Seattle. WE ARE ALL SORRY to hear of the passing of Williams Potts, in the Shelton General Hospital. He was 87 years old. Mr. Potts had been a resident of Union for quite some time. Surviving is a F]o]('cc hPl'lnaH iS sllFe ilcr Canal friends would enjoy know- ing that her son Robert Menden- hall and May Ann Kugnle will be i married, Friday, May 8, in the! Methodist church in Shelton, at 8] o'clock. The reception will be at the Ms(lock Grange hall follow- ing the ceremony. Congratula- tions. Thursday evening at the Sports- roans Club in the community hall, Joanne Walter will give a report on her week's stay at the youth camp by American Lake, Tacoma.  Every year some lucky boy or girl are elected, then sponsored by the sports council of Sports Clubs, for a week's camping trip. Sounds like heaps of fun. Our good friend, Tula Kimball, is to be your new correspondent. Been around these here p'ts for a long time and knows everyone by their first name. More power to her, and good copy Tula-- Cheerio. Mack Feels Prosperily On the Increase E(:h new batch of government :t¢ctisties prosperity has returned and apparently has come to stay for a long time, Congress- man Russell V. Mack (R.-Wash. said today. Truck freight shipments in the week ending April 11th were 20.8 pcr cent'greater than in the same week of 1958 and railroad freight car loading 18.7 per cent better in that week over last year. Another report says electric power consumption, an index of manufacturing operation, 8.2 per cent greater than last year. Consumer expenditures, the Commerce Department says, in the first 1959 quarter were at the rate of $300 billion, or 5 per cent better than last year. Housing starts in the first quar- ter of 1959 were 42.3 per cent greater than last year. "If the building boom holds 1959 will be the best building year yet," Rep. Mack said. SHAY BOY! HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHALE AT SHAY DAY ROSE All ROSE % ., Regular SCOTT'S LAWN To Hang on Your Lawn Mower Regular $7.95 $, NOW ONLY... Forrest F/owers& i 313 Railroad Ave. • HA SHUR-FRESH FROZEN CANS oiange Juice 5/89' NON-FAT DRY MILK LIQUID SHORTENING QUART BOTTLE Wess0n 0il . . SHURFINE STRAWBERRY 12-OUNCE Preserves . FIRESIDE CHOCOLATE CREAM "ROSE QUEEN: Nylons Lovely, sheer, full-fosh- o, ly , I ned in a,, ... ,hades. O@ € Regular or Streech 7g ,. ' ,iR Ileverap S, ker.,*. I.gS to 2.29 . | See Our Large Selections of Oven-proof PYREX | S. Hastings, Manager • Evergreen Square. BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY Pearls or a bit of sparkle al- ways pleasel Choose from $1 brooches, earrings, necklaces, bracelets. Only ....... I. lu On I'let Day ..Sunday "/Hay 10 hop today.., see hundreds of nice gift ideas priced from only a few cent. Shop where "Mother" dopl,--at your friendly $-R store. L i:i 't S.R Own 6randl NEW HANDBAGS Ske always needs onel 1,98 end All sizes in new plastics. 2.98 i fabrics. Plus ToX Lords. 303 9/99----' vac00- Diced U 0t'arr-s Lion was spent in Hermosa Beach with Virgie Lord and daughters, Sharon and Maureen. It was there Mrs. Lord had the misfortune of falling and breaking her wrist which made it necessary to extend their stay past April 1, which was the date planned for their return home. The Lords arrived in Tacoma Friday and spent the weekend a the home of their niece and fam- ily the I)on Nelsons who brought them honm Sunday. ENJOYING A DAY of fishing at Trask Lake Saturday and com- ing home with a nice catch were Ray Collins Jr. and fiancee, Sally Jo Bonnett who spent the weeknd with Ray's folks, Mr. and Mrs. tRay Collins. CALIFORNIA dwellers, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Oliver and family, spent last Tuesday to Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lar- ry Oliver. Willis is Larry's broth- er and he and his fsmily make their home in Sunnyvale. Thursday the group motored to Sequim for a visit with the Hal Olstead family who were formerly of Shelton. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allen were Mr. and Mrs. Chip Gag(bier of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Relays vis- ited with friends in Olympia Sun- day. Mary Stansbury, the Ira Stane- burys' daughter-in-law, and their grandchildren, Dlanne and Dale, of Bremerton, are spending this week with the Stansburys. MRS. DAN LYNCH visited Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton and enjoyed a peek at the new arrival In the Blanton hGme, a baby girl born last Wednesday. Returning home Saturday from a week's stay at Grays River in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert E. Vyrastek, was Mrs. Er- nest Moore. Mrs. Frank Bishop made a busi- ness trip to Seattle, Wednesday. High School Concert Tuesday Next Tuesday evening, May 5th, 10-QUART SIZE 69 Sanalac ( • • • • • SHURFINE 6-OZ JAR HI-C Grape Ade DRINK • 41001 Prices Effective Noon Thurs., Apr. 30, May 1-2 AB FIG BARS Vanilla or Whole Wheat ................ 6.0.... 49* SWEET PIOKLES L,BBYS 25 ¢ WHOLE ........ 8-OZ. JAR PEAN"T n,,n BIG TP v ,,,v,,. SMOOTH ...... ,-o-. AR 39 ¢ OAKE ROUR SWANSDOWN ...... LB .KG 35  BETTY .. DATE BAR MIX c.OKE. ........ ,,OUNCE 33 ¢ FLAKE OOGONUT LOOK,NG GLASS SWEET FLAKE ,o .kg. 25 ¢ OAT FOOD VITA FOOD NO, LG TIN 12/$1.00 WAXED PAPER WAXTEX .... 100.FT, ROL- 19 € TOILET TISSUE M o .... ,ROLLBACK 3/Sl FLUFFO SHORTENING '2* LB oF 3 77  TIN. Gae Alexander, soprano; Miss Bar- bara Burnett, c, ornetist; and Miss 20th Gall Kalat, pianist. New processes, which plate nick- el chemically instead of elecLrolyt- tcally, are among the major ad- CENTURY vances made by the plating in- dustry in recent years. These pro- cesses produce a unifoTa nickel coating on fabricated parts which ON HILLCREST- are difficult to plate eletcrolltic- ally. the Shelton High School Music Department will present a Spring  € Concert. Participating in the con- lla A-- . New Crop Valencia, fine cert will be the High School Band, vranges for juic, J /B PL,O BAG Choir and several soloiSts and en- sembles. THE CONCERT is to be held in the school auditorium at 8:00 C al -ant oupe p.m. Students now have tickets First of Season. from available for sale. They will also Sunny South be sold at the door. 13a The program promises to suit every musical taste. Included on the program are "Black Canyon of Illilll ! EGGS. , U.S. No. I Firm Golden RiPeL__1 , vanne" by Morton Gould which B|ackie'. Farm Fl.h Medium Bananas will be presented by the Band. The [b Choir will offer several selections including the "Cheribim Song" by Tchaikowsky and the' recently popular "Stranger in Paradise." ALSO TAKING part In the pro- A&Giil Red Leaf - Something New grame will be the Girls Nonette, LULtUCU for asaladchange-largebunches the Mixed Chorus Ensemble, and a clarinet and saxaphonc quartet. Solos will be presented by Miss i SHURFRESH CREAMY • Peanut 60-OUNCE JAR ...... 103-OZ. PKG. Sandwiches . . BRAVO 12-OZ. CAN FOR € Thrfftway Meat Spedal$/ Fresh Whole Bodied Locally Grown and Processed STEWING HENS ,, Old Faithful Brand, Ready to Eat Smoked PICNICS ,, Thr/ftway produce Specials/ Asparagus U'S'N°'llst°f 2 , Season from Sunnyside S SHURFINE -- SHURFINE -- 0 9/99 Diced Beets. € TASTEWELL 9/99 Butter Beans € TASTEWELL -- 5/001 Tomatoes... THRIFTWAY! THRIFTWAY! THR / e 24 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington TEMPERANCE INSURANGE EXOHANGE FIRE • AUTOO CASUALTY Robed Sloane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147' i i l LAWTON LUMBER COHPANY 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET Open tll Noon Saturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson Owner & Operator [GAS- ........ TOONS i t t l ltl Id By RALPH and HARRY "You Just ain't KIDDING." Nothing can stop us from giving you good service! OOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVlOE • MOBIL TIRES • First and Pine Streets Phone HA 6-3906 Merritt Starks Sell Grocery Store After 25 Years at Union City ]By VIVIAN JONES en the youngsters spirits, and they (lent, Mrs. Rowe of Pet leith; 2n,t brother, Jack PoLls, of Spokane. UNION--As of this week, we shall all be missing Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Starks' well stocked gro- cery store, across the highway from Alderbrook Inn. Also Bud Wyatt's "Shuffine" Grocery store in Union, along by our postoffice. The Merritt Starks came here from Iowa and have been on the Canal some 25 years. First they operated the "Water Wheel" gro- cery, then to their present loca- tion for 15 years. They have many friends and have endeared them- selves to the whole community. Sometime near the end of May they will be off to Spangle, in eastern Washington, to see their granddaughter, Joan Young grad- uate, then on for a lengthy trip east to Iowa, visiting friends and relatives whom they have not seen for many years. Mrs. Stark has been secretary of the Hood-Canal Woman's Club for 14 years. Mr. Stark ha been president of the Sportmans Club. As a going away gift the Merritt Starks were pre- sented with a beautiful set of luggage. We shall all miss you, good luck, ben voyage, and come back Imon. BUD 'WYATT has sold his grocery store in Union to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball of West Park, Bremerton. They are now very busy enlarging and remodeling the store and if all goes well, expect to open very shortly after May 1. The Thomas Balls tell us they will feature competitive prices. Tula Kimball, leader of the 4-H Girls "Cooking Cutles" is having a bake sale Saturday, May 2, at the Flagwood Gift Shop at 1:00 o'clock. The girls will have cake, bread, rolls, pies, cup cakes, coo- kies, and they hope there will be some vohmteer bakery things in- cluded. Girls in this 4-H project are Janlce Blake, Betty Ann John- son, Meraldean Viger, Betty Cow- en, Diana Tlmm, Diana Deemer, Shelly Allison, Margaret Buechel. Ed Dalby has been spending a few days in Seattle visiting his son Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Symonsens, of Ab- erdeen, spent Sunday with Mrs. Nina Miller. Miss Georgia Stuart, of Seattle, guested last week with Mrs. Miller. Miss Stuart was for-i merly school nurse in Shelton. Ni- na Miller's son, Jene Miller, wife and family of Aberdeen, visited Nina last Saturday. Wanda Wyatt, our postmaster, was off for a week to Portland where 20 postmasters were re- ceiving special training at the re- gional office. Last Sunday a joint meeting of the National Associa- tion of postmasters held at the Martlnque, in Wlnslow, on Bain- bridge Islands. Postmasters were from Kltsap, Thurston, Mason and King county. At this joint meet- ing Wands was again elected pres- ident. There were 63 present. We hear Dr. Wilbur is a very happy man. Ever since lake fish- mg season opened Its been nothing but the limit for "Doe." Hey, there, what's the chance of a Rainbow ? And speaking of trout, seems the Kids Fishing Derby was the us lal suc(ess. Rain did not damp- all went home we hear with lim- its, or? A very special thanks to Wright Carlson fox" donating the use of his ponds. Harry Hess, George Matson, Merritt Stark, for refreshments; Harry Coles, Hal Graves, for preparing the fish poles. A good time was had by all, and not to be forgotten by any means was the nice state pa- trol officer, who was wonderful watching the kids by the highway. Let's not forget the sportsmens meeting this Thursday at the com- munity hall, 8 o'clock. Nomination of officers, a film---we hope--and refreshments. HOOD CANAL Woman's Club elected new officers for its 32nd year. For president, Mrs. George Bremer of Shelton; for vice presi- P'00luck Dinner Planned Monday At Skookum Bay By MANETTE MOORE LITTLE SKOOKUM BAY u A potluck dinner will be featured at the business meeting of the Skoo- kum Bay Improvement Club on Monday, May 4. Come at 6:00 p.m. sharp and remember, mem- bers only. A rewarding event of Sunday was the delivery of an 8-pound 3- ounce baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Braz at the Shelton General Hospital. The new infant is named Shane Alan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Silva of Little Skookum and Mr. and Mrs. Manu- el Braz of Honolulu, Hawaii. A LENGTHY" vacation to sunny California came to an end Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lord re- turned to their home on Little Skookum, which they hadn't seen since December. During the trip, the Lords were able to visit with their sons, Jay Lord of Hayward, and Byron Lord who is stationed with the Navy in San Diego. The Lords also visited near Los Angeles at the home of Mr. Lord's brother, Emery Lord. Other stops included the homes of Warren Cowden, formerly of Shelton, and Wilma Kent of San Diego where the Lords enjoyed a dinner one day along with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck of Shelton who were also vacationing in Califor- nia and got in touch with the vice vice president, Mrs. Kaye Sterling, of Union; Mrs. Winifrcd Gilmore, of Potlatch, secretary; Mrs. Blanche Calahan, Hoodsport, treasurer. Mrs. Rose Mile, Hoods- port, and Mrs. Ale(ha Stark, of Union, are trustees. Some new members joined, Mrs. Kaye Ster- ling, Mrs. Katie Nlles, Mrs. Marie Turner and Mrs. Vivian Jones. Club members held a birthday din- ner at the Colonial House in Shel- ton, Tuesday night, April 28. Skits were held by members from Lilli- waup, Hoodsport, Potlatch. The affair was most delightful and mmcessful. The skits presented were hilarious and for members only. This gives you an idea? ? Well. Well, sir, we understand Ran- dall Updyke, "Uppy" to all of us, and Dick Buechel, are associates in an outboard motor dealership, Mrs. Roll Reed of Seattle spent a few days last week at Don and Helen Beckrnans. Saturday Helen entertained 15 sorority members. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Webster, of Seattle. WE ARE ALL SORRY to hear of the passing of Williams Potts, in the Shelton General Hospital. He was 87 years old. Mr. Potts had been a resident of Union for quite some time. Surviving is a F]o]('cc hPl'lnaH iS sllFe ilcr Canal friends would enjoy know- ing that her son Robert Menden- hall and May Ann Kugnle will be i married, Friday, May 8, in the! Methodist church in Shelton, at 8] o'clock. The reception will be at the Ms(lock Grange hall follow- ing the ceremony. Congratula- tions. Thursday evening at the Sports- roans Club in the community hall, Joanne Walter will give a report on her week's stay at the youth camp by American Lake, Tacoma.  Every year some lucky boy or girl are elected, then sponsored by the sports council of Sports Clubs, for a week's camping trip. Sounds like heaps of fun. Our good friend, Tula Kimball, is to be your new correspondent. Been around these here p'ts for a long time and knows everyone by their first name. More power to her, and good copy Tula-- Cheerio. Mack Feels Prosperily On the Increase E(:h new batch of government :t¢ctisties prosperity has returned and apparently has come to stay for a long time, Congress- man Russell V. Mack (R.-Wash. said today. Truck freight shipments in the week ending April 11th were 20.8 pcr cent'greater than in the same week of 1958 and railroad freight car loading 18.7 per cent better in that week over last year. Another report says electric power consumption, an index of manufacturing operation, 8.2 per cent greater than last year. Consumer expenditures, the Commerce Department says, in the first 1959 quarter were at the rate of $300 billion, or 5 per cent better than last year. Housing starts in the first quar- ter of 1959 were 42.3 per cent greater than last year. "If the building boom holds 1959 will be the best building year yet," Rep. Mack said. SHAY BOY! HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHALE AT SHAY DAY ROSE All ROSE % ., Regular SCOTT'S LAWN To Hang on Your Lawn Mower Regular $7.95 $, NOW ONLY... Forrest F/owers& i 313 Railroad Ave. • HA SHUR-FRESH FROZEN CANS oiange Juice 5/89' NON-FAT DRY MILK LIQUID SHORTENING QUART BOTTLE Wess0n 0il . . SHURFINE STRAWBERRY 12-OUNCE Preserves . FIRESIDE CHOCOLATE CREAM "ROSE QUEEN: Nylons Lovely, sheer, full-fosh- o, ly , I ned in a,, ... ,hades. O@ € Regular or Streech 7g ,. ' ,iR Ileverap S, ker.,*. I.gS to 2.29 . | See Our Large Selections of Oven-proof PYREX | S. Hastings, Manager • Evergreen Square. BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY Pearls or a bit of sparkle al- ways pleasel Choose from $1 brooches, earrings, necklaces, bracelets. Only ....... I. lu On I'let Day ..Sunday "/Hay 10 hop today.., see hundreds of nice gift ideas priced from only a few cent. Shop where "Mother" dopl,--at your friendly $-R store. L i:i 't S.R Own 6randl NEW HANDBAGS Ske always needs onel 1,98 end All sizes in new plastics. 2.98 i fabrics. Plus ToX Lords. 303 9/99----' vac00- Diced U 0t'arr-s Lion was spent in Hermosa Beach with Virgie Lord and daughters, Sharon and Maureen. It was there Mrs. Lord had the misfortune of falling and breaking her wrist which made it necessary to extend their stay past April 1, which was the date planned for their return home. The Lords arrived in Tacoma Friday and spent the weekend a the home of their niece and fam- ily the I)on Nelsons who brought them honm Sunday. ENJOYING A DAY of fishing at Trask Lake Saturday and com- ing home with a nice catch were Ray Collins Jr. and fiancee, Sally Jo Bonnett who spent the weeknd with Ray's folks, Mr. and Mrs. tRay Collins. CALIFORNIA dwellers, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Oliver and family, spent last Tuesday to Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lar- ry Oliver. Willis is Larry's broth- er and he and his fsmily make their home in Sunnyvale. Thursday the group motored to Sequim for a visit with the Hal Olstead family who were formerly of Shelton. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allen were Mr. and Mrs. Chip Gag(bier of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Relays vis- ited with friends in Olympia Sun- day. Mary Stansbury, the Ira Stane- burys' daughter-in-law, and their grandchildren, Dlanne and Dale, of Bremerton, are spending this week with the Stansburys. MRS. DAN LYNCH visited Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton and enjoyed a peek at the new arrival In the Blanton hGme, a baby girl born last Wednesday. Returning home Saturday from a week's stay at Grays River in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert E. Vyrastek, was Mrs. Er- nest Moore. Mrs. Frank Bishop made a busi- ness trip to Seattle, Wednesday. High School Concert Tuesday Next Tuesday evening, May 5th, 10-QUART SIZE 69 Sanalac ( • • • • • SHURFINE 6-OZ JAR HI-C Grape Ade DRINK • 41001 Prices Effective Noon Thurs., Apr. 30, May 1-2 AB FIG BARS Vanilla or Whole Wheat ................ 6.0.... 49* SWEET PIOKLES L,BBYS 25 ¢ WHOLE ........ 8-OZ. JAR PEAN"T n,,n BIG TP v ,,,v,,. SMOOTH ...... ,-o-. AR 39 ¢ OAKE ROUR SWANSDOWN ...... LB .KG 35  BETTY .. DATE BAR MIX c.OKE. ........ ,,OUNCE 33 ¢ FLAKE OOGONUT LOOK,NG GLASS SWEET FLAKE ,o .kg. 25 ¢ OAT FOOD VITA FOOD NO, LG TIN 12/$1.00 WAXED PAPER WAXTEX .... 100.FT, ROL- 19 € TOILET TISSUE M o .... ,ROLLBACK 3/Sl FLUFFO SHORTENING '2* LB oF 3 77  TIN. Gae Alexander, soprano; Miss Bar- bara Burnett, c, ornetist; and Miss 20th Gall Kalat, pianist. New processes, which plate nick- el chemically instead of elecLrolyt- tcally, are among the major ad- CENTURY vances made by the plating in- dustry in recent years. These pro- cesses produce a unifoTa nickel coating on fabricated parts which ON HILLCREST- are difficult to plate eletcrolltic- ally. the Shelton High School Music Department will present a Spring  € Concert. Participating in the con- lla A-- . New Crop Valencia, fine cert will be the High School Band, vranges for juic, J /B PL,O BAG Choir and several soloiSts and en- sembles. THE CONCERT is to be held in the school auditorium at 8:00 C al -ant oupe p.m. Students now have tickets First of Season. from available for sale. They will also Sunny South be sold at the door. 13a The program promises to suit every musical taste. Included on the program are "Black Canyon of Illilll ! EGGS. , U.S. No. I Firm Golden RiPeL__1 , vanne" by Morton Gould which B|ackie'. Farm Fl.h Medium Bananas will be presented by the Band. The [b Choir will offer several selections including the "Cheribim Song" by Tchaikowsky and the' recently popular "Stranger in Paradise." ALSO TAKING part In the pro- A&Giil Red Leaf - Something New grame will be the Girls Nonette, LULtUCU for asaladchange-largebunches the Mixed Chorus Ensemble, and a clarinet and saxaphonc quartet. Solos will be presented by Miss i SHURFRESH CREAMY • Peanut 60-OUNCE JAR ...... 103-OZ. PKG. Sandwiches . . BRAVO 12-OZ. CAN FOR € Thrfftway Meat Spedal$/ Fresh Whole Bodied Locally Grown and Processed STEWING HENS ,, Old Faithful Brand, Ready to Eat Smoked PICNICS ,, Thr/ftway produce Specials/ Asparagus U'S'N°'llst°f 2 , Season from Sunnyside S SHURFINE -- SHURFINE -- 0 9/99 Diced Beets. € TASTEWELL 9/99 Butter Beans € TASTEWELL -- 5/001 Tomatoes... THRIFTWAY! THRIFTWAY! THR