May 2, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 2, 1963 |
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6017 S.E. 86th Ave
Portland, Ore
Nine Rural &hod Princesses For Farest [estivul Are Named
Rene Perkins Robin BeLkke ,Sharon Green Susan Schiller Susan Hill Connie Wolfe Linda LaBissoniere Lorna Jane Saeger
Mary l. Knight School, Southside School Kamilche School Tahuya School Grapeview School Allyn School Hood Canal Junior High Harstine Island School
Shelton Matlock P.O. Box 595, Shelton Route 1, Box 34, Shelton P.O. 16, Tahuya P, O. Box 34, Shelton Danghter of Mrs. LeRoy School P.O. Box 161, Shelton Route 4. Box 456 Shelton
and Mrs. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dishon, Allyn Daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Roy Perkins, Matlock Arthur Bakke Wilbur Green Frank M. Schiller Jerry G. Hill, Mason Lake Los LaBissoniere of Union Lawrence Saeger
y, 92. To Be Honored "
Logger At Feltiva] ' Thursday, May 2, 1963 Published in"Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 20 Pages 3 Sections
€ € Ent(rc, d as second class matter at the post office at Shelton. ,Washington, 10 Cents per Copy
77; Elmer Wiss, 79, and LanLz 77th YEAR NO. 18 u.a,., Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cots.
Wiss, 72.
• . . . (o-rrection-Ce.ter S-..¢ond
C honoredlistearly-dayloggers, by DavM-Jtol.nherg V00nner -O[-
Forest Festival definition, must
have logged in Mason County be- _
t For 0000of°relgl° andstillbe residents Ofoouo Subscript, on Campaign Prize ruction Starts
Mr. Willey's lifetime spane Phase Const
h! nearly a century of Mason CoUnty
history and during his logging ca-
reer he worked for many of the
people who are known only as
names in Mason County logging
:r treFlo°°k t history to many present day rest- hel p:nOgtieoS t a
He was born March 18, 1871 at New Washington Correction Cent-] T H E COMPANY BEGAN in hopes of getting the bu!ldings
Oakland ]Bay which was then the or, Mutual Valle Construction] work on phase two of the con- closed in before next winter so
g held from county seat of what was later to Company, general contractors, said]struction shortly after official work on the inside can progress
in the Junior become Mason County. this week. ] word was receive from state of- without delays from the reather.
knyone inter- At the age of 15 he started Excavation and form work for t ficials that fund? had been ap- There are five major buildings
rn out if pos- work greasing skids in the old- the minimum security housing[ proved for the work. The money in the phase two construction and
time oxen logging operation for units and the class room building] was appropriated by the recent about a dozen minor ones.
L go Quartette Bill McKinzie. Two years later he have been started and work is in l session of the slate legislature. Work is also continuing on the
honors is one worked for Tom Moran on Hat- __ __ _ ........ _ completion of the buildings in the
Promised for stine Island. He next moved on • first phase construction.
.vI]L!.. WI.LLE.Yteth::.atsithtii to old Camp 4 working for C.F. .. . __ .. " "'" " " THE COMPLETION of the
on the Fun : ' : White and then for W. H. Knee- ' ] first and second phases of the con-
be the three
talent con- toAEgi 1 sbrtoghtt landlatx abovefor JackShelt°nBuchananValleYat andthe V][ ] struction wall prowde sufficient
facilities so the Correction Center
last week. Mason County's annual Forest North end of Oakland Bay. • can be opened for use.
Will be Friday Festival bestows, HE wo00k Fores r,- Official ay$ The opening is scheduled for
He will be the "honored per- Mark Reed and Ike Ellis in the )ec. 1. t964, a little more than 18
interested sonality" of Lhe 19th annual fes- Cranberry Creek area and cdn- mnths away.
show who rival during its 3-day run May tinned working for George Strop-
make it to 23-25. son when he bought out Ellis and If the coming summer months Blow down of timber ill the
are asked His selection was made official Reed.- He, along with a logger are normally dryer drier than nor- areas for which Department of " '" m$'... f)uflwa-
en or Ar- at last week's meeting of Forest named Ed Jones, worked for the real .this area could have a season Natural Resources is responsible
• : Festival officials and committee Seattle Bridge Company, laying of high fire hazard because of tlm was not great, Francis Wright of
chairmen, cedar planks for the top of a timber blown-down from the wind the Shelton district office of the DO t Officials
At 92 years he is the dean of bridge for about a mile. storms last October and Novem- department ,said. and has not
17 early-day loggers who will be He went to work for Simpson bet, forestry officials said this added greatly to the fire hazard.
honored by the Forest FestiTa Timber Company in 1922 and con.. week. oo0000oot00o00 on Caution Drivers
r'o'--t this year,, z;iding il). the Paul Bun-tinned with 4:hem until.-his-re- "" The potential for fire hazard in season, Wright said "we always
yan 'iarade and:be{g guests o£ tirement in 1937. ' ......... Olyrhpic National Forest is the look for ancl prepare for a bad
the festival association for lunch He was married in 1900 to Os- DAVID STEINBERG Teen-age cat" drivers have cre-
and the loggers sports show dur- cools Belle Gasser, daughter of the . . . . highest it has been for several one."
ing the closing day of the 1963 late John Gasser. When they were Champion Journal subscription last year's campaign, years, because of the blow-down, We've gotten by well in 1961 ated an emergency at Shelton air-
" Len Flower. district ]:anger for the and 1962, he said, but, this may port which could have far-reach-
festival, first married they lived in a little salesman of 1963 is 12-year..old Fourteen bicycles were earned U.S, Forest Service said, and if be a drier season which always ing affects on activities of the
ons The others include Antone An- house on the Old Roll Away, David Sleinberg, } native Shelton- by the youthful canH)gners--- it getsdry there may be trouble, means more chance of fires. State Patrol Academy there.
derson, 80; Ed Bariekman, 80; Ben where Simpson had been logging. HE SAID SX seasonal era- The Patrol presently is con-
Booth, 90; Roy Castle. 74; Albert They later moed to the Old ian and sixth grade student aL Suzannc Gibson, Cindy Hovind. He said much of the hlowdown ployees have been added, to De- darting special pursuit classes for
salesmen Frank, 83; Albert Lord. 81; Henry Willey's Mill at John's Creek on Bordeaux grade school. Phillip Henderson. Cary Settle. wilt be logged out to get it to mar- parLment staff here for the sum- both rookie and high ranking er-
a mistake Garrison, 90; Bill Grisdale. 89: Big Skookum Bay and later built David earned the week's trip to Rick Buechel, Debbie Ran, Joe iceL before deterioration sets in and met to act as area fire wardens ricers within its ranks, using one
jan- Mike Krise, 79; John Krise, 77; a home at the head of the bay summer camp which was grand Giddings, Bobby Woods. Bruce to reduce fire hazard and insect and starting about May 1, some of the active runways by special
Bill Cronquist, 82; Pat Moran. 86; where they lived 22 years, before prize in the competition by selling Deffinbaugh, Bob Okonek. Erie build-up, of the lookout stations will be permission of the Federal Aviation
salesmen Roy Nason, 74; Clarence Saeger, Continued on Page 2) more than 100 subscriptions to the Strand. Jerry Smith. Dale Whinery
. • * . Journal during the four weeks of and David Steinberg. There will be no more than the manned. Administration.
sales the campaign, which ended last In addition, five watches were normal number of area closures of A 10-man fire suppression crew Teen-age drivers, misinterpret-
when in Fores$- P@ster Saturday. earned by David Chase. who National Forest land because of will be stationed at the Sl]elton ing the wording of a newpaper
high He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. earned two. Rocky Howard, Bill fire hazard, Flower said, because district headquarters soon after story on tile subject, have gained
priv- John Steinberg of 1027 Ellinor Richards, and Alan Carlson. the blow-down is pretty much school is out, Wright said. and a the impression tley've been invited
street. At this Lime campaign records spread over the entire area. pump truck and crew will be sLa- to try the special course in thei
Altogether the more-than-70 are not complete enough to total IF THE WEAT}IER tuqs dry, tioned in the Harems Hamma jalopies. And ttcy've been using
o Contest Winners Named boys and girls who participated in the cash commissions earned by every precaution possible dll be area. it, to tte consternation of Shelton
button for a the subscription campaign sold the participants, but it will ap- needed to reduce the chance of All personnel of the department Port Commission officials.
out of 1,732 subscriptions, of which 338 proximate $1.200 in addition to fires, Flower said, urging those office here will be attending a NO SIJCII INITATION exists.
are new. The total is six more than the bicycles and watches earned, who will be using the National fire school starting May 5, he said. Quite the contrary. Port Commis-
Winners in the Forest Festival S E N I O R HIGH DIVISION: Forest to be even more cautious And so--a reminder---fire season sion officials are deeply concerned
than usual. [has already started, so be careful, that the activities of "these teen-
" " ,at Thurs-poster contest in schools from Kathy Sutherland, second; Bill ]err]/Wagfler Named Wlflfler W-ork P00rty
)ars Shel- Lhroughout Mason County were Wolden, third; Dennis Meurer, age drivers may cause the FAA
3 Rairoad announced Lhis week. fourth; Douglas Coles, fifth and to rescind the permission granted
}Ud Lyon, Taking topplaceinthePrimary Ed Tune, Hazel Coates, Molly /fl Jaycee TaJellt Contest the State, Patrol to use theactive
• A Division (First and second Brooks, Los Younglove, Lynn Me- runway for this purpose,
grades) was Nickie Liembaek of Quilkin, Donna Donaven, Dennis It was granted with eonsider-
,,&|val I the Seventh Day Adventist School Specs, Gary Brevig, Don Cuzick Sturt$ New F00ir Home able reluctance in the first place,
in Shelton. Top place in the Pri- and Evelyn Clark, honorable men- port officials said. In the second
mary B Division (third and fourth tion. All are from Irene S. Reed place .the youngsters are Jeopar-
grades) was Dawn Anderson, High School. dizing their own lives in attempt-
ing to go through the course, and
The Intermediate Division lores Rhodes, Shelton, second; in the third place they are jeopar-
(grades five and six) had three Raenae MeQuilkin, Shelton, thlrd; line into the site in the near fu- The new site is at the airport, dizing airplane traffic on the run-
first place winners, Denny Clove- Susan Standley, Southside, fourth; tare. Also in the plans is the ira- near the old Mounted Posse way.
land, Jan Jackson and Joe Camp- Bob Graham, Hood Canal, fifth provement of the road into the Grounds. THE RUNWAY in question is
bell, all of Lower Skokomish and Carolm Ruckman, Kamilehe; new fairgrounds site by the the north-south strip, which be-
'illdow to school. Don Pogreba. Grapeview; Laurie county. The plans are to have enough comes the active landing area
can contact] Jean Swayze, Shelton Junior Craig, Shelton; Curt Snyder, Shel- The first building for the new bnildings up by fair time this year when tile wind blows from either
High was the first place winner ton; Kris Kneeland, Shelton; Gary Mason County Fair Grounds at to have the 1963 fair at the new rorth or south.
a 10-point in the Junior High Division and Busack, Shelton; Lind Cressy, the Shelton Airport will be started grounds. Port officials had to call the
this weekend. So, men and older boys, lend a sheriff's office to stop the indis-
Gerald Miller, ShelLon, was the
of Keep Southside; Arlene Troll, Sheltori;
the old winner of the first place .award Susan Hembroff, Shelton, and The Fair Association is asking hand for the new fair grounds criminateby teen-agersand ondanger°uSthe thedrivingstate
ip the Senior High Division. Loots Rains, ShelLon, honorable for vohmteers for either Saturday from 9 am. to 4 p.m. Saturday I Ptrel course Moiday evening.
;ice points I /Other award xvimers and their mention, or Sunday for the first work party or Sunday.
schools were: - INTERMEDIATE DIVISION: h] the construction of buildings on
-- BeckyR°bert Beatty,GriffeY' Bordeaux,Atlyn' second:third; a.m.tlle neWto 4 site.p.m The time.--from 911 Wally Anderson Is New thief
Rita Null, Bordeaux. ourth; John The plan is to set poles for the
Gerhing, Allyn, fifth, and Paul first building Saturday and to put
Brighan ;SouLhside; Nancy Swan'son. Bordeaux: Core: Cookston, whoUP roof trusses Sunday, Carl Izett.has been named by the counCy Deputy In Sheriff's
Seventh Day Adventist; Richard commission to oversee the project,
Monger, Mr. View; Darlene Elli- said.
son. amilche; Donald Somers, The poles for the first building, A familiar face returned to law
Grapeview; Francis Wright, Mr. the main exhibit building, lave enforcement work in Mason
View;" Barbara Ann Wolf, Ka- been delivered and are ready to Connty this week with the an-
milche; Becky Holland, Evergreen go up. nouncement by Sheriff D. S.
and Sandy Bridges, Mr. View. hen- THE TRUSSES WERE obtained [Sam) Clark t]at he had named
orahte mention, from Bremerton earlier this year W. F. Wally) Anderson, 38, as
PRIMARY. "B" DIVISION--- and have been stored at the site chief deputy.
since. Anderson served as a deputy
Grog Hergert, Evergreen, second; TALENT CONTEST WlNNERJerry Wagner sits at the piano Izett said it was hoped to have sheriff here 7½ years before re-
Jeff Okano, Evergreen, third; which he played to win the grand prize award at the Jav::ee a crew of at least 10 men and boys signing last Oct, I to oppose
Vickie Iden, Evergreen, fourth; Talent Contest last week. He also won the award for the senior
Rosalie Richards, Seventh Day Ad- division, each day, Clark as a sticker candidate in .the
ventist, 'ifth, and Mike Gbb, .,: . : .... Saturday, the work will be with November General Election. Clark
treated poles. Izett said advisin wo] the race by a narrow margin.
Lower Skokomish; Michele Be- An lren,, S. Reed Higl School vv George Wagner witl an ac- the volun'eers to weal" old clothes "I think he is a good workei" and
grand. Bordeaux; Rickie Johnson, senior, Jerry \\;Vagner made it two cordio} selection, and to bring a pair of gloves.
Bordeaux; Brian Rupert, Blfair; years n a row by winning tile In the j,mer high division, Don a fine deputy and will be an asset
Carpenter tools will be the or- to the Sheriff's office," Clark said
Jenny Jonson, Lower Skokomish; grand, 1 prize award at tile Jaycee Bearden and Ann Connolly, earn der of the day for Sunday. in amzouncing the appointment.
Susan Rains, Southside: Alice 3a enL Contest kst Thursday playing piano selections, Lied for The well and two-inch water
Hicks, Grapeview; Bill Waite. Har- night. ,econd place. ANDERSON RESIGNED as
stine; Teena Williams. Belfair. and He took first plat,, in tle senior I] the eleule]ltary division. Eric main at tile new site have been McCteary town marshal last week,
Laurie Pudei'baugh. Kamilche, division and wns selected by, iic Strand phced seethed with a piano curedC°mpletedon loanand fora pumpthis so- a post he has held since early this
honorable mention, judges as the grand prize award selection and John Peters third The PUD will install a power year. "
PRIMARY "A" DIVISION: Don winner with his piano selection, with an accordion number, Hc succeeds Clarence E. Fot-
(UEEN Marilyn Hughes gets the royal Meglessen, Mr, View, second; De- Talcing top spot in the Junior Jaycee MCs for the program meir as chief deputy. Fordmeir
Chamber of Commerce pre-Seat-Belt lores Wynn, Allyn, third; Eleen High division was a group 1rein were Jim HarLley for Ue element- BACON ON TOUR resigned two weeks ago a:ter hay-
The Seat Belts were presented to Kronquist, Allyn, fourth; Jerry Hood Canal Jmior High were pro- cry division: Don Query for the Simpson TimberCompanyPresi- ing served in the office since
tree publicity-chairman Dave Thacher. Harding A]lyn: fifth, and Rickie sented a skit. They were Chuck yarner and Ed Knuckey for the den C. Henry Bacon. 5).'., left to- Jan. 14 .
Clinic and Safety Check will be held Bacon, Southside; Wanda Joersz. Vigor, Wilson Johns. Dandy Smith. senior, day on a three-week journey to Anderson is a graduate of soy- WAL| ANDERSON,:
"king lot on the earner of 3rd and Cedar Hoodsport; Mike Glaser. HarsLine; Leslie LaBissioniere ad Donna THE GRAND PRIZE award Europe with the Seattle Chamber oral law enforcement schools • '.* *
of Commerce trade mission. While t which he attended while serving leaves one vacaey on the,sheriffs
P.m. Top-quality Belts will be available Karen Robb, Pioneer; Larry Schuf- Reed. I was presented by Jaycee presi- in varionEuropean countries, Ba- / as deputy sheliff !ere. taff, that of:David J Deffinbaugh
and installation will'be free. This year, fenhauer, Southside; Marian Hyl- The op place in the elementary dent Jim Fletcher.
the Jaycees will be assisted by ton, Kamilche; Patsy Sharer, division went o Kathy Halvorson t Frank Kokett was Jaycee chair- con will attend formal meetings] HE 'HAS tierED in Mascn who resigned rcently. The county
who will oonduot an unofficial Allyn; Steve Williams, HoodsporL; for l]er organ number, man of the event, with European importers and County 26 years and has been a,c= civL1 seQice commission is pia.n-
rs Passing through the Clinic. For further Randy Howard, Mt, View and PLACING SECOND in the sen- I There were 23 numbers pro- have numerous visits 'ith Strop- tire as a leader in several youth ning an examination lor deputy
,Ycee project (See elsewhere in this issue of Mitch Yost, Pioneer, holmrable ior division was Janet Estvold with sented on the program at he son customers in cities along the I organizations. sheriff in the near futtu to get a
mention, a piano selection and placing third ! Junior High Au4itorium. route. The appointmelL of Anderson t replacement.