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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SCHOOL ltEWS Working With Clay This Week: Participate In Talent Contest t Class I3elh Crumb. Vice President - Su- ire the rule this .eDowell&apos;s Art ]1 Working with have made animals to work wi il a] tl befor. Wilmers fort,u- studeuts last Friday the), %vollld te Jaycee T,I- on the stage, to win and a]l when it wa< Y ref!oive(t in the Jtlll- vas taken by Hall. Chnck and Donna the only play Beardcn. with Ann )lace. We are because he for one sic Johnson. Linda .larvis. Sandi Smith and Tammy Arkin. Trea- sure - Celia Dillon Bonnie Alien. Diane Gregory and Kathy Bolen- der Secretary - Leslie La Bisson- ,ere Vicki Hall. Donna Reed and Cber'flCowan. The meeting will be held hgay 31, in order to vote. Pl-ins for the Mothers Tea, which will be held May 10th. were :t!> discussed. Tiffs gives,!he irlg ti1 apportion,iv to serve and ell- l,rt,:ti.l their "Mothers. Each year The Girl's League tries to donate some gift that veil] be helpful in the future years. "Phi year they will donate' two floor length mirrors to the girls !'kS[ r()onl. Pur(ly (l.lolf, NorlE©lilt Roads Ge! RepaiF W0rk Work is in progress on two road projects in the county the Mason County Engineer's office said tiis week. "Work will start Monday on re- ..... ::>--..::: .::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . STATION ON THE ROAD--Part of the Rich- field Service station which used to set at the corner of Railroad Avenue and First Street took to the road Tuesday afternoon enroute to its new location five miles away. The station was moved in two sections to a site near the new Gate- way Cafe at the intersection of Lynch Road and the freeway. The former Pauley Motors building and the Feed Store building on property adjoining the former location of the station have also been torn down to make way for a new Richfield Super JOURNAU- Publisl{ed in "Chr,,fi@/}Oin, U.g.4.", SheI{on, Washington i ' latlock ¢ouple Ilarried I, Service At Cmmnity Church Saturday Service station which will oe u;;t on the site Con- struction is contracted to Petroleum Contractors of Seattle and is expected to be completed early in June, The station will be operated by Mr, and Mrs. John D. Long, who are continuing to pump gas for their customers while the new station is under construction. The transplanted station is expected to be in operation at Kamilche late this month under the direction of Ed Taylor, owner of the property, By Dora ttearing MATLOCK..- A very pretty and bnpressive wedding was held 'Jaturday m 2 p.m. at the Mat, ock Community Church when Miss Nan Taylor beeame the bride of John McGarvie. son of Mr. md Mrs. Andrew McGarvie of V[atlock. The bridesmaid wts Miss Nancy McaGrvie and the best man Alee Taylor of Tacoma. uncle of the groom. The reception wa held at the Matlock Grange hall in the evening with mole than 00 neot)le attending. Rex,. >Val- btee Bell of Skokomish married Ille couple. They left on a short trip east of the mountains and will make their home at Matloek o John McGarvie's farm. MR..AND MRS. M.%X CASH ealled on the Elvin Hearings Wednesday evening. Thursday evening the Ca,If, spent with Mr. and Mrs. Lud Re,stonier. M:rs. Edward Valley gave a birthday hmcheon last Friday in honor of Mrs, Elvin Hearing. Those present were Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton. Mrs. Watson Ross of Olympia and Mrs. Au- gusta Portman and Mrs. Lud Ross- Portman attended Pomona Grange at Progress Grange Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oeiger and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell and family, all of Tacoma. spent the weekend with the An- drew McGarvie family. They all went clam digging at Oyhut Slln- day. Slice Of Simpson Redwood Tree Goes To Wes! Berlin ARCATA. Calif.---A six-ton "slice" from a Simpson Timber Co redwood tree will be dedicated with formal ceremonies In the West Berlin Botanical Museum and Garden today. The formal presentation on be- half of the people of Humboldt County, Calif.. to the people of West Berlin will the made by Major James H. Polk. U. S. com- mandant Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt and other leading German and American officials are to at- PAGE 5 Oily Deeds Land To Oounty For :Road The Shelton City Commission Tuesday night approved a quit claim deed to Mason County for a small strip of propert,y tlng Northcliff Road. Tlle county tied asked for the land in improving the road. The commission granted an ease- ment to cross part of tile City garbage dump and a section of the city-owned watershed property to Cascade Natural Gas. Tile commission was told bids had been received and opened from Pauley Motors, Jim Pauley, Inc. and Kimbel Motors on a pick- Up for the Fire Department. Fire Chief T. E. Deer was absent from the meeting so action was delayed on accepUng one of the bids until next week. SCHOOL MENU Week of May 6-10 MONDAY -- Spaghetti with meat, whole kernel corn. hot buttered light rolls, applesauce, milk. TUESDAY -- Chili con came warm raisin bread, carrot sticks, apple or peach cobbler, milk. WEDNESDAY -- Potato and md 8th grade real baseball had some ling prac- practice have anoth- It will he baseball a game this have at least Meeting business Ap- Canal Girls the nomil:a- n: the coming were as fol- :t.te Cowan. Sund and surfacing of the Purdy Cut Off Road. The road will be closed about three weeks starting Mon- day morning while the work is in progress. The old surfacing will be re- moved from the road and the road will be reshaped and addi- tional ballast will be added. Arrangements will be made with the Postmaster for the one or two patrons along the road to get their mail at another point while the road is closed. Work is in progress on the Northcliff Road from just east of Northcliff sub-division to the Brockdale Road• The road will be re-alligned to eliminate some bad eat'yes and regraded. Later this summer, light bihim- incus surfacing will be applied to both roads. A BETTER RISK WITH T BELTS A. ROY DUNK Insurance Agen- and urges your part,ci- tE SEAT BELTS. Seat Belts Saturday, May 4 on lot at 3rd & Cedar, sponsored an Jaycees and Sheriff's Re- at,on @ Free Safety Check A. ROY DUll EVERY TYPE OF INSURANCE 426-6363 is Protection and We sell the Best" Among Your Merchants RODGERS COMPLETES INSURANCE COURSE Duane Rodgers, a representa live of the Pacific Northwest Di- vision office in Portland for Mut- ual of Omaha and United of Om- aha. has been awarded a certifi- cate of proficiency for successful Completion of an intensive course in advanced life insurance under- writing. The Shelton salesman, who lives at 226 East G. Street attended the school at the Valley-He Ho- tel in Scottsdale. Ariz.. with spe- cial attention devoted to "need" selling of insurance coverage. KIMBEL MOTORS SPONSOR PREP MECH COMPETITION Kimbel Motors Inc. is again, for the second year. sponsoring Plymouth Motors high school me- chanical trouble-shooting compe- tition for Mason County teen- age auto mechanics students. Entered in this year's contest from Shelton high school's auto mech class is tile team of Jim Goodpaster and A1 Dillenburg, who will compete in the state-wide contest to be held at \\;Voodrow Wilson high school in Tacoma this .Saturday. They are instructed by ante me- chanics teacher Bill Hartline. whose proteges last year, Bob Marcy and his own son Grant Hartline. took second place in the state finals. In the Plymouth trouble-shoot- ing competition two-boy teams from high schools and vocational schools match skills and know- ledge to see which pan" can most quickly and efficiently locate and remedy a score of malfunctions Some milk every day[ ,gers, 4 or more or more cups. Four or more a citrus fruit'f0 vjta- or deep-yellow vege- [[ :'" "<'!$1:ig 2, Meats-Two or more servings of beef, veal, pork, lamb, poultry, fish, eggs. As alter- nates: dry beans, dry peas, nuts. 4. Breads andCereal-Four or more Servin restored. and rice may THIS WAY EVERY DAY from the 4 Basic Food Groups* make sure your family gets the vitamins, miner- and other nutrients the need. Simply use the Four od Groups as a guide to good eating. Start each day hearty breakfast. Follow through with well-balanced at lunch and dinner. Post this chart in your kitchen! ,,_ as a daily nutrition check list. Here's to your health! Ottrce: Institute of Home Economics. U. S. Department of Agriculture. forget to Add.AaGlass.A.Milk to everll meal. PR( SEATTL I Representing , or em L NORTH llASON SCHOOL NEWS Professional Wrestlers Added To Program For Annum Smoker; New Sponsor Joins By DennLs Shelly This coming Saturday the North Mason High School will present their annual smoke,'. There has been one small change in the sponsorship and one more "special" event added. The Victor Commun- ity Club had received permission of the NM school board to be a co-sponsor of the event and also to have some professional wrestl- ers put on an exhibition before the crowd. The regular boxing will still be in the program but possibly no high school wrestlers. The tickets are being sold by the Victor club--.adults $1 and stu- dents 50 cents, The North Mason Education As- sociation is again sponsoring a scholarshi for future teachers. The deadline for applications has just passed. NM's tlIGH SCHOOL PLAY "Flight Into Dangeff' was as big a success as was hoped to be. There were orfly about 125 people present at the night showing for reasons unknown. The drama de- partment isn't sure if they made deliberately hidden in contest cars. Winning teams receive trophies for their schools as well as indi- vidual prizes. Regional contest winners qualify for a trip to De- troit in June to compete m na- tional championship trouble shoot- ing 'contest finals for scholar- shins and individual prizes. Since its of, gin in 1949 the Ply- mouth contest has grown From one event involving 50 boys from 17 schools to 44 contests last year with 1.800 contestants from 900 schools. This year's contest prom- ies to be even bigger. t{OUSE OF KNITS OPEN HOUSE STARTS TODAY ll[rs. Hazel Coates holds the rand opening of a new Shelton business, the House of Knits at 321 Cote street, this weekend. During the three days of today, tomorrow and Saturday refresh- ments will be served between noon and 5:00 p.m., demonstrations of the amazing Studio Knitting Ma- chaine will be given, and the wide variety of knitting supplies and accessories the House of Knits is stocking will be on display. Mrs. Coates, a Sheltonian since 1945. plans to set up hand and ma- chine knitting instruction classes at a later date. JIM ROUSH ADDS GARDEN CENTER TO HILLCREST Jim Roush. celebrates his 23rd year in the hardware business on Hillcrest this week-end and is making it a double-barreled event by enlarging his marine supply and general hardware business to include a new garden center. Everyone is invited to drop by this Friday and Saturday for cot- fee and cookies and inspect the new facilities. Door prizes and merchandise specials have been planned for this anniversary - grand opening event. See ad page 12. any profit but they hopefully have their fingers crossed. The main cost of the play would be the royalties, approximately $75 and the advertising, $10. All the actors and actresses had fun in the process and at the closing of the final curtain .they presented Mr Merrill with a new chef's hat, apron and glove, to go with his brand new barbecue. Mr. Corliss' high school band recently received an excellent rat- ing in competition with many other high school bands in the area NM was the first band to perform last Saturday morning when the contest began. Also last Saturday, a special group of mu- sicians played for the Masons at the Masonic Temple in Belfair. The seniors have been at it again. They have just started their ! annual two-week Bull-throwing contest in" the school halls at ] noon. There is a jar for each] teacher in he school and the I one to receive the most money in l his jar at the end of the two weeks will have his named en- graved in a special plaque that is displayed in the hall showcase. ] Receni: winners were Mr. Merrill] and rge Peck. ] TIlE SENIORS tlAVE also re'J  ceived the results from their] grade-predictive tests. Cotinselor,] Mr. Hawkins is going over the] tesfs with each student. Soon to] come is the result of the junior's National Merit Scholarship Quali- fying Tests. Today and tomorrow are the • days chosen fo rthe slave auction. Special rules eoncermng all slave restrictions have been made to protect all parties concerned. Even the teachers at NM may be a slave and the sky is the limit when it comes to bidding for one of them. In student council news, all four of the recent constitutional mnendments were passed by a two-thirds majority vote, A meeting of the budget committee is scheduled for sometime this week. North Mason School Bus, Oar Collide Near Belfair Tuesday Two North Mason School stu- dents were shook up and two Bremerton men injured when North Mason School bus d & cat" collided about a mile north of Belfair Tu'esdy. Randall Schnecklot and Charle. Millard, both 11 were treated at a hospital. James Andrews, 41. driver of the car, and Fortes1 Jansen. 38, were hospitalized in Bremerton with head and scalp cuts. The State Patrol said the acci- dent occurred when the bus driw en by Vivian Collett, Belfair, was turning around m a gravel pit and was struck by the car. The bus was fully loaded with students at the time. USED CARS 1958 PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN ...... '795 Radio, Heater, Push-button trans. 1957 FORD STATION WAGON .......... '795 Radio, Heater, Automatic 1955 MERCURY 9-pass. wagon ............ S59 s Radio, Heater, Automatic- Real Clean! 1954 FORD STA. WAGON .................... '445 New Engine 1953 CHEVROLET 4-door .................. =345 TRUCKS 1956 FORD 3/4.ton, 6-cyl ...................... s795 1954 DODGE ½-ton ................................. '545 New Crankshaft and Bearings, and Timing Chain GET A '63 DODGE They're Dependable ! Guaranteed for 50,000 Miles or 5 Years![ PAULEY IIOTORS rent S£. & Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8183 racier. A wedding shower was ffiven in honor of Mrs. Ray Mantoya of Olympia. former Linda Mac Bunce at the'Matlock Grange hall last Friday evening, The hostesses were Mrs. Homer Adams. Mrs. L C. Ford. Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ma- rie Meek of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spalding of Skokomish Val- ley also were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley called at the Bob Dawson home Sunday night. MR, AND MRS James Ross- mater and girls of ShaRon were Sunday dinner mests of their folks, the Lud Re,,maters and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Chegt. er Larson called at the Re,stonier home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trenckmann and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Re,stonier spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cfifford Combs of I:y. ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ver- Tover and family spent a few days with friends at the Situation's Salmon Hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. Hillm, n Gwinnette and son. David of Renton, spent the weekend with their brother and family, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Gwinnette of the Simpson's SaN mon Hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. Earl \\;Valker and sons, Pat and Dan and Virginia Hollatz, spent Saturday in Ta- )lna with relatives. " TYLEII AND I)AVE BOOTHE of Hoquiam spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. The Roy Soothe family of Hoqniam had Sunday dinner with their folks and took the boys home. Mrs. Augusta Portlan dand Carl tend. An expression of greetings from Simpson people to the West Bet- tin Museum has been folvarded for the ceremony by Hal McClary, vice president of Simpson Interna- tional. The gift of the 10feet-in.dl. ameter tree section was arranged by the Simpson forestry depart- ment in response to a request from the Eureka Chamber of Commerce. Humboldt County bears the name of a noted German scientist. The original West Berlin mu- serum was destroyed during %Vorld met dish, cheese sticks, but- tered beets, sandwich, sliced peache, milk. THURSDAY -- Split pea soup, with ham, vegetable wedges, jelly sandwich, chocolate pud- ding, milk. FRIDAY  Tuna fish and noo- dles, tossed green salad, sand- wich. fruit jello with whipped cream, milk. Supplement your child's diet with Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 133 RR. Phone 426-4642 "War Two. I Mothers, here's the.easy way to give children multi-vitamins! Delicious; 0range-Flav0red I L, Q U I D Prepp's Rexall Store 133 Railroad Avenue J THE Y00CE ARE AT IT AGAIN ... "pushing" SEAT BELTS that is! SATURDAY, HAY 4 " 3rd & CEDAR '7 oo Per Belt- '13 oo Per Pair FREE INSTALLATION AND' THIS YEAR -- SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDED. HASON COUHTY SHERIFF'S RESERIIE GIVING A FREE SAFETY CHECK OH YOUR CAB FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS ON THE LOT "SAFE GUA00 YOUR OAR BEFORE IT'S TO0' LATE"! This space contributed in the interes of public safety by SIMPSON TIMBER COMPANY