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P&GE 6
In a field so packed with talent Bremerton 2. Orting 2. Hoquiam
Lhat 13 out of 14 Loop Field rec-
ords were broken, the achieve-
ments of Highclimber trackmen in
the third annual Shelton Invita-
tional track meet made small im-
pression Saturday night.
Yet they deserve special men-
While Lhe powerfui Aberdeen
Bobcats were racing to their third
straight Invitational team title on
37 accumulated points, the Climb-
era trailed in ninth place in the
244ctmol pack with 4% tallies,
This ia what it took to get them,
so talented was the competition:
ed 5'8", the best leap of his life, to
tie for third place behind South
Kitsap's Wayne Foster, who went
six feet even for a new record:
PAUL BROWN, holding the
bead for 800 yards, ran a 2:01.5
half mile and got only 4th place
behind the record-breaking 1:59.1
set by Mercer Island's BarL Bar-
to. In this same race Shelton's
Brian Brickert was 5th at 2:01.7
his best time:
BRUCE GARDNER knocked 14
seconds off his best previous top
time yet rated only 4th in the
mile with his 4136.1 behind the
brilliant Tom Harmc of Mercer
Island at 4130:5:
JOE WATERS came within an
eyelash of matching the Shelton
school record in the low hurdles
yet finished 4th in the record-
breaking 20.7 run by Mr. Si's Rick
The only mark which stood un-
tracked through Saturday night's
cannonading was that of the high
hurdles, where the 15 flat set by
Tony Pasckvale of Aberdeen in
1961 was missed by twq-tenths of
a second by Bab May of Hudson s
Outstanding performer of the
meeL was Aberdeen's muscul'ar,
mercury-footed Gary Langhans.
He won both sprints and the broad
jump with record performances
and ran a lap on Aberdeen'sWic-
_torious. record-setting alf-mile
relay team.
Jim Sukovaty of R. A. Long
(Longview) was a double winner
and double record-smasher in Lhe
weights. He topped 8 brilliant dis-
cus field, which lived up to all ex-
pectations with the four place win-
ners all passing 160 feet. Sukovay
reached: 16R'10. His shot mark
was 53'71/ ''.
The team scoring---Aberdeen 37:
2. Elma 2, Auburn 2. Mt. Tahoma
I%, St Martins I. Centralia 0,
Montesano 0. North Thurston 0,
Peninsula 0.
The individual scoring:
100--Langhans A. Easter A.
Williams EB. Oar A I0.0 (Prev-
ious record 10.2.
220--Langhans A, Oar A. Os-
burn HB. Denbo Auh. 22.2 (PR
440--Van Dyk HB, Boora A,
Sturn H, Zimmer NK. 51.2 (PR
53.4. Previous field record 52.6 by
Roy Buzzard, Shelton}.
880---Barto MI. Anderson L,
Brunaugh 0. Paul Brown Sh. 1:57.1
PR 2!01.3).
MILE--Herman MI. Salins MI,
Hensler HB, Bruce Gardner Sh.
4:30.5. (PR 4:30.7.
LeBrie LW, Weber LW, Reisner
0. 15.2 (PR 15.0).
MS. LaBrie LW. May HB, Joe
Waters Sh. 20.7 (PR 21.3}.
880 RELAY--Aberdeen (Lang-
hans. Oar, Easter. Boors), Hud-
son's Bay, Mt. St, East Bremerton
and Lake Washington tied. 1:33.5
(PR 1136.7).
MILE RELAY--Lake Washing-
ton (Gollofon, Packebush. Rey-
nolds, MoyerJ Ft. Vancouver. W.
Bremerton. Auburn 3131.2 (PR
SHOT PUT--Sukovaty L. Han-
son A, Williams NK. Kuhns A.
53' 71%". (PR 52' 3").
DISCUS Sukovaty L. Katyry-
niuk Ch, Warwick A. Hanson A.
163' ]0j ''. IPR 151' 9 3/4". Prev-
ious field record 160' 6½" by Des
Koch Sh).
BROAD JUMP Langhans A,
Embry 0. Oppelt E. Wilson SM.
21' 2". (PR 20' 11 3/4").
HIGH JUMP---Foster SK, Me-
Laughlin LW, George Johnson Sh
and Endicott MT tied• 6' 0". (PR
5' 10").
POLE VAULT-Fisher L and
Stewart LW tied. Fisher winner
on fewer misses: Strandberg 0,
Buhl EB. 12' 6". PR 12' 3"),
Silva Foxes Outsmar!
Maintenance In Rolloff
Corky Dickinson led the Silva
Foxes to the gayonier Research
bowling league championship
,Tdesay nicht will] a 541 series
I Sund Experiments!
CLlilBERS CLOUT Vfl(ll00G$
Track Team Tram#es
Per| Angeles; 00ombs
Leads Poin! Makers
Shelton retained its unbeaten
status in Olympic League track
competition by handily conquer-
ing Port Angeles, 74-53. in the
Peninsula city Tuesday.
Wthout straining, Coach Bob
Sand's Highclimbers won 11 of
5 events, including the javelin,
to which they are little accus-
tomed. Senior weightman Gary
Combs won it at 159' 9A '' as well
as the discus at. 146' 1". He was
second in Lhe shot to become Shel-
ton's leading scorer for the day.
No other Climber won more
Lhan a single event.
Best pmormance of the day
probably was Brian Brickert's
2:04.5 victory in the half mile
with no one pushing him in the
least. Senior miler Bruce Gardner
turned in a very creditable 4:40.8
also without serious competition,
and the same can be said for Paul
Brown's-53.5 in the quarter.
Friday the Climbers go to Brem-
erton to engage in the qualifying
meet with West and South. A
similar qualifying event takes
place at Port Angeles with East,
North and Central participating
with the host Roughriders. The top
three in each running event, four
in the field events, qualify for
the district meet at Lake Wash-
ington the following week.
Tuesday's placings:
120 HIGH HURDLES--Peacock
PA. Joe Waters S, Aardahl PA.
I00-YARD--Terry LaJBissoniere
S, Denny PA, Pendergras PA. 10.7.
880-YARD--Brian Briekert S,
Waite PA. Jones PA. 2:04.5.
440-YARD Paul Brown S,
Lentz Robinson S, Dilling PA. 53.5.
180 LOW HURDLES--Waters S,
LaBissoniere S, Boni PA. 21.7.
JAVELIN Gary Combs S,
Pearman PA. Watha PA. 159'
91A ''
SHOT PUT Gossage PA,
Combs S. Dean PA. 47' 5".
220-YARD -- Tommy Lowe S,
Pendergras PA, Peterson PA. 24.3.
POLE VAULT--Jim Lamont S,
Goodwin PA. Rice PA. 11' 0".
MILE Bruce Gardner S, Mike
Brickert S, Bell PA. 4:40.8.
MILE RELAY--Port Angeles
(Williams. Pearman Aardahl, A1-
wine). 3144.
880 RELAY Shelton (Waters,
B. Brickcrt, Brown, LaBissoniere).
-BROAD JUMP--Ditlefson PA.
GcorKc Johnson S. Paul HallS(Hi S.
18' i11/2 ''
Published in "COhristmastown, U.S.A.", ShelLon, Washington
Against North Kitsap's anemic[ BROAD JUMP (h'orvc John
opposition. Coach Bob Sand took .,(m S, ells . Panl Han'(m N
advantage of the opportunity to 17' 10".
MILE - Swanson NK. :liae
Briekcrt ,% Tracy NK. 4:51.3.
POLE VAULT .- Jim L',.unon
S, Jim AndcrsolI S. Edelbhd.c NK.
do some experimenting lasL Fri-
day as his Highclimber tracl4 team
ian off and hid from the Vikings,
90-36. at Poulysbo in an Olympic
League meet.
The Climber coach stepped his
long runners down a notch and got
excellent returns on his gambles.
Bruce Gardner. normally a miler,
ran the half and won in the fine
time of 2:07.2 without being push-
HALF-MILER Brian Brickert
dropped down Lo the quarter .and
breezed home with a 53.8 victory,
and quarter-miler Paul Brown re-
treated to the 220 for a 25.3 tri-
umph, with only -one opponent
to beat.
Tommy Lowe. the normal No. 1
220 man. was out with leg mus-
cle troubles and didn't compete in
either sprint event. His shadow
in both, fellow sophomore Terry
LaBissoniere, won the century in
10.8 and ran second to senior hur-
dle star Joe Waters in the short-
ened (to 120 yards) low sticks.
Meanwhile. sophomore Mike
Briekert, who has been running
the half mile on occasion, moved
up to the mile and took a com-
mehdable 5:06.9 second spot behind
North's ace, Swanson.
THE CLIMBERS were also in-
troduced to the javelin for the
first time this year and grabbed
the first two places on Gary
Combs' 158' 4" toss and Joe Wat-
ers' 154' 4" heave.
Other than the mile, the only
event the Climbers failed in which
Shelton's No. 1 entry Combs was
withheld to win was Lhe shot put.
A unique tie in the discus gave
North a half share in a third blue
The scoring:
ers S, Wilson NK, Erickson NK.
100-YARD DASH Terry La-
Bissoniere S. Zimmer NK, Jim
Sells S. 10.8.
880 YARD Bru(, Gardner S,
Yeager NK, Beebe NK. 2:07.2,
440 YARD -- Brian Brickert S,
Zimmer NK, Raught NK. 53.8.
Waters S, LaBissoniere S, Erick-
son NK. 14.5
SHOT PUT -- Williams NK.
BiIF-atstone S, Fred Lament S.
50' 101A".
220 YARD DASH Paul Brown
S, Hart NK. No 3rd. 25.3.
z o
MILE IELA¥ Nhelton (Ja('l
.Bryant. Jim Rodgers. Fred La-
:nonL. Jim Lamont,. 3:51
JAVELIN --- Gary Combs S.
Waters S. Ede!l)hRe NK. 158' 4".
HIGH JUMP Ron Orr ,%
t-¢nson S, Jehnson S. all 5' 4". of
:ler on basis of fewer mis:ms.
DISCUS-- -Combs S ,,nd Wil-
liams NK tied. Ed Latham <
t41 9".
880 RELAY .... Shelton (Gard-
ner. B. Brickert. Waters. Brown l.
Bell Riders claimed five awards
at the Pacific Zone Jamboree held
at Lhe Thurson County Posse
Grounds recently, in which many
clubs in this zone competed.
Joan Hunter took second in
Western Pleasure and fourth in
the bottle cap race, Jim Hunter
earned third in bareback equa-
tion, Darrell and Shirley Williams
Look third in Lhe team flag race
and fourth in the potato race•
Bell Rid€ors were well represent-
ed among the spectators too--Ray
Sharpe, the Ben Williams. the
John Holtorfs. the Jim Taylors,
Lhe Jim Hunters, Ed Carney, Vel-
ma-and Judy Hedrick, Willie and
Connie Greenfield. maybe others.
Next Bell Riders meeting is this
Friday with the Hunters and Hol-
toffs serving. Next project, the
Forest Festival show May 25 at
the Posse Grounds near the air-
Patrons Pack Off Title
In Grange Pin P00a00-off
Tom Olson burned a 526 series
to pace he Patrons o victory
over Agate (Max Mikkelsen 496
in tbe Grange Bowling League
playoff Monday night.
The final connt in total pins
was 2081 to 1949.
The league's post-season dinner
will be held at Agate Grange this
Saturday night.
Shelton 10. Jefferson 2
Washington 8, Dupont 4
Washington 5, Jefferson 2
Central Kitsap 5, West 0
tfinal 2nd half) W L
Lumbermen's Mere ....... 48 16
Canteen .: ............................ 40 2"4
Pantorium Cleaners ........ 36 28
Shelton Motors ............. 32% 31
20th. Cent. ThriftWay .-g0 33%
Clary Trucking ................ 30½' 33V2
Victors. only once each in the
:--ingles and doubles, tile High-
elimbe tennis Learn suffered a 5-2
defeat al the hands oI outh I(it-
:.ap in Olympic league play lasL
}.(,.n Knecl',.nd. in the No. 4
singlea spot. and /he team of Loren
Cee and Phil Kramer m /.he No.
] doubles, were Stlelton winners.
The emdts:
4hL--"i(,s -SLeve Pa]-n]lev t SKI
kff. Mike Carte ,S). 3-6. 6-1;
}to, yard Bickte , SK) def. Tim
Car!¢ (Si. (i-4. 6-1; Tom Sellers
SK) def. Glen Hbbard , S), 1-6,
7-5. 14-12: Ken Kneeland iS)
def. Chuck Vqilley (SK 6-3. 6-0;
?like Boucher (SK, def. Phil Kra-
n]er (S 5-7. 6-I. 6-1.
I)mDIIc:+- Parmley-Bickle (SK)
def. Carte-Carte (S,. 8-6. 6-0:
Kramer-Loren Gee (St def. Willey-
Jim Godden (SK). 6-0. 6-2.
5 Quali|y For BPAA
J00nior Zone Finals
Five Shelton junior bowlers
eomp!eted the first step on the
path to the second annual na-
tinoal BPAA junior championships
last week at the Timber Bowl.
Eldon Todd led the way wiLh
1163 aggregate in mx games, fol-
lowed bq Ken Kneeland at 1057,
Claude Cook at 1035. AI Bezley
at 1032 and Peg Bloomfield at
These five will bowl in the zone
finals in Olympia in a house yet
to be chosen by the bowling pro-
prietors association.
Hot.Rod Enihusiasts
Te Form Car Gluh Here
Anyone over 18 interested in
joining an NHRA sponsored car
club in this area is invited to
attend a meeting next Monday
night, May 6. at 7:00 o'clock in
the PUD 3 auditorium.
Guest speaker will be Joe Duffey,
regional director for the Sports
Car Club of America and long-time
hot-rod enthusiast.
Shelton 74. Port Angeles 53
North 68. East 59
Shelton 90. N. Kitsap 36
South Kitsap 63%, E. Brem.
54 %
Central Kitsap 61 ½, Port Ange-
les 601/,'_,, Bainbridge 29. Forks
Port Angeles 93V, North Kit-
sap 33,
SLadimn 77. Wilson 47. South
Kitsap 37
Raymond 76/,. Chehalis 571/3
Winlock 54 1/3. White Pass
8 1/3. tZoclester 5½
Elma 98. Montesano 33, Wish.
Use Journal Want P00ds kai00 1..
Aber'deen 70. Hudson's Bay 53
25th Consecutive Victory!
Domim,.nce in the Clas, A ev- POLE VAULT
entq cam'led the Shelton Blazers '..:Vltilce Johnsoa
to thei] 25th consecutive du:]l-. 10' 0".
triangular junior high track tri- .PAR.GAD JuMP
umph in Olympia last week. la8- Carper N,
.0. over the WashingLon Bull- 50 YARD M.
dogs. h)lo W. MeClarty
h'l]e Blazers won the A eompe- 830 YARD
tilion by a iG-28 ma]gin the C O!sen S, ,iu
events by a light 40-37. and trail- 180 YARD
ed in the B skimishiP.m 45-32. Y"urvis S. h, erson
Coach Bill BriekeUs proteges RELAY --
\\;JO]l sevell cf h" " q,,)n,q -7.,!iil son Carpel-.
Bob Johnson doublin - ,n in tile
880 and pole - _". .... . :,.7 7 '.:.df CLASS B WaSh-
]nile was e;pec:"lly noteworthy HIGH JUMP
and Wollld have v./on n _., sen- (lief Ctaytoa
ior high school races. 10".
Collin Orr was another twin SHOT PUT
winner for the Blazers. taking two S. Clayton S.
of the four firsts Shelton captured LOW
in the C Division. the high jump Frank S,
and the low hurdles. In the B div- POLE
ision Shelton won only two of the Dennis
nine events-the high jump by son S. 9'6".
Jim Olsen and the shot put by 100
Duane Fagergrem Chief Clayton S. Thane Ruekcr
was second in both those events. 50-YARD-
The scoring by classes: Brown S and
CLASS A -- Shelton 66, Wash. 28 Biehl S,
DISCUSS .... Dave Gunter S, 180 YARD
Siegrist W. John Vonlmf S. 110' W, Estey W.
HIGH JUMP - Skip Purvis S,
Dennis Phillips S, no 3rd. 5'0". CLASS C
rich W, Bill Ar('lZel- S, Mill Sclm- Larry Dick S, JaY
reacher S. 15.7. POLE VAULT
100-YARD Saibel W, Ed Curt
Rogers S, Mike Carper S. 11.0. BROAD
SHOT PUT .... Saibel Vq. Rog- Steve Tibbitts
ers S, Guntcr S. 44'6½" LOW
man W, Chuck
100 YARD
Judah S, Mclr
Junior Travelers, 4t5 SHOT pUT
%V, Lund W.
In ,Rrainbell Pin League 50 Y
Adams S,
Victors by a 3-1 margin in their 75-YARD
final match. Shelton's entry in i('om S,
the Rainbelt Junior Traveling RELAY --
bowling league finished in fourth
place Sunday at Chehalis,
Reid Preppernau's 551 series HEW
paced Shelton's scoring. Other
team members were Ray Barring- F'RI. - S/
ton 439, Bill Kneeland 383, Ken One corn
Kneeland 434 and Claude Cook -- OpenS
Olympia Dog
Show Is Sunday
The Olympia Dog Fanciers As-
sociation is presenting its annual
dog show Sunday at the Thurs-
ton County Fair Grounds at Long
Judging for the show and the
obedience trial start at 9 a.m. and
continue throughout the day, con-
cluding with the selection of the
"best in show" dog in the after-
There are 601 dogs enterec in
the show.
Lake Washington 19½, Hudson's As second half champs, the
Bay 19, Long 18. Mercer Island Foxes were matched with Main-
13. Mt. Si 7. Olympia 6. South tenance in the championship ser-
Kitsap 5. Shelton 4V,, EasL Bre- ies. Don Woods led Maintenance
merton 3½, Fort Vancouver 3, with a 475 series. The Foxes held
Chehslis 3, North Kitsap 3, West a 2647 to 2530 edge in total pins.
DISCUS- Combs S, Hedrick PA,
Peacock PA. 146' 1".
HIGH JUMP--Ron err S,
Shamp PA, Ditlefson PA, 5' 0".
Shelton 7, North Mason 0.
South Kisap 4. Shelton 3
North Kitsap 3. Port Angeles 2
Sequim 5. Pt. Townsend 0
Bainbridge 18, North Mason 0
East 9. Central 4
WesL 3-2, Mt. Tahoma 0-1
Vashon 11. North Mason 3
Centralia 8, Olympia 1
Aberdeen 6, Hoquiam 5
Elma 2-10, Winlock 1-0
Olympia 6, Morris 5
Aberdeen 11, Centralia 5
Hoquiam 3, Elms 2
Hoquiam 4, Morris 2
Montesano 4-1, Rochester 1-0
Elma 4-10, Tumwater 8-0
Olympia 8, North Thurston 7
West 9. East 3
North 9, Bainbridge 4
Cole's Mobil Service ...... 22 42
Morgan Transfer .......... 16A 47½
High games Walt Elliott 236,
Ray Rice 222.
High serYes--Ray Rice 583.
Lumbermen's Mercantile and
Canteen squared off as respective
second and first half champions
to settle the men's Industrial
league bowling title last night.
Second half finales last week
wenL like this: Shelton Motors 4
tEd Dunbar 577), Pantorium 0
/Ken Fredson 531/; Cole's, 3½
(Jack Frost 537),. Morgan ½ (Al
Johnstom Wiley Surratt 577); L.
M, 3 (Bob Miller 571), Canteen
1 I Joe GaLchell 506); 20th Cent-
ury 3 (Ray Rice 583), Clary 1
(Wayne Clary 535).
Townsend 2-0. Angeles 0-7
Port Angeles 19, Chimaeum 4
Centralia 11, Chehalis 2
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