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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
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1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL:-- Published in "ChristmasWwn. U. PAGE 7 Do's did it! Other members of the squad in- lneans The elude Buzz Phillips, Pat Austin. of the Charlie Dale, Goldie Dale. Mel e right ,Yon the second then bested the Town Tavern 11-6. a ]:)o's are cap- Phillips and ill the pic- handsome fro- champions). Mickelson. Wayne Stenberg, Jerry Young, Roger Hoff, Bill CoLt Jr., Judy Whitney, Wayne Whitney, Ray Clark Ed Richards and Fritz Neau. Final 2nd half standings: XV L The Lamp Post ................ 50 34 Town Tavern ...................... 44 40 Joe's Tavern ...................... 44 40 Pastime Tavern ................ 30 54 OHNSOH PITCH 600 ADIEUS LEAGUE halfb Vr ........ 44 .................. 40 'i ................... 35 ................... 31 .....  .............. 30 .27 .............. 25 Walt and Bill reached their high plateaus by opposite paths. Bill L sprinted from the opening gun 20 with a 244 the league's high game 24 for 1he final evening, then slack- 29 encd to 198 and 163 follow-ups as 33 he led the champions to a 3-1 ;?,4 triumph ovcr Moose Antlers t Ce- 37 cil Crow 55(; Joe Cronquist 544} 39 Watt had to sprint at the fin- i Tough Week: Bulldogs Take Lacings From [Net, Diamond Rivals By Denni Shelly BELFAIR Tile NM girls' tennis team has fallen the victim of illness, probable cause of two most recent defeats. The girls lost to Shelton 5-0 last Tuesday, and then to West High 3-2 on Thurs- day. The girls scoring at West went like this: SINGLES Kathy Buher I"V} def. PatLsy Bixenmann INMI. 6-1, 6-0; Terry Paquctte ,%V) def. Connie Harris {NM) 6-3. 6-3; Lor- P.a Sutherland X¥} def. Elaine Crosswhite ,NM). 6-2, 6-2; DOUBLES - Susie Ving-Nancy MaLtus ,NMI def. Mary Ellen Christie- Lorna Owre vr. 6-2, 6-3; Jeannene Gire-Chris Bixen- mann NM) def. JoAnn Pallo-- Donnella Alh'ed ('vV. 6-0. 6-1. The boys' tennis team lost last Monday Lo ShelLon 5-0: SINGLES- -Tom McKay lost to Mike Carte. 6-1. 6-2; Tom Mills lost to Tim Carte. 6-4, 7-5, Den-" nis Shelly lost to Glen Hubbard, 6-1 6-0. DOUBLES --- Ron Bickle and Nell Hoem lost to Carte -Carte 6-0. 6-0; Tom McKay and Mike Campbell lost "to Ken Kneeland-- Phil Kramer. 6-1, 6-0. Thm'sday the boys were host to the Bainbridge Spartans, who again made it 5-0 against the Bulldogs; SINGLES ...... Tom Mills lost 6-4. 6-2; Ton] McKay lost. 6-2 6-1; Dennis Shelly lost, 6-3, 6-2; DOUBLES -- Dennis Shelly and Mike Campbell. lost, 6-2, 6-3; and Tom McKay arl Tom Mills lost, 6-1. 6-0. The boy's baseball team tell mise- rably into a slump losing the first of two games last week, ll-3.The Vashon Pirates took advantage of the Bulldogs who were minus a few key players due to illness. For NM. a run in each of the first three innings of play proved fruit- less against the Pirate Attack. Stand-in catcher Rick Anderson led the Bulldogs attack with 2-4 at bat. R H E Vashon 214 000 4--11 16 1 N. Mason 111 000 0-- 3 5 0 Batteries--- Atkinson. Parker (3), Pierce (6 and Guglomo; Miller Shellgren (1), Caskey (51 Shell- gren t2} and Anderson. The second Bulldog baseball de- feat of last w eek,, ,, as a no-hitter by French of Bainbridge. The Spartans were not satisfied with just a no-hitter but they scored heavily for their 18-0 conquest of the Bnl'[dogs. French also contri- buted a triple and three singles in five times at bat; R H E N. Mason 000 000 0 - 0 0 1 ........ 24 40 Johnson 244, u, 2o. " Woldeu 608. ish to make his goal after a 147 Bainbridge 001 881 x---18 13 1 opener. But his 220 and 241 tag- Batteries -- Shellgren and Dinovi; ons turned tile trick and gave the French and Pratt. Lions Club a 3-1 victory over the " * * Eagles Lionel Leman 497 . Coming up for the Bulldogs, we Bull Moose (Walt Tyynismaa have: bOWlers aid 541, b!anked Kiwanis tLes Shel- l3 Season wth pins which ver 495} and Rotary Jim Shrum atld Bill John- 508) took a 3-1 verdict over Shel- 600 family and ton ilardware tBuck Mackey 519) chltehing- the in olher wind-ups. to match Gary Cowan's 257 and Gerry HalL's 622 were season highs. Morgan, Eacrell's A00Uz00ng uew F.STORING MINUM (00OMI31NATION R Changes from Storm Door to Screen Door... 4 I" THICK [..["--AII insert= st=,/on door oH ymr 'K"-Sliding Panels tdt out for  t TLES-,.pot ,Is shianed'in wod pile weuther. TOP OR BOTTOM .INglNUM sevko EAGRETT LUMBER Phone 426-4522 TENNIS May 6. boys at Port Angeles girls at West May 9, girls at East TRACK April 30. at Central Kitsap BASEBALL April 30. Vashon, here May 2. Port Townsend, here May 6. at Port Angeles May 9. a Central Kitsap May 13. South Kitsap, here, COMMERCIAL ENDS 2nd HALF IN TIE MEN'S COMMERCIAL , final 2nd Half) W L Wingard Sport Shop .... 39 25 Wilson Company ............ 39 25 Ziegler Camera Shop ._ 36V._, 27A Ritner's Highballers ...... 31 33 B & R Oil ...................... 30 34 Moose Lodge .................. 28 36 Verle's Sporting Goods 28 86 Gott Oil .......................... 25, 38 High games--Bill Standt 234, Clyde Ziegler 221 High series--Bill Wilson 580. Stymied by a 2-2 draw with the Moose (Bill Wilson 580), Win- gard Sport Shop (Eldon Todd 540) dropped into a 'top rung tie with Wilson Company (Ralph Davison 546} when the Wilsonians bagged a 3-1 victory over Ziegler's Cam- era Shop (Joe Ness 552) during last week's wind-up of the Com- mercial league's second half ached- ule. The deadlocked pair were due Lo roll-off their 2nd half stale- mate last night. Other finales: Ritner's 4 (Bob Turner 547). B & R Oil 0 (Glen Roessel 505); Verle's Sporting Goods 4 (Stan Lyman 510), Gott Oil 0 rAl Luhm 478). [ ,:qlllillllllllllll II IIIIll II ! = , . Illlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllffllllll-- ' i - OUTDOORS =: i :.:..., i illllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli VARIETY MARKS FISHING ACTIVITY PAST WEEK What's your fishing yen? Chances are whatever it is Ma- son County waters can provide your satisfaction, long as it doesn't involve something tropical. During the past week. for ex- ample, fresh water anglers did nicely in this manner: F16yd Sternberg and a group of youngsters showed up at Win- gard's Sport Shop Sunday with 13 trout of mixed species totaling 8 lbs. in we)ght. Buck Armstrog and son Ion re- lieved a pothole in the Lake Cush- man area oi 3 rainbows totaling 4. lbs. Sunday. Dolly Varden continued to pro- vide much sport for Lake Cush- man's fans, going to 5 lbs. Duke Arnold of Hoodsport and Mrs. L. C. Griffith of BremerLon landed them. Silvers started biting surpris- ingly well for Cushman anglers, accounting for about half last week's catch and running 10 and 12 inches. This is good news for fishing fans as it indicates strong- ly that Cushman is making a good combacl¢ from last year's disap- pointment. The lake continued to give up sizeable rainbow and cut- throat .too. Then there are the salt water addicts. They did all right too. Virg Johnson picked np a limit of blackmouth off Harstine Island Saturday, biggest at 7 lbs. 12 oz. And Phyllis Sheller, for variety, did her fishing with a spear-gun while Scuba diving in Picketing Pass. She brought back a pair of ling cod at 28 and 16 lbs. So choose your wapons, fish- ermen and go to it! GOLF CLUB CALENDAR KNUTZEN TEAM LEAPS 5 RUNGS ON 1.000% On a perfect 10-for-10 perform- ance, Bud Knutzen's team rocket- ed from seventh to second place in the team standings in the men's 19th Hole Golf League last week. The Knutzens claimed the vic- tor's two points in each of five matches against Max Schmidt's team, which sank deeper into the dungeon as a result of the calcim- ine job. The Knutzens now own a sea- son mark of 23 out of a possible 40 points. Only other team to move upward in the standings was Jer- ry Thompson's squad, which climb- ed Lo fourth (from fifth} by hav- ing a 6-for-8 record. Otherwise all teams either held their rungs and slipped, leaving the standings like SO : Week Season Pet. Jack Gray 8/12 25/36 .694 Bud Knutzen 10/10 23/40 .575 Ray Walker 4/8 24/42 .571 Jerry Thompson 6/8 15/28 .536 Oliver Kelly 4/8 19/38 .500 Buck Price 2/12 21/50 .:0 L. L. McInelly 4/12 19/46 .413 Ed Faubert 2/6 13/32 .406 Jim McComb 4/8 15/42 .357 Max Schmidt 0/6 5/24 .208 Forty-five players turned out for the ,weekly competition in the drizzly weather. Two of thera maintained perfect records over the four weeks of play so far, Sonny Lowe and Larry Larson, each having scored eight points, while Jack Gray and Oliver Ash- ford are right on their heels with seven points of a-possible eight. The individual scoring: GRAYS 8--Jack Gray 2, Sonny Lowe 2, Bill Francis 1, Laurie Carlson 0. Polly Parrett 1, Bill GotL 2. KNUTZENS 10--Bud Knutzen 2. Joe Holt 2. Rocky Hembroff 2. Bob Miller 2, Jim Pauley 2. WALKERS 4---Ray Walker 2, Jim Fletcher 0. Bob Turner 2, Arn Cheney St. 0. THOMPSONS 6--Jerry Thomp- son 0, Heinie Hilderman 2 Purl Jemison 2, Ivan Myers 2. KELLYS 4---Oliver Kelly 2, An- dy Tuson 0. Larry Larson 2, Dr. Linkletter 0, PRICES 2 Buck Price 0, Guy Beckwith 0, Les LaBissorfiere 2, Bud Pauley 0, Harry Cole 0, Bert Hoard 0. McINELLYS 4--Oliver Ashford 1, Bean Daniels 2. Walt Elliott 0, Clyde Coots 0, Gary Nicloy 1, Don Johnson 0. FAUBERTS 2Jack Jeffy O, Frank Travis Jr. 2, Frank Hous- ton 0. McCOMBS 4--Jim McComb 2, Phil Bayley 2, Bob Olson 0, Jack Kimbel 0. SCHMIDTS 0--Homer Woodard 0, Ray Rice 0, Al Munro 0. CHEHALIS HANDY WINNER IN INAUGURAL INTER-CLUB Lloyd Van Blaricom, Ray Rice and Ray Walker were the only winners in the Shelton lineup which initiated its inter-club golf. schedule at Chehalis Sunday with a 63½ to 26½ defeat at the hands of the Riverside Golf Club. Four others Joe Holt, Buck Price, Arn Cheney, and Andy Tu- son -- split points with their op- ponents. Phil Bayley hit low gross for Shelton with a 76, closely fol- lowed by Sonny Lowe's 77. Pro Have a FUNderful time... BOWLING SUMMER LEAGUES NOW FORMING To Start Play First Week In May WEDNESDAY Ladies Trios THURSDAY Adults & Juniors (mixed) FRIDAY Scotch Doubles & Pot SUNDAY Mixed Trios MONDAY Men's Trios TUESDAY Mixed Foursomes SATURDAY -- open bowling Join the fun and keep in trim for tournaments TIMBER BOWL Ray Walker had the day's low card, however, with a 70. Alph Kneeland. the home course pro and "Walker's predecessor at Shelton, had a 73 and dropped a 2½- de- cision to Walker. More than 30 Shelton players made the trip, so many, in fact, that the home club was unable to porvide matches for them all. The scoring: SHELTON RIVERSIDE Lowe ½ Lindsey Nelson 0 Bennett Miller 2 Ward LaBissoniere 0 Gillard McComb Kimbel "Bayley Hott Price Daniels Cheney H. Cole Holloway SNYDER SUPPLIES 2 TALEHTS Blazers Hammer 10-2 i Viclo,.rYFor FnrslOVerof YearJags IN FIRST CLIMBER TRIUMPH Blaze, r batsmen came to life for the first time this year and .O:',I|PIC " ':'A;IEB.V4L ;f ,ii:?i;:)iiSLoeliclL::t!n'*i: i.' ." ' is! Shellgren banged Shelton junior high's .base-  "i inning and ball team right out of a 3-game Seqlu i ......... MiUer .... Garv losing streak tin I)lympia last North Kitsap ................ 4 0 33 10 finished up and retired l:he four week. East Bremerton ............ 3 1 25 17 Sholton batters he faced. During Cracking out 10 hits. the Blaz- \\;Vest Bremerton 3 0 26 the bombardment Dennis ailey ers bumped Jefferson, 10-2, to Bainbridge ..................... 1 2 23 11 produced a rim-scoring double, atone for an earlier loss to the Port Angeles ................ 3 4 28 3 Jim Riehards and Ron I.trldis Jaguars, Central Kitsap ................ 2 3 17 17 singles, and each scored a run. Southpaw Rick Bm'fiend. not to South KLsap ................ 2 3 19 33 Landis d'ove in a run All three allow the batters all the limelight, Port Townsend ............ 3 5 21 31 are sophs. pitched a steady game on the Blaz- SHELTON ...................... 1 3 13 16 Today tile Climbers entertain er slab, allowing five hits and North Mason ................ 0 4 4 45 Bainbridge in an Olympic lcague striking" out seven. "lEt was he who Latest: Scores suffered an agonizing 5-2 loss to 'West 9, East 3 the Jags when they came up with North 9, Bainbridge 4" five runs in the final inning in the Townsend 2-0, Angeles 0-7 earlier pairing. Shelton 7, North Mason 0 Rick also got in o the swat- North 3. Port Angeles 2 ring fun, driving in two runs with East 9. Central 4 a single during" Shelton's 5-run South 4, Shelton 3 seventh, and walking with the bas- Bainbridge 18. North :Mason 0 es full to drive home a lone run Sequim 5. Port Townsend 0 .... the Blazers' ice breaker----in the Today second. Rick scored two runs al- Bainbridge at Shelton so. Monday Blazer third-baseman Danny Shelton at East Barrom likewise had 3 RBIs on Thursday singles, He also had two walks Shelton at Port Townsend for a 3 and 2 batting record. Rick's batterymate, catcher Scott Swigh- Errorless defense, bombastic batting' and flossy flinging made or. had a 4 and 2 mark with two an unbeatable combinatio for the singles. The only extra base blow was Dale Downing's double in the Highclimber baseball team Mort- fifth, day afternoon resulting in its first triumph of the season. The short score: SophomOre pitcher Brian Snydel- R H E Shelton 012 2 00 5 10 10 1 supplied two of the ingredients as Jefferson 0 1 0 0 00 1-- 2 5 2 Shelton knocked off North Mason. BatterLes Burfiend and Swish- 7-0. in the first varsity major or; Douglas and Freelund. sport competition betw-een the two chools. PHYL COLLINS NEW SNYD00R, most importantly, pitched a 4-hit. 9-strike-out shut- out against the Bulldogs from BeN SIMPSON' PIN PREXY fair. Secondly, he whaled a triple and a single in his role as clean- 2½ Simpson women's bowling lea- up batter, driving in the first and 3 gue members elected Phylis CoN winning run with his 3-sack sock 1 lins as their president for the 1963- in the fourth. Senior outfielder A1 3 64 season at the ammal awards Wagner was aboard on a double ½Todd 2½ luncheon last Thursday. at the time. 1 Fletchner 2 Assisting her will be Bernadine 1 Tipton 2 Nelson as vice president, Jane Snyder's single ,came during a 1½Date 1½ White as secretary-treasurer( re- 6-run spree in the fifth and again 1V.2James 1V elected), Norene Stevens as ser- drove Wagner home. aboard this 1 Childers 2 geant-aL-arms, and Ann Cole as time on a single and positioned by 1½Lockhead 1, historian, an error on Gary Peerson's rol- O Smith 3 Championship trophies were pre- ler to second the only fielding 0 Helena 3 sented to esearch as winner of miscue in the game, incidentally. THE CLLMBERS climbed on 3 the leagm title. Team members 1 are Katie Niles, captain: Judy 1,'/-' Staudt, Myrt MorkerL. Stella Hdw- BOWMAN STARS IN ½DeLapp 2/2 ard and Betty Dean. Accounting 2½DeWinters ½ was given the second place award. B SQUAD VICTORY 0 Minnick 3 Katie Niles earned the most-im- 3 Sylvester 0 proved-bowler honor by raising her LeRoy Bowman uncorked a gilt- TENSE ? 0 Washburn 3 average 14 pins from 131 last year edge pitching performance for the 0 LeDuc 3 to 145 this year. Jane White re- Little Climbers Monday at Port 2 Morris 1 ceived the sportsmanship award Orchard and wound up with a ½Saunders 2½ while Jean Ream took honors for 9-1 victory over South Kitsap in 0 Berry 3 posting the high indlvidual game Olympic League B team baseball 0 Stedham 3 (2431 and series (604) for the re- play, 0 Seip 3 cent season. Pins were awarded to 0 Berthleson 3 19 girls who rolled 200 games The Little Climbers did all their 1 White 2 during the season. 22 who toppod scoring in two innings, four in the 2½Kneland ½ 500 series, and one for a 600 ser- fifth and five in the seventh. 26½ 63 es. Oddly, no player scored more than : * * Additional awards were made one run. Ed Dawson and Rick for perfect, perfect at- Baskin got two hits each,. Dave tendance, and to the last place Johnson. Rich Mackey and-Lynn "champs" Spilseth one each. t ........................... The only run scored off Bow- GILES BIGLEY BIRDS ,,all ,,-as unearned, ill the first. ' He gave only one hit, a lead-off Port Townsend last week. 'HOG PIGEON HONORS single in the sixth. When he tired The Redskins drubbed Shelton. ' visibly in the late going, Coach Larry Weir sent Bob Bennett ill 14,. to ½, The scoring: Dick Giles and Paul Bigley lofts to mop up and he promptly struck Pt. Townsnd 14/z Shelton I/. dominated the second ShelLon Rac- out the side in the seventh. Harper 83 3 Walker 89 0 ing Pigeon event of the year Sun- The short score: Robichaux 84 3 'Jeffery91 0 day, between them capturing the R H E Schiaronl02 2½ Reichmanl03 ½ first nine places in the 100-mile Shelton ............ 000 040 5---9 7 3 Curtis 98 3 Fredson 113 0 race from Kalama. South ................ 100 000 0--1 1 5 Halt 103 3 'Donahoe, , 110 0 A silver hen and a blue bar he Batteries---Bowman, Bennett 17) EAST EDGES CLIMBERS from the Giles loft came home one- and T. Sheedy; Yingling, Barke Myers 0 Etheridge Tuson 1  Eddy VanBlarcom 2 V2 3enkinson Nicloy Rice B. Pauley Linkletter Wuench McInelly Ashford Travis Thompson Larson Jeffery Coots Stuller Walker CLIMBER GOLFERS LOSE .... No. 3 swinger Dave Reichmm: shaved Highclimber golfers from a bright coal of whitewash when he managed to squeeze out half a point in his prep links match at East Bremerton's 4th and 5th position golfers pulled out an Olympic League victory over the Highclimbers Tuesday at Bremer- ton after Shelton's top three links- men hind piled up a 19-point lead. Bob Walker, No, 1 Highclimber, shot a sizzling 78 to top both clubs. Today the Climbers host West Bremerton at the Bayshore course, tomorrow they go to Port Ange-' les. Tuesday's results: EAST ............ lllShelton ........ 100 Kretz 86 ........ 25Walker 78 .... 41 Dorman 99 ...20Jeffery 102 ...... 20 Sowers 101 .... 15Reichman 98 . 18 London 95 .... 24Donahoe 102 13 Runquist 93 .... 27Fredson 113 .... 8 * * . $ GALS RAINED OUT; INTER-CLUB HELD Thirteen members of the Olym- pic Golf Club were guests of the Shelton women for an inter-club exchange pla last Thursday on the Bayshore course. Fourteen Shelton golf-ferns participated. Honors went to GerL Batstone ot Shelton and Jo Daugherty an(1 Bertha Bloomfield (tied) of Olym- pia for low gross, Mae Munro and Millie West for low net. Vir- ginia Bayley and Ella Bowler closest to the pin, Ruth Heuston and Ruth Graham for longest drives. Beryl Faubert was in charge of the luncheon. This week's ladies play was rained out Tuesday. COURSE CLOSED SATURDAY The Shelton-Bayshore Golf Course will be closed this Satur- day, having been leased for the entire day by the Olympia Brewe- ry for its annual employes golt tournament. ANGLE AGENCY WINS JUNIOR PIN GROWN Besting Bloomfield Logging Company in the playoff, Angle Agency won the Junior Bowling League championship Saturday. Angle anchorman Mark Schmidt edged Bloomfield lead-off Eldon Todd for high series by a thin three pins, 490-487, but the team totals were much wider propor- tionately, 1839-1729. During the season Al Glover showed the greatest improvement, boosting hLs verage 15 pins, Mark Schmidt had the high single game at 227, Glen Rau the high series at 567 nd Claude Cook the high average at 163. After the roll-off Saturday, league members enjoyed hot dogs, ice eeem , PoP, etc,, while tphies • ere awarded. two with 1354.201 emd 1340A61 yards per minute performances. Bigley cocks had the ett two spots at 1338.56 and 1336.058 with a Giles red ceck ben sandwich- ing in aL 1334.942 between four more Bigley cocks ranging be- tween 1332.145 and 1325.44 ypm. Then came a Dean Smith blue bar hen at 1266.103. another blue bar hen out of the R & G Gripp loft at 1222.458, a Darryl Cooks- ton red check cock at 1175.284 an L. E. Johnson red check cock at 1131.741, and a Larry Ziegler blue hen at 1055.746. In all 90 birds from seven Ma- son County lofts participated in the event under clear skies wiLh variable light winds at ¼oth ends of the race. BRUSHPICKERS EDGE PINMEN IN PLAYOFF Ray Rice produced the "chips down" pins Friday night as Northwest Evergreen shaded Tim- ber Bowl in the play-off for the Major league bowling champion- ship. Rice's 582 series (1'/8-238-166) wins 31 pins better than the top Timber Bowl total, Bill Besch's 551, and the final edge in the total pins reckoning was 33 pins,--- 2183 to 2150. Rice was supported by ttarr Peterson's 541, Jim rcher's 516 and Bert Hoaxers 544. Beseh was backed by Clyde Ziegler's 521, Glenn Roessel's 534 and L. L. Mc- Inelly's 544. The brushpicke had won the second half title a week earlier in a furious 5-team scramble on the final ight of the schedule. Timber Bow1 won the first half title. Shelion eniry Third in Traveling Pin Dirouit With a 6-2 success in Sunday's season finale at Abelxieen. Shel- ton's Timber BoWl entry finished third in the Wondering 8 ,Travel- ers bowling league. Gale Albrecht led the way as the Shelton entry captured 3-1 deci- sions in both morning and after- noon matches. Other team mem- bers were Jess Phillips, Charlie Savage, Lloyd Clark and Fred Snelgrove. JUNIOR TRACK SCORES Jefferson 183, St. Martins 6z%. H0pks 145&, Ce,tralia :t08, Shelton 138. Washington 110. Chinook 155, Curtis 91 Whitman 3, Central Kitsap 46 Hoquiam 146, Miller 103. and Herbold. Pile Wins Trailblazer Hare Scramble Event After a hot. tiring ten laps over rough ground. A1 Pile came home first in the Shelton Trailblazers Cycle Club hare scramble Sunday. Von Hogan captured runner-up honors with Bob Aitken third. Next event wil lbe a hare-and hound race May 12 and next club meeting will be the evening be- fore at the Ed Johnston home at Hoodsport. MERCHANTS LEAGUE Bill's Shell Sei'vice ...... 39 21 Prepp's Rexall Store .... 3'/ 22½ Olympic Plywood ............ 30 30 Kimbel Motors .............. 28 32 Ralph's Serve-U ..... : ........ 28 32 Timber Appliance .......... 27 33 Thurston County S & L ..26 34 Old Mill Tavern .............. 24½ 35 High game--Lynn White 216. High series--Hap Smith 566. Bill's Shell 3 (Floyd Fuller 528), Thurston County Savings & Loan 1 (Carl Cook 466t, Prepp's 3 (Russ Morken 526}, Old Mill 1 (Lynn White 537); Olympic "Ply- wood 3 (Ken Smith 537L. Kim- bel Motors 1 (Wilfred White 520); Ralph's 2 tDick Johnson 528) Timber Appliance 2 (Hap Smith 566). game on Loop Field starting at 3:50. Bainbridge smeared North Mason 18-0 last wcek behind the no-hit pitching of Butch Fre].*ch. it was the seeond no-hitter of ihe day, Sequim's Cliff Echternkamp equalling French's performance while beating Port Townsend..5-0. Monday's box score: NORTH MASON SHELTON  abr h abr h Foster, lb 3 0 1 Bailey.If 4 1 1 Anderson,c 3 0 1Wagner,rf 3:2 2 Caskey.3b 2 0 1 Rose.rf -0-0 0 3 0 0Petersn.Jb -3 I 0 Shlgn, p- 2 0 0 Snyder,p 3:1 2 M'Knny,cf 3 0 1 3 0 ] Dinovi,2b 3 0 0' 0 0 0 Wilson.If 2 0 0[Wingard,ss 2 0 0 Miller, rf-p2 0 0Hurst.2b 3 0 0 I Richards.c 3 1 1 3 q 1 Totals 23 0 4 Totals 27 7 8 Score by hminKs North Mason 000 000 0---0 hits 111 100 0---.4 Shelton 000 160 x--7 hits 000 260 X-.--8 SUMMARY: 3b---nyder. 2b-- Wagner. Bailey. SH---Caskey. RBI ---Snyder 2. Bailey, Landis, "Wag- nor. Smirk. SB- mith, Riehards, Landis. E---Dinovi. SO--Snyder 9. She]lgren 2. Miller 1. BB--Snyder 1, Sheilgren 1. RRF-.Sheligren 4. relax with an EVINRUDE ! (before you become "'past lense") Tired of telephones, morning mail, keepg UP with the Jeneses? Like to I;et away from it allt See your friendly get-away-from-it.all outfitter-- we sell relaxation and family fun. Try our treatment of fresh air, sunshine, rippling water, beautiful scen- ery. Segin to enjoy life aain.., wth your own Evinrode-powered boating otlit, Come in ,-- let's talk about the boating outfit for you and your budget. GET YOUR FREE COPY OF OUR IDEA.FILLED FUN GUIDE eALES & SERVICE WE HAVE IN STOCK BOATS BY SABRE CRAFT • PACIFIC MARINER HOOD CANAL MARINA Ph. 898-2252 Union, Wn. i i i i , i ] Ph. 426-3903 or see Gale & kois 128 No. First St. SHELTON REOR00TION OPEN BOWLING MONDAY FRIDAY • MIXED DOUBLES 0 PARENT & JUNIORS • MEN'S TRiO is a world of fun .. especially here! Fun for the Whole Family at BOWLING