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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
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PAGE 12 i i JOURNAL WANT ADS SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Chrlstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington i i . till i ii i ii Series of Meetinp Planned At 4 Kamilche's new est? Gateway Cafe Wh'i Saturday under of Mrs. BeLLy Wlfi! ports that the i0u standing for the f! cafe was built by and is located ear Lion of the Lynch. Olympia - SheltOn, waitresses serving a Judy .Whittaker, and Edna PfhalerL.: days a week fr0m; p.m. thru the week, Saturdays nine a.r' and Sundays fr0$ p.m. Prime rib . foods are specialtle' PharmaaY From Nell ; Nell's PharmaeYij where your trade ly gl #l Open Daily g 9 Saturdays " GET RESULTS! i :00JJ |ingerlo .'.. ' • Lingerie to-fillevery feminTne need can be found in our lovely assortment of new,Bung styles. Lavish lacey trims, or sleekly tailored slips, gowns, half slips, petti-skirts and many dainty new novelties in current collection. 1.99 to 5.99 EVERGREEN SQUARE Shelton, Wash. HOODSPORT---The Hood Canal Community Church and the Middle Skokomis Church are uniting in sponsoring a Missionary Confer- ence next week. The meetings will begin on Monday night, May 6 in the Hoodsport Church and on alt- ernate nights will be in the Valley church. The missionaries will be coming to this area from King's Garden in Seattle where an annual Confeience is being held. Several countries will be represented. Eve- \\; ry one is urged to attend and be- come better informed on current missionary effort. Further details will be announced in the respec- tive churches on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jasper of Potlatch are grandparents for the first time. Their daughter, Bar- bara, now living in Reno. Nov.. is the mother of a baby girl. Stacie Lea was born April 19. Louise cele- brated her 16th birthday on the 24th and was delighted to recmve a call from her sister giving all the details on the new arrival. Gerald USN, also called to extend his birthday greeting and to tell of his transfer to a new station in Long Beach. Calif. He will be home for a short leave before assuming his new duty. MR. AND MRS. Oscar Yates of the Light House Motel had a group of Seattle friends out for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leech and children. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reeder and children and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lackey enjoyed the Canal and their visit with their friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Millo drove to Tacoma Sunday and had dinner with the Dick Schmitts, former Canal residents. Dick has recently The Hood Canal Community Church been hospitalized but is now well again. They have sold their Ta- coma home and soon moving to this man gives you driving pleasure He gives your oar a lift through proper lubrication. He helps you avoid trouble by keeping those bearings from getting too dry. Come let our expert lube man grease )'cur oaf to insure you Of smoother drivingl ONE stop here will keep you safely on the GO ! COLE'S MOBIL GAS SERVICE Burlingamc, Calif. to make their residence. Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Parrott, Wenatchee, were overnight guests of the Lem Roes Saturday night. Leonard was the guest speaker in a Port Orchard church Sunday morning and then drove to Forks for a Sunday evening meeting. They will be in this area for seve- ral days before going into Oregon and California for further depu- tation meeting prior to leaving for Brazil in July. The children re- mained in Wenatchee with friends. Men's Fellowship will meet at the Indian Assembly at the Junc- tion at 7:30 p.m. Friday. A film, "The Street", will be shown and all men and boys are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Scott took a picnic dinner to Olympia Sunday afternoon and enjoyed getting in on the last part of the excitement of the Richard Scotts moving into their new home. Wayne's birthday was celebrated a week late. The Jack Rodmans of Shelton ]oined the group during the afternoon. THE KEN GRAVES family from Darrington were guests of the Dick Endicotts on Friday night. They dropped in briefly on a num- ber of local friends before return- Auditor Explains New Marriage License Laws Mason County Auditor C. No- lan Mason and his staff are famil- iarizing themselves with the new marriage license laws which will go into effect June 13. One big change in the law pas- sed by the last session of the state legislature is the elmination of the waiver of the waiting period. Under the present law, there is a three-day waiting period, but, it can be waivered if the coupIe can show a reason why they are unable to wait. UNDEI THE NEW LAW, there will be no waiver, Mason said. For instance, he pointed out, if a couple apply for a marriage license on a Monday, it will not be valid until the following Fri- day. Another new regulation sets a limit of 30 in which the mar- ing home late Saturday night. The low tides and Amy's insatiable de- sire for eaweed and star fish for her garden prompted this visit. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hicks took their new Camper on a trial run to the beach this weekend to see if everything was in order be- fore they leave later this month for a trip to North Dakota. Colds, Flu Slow Activities Of Some Groups In Belfair Area By Rachel Freelin tice judging of quarterhorses, us- BELFAIR In spite of the colds and flu that have been put- ting a damper on some local events, Belfair groups have been busy with spring activities. Rhododendron Garden Club held its April meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Jesse Brain, with Mrs. Ken Niles as cohostess. 22 members and guests attended. The program was the second in the club's study of driftwood ar- rangements. Using material brought by the members, Mrs. Victor Maseher of the Bremerton Garden Club helped the group work for texture and harmony in their designs. There was also dis- cussion of the collection and care of dried material, and Mrs. Maseh- er will return in October to help with another work-meeting on driftwood and dried arrangements for winter use. Among guests present for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart Goetch of Kent. Mrs. Goetch is a past president and honorary mem- ber of the club. The combination of horses and young people, which is a growing thing in this community, has led to the addition of another 4-H rid- ing group, the Saddle Swingers, with Mrs. Ken Rose as leader. Both this group and the Chuck Wagon Riders under Mrs. David Raines are now working on prac- 1ST AND PiNE HA 6-3906 ing some of their own horses as examples, in preparation for 4-H Judging school contest in Snoho- mish County May 11. NORTH MASON Jr.-Sr. P.T.A.'s officers for the coming year will be Mrs. Tom Davis. president, Mrs. Ken Leatherman, vice president, Mrs. Wayne Allen. secretary, and Mrs. Walter Dreher, treasurer. Mrs. Davis will represent the group at the state convention with Mrs. Wilson Fortman elected as alter- nate. A $150 scholarship for a gradu- ating senior will be awarded this year by the group using some of the funds earned by the Minstrel show. And ou the subject of scholar- ships, Mrs. Boyd Hunter, Ever- green Garden Club president, and Mrs. Earl Anderson and Mrs. Claire Bogle, co-chairmen of the club's rummage sale, want to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the sale, which brought in funds for the club's an- nual scholarship award. The end of April left Belfair without its local ffustice of the Peace with the resignation of Bill DeMiero who has served in this office for the past three years. The popular former officer gave his -.many other activities, particularly the demands of his work as Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, as the reason for his resignation. At this time ,no new appointment has been made, and probably cases formerly handled here will now go to Shelton. LAST SUNDAY'S perfect wed- WILL OU ther ,saw several rather chilly water skiers skimming the canal, and marked the end of the winter Bowling season for the Hood Canal Bowling League members, who HOME formerly had bowled each Sunday evening. The group held its awards B Banquet at Myhres Cafe, with the Lonesome 4 team-placing first. Among other award winners were Don Beck. with men's high game and high average, and Billie Broughton with women's high game. John Pope and Lora Beck DID YOU KNOW,,. MOST ACCIDENTS OCCUR CLOSE TO THE VICTIM'S HOME AT SPEEDS UNDER 40 MILES PER HOUR, USUALLY AT INTERSECTIONS DID YOU KNOW,,, IN OVER HALF OF THESE ACCIDENTS THE DOOR WAS SPRUNG OPEN AND ALMOST ALL OF THE DRIVERS WERE THROWN FROM THE CAR RESULTING IN DEATH OR LIFE-LONG INJURIES. DID YOU KNOW.., SEAT BELTS REDUCE INJURIES BY 66%. THEY KEEP YOU INSIDE YOUR CAR. WE STRONGLY REGOMMEND,., THAT YOU GET YOUR SEAT BELTS THIS SATURDAY, MAY 4 ON THE PARKING LOT AT 3rd & CEDAR WHERE THE SHELTON JAYCEES AND SIERIFF RESERVE WILL BE ON HAND TO HELP MAKE YOUR CAR A SAFER ONE TO DRIVE. FREE INSTALLATION FREE SAFETY CHECK. @ BATSTONE FUNERAL HOME and AMBULANCE SERVICE 426-4803 to Nellie DeMiero, Arlene Pope and Leona Thompson, all members of Bill's Barber Shop Team. EACH WEEK brings more sum- mer residents back to the Canal, and North Shore neighbors are welcoming Mrs. Dorothy Leaf. who was missing from her canal home last summer while she visited on the East Coast and toured Europe. On the South shore, the James Arthurs of Bremerton have bought the Harry Echlee residence, now occupied by the Clarence Hed- stroms who will be leaving for North Dakota at the close of school: Tex and Evalyn Stifling have flown to Pensacola Fla. to spend some time with the Harold Ken- dricks, going by way of Texas to visit relatives there. The month of April brought roughly 20.000 visitors to Belfair State Park, attracted by the cam- ping facilities, oysters, and in the case of last weekend the fine wea- ther. Last Sunday's crowd, figured at over 2,000 by Park Ranger, Tom Gibson, nearly 'hid the beaches, and the parking areas were filled with some 677 cars. Among campers using the over- night facilities of the park was Admiral Reich, enjoying the fish- ing in the area. MEMBERS of the Auxiliary to the Vohmteer Fire Department, who for years have sponsored the popular Teen Age Dances, are making a request to all parents of the community. Please don't allow young people to come to the dances with the idea of going on to some other event before the closing time. At least foul" members of the Auxiliary donate their time and effort each time a dance is held to see that it is well chaperoned and runs smoothly, The "hopping" ha- bits of a few you, people can cause endless confusion as the sponsors cannot be responsible for those leaving before the dance closes. Come to think of it, Auxiliary members have their hands full and are doing a fine job, just keeping track of a group of lively young people at the dance. So let's give them community support. [North Mason Band Is Early Entry North Mason High's dance band is one of three to sign early to participate in Olympic College's Fourth Annual Stage Band Fes- tival to be held May 11 at the Bremerton college. Other two early entries were from West Bremerton High, band directed by Bill Bissell, and Sealth High of Seattle, band directed-y John Jameson. Douglas Corliss leads the North Mason group. Approximately 12 bands should have entered by the time all en- tries are in, according to Ralph Mutchler, head of the OC instru- mental music department. riage license must be used. Under pi, esent law, there is no limit on how long the license is valid if not used. Another new section of the law deals with the minimum age for marriage. Under the new law, if either the boy or girl is under 17, the mar- riage license application must be approved by a Superior Court in the county where the girl resides. Girls between 17 and 18 and boys between 17 and 21 still need par- ental permission to get a marriage license. UNDEl THE PRESENT law, a girl could get married if she was under 15 only with the approval of the court. There was no minimum age for boys previously. Another change in the law is that any person can now get an application by mail. Previously, mail applications had been limit- ed to non-residents. 37 Attend Kamilche Family Qatherin[ To Honor Birthdays By Frances Simmons KAMILCHE About 37 friends and relatives of Mrs. Percy White- ner gathered at her home on Sun- day afternoon in honor of family birthdays and appreciation Moth- er' day shower on her sister, Mrs. Belle Richards. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Whitener and two children, Mr. and Mrs. William Koenig and six children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy West and two children, Mrs. Miriam Ford and two sons, Mrs. Annie Whitener. Dropping in for the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Farrell and three sons and Eddie Guthrie of Shelton and Raymond and John James of Ta- coma. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Taylor have re- turned from Palm Springs, Calif. to their Kamilche home for the summer. Mr, and Mrs. Roger Hulsey spent the weekend at their summer home at Kaznilclm. They live at Bothell. The Kamilehe school played base- CAROL MARSHALL of Seattle visited her parents Mr. aud Mrs. Chester Marshall last weekend. Rev. and Mrs. Earl Bradley and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henry and two daughters of Shel- ton motored to Vancouver last Wednesday where Henry entered a hospital for observation. The Kamilche church young people for their social evening last Friday travelled in a group to Lacey where they attended a -- church service and Lnen gathered at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pacts for refreshments. The Martin Otto family drove to Little Rock last Sunday where l they visited the Alfred Otto fam- ily. Mrs. Cecil McHenry is spending a few days in Seattle to be with little Rex McHenry who is at the Orthopedic Hospital for a few days under observation. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Padgett of Hoquiam called at the Herb Nelson home last Saturday. ball at Mary M. Knight school There will be a dance at Kamil- last Friday. Kamilche won, score ehe Grange hall Saturday. was 5 to 1. The girls played also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons but lost the game 24 to 20. The J. W. Jordans of Salem Ore. spent last weekend at the Ed Petty home. Irvin F!ether and David Lope- man visited at the Frank Daniel family in Anacortes last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fletcher and Mrs. Robertson drove to the ocean beach last Sunday. happily announce the birth of their fith greatgrandchild who came in- to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis of Olympia April 20. On April 4 a grandson was also born to their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons, Jr. of Olym- pia. The boy has been named Wade Cameron. Congratulations are extended to NeWs 4th & Railroad Best Wishes To Shellon Marine .- Hillcrest Hardware on the opening of the GARDEN CENTER Another Business to Serve You on HILLCREST Saeger Motor Shop Sales & Service Homelite - Lawn Boy - Merry Tiller - Johnson Outboards - Boats etc. on Hillcrest 23rd Grand  of our new GARDEN CEN complete garden stop - ' bedding plants -- trees --- see!S, i fertlhzers Insecticides 4 t001s" Fri. & Sat., May 3 an FREE: an artificial orchid ,to iladj while they iast FREE: 1 wn care books atd a l calendars while tleY i .organ -- Eacrett Lumber I Coffee & Cookies Complete Building Supply O OPENING SPEGIAL # Pitt:' 00u;glhcrPe:i:ts Geraniums: :00Jf Potted Plants Wolden's Ghevron Service The finest products and service for your ear on Hillcrest Ralph's Serve-U quality groceries, meats, produce OPEN SUNDAYS on Hillerest Bamboo Gift Shop Gifts -- Novelties -- Cards Hobby Supplies next to Bernie's Barber Shop 20th Gentury Thriftway Shelton's Newest Super Market to serve you on Hillcrest Rauscher's Richfield Service "at your service on Hillcrest GET MORCR FERTILIZIE: PLUS THIS SP EADE: . • . on this 16" spreader when purchased with a bag of Lilly's Super-Rich Morcro p$5.95, Organic Morcrop ($5.45) or Feed and Weed ($5.95) or, save $9.90 on the 18" spreaaer. @ • • • • • I; • SPREADER DEAL! 18" spreader ................ 28.95 Lilly Morcrop ................ 5.95 reg. price ...................... 34.90 SALE PRICE $25.00 SAVE $9.90 16" spreader Morcrop .......... reg. price SALE @ Door Prizes @ 1. Planter Tub & Dolly 2. Large Hanging Basket 3. Small Hanging Basket SHELTON MARIN . HILLGREST HARBWAR' filial GARDEN GENTER ON HILLcREST