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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ch'istmastowu, U.S.A.", She}ton, Washington PAGE 13 MAY .SUNDAY May Day beginning at at the school, chosen for and L Lynn Wilson is invited to attend 1unity picnic program. attend the hot dogs Own family, cups. The nished. to be taken the program "Let Free- presented by Upper grades of a "Gay This will be dane- ETS RENT Fun and of Television RADIO 426-6602 TO BE JUNE BRIDE AND GROOM THE ENGAGEMENT and June 8 wedding plans of Miss Miriam Nell and Mr. Barry Caskin has been annourrced by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Nell, Shelton. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Caskin, Bremerton. The future bride, an Irene S, Reed high school graduate, is employed at the McConkey Drug Center. Mr. Caskin is manager of Christensen's for Shoes in Miller's Dept. store. Q HARDWARE • PAINTS 1 mile off highway on Cole Road Road Builders Supply Ph. 426-8224 ISR Alumni Member Tickets On Sale Now The Irene S. :Reed Alunmi As- sociation membership tickets are on sale for $1 each. Interested alu- mni can call Irene Linton at 426- 8593 or Bud Franklin at 426-3736. Proceeds from the sale of mem- bership tickets will go into the scholarship fund. In past years profits from the ahnnni dance have not been enough to cover the scholarship. All ISR grads are urged to buy a ticket so the scholarship can be continued. O ES RUMMAGE SALE Belfair Chapter No. 241 Order of Eastern Star will hold a Rum- mage Sale next Thursday and Fri- day beginning at 10 a.m in the Shelton PUD building. SUNKIST Ruby Rebekahs To Host District Meet In The Fall Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 met April 26. Plans are being made for the Tall when Shelton will be host to District No. 3. Committees ap- pointed are: Elizabeth Butler. Wil- lie Mae Landsaw and Helen Cole, housing; Ruth Yule. decm'ating; Mary Dobson, hmch tickets and programs; Helen Cole. badges. The Noble rand asked all offi- cers Lo get old fashioned dresses. Ruby tebekah No. 75 will cele- brate 60 years this year. At the April 10 meeting Mary Dobson was elected representative Lo the Assembly which will be held in Be]lingham in June. Helen Cole was introduced as Chief Matriarch of Alpha L.E.A. of Olympia. Del Cole was intro- duced as Chief Patriarch of Alpha Encampment of Olympia. They were installed in their offices Ap- ril 20 at Centrarlia. Elizabeth Butler, Ways and Means chairman, announced a Sec- ondary Sale to be held May 17-18 in the PUD building. Initiation will be leld May 10. The brothers are in charge of re- freshments and entertainment for Mothers' Day, Even ts EXCHANGE RINGS AND VOWS IN SPRING WEDDING RITES Garden Club Members Attend Olympia Tea The regular meeting of the Shel- ton Garden Club was held April 21 at the home of Mrs, George Brewer. President Juanita Henderson an- nounced the club was invited to a tea at the Governor's mansion May 2. She also appointed Mrs. Marie Almaden, Mrs. Lanra Gru- vet and Mrs. Jessie Marble as the nominating committee. Mrs. Nina Miller gave an inter- esting book review of "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. Co-hostesses were the Misses Rose and Dora Fredson and Mrs. Henderson. WCTU Institute To Be Held On Friday The Woman's Christian Temper- I ance Union will hold a State- I County Institute at the home of] Mrs. L. D. Hack beginning at 11 I a.m. this Friday. J State president, Mrs. Charles A. Budde of Seattle, will be institute MISS SANDRA TUPPER became the April 6 bride of Mr. John Allen Sommerfeld. Jr. in the Faith Lutheran church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Tupper, Shelton, His parents are Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sommerfeld. Sr., Huntington Beach, Calif. They will make their home in California. t director. Members and friends are[ urged to attend. I The Faith Lutheran church was lily-of-the-valley, taurus, stock and the scene of a double ring wed- green ferns made up the decora- " ding ceremony April 6 when Miss tions. Sandra Sue Tupper and Mr. John The 4-tier cake and coffee was Allen Sommerfeld. Jr. were wed. served by Mrs. Art Palmer. Mrs. Large bouquets of white shasta Sam Diggle and Mrs. Frank Coop- daisies and stock decorated the or. Miss Charlene Smith attended church for the"eremony uniting 1 the guest book and Miss Rebecca the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Payne took charge of the gift. C. Tupper, Shelton, and the son of t lalle. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sommerfeld, The bride graduated from Para- Sr., Huntington Beach, Calif. Pas- mount high school, Paramount, tor Carl Carlsen officiated. Calif. She is a Simpson Timber Miss Tuppers Iatner escoi'td Go. employee. Her husband at- her down the aisle. Her gown was tended Oak Harbor high school of white lace and net over satin and Washington State University. styled with a three-foot train. She He is Autonetics -SWEEPSTAKES 0°° I' I st Prize 'l O0°° i $500 °° 2nd Prize $80.00 3rd Prize $60.00 4th Prize $51}.110 5th Prize $45.00 6th Prize $40.00 7th Prize $35.00 81h Prize $30.00 9Ih Prize $25.00 IOth Prize $20.00 I I th Prize $15.00 I NTER AS MANY TIMES AS YOU S W'SH 1 MIMM'M,M'M' ' - PLEASE ENTER MY NAME IN YOUR GREAT SUNKIST ORANGE SWEEPSTAKE NAME ..................................................................................................... ADDRESS ............................................................................................... CITY .......................................................................................................... i STATE ..................................................................................................... GROCER'S NAME ............................................................................... Enter as many times as you Wish and mail to: KITSAP-MASON DAIRY, 3rd & Grove, Shelton, Washington Daily Requirements of NATURAL VITAMIN "C" from ORANGE HECTAR or JUICE DRINK ;nknoth ng to add--nothing artificial. L at YOur store, or at your door. wore a crown of white organdy flowers with a net veil. Vhite carnations and stock with a cent- erpiece corsage of white orchids made up her bouquet. The bride's sister-in-law. Mrs. Joann Tupper, was her .matron of honor. She wore pink lace and nylon with matching hat and shoes. Her braides maid. Miss Bet- ty Kelley wore a matching outfit in blue, The 3-year-old niece of the bride, Susan Irene Tupper, was flower girl for the occasion. She wore a pink nylon lace party dres with a white flower hat and white shoes and gloves. Rose petals filled the basket she carried, The bride- grooms 6-year-old brother, Master Barry Sommerfeld, was the ring- bearer. Richard Preston Tupper, broth- er of the bride, was best man for the bridegroom. Candlelighters were Alan Tupper and Randy Sommerfeld. who also acted as ushers with 5ohn Tupper. Mrs. Ted Wittenberg provided the music with Miss Charlene Smith as soloist. For her daughter's wedding day Mrs, Tupper wore a blue lace sheath dress with matching hat. Mrs. Sommerfeld chose a pink lace sheath with matching flower hat, Their corsages were of pink roses and stephanotis. Following the wedding a recep- tion and buffet dinner was held at the Matlock hall. White crepe )er streamers and bells with employed by (Missile Div. of North American Aircraft ) at Anaheim, Calif., where they will make their home following a trip to include Oak Harbour and eastern Washington. plus a panel from a car- , cap or reasonable facsi- BUnkist Orange Nectar or by "Darigold" Dairy. May 31 1963 and Winners d in The Journal Early in June Evergreen PTA Lists New Officers Brownie Troop No. 726 opened the last meeting of the Evergreen school PTA with the flag salute and the singing of a song. The election of officers for the 1963-64 school year resulted in Mrs. Thomas Ryan being Chosen for president; Mrs. Robert Sparks, vice'pres.; Mrs. Joseph Borek, secretary; Mrs. Robert Rogerson, treasurer. Marvin Christensen. Juvenile Officer for Mason county, gave an interesting talk on his duties here. Mrs. Maxwell's room won the room count. Next month's meet- ing will be an afternoon tea. Noon Potluck For Golden Age Club The Golden Age Clnb will meet for a 12 noon potluck next Thurs- day at the Memorial Hall. Elec- tion of officers will be held. About 80 Golden Agers attended the last meeting, around 35 were from Olympia Dancing to the music of the Tune Toppers fol- lowed the dinner. BELFAIR DES PRESENTS "LUNCHEON IS SERVED" A "Luncheon Is Served" will e sponsored by Belfair Chapter No, 241 at 12 noon May 21 at the Belfaix Masonic Temple. Tickets are available through any BeN fair OES officer. "LET THE WORLD REJOIOE WITH MUSIC" IS THEM E OF NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK National Music \\; eek will he ob- } The National Hymn ,)f the served May 5-12 under the spon-tMonth , "All Creatures of (m' sorship of the National Federa-tGod and Kina", a 17th eentm'y Lion of Music Clubs The then]e Gernmn meh)dv hy St Francis of this yea]' is "Let the V¢orld Re- joice \\;¥ith Music". This is "[he 10th annual obserwmce. The basic purpose of National Musfc Week is to set apart seven days each year for music lovers whose lives have been enriched by nlusic and to foerls the attention of the general public on its vame so more lives will be enriched. Music Week is dedicated to en- couraging young musicians. The Shelton Music Club sponsor's an annual choiF concert in January. Two music sch(flarship .award win- ners of Irene S. Reed high schodl are sent to summer camp each year. A Crusade for Strings urges reviwd of interest in school and community orchestras. A music display can be seen at the public library and one has been prepared in the window of Miller's Department store. Most of the local clmrches will dedicate their music this Sundy to National Music "Week. The Faith Lutheran church will pre- sent its Children's Choir at a 5 p.m. Vesper family hem- Sunday. The Choir of the Amaranth, un- der the direction and accompani- ment of Mrs, Bea Larson. will make several appearances during the week. i Assisi. has been dedicated t,o Na- tional vhlsic VVeek. Mrs. O. G. Erickson is president of the helton Music Club. Mrs. Bernice Stewart has heen named Music Week chairman. ZONTA I,UNCHEON FOIl TOP I)ISTRICT OFFICERS About 20 members of the Shel- ton Mason Coffnty Zonta Club met last Friday noon at the Cohmial House ior a special luncheon hon- oring District Governor. i',{iss aes- sie Chnreh of Calgary, Carmda, and Lt. Gov. Mrs. Geraldine Ellis of Coos Bay, Oregon. 1 Mt. Moriah Lodge  F. & A. M. No. 11 :2 Stated communication SATURDAY, MAY 4 Glen R. Hufnail. \\;¥.M. t Arnold Cheney, Secretary ROCKY SAYS... YOU'RE A BETTER RISK WITH SEM BELTS Get your Seat Belts Saturday, May 4 at Third & Cedar, sponsored by the Shelton Jaycees and Sheriff Reserve. • Free Installation • Free Safety Check • Free Coffee &. donuts SEAT BELTS REDUCE INJURIES BY 66q:. THEY KEEP YOU INSIDE YOUR CAR, , . , , And don't forget... ; YOU CAN RELAX WHEN YOU'RE _ .cvcO INsl. __ 00iiii 116 North Seeond Street 426-3357 N Looking for America's lowest-priced bucket-seat hardtop Valiant has it...$2230*t * ............ ,, ...... . -.: ..,'-:::-#::-':;;i' ..... ' Or a sedan priced under S2OOOP Valiant has it... $1910" l t. € Valiant prices now start below 9 American compacts! If you're looking for value, your search can end right here. For Valiant is now just about the lowest-priced car made in the U. S, A. If you're looking for beauty, take a good long look at Valiant's new styling for '63. Economy? Valiant V-100 averaged 26.26 miles per gallon in the Mobil Economy Run. And then there's America's longest and best new-car warranty-5 years or 50,000 miles**. To get all of the good news first- hand, why don't you test-drive a Valiant today at your Plymouth-Valiant Dealer's| Now's the time to ge._t..,the best all-around compact ye.__tt,..Valiant! Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prices for Valiant Signet 200 hardtop',and V-lO0 2-door sedan. I:)estinatiol charges, state and local taxes, if any, whitewall tires, back, up liEhts extra. Wheel covers extra on .V-lO0 models. Hardtop comparisons based on lowest-priced currently available competitive bucket-seat hardtops; SYour Authorized Plymouth-Valiant Dealer's Warranty against defects in material and workmanship on 1963 cam has been expanded to include parts replacement or repair, without charge for re parts or labor, ?or 5 yea or 50 000 miles, which- ever comes first, on the engine block, head and internal paris, transm=ssmn case and internal parts (excluding manual clutch); torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints (excluding dust covers), rear ae and differential, and rear wheel bering Irovided the vehicle has been serviced at reasonahlo intervals according to the rqymoutn-vallant Certified Car Care schedules, ou. mv, S,0N @ CHRYSLER M=o.S oOm, O0,O. KIHBEL HOTORS, INC. 707 South First Street ."  , " "'--'--