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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i&apos; 2, 1963 SttELTON--MASON cOUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington ..... PAGE 15 , ,,y abe K,,,, ,M,'. .... Ol, Loit and Lovette r .,,d M,s Tony Bl.zic a., .  Da  Lf_ _.. : , I .,V her passing on Friday. She is' pcll as hostess. • ke. - .'-----. " - - - .  _ i,. I,.... -- I survived by three daughters, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kilough will I One day last week, Bud Riet- ] A.mkTE:.-. --: - - .--   ,)t] 1"4" 1 Etta Johnson of California, Mrs. host the Traveling-Pinochle Club dorf brought Olus Norby of So-I  L .   - |-C.). [Alia Lamb and Mrs. Ruth Chain- at their home on-Saturday even- attlc to visit in the Darl Goldy ,_. .- - berlin of Shelton. Our heartfelt in. home.     k   : sympathies to then, in their loss. / am happy o report that Mr The John Anderson family spent uF]\\;/I I JoevBaze sonofM', andMrs -- " f "i fin -h and Sunda at Li]]iau- with he, -ac       •  . , . ". " • reayson is eel g e ano e " ' ' ' P " P' - /  t W |    ,_ [ Tom Baze, was three years old Mrs. Rayson returned home Sun- I ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Chapin. ]  k      .'Y clahnl ....... ] April 17. His brthday was cele- dav from Seattle where they have I Jamie Hiekson stayed the week- t      taWhlc h ., all rug. o  brated with a family dinner Apt'il been staving With Mr. and Mrs. I end in the Shelton home of Bet  Ilk JR    l ff it". a ave entlc.t ] 21 Guests were, Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceBailey. Monger. {       "avai,'-'" can be ,isted. [Warren Bancroft and Mr. and James Schur who has been Tom Leonard had Ronnie Coc-  t     ' - .tUmis l,e e,-me to our ,Mrs. JamesShaw, Cheryl and J, m_" gone for about two years and has ] hzan of Lost Lake as Fnday over- ," '" " "" / I '  I__ Ea"'_  you an an-i mie of Quimene, Mr. and Mrs. been stationed in Viet Nam re-]night guest |   [ ............. --- __  t - me in today and / Dick Bancroft and Jacquline ot turned for a surprise visit on Fri-! Mr. and Mrs. Larry Goldsby   .... -- ..........     r 1 rUgTax, It,s rec. ] Edgington, Mrs. Ethel Baze and day with hls .uarents, Mr and :visited Saturday evening in the -=---- ..... : ....  i ,  l  moa©yl ]Mrs. Reynold Masort of Shelton. Mrs. Delmer Schm: John Schur Walter Chappell home. | -   i ik /i   I ' - / They enjoyed for dessert ice cream was home from Seattle for the Dennis Combs visited Sunday |   i    i- I  i -- | and' a lovely teddy bear birthday weekend and it just happened that afternoon with Tommy Leonard. |  li I HI Hm mm l,• m  n    | cake. grandmother, Mrs Mildred Stew- Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson| -   U m  i  . ". |l  r r = | lVfrs. A. E. Lemke was honor art was also visiting. She return- and children called on Mr. and| n  ' i   n V [ guest on Sunday in her home ed Monday to her home in La- rs. t-erry toner o Areama un- ., L_  i i  d  / ,.. . | when all the children gathered Verne, Calif. This was a. veryhap- clay. l P r -- "Vlall i,.- / bringing birthday dinner fixings PY re-union for the family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chappell|  m  0 --   i / U -'" O|O[ |which included four lovely birth- . Sunday evening at :he hme ot motored to Roy on business on / IU uv /  / ti  " . .d daycakes' Presentf°r ag aladay, M' and Mrs CliffOrd C0mDs and maay" ". s. " • . ' __V" ---- .lk I AV A   I .  Railroad  Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolden and sons, the order for the day was M.onda.y. evening callers in the / ., tL,, kla l 'hone 4a .... | children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert horseback riding, and eating ot ar[ .may home, a:m ,|d@ |[$ M'"' 1 ---o i Lemke and family Seattle, Mr. delicious homemade ice cream for lvtr emer. enur and .ms moth- ||Mlv -- _h, i U i   i im -- | and Mrs. Cecil McLain and chil- the family and following..gueatsv er, lvlrs..Lurect_.ewart. . --| 1111 IIU|M "   ...... :i":"'i:'  " : ................. -o- - . | dren of Kent, Mr and Mrs. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elmlund and . rs. erun caras mae a U| v- i  "i ............ "fam'ly"lr. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry distance call Friday evening P --.. fa--,...¢% " -" - Elmlund, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny to unaga, . )., to wisn  -- t n . - i Arnold and Johnny Rock. Present he sister and brother-ln-law, Mr. .. ..^ '. [\\;L/, ..,.. to at least enjoy the ice cream and Mrs Joe Fix, many happy to-  ,. F'Jq" , u,u: JL JLJ were Mr and Mrs Clyde Miehter turns on the occasion of their . -- 1   and Mr. "and Mrs. "Joln Rock. twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. '2 " ,  --- _: " Sturday, Mrs. Walter Chap- Mr. and Mrs Hans Lund and  iR[ f: MADHMf. pell and children visited the logg- Darlene called on M'. and Mrs. 1 .... --:- -_-_- .... -  N' V • inm.miii ing works at M:atlock to take pic- Henry Jackstadt Sunday evening. '.-.  " -_'__, -   0 YOU ....  .......... ' tres of the horses and other inter- The Eldon Todds we:e Monday -  _   • raR . BUT DO NOT UNDERSTAND  esting features, visitors in the L. A. Todd home.  "    , :  Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy accom- Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund and  .m.     -- Hi • l _' panied by Fred Johnson and Gla- Darlene enjoyed fishing" oi Sun-    L   - • [[[ OAAHIa TAAA dys .Zoyer of Lilliwaup took Mrs. any at HanKs Lake and got their  i_.JE    mnG nlfeil leXl. Z'oyers daughter, Shirley, Shelton, limit of trout just a good eating      U- -- ,=-v•= mvv,v to Sea-Tac to catch a plane for size.       R. 12 to 6, FRI 9 to 6, SAT 9 to Noon her home in Glendale, Calif..The Z..eMnrSkMerlin R)ckds andch}!-   "--      Take advantage -' .... " "' .... . " clrlve was made enjoyaole by OlOS- ul" *,, ,*1".  .......... ,oo,,, ,,,c,,- - ---        o '-- -- seining dogwood and wild cur- ards and Christine and Mrs Ruby     " !  oI our pre-season :'EGLAS. ,aa ainu rant for color along the freeway. Hitchings motored to Olympia   ]  - " _ .... --- .... xinv:  ir m,;li,, • .a _ , Saturday overmgit and Sunday y to enjoy the beauty of the  _ ' 1 __ J "-klt ]h'?UT [.lly[,T_ TI uests 'of Mr and Mrs Dell Ad- blossoming trees around the Cap- blankets. Just 50 holds lr.- -- , . ares were lwr. and ars. rancm z  unmng.  - : - ..... - ...... vent lnf], .,÷;l A,,,,,- J 'IPT7][) "aI','DI"'T¢' *,*,w Trou  and famil-" of Seattle - - __-_--__-- -- g  ,,,,,u, t- J-uu. --x lv  /ilV v , s • Choo " " se double and twin bed Jerry Nunamaker was weekend S zes rom $8950 guest of Doris N k TI FIP A ,)I, ooN'v at reLarkably low prices right now, Judy Leonard had Friday guest Donna. Lyons of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman and - Steve spent Sunday at North Cave; e-m  m Grayland, clam digging and report iI "- • limits and a lovely day there, Nice ¢}L ' i fat clams too -oi,, TON HEARING AID CENTER S.nday evening callers in tlm ' -" Shelt ............. [] home f 1Vlh" and Mrs James Hick- :, t o ' _wasn. m 4ze-a Ji son were M,:. and fii's. Vilas Mof fatt, Shelton. i I I ' " i ........... i : - ... -, , (------'-- 5_--_---7t I / e 00are I :] :' E"YDAY EARTHENWARE BY ! THE M0ST FAMOUS N ,i :I :- A  N  / 24 piece beginner set for 8 I 15 ':c:.;4F, 91 95 , / :l|   • 8 CUl ,&,,I • / __ - , / 'EN STOC AN EXCELLENT BUFFET S[RVICE! ;'  K VALUE DPEN STOCK VALUE / .... 0V 25o 35o 20?o OFF ON ALL OPEN STOCK Make your selection now while our stock is comletel @ OUR TELEPHONE of Sbeiton 426-8215 ( A subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Formerl T Lumbermen's Mercantile Regular 6.98 and sleep snug and warm all winter long! B0x90 GLASSIG $5.90 2 for '11 Beautiful soft plaids of Rose, Beige, Gold and Blue. Extra heavy weight of 4 lbs. 94% Rayon, 69 Acrilan, machine or hand washable, fast color, moth proof and non-allergenic g" acetate satin binding. Use for double or queen size beds. - Regular 5.95 ,*" ,x9O BONNIE '5.50 'lO Rich dark plaids of Red, Brown, Blue and Green, practical for twin or double beds. 90% Rayon, 10% A.crila., is moth proof, non-allergenic fast color to machine washing. Lux- urious Acetate Satin binding. Ibegular 10.98 72x90 ANNIVERSARY '988 .,..$, . , • m ...... '. ::";g*"': " ':" " Our own reversible ,<  very two-in-oe blanke¢ i delicate om- .**:::**¢.*' ",.- tripes of Gold Turquoise Green, Rose, Boige and ,*i* ...... endar. 75% Avisco Rayon, 25% Aerilan Acrylic, non /...:::,;.x.,... genie, moth proof, 8" Acetate satin binding. Machi hand washable. Regular 6.98 80x90  ST ARDOWN " ....  "'..<i "" " '5.90 '11 Ex ra loft means extra warmth in this fine plain c ala ket . . . Pink, Green, Blue, White, Beige, Lilac, 3e: anium and Gold. Has 100% Nylon binding, is moth. o .allergenic and is machine washable. 85e) Rayon Regular 8.98 72x90 % Acrylic. , " R 0 S E R O M A N G E ..... $ | $ 3,.':;s.c " " ¢:;;x&G'i'* .%?a}* :.¢: {{x.: : / >:.'e,-gg ? -::,.>g:4,(q:- :¢: s!;. ' A hcauLihl rose patterned blank,,t, Lilac; Pink or Yellow .... `:.::e;a`s¢`;?iv`;.:``;e`.:..`>::gP:`:``;.```.:`:.¢.ae``..\>:.-': .w.,v. roses on  hite background. Nap Guard and Super Loft. 94 % ,: ,;-;*e' e:, ,:.:,> :.: .:>'..*,:}-,'.g! a:. '' ,q:c-,-.',<.,, : .:> e:-,- i}L. : Rayon, 6{. Nylon. Moth and mildew proof, non-allergenic, : ,J'V''rX.;,VX+'>'"'<'" "," V" ' "% a   ''*di'.:':'.dd '.: "'*'';''"% ''a ':e*'':'* Stitable for twin or double beds. Machine washable too! {`i{`?:{7:5v%;`><\