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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 16 See Emerson TV and Stereo al Johnny's Music Box 205 Cots St. I I If Betty Townsend Elected President Of Local WSNA District: No. 22 of the Washing- ton State Nurses Association elected new officers at its last meeting. Betty Townsend was nanled president; Thelma Adams, vice preu.; Helen Doerty, secre- tary; Evelyn Fagergren, treas. Board members moving up are Marie Abel. 1 year: elected, Mary Johnson for 2 years and Edna Lougtman, 3 years. Retiring president, Edna Laugh- nan. thanks her supporting offi- cers, Thelma Adams. vice pres.; L. Harriet Campeau, secretary,. and Selma Buffington, treasurer. for their fine work. Increase in membership was the •1962 goal of the group and will be again for 1963. New officers will be installed at 8 p.m. May 14 following a 6:30 p.m. potluck meeting which will be held at the home of Evelyn Fagergren. Call 426-4600 or 426- 4451 for directions. Reports will be heard frorn the two elected delegates to State Convention. I i I I .... I /IP -'---- --" BRING YOUR GLASS tROUBLES TO US YOU can depend on our "know how" to save you trouble and money when it comes to glass replacements. Because we know what we are B doin§ (and why) you can be sure we'll do it R I GHT l . GRIMES & McNEIL ,._-,4 BODY &` FENDER WORKS 7 3rd and Grove Sts., 426-8264, ,=,| ... . I SI-TELTON--,MASON COU2qTY 3OURNAIJ- Published in "Christ.mastown, U.g.A.', Shelton, Washington I i I H i I 'iii i Social Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 i H ii i ii , i i i ISR GRADS TO WED JUNE 1 MR. AND MRS PAUL BIGLEY announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Linda Marie Hardy, to Roger Lewis Hoff, son of Mrs. Caroline Hoff of Tacoma, formerly of Shelton. The bride-elect and her husband-to-be are both gradu- ates of Irene S. Reed high school. June 1 wedding plans are being made. Do you think Char]ie can win a ribbon? That's what Joan Anderson, 4-H girl, is striving for: a blue ribbon for Charlie at the County Fair. Working for excellence is one of many fine principles which the 4-H Club and Future Fmzners of America inspire in their youthful members. Honoring their purposes, our Company annually provides 74 first-year college scholarships.for 4-H and Plannin ahead to serve you better STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA FFA to award to deserving members in the West, Alaska and Hawaii. Joan Anderson plans to apply for one of these, This is part of the nearly $1 million we contribute annually for scholarships, fellowships, grants, services and materials for schools. We deem Local Eagles Auxiliary Honors Birlhdays Of Members Wih Cake Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079 hon- order District Deputy Marie Lewis and District Mother Veona Fish- er at it.s regular April 23 meet- ing. A lovely gift was presented to each of them. Several members accompanied the Mother from Raymond. A birthday cake was made by Virginia Dundas to honor all who had birthdays in Jan . Feb. or :March. Doughnuts and coffee was also served by the men Nomination of officers was held. Those nominated are: President. Jean Dorsett: vice pres.. Edna Kneeland; chaplain, Myrtle Swear- ingen; conductress. Bertha Lord; inside guard. Bertha Johnson; out- side guard, Agne Lund: trustee. Doroffhy Eads: treasurer, Florence Marler: Jr, past pres., Virginia Dundas. Canal Amaranth To Install Nex! Week Mrs. Susan Cheatham was elect- ed Royal Matron of Canal Court. Order of Amaranth at its Jast meeting. Others elected to office include Dess Haines. royal patron; Mrs. Mattie Backlund. associate matron; Fred Martin. associate patron; Mrs. Edna Haines. conduc- tress; Mrs. Erna Martin. associate conductress; Mrs. Evelyn Nichol- son, secretary; Mrs. Hattie Hunt- ley, treasurer; and Martin Smith, trustee. The new officers will be instal- led during a public ceremony at 8 p.m. May 11 at the Union Lodge hal!. Appointive officers will also be installed at that time. Canal court officers will hold a practice meeting in the Union Lodge hall at 7 p.m. Sunday. Marriage Licenses Applying for marrmge licenses at the Mason county Auditor's of- fice this past week were: Donald V. Stoppler, 23. Shelton, and Sharon Kellerman, 19, Dayton. R. A. Coppersmith, legal, Taco- ma and G. V. Haslett, legal, Ta- coma. JOB'S DAUGHTERS TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS THIS SUNDAY JANET ESTVOLD wi I be installed as Honored Queen for Bethel No. 37, Order of Job's Daughters at 2 p.m. this Sunday in the Masonic Temple. The public is invited to attend. Princess. Cheryl Boad; Jr. Prin- cess, Marcia Dorcey; guide, Terry Turner; marshal, Janice Powell; chaplain Kathy Archer; treasurer, Cindy B'oad; recorder. Judy Rains; musician .Yvonne VanLaanen. First messenger, Diane Turner; 2nd messenger, Sandy Smith: 3rd messenger. Valerie Bins; 4th mes- senger. Nits Potter; 5th messen- VICKI LEE AUXILIARY The Vicki Lee Orthopedic Aux- iliary will hold its meeting next Sandy Carney Judy Eby, Susie Monday at the home of Mrs. Gene Luhm, Rabble Johnson. Nancy Ayers with Mrs. Ran LeGarde as Powell and Judy Nicholson. co-hostess. There will be election Those being installed include of new officers. Honored Queen, Janet Estvold; Sr. Honored Queen Elect. Janet Estvold. and the members of Beth- el No. 37 Order of Job's Daugh- ters cordially invite the public to attend the installation of officers at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Masonic Temple. Installing officers will be Paula Harman. outgoing Honored Queen, Aline Devlin. Marl] yn Arnold, TOM ROWE TAKES ABERDEEN BRIDE IN THE CHAPEL OF THE BELLS Ill RENO A WEDDING TRIP to Lake Tahoe followed the recent mar- riage of Diane Marie Ellison to Thomas C. Rowe Jr'. at the Cha- pel of the Bells in' RenD, Neva- da. The new ma- tron, a senior at the University of Washington, is the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Elli- son , Aberdeen. She is a member of Alpha Chi O- mega sorority. The bridegrooms parents are Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as C. Rowe, St., Union. He is a graduate of the U Of W and will complete his Master's Degree in the fall. His affiliation is Phi Delta Theta. The bride wore a white, wool Monarch suit styled with a collarless, slightly-fitted jacket over a pencil slim skirt with white accessories for the early evening cere- money. She carried a bouquet of white roses and stephanotis. Mrs. Robert C. Holm, Cousin of-the bride from Modesto, Calif. was the mat- ron of Tlonor. Mr. Holm served as the best man. The newlyweds wilt make their home in Fremont, Calif., where Mr. Rowe is employed at the Lumbermen's Mercantile Co. ger, Linda Rains; Sr, custodian, Diane Olsen; Jr. custodian, Sandy Koch: librarian Barbara Wolf; inner guard, Donna Anderson; out- er guard, Lovey Kelly, Courtesy officers include Diane Bina. SuAnn Anderson, Gall Down- ing and %¥endy Anderson. The choir includes Lyta An- drews. Leanne Armstrong, Wilma Bolduc, Linda Johnson. Janice Pierce. Gall Steensen. Janet Stein- berg, Connie Stevens. Cindy XYait9 and Ginny Welton. Refreshments will be served fol- lowing the ceremony. Mayor Proclaims National Music Week May 5-1.2 "Whereas music plays an inva- luable influence in the life of our world; and whereas music is one of the most sublime of human pur- suits and is subscribed to by all races and creeds; and whereas mu- sic is the language of all peoples and one of the greatest forces in creating peace and harmony; and whereas the National Federation of :Music Clubs -- dedicated to encouraging young musicians, to increasing musical knowledge, and to advancing American music -- and its cooperating organizations join forces to direct attention to the dynamic influence of music in everyday living; now. therefore, I F. A. Travis. Jr. Mayor of the city of Shelton do herebr proclaim the week of May 5-12, 1963, as National Music Week and ask that all citi- zens of this community observe and take part in activities, recog- nizing the importance of music, musicians, and musical organiza- tions in the cultural life of our City, and State. and the Nation, and World. P. A. Travis. Jr., Mayor. Methodist WSCS Joint Meeting The Methodist WSCS will have joint meeting of all circles at 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday in the fire- place room at the church. Journal CO ELECTRIC Fomous Movement c ordinary Tapered polls dial. An anywhere. tone combinat PRICES MOTHER'S HOUSE WARMING 129 Les SUGGESTS/ Seat Belts can save year and prevent injuries. Get your se= May 4 at 3rd and sored by Shelton JP Sheriff's reserve. LI|I * AC¢IDIIII' 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE " For Your Home -- EconomicM, Practical HIGHT-TIHE OUTDOOR ILL For only a few cents a night you can light up your front yard and driveway, you can install a modern efficient light near your house or garage, you can banish the darkness around your patio or recreational area. Visualize YOUR home with one or more of these modern, efficient lights. Think of the many advantages you will enjoy and the peace of mind you realize if your property is effectively illuminated after dark. Here's What Y °ul * An efficient and modern naire designed for all * A built-in photoelectric cell on the light as darkneSS sl turns it off next morning * All brackets and l complete installation. * All electric power used during ation of the light. * Free maintenance and rcpl burned out bulbs. The Low Cost Will Surprise You -- Get Details Mrs. Merrill Saeffer, spiritual life secretary, is in charge of the pro- MASOTN 0 COUNTY P U Ol NO• 3 gram, There will be a Pledge serv- ' m ice. /usic will be by the Anm- : ! m ranth choir and the Ruth Circle will6 Southsidep.m.SerVeSoUTIt[SIDE--for refreshmentS.aGrangepotluckGRANGEwillsuppermeetthis, at J ApCrKsIcC2E @ L I;EPBWEtE R ELECT:;LLY ;RY tPiday t 'the @rnge hall, The regular meeting will follow the dinner.