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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE /8 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shdton. Washington ThursdaY, ALL / For Sale , H 1960 LAWN BOY Rotary Motor lawn mower, 360. See at 529 No. 5th, after 5 p,m. H 5/2 FOR SALE Davenport with rose and cream flowered slip cover $50. Call 426-222,5 after 5 p.m. C5/2 LARGE WING back style brown tweed. Colonial type chair with ottoman, good condition. Phone 426-4307 D 5/2 FOR SALF --- Kitchen range with motor. Burns oil or wood. Good con- dition. Phone 426-4064. K 5/2 tfn DINING room set. small electric phono- graph, old solid oak writing desk. Phone 426-4309, 1505 Mason St. E 5/2 WASHER. Dryer, stove and refrigerat- or. All in excellent copdition. Phone 426-6259. F 5/2-9 30 IN. Frigidaire stove, automatic oven and timer. One full bed, springs and mattress. 2 chests of drawers 8 cu. ft. deep freeze chest type 1 automatic washer. Phone 426-8997. N 512 2 NEW 7:50x14 4-pty caps, $20. 426-4041? S 5/2 R'----------New two-wheel trailer? phone 426-3017. B 4/25-5/2 LARGE plate glass windows, window frames, aluminum windows, door frames, lawn mowers, garden trac- tors, rototillers, table top hot-water heater, cabinet sink. frigidaires, stoves, many articles. Herb's Second Hand Store, on Mt. View. 4/25 tfn ONE SEEBURG juke box for sale, Call 429-6985 A 4/25,5/2 [FOR SALE enclosed large fibre glassed 2 wheel trailer excellent con- dition cheap. Call 426-6643. R 4/25-5/2 RI-STMASTOWN, U.S.A;" rubber stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 each. 227 West Cots" 1211 tfn S P-AI-NTs -- We are open madays, Shelton Marine, Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 lln PACIFIC PRIDE apple trees. Shel-R-o- Mrine -- Hlllcrest Y=Iaidware on Hillcrest. 3/28 tfn P'IbNI.ER SAWS sales and service. We are open Sundays, Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn FOR SALE---Cello with case and music, $116. Phone 426-8001, T 4/2b tin F"OR SALE -- 35-Ioot Angeles traner, furnished. Phone 426-3104. W 4/11 tfn 3 TD9 Internationals $1.995. $4,500, $5,950. Sawmills $950, $1,150, $2,150. Call 426-4820 for appointment. B 4/11 tfn E-'L-E-CTROLUX SALE. service and Supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108. Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn w-T--. volt nght plant. traitors, boats, campers. $195.50. Saeger Motor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tfn YO'U CAN P more water and longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co.. 419 :Railroad. 3/16 tfn HicH, BLAC "TOP OIL ill road 'and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea ravel ,for driveways. Norman An- leron,•Dhone 428,52. John's Creek Shnd and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn IR SALE - Ud steel, plates pipe, ulleys and shafts. All type's san ,gage. Sheltdn Junk Co,, First and Mill, .phone 426-8626 9/8 tfn onuluonea ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eelrs & Valley Ap- pliance Cener. 615 tfn MUsic Box, 205 Cota St., phone 426- 4802. 2/1 tfn U--R FINE stock of fireplace equipment. From fireglow to Frank- l in stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View, 11/15 tfn SWWOOD for sale. You haul $9,50 er cord. We haul $12.50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4363. Nlell _be:Olympia Hiway So. _Mac 10/11 tfn EMERSON TV and stere5. See them a Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots St. 4112 tfn -'iJTL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn FERTILIZER fc'r sale. Delivered in 2 yard loads, $9.09 in Shelton. Phone 428-6077 L 3/7 tfn [CIDE and garden seed ti-. Get them now at Shelton Marine Hillerest Hardware. 2/21 tfn le- homes! Quality at a practical price. DeTray's Mo- bile Homes, 1617 Fones Road, Olym- pia, Wash. Phone 352-2907. 2/21 tfn tH---)--D(-)D-ENDRONS--small sizes many in bud $1.79 each. Peony roots stmrt time only. $1,00 per division. Roses in containers both bush and climbers 1,43 each, Garden Shop open 11 a.m. 428-3710 3/28 tfn IZR'iCIs, singles or ar- rangements all types and kinds from 0c. Wholesale an(/ retail. Shelton Marine  Hillcrest Hardware. 3/28 tfn B R I GCJ "ST RA-'T-O--N replacement gines, short blocks, parts In stock ooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. First. Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tfn pink and gold. Phone 426-8377, $$00. H 4/18 tfn tons. Gasoline engine, :)£ hp. Small electric range. Buffet, Small gas beater. Jerome Kcrhart, 204 E. Pine. K a/18-5/2 JI-T--T--Take advantage of our early spring, complete selection of very fine Stock, Oregon grown. Pears, peaches, cherries and plums. Flower- ing erabapple and plums. Shade trees. Roses, Pink Dogwoods. Weep- cherries. Camellias. Rhododendrons. Extra fine Maguolias in several kind. Eergrcn shrubs, Island Belle grapes. Many spring blooming shrubs. Ilcathers, tulips, daffodils, The Garden Shop, Olympia Highway South. Phone 426-3710. 2/21 tfn WAX NO M-0--- PYLON ll tra]aparent plastic coating, never meeds waxing', polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out, See Graystole. 5/25 tfn C(L---DY'O0--'ff-a monthly charge account on food? Below retail prices, f]ee home delivery, no gimmicks, no high prices, Unconditional guaran- tee to satisfy you, Olympia 943-3720. Dll-ltfn Hillerest lardwar. 3/28 tfn GARbJN--S-i{SI  SPECIALS -- Grapes. red aud black raspberries, strawberries, currauts, gooseberries. rhubarb, asparagus, chives, lavendar, delphiniums, primroses, pansies. HeN laborus, bleeding hearts. 5 types of dwarf fruit and flowering .trees, Gar- den Shop Open II a,lU, at. I Hex 48 Shel Ion. 3i28 i.fn KIl--t_ plants, shrubs. Shelhm Marine --- I=lillerest lIaJ'dware on Hillcrest 3/28 tin 'I Garage di:" for sale, with heavy-duty Stanle, y fixtures. One year old. $100. Phone 426-3375 or 426-241f. K 3/28 tfn 638 Arcadia evenings, V 4/4 tfn will open Friday at Bar-Dins 526 Franklin. B 4/11 tfn catcr . AI-o 9.x gras rug $12 both nearly new. Phtme 42-t)20." For Sale FOR SALE Pole wood 16 in. and over $16 per cord, Phone 426-4867 S 1/31 tfn Sporting_Goods "FOR SALE or trade 20 f|. Alaska ce- dar inboard, sleeps 2. Coast Guard equipped for unimproved property, trailer house or what have you. 426-6769 E 4/18 tfn EVINRUDE and Homezlte outboards. Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Hood Canal Marina. Union, Wash. Phone 895-2252 3/21 tfn EVINRUDE SAL, ann service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 42-8163. 3/29 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at WaiFs Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn OUTBOARD boat complete. 16 ft, Cad- dy Craft convertible 80 HP Mercury. Holsclaw trailer. Excellent condition 204 W. "G". Phone 426-2055. J4/25-5,9 16 ft. Cabin boat will trade for small house trailer. Call 877-5575 Hoods- port S 4/25-5/9 17 Ft. fibre glassed boat with wo 35 H.P. electric motors with trailer, fn- quire Shelton Shoe Repair. S 4/25-5/9 3 H,P. Lauson outboa-i nmtor, good condition. $40. Skilsaw 8A '', heavy duty, extra blades. $50. Phone 426- 3513 cenings, D 4/25-5/2 For Rent APT. for rent--unfurnished one bed- bedroom, heated, witl stove and re- frigerator Adults only, Elevator service. 311 No. 1st. 426-3025. P 4/11 tfn FOR RENT clean furnished one-bed- room house. Call 426-4644 S 4/4 tfn FOR RENT -- One-bedroom f house, water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 5125 tfn HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping rooms and 2-room apartments. Lin- ens. dishes, utilities supplied, d26- 2081. B 2/28 tfn FURNISHED ground floor apartnmnt, down town. adults only, Inquire 201 Alder. Phone 426-6450. R 4/18 tfn rent. Call 426-6345. S 8/30 tfn EP-P-N--G ROOMS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT available _. A p_t. _ ._$4/_4 tf_n FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom, heated apartment. Close in. Call 426-6283. S 10/18 tfn GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water, At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS -- Cheer- fui one and two bedroom furnished apartments, lots of closets. Near Shelton Airport and prison site. phone 426-3772. S 10/11 tfn 2 BEDRM. duplex or rent. garage and " utilit5 " room, electric heat, water, garbage furnished. 426-8150. N 11/22 tfn LAWTON APARTiWENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. .411 atilities furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8/77. 1214 tfn FOR RENT  Ree Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage,yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tfn CA--, comfortable, one an-d-t--w'be-- room furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat. elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly or monthly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/6 tin FOT Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment, Hot water heat, city utilities, range and reffrigera- for furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact ApL No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn RENTAL EQUIPMENT UHAIN SAWS, Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Til'lers, Floor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barrows, Electric Saws, Electric Drills, Saber Saws, Sanders, Exten- sion Ladders. Step Ladders, Pipe Wrenches. Shelton Marine Supply, 426-8163. 617 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom, up- stairs apartment. Ceramic tile kit- chen and bath. Ample closets. Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/19 tfn FOR RENT light housekeeping rooms. everything furnished but dishes. 426- 4679 or Inquire 100 West Pine. R 2/7 tfn FOR RENT- Two ibedroom apart- mont. Phone 426-$169. B 5/2-9 MODERN apartment for couple or single person, 213 No. 1st. Call 426- 4481 or 426-4895. G 5/2 tfn 2-BEDROOM unfurnished house, 6 lnilcs out. Suitable for couple. Gar- bage and water furnished, fenced and private. No dogs. Available May 18, $45 per month. 426-8788. J 5/2 tfn Classified Service PIPE Shop Servieedo-it-yourself or expert help ave lable, day or night, "weekends. holidays. Roy Getty 1014 :b'ranklin. Phone 426-4850, G 5/2 tfn McCULLOCH SALES aria Serwce. We are open Sundays, Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-3163. 3129 tf[ STUDY ART with exceptional teacher and artist. All fncdias. The Art Barn, Belfair. Mondays 10 a.m. - 2 p.nL, and 7 p.m. Phone 426-4758. IMPROVE you]' property now. Call Holiday Builders. 426-6908. Will build you a fence patio, carport, bulkhead. ga]'agc, cabh], family or extra, room. ............................................ AL_ or renlod,,i. P 4/2a-o/2 HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work uaranteed. Bennett Paintl)f 0 hone 426-3248. C JEROME BURKE Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- ged older sawdust, pit-run g "vel. a x ra Phone 426-3675. B 10/4 tin JACOBSEN SALES and service. We arc open Sunday, Shelton Marine, Hillerest tIardware, 426-8163. 3/29 tfn FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton She(t Melal Co., 321 So, Third. Dial 426-6121. EXPERT-TO GLAS {nstallation. Jim Pauley Inc, 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/'28 tfn REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. helton Re- frigeration Service, 815 Cote, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn chimneys, planters, call R. E,. Mwson, 426-2278. 3/1 tfn lion guaranteed, Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn accurate precision grinding, Nbw at Saeger Motor Shop. llillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. ghelton Junk Co.. Fh't and Mill Classified Service INDIVIDUAL and Family Counseling. 210 Union ave,, Olympia. Daily, some evenings. For appointment call Olym- pia 943-3602 R 4/18-6/6 LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Painting Company, 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS, all makes and models. Lem Warren Re- frigeration, 2rid at Cota. Phone 426- 2445 3/14 tfn Pets, Livestock PUPPIES -- Pomeranians--males and females. Toy Fox Terrier--male. Shelties--ntales and female. Stud service. Phone 426-6940. F 4/25 tfn FOB SALE Chihuahua terrier puppies 2020 Washington St. A 5/2-9 waat YOUNG mother wants baby sitting job. 426-2181. P 5/2 --XPERI-E,-N-CED secretary would "]i part time office work. Phone 426- 8039. H 5/2 WOMAN wants housework or ironing. Call evenings 426-4378--638 Arcadia. V 4/4 tfn TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/18 tfn FOUNDATION work, repairs leveling, re-posting, Reasonable, free estima- tes. Call Olympia FL 2-8551. C 3/14 tfn SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 318 tfn WATERFRONT wantea. Tacoma pro- fessional family disires unimproved waterfront. Cash or contract with interest. No realtors. Write Box S. c/o The Journal 2/21 tfn WANTED -- I000 recappable tires. OK Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn Robert Shumate, Olympia, 9120 ttn HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in state. Phone FL 7-5353 or FL 2-4940. HANDY MAN -- Odd Jobs! If you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn WILL do ironing in my home, down- town area. $1 per hour. 426-8514, Mrs. Charles Lombard. 2/14 tfn WANTED: Alders and maple logs, 10 inches and up. 8. 10, 16. and 20 foot lengths. Also alder stumpage. Phone Union 898-2457 or Port Angeles 45£- 2175 after 7 p.m. or write 104 Co- lumbus st. Port Angeles, Wash C 1/24 tfn WANTED--Huckleberry and salal. Competitive Prices paid for bunch brush. Phone 426-4244. P 4/18 tfn Miscellaneous m, MEAT COOLING. cutting and wrap- ldng. Phone ,t26-6779 Lemkc service. L 2/7 tfn G-ARI)EN PLOWING and Rototilling. Small plots or' large. W, A. Vander Veer. phone Hoodsport 877-5393. Shel- ton 426-3529. V 2/7 tfn CARD (IF THANKS -r May we extend to ore. many friends and neighbors and especially to tile palll)esrers, also those who donated tO llle HearL lhUl](I and Cancer lUIld our deep thanks for the flowers and symphathies given us during our be- reavement. Levi She] ton. Shirley Shelton. Mrs. Jack Cole. Lost and Found LOST--Arcadia Point untay. s ft. plywod dingy with oars, red, white and blue. 426-8835. S 4/25-5/2 Business Oppoitunities- :BUSINESS OPl)ortm]ity--Mason Lake pile driving business with contracts to go. Pimne CH 2-8773, Seattle. R 5/2-16 3t OTHER inlerests force sale. 24 Flavor lee Creanl store in Larry. Also serve hmches and have donut machine. Will accept" real estate, boat or house lrailer as down payment. Phone 357- 99917 or 352-8832. D 5/2tfn Real Estate THREE bedroom, fenced patio, large utility, fireplace, hardwood floors, plastered. Reasonably priced. We will paint. 2128 Jefferson, Phone 426- 4652. H 2/21 tfn OLDER 3 BEDROOM ouse on Angle- s}de for sale. No Friday night or Sa- turday calls. 426-8563. A3/7 tfn -SR---SALm- Dumex x wlm o lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 428-150. N 7/28 tfn T'ADE good house in Skokomish val- ley, close to highway 101, for Christ- mas tree or timber land, Phone 426-6084. R 11/8/ tfn E--B--EDROOM house, 3 lots. 1926 Summit Drive, $8,500, phone 426-2154 or 26-3024. Garage. Fruit. P 1/24 tfn T'-H'REE BEDROOM home, 5 acres, fi- replace, modern and neat. $9850. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426-4475 days, S 1/24 tfn MODERN 3-bedroom home with fire- place and 100 ft. of waterfront on Island Lake. Call 426-4962 after 5 p,m. C 3/14 tfn Mt. View Home 2 bedroom, electric heat, near stores, yard in tip-top shape. All fenced. Remaining equity at 4u/a%. Call evenings and Sun- day. 426.4811. S 5/2-9 m - Prompt - Guaranteed Setwice WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 iii BOAT BUILDING Repairing and fiberglassing. Glass boats repaired or re- finished. 3 1/3 miles east of Agate Store. Phone 426-6977. 4/d - 5/9 |/|1 i . WAltZED Used Purniture Will Buy or Corlgn KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 Real Estate ACRE, Skokomish Valley. House with large living room, kitchen, bath and utility, two upstairs bedrooms. New roof. New septic tank and drainfields. Reasonable. Phone 426- 8303 D 3/28 tfn NORTHCLIFF home--three bedrooms. ree. room, fireplace, automatic oil furnace, 100'x150' lot. Fine home for children. Phone 426-3375 or 426-2411. K 3/28 tfn MODERN. comfortable four-bedroom home, beautiful view Olympics, near school, excellent condition, living room -- dinette have wood paneled fireplace wall. Family kitchen, birch cabinets, dishwasher. Double carport, 1/ baths, private patio. Must see to appreciate. Phone 426-442. 1117 tfn 4-BEDROOM. fireplace, carpeting and draperies, .double garage, room over garage, wash room and fruit trees. Large corner lot, 426-6510. B 4/11 tfn FOR SALE or trade for home in or near Shelton--33-acre farm with five bedrooms, modern, double garage. Phone 426-6981, 6 miles out. Y 4/4 tfn WATERFR£)NT stucco home, North of Twanoh State Park for sale by owner, at. 1, Box 415. Belfair CR 5-5456. M 4/11 tfu MODERN 2-bedroom home. attached double garage, electric Leat. patio. Mt. View. Phone 426-8428. Z 4/11 tfn I ACRE, B ayside building site. two septic tanks, well, foundation, $3,500. Call 426-4820 for appointment. B 4/11 tfn WILL SELL BELOW APPRAISAL. Beautiful waterfront home and acre- age. Best reasonable offer. Owner will help finance. Phone 426-8132. t% 4/11 tfn "F'OR SALE--Downtown property, on 1½ lots. 2-bedroom home. garage, woodshed, cabin and good garden plot. Phone 426-4219. B 4/11 tfn WANTED to move about June 10th. Will trade equity Shelton. large, clean house for country property equity. Private party only. Phone 426-8012 weekends only. M 4/18-6/23 SALE--4-Bedroom house--new reef--inside newly painted  large living room--/z basement---good ar- den spot--garage & work shop, Close to stores and schoois. Inquire or call J & J Scrdce, Mr. View. J 5/2-16 FOR SALE--2-bedroom. basement. downtown She]ton location. Priced for quick sale. Call McCleary, 495- 3212. M 5/2-23 A--LEq." 4- bedroom modern home located near hospital. Exeellent double garage, spring water. Phone 426-4648. M 3/14 tfn VIEW 3 bedroom home patio, fireplace, electric heat, Phone 426- 4504 after tl p.m. H 3/28 tfn [F0ijiY=f LARGE cleared lots in Saft] Syndicate. Phone 426-3477 evenings. A 4/25 tfn 3-bedroom home, on corner lot. Radiant hear. fireplace, newly re- decorated. Phone 426-8078. S 4/11 tfn HOOD GANAL 7 vacation cottages on the beach. From Potlatch to Triton Cove, $4500 and up. No bank beach lots , $200 down. IN HOODSPORT  7 homes within walking distance of shopping center, $5500 and up. 20 trailer sites, unimproved on the bea}:h or with beach ac- cess, $2000 and up. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evening s i i SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS 150-gaL, 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal, Drain Melds, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 8-18tfl - t ttt BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-641 3/27 tfn NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red oedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-R- yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph, 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn t I " III Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (miniature charge) $1.00 shgle insertion, $1,60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional insertions 25 each. Rates for larger ads on request. Classified display $1.25 per column inch. Card of thanks $1.50, Read- er notices 15 word minimum $1.00 or $2.00 per colmnn inch. ":Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the teleplmne must be paid before the end of the month.  extra charge of 10¢ will be made when billing is neeessary ]i ..... Ill ' ' Legal Publications l NO. 3437  ] NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTA'i'I [ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE J STATE OF WASHINGTON lbR MASON COUN. ] (IN I REBATE) ] ! In the Matter of the estate of INEZ M. SHORTER deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ELEANOR J. BOOTH. in her capacity as adnlinistratrix of the above estate. will sell at private sale and for cash and/or on contract the following des- cribed real estate: Tracts 45 and 46. Plat of Oakland Beach. according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, except- ing therefrom .the following tract conveyed to George A. LeCompte and Aileen M, LeCompte. husband and wife. by deed dated. May 15. 1945. Beginning at a point on the West line of said Tract 46. 68.86 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof: thence South 44 ° 04' East 47.99 feet: thence South 37 ° 30' West 54.75 feet. more or less. to the West line of said Tract 46. 68.86 North along the West line of said tract 77.92 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. AND Lots 7 and 8. Block 11. Needham and Day's Addition to Shelton, Washington, to the highest and best bidder. Bids must be submitted in writing and may be left with the administratrix at 121 South Fourth Street. Shelton. Wash- ington. Bids will be received until the date of sale. The sale will be nmde on or after May 3, 1963. The administratrix re- serves the right to reject any and all bids. ELEANOR J, BOOTH, Administratrix. GLENN E. CORREA, Attorney for Estate. 121 South Fourth Street, Shelton, Washington. 4/18-25-5/2 8t NO. 3439 NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of tile Estate of JOSEPK D. HILL. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said Executrix. will on or after May 21. 1963. offer for sale the follow- ing described real properly situated in Mason County, Washington. Parcel 1: The South 60 feet of tim North 780 feet of the West quarter of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarlcr of Section 29, Township 20 North, Range 3 West. W,M: EXCEPTING therefrom the East 30 feet for county road known as Hohnan Road. Parcel 2: The Wct 75 feet of that part of the West quarter of the Easl half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29. Township 20 North, Range 3 West. W.M.. lying Soutt] of the North 780 feet thereof and North of county road known as Arcadia Brumbaugh Loop Road. Parcel 3: That part of Lot 6 in Block 4 of Forrest :Park. as re- corded in Volume 3 of Plats. page 1: lying Southeasterly of tract con- veyed to Kenneth H. Wolden and wife by dccd dated July 15 ]960 and recorded under File No. 1852241 All bids must be in writing and de- livered to the Executrix. he*' Attorney, Robert L. Snyde, r, or the Clerk of said Court, before 12•o'( ock noon. May 20, 1963. Said property •will be offered for sale for cash or cash and/or credit and the sate. shall be sul)jeet to the confirmation and approval of said court. Legal Publications STATE OF :ASIIINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Bcri L. Cole, Commissioner of ]Public I,ands NOTICE OF ALE OF VALUADLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 28th day of May, 1963. com- nlenclng el; ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Port Orchard Dis- trict Headquarters, located at Port Or- chard County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Admin- istrator of said District the timber on the folh/wing described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to-wit: Application No. 28727 Dry Creek Located approxinlately 18 miles west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all trees nmrked with blue paint on 2 units in SE SWt of Section 17 and I unit in N NWA NW of Section 20. all in Township 22 North. Range 3 West. W.M.. con- taining 20 acres, more or less. com- prising approximately 125,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir: 16.000 bd. ft. of hem- lock: and 4,000 bd. ft. of cedar, or a total of 145.000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $3,632.50. Timber will be sold on a cash or instalhnent plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to December 31, 1963. On or before May 28, 1963.' at 10:00 a.m,. each bidder must make a mini- nmm deposit of $363.25 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee. or a total of $368.25 in the form of cash. money order or certified check. Said deposit shall con- stitutc an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale. the re- spective deposits shall be returned to tbe unsuccessful bidders. The pur- chaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price on the day of sale. or may, if the purcIlaser so elects at he time of sale. pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive ef fees. to equal 25% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided fhat such deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00. Tbis balance may be paid by personal check. Pur- chaser must also furnish, within 30 days of date of sale a surety bond of $1,000.00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. Alt ci]ecks, n/oney orders, etc. are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Aecessibility: Purchaser nmst enter into road use areement with Earl Nelson. Tahuya, wash., copies of which arc on filc in the District and OIym- I)ia offices. Complete conlract and specifications may be examined at Port Orchard Dis- trict Headquarters, County Anditor's office• and office of Commissioner of Public Lands Otympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquu'ters. on Tuesday, May 23. 1963, a 10 o'clock ann. Any salc which has been offered. and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been eadvertised. If all sales cannot be of- fercd within the specified time on the advertised date. the sale shall contimle on the folh)wing day between the hours of tell o'clock a.m. and four o'clock 1).m. Said timber on said land will bc sohl for not less thai] the appraised value, as appraised by the Coran*issioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law. a notice of w]lieh iS nOW on file m the ot[iee of the Auditor of Mason connty, and District Adlninis- trator of said districi. Terrl]s of sale. are: (:ash or install- , Legal Fublications NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received i)y the Board of Directors of Shelton Consoli- dated School District No. 309. Mason County, Washington, for delivery Au- gust 15, 1963. for one sixty-one pas- senger conventional-type school bus. Eus to be equipped with all traction tires on rear wheels, heavy-duty gaso- line motor, alternator (not less than 60 amp) instead of generator (Delco Remy preferred), one spare wheel, front and ]'ear heaters, powered ceil- ing vents, windshield washers. RubBub floor covering, body undercoat, air brake system, air operated windshield swipes, aluminum or non-corroding steel window sash, foam rubber in seats, tachometer, ten-hole wimcls. emergency air brake in rear wheels. The bus must conform to Washington State School Bus Regulations and Spe- cifications. Sealed bids will be received at the Clerk's Office. Evergreen School. up to 8:00 p.m., May 14. 1963, at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Board reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids received. By Order of the Board of Directors of Shelton Consolidated School Dis- trier No, 309, Shelton. Washington, the 9th day of April, 1963. (Signed) DORIS K. HILLMAN. Clerk. 4/18-25-5/2 3t ADVERTISEMENT FOg BIDS Project No. PFL Wash. 132. Mason County Public Utility District No. 1. Owner. Sealed bids for the construction, re- construction and repair of the Union Water System will be received by the Mason County Public Utility Distrct No. 1 at the office of the Mason County Public Utility District No. 1. Potlatch. Wash,, (mailing address: Star Route 1. Box 203, Shelton, Wash.), until 8:00 oclock. P.M.. D, S. T.) on the 3rd day of June. 1963. and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The information for Bidders. Form of Bid, Form of Contract. Plans. Speci- fications, and Forms or Bid Bond and Performance Bond may be ex- amined in the office of Zanier, Athay, Jackson & Hein (Engineer or Archi- tect) located at 212 West 13th Street, Vancouver Washington or Mason County Public Utility District No. 1, Potlatch. Washington and copies nlay be obtained there upon payment of $10.00 for each set. Any bidder, upon returning such eel promptly and in good condition will be refunded his Daynlent. and any non-bidder upon so returning such a set will be refunded $10.00. Tile owner rescr;'es tile right to waive any informalities or to reject ally or all hids, Each bidder *]lust deposit with his bid. securi(y ill tbe amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Infornlation for Bidders, Attention of bidders is particularly called hi the requircnlents as to con- ditions of employment to be observed and minmlun wage rates to be paid under the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. April 26. 1963. DICK BUECHEL. 5/2-9-16-23 4t NO. 3452 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, In ihc Matter of the Estate of JENNIE L. GRUNERT. Deceased. ment plan basis. (Seal) BERT L, COLE. Anth )ny F. Grunert and Clarence H. Conunissioner of Public Lands Grunert arc the appointed and quali- 5/2-9-16-23 4t fled Executors of said estate. All per- sons having claims against said de- ceased are required to serve the same in duplicafe, duly verified, on either NO. 3398 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL REP()RT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION The Executrix reserves the right to IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE reject any and all bids. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Dated this J9th day of April, 1963. MASON COUNTY. CONNIE LAMBERT, (IN PROBATE) Executrix. Route 3. Box 261 Shelton. Washington, ROBERT L. SNYDER, 125& North 5th Shelton, Washington, Attorney for Executrix. 4/25-5/2-9 3t In the Matter of the Estatc of SVEN ERIK FORSBERG, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ruth M. Lindscy, Administratrix of the Estate of Svcm Erik Forsberg, de- ceased has filed in the of(ice el the Clerk of said Court a final report and petition for distribntion asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge the petitioner as Administratrix: and that said re- port and petition will be heard on the 10th day of May, 196'.{. at 10:00 o'clock ill the foreueon of said day, or as soon thcreafler as the n)altcr can be heard at the court roonl of i]lC above-entitled court in ihc Courthouse in Shelton. Mason County, WashingLon, at which time and place ally persou interested in said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and contest the same. Dated this 5th day of April. 1963. LAURA M. WAGENER, Clc,'k of said Court. Ey Teekia Vermillion, Deputy. GLENN E. CORREA, Attorney for Estate Bell Bldg., 121 Souti 4th St, Sbelton. Washington. 4/11-18-25-5/2 4t RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 20o E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn QUICK CASH FOR REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS Any Size or Location - call- J. L. HENDRICK Tacoma MA 7-4192 Evenings - SK 2-6044 M E T R 0 PO LI T A N MORTGAGE & SECURITY COMPANY, INC. 2525 So. Tacoma Ave., Tacoma i,,, _., Art's Bulldozing ! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph, TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn .... --- . \\; / / • .A '; /- -, , "I learned to drive this ear we got in the Want Ads and Alvin learned to talk through ls nose- both in the me dayl'" of said Executo-s or their attorney, Robert L. Snyder, at the addresses below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Com't. together with proof of such service, within six months after lhc date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the same will be bmTed. " ...... Date of first I)ublieatio'n: April 25, 1963. ANTHONY F. GRUNERT, 2316 S. 12th Street. Tacoma. Wash., and CLARENCE H. GRUNERT, Roul 2. Box 822, Shelton. Wash. lxeeutors. ROBERT L. SNYDE'/{, Altorney at Law. 1251/ N. 5th, Sbelton Washhgton, 4/25-5/2-9 3t NOTICE of CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION Al/plieations for position of patrol° man with the Police Department of the City of Shelton will be received until 5:00 p.m. Friday May 17, 1963. Exami- nation will bc given at the City Hall at 8:00 p,m. Monday. May 20, ]bi3. Position requires" high school edu- cation or equivalent, Applications avail- able at Shclton Police Department. TORGER J, LEE Scc. and Chief Examinsr Civil Service Commission Shetton, Washington 4/25-5/2-9 3t TRANSPORTATION CO. Trailer Towing GENE McLARTY ROUTE 1, BOX 28 Belfair, Washington • Blocking and Complete Hook-ups • Prompt Service Set and Reset Expando's "LARGEST TRUCKS IN THE AREA" BELFAIR CR 5-2207 & CR 5-4191 3/28 tfn GET A "HILLER DEAL" ON YOUR APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL 426-8215 and "DEAL" your service worries to us! Miller's of Shellon 3rd & Railroad CALL GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used Furniture and Appliances KELLY'S FURNITURE M0 SU IN THE STATE MASOIq PATRICIA CHARLES STATE OF CHARLES You are within sixty first wit: day of May, entitled action Court and answer plaintiff and answer upon for plaintiff. his office below your failure so be rendered ag the _demands....o has been filed Court, Plaintiff's to secure a ant upon the in said B. Attorn( Office Angle Shelton, CAU NOTICE oF Under IN THE STATE MASON TED Under execution seal of the of on the 3rd judgment the 13th da of TED MGDLIN sum of Two and ten ney's fees. inte c, osts. and to I did on the levy upon all terest of said to the followi satisfy 1. A the Fi.actiona L)of the N, of S cation 3 West. Easterly of ty Road follows : ner of said ,,f the Thence West, said forty. East of said lel with oi • NW -i., Northerly vale along the roadway o the band and Volunm 145 Auditor's File along tile tract. 250 of said ,dung lraet. tbereof, tract of 1el. E. recorded in 431. under thence East, said Wrigl said NE North. ,.] of NW i to 2. A tract of (S ) !) Range 3 eri bed on the Soutl ship 21 thence East, 3O thenre 208 feel more heretofore a bachelor, 138 of file No, ways. NOW HEREBY 10th day of the above much the sunl of drcd door of fhe Pine in said will be at I ) hand to the Dated st day of April, D.S. Shel By D'cputY' NDTICE IN THE STATE MASON ]n the S, WILSON, NOTICE lln(hq-siguc Incur and son. having clain or ihc said uired Execu| or or lh(' law Angle and file sU( pFOOf of llbovq nluni hs afI¢ lieaiion of J 96.'{. or and filed Exec "vvil 86,K 1L A t( i)r]lcV for A n'lo Ildg., The