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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown fine bulletin on vegetables. Extension of the Shel- PNW 45, Western Ve- built for the Four bed- Two baths, With separate Carpeted. Family Sliding glass fenced yard. for $13,000. from. city cen- with room lnodern counters, Util- to kitchen. Two and one large, ce d yard. for $9,- LIVING Large Com- all around picture win- 55 feet deck over- for $10,500. t. Small ACH RESORT cabins left on. Come is selling Will hold his swim- skiing, ex- THIS ONE le Is located Ex- a. Kitchen has painted. yard es. Garage s for $7800. ;E OPTION ng room with c heat. Lo- $70 per me. rile Three bed- gant fire- birch cab- and table top With plenty room. Ex- Close to r $15,750. AL home for size Sep- ca rpetcd. area. Two ], With corn- bedrooms Full base- for roe- and llr- neighbor. $16,250. It. Fur- for $35 apartment, furnish- Angleside, DIC K NIELs DANIELS SEAMAN HOME ON LEAVE Seaman Albert Dickgieser, who has recently been stationed at. the U.S. Naval Radio Station, (T), Driver, Va., is home on leave. He is accompanied by his wife, Grace, Westfield, Pa. After Seaman Dickgieser&apos;s leave expires May 5 he will be trans- ferred to the U.S.S. Vermilion AKA 107. He will board ship in Spain for a six month cruise in the Med]terranean Sea. Real Estate VIEW AND GARDEN Here is the perfect garden spot with a charming two bedroom home. Well located on a half acre Angleside view lot. Excellent con- dition inside and out. Cozy kit- chen, convenient room arrange- ment, one extra large bedroom. Just $6750 with contract terms. FIXER UPPER!! Just out of town and only $3500. Easy contract terms can be ar- ranged. Large addition has been started. Full basement. Located on one acre on Arcadia Road. Don't Wait -- this won't last long. CHOICE SUBURBAN -- Well-located on the Cole Road, Just minutes from town. Only $600 down will move you into this comfortable three bedroom home. Nicely wooded one acre site. The total price is only $6000. Wouldn't you like to see it? LAKE NAHWATZEL If you whnt the buy of the season you must see :Lhiis choice lot to- day. This ideal lot has 100 ft. of the finest frbntage on the lake with near perfect beach, plus lots of growing timber. Almost one half mile in depth. See it and you will agree that this js a good buy at $6000 with terms arranged. HOW ABOUT THIS? This extra spcious home has very large rooms including a most convenient kitchen and four large bedrooms. Close to school and shopping this home' will proVide enough room for the active faro- ily. F.H.A. terms available. The price is only $10,000. So let's take a look. CHOICE LOCATION- You will enjoy looking at, ano living in this large four bedroom, two bath, full basement Angle- side home. A most private ano secluded location make this an excellent family home. There iS an extra large living rOOm with fireplace. Separate dining and step-saving kitchen. FHA at $16,250. ACCENT ON LOCATION An Angleside location is the per- fect setting for this spotless ram- bler. You will point with pride when you say this is our new home as it is q u ality built throughout. Complete with spa- cious bedrooms, family room, two full baths, and extra roomy kit- chen. Priced right at $25,000. HARSTINE ISLAND- Just listed  out of town owner wants a quick sale on this choice waterfront tract. 125' of low- bank frontage with sandy beach, lots of trees and an excellent view of Mr. Rainier. This will require about $2200 down. Call Vince Himlie for more information. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME 121 Railroad Ave. .k SHELTON EVENINGS CALL VINCE HI MLIE---426-6501 KURT M AN N--426-3228 Preferred Properties by Waterfront Realty Ave. Call 426-8277 'ION! Y of 405 acres within three miles of to the most critical buyer. Buy all per acre. FRY? ; an excellent three bedroom home with • roof; NEW panelling; NEW siding! All at just $7250 on very good terms. See bedroom home! In an eXcellent rest- and stores, its large rooffm are all are fireplace, economical electric with built-ins including oven and sur- With attached garage, it's in a spotless, 50. WE! home, large garage and workshop. flows through the 15 acres. Lots needs. $9500. ;EAUTY! and a well-plmmed family summer sleen area, large bath, convenient kit- firetlace. Furnished. $i2,500 on terms, lea this three bedroom home with two acres Water system. Full price, $2950. j l T|DES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are I hr. and 50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft: Friday, 3lay 3 High .............. 2:516.m. 11.7 ft. Low . ............. 9:17 a.m. 4.3 ft. High 2:53 p.m. 8.4 ft. Low ............ 8:42 p.m. 3.0 ft. Saturday, May 4 High .............. 3:29 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low .............. 9 : 56 a.m. 3.4 -C High .............. 3:55 p.m. 9.0 ft. Low . ............ 9:32 p.m. 3.5 ft. Snnday, May 5 High .............. 4:00 a .m. 11.4 ft. Low . ............. 10:28 a.m. 2.5 ft. High .............. 4:45 p.m. 9.6 ft. Low .............. 10:17 p.m. 4.1. ft. Monday, May 6 High .............. 4:25 a.m, 11.2 ft. Low . ............ h0:58 a.m. 1.7 ft. High .............. 5:29 p.m. 10.4 ft. Low .............. 10:59 p.m. 4.7 ft. Tuesday, May 7 High .............. 4:47 a.m. 10.9 ft. Low . ............. 11:27 a.m. 1.0 ft. High .............. 6:09 p.m. 10.6 ft. Low , ............. 11:35 p.m. 5.3 ft. WednEsday, May 8 High .............. . 5:07 a.m. 10.8 ft. Low .............. 11:56 a.m. - 0.6 !. High .............. 6:48 p.m. 11.0 ft. Thursday, May 9 Low .............. 0:13 a.m. 5.8 ft. High .............. 5:27 a.m. ' 10.6 ft. Low . ............. 12:26 p.m. - I.I ft. High .............. 7:29 p.m. 11.2 . FAMILY PARADISE Give your family a treat by moving to this modern ranch-style home. You,ll like the location am- ong Shelton's finest homes. Large living room with fireplacE, 3 bed- rooms, tile bath with shower. Outstanding value $14,900. Make an appointment by phoning Mr. Voss, 426-6363, today. ....... A. ROY DUNN ........ ANOTHER GOOD ONE This comfy Angleside home fea- tures large well kept yard, color- {ul fireplace set in panelled wall. You'll be happy with the full basement, 3 spacious bedrooms, versatile tdtchen and dining room. Here is a home that has been gently eared for and is in top condition. Priced at $14,500. The only way to go wrong is to wait. Terms of course. A. ROY DUNN ........... COZY FOR A COUPLE The kitchen is charming with new stainless steel sink, birch cabinets, formica counter tops. Living room has built-in desk aud is unique in decor. Bedroom has large wardrobe and lots of stor- age. There is a fine workshop with room for most any project. A very attractive home on two well-kept lots. Try to match this at only $7950. ----- A. ROY DUNN ...... SWIMMING POOL IS 15 x 33 FT. Two acres, two bedrooms, iv- ing room has massive stone fire- place. Dishwasher, freezer, wasil- er, dryer, and vanity hath also included. Excellent king-sized yard, stream, workshop, storage room, patio, woodshed, cement foundation .... $11,000. \\;,VOW! A. ROY DUNN ....... SPENCER LAKE Three bedroom, family room with fireplace, large living room with fireplace, 100 ft. frontage, daylight basement and nmch more $13,500. Let's go out and have a look. I hear the fish are bit- ing, might as well bring along your pole. ..... A. ROY DUNN ...... MASON LAKE Here is a five bedroom fmnity home on 75 feet of the lovliest beach on the lake. The owner will sell with or without furnishingS. There is an excellent well, half acre nicely wooded, garage. Ex- tra guest cottage. 10 x 20 ft. dock. Built in 1951. How about that $13,500. A. ROY DUNN ..... LET'S GO TO THE COUNTRY ' This one is located just less than 3 miles from town. There re 30 ,acres of good cleared land, large 'barn and other buildings. The home is new and deluxe, featur- ing built-in range, oven, dish- washer, natural wood cabinets. Living room has sliding glass doors to sundeck. Three generous- ly planned bedrooms, colorful bath, full basement. One of the nicer small farms in this area -- $22,000. A. ROY DIJNN ------ NOW'S THE TIME To select your summer cabin site. I would suggest you check this one closely. It's 140 x 60 ft. on Treasure Island. A first-class lot at an excellent price---$2800 on terms. A. ROY DUNN' ........ WATERFRONT 246 ft. Hammerslcy Inlet. Cloe to town. Nice cottage. ExcellEnt buy at $13,650. 165 ft. Pickering Passage. Love- ly one bedroom rustic home. Grounds like a park. $21,00(% Several 100 ft. lots on Spencer Lake. Good location -- $55.00 s ft. 200 ft. Hammersley Inlet. Beam Ceilings, two fireplaces, full base- ment. Everything delnxe---$35,000. 60 ft. Totten Shores --- daylight basement in and fully furnished. Very nice place --- $9,000. We have a nmnber of other places- prices up to $50,000. For ,the best in waterfront see us first. As ROY DUNN REALTOR Ve.ings Call-  E:r?;ss ................ 426-60,, 426-4000 A. Roy Dunn 426-4601 ' ....... : .... ...... ,..:--426-8162 '. J' - • .... PHONE426-6363 126 Railroad Legal Publications NI)TI('E OF III,]AR1N(i ON AI'PI.ICATION FOIl FItANCIlISI'] NO'I?I(F] .IS HEREP, Y (lIVEN that Public Utility Distriel No. 1. Mason Coultj". Wast/hltolL lies lua<ie aP- flicalion h tilt, iloard Ol County Conl- n/isSl(la,rs. (lI l}|:4Oll County. W, rasllhll - hm. i:l: roquir(,d by RCW 36.55.1)40t. l'-I a Thirly year Yrancllisc io lay dllA'n, lllailllithl and el)orate ill. ll]onR" and lll),ll any alld all ol tile Nil'eelS. alleys, lanes, and public highways or I)Ulliic IIta('os ill Unioll iaslln Couniy, Washington. t)il)cs and couduits lor tile tlUl'pilso el condugling water and ])l;lilItaillil/ alld wllcratin  watei sys- h*tls ftl' tile t]urp(se of SllllDiyillg tlle publiI' alld cons/nllt'l'S o[ water ill saia Union V,tshington. with waler. Vi- cinity lnap labeled "Exilibit A". show- inff (,xisl iilg pip(' line systeln, is at- tached ;lint made a part of l.he Ilfol'e- said npl)li('aon. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tllat Sill('(' tile abort destTil)cd area is not within thc limits of an incorporated ('it5" el Town. tile said Board is tile 1)rot)or authority Lo set the time ana plaeb of Hvarina and ally IMld {tll oilier resil'ict ions thai nlighl bo deemed ]/le(,eSs:lrv ill (.OnllCClion lberw¢ith, ac- c, ordin- "to Chaptor 36.55. Rcvised Code of Washingh)n. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Hearing will be held at 11:30 A.M. Monday, May 20. 1963. at the of- fice of tile said Board in the Court- ]lOUSe. at Shelion. ¢Vas]lington. DATED this 29th day of April. 1,963. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON. C. NOLAN MASON By June Roda'ers. Depuly Clerk. 5/2-9 2t Legal Publications NO. 3401 NOTI('E OF iIFARING FINAl, Itl,;I'ORT AND I'ETITION FOK I)INTItlBI'TION I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of tile Estate of JOHN G. JACKSON. Deceased. ,'ill'rod T, Jackson. Exoc.uh)r of said Estate. has filed wilh said Court his final ]'eporl and petition for distribu- tion. asking the Court to setlle said report, distribute the ])rot)erty to the persons thereto entitled and to his- charge said Execuhn'. Said reporl ana petition will ), beard on the 2,till day t,i May, 1963. at 10 A.M. ill 111(' Court- FOOItl O[ said Court. ill the Couniy CoUl'thotlSe al Sheltoll. Washingtin. Dalcd this 22nd day of April. 1963. LAIJRA M VAGENER. Clerk of the Supetuor Court By Teckta Vermillion. Doputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER, Att,)rnl'y al Law 1251, N. 5th Shel ton Wasbingtou 4/25-5/2-9 3t N(). 3447 ]OT'[C TO CREI)I'rOIIS IN THE supERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ,WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. In the Matter of the Estate of oSCAR WILLIAM SUND. Deceased, Notice Is her0by given that the un- dersigned has been appointcd and has qualifiea as adnfiilistrator of the above entitled cstate; hat fill persons having claim3 agaihst said leceascd are here- by required to ser:ve the samc, duly verified, on'said administrator or his attorney of rec()rd at the address below stated, and file the sanle witll the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six nlollt]ls after h, A A Jll A A Jf. flt. A vV v v Vv vvv LaB/550N/ERE * 5tar Values. BUY LIKE RENT On Rental-Purchase Plan NO. 1 Mt. View-. trim 4 room home. Partly furnished, car- port. $4.500 -- $50 monthly to apply on down payment. NO. 2 Southside. sound 5 room home. heater, extras, garage. $5.000 $50 monthly to ap- ply on down payment. * OLYMPIC VIEW 2 bedrooms, extra large fenced yard. Fine for young family. $4,800. Only $350 down. $40 monthly. r MT. VIEW, BEST BUY Two lovely bedrooms, plus large extra room. Charming dining and spacious living room. Dream kitchen, extras include new electric range, trash burner. Owner occupied briefly. Only $575 down FHA. Full price -- $10,700. * SUBURBAN HOME located on 2 acres, under 5 miles. 4 bedrooms, nice living room with raised hearth fireplace. Birch kitchen Wood furnace. Wood lot. $14,500. Terms arranged * EXCELLENT LOCATION 4 bedro ores, 2 baths: family size living and dining rooms; fireplace. Fine basE- ment well maintained. Lanci- scaped. Secluded. The most for your home investment, Only $875 down FHA. $16.500. Inl- mediate possession. FARM HOMES: Call John Devereux first on Farms. We have them. From 2 garden acres up to 160 acres, or more. * 35 ACRES, CREEK Seven miles southeast. Six room farm home, built 1954. Barn, paddoEk, five clear acres, orchard. All year crcek. Spring water. $7,500 with $1.000 down. Call Its now. * 160 ACRES, 7 MILES Southeast of Shelton. Young reproducing. Alder alone can equal purchase price right now. $110 per acre: $5,000 down. CALL 426-4666 LaBissoniere A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th  Shelton, Wash. EVENINGS: JOHN DEVEREUX 426-8544 -- the date of first l)ublication of this notice or the sanle will be barred. Date of first publication 25th April, 1963. Administrator of said Estate. WARREN O. SUND. 505 Rust PAdg,, Tacoma 2, Wash. DAVID L. JAMIESON. Attorney for Estate. 505 Rust Building'. Tacoma 2. Washington. 4/25-5/2-9 3t ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Undersigned until 8:00 p,m. on Tues- day. May 14, 1963. at the office of tie Superintendent of Schools. Mary M. Knight School District No, 31]. Matloek. laSOll County. rasnington, lor archi- tectural, mechanical and electrical trades contracts for construction of an Elenlentary-High School for thc Mary M. Knight Scllool District No. 311. Matlock. Mason County, Washington. Contractors nmy submit a separate bid on lhe architectm-al, mechanical and electrical trades contracts: or they nlay also submit a combination bid to inetude architectural, meclmnieal and electrical trades under a general con- tract. Plans. specifications and contract documents may be obtained by bidder at the office of V¢illlsm Arila Johnson & Associates. 3506 Broadway Avenue. Everett, Washingon. Each prime contractor will be al- lowed one set of drawings and specifi- cations as follows: Architectural .................. $25.00 Mechanical ................... $15.00 Electrical ................... $15.00 Additional sets may be purchased al reproduction cost. Plan holders who do not enter a bona fide bid and who ao not return mmmrked and unmutilated plans ana specifications prior to bid opening, shall forfeit their aeposits. Each hid shall be acconlpaniea by a certified check, easbier's check, or bid bond made payable to Mary M. Knight School District No. 311. in an anlount not less than five percent (55}) of the bid, ptus all atternatea. School board dirceh,rs reserve the right to waive tiny illfo!"lllatitios or irregularities ill any hid m' in the hiading,-an.d ,may reject "my or all llid. No bidder f{lay withdraw his bid after the holu' set for tlle opening lhereof, or before award of the con- tracl untess said award Is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 311. MRS. HELEN STODDEN. Clerk of ihe Board. 4/18-25-5/2 3t ,'OTICE OF 1VATER RI(IBT AI'I'I,ICATION NO. 11-17816 State of Washington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF V'AT ER BESO|" RCES Olympia TAKE NOTICE : That A. H PARKER and WILLIA]V[ O d GRIFFITH of Breluerton. Washing- ton on April 16, 1963 flied application for ])e, rnlit to store the public waters of Dewatto Creek tributary of Hood Canal. in the amount of 3.000 acre-feet subject to existing rights, each year for the purpose of recreation: that the al)l)roxi]nate h)cation of the inlpound- ing structure is within E l & of Scctiou 1. Township 23 N.. Range 3 W.W.M. and W,5 nf Section 18. Township 23 N.. Range 2 W.. W.M.. in Mason County. Any objections nlust be accompanied hy a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and fi] with tlle State Supervisor of Water Resom'ces within thirty (30) days fronl May 2. 1963. Witness n/y hana and official seal this 181h day of April. 1963. (SEAL) M.G. WALKER. State Supervisor of Water Resources. 4/25-5/2 2t Roy Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. Accounting & Bookkeeping -- Some very cheap money on FHA Loans WALTER GEORGE OFFICE iV£ANAGER, BROKER OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 HOME PHONE 426-3530 FIVE ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' $55OO. FOUR ROOMS, full basement furnace, fireplace, corner lot, just like new ..... $13,500. LOG HOUSE Two bedrooms, five acres, good well and water. Orchard, small barn, large work shop. Full price $8,500, FIVE ROOM HOUSE, three bedI)oms,'fireptace, electric heat and garage. 60 ft. of waterfront, close to town. $12,000 with terms. ROOM HOUSE ten acres. 1½ acres cleared. Other outbuild- ings -- $9,500. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, part basement. Priced at $4,000. Down payment $350. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, garage, woodshed, two lots -- $4,000. Down payment of $I000 and $50 per month. THREE BEDROOMS, dining room, fireplace, garage and car- port. Price $18.500. 21 ACRES, SOME CLEARED. Old house, drilled well, $2,800. 7 TO 8 YEAR OLD, 4-bedroom house. One acre Of land, spring water, double garage, workslop $9,500. TWO BEDROOM HOME, corneY t6t, hot "r'ITft; fil"ll:, garage attached, on Angleside -- $10,500. Legil Publications NO. 3448 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF V, rASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. (1N PRORATE) In the Matter of lhc Estate of GEORGE E. HALSELL. Deceased. Notice s hereby given tllat the undersigned has been appointed and Ires qualified as Exevutor of the es- nte of GEORGE E. HALSELL. De- ceased: that all persons having elain/s against said deceased arc hereby re- cuired lo serve the same. duly verified. on xaid xecntor or Itis attorney of record at the adaress below stated, and fih" the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with "proof of such service within six nlonths after the date of first i)uhlication of this notice. or the sanle will be barred. Date of first publiealion April 18, 1963. CURTIS A. CAMMACK, Executor of said Estate. 629 Cota Street Shelton. %Vashnigton. JOHN C. RAGAN. Attorney for Estate. Title Insurance Building, Shelton. Washington. 4/18-25-5/2 3t NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOIl SALE SOFTD FORK SKOKOMISII 1962 No. 3 Public uotice is hereby given that pur- suant to tile prowsions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Star. 132-16. U.S.D.A, 583-583i) and the Coopcrative Agreenlent 1or thc Mana- geluent of the Participating Forest Properties ill the Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of Alner- ica and the SilnPson Timber Company, dated December 12, 1946. all nlerchan- table tinlher nmrked or designatea for cutting" on .'in area embracing 507 acres, more or less. witilin Sections 31 32. 33. 36, T. 23N.. R. 5W,. partially surveyed, Scc|ion 31. T. 23N.. R. 55V.. unsurvey- ed, Sections 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 11, 12, 20, 29, T. 22N.. R. 5W., partially surveyed, Section 28, T. 22N.. R, 5V¢,. surveyed. Sectians 25. 26. 36. T. 23N.. R. 6W.. unsurvcyed. Sections 12, 13. T. 22N.. R. 6W.. unsurveyed, and section 26. T. 22N.. R. 6W.. partially surveyed.W. M.. Skokomish Block. Mason County. Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit. Otynlpic National Forest Wash- ington, will be sold to the Simpson Tinlber Company, Seattle, Washington, on June 3, 1963. The estimated volumes are: 29.100 M boarxl feet of Douglas-fir, 300 M board feet of western redeedar :rod 5.700 M board feet of western hemh)ck and other species. The mini- mnm acceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Douglas-fir $17.70. wes- tern redcedar $10.45 and western hem- leek and other species $11.10. This in- cludes the following rates, per M board reel for' stumpage (including deposit for sale area hetterment). $3.00 base rate plus an additional $14.30 for Doug- las-fir. 010.05 for western redcedar, $2.00 base rate plus an additional $8.70 for western henllock and other species and $0,40 for slash disposal for all spe- cies, The prices bid for stunlpage shall be considered as tentative rates subject to quarterly calendaradjustment upwara or downward hy 0.5 of the difference between the average of the nlonthly Douglas-fir rcion indices, as calculat- ed by lhe Forest Service for tile tlu'ec previous nlonths, and the following base. indices: Douglas-fu' 114.36 (El, western redceaar Nolle. Western benl- leek and ttler specms 91.68 I A). Such adjustnlents in tile price /or stUl]lpage sllal] l",e appl tab e to timher scaled during the three-lnonths period follow* ing the quarter for which lhe adjust- lnenl is colnputed. Ill na event, hov,-- ever, shall the payluent rates for each quarter ])e less that the base rates as stated above. When tile adjusted raLes by species are h)wer than the base rates, the diffcrence between the total dollar value of the tinlbcr cut at ad- just, d Fates and at bast} rales will be recorded for each species. The StUln- page rate for any species will llol be increased above the base rate nntil the SllbScquent adjtlsied rate.  at)ov( bas, rates ]()I' all pocies devclol) all at'cumulated |olal dollar value in ex- cess of the total recorded accunlulated diffcrl,nee fer all species. If requested by the State of VTashington of by Ma- son CoUllty or 1.)y any persoll declned to haw i] r(asonable interest in tile proposed sale or in its terms, a pllblie hearing" will be held in lhe office of the Forest Supervisor. Post Office Build- Inf. Olynlpia. Washington on the 24th day t)f May 1963 af 2:00 p.m. PDT. Re- (lUeSIS for public hearing will not be considercd Ilnlcss received ill the of- - fire or Qle Forest Supervisor. Post Cif- fire Building. Olympia, Washington, on or before May 13. 1963. Dated pril 29. 1963 Lloyd G. Gilhnor Forest Super- visor. Olynlpia National Forest. 5/2-9-16-23 4t CALL FOB RIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Comnlissioners of Public Util- it)" District No. 3 of Mason County, Washington does hereby invite sealed proposals for supplying almninun con- duelers of various sizes and eonstrue- ti.n to be delivered to the District's warehouse in Sbelton, Washington, in such quantities and at sucll tinles as nlay meet the District's requirements during the 12 nlonth period following the bid opening date, all in accordance with Specifications No. 102 obtainable front the District upon request. Proposals for furnishing this con- ductor must be sealed and filed at the District's office in Shelton, Washington on May 20th. 1963. at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond in an amount not less than 5% of the amonnt bid for the minimum quantity as described in the specifica- tions, with a corporate surety licensed to do bnsiness in this State. and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such bid bond At the time and place nanlea, such bids will be opened and read ana the Comntissioners will proceed to canvass the bids and nlay let the contract to tlm lowest respon- sible bidder upon the specifications. The Comnlissioners reserve the un- qualified right in their sole and abso- ate discretion to reject any and all bids. and to accept the bid which in their sole and absolute judgment, will, under all circumstances best serve the interests of the District. The succ(<ssful bidder, if any, will be required to sign an agreenlent with the District to furnish said conductors at the prices and in the quantities and under the erms lhat are specified in his proposal, and to furnish a per- formance bond covering said terms and prices for the entire perioa of the agreement. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 8 OF MASON COUNTY, Harstine Couple gelebrate 57th I Wedding Anniversary Today By Donette R. Glaser  party at the State Park Saturday HARSTINE.--Today Mr. and i afternoon. Those attending were Mrs. Lee Carlson, known affection- ately to everyone on Harstlne as "Mr. and Mrs. Lee," are celebrat- ing" their 57th wedding anniver- sary. They were married May 2, 1906, in Tacoma. They were born in Munsluna Finland and this was a culmination on a school day romance that tool( LUelnn half way around the world. The Carlsons had seven children, six of whom are still living. They have nine grandchildren living and three great-grandebildren. This is a double anniversary for the Carl- sons as they have been residents of Harstine for 56 years. We Is- landers give a "Tip o' the Hat" to the Island couple and wish them a very happy anniversary. Yovonne /Mucks) and Bob Stam- brosky have names tIeir daughter Suzanne Louise. Vonnie plans to make a trip home to Harstine in June and Bob will follow two weeks later when he gets hls an- nual leave from the Air Force. Congratulations kids, also want to "welcome you two" as new sub- scribers to tim Mason Journal and the Harstine Island column. George and Maxine Waite and family, the Jim Archers, Ken Roses, Jaunita and Hank Coffee and Mrs. Dot Smith all spent Sun- day at Twin Beach Park at West- port. The surf was high and the wind cool, but they all had a won- derftfl time, THE HARSTINE ISLAND Women's Club will meet today at the hall to give the hall it's an- mml cleaning and polishing in preparation for the anmml visit of the Picketing Ladies Club. May 8. All Harstine ladies wheth- er members of the Womens Club or not are invited to attend. The Pickering ladies will cross on the 12:30 ferry and be met by the members of the Harstine Club. There will be a plant, white ele- phant and bake sale. tThe Island children who entered e bicycle contest wish to say "Thank You" to all of you who either took out new subscriptions or re-enewals to the Journal. New subscribers are the Robert Stam- zroskys, Glasgow, Mont.; Gladys Drowilliard, Long Beach. Calif.; George Howard. Harstine: Ty Green, Bremerton and Harstine; and Mrs. Gunner Johnson. Har- stine. We welcome you to the Har- stine column and ask that when you have news you want to treas- ure. please dial 426-8871, Donette Glaser. Miss Cheryl Meeks had a teen Cindy and Dave W'aite Janie and Gary Cameron. Valerie Vine. Don Schreiber. Steve and CarLer Do- hcrty, Freddie Travis. Rita Carte, Harlin Jerretls Dan MEAuliffe. Beckie Jackson and Bob l{astel- let. The kids all came potluck and they all had a wonderful time. THE LARRY JERRELS had as their gUEStS Saturday Larry's cous- ins. Ed aud Fern "Wellington and daughter. Patty of Bellevue. Sunday a beautiful boat tied up below the S1(i Madge home. It was Mr. O. D. Dike and his font children and one guest of Seattle. who spent the afternoon visiting Sid and FranEis. Paul and Odeyne Chaffee ave returned home after wintering in Hemit. Calif. They left in late October. On the way home they visited all 21 of their grandChil- dren They left Hemit April 1. They visited their daughter in Sparks. Nov.. and took care of the children, while Dr. and Mrs. Marble attended a veterinarian conference at Pullman. They visited in Naps, Calif., Rio Del and Vancouver, then to Chehalis, Ehna and home. Mrs. Jessie Rutherford is in the St. Joseph Hospital. AberdeEn. She is recovering very nicely. But she'd like to get a card from her Island friends. Do not bite at the bait of pleas- ure till you know there is no hook beneath it.--Thomas Jeffer- SOIl. MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. :: Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Mornihg Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A Y, F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Pastor Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C, Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pro. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn FISHERHEN'S CLUB _ 2" 9:30 a n i Yule  .;-"" 0:00 a..--"EMOT,ONA- BUNDNESS" --' i ,, FIRST BAPTIST CHgRCH Rev. E.C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, MAY 5 -- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship KMAS "AN UNLIMITED FUTURE" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. "THE HUSBAND-WIF RELATION- SHIP IN THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY" Wed. 7:00 p.m.Bible Study and Prayer for the family Broadcast over 1280 - 11:00 a.m. r FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th 'and Franklin Street 8:15 and 11:00 orning Worship Services [ 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class I CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated with American LuLheran Church r .in, THE METHODIST GHUROH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Mlnhster 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship i ii, i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible SchOol ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.nh Worship ......... .. 11:00 a.m, Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. nild Care Service Available at 11:00 Service Commissioner--J. A. COLE .... President Commissioner--E. '. TAYIA)R Secretary 4/18-25-5/2-9-16 5 NO. 3450 NOTICE TO CI]DITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF %VASHINGTON FOR IfASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE P. O'MALLEY. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN timt the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of George P. O'Malley, 'de- ceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- qnired to servc the santo, auly verified, on the undersigned Exedutrix or her atforney of record at the address be- low stated and file the santo With the Clerkof the said court, together with proof of such service witlin six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be brrea. Date of first publication: April 18. ] 963. WILLETTA EYLEENE DURKIN Exccut rix GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Builaing Shelton. Washington 4/18-25-5/2-9 4 t 'RRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST 30 Alder St., 8helton. Wash, Sunday School 11:00 a,m. -- Church 11 a,ra, WedneSday evening teBtimony meettnp 8 p.m. ,".," Reading romn located in church. Reading room hour= 3 to 4 p.m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. evening ]]:45 to 7:45 , ,,,, i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Full Gospel In esage - Fundamental In Doctrine 130 East 1Sine StYeet Mason Younglund. pastor Sunday School -- Classes for all ........................................ 9:45 Morning Worship ............................................................ 11:00 A.M, e Christ s Ambassadors .......................................................... 6:00 P.M. Revival Service ...................................................................... 7:00 P.M. Bible Study and Prayer -- Wednesday ............................ 7:00 P.M. t MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy, So. & Cascade, The Roy. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a.m, Adult Bible Class ................................................................ :. 9:45 ram. Morning Worship ........................................ 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m: I ST. DAVID S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington " The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a,m,Holv Communion, 9:30 a,ln,Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a,m,--Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer