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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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',Thursday, May 2 Club luncheon, noon, Club, 6:45 a.m., t. Chapter No. P.m., Baptist Church. Club dinner, 6 p.m.; ess meeting, 8 p.m., 0cratic Central 8 p.m., courthouse. County Recreation ion meeting, 8 p.m., 1 p.m., Hood Canal Grange potluck, meeting 7:30 p.m., firehall. meeting, Silver Stars, of Chadotte Jones. 7 p.m., Robin Hood sale, 5 p.m.-9 p.m., ', ay 3 of Commerce board a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Hall. noon potluck, home (Verda) Wingard. County Retired Association, noon, age sale by Ruby 9 a.m.-4 p.m., sale by OES, 9 PUD. 4 :hie card party, 7:30 clubhouse. 5 churches invite you planning ent dance Shelton Elks Lodge is dance for high school Mason County at the from 6 to 9 p.m. will be held at the building south of 101. be provided by the :k, a group from School formerly :s are available at rth Mason and Mary Schools. being planned by Elks National according to Herb Ruler of the Lodge. legislature has sponsored by ve Paul Conner, will eliminate the logging trucks decals. easure sent to the ~VOuld eliminate e Department of to design, order, for and audit For the log trucks away with the the monthly plates. will provide a to the state, FROM NEW° POCKET- device leptic patients lding seizure, to avert it medication, to Dr. Frank '&" Wadsworth Center, Los Who developed Ph. 426-2165 $t.~426-3327 :30 to 7:30 to 6:00 to attend the church of your choice. Southside May Festival, 1 p.m., Southside School. May Festival, 2 p.m., St. Edward's Church. PUD No. 3 commission meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Shdton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., PUD auditorium. Goodwill truck in town. Phone 426-4847 for pickups. Simpson Pinochle Club, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. Ski Club, 7:30 p.m., Mt. View School. Southside PTO, 7:30 p.m., at the school. Mason County Park and Recreation Board, 7:30 p.m., County Commissioners' room. AARP potluck, 12:30 p.m., Senior Center. Instrumental recital, 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church. Tuesday, May 7 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Hy-Lond Inn. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. American Legion and Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Lions Club dinner and board meeting, 7 p.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Tops No. 341 fashion show and rdm showing, 7:30 p.m., PUD. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Jaycee dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., airport clubhouse. Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., clubhouse. OES Social Club, noon potluck, Masonic Temple. Wednesday, May 8 Tops Washington Chapter No. 341, 7 p.m., county health office. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, 6:50 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m., PUD conference room. Thursday, May 9 Widow-and-Widower counseling program, 8 p.m., Fireside room of United Methodist Church. Union Ladies Civic Club, noon, Union firehall. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Care. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Tops Washington Chapter No. 313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. WE Thursday, Friday DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES elected to the state convention at the Mason County Republican Convention Saturday are, left to right, Carol Hunter, Berwyn Thomas, Louis Grinnell, Irene Conca, Mike Underwood, Herb Vonhof, Bill Hunter, Nancy Eveleth, Richard Baldwin, Harry Morton, Norman Eveleth, Ruby Hopper and Cal Hopper. T h e M a s o n C o u n t y Republican Party that teenagers Republican Convention last have been elected to a state Saturday elected two Shelton convention and we are delighted," High School seniors, Nancy said County Chairman Irene Conca. "'We would like to Eveleth and Mike Underwood, to be alternate delegates at the encourage more young people to Washington State Republican attend our meetings and Convention to be held in participate in central committee Ricbland on July 5-6. activities." Other delegates and alternate "This is the first time in the delegates elected were William history of the Mason County Hunter, Harry K. Morton, Berwyn B. Thomas, Louis R. Grinnell,Nixon for his accomplishments~ Herbert Vonhof, Richard and proceed with the business of Baldwin, Norman J. Eveleth, government." Thomas River, Carol Hunter, R. The Saturday morning session Cal Hopper and Ruby Hopper. held in the courtroom of the Among the resolutions Mason County Courthouse also adopted by the convention were heard reports from Thelma Puhn, "to pay our way as we go and Credentials Committee Chairman; avoid deficit spending," "to Rales and Order Committee promote research, development Chairman, Bernhard Winiecki; and and reasonable exploration in all R e s o 1 u t i o n s C o m m i t t e e fields of energy," and "'to Chairman, ChloeScoles. conclude Watergate related Between 50 and 60 persons actions, commend President attended the convention. UGN gets requestfor assistance The Mason County United Good Neighbors has received a letter from the Crisis Clinic asking for financial assistance. The letter was read at "the UGN board meeting last week and was referred to the Budget and Admissions Committee for study and recommendation. Two representatives of the group explained the work of the Crisis Clinic in manning a telephone service which those with problems can call. Every Tuesday ¢ It's a good thing to do FAMILY RESTAURANT I I Ill I III I CLEARWATER, WASHINGTON (Approx. 75 MS. N. of Aberdeen on U3. Hwy. 101) I PARTIAL INVENTORY -- (2) LOGGING Western Mod. 99W w/13' Hyd. Mold TOWERS: Skookum Madill 90' Tower w/ Board; CAT. SCRAPER, Cat. DW21 Self- Ska It BU80 3-Drum Yarder w/Cummin~ g _ Prop, 28 Yd., w/Cat. 337 Eng.; (5) 320 h.p. Diesel, New Main Line, 2-Axle DUMP TRUCKS: 1969 Ford F-SO00, 10- Trlr. Mtd. w/2-Axle Dolly; Berger 100" Porta.Towet w/Berger BD198 3-Drum Wheel, 0.10 Yd, w/Cat. 225 h.p., 34,000~ Rear Ends; 1969 Ford F-600, Yarder w/Cummins 275 h.p. Diesel, 6-Wh1.,4-6 Yd.; 1965 & (2) 1963 Ford's, New Main Line, 4-Axle Truck Mtd.; Each T&50's, 10-Wheel, 8-10 Yd., w/ YAKDER, Berger Mod. BG125 3-Drum 34,000# Roar Ends; YAH TRUCK, 1966 w/Cummins HR Diesel; (2) (:RAWI.ER Ford F-600, C.O.E., 2-Axle, 12' Alum.; Lea LOADERS: Koehring Mod. 604 w/ FIJ,111iI~ lrll~lt, 1957 Ford, 3-Axle, 16', Cat. D13000 Eng., Sutherlin Heel Boom; w/34,000,# Rear Ends FIRE TRUCK & Llnkbelt Mod K375, 1% Yd. w/Cat. TRAILEi= Cbe~. 2.Axle F re Trk., 500 DI3000 Engine. CRAWLER TRACTORS: Gal. w/Hi.Press. Pump 500 Gal. 2-Axle Int'l. TD30 w/~l'yd Ana • Dozer & Hyd Poll Fire Trlr.; FUEL TRAILER° 1000 Ripper; Int'l. TD25B w/Hyd. Angle Doz- Gal. 2-Axle Pull; PICKUP, 1973 Chev., or, Carco Hyd. Log Winch Pwr. Shift; 3~ Ton; (2) CREW BUllS, 1973 Chev. Int'l. TD24C & Int'l. TD24 ~v/Hyd. Angle & H)72 Pord, Ea. 12 Pass. Van Trks.; Dozer, Ea. w/Carco Log Winch. (2) MTR. JUICNIS, Circe Jr. & Holt, Ea. Pneu. PATROLS: Austin-Western M~J'. 300 w/ Tired~ POWER 1/~11", Cummins HBI, 150 14' Hyd. Me d Board & Scarlfier; Austin- h.p.; ~ $111~1~S; ETC.; ETC. SALE UNDER SUPERVISION OF W.,e Auctioneers for Free Deaedptive 900 S.W. FIFTH AVE., PORTLAND, NEgoN 9/204 • (503) 222-9151 Brochure Milton J. WERSHOW Co., Auctioneers 629 N. La Brea Ave., Los/k~eJes, Calif. 90036 • (213) 938.2171 Sixth grade planning auction By CARMENYATES of officers for the 1974-1975 PIONEER The sixth gradeschool year at their meeting May is rounding up items it can use for 8 at 7:30 p.m. their auction May 3. Anything Charlie's Raiders 4-H Club is from vases, old bottles, picture holding a car wash May 4 at Jess frames, etc. is excellent. Proceeds Phillips' Mobil gas station. will help finance the Canadian trip May 23. Church The aluminum drive has been planning extended to May 6 Proceeds prayer service from this also go for the Canada trip. There will be a prayer service Ma~2 the sixth grade will be May 12 at the Skokomish taking a forestry field trip to Community Church. At 3 p.m. Panhandle Lake 4-H Camp. Douglas Bond, Principal ()f the Students should take a sack Tacoma Baptist School, will talk lunch. The bus will leave as soon about Christian schools with a as all sixth graders arrive at the question and answer time. The school and will return at 1:30 subject, "Do the Schools Promote p.m. Parents are welcome to Christlike Character?". attend. The public is welcome to The P.T.O. will hold election attend. M P// size, : ~ s =:i :5:: , • 2 children photographed together--1.69 each child • All portraits delivered to you at our store • Age limit: 12 years never 9:30-5:30 Saturday 9:30-5:00 (lunch 12-1) at Shelton As Mason County's Maytag dealer for the past 28 years -- we know you get a lot more value today - and for less. 25 years ago our first Maytag automatic cost $309.95 - take a look at today's price! You should be enjoying Maytag quality. ii¸ :i~(!!: Priced Like 1949 ~[ These washers cost about.\ ~::~ the same, but today THURS DAY- FRI DAY- SATURDAY THURS DAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY 7H LrRSDAY- t~IDAY.S A~IJRDAy MODEL A1 06 MODEL D306 SAVE MODEL WU2OO rMious MAYTNI IW.O- OF.HUT" DRYING NG I~E-RIR$~ BIG FAMILY SiZE TUB 3 WAT[R TEMPS LAJ~ CAPACITY $iH.F CLL~G FILTER 3 WAT[II L£VEL SETTINGS Zinc coated steel cabinet with tough acrylic enamel finish • Porcelain enamel tub • Built-in lint filter • Adjustable leveling legs LAt~ POICELAIN FJ4AMEL OtWf • Full opening safety door shuts off in second,= • Flush to wall installation • Adjust- able locking, leveling legs • 3-way venting • Convection cooled cabinet Thursday, May 2, 1974 Shelt ason Journal 15