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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1974
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unit Airman First Class John S. Stroshine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carrol W. Stroshine, Shelton, is a member of an Aerospace Defense Command unit which recently received the U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. Airman Stroshine is an aerospace ground equipment repairman at McChord Air Force Base with the 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron which was cited for meritorious service from April 1, 1072 to June 30, 1973. The unit's personnel were recognized for their professionaJism in carrying out the squadron's mission of protecting a portion of a million squarc miles of air space covering lhe Pacific Northwest and Southwestern Canada. A 1969 graduate of Shelton High School, the airman attended L A. Bates Vocational Technical Institute in Tacoma. Many anglers at Cushman opening day Nearly 1,000 anglers were on hand at Lake Cushman Sunday, as the weather cooperated to make opening day of the lowland lakes fishing season a success. "Most of the fishermen caught their limits," commented Frank E. Danley of Lake Cushman Lodge. "I've never seen so many people on opening day before," stated Bob Witten of Lake Cushman Company. "Kids were limiting within an hour or so. It wzts simply fantastic." The lake, which was stocked with 75,000 sea run cutthroat trout by Lake Cushman Company, the State Game Department, and Tacoma City Light, will continue to offer good tlshing in the weeks to come, they predicted. JT~ ROBBIE WOTTON, left, was a page in the recent mini-session of the State Legislature. With him is Representative Paul Connor, who sponsored the young man as a page. Robbie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wotton, Shelton. in use Wynne M. Maule, Supervisor, Olympic National Forest, suggested today that persons in quest of solitude in the forest's back county not include certain areas in their itinerary. Maule's list of areas to be shunned by the seclusion seeker includes Lower Lena Lake, Wagonwheel Lake, Duckabush Trail, Mr. Ellinor and Mildred Lakes in the Hoodsport Ranger District. Silver Lake, Windy Lake, Boulder Shelter, Camp Handy, Tubal Cain Mine area and Camp Mystery in the Quilcene Ranger District, should also be avoided, said Made. Matde noted that many other less well-known, less-frequented areas exist that can satisfy the need for isolation. He also cautions that those who leave the beaten track be properly equipped, in good physical condition, and secure in their ability to cope with adverse con ditions. Harstine BY CARMEN YATES The regular meeting of the Harstine Community Club will be held May 10. Guest speaker for the evening will be State Senator Gordon Sandison. He will address the club on the subject of the wild dogs, which has been a major concern to residents here. Sandison also received a copy of the letter the Community Club committee wrote and submitted to State Game Director Crouse. Nest week the gals will be gathering at the Community Hall with sack lunches, mops, pails, rags, brooms, etc. to perform the annual Spring Hall Cleaning Ritual. All members are cordially invited. The date is May 7 and the time is I0 a.m. See ya' there! The entertainment committee has been having a rib-tickling good time these past few weeks rehearsing under the direction of Shirl Larson at the Larson home. The food committee has met and worked out the menu and the decorating comlnittee has its ideas Alcohol school is planned Two two-hour sessions of the Alcohol Information School have been scheduled in Shelton for May 14 and 21. The sessions are held at Shelton City }[all from 7 to 9 p.m. and are open to the public. The classes are sponsored by the Thurston and Mason Alcoholism Recovery Council and are free of charge. Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 11 F. & A. M. Saturday, May 4 Lodge opens 8 p.m. Stated Communication Loy A. Hicks, W.M. Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary all in order. The target of all this activity, of course, is May 9 when the Picketing gals on the mainland journey to the island fi)r a day of good food, good fun, plus the excitement of the white elephant, plant and bake sale tables. The latteralways holds universal appealfor thefemale of the human species! Hopefully, the highlight of the entire day will be the entertainnrent. And if the fun the cast is having a! rehearsals is any indication, then it should really be a gr-r-r-ea! day! Any non-members who are planning to attend should contact a member of your local club for an invitation, so that the food committees will know how many to plan for. Those inviting guests will contribute a dollar for each guest to the food committees. Hartstene Poinle was lhe scene of a very sad event this past Sunday morning. A young woman, Mrs. Jane!te M. Dorothy, 41, Chehalis, was the victim of a massive heart attack. Rescuers were unable to revive the woman. She is survived by her husband and several young children. The family owned property at the Pointe and had planned to hold a house building bee in the near future with friends and relatives to get their cabin started. Monday afternoon Colleen ~ludd presented Shid Larson with a thank you note and a beautiful plant on behalf of herself and the young people of the Shelton Mormon Church. During a competition that seven nearby wards took part in, the Shelton group won two awards for their "mad show." The competition took place on both Friday and Saturday nights. Shirl had helped write the script for the Shelton group. On Saturday evening the two Judd gids, Chris and Vickie, drove to Yakima to attend the wedding of a close | end of Vickie's. Also over at the Pointe, the John Erickson family had as their guests for a few days, Jack and Mary Fuller, long-time friends from their former home in Norfolk, Virginia. Last week's visitors at the Lee Campbell home included Lee's mother from Oregon and her sister from Yakima. The two wolnen spent a week with the Campbell family in their lovely new home, which is practically completed now. The floor plan and the location of the home really take every advantage of the lovely sights. Nearly every room, including the three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and living room have a view of the Cascades in the distance and Pickering Passage in the foreground. The home features a triangular shaped deck nestled in the fir trees. A former long-time resident and wile of one of the island's most memorable ferry skippers, Mabel Harriman, was the guest for two days last week of Marie Crouch of Jarrell's Cove. A foursolne from Sewardville, which included Thora Seward, son Dick and his wife Marlene, and Helen Lammers recently Join Cavalry Your Washington Army National Guard is looking for men to become members of the 303D Cavalry in Shelton. Contact Jim Fisk or Nick Patterson, 426-6202. returned from a trip south. Taking a bit different route on this trip than they have in the past they turned east on Highway 90 out of Portland and followed along the south side of the Columbia River in Oregon and down through eastern Oregon, into Nevada. They stopped in Winnamucca to visit a friend of Helen Lammers. Gay Salldin formerly worked with Helen. They then went on to Reno where they and a few coins had a parting of the ways. From there they headed west arid stopped in northern California to see Thora's sister. Then on to Oregon where they called on some friends of Sewards who once lived in Neah Bay at the same time Gene and Thora did. Bob and Dorothy Barnett just returned from a two-week trip south. Their travels took them ,into New Mexico and across into Dick Angle Angle Bui!ding 4th & Railroad Juarez, Mexico. Then they on to Phoenix, Arizona friends. However, Clara who formerly owned property here on the on her way to the pneumonia. So they chance to visit very and Dorothy then went to the Art Bakers. But they home. They waited a at a neighbor's house bul time had to go on them. Their trip had a colorful and exciting E1 Paso they were to a holdup and just the skin of their they, too, were robbed- hotel midway between and Reno they sensed the1 were about to go on th and cleared the site gigantic brawl got • Property • Casualty • Auto Life eHom, Ph. 42’ Mason & Thurston Counties' Only Factory Authorized Pontiac Cadillac Dealer New '74 Sd Special Price Stock No. 050 includes 250-6 cylinder regular fuel engine, AM radio, whitewall tires, deluxe wheel discs, custom carpets, chrome moulding package, and much more plus lots of economy. 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"'Save money every mile" • 75 New Volkswagens in Stock • • 31 Used Volkswagens to Choose From • • We Lease Any Model VW • • Financing Available • • We Take All Makes On Trade • Hanson 943-2120 3000 Pacific Ave. SALES * SERVICE Olympia * PARTS ONE OWNER TOP OF THE LINE Cl5 • Astro-Mag Wheels • Polyglass Suburbanite Tires • Ramsey Electric Winch • Warn Hubs • Radio • Heater • Dual Exhaust • Front Bucket Seats • Full Rear Seat • Kayline Top • Gauges OUR 29TH Y~AR -- cHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH.JEEP 517 EAST 4TH -- OLYMPIA -- 357-7705 AT BIG SAVINGS Continental Mark IV Lincoln Continental Marquis Montego Capri Monte rey Comet Cougar XR-7 International '" Travelall Scout II Full Line of Pickups Where Service Comes First KEN MEIXER " 25 1 6 Martin 3 /-3331 T Y T A T ROTTER'S • We offer new Toyota's Y for less than 11' A Plus Tax & Lic. See Jack Ledgerwood, Sales Mgr. 620 PLUM OLYMPIA 943-4454 SALES - SERVICE - LEASING VEGA - NOVA - CAMARO IMPALA - CAPRICE - MONTE CARLO CHEVROLET TRUCKS - EL CAMINO - LUV ALSO, HONDA CARS! CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY! "We'll Drive You Happy" 522 East 4th Ave. Olympia 357-5515 Coachman for Mazda's FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SALE ,i New 1973 Rx ,3 Cpe. Sticker Price $3559, Sale Price ........... $2,789 New 1973 RX2 Cpe. Sticker Price $3771, Sale Price ........... $2952 Below dealers cost, you save! Mazda Rotary Engine cars now have 3-year, 50,000 mile factory warranty. 3216 Pacific Ave., Olympia, Wa. 352-8558 Datsun B-210, best mileage of 50 cars tested by Motor Trend Magazine. DELIVERED IN OLYMPIA coMPt-I Ray's Datsun-Americcn 616 F-- LEGION WAY LEGION & PLUM 357.4100' "we run a very simple business" Page 24 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, May 2, t74