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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE PI For Sale For Sale For Sale IKNITTING machine. 26-6648. B5/2-23 rug, 9 months chair with 426-1326. K5/2-9 LIR for sale, 426-1160. Viking glass, motor, radio ing, misc. May Box 655, ~or. H5/2 storage shed with at 323 East J D5/2 rING chair with good condition, 495-3346. J5/2 Monarch range, older 1557 or 426-4480. LLECTION, 5,000 ;300 or best 65/2 USED western ;llent condition, P.m., 426-5080. for ready-made Festival. Art 'Y. 15% off. Bring proper frame. 163. P5/2-9 Lodge No. 75 I.O.O.F. Hall ast Store. Friday, ETs, geraniums, plants. Speece Creek Loop $5/2-23 ens, mint Yashica, camera. Have you a beautiful lens? $139.95; Center. sale -- 108 St. lye, Four houses t2Limerick Inn. IGERATOR, ,n, $35. Phone SALE MAY 4 dryer, 10' -)' boat, old jars, lots more. 324 View. 5/2 ~ Finest In: SEPTIC TANKS tED ROCK E--MI X * GRAVEL Y POURS FROM 3OLF COU RSE S 9/3tfn Materials ~nd & Gravel Crushed Rock Reedy Mix FRAME MOLDING clearance, 50% off regular price. Need room for remodeling. Photo Center. 426-6163. P5/2-23 MOVING SALE. Washer, refrigerator, swing rocker, tools, misc. 1.3 miles out Cole Road. Sign in yard. Thursday-Saturday, 9-5. M5/2 HEALTH AND Happiness, 5th and Grove Street. Open Friday only -- other days but Saturday call 426-8113 for appointment. People are enjoying the natural grains and other items. D3/28tfn CHAIN LINK fence -- for free estimate, call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn GARAGE" SALE, many misc. items. 10-6, Friday-Saturday, May 3-4. 273 Island Lake Drive. A5/2 MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn DIGITAL CLOCK radio, the best by Panasonic, solid state, 2-step night light, RC-1280, $25.95, regular $42.95; RC-1103, $24.88, regular $29.95; RO-6253 AM/FM, snooze bar, $49.95, regular $59.95. Photo Center, 426-6163. P5/2-23 REFRIGERATOR, ELECTRIC stove, double bed, $25 each. 13" and 14" tire and wheel, $10 each. 13" tire chains, $5. See after 4 p.m., 415 Bellevue. N5/2tfn USED SUPER 8 Bell and Howell projector, Kodak movie camera, light and screen, ready for home movies, $85.50. Photo Center, 426-6163. P4/11-5/2 TD14A USED parts, 1000x20 tire and 90x20 tire with wheels. 426-3649. B4/11-5/2 RCA Victor stereo console, 9 years old, good condition, $35. 426-6043, call after 4 p.m. T4/25-5/2 GARAGE SALE, Friday-Saturday, 604 Turner. Galvanized clothesline posts, antique rockers, mahogany dresser, commode, treadle sewing machine, rollaway bed, doors, windows, mirror, picture frame, television, chairs, misc. $5/2 ROLLAWAY BED, $15. Bunk beds with springs and mattresses, $40. $100 portable room purifier, fike new, $50. 426-3815. P5/2-9 GARAGE SALE, Saturday, May 4, Island Lake firehall, 10-6. B5/2 16' BOAT with trailer and controls, cabover camper. 426-6235. B4/1 ltfn ALDER SAWDUST or bark. Large or small loads delivered. 943-9845 or 491-8851. L3/7tfn NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on continuous aluminum gutters. 426-8201. S6/14tfn USED PIPE and steel. New steel on order. Shelton Junk Co. 426-8626. S2/28tfn FOR SALE 14' Pacific Mariner 50 HP Mercury trailer, also 1967 Fiat, excellent gas mileage. 426-4653. L3/7tfn 14-MONTH-old Hereford bull, $550. Also 1/2 h.p. electric motor, $15. 426-3649. B4/18-5/16 SEARS COMPACTOR, like new, $100. 426-6854. B4/18-5/9 SHOP ANYTIME day or night, 7 days a week with Sears 24-hour shopping service. Phone 426-8201. 1/31tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropics Ballroom (Schneider's Prairie). Call Olympia 866-0866. D3/10tfn WALLPAPER -- COMPLETE selection. Lowest prices available. Coast to Coast Store, 123 South Second. 6/7tfn STREAK TO: Mother's Day 5th Annual Breakfast sponsored by Key Club. May 12th, Angle Building multi-purpose room. S4/18-5/2 1954 TRAVEL trailer -- gas and electric. Leveling jacks, electric brakes. Sell $995 or trade for Ford/Chev pickup. Rt. 2, Box 915. R4/25-5/17 Call CEDAR FENCING, SHELTON ~IAN 'TOR 'AL Service, Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, carpet cleaning our speciality, for free estimate. Running foot phone 426-8936. S11/30tfn approximate prices, 3 ft. $1.35,4 ft. $1.55, 5 ft. $1.85,6 ft. $2.15. Includes labor. E5/2tfn GARAGE SALE, antiques, guns, misc. Rt. 3, Box 649, Bay East Shelton, Saturday, May 4, 10-5. R5/2 PORTABLE PHILCO black and white TV - 19" slimline, good picture, good condition, $40. Also I want to buy a Gem Top canopy for pickup, reasonable. 426-2347. D5/2 CRUSHED ROCK for your driveway or the permanent solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. 12/7tfn 14' BOAT with 71/z H.P. motor, and trailer with controls, $295. 426-1235. S3/14tfn HYDRAULIC PUMPS and motors, trailer axles and wheels. Shelton Junk Company. 426-8626. J3/14tfn 1968 Chev. 1/FT. Pickup; 1966 Pontiac LeMans; 1967 Chev. Biscayne; 1963 Chev. Carryall; 1966 Ford Pickup F-250; 1966 Plymouth Station Wagon Fury 1; 1967 Chev. I/2-T. Pickup. 1962 Ford C-700 Truck with line boom; DC Generator-1500 watt, 43 amp., 115 volt; 1967 Ford Pickup l/z-T. For information call PUD No. 3, 426-8255. 4/25-5/2 Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pickups welcome• Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. Good brown soil. $4.00 cu. yard in Shelton. Eddie Kneeland Trucking 426-4889 5/2-30 MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears, 426-8201. S2/Btfn GEARHEAD AND other used electric motors, new one h.p. and 1/3 gearhead motor. Shelton Junk Co., 426-8626. S2/28tfn ROOFING -- NEED a new composition roof? For free estimate call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/lOtfn CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Oanford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn McNESS PRODUCTS. Call 426-6152. F1/10tfn KELLY'S SHOP, antiques, second hand, glassware, furniture, fan belts. First left on Isabella Road. Shelton, 426-6685. K8/23tfn FOR SALE: RCA stereo console AM/FM radio. Rollaway twin bed. Black male miniature poodle, 426-5042. R5/2 FREE: ONE gallon of root beer to Ethel Oliver, Fir Tree Park Apt., from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A5/2 YOU SAVED and slaved for wall-to-wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. c5/2 ' W Used Cars TWO 1962 Cadillacs, $200. One 1952 Chevrolet pickup, $100. 426-1723. M5/2-23 POURS )ATCHED TRUCKS Park Street 2/1 ltfn TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns andgardens for 25 years. Deliver by truck load anywhere. Call 426-1502. After 5:00 p.m. call 426-2570, F. E. Ogden., 4/12 tfn 1963 DODGE, 4-dr., 440, radio, heater. Good condition. 426-6563. $5/2 '51 GMC and '48 GMC trucks, run good, good tires, $100 each or best offer, 426-6735 or 426-3839. M5/2-23 1965 MUSTANG -- good condition, $400. 426-5249. C5/2 1965 WILLYS custom cab pickup with almost new canopy. Automatic shift, good condition, $1,000. 426-5472. F5/2-9 426-5711 after 6. P5/2-9 Mobile Homes USED MOBILE home. Expanded living room. Very reasonable. 426-1086. M5/2-23 1970 SHASTA motor home, 17' self-contained, extras, $6,350. 426-1858. V5/2 TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring, sway control, jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, 4814 Lacey Blvd. 491-6150. 4/1 ltfn FOR SALE -- 1972 mobile home 56x24, 2 bedrooms, family room, must be moved. $500 equity. 426-8339. $4/1 ltfn DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME on large corner tract in adult park. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, washer-dryer, other extras. Nice yard, garden spot, carport and 10'x14' storage room. Excellent buy at $10,500. Terms available. See at Hidden Haven No. 10, Shelton, or phone 426-6476. 4/]Btfn Sporting Goods 1970 APACHE camping trailer -- excellent condition. Call 426-8453 after 4 p.m. S5/2 Pets, Livestock FREE KITTENS, 7 weeks old. Phone 426-1160. J5/2 TO BE given away to a good home, English Setter. 426-3715 evenings after 4:30. H5/2 WEANER PIGS, $27. Young boars, $75. Hereford cattle. 426-4758. W4/25tfn FOR SALE or trade, 3-year-old Palomino. Call 426-1761. $4/25-5/2 DOG CLIPPING, call Mrs. Scott,' 426-2868. $5/10tfn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointments, call Mrs. La Mont, 426-4164. L9/17tfn CANE SUGAR, registered quarterhorse stud service. Rt. 10, Box 127. 426-1390. E2/21tfn YEARLING SCOTCH Highland bull. 426-3648. H4/1 ltfn Farm Slaughtering Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashioned curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B. J. Probst 426-1643 Kamilche Used Cars 1971 CHEV Caprice loaded with extras, vinyl top, factory air, power seats, AM-FM stereo-tape. Make an offer. 426-8295. $4/25-5/2 '71 MAVERICK 6-cylinder, automatic transmission, air conditioner, heater, radio. New tires, low mileage, excellent condition, $2,000. 426-3536. H4/25-5/2 1971 TOYOTA Corolla 1200, 4-speed 2-door sedan, new condition, 34,000 miles, 2 new tires, had valve adjust, ignition tune-up. $1,595 cash, no trade. Call 877-5352 after 5. P5/2 Personal ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and Referral Center, 110 West "K" Street, Shelton. Phone 426-4407. Ti/24tfn LOSE WEIGHT safely and fast with X-1 1 Diet Plan, $3.00. Reduce excess fluids with X-Pel, $3.00. Money-back guarantee. Evergreen Drug. Pl/17-5/2 GEORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliance -- the best night spot in town --Sealy mattresses. 3/14tfn PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Service --marriage and family counseling. By appointment only. Phone after 5 p.m., 426-4034. F9/27tfn Cards of Thanks We would like to thank the many friends who offered their strength and helped share the grief of our recent loss. Your thoughts and remembrances were deeply appreciated. The Family of Lamont Wheaton w5/2 1972 Dodge Coronet .............. $2695 1970 Ford Maverick 6 cyl., auto. trans .... $1550 1969 Dodge Pola,a ......... $1145 1967 Dodge Coronet SO0 ......... $725 1968 Ford Falcon 4-dr., 6 cyl. eng., auto. tran $1095 1969 Ford F100 PU u"15-0 360 eng., 4 speed trans, .. 1964 Chrysler 4 door ................ $400 PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4.780 Front & Railroad 426-8183 CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in my recent sorrow will always remain with me as a precious memory. My sincere thanks and gratitude for the memorials and florals and all those comforting acts for my husband. Dora Hearing H5/2 CARD OF THANKS The family of Eli Wolden wish to thank Dr. Collier and the staff of Mason General Hospital for their help and kindness in the recent loss of our husband and father. W5/2 Used Cars GOOD BUYS 1974 LTD, 4-dr., was rental ................ $4,395 1974 Torino, 2-dr., was rental .............. $3,495 1973 LTD wagon, school car ............... $4,350 1972 Mazda wagon ....................... $2,850 1972 Plymouth Duster .................... $2,595 1972 Torino, 2-dr., sport . SOLD ............ $2,695 1972 Ventura II, 4-dr ..................... $2,495 1972 Pinto Runabout ..................... $2,495 1972 Pinto 2-door ..................... $2,395 1972 Chev Panel Pick-Up .................. $1995 1971 Maverick .......................... $2,395 1970 International and van body . SOLD ...... $4,295 1970 Ford pickup and canopy .............. $2,095 1970 Toyota, 4-dr ...... .................. $1,650 1970 Ford, 4-dr .......................... $1,125 1969 Fury I II ........... SQL D ............. $995 JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneelond Center ' Phone 426-8231 Parts & service hours: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday - Friday i i i i :g ," 4~p"" o • RATES IS words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over I S. • FOUR (4) insertions for the of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday Help Wanted 3 WOMEN needed to work full or part-time for Sarah Coventry Jewelry. No investment. Call 457-6604 for appointment. D5/2 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, over 21. Apply in person, Alderbrook Inn, Union, Washington. A5/2-9 SOMEONE TO drive a paper route about 35 miles per day. Phone 877-5849. G5/2 NEEDED -- TRAINEES for oyster opening classes, must be right-handed, 5'4" and have transportation. Call 426-3354, 10-2.04/25-5/2 HARD-WORKING, honest and sincere person who has had experience dealing with the public to sell real estate full time. Our salesmen work on a proven profit-sharing program. Prefer married man who needs to make money. Call "Match" at Mason County Realty, 426-4486. 4/25-5/2 D R I V E- I N restaurant, inside work. 877-5507. H4/25tfn WANTED, SOMEONE to live in and care for elderly woman in Shelton. References required. Write Rt. 2, Box 207, Sequim 98382. H4/11-5/2 EXPERIENCED BREAKFAST, lunch and dinner cook. Apply at Heinie's Broiler. B4/4tfn MILLWRIGHT FOREMAN. AlSo experienced edger operator for small alder mill. State qualifications and health in first letter of inquiry. Write Box 40, c/o Journal. 3/28tfn WoA Wanted LICENSED SITTER, my home, near cemetery. Hour or day. Call 426-9374. No age limit. Mc5/2 LICENSED BABYSITTING, all ages, 2 blocks from Bordeaux School. 426-8582. S5/2 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS, women's and children's clothes. Phone anytime 426-1312. M5/2-23 EXPERIENCED TYPIST will do typing in my home, 426-4764. C5/2 WILL BABYSIT in my home, large play area. 426-1760. R4/25-5/2 LICENSED DAY care --day or night. Capitol Hill. 426-4159. $4/25-5/2 LICENSED CHILD care. Mt. View. Day and night shift. Weekends also. 426-5174. 54/25-5/16 INTER IOR-EXTERIOR painting, texture and glitter. Free estimates. Phone 426-5741. P3/15tfn LICENSED CHILD care- Agate area hour or day. Experienced sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN, all types repairs, fencing, landscaping, shrub planting, flower boxes and rose trellises made to order. Roof moss removed. 426-4532. H3/21tfn Wanted WANT RIDER to Olympia. My hours 8:15 to 5:15 Monday thru Friday. $1.00 per day. Phone 426-9616 after 6 p.m. K5/2 ALDER PULP. Phone 426-5571. V10/25tfn PEEWEE LOGS 4" minimum tnn 8'4" long. Fir and cedar, $25"~:~r cord. Hemlock and pine. $20 ~r cord. Next to Pole Mih; Joh~ns Prairie. American Ecology Lumber Company. Evenings 426-9118. B3/2 ltfn CASCARA BARK -- highest price in years. Green and dry bought at Wayne Evers. Rt. 10. Box 94, Shelton. (Dayton-Mat lock Hwy.- 4 miles ,~iOi~ 5helton.) 3:00-8:00 Y. /elephone 426-4052. P4/25-7/11 WANTED -- NON-FERROUS metals, batteries, newsprint and cardboard. Shelton Junk Co. 426-8626. S2/28tfn D. H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn %%%%%%%%%~. _%%%%%%~ "... ~ Service= SHELTON FURNITURE Repair, refinished antiques, handmade gift items on display. Vinyl repair. 426-1858. $5/2 PRESERVE THOSE precious old photographs with fine art copies. Twenty-five years experience. Dean's Studio. 3/7tfn HORSESHOEING -- JIM Brummitt. 866-1646, toll-free. B3/7tfn LINTON UPHOLSTERY, reasonable prices and quick service. 898-2338. L3/7tfn BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn HORSESHOEING -- PAT Weaver. Call 426-9413. Wl 1/Btfn DAY & SONS custom rotovating, lawns, gardens, farm work, clearing and blasting. Licensed. 426-8750 or 426-8887. No job too large, no job too small. D6/21tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now. at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/]Stfn ROTOVATING, 426-1502. Small or large garden. S3/28tfn AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work guaranteed. Phone 426-4322, 1202 Cota St. R7/2Otfn CUSTOM ROTOVATING and tree pruning, J. R. (Hardrock) Kikendall. Phone 426-1179. K2/28tfn ' GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 795 Phone 426-2501 Swimming Pools Septic Tanks Bulldozing, Backhoe GLEN PARR 426-6539 Shelton 8/6tfn PLUMBING New and Repair Bob Anderson 426-9615 4/25-5/2 General Repair & Remodeling Service -- Carpentry -- Plumbing -- Electrical -- Reliable-- Reasonable- Free Estimates Jack Smith - 426-2358 11/29 tfn AUTO Re C. Salvage Rt. 2, Box 903A Agate Road Shelton, Wa. 426-2575 1 l/22-5/16 Painting - Taping Texturing - Wall Papering Woodwork Pre-finished LICENSED & BONDED FREE ESTIMATES Heinitz Painting Co. 3huck Heinitz 426-4841 Lost & Fmmd LOST -- LONG-haired brown-yellow black-faced cat, Walker "Park Road area. Phone 426-4480. C5/2 LOST -- NEAR Kamilche Oyster Bay area, white male Shepherd, 1 year old. Call 426-5942. R5/2 ~v~ v ~ -- A~~._-_ Wanted %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~ Services BOOM TRUCK SERVICE Loading • Unloading 4 Ton Capacity 37 Foot Reach Small Jobs Welcome 426-4819 Septic Tank 500-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfr Wanted to Rent HOUSE OR cabin in country. Rent to $110. No pets. Acreage not necessary. 426-8305. A5/2-23 TRANSFERRED TO Shelton. Need 3 or 4-bedroom house, Shelton area, by June 1. 943-1829 Olympia. H5/2tfn PARK RANGER wants to lease 2-bedroom home between Shelton and Harstine Island. Call collect Olympia 352-7277. W4/25-5/2 WANTED TO rent -- house or apartment for mother and 2 school children. No pets. 426-1763. $4/25-5/2 TRANSFERRED TO area, reliable family would like to rent or buy 3-bedroom or larger older home in country. Business hours, 877-5254 and home, 765-3412. B4/25-5/2 For Rent DELUXE 2-bedroom -- One thousand square feet including carpeting, drapes, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, washer & dryer -- all new. Garage enclosed for your car and automatic gas furnace. Located downtown with easy walk to shops. $185 per month -- references required. Mason County Realty. 426-4486. M4/25tfn SMALL 2-bedroom mobile home. completely furnished. Reliable older couple or a single. $90 per month. W.S.G. paid. Mann Real , Estate, 426-6592. M5/2 NEW 2-bedroom apartment, carpet and drapes, adults only, no pets. $140 month. 426-6251. L5/2 APARTMENTS, CLEAN and attractive, no pets. Edgewood Apartments, Hiway 101, above airport. 426-5093.4/25tfn COMPLETELY FURNISHED bachelor apartments. Dishes, linen. $50 to $65 per month. Shelton Apartments, 2nd & Grove. $4/11-5/2 APARTMENT FOR rent. Nice large kitchen and bath, garage, yard and garden, steam heat, all utilities paid. $135. Shelton Apartments, 2nd & Grove. $4/1 ltfn FURNISHED STUDIO apartment available at Lawton Apartments. Inquire at 703 Pine. L2/28tfn FOR RENT; trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/8tfn MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 tfn $50 to $135 per thousand. d, woc Call 426-3464' 2(14 tfn Real tate Wanted RENTAL UNITS wanted, single or multiple. Tokos Realty, 107 West Railroad. 426-3361. T5/2 WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or further informat|on. Have buyers for 2 and 3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty, 8th & Railroad, 426-4486. 8/12tfn Th May 2, 1974 ;helton-M son County Journal e 25