May 2, 1974 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 2, 1974 |
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BY OWNER 21h park-like acres ONE LOT 100x200. Slab for NEW 4-PLEX for sale. Now underTRI-PLEX,~one 2-bedroom, two 81:11 & RAILROAD PHONE 426-4486
/,,r rd fishina stream. 2 bd. mobile home. $2,600.00. Near construction in Mt. View. These 1-bedroom units, ground level,I I
--~, "rn home a~l elect Paneled, Shelton 866-8228 C5/2-9 are extra large deluxe completely remodeled, cornerlot. J lU~llt I=l~eUFv J
,,,,.de , • • -
fireplace, lovely trees and shrubs. -------------~ two-bedroom units with four Owner 426-3242. B4/25tfn J RIIIDi, I~ AI1Wl~lllbl J Open evenings til 7:30 and Saturday 'tit 5:00. REAl
View Mt. Rainier. $24,000.00. GOOD RENTAL for sale. Now appliances in each unit plus garage
Even ngs and weekend, 426-2077. being rented. $10,500. Buy out for each tenant. Fully carpeted J THINKING I J Join the wise ones... I
D5/2-16 ......... equity. 426-5604. D5/2-9 aand drapesinc'uded There wi'l be I !!O!iry$1 iilNGi? o!totalof six fourplexes, one of I !ii im i [ $11,500 -- SIX PERCENT INTEREST - Modest 2-bedroom bungaloW
TIMBER ON 13 view acres. NEAT AS a pin. 2-bedroom, which is sold, showing a good Mr. View area with part basement and garage. $5,500 will cash out1
B la c k top ;iOkaerai~ Pp~ee- 2-story home. Fenced yard plus return on your investment, owner and you
can assume the 60/0 balance at $65 a month.
overloo g g .ag : extra lot. $16,500, terms. Shelton Management service also available. °C
$15,600, terms. Shelton Lane an(] Land and Homes, 426-5555. Call "Mitch" at Mason County $12,750 -- LOW INTEREST MORTGAGE - Good, solid older home w
I y p P y- " i I Jy • i
Homes, 426-5555. S5/2 ~~ Realty, 426-4486, for details. I orwrite Ikitchen-family room with I concrete foundation and basement. It has oil'furnace, spacious livir
........ ELBOW ROOM. Over 1 acre. M2/28tfn
FAMILY DELIGHT. 5-bedroom Small 3-bedroom house. Garden ~-- I ,,,~,,,A,- n,-A,,rv I I fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 21/2 I room, 2 bedrooms down and 3 upstairs plus room for more. Nee(
story book ranch house. 10 view and fruit trees. Close in. $9,950, HOOD CANAL r~irement home. I /~1~ K¢~I./I I I baths, sunken living room with I
I 107 Ra Iroad Ave. I fireplace, private back yard, I some finish work. Cash talks -- hurry on this one if you need room!
acres. Near Grapeview. $39,950, terms. Shelton Land and Homes,Beach rights, sauna, creek front. I 4/]]tfn I I large double garage and circle I
• , 2- • /
terms Shelton Land and Homes 4 6 5555 $5 2 Trade for acreage or whatever.I ~ I drive. Excellent neighborhood. I
426-5555. ~-- 877-5816. L4/11-5/2 I $43,500. I $15,950 -- CREEKFRONT - 2 BDRM. - OVER ONE ACRE - Right
the edge of town and available April 19th. This is a 2-bedroom wi
............. LIVE SHELTON -- work
MUST SEE to appreciate, Olympia? 5-acre tracts on 12]/2 ACRE farm. Excellent soil. I I-IttgC.'lr'~N~ POIINTP. I nf in I | BUILDING SITE or lot for| large paneled living room, bar in kitchen, part basement and lar
spacious 3-bedroom rambler on ~ Mason-Thurston County line. 2-bedroom home with garage and I ~;,='~,~h'* ~ii I / mobile, with view of city. This I garage port with shop and storage. Nice privacy. Contract terms!
acre in Mt. View. 1=/2 baths, Freeway access east and west. shop. Immediate possession. I ~i~"~,minn I | lot has water available and is|
carpeting, family room, many Phone Olympia 866-7059, owner.$20,950, terms. Shelton Land and I ~~.:" ~-,T,~"~',~ I / ready for a home. Price is right I
extras. $32,500, terms. 405 East V2/14tfn Homes, 426-5555. S5/2 I ~~n"c°ur;': I Iat$2'790"00" / $15,950 - 12 ACRES -- COUNTRY LIVING -- Older but well-bull
• h outbuildin are e arden s ot an~
C. Phone426~206. C4/11-5/2 ~ 20 ACRES, creek, some 2-bed=corn country home wit g, g g , g P ,~=,
............. 2-YEAR-old 3-bedroom home merchantable timber. Agate area. I ' I | ACREAGE. Almost 5 acres/ twelve hillside acres. Farm-size kitct]en and free appliances, uw,
INCOME PROPI£RTY Cocktail with fireplace on 1 acre, $20,500. $19,900, terms. Shelton Land and I 20 ACRES: You can't hardly I I near Phill ips and Spencer / $4,000 down and contract terms. ,
lounge, restaurant and living 426-6185. M4/18t!n Homes, 426-5555. S5/2 I find these no more! Only $60() I | Lakes. 330 feet on paved|
quarters, McClea~y. Everything ~-------- I oer acre. Westof town and I 1 county road. Excellent buy at I
I~ectuded" I / $5,000.00. | $16,950 -- HILLCREST 3 BDRM. + DEN - Present owner leaving tOWI
goes at only $9 ,000, terms. ELEGANT 4-bedroom. Shining HILLCREST -- three-bedroom and this fine home on a large lot is going at a bargain price. Easy t,
Shelton Land and H°mes' new °n 31/2 acres" Saltwater view h°me" Appr°ximately 10 years I L~m~W;~;i;irii;s~ I [ ~N~ An /
426-5555.55/2 and access. Year-round creek. 2old. Built-in stove and oven, r~ finance if you have a small down payme t and fair credit.
fireplace, fully carpeted, 2-car ®
~.C~.R~oM~ stone fireplaces, 3 baths, 1
Z-I~LUKUU C g ea Lost unfinished. Double garage. 2 full carport. Near Bordeaux School. $18,500 -- NEW ON THE MARKET'-
Here s a three-bedroom on one fl00
Lake. Fireplace,mne~Y Vz acre. floors of family comfort. 877-52liVery clean.or 877-5262,$18'900"evenings.Call gle .... dr'
Only $7,950, te s.5 ~tt7~ Land $69,000, bank terms. Shelton ency with fireplace in the Angleside area. Owner transferred and price
and Homes, 426-555 . / Land and Homes, 426-5555. $5/2 Hood Canal Real Estate.
H,/lltfn I IN |NIl RealEstate&lnsurance | seltnow. Fenced rear level grounds and garden space. Easyterms.
~~ ~641 5-BEDROOM house forsaleby I__~.. ............ ..--~'.-I | Since1890 | $18,950-FREEaANGE-New3bdrm.--Wehavenewramblersurld'
HIMLIE REALTY, , ,,u,,ed .... owner. Fireplace, full basement, I RLAL A I I=.- IINbUH/AI~LI= I / Herb Angle Dick Angle / construction with 3 bedrms., carpeting, bar in kitchen, range & ho0(
fenced,Carpeted'andlargewoodsyCarp°rt'backSeCluded'yard- I 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. I / Barbara Nelson / sliding glass door, and large garage. Insulated and guaranteed.
| UNION . .. Low cost home on large view lot. Has two bedrooms I Nice family• home. $26,500. I ......... I | Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6;88/ $18,950 -- SACRIFICE, TAKE OVER LOW PAYMENTS -- This almost
426-4823. B3/28tfn
Iand g°°d easy terms can be set up" Only $7'500 " " " I [I BeCvaTIhlo42n .4126841 Ill 401 Railroad, Ph. 426-8272/ rambler in Mt. View has wall-to-wall carpet, kitchen with bar and lar~
attached garage. Owner will leave the drapes, range and refrigera.t0~
| WOW!!!! Only $6,600 -- this one-bedroom bungalow has been all | LAKE LIMERICK Golf Course
| redone inside, including wall-to-wall carpet and Franklin fireplace | Lot 241, Fairway No. 2, near 5
lake. Offer, phone LA2-4321,
I - won't last... I Cash out to the $]6,600 loan at 7V4% interest and take over $114.u~
I HILLCREST--Thistw°'bedroomh°mehasnearly1300sq'ft" I~I Seattle. S4/11-5/2 ~~ t I ~11f~~ per month payments.
| garage, fenced yard, concrete foundation and good roof. Only | ill $1 9,950-- MECHANIC'S DREAM -- Newer home in
1 $12,000... | ~~~ country with fireplace, double garage and shop, three bedrooms, far~
IOAK 'A'K ~~_.~~ kitchen. Poss,ble for qualified buyer to take over bank loan and say
even more. How about trading your equity? Fenced for your pets.
$20,500 -- ONLY $300 TOTAL CASH - NEW 4- BDRM. - Yes, it's true, as
' ~ there is no down payment, only the low closing cost. This big ramble
i~ 4~-6-~2 Why not live in Hoodsport and commute? Suncrest with 2 baths is finished now. Free kitchen range, attached garage 0~,
HIMLIE REALTY, Inc. ""°'',o,.o,,.,o,. .... 426-2646
Estates offers the best in 1 to 5 acre parcels -- close to wooded and private half-acre lot.
Quick occupancy can be arranged for this lovely
three-bedroom, bath and a half home. Large living
room, large family room and is immaculate. Priced right
at $26,500.
MINI-RANCH... Nearly 1800 sq. ft. -- three-bedroom, two-bath
rambler -- large barn and double garage, PLUS 1296 sq. ft. shop
-- all on 11 acres for only $47,900...
PARKWOOD... Executive rambler -- 2=/2 years old. 1800 sq. ft.
of living space. Tastefully designed for those with elegance in
mind. $37,000...
GOLDSBOROUGH CREEK... Spend your spring down by the
stream. Plenty of work for the handyman, but price right.
Three-bedroom home on a creek for only $14,500...
Brand new -- three-bedroom, two-bath, split-level home.
Over 1400 sq. ft. of living space, plus large double
garage. 5% down financing available. $32,500...
SOUTH HILL -- Spacious rambler on a large lot on South Hill.
Three bedrooms, two baths, two fireplaces, fenced yard. Hurry --
TOTTEN SHORES: Nearly new 3-bedroom home in park-like
setting. Good well, 16' x 16' insulated shop, excellent soil for
garden, saltwater beach access. All for only $21,500.
MILL CREEK AREA -- $31,000: Spacious country home on a~
cleared acre, featuring large, finished 2-car garage, plus a carport
for camper or trailer. 4 wooded acres adjoining are available if
Over 2600 sq. ft. with four bedrooms, baths, large
rec. room, two fireplaces -- You name it and this dream
home has it all and it's setting on a double lot and only
.ANXIOUS OWNER READY TO MOVE: 3½ acre mini-ranch,
part in Christmas trees. 4 miles south of Shelton, featuring
beautiful 4-year-old home with big rec room, .864 sq: ft. shop
building with high ooors, uwner moving ou~ or state. Call
426-2646 for more oetails.
HARSTINE ISLAND: Almost new 1400 sq. ft. home, on 2+ acres
wooded land. This lovely home has some very unique features
that will please you. Owner motivated to sell. Call quick on this
ANGLESIDE RAMBLER Extra roomy 3-bedroom honfe in
choice area. Large family room with built-in "barbeque." The
m~st home for the money we have on the market. Priced at just
121 w. IqAILROAe
lake frontage, approx. 400 ft.
deep. View of the Olympic
Mountains, a concrete drive
and apron to within 100 ft. of
the lake, plus a 2-bedroom
house that will take about
$2,000 to make it livable. An
excellent buy for the
ambitious. $22,500.00.
ARCADIA ROAD -- An older
vintage house, exceptionally
sound, concrete foundation,
new roof, forced air furnace
and separate utility. All of the
rooms are large and it even has
a large closed-in carpeted
sunporch. Horse barn, fenced
corral, fruit trees and much,
much more. $25,000 and
$5,000 will handle. By
approximately 4 acres with
200 ft. of low-bank frontage.
Three bedrooms, or 2 and a
den, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, all
rooms with a sweeping
waterfront view. It's first
quality throughout, even the
two-car garage ~s fully
$58,000 and well
worth it. By appointment.
3-bedroom and a 2-bedroom
unit. There's so much offered
with each one that they must
be seen to be appreciated.
$29,600 and $24,500
respectively. By appointment
of course.
-- If you're 'hung-up' on older
homes and need a perfect
;etting for some of your
priceless antique pieces, then
this is your answer. It's all
finished in a 1900 era motif.
All wiring and plumbing has
been renewed and the house is
in excellent condition
-- Anxious owners must sell
because they need more room.
It's a 2-bedroom home on E.
Dearborn with natural gas heat,
separate utility, an oversized
lot with garden space and fully
fenced. Asking price, $10,500.
Call for details.
Exceptionally large lot, not on
the water but with no
possibility of anyone building
next door to you. Like an
island unto itself. Figure that
one out, then call us. The price
is $3,950 with low terms.
half-acre size lakefront lot with
75 feet on the water, yet only
$6,950 with low down, and low
monthly payments. It s a nice
one, so call today.
real charmer about 85%
completed, but livable now.
Attractively landscaped, plus
many extras. $8,500.00 --
REALTOP® 121 Railroad Ave.
Equal Housing Opportunity
the Olympics and Hood Canal.
We have the largest inventory
homes on Hood Canal with
Brinnon, and Port Townsend.
of acreage, lots, and
offices in Hoodsport,
Offices in Brinnon & Port Townsend
P.O. Box 335
21-foot mobile home on
attractive lot. Blacktop road to
property, beach rights and
swimming pool. $5,700.
20 acres with 165' low bank
waterfront. Some timber and
excellent building site. Ample
clams and oysters. $50,000.
Four new duplexes all rented.
$1320/month income. Located
out of city in one of our nicest
areas. Come in for more
175' waterfront with low bank,
bulkhead permit and park-like
setting for home construction.
Very special 4-bedroom, 2-bath
home with excellent frontage
and so many extras for you to
enjoy. $49,950.
Nice Shorecrest waterfront lot.
Swimming pool privileges
included. $8,500.
Nice cabin on pretty low-bank
waterfront. Has power, water
and septic tank. Tidelands
included. Beautiful view.
Very nice 2-bedroom mobile
home on acreage near Dayton.
60 AC R ES...
2 miles from town with
year-round stream. Near new
freeway. $850 per acre.
5 & 10 ACRE TRACTS..
In Matlock area. From $4,500
up, small down payment' and
balance monthly.
Vacation trailer all set up on
pretty no-bank waterfront
property. $9,500.
160 acres of beautiful farm or
Xmas tree land. $500 per acre.
Older house on 8 acres with
about 240' of water frontage.
Over 20 acres of tidelands.
Worth checking at a low price
of only $30,000. Contract
available with 20% down.
100' of very finest low-bank
frontage. Owner wants only
assessed value.., good terms.
Excellent back lot. All cleared,
level, with pretty creek running
full length of west side. Has
had Health Department tests so
all set for building. Very quiet
area. $2,500.
Needing 4 bedrooms? This
lovely full-basement home
could be the answer. Has 3
bedrooms up and 4th down.
Large living room and dining
area on main level as well as
bath and kitchen with spacious
birch cabinets. Down you'll
find 4th bedroom, large
recreation room with 2nd
fireplace, bar, utility area, 2nd
HILLCREST... bath, 1-car garage, and ample
shop area. All located on
2 bedroom home with plenty landscaped double lot with
of living area. $6,950. patio area and carport.
MOUNTAIN VIEW... $42,000.
Only block and half to
elementary school. Most
attractive 3-bedroom home
with new carpeting and
draperies. Has 1=/; baths, stone
fireplace, and attached 2-car
garage. Plenty of space out
back for garden area. Large
80x100' lot. All set for your
family and has appraised at
asking price of $27,500.
2 lovely waterfront lots and 4
back beautiful wooded lots.
Water, electricity and phone
available. From $3,000.
Low-bank waterfront tracts
available. Some view lots also.
All sizes and prices.
110 Railroad 426-4447
Evenings and Sundays call:
JIM ROUSH ...... 426-8522
® DON BROWN .... 426-6388
OR 426-8540
view of Fawn Lake. Wall-to-wall carpet, built-in dishwasher tv
bedrooms and loads of storage• View of lake from large deck.
car garage building plus shop and utility. This is permanent year 'roun
living: Fishing season opens soon!
home in Mason County's finest subdivision is now being completed
model show house. It features a sunken living room and other
items to make it different!
$23,950 -- ANGLESIDE - NEW RAMBLERS -- Yes, we have two
ramblers under construction in choice area with three
fireplace, bath and one-half, and priced thousands below market
Guaranteed for one year. Only 5% down.
$24,950 -- 3 BDRM, FAMILY RM - EXTRA BATH - On about ]/2 ad,e.
• • DI~
wooded lot. Family room, extra ha f bath, og fireplace, 3 brs. & doU
garage. Only 5% down or trade. Built-in appliances.
$26,950 -- NEW BASEMENT HOME -- Tall native trees--
bedrooms plus two baths and recreation room and a kitchen out of
world -- trade today. Built-ins and many extras• Two fireplaces.
$27,500 -- DAYLITE BSMT. - ON HALF ACRE - New split
three-bedroom on main floor with two baths, built-in range,
dishwasher and disposal, p4us a full daylite basement, two fire
double garage. Trade in your present home or equity, paid for or
Only 5% down -- pick your colors now.
$2,300 -- IN TOWN - Nice slope to the rear and suitable for daYligl~t
basement home. 60x120. Call for details• Sewer & water.
$2,700 TO $3,500 - OAK PARK - Ready to build on now! Under
utilities, blacktop streets and all approved for septic tank. Build
new home amongst other new homes.
$7,950 -- FAWN LAKE WATERFRONT --- Low-priced site right On
lake. Underground power, phone and wa';er. Easy terms.
$16,950 -WE HAVE THE KEY - 73 ft. of prime lakefront plus 1970
Prix 56 x 12 mobile home with tip-out living room. Appliances a
and included. Out-of-town owner wants fast sale.
$17,900 - LAKEFRONT - 2 BRS. - 60 FT. WATERFRONT - SPot
two bedroom furnished home with 36 ft. living room and super
-- out-of-town seller says bring an offer. Nice low bank.
all set up and ready to move into. Completely furnished two-be(
with deck. Nice easy stairway to the beach. Overlooks Squaxin
from this secluded spot on beautiful Harstine Is and. Pebbly beach.
$31,950 -- TIMBERLAKES BEAUTY -- Custom built
overhead chalet on wooded 60 ft. waterfront lake lot with nO
Coppertone washer, dryer, range, refrigerator & dishwasher.
heater fireplP,ce. This is a real superb home! Concrete foundation.
$42,500 - FINISHED DAYLITE BSMT. - Even a complete sauna be!
bedrooms (2 in basement), double kieater fireplaces, dining room.:
sliding glass doors to deck and patio, 20 ft. view living room, d=
room and extras galore. On 80 ft. waterfront at Kamilche Shores
double detached carport and shop.
724 We Railroad
Phone 426-4
"Home of the square deal"
Trine "Doc" Moorhead .......... 426-1369
, Don Johnson .................. 426-5137
R. Cal Hopper .................. 426-3582
Page 26 - 5helton-Mason County Journal - 1 hursday, May 2, 19/4