May 2, 1974 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Sam Humes, Broker
(rcw 11.40.010)
Probate No. 4377
Estate of MINNIE F. SMITH,
The undersigned has been
District 113 Board will meet for
the purpose of fixing apd
adopting the Budget of the
Intermediate School District 113
for the 1974-75 fiscal year at
8:00 p.m., May 9, 1974, in Room
214, Courthouse Annex,
Olympia, Washington.
Any citizen residing in the
of Olympia, Washington on
February 26, 1974 under
Public Lands.
REVOLVING FUND: $277.00 to
be paid on day of sale.
Accessibility: Via Department
of Natural Resources access.
Complete contract and
specifications may be examined at
of the action taken on this
application should notify the
Board of Mason County
Commissioners in writing of his
interest within thirty days of ¼he
last date of publication of this
notice. Publication dates of this
notice are April 25, 1974 and
roads dedicated to
the Plat of S
Roads, all Io¢
County, Washington.
did declare the
such roads as a publiq
and did direct the CI~
South Puget Sound Area May 2, 1974.
Board to set publ
i 28 Th y, May 2, 1974
300 FOOT FRONTAGE --On Leeland ValleyRoad. Suitable for appointed and has qualified as Intermediate School District may Application No. G2-21955 filedHeadquarters located at 4/25-5/2-2t thereon.
homesite, rural-wooded. Asking $2,100 terms, administratrix of the estate ofappear thereat and be heard for or for permit to appropriate public Enumclaw, County Auditor s -- FURTHER, said
' Minnie F. Smith, deceased. Eachagainst any part or parts of the waters, subject to existing rights, office, and office of the did instruct the ~oul
to report on sa
DUPLEX FIXER-UPPER -- Quilcene area -- elderly owner must person having a claim against the budget, from a well in the amount of 100 Commissioner of Public Lands, NOTICE TO CREDITORS establishments and n
sell. Income property -- both un ts now rented. Asking price above named person or the estate /s/Fred Tidwell gallons per minute continuously Olympia.
$6,000. ' must serve the claim, duly verified Fred Tidwell each year, for community To be sold at South Puget In Probate Prosecuting Attorney
by the claimant, on the Superintendent domestic supply. The source ofSound Area Headquarters NO. 4480 and give approval to
LAZY C RIVER LOT -- Ready now -- power water & septic undersigned or the attorney(s) of 4/25-5/2-2t the proposed appropriation is (Enumclaw), on Tuesday, May THEIN THEsTATESUPERIORoF WASHINGToNCOURT OF therein ordered. F
tank in. Child & adult fun lot -- medium banl~. Buy on terms record at the address stated below ~-- located within Lot 19, of plat of 28, 1974, at 10 o'clock a.m. N O T I C E I S
$6,900. ' and must file it with the clerk of Highland Park No. 1 of Section 5, Additional information on FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON GIVEN that said Hear
the court, together with proof of Township 21 N., Range 3 W terms and procedures of sale are In the Matter of the Estate of held at the office of t
LAW R ENCE H. F ISHER, Commissioners at the (
the service, within four months NOTICE TO CREDITORS W.M., in Mason County. contained in the "Public Auction Deceased.
.... . _ . - _ ... .. after the date of first publication No 4478 Protests or objections to Sale" pamphlet, in Shelton Washingtor
• (mini at tke IN) walllpS'" of this notice or the claim will be IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF approval of this application mustSaid timber on said land will Notice is given that the A.M., Monclay, May 13
barred. . THE STATE OF WASHINGTON include a detailed statement of be sold for not less than the undersigned has been appointed interested persons may
Phone 7964610 Anytime Brinnon, Wash. 98320 A .Date of. first publication, FOR MASON COUNTY (IN the basis for objections; protests appraised value, as appraised by and has qualified as personal said Hearing to be he
, pril z~, 1v/4. PROBATE) must be accompanied by a two the Commissioner of Public Lands representative of this estate, purpose of hearing the
.... /s/Evelyn J.'Vones IN THE MATTER OF THE dollar ($2.00) recording fee and in the manner provided by law, a Persons having claims against the Report on said County
Administrix of said Estate.ESTATE OF ANNE E PEARCY filed with the Department of notice of which is now on file in deceased are required to serve theDATED this 15t
J 715-- 12th Ave. E. Deceased " ' Ecology, Southwest Regional the office of the Auditor of same, duly verified, on the April, 1974. N
undersigned or the attorney of BOARD OF COU
NEAT AS A PIN -- 4 blocks from downtown. Just listed, Seattle, Wash. 98102 T he ~ under~ nned s the Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 Mason County, and in the office record at the address stated below
2-bedroom completely remodeled. Lovely fireplace. Fine kitchen, RTHUR D. KEIL appointed and Qualified Executrix within thirty (30) days from May of the Area Manager of South COMMISSIONERS
A ......... and file the same with the Clerk
1-car garage. Lots of shop and storage space. Large garden spot. ,,ttorney(s).for.the Estate of the estate of Anne E. Pearcy, Puget Sound Area. ' MASON COUNTY,
$16,950 -- $3,000 down on 8% contract. ~,+~ ~.vv. lozno deceased Person~ havin(] claims /s/Bert L. Cole of this court, together with proof
e .... __ .... BERT L. COLE of such service within four /s/Ruth E. Boysen
~t~l~,eW~Sh. 98166 against the deceased are required 9, 1974. 5/2-9-2t WASHINGTON.
3-BEDROOM HOME ON HILLCREST -- Clean and handy to - to serve the same in duplicate Commissioner of Public Landsmonths after April 25, ]974, or Auditor & Clerk
school and store. Fireplace, cute kitchen, garage and carport, neat 4/25-5/2-9-3tduly verified on fhe -nd~r'sianed NOTICE OF SALE OF ..... 5/2-9-16-23-4tthe /s/CleoSame willE.beFisherfOrever barred, of the Board
yard. $20,500, financing available. ~ or the attorr~ey of recorc/ a't= the VALUABLE MATERIAL Personal Representative
address stated below and file the ON STATE LAND Rt. 2, Box 30
__ _ BUDGET ADOPTION same with the Clerk of this Court,
~l~lll~AIIhl~ll ilb~AII I~IIV Notice is hereby given that together with proof of service STATE OF WASHINGTON, NATIONAL FOREST Shelton, Wash.
~ II BIBIlll IIIRIHIL II II~li~ill, lll III II the Intermediate School District within four months after 25 April R ESO U RC ES, Bert L. Cole, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, Attorney for Estate a hise Application
N 113 Board has completed the 1974, or the same will be forever Commissioner of Public Lands SKOK HEX 9 73 No. 1 SALE 407 Eighth Street . Amendment No
EXT TO WARDS 1974-75 Budget of Intermediate,barred. Notice is hereby qiven that on located within Jr. 22N., R. 6W., T. Hoquiam, Washington Pa c i f i c North~
i~m ~m,m,m. School District 113. Said Budget HELEN F. CARLSON, Telephone Corn
~dlr~o.,~U~]~l[]I has been placed on file in the Executrix, Tuesday the 28th day of May, 23N., R5 and 6W.,W.M., partially 4/25-5/2-9-3t- ~TraPOration' has filed
1974, commencing at ten o'clocksurveyed. Public notice is hereby shington State
Intermediate School District 113 534 Cascade, in the forenoon of said day, at the given that pursuant to the Commission, under the
Headquarters Office, 2nd Floor,Shelton, Wash. 98584 South Puget Sound Area provisions of Section 5 of Public
Courthouse Annex, Olympia, B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, of Chapter 47.44
Enumclaw, County of King, State132-16, U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4) (RCW 11.40.010) amendments tllel
...................................... Washington, with copies t~Vainlab/e Atnt~rn~Ydfor Estate, Headq uarters . located at Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. NOTICE TO CREDITORS application for a fro
...................................... for any interested c''e . g- of Washington, by the Area and the Cooperative Agreement Probate No. 4473 construct operate and.
• a m i=. .. • = ~ u=. -. nr,,=niza*i,~n Snelton, Wash 98584 Manager of said Area, the timber for the Management of the S U P E R I O R C O U R T O F buried telephone cabl
I'UDIKIIIOnS Lt III fUIIICaTIOnS ~ =~The" "/n'termediate School " 4/25-5/2-9-3ton the following described state Participating Forest Properties in WASHINGTON FOR MASON portion of State Routt
land will be sold at public auction the Shelton Cooperative COUNTY Mason County, Washi~
to the highest bidder, to wit: Sustained Yield Unit entered into Estate of Harold L. Devine, period to expire MaY
NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ~ ~ MASON COUNTY by and between the United States Deceased. the following locations!
May 7 1974 Mason County, Washin ton Application No. 36834
N~)TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That on Tuesday May 7, 19~, a ...... of America and the Simpson The undersigned has been Beginning at a po
Stringer Creek located Timber Company, dated appointed and has qualified as north side of SR ~
special election will be held in Shelton Consolidated School District No ............ =wu. o,+ou _
............... lifted elect ............. -" IN ]HE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE DF WASHINGTON IN approximately 5 miles by road December 12 1946 an estimat d Administrator of the estate ofapproximate MileP
,1U~J for tne submission To me qUd UfS O= sale District o~ Erie AN" F"~ ....................... northwest of Belfair. The sale is 21,400 M board feet of timber Harold L. Devine, deceased. Each ocated in Governrn
followi,~, ~ronosition- u un r~.~r~. L.uuP~Y, li~ ~'Ku~r-
"~ ~"~" " PERATION ~. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JACK J HANEN composed of all timber bounded m.~rked or otherwise designatedperson having a claim against the Section 17; thence i
MAINTENANCE AND O LEVY . . , by clearcut boundary tags, for cutting will be sold to above named person or the estate
property lines and logged areas on
"Shall She|ton Consolidated School District No. 309 of Mason uec~laoS~°e is hereb wen that Se t Fir t National easterly direction
Simpson Timber Company, must serve the claim, duly verified opposite approxima'
County levy a general tax upon the taxable property within the school . --. .y cj" a tie- " s " Bank in its parts of the following: WVz NWV4, Seattle, Washington, June 3, by the c l aimant, on the 4.44, located in Go~
........ capaciw as ~aministrator of the above mentioned Estate will sell at W½ SWV4 of Section 13; NEV, 1974. The minimum acceptable undersigned or the attorney(s) of 1, Section 3, all in "I
district m excess of conshtuhonal and statutory I=mltatlons in the sum ri " " - f ...............
p vaTe sale and or casn the tOIIOWlng oescriDea logging equipment
of $240,000.00, an estimated $].98 per one-thousand dollars of : SEV~, SV~ SEV4 of Section 14, b i d per M board feet is: record at the address stated below North Ranqe 3 west,
assessed valuation. Such assessed valuation is true and fair value unless DESCRIPTION Minimum Bid Township 23 North, Range 2 Douglas-fir $67.05; western and must file it with the clerk of NOTICi~ IS HERE
specifically provided otherwise by law. Such levy to be made in 1974 Case Bel 400 Skidder PS w/winch Model M 400$ 3,600.00 West, W.M., containing 111 acres, hemlock and other coniferous the court, together with proof of that a hearing will be
for collection in 1975, the proceeds thereof to be credited to the John DeereJD440 Series Aw/winch, Model T5ABR $ 4,500.00 more or less, comprising species $8.89. Additional deposit the service, within four months application by the
General Fund of School District No. 309 to permit the district to pay Skagit Yarder, Mail Line 1-1/2, Cat Engine 6 Cyl.- approximately 2,360,000 bd. ft. required for slash disposal is after the date of first publication State Highway Comrr
expenses of maintenance and operation as more specifically provided in Hyd Outrigger, Crawler Mt., Model PT4-Y $25,000.00 of Douglas fir, 90,000 bd. ft. of $1.65 per M board feet for all of this notice or the claim will be o f f i c e i n t h e
Resolution No. 25, adopted by the Board of Directors on the 19th day Skagit Loader-Yarder, SJ 2R-eM A-15, GMC Diesel Iodgepole pine, 20,000 bd. ft. of above species. Road amortization barred. A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
of March, 1974?" Hyd., outrigger, Self-Propelled Rubber Tire cedar, 15,000 bd. ft. of hemlock allowance on this sale is $65.00 Date of first publication April Olympia Washing t!
TAX LEVY, YES Mt. 4 wheel drive $25,000.00 and white fir, and 10,000 bd. ft. per M bd. ft. for all above species. 25, 1974. 20th day c)f May, 19
TAX LEVY NO International Cat, Hyd. Angle Dozer, Model TD-9 $ 900.00 of hardwoods, or a total of In addition there is within the sale LEONARD J. DEVINE a.m. or as soon t
The Polling Places for all precincts wholly or partially within the Three (3) Homelite chain Saws, Model 955 (LOT) $ 270.00 2,495,000 bd. ft. area an unestimated volume of all Administrator of hearing may be held.
district shall be as follows: One (]) Homelite chain Saw Model 925 $ 225.00 Minimum acceptable bid: species of hardwood which will be said Estate. O A T E O a.:
Airport .................... Fire District No. 11 Halt -- Spring Rd. One (1) Homelite chain Saw Model 400 $ 67.50 $236,015.00. paid for at $42.86 per M board 1008 Olympic Natl Bldg. Washington, thl •
Arcadia .................... ................ Southside School NW Crawler, Model 25, Murphy Diesel Shovel frt. Timber will be sold on a cash feet. In addition there is within Seattle, Wash. 98104 March, 1974.
Capitol Hill ........................ W.A.R.C. Hall -- Capitol Hillw/log grapple, serial No. 10617 $ 1,800.00 or installment plan basis. Timber the sale are'a an estimated 401RICHARD D. HARRIS /s/~N. M. Foster
Cioquallum ............................ Cloquallum Grange HallPortable Sawmill w/INT. VD-24 Engine must be removed prior to acres of all species logs subject to Attorney for the Estate W.M. FOSTER
Dayton ................................ Nimrod Hall -- Dayton (sawmill portion scrap) $ 450.00 September 1, 1976. per acre pricing which will be paid . 1008 Olympic Natl Bldg. Assistant Director
Isabella .............. Bordeaux School -- Cascade & Boundary Sts. Peterbuilt Log truck, GMC 8V-71 Engine 50 H D. On or before May 28, 1974, for at $129.69 per acre. All of the " Seattle, Wash. 98104 Highway Develol
Kamilche ............................... Kamilche Grange Hall Rear End, Jacobs Brakes, Hendri Supp. 1000 x at 10:00 a.m., each bidder mustAlaska yellow cedar determined 624-5010
Kamilche No. 2 ................. Little Skookum Community Hall 22 Tires (new), Peerless 2 axle Log Trailer $ 7,200.00 make a minimum deposit of pursuant to public hearing to be 4/18-25-5/2-3t ___~_.-------~
Millcreek .................................. Southside School1956 Chev, 2 Ton Truck " , OPEN $23,601.50 in the form of cash,surplus to the needs of domestic
Mt, View ............ Assembly of God Church -- 1521 Monroe St. Ford, 6M Gross Truck, 3 axle Dual Drive w/GMC morley order or certified check, users and processers, and timber SUMMOf
Northstde ........................................ Absentee 4cly. Diesel L/N H-9011 $ 900.00~Said deposit shall constitute an not meeting Utilization NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S ; No. 118(;
Westside ........................... P.U.D. No. 3 -- 303 W. Cota 1971 Datsun Pick up L/N GL2011 $ 630.00 opening bid at the appraised Standards, is exempt from the SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE SUPERIOI~
1970 Chev, Model C-30, 3/4 Ton Pick up, 6 cyL price. Upon award of this sale, the timber export and substitution STATE OF WASHI NGTON, THE STATE OF W~
Shelton No. 1 .................................... Courthouse 4 Speed $ 900.00 respective deposits shall be restrictions. Bidders are advised County of Mason, ss. SHERIFF'S FOR MASON COUN
Shelton No. 2 .................................... Courthouse 1966 Chev, 1/2 Ton Pick up w/camper shell, V-8, returned to the unsuccessful that violation of the timber OFFICE IN RE: THE MP
SheltonNo. 3 ................" ................... Courthouse 3~((eed $ 675.00 bidders. On the day of sale, the export and substitution BY VIRTUE OF Execution KATHY L. HATLE'
Shelton No. 4 ......... Bordeaux School -- Cascade & Boundary Sts. 1960 ord 3/4 Ton Pick up $ . 180.00 purchaser must pay the balance restrictions constitute breach of on Money Judgment issued out ofa nd DAV ID L.
between the bid deposit and theContract and may result in the Honorable Court of the State Respondent. _ ,
Shelton No. 5 .............. Peter Zopolis Residence -- 622 S. lOth 1964 Dodge Pick up $ 225.00 full bid price plus a $5.00 biil of contract cancellation, refusal to of Washington for Mason County,T H E S 3
Shelton No. 6 ....................... P.U.D. No. 3 -- 303 W. Cota One (1) Homelite chain saw, Model 1030
Shelton No. 7 ..... Mount Olive Lutheran Church -- 206 E. Wyandotte (needs repair) $ 22.75 sale fee, or may, if the purchaser award other timber sales to theon the First day of April, 1974, WASHINGTON, TO
Shelton No. 8 .............. Peter Zopolis Residence -- 622 S. 10th Fire Trailer Single Axle Trailer w/gas driven so elects at the time of sale, pay violator, and/or debarment or by the Clerk thereof in the case of HATLEY, Respondel
Shelton No. 9 .............. Foursquare Church -- 910 Dearborn St. pump, reel & hose $ 450.00 an additional amount, to bring suspension from bidding on CARROLL T. CLEVELAND, ET You are herebY s
Shelton No. 10 ..................... W.A.R.C. Hall -- Capitol Hill Fire Trailer, 2 Axle Trailer Mt. w/gas driven the total amount of the deposit, future timber sales. If requested UX versus ROBERT D. MARSH, appear within sixty (
Shelton NO. 11 ........... Assembly of God Church -- ]521 Monroe pump, reel & hose, fire tools $ 1,575.00 exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of by the State of Washington, or by ET UX, No. 10926; and to me, as date of the first pl
Shelton No. 12 ................... P.U.D. No. 3 -- 303 W. Cota St. Bids must be received in writing by May 10, 1974 at the below the full bid price based on theGrays Harbor or Mason Counties,Sheriff, directed and delivered, this summons, to.
Shelton No. 13 ........ Bordeaux School -- Cascade & Boundary Sts. listed address. Sale will be made on or after May 10, 1974. Information cruise estimate. This balance may or by any person deemed to have N O T I C E I S H E R E BY sixty days after the
Shelton No. 14 ........... United Methodist Church -- 1912 King St. concerning the above mentioned items may be received by contacting be paid by personal check, a reasonable interest in the GIVEN. That I will oroceed to April, 1974, and de te
Shelton No. 15 ............. Foursquare Church --910 Dearborn St. the Administrator at the below mentioned address, or by pnone.Purchaser must also furnish proposed sale, or in its terms, a sell at Public auction to the entitled action
Shelton No. 16 ........... United Methodist Church -- 1912 King St. The Administrator reserves the right to reject any and all bids. within 30 days of date of sale a public hearing will be held in the highest bidder for cash, within the entitled Court anD
• DATED this 18th day of APRIL, 1974. SEATTLE-FIRST surety bond of $37,000.00 to office of the Forest Supervisor, hours prescribed by law for petition of the Pc
Said Polling Races shall be open from 7:00 A. M. to 8:00 P.M. of NATIONAL BANK Trust Department Administrator of the Estate of guarantee compliance with all Federal Building, Olympia, Sheriff s Sales, to-wit, ten o'clock serve a copy of your
said day. Jack J. Hanen, Deceased P.O. Box 328 Olympia, WA 98507 PH. terms of the bill of sale. All Washington, on the 24th day of A.M., on the 10th day of May, the undersigned attO
/s/l~uth E. Boysen (206-753-8629) checks, money orders, etc. are to May 1974 at 2:00 PM, local time. 1974, before the Court House petitioner, B. Fran~
MLs~nCo_u:LA,uditor ,----... 5/2-1t 4/25-5/2-2t be made payable to the Request for public hearing willdoor of Mason County, Fourth at his office below S
Commissioner of Public Lands. not be considered unless received Street entrance, at Shelton, in the case of your failur'
--,-- -- -,--,, ............................................. A C C E S S R O A D in the office of the Forest State of Washington, all ot the judgment will be ren'
I | REVOLVING FUND: $713.00to Supervisor, Federal Building, right, title and Interest of said you according to the
Write your classified ad! ! bepaidOn day°f sale" Olympia, Washington, on or followingdefendantSdescribedin and property,t° the marriagethe petitiOnwhich.for.d!h.a~
i • • • J Accessibility: Via Department before May 15, 1974. Dated April
of Natural Resources access. 26, 1974. Wynne M. Maule, situated in Mason County, State with the Clerk ot sale
Complete contract and Forest Supervisor, Olympic of Washington, to-wit: Petitioner's obJ~
specifications may be examined at National Forest. That part of the North-halfaction is to secure a u
| .... I South Puget Sound Area 5/2-9-16-23-4t (N½) of the North-half(NVz)of marriage upon ,th~
| Just fill in this easy-to-use order form and then mall to the Shelton-Mason | Hea, dquarters located at
I j Enumclaw, County Auditor's the Southeast quarter (SEll4) of stated in her peuu,,
I County Journal, Box 430, Shelton, Washinaton 98584. | office, and office of the the Northwest quarter (NW]A) of aforesaid and ~or slJ(
~ . j Commissioner of Public Lands, NOTICE OF Section 32, Township 22 North,relief as is prayed
Olympia. SPECIAL ELECTION Range 1 West, W.M., lying petition .... ~=
I | To be sold at South Puget MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL wes:erly of the Grapeview CountyB. FRANKLII~ r,
I I Sound Area Headquarters DISTRICT NO. 311, Tuesday, Road (Pump Creek Road No. /s/B. Frankli~_.l'~,,I~
JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ORDER (Enumclaw), on Tuesday, May May 7, 1974 197); EXCEPTING therefrom the Attorney for pet,,,
I L__J Services ~_~_lWant To Rent I 28, 1974, at 10 o'clock a.m. N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y East 220 -- feet, as measured Office & Post of.,fl
Application No. 36835 GIVEN: That on Tuesday, May 7, along the north line thereof, ANDAddress: Angle..~
I D For Sale ~ Pets, Livestock ~ Personals ~ Work Wanted ~_~ For Rent ~ Scarification Road located 1974, a special election will be Excepting also the Northwest Shelton, Wn., vo¢
i ~ -- " L--J Busine __ I approximately 7 miles by road held in the above-named school quarter (NWV4) of the Northwest 4/4-1'""
Cars Used ~:_--~ Sporting Goods~ Instruction r-----, SS Opportunities ~
Real Estate Wanted I northwest of Belfair. The sale is district for the submission to the quarter (NW]/4} of the Southeast
| L__J Wanted L__I Mobile Homes L__J Help Wanted L__~ Lost & Found I composed of all timber bounded qualified electors of said school quarter (SE~/4) of the Northwest
~--I Real Estate by clearcut boundary tags and district of the following quarter (NW~/~) of said Section 32,
proposition: .....- township and range; and SUMMONS BY pU~
I I .o,,.,
property lines on part E½ NWV~;M A I N T E N A N ~ ~- & EXCEPTING also reservation of THE SUPERIOR~
all timber marked with blue paint OPERATION LEVY, $81,677.00 gases, oil, and mineral rights of
I outside clearcut boundary tags on "S
Name ...................... Date ............... 197___ J part E½ NWV4;all timber bounded hall a Special Tax Levy of ever name and nature made by WASHINGTON rv
. ' | by right of way boundary tags on $81,677.00, an estimated $7.05 Stanley P. Barker et al in deedCOUNTY ,~
per one-thousand dollars of dated January 24, 1953 and IN RE THE M~
I I part E½ NW|/4 of Section ]4, assessed valuation, such levy to be recorded in Volume 148 of M. JOHN KISLII~
Address ..... ~ ..... Phone__.______ Township 23 North, Range 2 made in 1974 for collection in Deeds, page 525; TOGETHER and JOSEPHINP- "
| J West, W.M., containing 21 acres, 1975. for Maintenance and with and SUBJECT TO rights to Respondent. .. ~-A
| _~_________________~ ....... __ more or less, comprising Operation of Mary M. Knight 60 --foot easement for road andT H E ~ --;~
I ONE I WORD I ~~" EACH -------S~~ I approximately 330 000 bd. ft. of School ,District No 311, be utility purposes as mentioned in WASHINGTON =eV
Douglas fir and 30,000-bd. ft. of approved? ' " that certain contract dated JOSEPHINE r~,
= ~ ] l I i I°dgep°le pine,or a total °f TAX LEVY, YES February 15, 1970 between Respondent: ,o'
360,000 bd. ft. TAX LEVY, NO Robert D. Marsh, et ux, sellers, Y O U A H ~
I Minimum acceptable bid: The Polling Place for the and Tracy Bahr eral, PUrchasers SUMMONED TO ~.r
.... .... ...... ....... J $28,530.00. precincts whol!y or partially recorded in Mason County, sixty (60)days
I I t l I T'm 0*w"' 'o'0 DO w,,.,o O'.*r,o* W ..,n0ton n0er u0.o.. .,r.* 0oo
or installment plan basis. Timber follows, precincts and polling No. 249943. Said easement Summons, to-v :,,
I 60) days after,
must be removed prior to Marchplaces, respectively: affects the south 30 --feet of the ~pril, 1974, an0 ~
| 1, 1976. Cloquallum, Cloquallum property herein and is meant to
I I I ! I entitled acti°n
On or before May 28, 1974, Grange Hall; Dayton,. Nimrod give this and other properties entitled Court,
at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must Clubhouse; Mattock, Mary M. access to the Grapeview County Petition of th~gl
make a minimum deposit of Knight School; 5atsop, Absentee; Road.
~ ~~~~- .... ---~--~~~o 1 serve a copy of.~
$2,853.00 in the form of cash,Grove (Grays Harbor County), levied o: as the property of said the. undersigned ,~"
~---- money order or certified check. Absentee. defendants heretofore named, tooffice below eta ;i
J I t I Said dep°sit shall c°nstitute an /s/Ruth E. Boysen Satisfy a judgement, amounting ,
opening bid at the appraised Mason County Auditor. 5/2 It to Three Thousand Two Hundred your failure so~
price. Upon award of this sale, the Twenty-Nine and O0/100ths -- -- will be rende ~
! ------- I respective deposits shall be --($3,229,00) -- -- --Dollars according to th ;ll
i I I 1 I I "*u'°e" *° *"° w,'o' .,,
attorney s fees of $ -- --plus the with the Clerk ¢ '1
bidders. On the day of sale, the
| ____.______ 2. ~~~___l~'~u ~~. , J purchaser must pay the balance NOTICE OF APPLICATION of C°stplaintiffs.°f suit and interest,_ in favor That the ,~
1 2"-~---- I sale between full bid fee, price the or may, bid plus a deposit if the $5.00 purchaser and bill the of MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT FOR SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL PERMIT Dated DANW. this McNAIR, 1st of April, Sheriff 1974. of petitioning Dissolution the • "~"
I I I so elects at the time of sale, pay Notice is herebY given that /s/Ann Rose the marriag
....... 2.--~~~ _ an additional amount, to bringPeter A. Fedt has filed an Manza," ChiefMoceri,Clvil DeputYGustafson, broken,/s/JOHN C.- AI~G
| • " 2.80 2.90 3.00 ------------- I the to(al amount of the deposit, application for a substantial Narigi. & Messina ' JOHN C. ~/ itl
exclusive of fees to eclual 10% of development permit for the 2624;South 38th Street Attorney to
I | the i full bid pri'ce based on the construction or development ot Tacoma, Washington JOHN C. RAG[ ;1~
| | cru se estimate, provided that new home located at North Shore
Enclose check or money order for correct amount. The minimum charge is I such deposit shall not be less than Hoods Canal, 6 mi. from Belfair, 4/11-18-25-5/2-4t Attorney at La~
Washington 91] il
$5,000.00. This balance may be Old Landon Road within Section Telephone 426"; ~
| | paid by personal check. Purchaser 10 of Township 22 N., Range 2 ~ i
| $1.50 for the first 15 words. Additional words are 10 cents apiece- the | must also furnish within 30 days W.W.M., Mason County, NOTICE oF HEARING
- • I of date of sale a surety bond of Washington. Said development is NOTICE IS HEREBY
! amount for the total ad IS printed below each additional space. I $3,000.00 to guarantee proposed to be within Hood GIVEN: That the Board of Upandet'am
i I compl!ance with all terms of the Canal and/or its associatedCounty Commissioners did, on Let us, then, be
bill or sale. All checks, money wetlands. April 15, 1974, direct the Clerk
orders, etc. are to be made Any person desiring to to prepare a Resolution declarlng With a heart fOr
............ , able to the Con" ~sioner ofexpress his views or to be notified their tion to establish all