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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THRIFTWAY --'7 DAY AD SPECIALS thru LIMIT RIGHTS Golden Ripe. Chiquita or Dole I b S Create your own Hawaiian Luau with our GREAT FOOD SPECIALS! Make it a terrific ekend . • • shop THRIFTWAY! Sloshy with Milk. each -,.-,,- 79¢ Avocados Ripe foryoursalads, 39¢ -v Melons" each Mangoes -... 98* Oranges ASnackot 17¢ the Tropics. each Anytime. Ib Watermelon¢ Orange Ju ,,., Honeydew Melons, Flavor,H°ney'likeeach 69¢ iacadamian Nuts th:TTr:;ti:s?flb" 98¢ BAKERY SPECIALS Buns Hamburger or Hot Dog. Shur-fresh. 8 ct. French " --,,i,ed ,, .... =o, reacL ,hu,-f..h 3/= 1 Custom Baked Butterhoms van,,,° o. Cherry ,0,, =1.19 Cake Donuts Custom Bo,ed 20,, P,ain, Sl.25 Powdered or Cinnamon HAWAIIAN BURGER HAWAIIAN HAMBURGERS 1 pound Ground Beef 4 slices Pineapple, fresh or canned 4 slices American Cheese 4 Hamburger Buns Make 4 thick patties of ground beef, top each pattie with a pineapple slice. Broil, then turn pattie over pine- apple slice on the bottom, top pattie with cheese slice. Broil until pineapple is browned and cheese is slightly melted, serve on hamburger bun. SPECIAL FOR A LUAU S Serve with Kabob of Pineapple Chunks, Melon Chunks and Orange Slices! Armour Veribest Fresh Pork. Cut from Grain-Fed Porkers. 17 to 20- pound Loins. pound Pork Loin 1/4 Sliced. ~l°or~o~C~ntry Country Style Ribs.,bsP°r''pare, b 89° Pork Loin ChopsBa,eFry' Bro,,,h. or 89° Pork Cube Steak oo,c,,o Fix. pound USDA Choice Flavor Aged Grain Fed Beef. No Waste. pound Beef Cube Steak °'°'Ch°'" Boneless. lb. sl.79 Beef Rib Steak OSOACho,,o Flavor Aged• lb. Beef Chuck Steak OSOACho,.e Boneless. lb. 98' Lean Ground Beef F,esh Ground. lb. ========================= ., :,. ============================== Western Family. Our Best Flavored. Serve with Eggs. l-lb. pkg. Sliced Bologna o .... Moy., A,, Meat or Seer. 8-oz. Sliced Salami o .... May., Beef or Cairo. 8-oz. 67' Wieners A,,Moot, A ..... St .... Western Family. 12-oz. pkg. 79' Liver Sausagethe"'gr°de'sB'p,ece 'h Sl.09 s1.19 $1.69 H.09 WASHINGTON GROWN FRYERS \ ! : : ......~........~ ...... ~:,., ~.. ~i~i~;~;'~" ..:ii~.: ..:.~:::',".'":'.'..!i:~.. ....: .:...- .. .... .:.,,:.~.:. ..... :.. .:'.:.;-':. '.....~:~; .... .::::: USDA Inspected. Fresh Washington Grown. Finest Quality. per pound Fryer H Half OSOA Grade A " " Wash. Grown. Jb, Quartered Fryers USOA GradeA. Wash. Grown, lb. 67' Cut Up Fryers U,OA Grade A, -- Wash. Grown• lb. 67' Fryer Legs Fre,hWoshi.gton - Grown. USDA Insp. lb. SEAFOOD FOR A COOK-OUT SELECTED WINE King Oscar EXTRA VALUES Red. Punch,-..°° 49¢ 39¢ : .... Juice 37¢ Powdered Pure Cane '"' 31¢ cor Fillet of Sole pkg. Boneless. Fry, Bake, or Broil. pound Light & Dark 16-oz. (~ Brown pkg. & " 43¢ Napkins :: 2/31¢ ,-..,. 59¢ 3 ~,-oz tin )AIRY SPECIALS Pan Shrimp.o°'"-0' ¢ alitY Coronet IHDOORIi amw OUmOOR RANT& 6ARCH 6UIDE FROZEN FOODS / Golden Grain. Asst'd. 7-oz. Rice-A-Roni 3/Sl Chips Ahoy Cookies. I~,-oz. N /. -- Choc Chip • amsco, .... 69c Newborn Diapers Kimbies o,.o $1.61 package Daytime Medium Diapers Kimbies 0,o° Sl .87 package Overnight Medium Diapers Kimbies .,=o,. 99¢ Red Wine. g-oz. bottle Pfeiffer v,...., oi, 49¢ \ Right Guard Anti-Perspirant Gillette. Powder or Unscented. 8-oz. Lotion Shampoo ..... Tegrin M Hair Spray Ultimate, Super, Regular, Unscented. 1 3.ou nee Tablets• 100 count. Low Price EXtra 1 Bread and Fry or Poach in Wine. pound H.39 Medium Oysters ,reshfo. Fryingo. ,o.,,s,ow,o .... ,0, $1.05 J Bali Hal Tropical Flavored Wineeach"fth" =1.19 Chablis or BurgundyHatf-Gallonlta'ian swi"C°i°nY'$2.59 Gallo Wines Chob,,sB, ..... dHeorty =2.69 Burgundy. Half-Gallon \ Sparkle Ice Crealn Assorted Flavors. Half-Gallon Aerosol Whip 7;°nunce 65 Birds Eye n|atltoenal Vegetables Hawaiian, Japanese and Mediterranean Style. 10-oz. pkg. each Dole Pineapple Juices .,.a,. r Hawaiian Red Punch ,ro,,,o, Drink. 1 2-oz. Minute Maid Lemonade..;'°k'* ' .... Orange Juice'oo"ure"°r'°' Sweet Juice. 1 2-OZ. Page 30 Shelton-Mason County Iournal Thursday, May 2, 1974