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Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1974
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G. Olson, 67, of Shore died Friday in Services were held at Our Savior's Church in Bremerton. born April 5, 1907, County, North was raised in North moved to Omak, in 1935 where he his wife. They Renton in 1939, then in 1940. They have the Bremerton and areas since, living on South Shore when Mr. Olson PSNS after 31 years was a member of Lutheran Church, Ster of Hood Canal F&AM, and Past Guardian of Job's Bethel 43 of Belfair. include his wife, the family home; a Mrs. Jerry (Sharon) Port Orchard; a son, California; two Mrs. Elmer Harden and Mrs. Boat Sale )rm, 170 Volvo, 65 ...... $3300 rform, tri-hull, 160 Canvas, mooring .......... $3300 n, 135 HP outfit one ......... $3000 alUminum/trailer ............... $600 Mariner, 33 .... $ 450 50 Evinrude, 2 ......... $1400 deck, steering ...... $650 New Fiberforms 16 BOSton Whalers, boating accessor es, ~rtified mechanics on Hood Canal" Week 898-2252 ;SleSRLaN~ in Donald (Maxine) Hester, both of Bremerton; eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. William (Ella) Clint of Seattle and Mrs. Clara Hayze of Minnesota; and numerous nieces and nephews. Entombment was at Sunrise Terrace Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Arrangements were directed by Lewis Funeral Chapel. The family suggests remembfances be sent to the Cancer Society or the Memorial Fund of Our Savior's Lutheran Church. TOOLS TAKEN A complaint was received April 23 in the sheriff's office from authorities at Mission Creek Youth Camp that approximately $375 worth of items had been stolen from the classroom shop where auto repair is taught. Missing items included a bench grinder, a micrometer, a dial indicator and a tap and die set. CHRIST LUTHERAN Church at Belfair G/lff US FOR EWEitYO11E W110 45115 ItECEIYE$, 4t1# lie W110 SEEKS FWO$ Service of Worship 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Age 3 - 6th grade -- ]O a.m. COME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided PASTOR PAUL E. CHRIST CR 5-3354 CR 5-3552 ~ ,,uumm~, ,gulm- ,lanllelb O .lulJ. ~tJ~mn..qlBnn,..,llm~ .,a~a~ qummla~ ,gmu,. O O ,mamb .,umlmp o North Mason High School News By KANDIS JESFIELD Student Council elections took place April 26 during both lunches. Speeches were given by candidates at an assembly. Next year's officers will be president, Barb Van Buskirk; vice-president, Tom Johnson; secretary, Cindy Moore; and treasurer, Cheri Yoest. Congratulations to all of you. Final orders for the 1973-74 annual were nlaced this past week. Another baccalaureate committee meeting was held Friday with the Reverend Paul Christ. Plans are getting underway as to music, programs and speaker, etc. A girls club meeting was held on April 29. We discussed mainly the upcoming Mother-Daughter Tea; also elections for next year's officers. If anyone can donate the use of flower vases no more than four inches high for the tea, it would be greatly appreciated. The marine biology class took another field trip on April 26 to a place called Silverdale Island. Also on Wednesday the art class took an art field trip to different centers in Seattle. Seniors: Please start thinking of a graduation theme. Give ideas to J an Lackey. The second issue of the high school newspaper entitled "The Grunt" was delivered on April 26. It was a good 12-page issue with lots of hard work behind each page ! Applications are available for outstanding juniors of the junior class. Three junior girls and three junior boys will be chosen for this honor. Judging will be based on activities record, service, BELFAIR CUSTOM PiINTING [ |~ Spray brush or ro er. Interior and exterior staining and I '1 - I prefinish'ng. Lowest cost free est mates, insured. I Tex S. N. Schouv,ll,er I r" Star RL. 1, Box 855 (Twanoh Falls) Belfair, Wa. I CR 5-2807 Between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. GARDEN TILLER RENTALS $3.00 PER HOUR --$10 MINIMUM Open 7 Days a Week -- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- CR 5-3525 Belfalr Trading Post CORNER N. SHORE RD. & OLD BELFAIR HIWAY leadership, citizenship, appreciation and academic standing and achievement of goals in the field of education. First place winners will receive a savings bond. Awards will be presented in the form of achievement certificates and trophies on May 31. Juniors must have applications in before May 3. Alas, the junior-senior dance scheduled for April 27 was cancelled because oflackof interest. The freshman class willbe sponsoring a dance May 11at 8:30 in the addition of the gym. The music will be records and the cost will be 50 cents for individuals and 75 cents for couples. Next year's student council members will be: Tom Johnson, Barb Van Buskirk, Jim Lane, Mark Lincoln, Marie Lincoln, Stan Presley, Ken Aries, Gary Johnson, Mike Rocke, Tim Reid, Dan Sullivan, Dave Turner, Jill Single, Cindy Moore and Cheri Yoest. Alternates will be: Steve Marker, Rick Anderson, Casey Caughie, and Brenda Wentlandt. Congratulations, 1974-75 council members! The Agate Pioneer Art Fair awards were given to: Corey Valley, honorable mention in painting; Jim Hill, 3rd place in painting; Mickey Hunter, Raymond Blaich, and Mike Berube, all honorable mention in copper. Congratulations! Three students from our school were present at a four-day seminar entitled, "Creative Planning for the Year 2000," at Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend. David Turner, Lisa Kronquist and I had the pleasure of attending this conference. Students were selected by school officials throughout the state on the basis of their ability to think creatively. Approximately 70 other kids from other schools attended. The seminar is sponsored by the Center for Creativity at Fort Worden in cooperation with the Port Townsend Rotary Club. It was a real great experience. Speakers from all over Washington were there. We were put into individual Mason Lake By INGA MARIE ST. CLAIR 426-8824 "~-_--_- Z-E-- Z _--- c-3~ - -~ Z-:-- " - It is time to mark your May calendars. MBC membership meeting on Friday the 10th at 8 p.m. Family fun night the 11 th at 8 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary will meet on May 8 and 22. Please remember the Healthmobile will be here at the firehall May 20, the third Monday of the month. This must be the season for grandchildren. On April 11 Judy Linh Staudt arrived at Harrison Memorial Hospital. Proud parents are Bill and Lean Staudt of Benson Lake. Little Judy and her mother arrived home Easter afternoon to be greeted by sister Jean, brother Marc and Ba Noi (grandmother) Judy Staudt. Daddy Bill is in the Philippines and is expected home 'in May. The Staudts would also like to say a big "Thank You" to the aid car crew who gave them moral support• This is an added bit of gossip. Baby Joseph Anthony Fiorini, born April 9, got acquainted with baby Judy Linh at the hospital. The two babies spent their time in the nursery side by side in their bassinets. Clair and lola Pfiefer of Mason Lake are the proud grandparents of baby Tymothy Bryant Pfiefer, born April 24. Merle and Jody Pfiefer of Kent are the happy parents as their first baby was born on their ninth wedding anniversary. Tymothy weighed in at 8 lbs. 10 oz. We are happy to report that Iola Pfiefer is home now after undergoing surgery two weeks ago. She is feeling quite well but finds it takes time to regain her strength after spending several days in bed. Mrs. Marly Johnson, Mrs. Amy Bruce and Katherin Scott, all of Long Beach, California, spent a short time visiting at the Staudt home last week. Mrs. Johnson and Judy have been friends for many years. The travelers had spent a week in Ellensburg with Mrs. Johnson's daughter, Barbra Thompson, and baby daughter born on April 16. Mrs. Bruce is the great-grand- mother and Katherin is the baby's Verna Heath. Verna and Twila are sisters. Boy Scout Troop 126 is looking for more people to join the gun safety course. Anyone from 1 1 years up, including adults, is welcome to attend. For more information call Mary Smith, 426-3793; Mrs. Hawkins, 426-8718; or Brenda Surprenant, 426-2391. The Ladies Auxiliary met last Thursday night with our guest speaker, Lou Donnell. Lou is one of our fire commissioners and, after her detailed e:(planation of how the district is conducted, there were few questions left to be answered. Our area is quite sure of getting the long-dreamed-of second firehall on Mason Lake, which will help in getting lower fire insurance rates for some. Our auxiliary was assured that we get our share of the taxes allotted to all fire districts and our volunteer firefighters have really more equipment because of our unfailing efforts to buy what we can for our men. Our district has one of the best dispatch systems in the county because of our plectrons, well-trained volunteers and paid dispatchers. We wish to thank Lou for taking time from her busy schedule to give us such a satisfactory explanation of how the money is spent. (Editor's note: It was fun, just like old times, attending the auxiliary meeting and seeing former neighbors. Now that all the facts and figures are out of the way, invite me again sometime when you're hard up for a program and I'll report on a more interesting side of a commissioner's duties, that of making decisions on matters not connected with spending tax monies.) Legal Publications NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ~---------- .... --~--------------- ..... =-------------- "='-" =----- - ----- --- --------- .... ---------= groups of about ten and tried togreat-aunt. Baby Amy Jo was Notice is hereby given that D & G TREE SERVICE create ways to solve a certain named after her great-grand- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Kennedy have filed an application for a problem of the future. Formulas mother. I can imagine these substantial development permit TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED in each group were presented grandmothers had a great timefor the construction or "TRUCK FULLY INSURED individually before a video-tape, talking about their newly-arrived development of Aquafarm located IIAL Griffey CR 5-2117 tou Dobbs TR 6-4783 Thes'e will now be sent to granddaughters, at North Shore Hood Canal within Section 17 of Township 22 Governor Dan Evans and to the We are happy to hear that N., Range 2 W.W.M., Mason -------"-'----"-----------------------'----------'------'---------"-'-------------- ...... Alternatives for Washington taskKelly Harris'is attending school County, Washington. Said ] force as well as governmental but still has to wear her colored development is proposed to be )" Retail .. I_ agencies involved in the planning glasses. Her vision is improving associatedwithin HOOdwetlands.Canal and/or its "" I~ I process for our state. An and her doctor still hopes for one Any person desiring to ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:15 a.m. individual tape with each group's hundred percent recovery, express his views or to be notified Serv,,e I\17 NICHOLAS --TAHUYA --Sunday 11:!5 a.m. I presentation will also be sent toHart and Grace Hovey had as of the action taken on this each one of the high schools guests at ,the recent MBC applicatiOnBoard of shoUldMasonnOtifYcountythe N.I,/' COME AS YOU ARE / which sponsored students at the Fisherman s breakfast their Service Commissioners in writing of his ! seminar. Lisa and Dave and I son-in-law and daughter, the Jim interest within thirty days of the Churches, and granddaughters last date of publication of this Belfair Chamber of Commerce Meeting MAY 8TH - 7 P.M. - BELFAIR CAFE Everyone Welcome Why go further- Come see US s Tidal Wave Beauty Shop d 5.25o9 TREVA'S MINI MART Fresh Meat -- Groceries -- Gas -- Old Belfair Highway FISHING GEAR 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily except Sunday l0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Custom Built Homes -- Roofing Foundations -- Remodeling CR5-2868 Home 479-2163 would like to thank the Kiwanis Club and the school for paying our way so we could attend it. The Honor Society workday will be May 16. Anyone in the community wanting a worker for the day should call the high school office, CR5-281 !, and a worker will be provided. INSTALLATION SET Job's Daughters, Bethel 43 of Belfair, will hold Open Installation May 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Belfair Masonic Temple. Lynn Pickett will be installed as honored queen. The "Dogwood" will be the theme for the~ ceremony. Other officers to be installed are: Cheryl Gunselman, junior princess; DeAmbra Russell, marshall; Debbie Vail, chaplain; Debbie Wolle, recorder; ltazelruth Hope, first messenger; Theresa Barker, third messenger; MeTric Lyn Anderson, fifth messenger. Kay Schillinger, past honored queen of the local group, will install the new queen. UALITy TIRES WEndy and Tracey Church. Also present were Jack and Paula Stewart of Toledo, Ohio, who arrived at Sea-Tac Saturday night from Des Moines, Iowa. Jack is assistant city manager of Toledo and with other dignitaries from there is on a tour of several correctional institutions in our part of the country, going on from here to Portland and other points. A very nice visit was enjoyed after the breakfast in the Hovey home and you can bet a lot of questions were asked about "the Old Hometown," the Hoveys being from that area in Ohio. Bob and Mac Nickols of Mason Lake are the proud grandparents of a baby boy born April 11. Robert Nichols Jr. and wife Annette of Paramont, California, are the parents of Robert Raymond III. This family may be up in this area next month for a visit with Robert Jr's. folks. Twila Schwartz of Grangeville, Idaho, spent a few days at the home of Curt and I notice. Publication dates of this notice are April 25, 1974 and May 2, 1974. 4/25-5/2-2t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That GEORGE W. TEGLO of Seattle, Washington on February 6, 1974 under Application No. S 2-21937 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from Wooten Lake in the amount of 0.01 cubic feet per second continuously each year, for domestic supply; as needed for fire protection. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within Lot 27 and 28 of the plat of Wooten Lake of Section 19, Township 23 N., Range 2 W W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from May 2, 1974. 4/25-5/2-2t Yes, we are back to normal! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. All the gas you want, come to Belfair, we sell gas on Sundays. DAVE'S BELFAIR ARCO t,H 5-3211 BELFAIR E PRICES ily 9-6 Sat. 9-1 I Parker Lumber) Yard Hy. For Mason Chools May i 0th Iloped potatoes, carrots, hot nd jelly, milk. ~huli, cornbread, Whipped jello, ~bAy: Beef Over whipped vegetables, hot ' applesauce, milk. Tacoburger, fruit and tossed salad, Pudding, milk. Furniture Repair & Refinisher Specialist JIM HI will do the work right in your home. REMOVE MARS, CIGARETTE BURNS & SCRATCHES John & Pat's Tackle Shop At the old drive-in location in Allyn MEMBER OF NORTHWEST STEELHEADERS CR 5-3345 Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday thru Sunday. BAIT -- REELs -- NETS -- FROZEN HERRING POPULAR SQUID used in south Sound, now in stock! bank. WAREHOUSE FREIGHT SALES pa EASE SHOP THE TOWN -- THEN CHECK OUR WAREHOUSE PRICES -- NEW STEREOS NEW FURNITURE Eight Track TAPES ................... 98c LAMPS -- New Shipment .......... From $6 Color TV ..................... From $188 DIVANS ...................... From $68 6 Track DECKS ..................... $28 MATTRESSES ................. From $22 Black & While TV ...............From $68 Sofa and Chair Sets ............. From $188 Terms--Layaways WAREHOUSE FREIGHT SALES Free Delivery Open Seven Days A Week ALL MERCHANDISE NEW NEW APPLIANCES Frigidaire Washer, Dryer, Pairs From .... $326 30" Ceramic Top Range .............. $316 Zig-Zig Sewing Machine ............... $66 Microwave Ovens ................... $268 2601 6th or 6th and Montgomery -- 377-3766 ,,,, ,,,,,,, ALMA SUNDSTROM HONORED Twenty-eight members and friends of Belfair Eastern Star Social Club honored retiring secretary Alma Sundstrom at a luncheon held April 24 in the C.P.O. Club in Bremerton. Mrs. Sundstrom has been staying with her sister, Emma Layton, in Olympia since her accident last fall. A member of the social club reports that Mrs. Sundstrom's arm is healing nicely and she has hopes of regaining its full use. MASON LAKE Opening for season May 3, 1974 I Lew FUNERAL CHAPEL Serving families in this community since 1909 o. 5303 Kitsap Way Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 Lester M. Lewis, Sr. Lester M. Lewis, Jr. Have you your future? Would you like to become a professional artist in the field of Beauty Culture? * You may be earning in only 12 months from start! * Positions are open for hained beauticians. Please inquire about our SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Beauty School 620 N. Callow Bremerton, ES3-1331 Anniversary Sale Discounts up to I ALUMINUM TANK PRICES UNBEATABLE ARSENAL WAY Across From State Patrol Phone 377-9101 BREMERTON Attention Veterans: V.A. financing NOW available on 14' wide Pacifica. Also, bank financing with years of banking experience at your service. We can tailor the finance program to fit your needs. CUSTOM CARPET and FURNITURE AT SAVINGS 20 HOMES OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION, INCLUDINGALL SIZES OF DOUBLE WIDES LOOK FOR THE SIGN SOUTH GORST 377-4461 Pacifica, Elcar, Space Master, Leisure Manor, Brookwood, Rex, Wildwood Thursday, May 2, 1974 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3