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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 2, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 2, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ACCIDENT REPORTED A 1967 Ford station wagon was totaled at 10:15 p.m. April 20 in a one-car accident on ttighway 3 in Belfair, just south of Belfair Cafe. Driver Dan Staley of Belfair said he had swerved to avoid hitting a dog. The vehicle went into a ditch, rolled over and landed on its wheels. No injuries were reported. FIR F.J, IALL ENTERED A complaint was received in the sheriff's office April 23 of a break-in of the South Shore firehall. A red light was stolen off the top of the fire truck. HAM ON HOOF - GONE! A 1 25-pound pig was reported missing, possibly stolen, from a Victor cutoff residence April 23. BEDDING PLANTS VEG ETABLES FLOWE RS GERANIUMS North Shore Nursery & Gift 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. CR5-2558 6 miles up N. Shore I I lillll I BELFAIR SPOT REALTY, INC. If you have lots or acreage suitable for developing -- I have a cash buyer who may be interested. OYSTERS, CLAMS, CRABS on your own private beach on Hood Canal for your personal enjoyment; then comes your beautiful 64 feet of pea gravel beach; followed by your 2 bedrooms plus den, 13/4 bath, living room with fireplace home. All of this home and waterfront for $41,950.00. DELIGHTFUL is a good one-word description for this distinctive 3-bedroom home located on 270 feet of pebble beach waterfront on the South Shore of Hood Canal. This home has too many features to list in this ad, so why don't You call me today for further details. Belfair area representati re. Home phone CR 5-6466 Office Phone Foot of Mile Hill TR 6-5522 Manchester Hiway OFFICES OPEN EVENINGS "TIL 8 P.M, Bob Dick Make this Mother's Day something special with Hallmark Mother's Day cards They show you care MOTHER For making home a happy place, For the love reflected in your face, For sympathy in times of sorrow, Faith and hope for each tomorrow, For being all the things.., and more That God created Mother. God bless you, Mother! e 9-7 Weekdays 9-8 Friday 10-4 Sunday CR 5-6161 B By LOUISE EWART- 426-4925 Boy Scout Troop 126 had a busy week. Saturday was a workday with the scouts collecting and sorting bottles to return. This is how they make money for troop expenses. Sunday the boys were at Spencer Lake at 7 a.m. to assist the game department on the fish check the opening day of the fishing season. They would be on duty for a hour, then switch and fish. Keith Smith caught seven nice trout and was the envy of the troop. Tuesday evening there was a potluck dinner at the Methodist Church in Shelton to give credit where credit was due to the adult leaders who have been working with the various troops and cub packs. At the last parents' meeting there was a secret ballot taken for the person who had worked especially hard to keep the troop going and Marv Smith was called to receive a "Spark Plug" award for the troop. The boys of Troop 126 would like to sponsor a gun safety class and 20 students are needed. Anyone interested, from the age 1 I to adult, please contact Brenda Surprenant, 426-2391; Mary Smith, 426-3793; or Mrs. ttawkins, 426-8718. Grapevicw School Mothers' Club will be held May I at 1:30 and the school picnic will be planned and work will be done on decoration of the float for our Princess Peggy. Saw Mr. and Mrs. Polk and discussed our recent trips to Mexico. They have spent the winters in Mexico for several years and said this year was the most expensive of all the years they have gone down. The highlight of the trip for me was the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, an entire city which for untold centuries was hidden from modern man. Recent restoration work has restored the splendor of this ceremonial area which dates back to about 200 B.C. ttuge pyramids to the sun and moon dominate the area and the streets and buildings all look as though they had had a great "city planner." The sun pyramid is larger than the largest pyramid in Egypt. The Temple of Quetzalcoatl has the most extraordinary Carvings. We had an excellent guide, a fourth year student in anthropology, who really kept us enthralled. We went ott the beaten path to a small museum built on the site of a find of the oldest human skull found in North America. This was found under the fossilized bones of a mammoth. "Bill," our guide, took us to see the Cuicuilco Pyramid, one of the few round pyramids in the world, built approximately 4000 B.C. Peggy and I spent a whole day in the Museum of Anthropology, a new 20 million dollar setting for Mexico's past history. Even had lunch there in sight of a restored Aztec temple. The Shrine of Guadalupe, Mexico's most revered shrine, was a deeply moving sight, for we saw old, young and babes in arms crawling on their knees over the hot cement from the agate to the shrine, which would take about 40 minutes. On certain days of the year they start about fifteen blocks away and it takes eight hours on their knees over rough roads to get to the shrine. As our guide explained, all most of these people have is their faith. It was a very interesting trip and Peggy is all set now to become an anthropologist. Fair Harbor Grange is looking for an old patio umbrella;just the skeleton will do. They need it for a decoration for an upcoming event. Contact Bud Welch if you have an old one you were planning to throw away. 1 could not describe last night as interesting, but it sure was "something else" for we had a skunk under our house throwing rocks at our bathtub and the dogs were upset. We closed the bathroom door to keep out the sound of rocks or whatever it was hitting the tub and the dogs sat by the door and whined in a confused way the rest of the night. This morning Keno went under the house and now he HAS to stay out. l think this is the same skunk we caught and took out in the woods last year and if we can catch it again we will take it even farther away... BOAT WORKS HIT Vandals entered Sande's Boat Works in Belfair the night of April 25. Damage to a boat was estimated at $50 and items not belonging there were found in a boat. Keep a bright spot in your Phone ES3-2544 Local Men to Serve You CALL US John Johnson AI Eddy Chauncey Vaughn ARCO HEATINO OILS Best Boat Buys 19' Glas-Ply, cabin, 80 HP ................ $2495 17' Cabin Boat, 80 HP & trailer ............ $1495 18' Pacific Mariner IO 120 HP & trailer ..... $2495 12' Aluminum Boat .................. $135 16' Aluminum Canoe ................. $165 16' Tahiti ............................ $295 14' Pacific Mariner ...................... $95 12' Columbia .......................... $150 at Belfair BANK TERMS CR 5-2297 i Donald Horn D.D.S. onnounces the opening of his Dental Practice Purdy Professional 6708-144th Ave. N.W. Gig Harbor ( LOCATION BEHIND HEMPHILL'S TV -- PURDY & CRESCENT RDS. ) 857-2167 NORTH IY/ASO N R I E NDS° r,e LI BRAR",f BELFAI R TRUE VALUE HARDWARE g~ 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 2, 1974 By ELEANORA FEDENK CR 5-2774 e When a strange float came drifting up on their Tiger Lake beach, Orville and Jane James were willing to floatsit until the owner claimed the wandering property. Then another lost raft became chummy and drifted in, with Orville wondering what is attracting them to his beach. The James' own dock is enough for the family needs, and hopefully the other owners will claim their wandering property before the swim season starts. If your Tiger Lake beach is missing something, call Orville or Jane at 275-3105. The Hermann Nelson family is happy to announce the addition of a foal on Easter evening. Kathy is to be sole owner of the light chestnut-colored Sharee. When registered, another name will be chosen for the half-Arabian sired by lbn Fed and the palomino mare Carmel. Kathy is delighted to care for the newcomer and wonders if the tiny sturdy legs are hollow as the foal fills up on milk. Kathy is a former member of the Comanchero's Horse Club and was vice president of the 4-H Green Acres. As a group, the Nelsons ride in the Olympic Peninsula Arabian Pleasure Horse Club and the Kitsap Saddle Club. It's congratulations time for diane (with a small d) Robinson of Panther Lake in becoming the second woman member of the three-member Port of Bremerton Commission. She was selected for her first public office from five candidates for the post vacated last December, and will continue as commissioner until 1975 general elections, diane was owner of the antique and art shop formerly located in the present Huckleberry Herald office. (Editor's note: Congratulations, Commissioner diane. With your creative talents and ideas I expect to see the industrial complex at Kitsap Airport turn into the first industrial area in the nation where all the buildings are designed to fit an artistic theme.) Best wishes to 7th grader Allan Kadra and 6th grader Terry Conwell in signing up sponsors for the March of Dimes Walkathon. Both boys plan to start at 9 a.m. on May 4 from the Seattle Science Center on the 20-mile route. Allan stopped by our house and has a list of neighbors signed for 10-cent and 20-cent-a-mile donations. It was great to have Ernie Nuernberger Sr. back in his own little home after the long absence for painful surgery. It was too cold and windy for him to join the fishing crowd on Mission Lake, but his blue eyes had that happy familiar sparkle as we visited. Here's a wish that Ernie will be feeling fit as a fiddle and ready for fishing in the warm sunshine soon. Among those cruising Mission Lake for some of those holdover rainbows were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nuernberger Jr. For those able to get through the estimated 500 fishermen on the lake, the early hours were best, then the poles quit bending about 9 a.m. Laurie Horn had several of nice size in her boat; George Paschke picked up a fighting 10" beauty while my line soaked a few feet away. Alfred Miller limited in the early hours, then rambled around swapping fish stories. Terry Orlaski and Jerry Workman fished together and gathered some bragging stuff. Terry had a couple of the 14" holdovers, and Jerry had some of the new planted ones in his limit. Terry could give a good demonstration of the one that got away when he didn't set the hook and had a big one bouncing eyeball to eyeball between the boats on the water. PERMIT REQUEST A request for a permit has been received by Army Corps of Engineers~ from Peter Fedt of Bremerton to construct a residence and extend an existing bulkhead on North Shore property. Comments from interested persons should be in the Seattle Corps office by May 27 for consideration before a decision is made. STAG PARTY COMING UP? Mrs. Donald Stewart of McLane's Cove in Grapeview reported April 22 to the local sheriff's office that someone had broken into her residence and stolen poker chips in a leather case and a Playboy magazine. DOG FOUND A male German shepherd wearing a choke chain was reported found April 24 near Bel fair Elementary. Citizens to watch for thieves in the night The same night someone broke the window of Belfair Liquor Store (April 24 or early April 25), someone prowled the parking lot at Belfair Thriftway resulting in damages to two cars of carpool riders who had left their vehicles there during the night shift at PSNS. Gas and a spare tire was stolen from one, the door of the other was damaged but the enter. Did anyone activity that information to the s UNAUTHORIZED A complaint camping at received in the weekend before requested to leave. 2 ONLY Reg. $23.95 Aluminum Tennis Rackets .... NOW YOU PUT TOGETHER Regularly $24.95 Rata-Fertilizer Spreader ...... NOW ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES CR 5-2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. --Sat. To the NORTH MASON High School II B v Beale Cormack A good, clean, rural comedy. Refreshments available during it Adults $1.00 Admission: Students with ASB card! Students without ASB Cards 75¢ HOPE TO SEE YOU TH]EREI Legal Publications %%%%%%%%%%%%%~.. _%%%%~ LEGAL NOTICE Special meeting to be held by the Commissioners of Mason County Fire District No. 2, May 7, 1974, 7 p.m. at the Belfair Fire Hall to make a decision on bids for a new fire truck. Roy Mitchell, Secy. to the Board 5/2-1t JAMES J. MILLER RICHARD E. BERG 5505 KITSAP WY. ES7-7648 Over 50 Combined BREME[ We Have Expanded Our In Store Inventory • • • Many, Many Items To Choose From . . . See The Below IN STORE SPECIALS L 20'' Portable BARBECUE ................. $19.88 24" Portable Rust Resistant BARBECUE ....... $7.88 GARDEN HELPERS Garden SHOVEL ......... $2.2914 Tooth Steel Bow RAKE. $2.29 Garden HOE ........... $2.29SweepType Lawn RAKE .. $2.29 Full Flow 50' VINYL HOSE ,,,,, ...,., ................... ........ $ I 9' 22" Deluxe Self-Propelled ROTARY POWER MOWER ........... $V9lie-- 3 Cubic Foot Easy Roll STEEL WHEELBARROW ................. 16' Flat Step EXTENSION LADDER $1 9" Strong&Durable $2'7 20 Gallon TRASH CAN .................... 8x16 Garden STEPPING BLOCKS .... .,, 15 Pound Atco FELT ......................... ., FIBERGLASS ROOFING 2x8 ........ s3" 2x10 ........ 2x 12 ................................ ..,b 'J: Ix6--6' Rough CEDAR FENCING .... ,.., I1' Ix8--6' Select ROUGH CEDAR ....... ,., I¢ Y2x4x8 CDX SHEATHING, ................ ., S5' ' Ix8 Economy SHIPLAP .................... ,, q lO 2x4--8' ECONOMY ......................... t!* 2x4-- 10' ECONOMY ....................... ..* 3/I 6x4x8 Particle BOARD ............. 53'' Highgloss (lath or Kitchen Walls) Sl[d HARDBOARD c0 os ...................... ¾" SANDED SHOP ........................ .,, s1 Bethel Highway TR TR