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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 3, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 3, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Whoopinc By LINDSEY JACKS( Last week the Washington St~ ment of Health issued a news re ing Washington state residents ing cough epidemic. A total of have been reported statewide th 28, compared to only 117 report 2011 during the same time perle The good news? Mason Cot been hit hard. "As a state we demic level,,but so far not too ] son County,' said Diana Yu, lV. Health Officer of Mason County. )N worries in county ite Depart- Lease alert- )f a whoop- ,132 cases 'ough April ~d cases in d. nty hasn't are at epi- )ad in Ma- D, MSPH, On the average, 0-3 cases o~ whooping cough are reported in Mason Cbunty each year. This year Mason County three reported cases, so odds pot Yu said reported cases are just tt iceberg, but she is not aware of talizations or deaths due to whoc in Mason County in recent years A person cannot contract whoc by touching a contaminated AT: or dirty shopping cart handle. to Yu, whooping cough, also knc tussis: "Is a bacterial illness tha from person to person when sot the disease coughs in your face." "It is by direct contact to tt from someone's cough so it's no~ to get, especially if everyone o cough," she said. "It is most daz lready has at to more. e tip of the any hospi- ping cough ping cough d machine According wn as per- t is passed mone with e droplets that easy ,vers their Lgerous for ,eople who te disease infants, pregnant women and I are immune compromised. T1 starts with a runny nose, fever ~nd then a to go ahead and pay for the shot. Individu- cough that can last for weeks." [ als under the age of 19 can,get the vaccine Charla Parnham, manager o~ employee from their doctor at no cost,' Yu said. health at Mason General Hospital, com- The word epidemic may frighten many, mented that Mason County h asn't seen but "please don't panic," Yu said. "This is anything yet. However: "Whoopil not something you see an epiderr time. We are taking it seriously couraging our staff to get vaccin~ The health department re that all people over the age of sm Port of Shelton By NATALIE JOHNSON pc nota]ie(¢masonco~tnZt,.com fe ............................................. U; The Port of Shelton Com- te mission received a $40,000 liz grant Tuesday from the Jc United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). to The grant, a Rural De- Di velopment loan, is for the to desig~a phase of a project to w~ connect the port to a city lg cough is ic in every .nd are en- ted." commends en get one dose of the Tdap vaccine (tetanus-diphthe- ria-pertussis). Children routinely get five doses of a similar vaccine before the age of We. "The immunity from the natural disease is not life long, lasting only 4 - 20 years, Yu said. "Immunity from the vaccine has even less duration of coverage. The Tdap vaccine has been around for about six years but has not been widely used until relatively recent- ly. We recommend a tetanus booster every 10 years and this would replace that booster dose. If folks have not had a tetanus booster in the last two years, they are probably not protected." Vaccinations are available in Mason County, but-at a price. A few local pharma- cies carry and administer the Tdap vaccine but it costs close to $70. Pharmacist John Pemberton of Nell's Pharmacy in Shelton said they are working on getting the proto- col to carry and administer the vaccine but do not yet have it. He said some physicians might not carry the vaccine because of refrig- eration requirements and overhead costs. Olympic Physicians of Shelton does not car- ry it, and Shelton Family Medicine requires that you are an established patient. An em- ployee of Shelton's The Medicine Shoppe said insurance coverage of the Tdap vaccine is a hit or miss. "The Health Department is in the process of getting some vaccines for public clinics but we do not have them available yet. For folks who have a new baby, it is important a wake up call. Pertussis is a vaccine pre- ventable disease that continues to be pres- ent in all our communities. This disease will not go away until enough members of our community are adequately protected and no longer vulnerable to the disease." Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN- WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF ABSCONDED SEX OFFENDER Date: May I, 21)12 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 12-09-A 'lhe Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasiug Ihc lbllowing hff, rmation pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington Stale Supreme Court decision ill ~, \%hit'h Halholizes hi\t. ell['orccmelll agencies to inl'onll Ihc public of a sex offenders release when; in the discretion of the agency, the release of inibnnafi~m will enhance public safety and protection. The individual who appears on this notilication has been convicted oft sex oflbnsc that requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their residence. Further, their previous criminal history places them in a classification level which reflects the lmtential to re-o ffend. This sex oft~nder has served the sel~tcnee imposed on him by the courts and has ad', ised the Maso~) County SheriIT's Of lice that he wilt be living in tim location belov< ADAM LEE INMAN IS WAN I'ED BY THE POI,ICE. THIS NOTIF)CAT|ON IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATTIER, IT IS OUR BELIEF TIIAT AN IN FORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC, The Mason County Sheriff's Office has no legal authority to direct where a sex of/bnder ,nay or may not live. Ul~less COLtrt ordered restrictions exist, this offender is constitutionally flee Io live wherever be chooses. Sex o[/bnders have ahvays tired in our communities, but it ~asn't until passage of the Community Prolc'CdOll Act el 1990 (iUfi(h Itl(m¢tllgev .~eV (ffft~H([~'l' FU~i,~II'(Iliotl) lhat law e1/l'orcelnell{ even knew where they were living. |it 111any cases, law entailcement is ~low able lo share lhat inlbrmafion with you. Citizen abuse of this inlbrmation to threaten, hlthnidate or harass registered sex offenders will not bc tolerated. Furlher, such abuse cotlld polemially end law enlbrcemcnt's ability to do community notifications. We bdicve the only person who whls if communily notification ends is the sex offender, since sex ol~bnders derive their power lhrotlgh secrecy. If "rou ltll*¢ lilly iJlfot'alatioll re~ardin~o Curl'ell| criminal activity of this or any other offender, olease call 911, oti~cr sex oflbnder irffo~'mation, go to: ht~ "/~as~mavams/and click For ADAM LEE INMAN WHITE MALE - DOB: 07/11/1980 - 5' 09"- 136 LBS. BROWN HAIR & BROWN EYES Adam INMAN is required to register as a sex offender due to a felony conviction 12/I 2/2005 of AS11.41.438 - Sexual Abuse of a Minor 3~d Degree, Ketchikan Sttperior Coma, Alaska, cause #IKE-05-495. This conviction is due to when INMAN was 25 years old, he sexually assaulted a girl between the ages of 13-15. In this case, INMAN v, as originally arrested for Sexual Assault of a Minor with Penetration 2"rDegree. INMAN was also convicted on 04/05/2007 for Failing To Register As A Sex Offiender, Ketcbikan Superior Court, Alaska, cause # I KE-O6-1294. ()n 03/16/2012, the U.S. Marshal Service contacted the Mason County Sheriff's ell'ice, advisiug that ]NMAN has again absconded from his regislration requirements and that they have reason to believe that INMAN is ttidthg somewhere within the Shclton area of Mason County. There are multiple warrants tbr his arrest and several people have seen INMAN in the Shelton area. 1NMAN is telling people that he has taken care of his warrants, which is not true. He is wanted by the Police! Due to these l~:tctors INMAN is considered a nIGH RISK. 1NMAN is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender because he has [absconded from his registration requirements. This is the highest level given to a [ Sex Oftbnder, meaning that the subieet is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. If you know of INMAN's whereabouts, do not approach him, but call 9-1-1 immediately. INMAN's Location is Unknown~ But He is Believed to be in Hiding Within the Shclton Area of Mason County Smqil LUBRICANTS gets $40,000 USDA loan , o L. DIST. CO COMPANY rt has the right to 75 acre ter usage from the wells hadI ~[:1 ~t of water per year. , negatively impacted salmon The port plans to use the passage at Johns Creek in We deliver ~DA 10an to design a sys- past years. n to connect the city water Port engineering techni- CO M PA R E O e to the port's reservoir on clan Brandon Palmer said U R LOW hn's Prairie. the project will likely bring a The port agreed to connect water line up the side of the city water in response to a reservoir and pour water in We carry kerosene. ~partment of Ecology order the top. ~t ~,, ~ reduce water usage from The port plans to connect~~~ ~,,~] dis on Johns Prairie. Wa- to city water by March 2013 ~ meO~NaDA: [~.~ ..... ~"" , LIJIMIBEI & HARDWARE 360-479-4414 For Extra Value [W}~'~4 Follow Us On water line on Johns'Prairie Road. Several representatives of the USDA Rural Devel- opment department were presen~ at Tuesday's Port of Shelton meeting. USDA State Director Ma- rie Villanueva presented a symbolic check to the port commission. "It is our great pleasure to be here today. This project is an important one to the USDA," he said. "We know that this is the design phase. There is a construction phase and we have money for that too." The City of Shelton began work in 2009 to extend city water two miles out Johns Prairie Road into the city's urban growth area (UGA). Last year the city com- pleted the work. The port, city and Mason County PUD 3 signed the Johns Prairie Water Agreement in Octo- ber 2011 to determine the use of that water. Under the agreement the BASIC SHED PREBUILT SHEDS 8'x12' 6'x8' 10' x 12'..$875°° 12' x 16')..$1,300°° Garage (a) 1 car • $3,850 (C) 2 car • $5,650 (D) 3 car ° $7,500 & COMPOSITE DECKING Evergrain Elements '1.59 If Fiberon (PVC CAP) '2.39 If Azeck PVC & Tuffboard PVC *2.99 If Limited to stock on hand , ask about contractor mfgr. rebates DOCK 5258 x 12 oromoo . x, '450 8X16'785 WE STOCK YEAR ROUND PELLETS & FIRELOGS Deliver RAILROAD TIES 6X8 - 8ft Ask about 9'- 16' } Switch Ties Advanced & Massage Accepting most nsurances including Regence and GroupHealth N. 1st St. • Shelton 426-6325 PRICES! Located at Sanderson Industrial Park 000 ... to be held at the office of Dr. Richard C. Downing, D.D.S. 1626 Olympic Highway North, Shelton, WA (360) 426-4712 Joining us this year will be The Smile Mobile brought to you by Washington Dental Service Foundation! Your Choice of One Free Procedure: IIII Choice #1 - Filling Choice #2 - Extraction Choice #3 - Full Mouth Cleaning Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. We will treat as many patients as possible in eight hours. 5/ t Came, Sentu ! *Must be at least 18 years of age* m Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, May 3, 2012 - Page A-3 _[