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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 3, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 3, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CALENDAR Thursday 6 p.m., special school board meeting at board room CHOICE High School, 807 W. Pine St., to interview se- lected Shelton High School seniors as possible recipients of scholarship award. Friday 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Fierce- ly Independent Elders meets in the Washington Room. Contact Ray at 898-2316 for more information. 11:30 a.m., Republican Women of Mason County monthly meeting. Royal Shanghai Restaurant, guest speaker, David Baker from Wilson Recycling. Lunch op- tional $10. Visitors welcome. Saturday 9 a.m.--5 p.m., Mat- lock Old Timer's Histori- cal Fair at Mary M. Knight School, 2987 W. Matlock- Brady Road, Elma. 11:30-noon, Business Builder Workshop at Grove Street Brewhouse, 203 S. First St., Shelton. The Cham- ber offers this free workshop series to its members. Each month at this no-host lun- cheon a different tool or tech- nique is presented. Noon, Shelton Commu- nity Toastmasters meeting at OCCU Mt. View Branch, 2948 Olympic Highway N., Shel- ton. Toastmasters is an inter- national organization with a history of developing strong leaders and public speakers. Shelton Community Toast- masters meets the first and third weeks of each month. 1-3 p.m., Cancer support group meets at Mason Gen- eral Hospital. For more infor- mation call 456-8266. 7 p.m., The Mason County Community Concert Associa- tion presents "The Chris Bur- ton Jacome Ensemble at the Shelton School District Per- 9 a.m.-4 p.m., The Morn- forming Arts Center. ingstar Lion's Clubwill be every Monday at the Harst- ine Island Community Hall, 3371 E. Harstine Island Road N. If you are looking for a support group to Take Off Pounds Sensibly, come and join us. More informa- tion please contact Marlene at 427-3873. Tuesday 11:30 a.m., Mason County Multiple Sclerosis Support Group monthly meeting at E1 Sarape's, 318 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton. The meeting is open to those that are inter- ested. To obtain additional information please call Deb- by Zillmer at 877-6959. 11:30 a.m., The Shelton Kiwanis Club meets Tues- friends. For more informa- tion call 426-1362. 6 p.m., Yesteryear Car Club meeting every second Wednesday at the Shelton Elks Lodge, 74i S.E. Craig Road. 7:30 p.m., non-denomi- national, no collections, all welcome, teaching of Jesus at Evergreen Elementary Li- brary, N. Ninth St., Shelton. Thursday 10-11 a.m., TOPS meets at the Shelton Christian Church every Thursday. For more information call Ruth at 432-0870. 5 p.m.--7 p.m., Touch-a- Truck event at the Pioneer Primary and Intermediate/ days at Xinh's Clam & Oys= Middle School bus loading ter House. Lunch begins at area. Admission is $2 per per- 11:30 a.m. and the program son prior to the event and $3 runs from noon until 1 p.m. at the gate. This is a family- Programs cover a variety of friendly event and is open to topics from non-profits, gov- the community. ernmental entities, and com- 7 p.m., The Mason County munitymembers. Community Concert Asso- 12:30-3 p.m., Parkinson's ciation presents Mt. View holding a garage sale and Sunday Support Group meeting will Elementary Spring Concert bake sale in the Bordeaux 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Mat- be at the Timberland Library at the Shelton School District Elementary School Gymna- lock Old Timer s Histori- in Shelton. Caregivers, fam- Performing Arts Center. slum. Proceeds from the sale cal Fair at Mary M. Knight ily, support people welcome. 7-10 p.m. John Lucas and will be donated equally be- School, 2987 W. Matlock- For additional information Randy Linder perform at tween Relay for Life and the Brady Road, Elma. contact Rebecca at 426-6197. Taylor Station, Restaurant Shelton School District's ser- 10 a.m.--noon, Kidztown 6 p.m., Mason County and Lounge on Thursdays. vices for homeless youth, at Olympic Middle School for Fire District 9's monthly 6:30 p.m., Lilliwup Com- 10 a.m., Relay For Life of kids in K-6th grades, crafts, commissioner meetings are munity Club monthly potluck Shelton, annual Walk-About games, breakfast, music, bi- on the second Tuesday of dinner, social at 6 p.m., din- Shuffleboard Tournament at ble lessons, skits and small each month, at Station 9'1. ner at 6:30 p.m. at the club 40et8 Club in Shelton, reg- groups to help your kids get building located in Lilliwaup. istration $15 donation per the most out of every week- Wednesday The program will be given player. For more information end. For more information -3-5 p.m., Shelton Timber- by Mason Co. fire district 17 call Vern or Vickie Gonza- contact Melody at 427-9092. land Library presents Teen EMS team, who will demon- les @ 427-6770. All proceeds Gaming Lounge. Play Xbox strate use of the AED. Bring benefit the American Cancer Monday Kinect, Wii and other games a main or side dish or desert Society 9 a.m., TOPS 1402 meets and have refreshments with and your table service. I 427-0560 • 2517 Olympic Hwy. N | - UR The Avengers Daily 3:45, 6:30pm Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:2Opm Sat-Sun 1 :O0pm Pirates! Band of Misfits Daily 4:45, 7:aOpm Additional Shows • 100% Vegetable Oil, No Peanut Oil Fri-Sat 8:50pm • Large Meeting Room Available Sat-Sun 2:45pm Open 7 days, 1 lam-9pm "- ~~~ff !1 Lounge Open 11:30am to Closing ..... ........... Ill ilympic Hwy. N Open at 8"00-a.m. Where's The Fun? ...... Ini Our .... To Advertise call 426-4412 Old Timers' Fair 2012 I' I~I "JI~ Noni Howard a . . • • (360) 426-878~ Admission Rides (Demonstrators • Jill Hall ~~ (s6o) ~s2-3382 Entertainment m~ .vth ~ ,r, th ,~,r~. ~IL General ~ ~ ~ Leroy Valley Mary M. Knight School Matloek, Washington (3 o.26- so9 Saturday 9:00 - 6:00 • Sunday 10.-00 - 4:00 Ic Sell • Demonstrate • Exhibit Old Time Motors & Machinery / Kids Slide (,-~,..~.l.g) • Stem Donkeys[ Antiques • Collectibles~ [ Mid Activities. Music • Kids Carnival. Great Food.) Relay Continued from page B-1 : Appie coma She saw us all Wear- ing these Orange bracelets," Hill said. "She Said; but I want the light blue. We said ~ ~/2 ~up~ ~ Ba you can t have light blue that's for prostate cancer." ~ Cu~) ~ened m~ : : When Bas Brigade first ~ Spread ~th ~ ~ walked in a relay, they did ~egg : : pl~i~i~i~it~one wear blue, with orange touches here and there to 2~fui~a~e~ :s~nna~ raise awareness for Leuke- mia. ~ga~ : th~ d6~gh and ~i~ ~ The Brigade walked its ~ cin~am0n ~:!~e ~pies ~i~~ first relay in June 2006, and have walked in at least one : Mix ~ur ~ an~ ~a~ ~e~ne~g~~ relay a year ever since. Beer- ~ bower lived in Gray's Harbor ~ ~ ~ Mix ~! ~ yoi~ Bak~ ~ 3~0degr~ fo~ County, so Ba's Brigade has with mii~ to ~ke 2/3 ~up ~ ~ut~s 6~ m~til hub relayed there in the past. ~qui~ Ad~ ~: flour ~ix-~!~ However, Hill works and ~re : ~ {~{ fr~{{ with spends much of her time in~ut~i~ofth~ug~ ~ ~ fr~ ~ ~ Mason County, and now does to ~ ~ ~ in~ ~ ~{ !~ch ~d~6~ ~ 6~e ~ the She]ton Relay as well. ~ghe~ S~ki~ith ~!e~on ~lk :~ one She has also participated in tw~ § ~kes ~g~0on~ani~ e~gct : the, North Mason Relay. There s healing. Its our chance to be able to support one another, share our sto- touches home for a lot of us. eradicated. ries," she said. Ba's Brigade has already Until then, relayers like Ba's Brigade has raised had a number of fundraisers Ba's Brigade will continue to about $35,000 since it first and is still collecting dona- raise awareness for the relay formed in 2006, Hill said. tions for this year s relay, mission -- to celebrate, re- The members of the Bri- ':You never know who and member and fight back." gade will start walking at 4 how cancer is going to af- "Fight is for those that are p.m. on June 22 at the Shel- fect your life but there's not in the battle right now. Cel- ton High School track with many people that don t have ebrate is for those who have other teams, and will take some friend, family member, been able to get the, diagnosis part in survivor and team coworker or even themselves that they're cured, she said. laps, but Hill is looking for- who haven't had that 'C' di- "Remember is for people like ward to the luminaria, aguosis," Hill said. "Not only my mom." "At 10 p.m. Friday night (June 22) that will be our ]uminaria service," she said. "That is a very solemn event where white bags are lit or i]- luminated in memory or han- or of cancer patients. It really do I go out there in memory of my mom, I go out there in hopes that cures can be found, that treatment op- tions can be improved, that pain and loss can be dimin- ished and hopefully cancer Shelton Relay for Li[~ is scheduled for June 22 and 23 at the Shelton High School Track. To donate to Ba's Brigade or join as a team member, call 490-4988. Soup Continued from page B-1 County PUD 3, Windermere Himlie Realty, Alpine Way Retirement Community, Key Bank, the Shelton-Mason County Journal, Our Commu- nity Credit Union, Hood Canal Communications and the Green Diamond Resource Company. "We're so grateful for alL of the community members that have come forward," Weza said. The St. David's Parish Hall Ministries includes vol- unteers from several local churches. In addition to pro- viding daily dinners for the homeless and impoverished in Shelton, the ministry also provides free showers three days a week and a nighttime cold weather shelter. In 2011, the ministry served 13,404 meals and the shelter was open 143 nights, serving 1,760 guests. Each night the community meals program serves between 70 and 100 people, Weza said. "There is a need," she said. "It really is wonderful be- cause although we have been doing the meals now for six years with church volunteers we are now getting business- es on board to support the ministry as well." If cooking dinner once a month is too big of a commit: tment, individuals and orga- nizations can give monetary donations to St. David's. To participate in the Stone Soup Society, go to unitedwayma- and click "Get In- volved," or contact Case at pcase@greendiamond.cem. "In founding the Stone Soup Society, our aim is to work with the business com- munity to raise awareness and increase participation from that sector," Case said. Mother's "'Breakfast" Brunch • Scrambled Eggs. Eggs Benedict • Bacon. Ham • Sausage • Chilled Fruit Medley • Home Fries. Biscuits & Gravy. Cinnamon Roll French Toast • Pastry & Dessert Station All your breakfast favorites -- plus more Seniors 62 SE LYNCH ROAD • Shelton 426-8501 Dinner • Salmon Dinner (Topped with bay shrimp in a garlic cream sauce) Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - Page B-3