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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 3, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 3, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Bordeaux Elementary School taking kindergarten registrations Information night slated for May 23 Parents who want their child to attend kindergar- ten at Bordeaux Elemen- tary School are asked to register now. In order to register a child for kindergarten in Washington state, a birth certificate showing that the child will be 5 by Aug. 31 and a record of up-to-date immunizations is required. A kindergarten informa- tion night will be held from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on May 23 in the Bordeaux Library. Parents may register their child, meet teachers and tour the classrooms at that time. Families may pick up registration packets and return completed packets with required documenta- tion anytime between now and when school offices close for summer on June 29. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Parents with questions may contact Bordeaux at 426-3253. Foundation to hold cooking course The Shelton Schools FoundationThe menu will include seafood, is providing an opportunity for com- salad and beef. munity members to visit one of our Each participant will learn how district schools and attend a cook- to prepare award winning reci- ing class, pes for marinated geoduck seviche The foundation hopes to pro- drizzled with wasabi cr6me fraiche vide community education courses and mai fun noodle; grilled hearts throughout the school year in the of romaine with caesar dressing future, and tomato and pinenut concasse; This course will be the first for the and steak au poiv~e of peppercorn local volunteer organization whose crusted filet mignon with cognac primary goal is to enrich the educa- and shallot cream with grilled as- tional opportunities of the students paragus. in the Shelton School District. The cooking class will take place The Foundation provided a little from 6 to 8 p.m. at Oakland Bay Ju- less than $10,000 this past school nior High on May 21. Cost per per- year to teachers across the district son is $45. in response to their grant requests. For information and/or registra- The cooking class will providetion forms contact Sheryal Balding participants a hands-on experience at 426-5821. to prepare, cook and consume aRegistration must be received by meal with local Chef Kern Dolby. May 16. Harstine Continued from page B-1 attached to a self-addressed, stamped envelope. He will retuna the results of testing within about two weeks. The Harstine Island Garden Club is happy to include in this sale plants from popular local growers, Arts and Flowers Nursery, Daisy Hill Farm, Heaths and Heathers and Summer Hill Farm, along with some early bloomers found in Shelton merchants' inventories. Donna Strandberg, from the island's Daisy Hill Farm, will plant-up hanging or standing baskets of any plants cho- sen from the sale for just a nominal charge for the container and plant- ing material. Photos are still being accepted fbr the HICC 2013 calendar. As in the past, membership will vote on the winning submissions. The sub- mission period ends May 31. Send your photos to Bill Burrows at bur- Last week when I posted Bill's email address I forgot the "s" at the end of burrows. So, if you sent him a picture and it bounced back, that is why. May 16 the senior lunch crew will be dishing up another great lunch. I don't know, but I think they might have their seasons mixed up. At noon on Wednesday they are se~-qing a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Madonna Alonzo Denise Franzel Amanda McClain Taresa Spencer Sue Amos Nichole Gault Amy McDowell Joel Sterling Tammy Anderson Jennifer Giles Kayla McLemore Pam Sterling Beth Benedict Ashley Goos Chris Middleton Katie Stites Jessica Brissette Idonna Gullett Kathy Miller Ed Sweeten Chris Buchan Rachel Haskell Rhonda Miller Lisa Tracy Kathy Burbidge Pete Havens Drake Minkwic Nyomi Vann June Byrd Tiffany Henningsen Berena Mullen Kimberly Vilter Robyn Canaday Catherine Hernandez Yolanda Munoz Travis Wagner Linda Canfield Machelle Hodge Gary Newbern Leslie Webb Peggy Chamblin Nicole Hodge Kaye Newman Roxanne White ,,Chris Chase Kelsey Hopkins Leigha Ortiz Kristina Whiteley Sheri Chase Beth Johnston Todd Ostrander Leslie Wilford Micah Chynoweth Brianna Jordan Alicia Paulson Josh Wilkes Angle Cooper Kaleb Jordan Elizabeth Pearson Ron Wilkes Sasha Crane Ashleigh Kinnaman Cathy Pompa Stephanie Wohl Dan Davis Alexa Koester Teri Ramey Tracy Wright Dustin Davis Cathy Kretzer Maria Ramirez Carrol Wyatt Rod Davis Dustin Kruger Ginny Ray Rebecca Wyckoff-Lindsey Dawn Dececio Melody Larson Sharon Richter Hiromi Yamagishi Garret Effelberg Emily Lewis Pamela Rickard Carla Yates D'Lea Elkins Anita Madea Megan Ritchie Jennifer Yates Amanda Elmandolar Paul Malinosky Simon Rogers Sirena York Kimberly Espinoza Mary Jane Manuel Nichole Schubert Barbara Zion John Farmer Micalah Martinez Rachel Shreaves Kyra Zion Ila Marie Finney Scott Matheny Michael Simoneau Derek Zion Nathlee Foster Jherrica McCabe Anne Snyder Tanner Zion Thank you to the owners, Lester and Betty Krueger, and to the general manager, Rick Krueger, for setting and achieving high standards at Alpine Way. Congratulations on achieving a Deficiency-Free State Inspection. The "perfect survey" is a rare honor in Washington State and you did it! c-tfl"6"m""b"e r RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND (360) ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE Call Kathy Burbidge at 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Thursday, May 3, 2012 C liege years Olympic College Shelton occupational skills, univer- is celebrating more than sity transfer programs, vo- 40 years in Mason County. cational education, adult The community is invited high school classes, GED to celebrate this milestone, preparation testing and The celebration will be from community service courses. 4:30-7 p.m. Wednesday at In 1976, Olympic College Olympic College Shelton Shelton moved to Fourth campus located at 937 W. and Cedar. The new facili- Alpine Way. ties offered more compre- The following is a sched- hensive services and ame- ule of events for the celebra- nities such as counseling tion: rooms, a library open to the Self-guided tours at 4:30 public, four classrooms and p.m. office space for a full-time Presentation at 5:30 p.m. staff and an instructor. In Reception at 6:15 p.m. 1980, the college moved to The college provides Ma- 2513 Olympic Highway N. son County residents conve- and stayed at that location nient access to educational for 15 years. opportunities. Students Plans for an indepen- may earn an Associate in dent campus started in Arts degree, which satisfies 1990 with the "Building the first two years of college our Future" campaign to study at many colleges and raise $1.5 million. The com- universities. An Associate munity generously donated in Technical Arts degree or resources, funds and land certificate is available in to develop a new Olympic many technical and profes- College Shelton campus lo- sional programs. Other edu- cated on Alpine Way. The cational opportunities avail- current campus was built able are Adult Basic Educa- in two phases. The main tion, GED preparation and building was completed in testing, Running Start and 1995. Congressman Norm English Speakers of Other Dicks obtained a federal Languages. grant to remodel the main Olympic College Shelton building lobby in 2004 was the second campus es- which was dedicated the tablished after Olympic Col- Palmer Student Center in lege in Bremerton. Over the 2007, in memory of Dean past 44 years, the Shelton Palmer, a driving force be- campus has been in four dif- hind the "Building our Fu- ferent locations before set- ture" campaign. tling at its current location The Johnson Library, in 1995. built in 2003, was the sec- The first classes taught ond phase of construction at the college in Shelton on Olympic College Shel- were in 1968 at Shelton ton's campus. Wes Johnson, High School; classes were a long-time Mason County held on the Skokomish and resident and entrepreneur Squaxin Island Reserva- bequeathed part of his es- tions for two years. On aver- tate in honor of his deceased age, 320 students attended wife, Frances, to benefit Olympic College Shelton Olympic College Shelton during this period for select students. A state grant and courses. In 1973, the college a generous gift from Rich- opened facilities on Eighth ard Kramer combined with Street and Railroad Avenue Johnson's gift provided the and offered some courses at necessary funding for this Shelton High School, hos- excellent addition to the pital training rooms and Shelton campus and com- other locations around Hood munity. Canal. The new location in- To RSVP your atten- troduced educational oppor- dance, call Lori Ander- tunities not available in the son at 432-5406 or email past such as technical arts, Public invited to review curriculum New instructional mate- ents and members of the rials in social studies and community are invited to health/fitness are beingdrop-in and preview/give proposed for adoption ininput on the materials be- the Shelton School District fore they are presented to for the 2012-2013 schoolthe school board for formal year. adoption. District curriculum Social studies and leaders Brent Conklin (so- health/fitness teachers cial studies) and Cathy will be available to demon- Cole (health/fitness) will be strate some of the features hosting a materials review of the new instructional session from 4-5:30 p.m. on materials (including on- Tuesday in the boardroom line resources) and answer at CHOICE High School. questions about adoption Staff, students, par- processes. : Love, your family -- Raymond Paulson (son), Bill Petersen (son-in-law), Rosemary Greeenwell, Steven & Cami Petersen, Joel & Cynthia Harris, Tom & Vanessa Petersen (Grandchildren), Connor Harris, Kaylee Harris, Kalista Petersen, Shelbi Petersen & Ashton Petersel I (Great Grandchildren) ................................................ ................. .................