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New golf
club earns
Squaxin Island Tribe's
new Salish Cliffs Golf
Club has become the first
"Salmon-Safe" certified
golf course in the world
after passing an assess-
ment verifying the Tribe's
commitment to protecting
native habitat, manag-
ing water runoff, reducing
pesticides and advancing
environmental practices
throughout the region.
The Salmon-Safe Golf
Course Certification Pro-
gram is an offshoot of the
Northwest eco-label for
agricultural and vineyard
practices, administered in
Washington by the Seattle-
based non-profit Steward-
ship Partners.
The program looks at
site development practices
to protect water quality,
fish and wildlife habitat,
and overall watershed
health based on a detailed
set of peer-reviewed guide-
A technical and efficient
water treatment system
that generates Class A re-
use water from Little Creek
Casino Resort helped the
Squaxin Island Tribe earn
Salmon-Safe certification
at Salish Cliffs.
The treated water is
stored for its intended use
irrigating the course dur-
ing summer.
"When we decided to
build Salish Cliffs, we
vowed to uphold our
Tribal mission to nurture
our people and our land
and ensure both thrive
for generations to come,"
Squaxin Island Tribal
Council Chairman Dave
Lopeman said. "Creating
and maintaining an eco-
sensitive course from site
planning through ongo-
ing operation was essen-
tial to us and the people
of Western Washington.
Special recognition goes
to Jeff Dickison, assis-
tant natural resources di-
rector for Squaxin Island
Tribe, and Salish Cliffs
Superintendent Bob
Pearsall. Their joint dedi-
cation and persistence
spearheaded this signifi-
cant achievement."
The independent re-
view process was conduct-
ed by a team of experts in
the fields of stream ecol-
ogy, storm water manage-
ment, golf course design
and landscape manage-
Courtesy photo
Dayton Morris, 4, writes a message on a stud in his future home
at the Habitat for Humanity of Mason County's home blessing on
Family celebrates Habitat home blessing
As the camera clicked, the Morris titled Thrivent Builds with Habitat for
family was surrounded by Habitat for Humanity, which provides 55 percent
Humanity of Mason County's volun- of the funding for the home through a
teers, family, friends and community grant, plus individual donations.
members at the house blessing ceremo- The following donors have also spon-
ny for their new Habitat home. sored the home with building supplies:
The ceremony was held April 15. Simpson Timber Company, Olympic
"It is amazing to see all these people Panel products, Green Diamond Re-
here," future Habitat homeowner Mi- source Company and American Rein-
chele Morris said. forced Plastics.
The ceremony is a celebration of the For more information on the ceremo-
Morris family and all those who lent a ny, becoming a volunteer or becoming
hand in the build and the home. a future Habitat homeowner, call 426-
Guests were invited to write a spe- 8134 or visit
cial message or prayer on the studs and About Habitat for Humanity of Ma-
drywall throughout the home, organiz- son County: Habitat for Humanity of
ers said. Mason County is a faith-based hous-
Michele and Keith Morris, along with ing ministry partnering with the com-
their son, Dayton, 4, and twin girls, Jor- munity to improve, maintain and build
dyn and Jenna, 2, have worked toward affordable quality housing for those in
their Habitat home to get through the need. By engaging the entire commu-
application process, including meeting nity, the organization offer programs
income and credit guidelines and work- for people in need of affordable home-
ing on completing 400 hours of "sweat ownership opportunities and programs
equity" needed before they can move for current homeowners seeking to
into the home. preserve their homes. Through part-
Starting the process over two years nerships with families, volunteers and
ago, the Morris family has gone from donors, Habitat works together to im-
being unemployed and living with faro- prove the living conditions of families
ily to Keith Morris finding full-time in Mason County. Since 1996, Mason
employment and Michele Morris being County Habitat has worked with 21
a stay-at-home mother and working to- families with 57 children in building
ward a bachelor's degree in administra- homes and many more through reha-
tion~ bilitating homes.
"We have hit rock bottom once and Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Hu-
this is the perfect opportunity to work manity is a multi-year, multi-million-
back up," Michele Morris said. "We did dollar volunteer and advocacy partner-
not want to raise our children in an ship between Thrivent Financial for
apartment, wanting them to have a se- Lutherans and Habitat for Humanity
cure future. Because of Habitat, we now International. As a not-for-profit, faith-
are able to think about and plan for the based membership organization, Thri-
future instead of struggling day to day." vent Financial for Lutherans, through
The Morris family spends the week-its 2.5 million members, multiplies the
ends working on their new home. impact of Habitat for Humanity by pro-
Michele Morris started a Facebook viding resources of volunteer time and
page with updates and pictures of the talent, as well as financial contribu-
progress of their house, tions. Thrivent Financial is the largest
Michele Morris' message is "don't non-government sponsor for Habitat
give up. Push for what you believe in." for Humanity. Thrivent recognizes that
The Morris home is being built owning a home is a family's largest fi-
through a partnership with Thrivent Fi- nancial asset, and a key building block
nancial for Lutherans and their alliance for economic independence.
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