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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton's Lindsey Norton tees off at the start•
of the Lady Highclimbers' match against South
Kitsap at Bayshore Golf Course on April 26.
The Shelton girls' golf results from thismatch
team split its matches last were not available.
week. Finally, on Monday, Cap-
On April 24, the Lady ital defeated Shelton 76-74
Highclimbers (4-4-1) defeat- at Bayshore Golf Course.
ed Stadium 71-41 at Alder- "This was a close match
brook Golf Course. and a tough loss for us,"
"Lindsey Norton had her Martinson said. "We needed
best score of the year and just a couple more putts to
hit some great shots," SHS drop or just one player to
head girls' golf coach Lorna finish a hole and not X out
Martinson said. "I was hap- so it Was a close one."
py to see her have a good Ernst led the team with
day and hope this will be a 25 points.
breakout round for her."The Lady Highclimbers
Martinson said Madi are scheduled to golf against
Ball, • who is new to the Central Kitsap at 3:15 p.m.
game, had her best score of today at Kitsap Country
the season as well. Club in Bremerton.
"Madi is finally starting The season is scheduled
to put together several good to wrap up for the team
shots in a row which helped next week with the Nar-
her score," Martinson said. rows League Tournament
She added that Caitlyn at 9 a.m. on Monday and
Ernst, Rilee Villanueva and Wednesday at Lake Span-
Kerry Johnson were steady away Golf Course in Span-
for the team. away. The team's final
Ernst led the Lady High-scheduled meet is the Duke
climbers with 21 points Streeter Invitational, sched-
while Norton scored 16 uled for noon on May 11 at
points and VillanuevaPeninsula Country Club in
scored 15. Port Angeles.
Knight Owls bring home slew of awards
By EMILY HANSON "Hannah Frost earned the female "The North Beach meet brought
emi(y~'mas(nwoun/ athlete of the meet award with her more good competition for us," Breh-
.............................................................................. earning the most team points as an meyer said.
individual,"Brehmeyer said. She said Snyder improved on
The Mary M. Knight track and Frost took first in the 800 meters his 100 meter time from the Ocosta
field team competed well at two and 1600 meters and second in theInvite and that the boys' 400 relay
meets last week. 200 meters and discus, team -- Dierkop, Adam Pais, Jer-
OnApri124, MMKcompeted at the On the boys' side, Nick Dier- emy Pais and Snyder -- placed third
Ocosta Invite in Westport where the kop won the 300 meter hurdles, with a time that currently places
girls' team finished in second place and took second in the 110 meter them in the top two at the district
among five teams with 83 points and hurdles while Michael Snyder tooklevel.
the boys' team finished in fifth place third in the 100 meters and was "This gives them an opportunity
among six teams with 44 points, on the third-place .400 relay team to try and qualify for the state meet,"
"I thought the team performed with Dierkop, Jeremy Pais and she said.
quite well," MMK head track and Adam Pals. Th%Knight Owls are scheduled to
field coach Kitty Brehmeyer said. On April 26, the Owls competed atcompete at the South Bend meet in
Brehmeyer said Melodic Snyder North Beach in Ocean Shores whereSouth Bend today. As of press time,
earned two personal records, one in the girls finished fifth out of eight the meet time was not available.
the javelin and one in the discus, teams with 48 points and the boysThis will be the team's final regu-
while Linda Cook performed well in finished seventh out of eight teams larly scheduled meet of the season
the shot put and discus, with 30 points, before districts next week.
On April 26, the Lady
Highclimbers faced off
against South Kitsap at
Bayshore Golf Course. The involves a as well as rehabilitative care after
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Lady Climbers knock down South Kitsap
Ranney twins win more than two- consistent but very aggressive," Per- he continued. "It was a very long
hour long'marathon'match ry said. marathon match that lasted more
No. 2 doubles Willow Walker than two hours, so there was a ton of
By EMILY HANSON and Taylor Muenchow also won ir~pressure on both teams, but our girls
emi[y(~' straight sets. never got rattled and put them away
................................................................................... The first set was close and then for the victory."
they dominated the second set," Per- Prior to this victory, on April 23,
The Shelton girls' tennis team ry said. Gig Harbor defeated Shelton. The re-
scored a big win last week. The No. 3 doubles team, Serena sults from this match were not avail-
On Friday, the Lady HighclimbersRanney and Megan Ranney, played able.
defeated South Kitsap 3-2. the deciding match. On April 24, Stadium outscored
"This is the first time I think we "They lost the first set pretty bad Shelton 4-1.
have ever done that," SHS head girls' if I remember and then came backPerry said the Ranney twins, at
tennis coach John Perry said., and won the second set fairly easily," No. 3 doubles, split sets and then
He said all of the doubles teamsPerry said. dominated the third set for the win.
for Shelton won. "The third set was a battle but we As of press time, the Lady High-
"No. 1 doubles Allison Hunter and were too consistent for them and we climbers had not yet competed at the
Clara Robbins won in straight sets did an excellent job of putting the 4A Narrows League Preliminaries
and played unbelievable tennis; very ball away when we had the chance," yesterday.
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Shelcon-Masor~ Coui",ty Jou¢,'3al - Thursday, May 3, 2012 - Page C-3
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