May 5, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 5, 1949 |
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P.a.,e,,.2 .......................................................
Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7
Mission - BrOken Segments
," IT
4-1be pail 75 ¢
No. 2 can 15'
PRUNE PLUMS ..... 2 cans 35 ¢
PRUNE JUICE. ....... quart 25 ¢
TOMATO JUICE.. No. 10 can 45*
Washington Co-Op
Oscar Mayer
doz 59*
12z. tin 49'
SWEETtlEART 1¢ deal 4 bars 25'
lb. 59 ¢
lb. 23 ¢
lb. 53 ¢
...... 2 lbs. for 23€
MILK ............ tall cans ea. 11 €
SUGAR ........ l O-lb. sack 89 ¢
± i i ii ii i
Tomatoes 2 Ibs. 25¢ Radishes 3 bun. 10¢"
Hot House C,l|fo rnla
Cucumbers .... lb. 29¢ Strawberries box 25¢
• J • • • •
BOSTON BUTTS .........
Running their victoly string to
three in a row, IIl.e improving
Highclimber tennis team whipped
Ehna TI osday afternoon. 4 to I.
on tile I]him ('(Jlll'Is. I'|(H'( in Sll,'I-
tonApl'i] 12 tlo Ill gin.limbers won
by only :; 10 2.
'I'JmI w,n ' :fl{ein g(,l:,; :x seveYe
test /hi Satlwdny v.'l](,r Ill(" I)OW -
;(I'l'lll /'OFt A/PJI']UH 1)1'1 :,;14H'l (I
eoln('s hero f()r a o11o, (/t, li)('li iwi-
gagemonl on 1.1to Loop Field
COIII'I;I. Next 'rileS(lay (',oa (,,h
Cd'ant I):.lek-il'(l lakes his squ'uI [;x7
Aber(toon to meet anothel' strong
The resulls al Ehua:
Don Kllll(Ist,il t S i Ileal q'il.lor
i E). 6-I 6-1.
[)on ('.ole iS) I)e;ll 'Phayer (El,
5-7, 6-2, 6-4.
Bob Ashley ,N) l()si Io Shoot.<;
(E), 4-6,1-6.
I(nlldsen-O,)h I S J 1)eat Taylor
tel. 6-2, 9-7.
Dave Lamon-Lou Dosehamps
(S) heat ...raham-Lamh. 6-4 7-5.
_ - - _ .#
Mr. Moriah Lodge
F. & A. M.
No. 11
Saturday, May 7
Leo Martin, W. IVI:.
W. A. Batchelor, ecy.
3 Crucial Games
Face Highclimbers
In Next Few Days
Three g'nmos hi.'hly important
t() tticir hopes for winlinlg a fifth
.<;traight division h<is(dlall challl-
plo,u::tlip face tile l-llghclinl)ers lie-
1 \\;Vt*('ll |lOh,' ;1111 [ ])('X]L lni(i-woeiL
Two (fl" them will I)o played ;It
hlllle Oll con.qOelllive nights when
Coach Norm Hillyard's lads enter-
tain Contrails Friday night and
Olympia Saturday night, both
ga.mos to start at eight o'clock nn-
tier tile Loop Fle.ld lights.
The third g,'.tn'le sends the High-
clio]tiers hack to ()Iymphi next
Tuesday afternoon. ()lympia fig-
lll'eS D.S ).he nlosL .qeri(llS threat to
Shelton's hid for another title.
Hillyard's pitching choices for
the three games we, re a bit uncer-
tain at press-time yesterday, as he
had a doubleheader with Chehalis
that afternoon to contend with,
hut lap tentatively figured to start
Bob Eacrett against Cenralia and
probably Bob Tohey qgainst Olym-
pJa Saturday.
Eaez'ett beat Centralia. 8 to 0,
there last week, Olympia's pitch-
ing' choice may have a bearing or
whether Tobey goes for Shelton,
l-lillyard said.
Sunday's deluge washed out the
scheduled finals of the V.F.W.
shortstop golf tournament at the
B ayshore Golf coarse, forcing its
postponement until Mly 22.
i in i
The Fishing's Swell at
North End of
Tides of the week
Computed for Oakland Bay
( Clnlol ti(ll, IlrO (tile h(lur
anti l),eJ nlilliltOS earlier)
Thursday, May 5
llip.'h ............. 0:SR ;i.ii. 1,t.?, fl.
Low ................ Ii:47 l.Ill. 7.rl it.
lligh ................ 1(1:1)'; :l.ln. 11.3' ft.
LoW ................. 5:55 pall. -0.2 1'1.
Friday, .Hilly (i
tligh ................ J:50 a.m. 14.5 ft.
Low .................. 7:57 u.m. 6.5 ft.
High ................ i11:47 a.m.'10.8 ft.
Low .................. 6:59 p.nL 0.5 ft.
Saturila.y, May 7
High ................ 2:31 a.m. 14.7 ft.
Low .................. 8:53 a.nt• 5.1 ft.
High ................. 1:36 pall. 10.8 :fl.
Low . .............. 8:03 6,1:I ft.
SIInllny, l%lay 8
High ................ 3:09 a.m. 14.8 ft.•
Low .................. 9:40 a.n). 3.3 fl.•
High ................ 3:10 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Low . ................. 9:05 p.m. 2.1 ft•
Men(lay, May 9
High ............. 3:43 a.l/1. 1,1.9 ft.
Low ............... 10:21/ 1.5 ft.
High .............. 4:28 p.m. 12.3 ft.
Low .................. 10:t)4 pan. 3.0 ft•
Tuesday, Mliy I11
High ................ 4:14 14.9 ft.
Low .................. 11:01 a.m. -0.2 ft.
High 5:35 l?.m. 13,3 ft.
Low .................. 11:01 p.m. 4.0 ft.
Wednesday, Muy 11.
tligh ................. 4:,17 a.m. 14.9 ft.
Low 11:42 a.m. -1.7 fL•
High ................ 6:32 p.m. 14.2 ft.
Low 11:52 p.m. 5.0 ft.
Surprises Feature
Climber Track Loss
To Olympia, 78-35
Winning six events, the High-
climbers turned in their best dual
meet performance of tile season
"Saturday when they played host
to the Olympia Bears on a soggy
Loop Field in the second and final
track meet of the year in Shelton.
Olympia won the meet, 78 to
35. by sweeping three events and
adding a fh)ek of seconds and
thirds to the eight first places
taken by 1.tlo Bears.
Surprising performances dotted
the Highclimber achievements.
IT WAS NO snrpri;o that Des
Koch won three first places, but
it was somewhat of a surprise
that one of them was the low hur-
dles. It was his first ently iu tile
low stick event, but be covm'ed
the distance in 717.3 seconds for a
victory to add to Ilia expected wm
Legion, Dairymen ]
Win Openers In ,!
Fastball League :
W I, rf rnl
A lilt?)'it:In LeiOll 1 f) ')1 (;'
Kitsap I)airy .... 1 I) .I '2:
IL'ly,)ni(,r . ......... t) 1 2 ,I ,
V.le.W. Post ......... 0 1 ti 29 i
T llirsdav - R IVOllit')' VS V. |d.\\;,'•
Friday "Imgi()l vs Dairy
Monday Legion vs V.V.W.
Legion vs R'yoni,'r t
ONE BATTLE and one hnteher-il
ing nlarked opening play in the:'
city f[istball league Tuesday ,'re- I
ning with Kitaap Dairy nnd Amer-i
)carl Leg)on'getting off to the ,'it- i
toriot!s starts•
'l?h(, dairymen won the haHh, by
• . . . • • I
1 4 to 2 de(!lSl()n lrom Rayonlol' !
1948 champions, wh le tile Ii, egion-I
naires slaughl;ered their service-)
men rivals of the Votcrnns of l,'or'- r
oign wars, 29 to 6.
Sonny Low, tossed a three-hitter
, for Kitsap Dairy to beat Rry-
on)or and bagged two hits himself
among the .eight the dairymen
whacked off Ted Kendall• One
of Lowe's blows figured strongly
in the tlrcee-run burst in the third
which won the game for hinl, his
single driving home the last of
the trio of tallies. Bill Rcdman's
double behind a walt( to 1At)Icy
Surratt and Clint Willour's single
scored the other pair.
RAYONIER had taken the load
in the first when Kendall doubled
home Jim Tough, who trod singled.
The Legion victory was apparent
from the opening inninK, when sev-
en runs crossed the dish. Eight
nlore fol|owod in the second, five
registered in the-fourth and an-
other eight in the fifth, st) )he
game was called after the V.F.W.
batted in the top half of the sixth
as darkness blotted out vision.
With all the Legion hitting there
wore no circuit blows, the lone
round-trip wallop of the game be-
ing hLt by Wnlly Anderson of the
-- Boats - : ': ".,,s.,n; Tackle-
S,%ndwiches - Coffee - Soft Drinks
()lynl)ia ll), (qeh;llis (;
()lyinlfia 21). I):lkville I)
Representative of
Equitable Life
Assurance Society
Life Insurance
;Vh u r'sd a %
t,,;hna 1.1, (hmtralia
S). Kitsap 3,
(?corral Kitsap 4,
Big, beautiful Ranges--/
with easier cooking/
urer restfls than you'v6
ever enjoyed before!
0Tin i
¢&s fo t. TeN
eoa,/,. r ,t S*'s
.-.Tan BACON .m 45* FREE .AaiN -- .HON ,0--, iu tie hi'll hurdie. at .l.,, so,.- Annuities
........ • " " • ends arid his f'tvorite (ti:cus Long term, low interest ral;e
. event which he captured casih • Farm and Cuntry s I?klflt0
.................................................................. 7 ............................................................................................................................................ ances Two were other Paul snrprise Koch's perform-" victory Aldercroft Home Loans Nursery " (, 0ll.I)lt¢ a D011,11
in the shot:put, where he out-threw Phone 591-W
his best previous ef£(n't even in 0d Ol 'P r,-6 9,1%,
practice by a couple of feet for a __ __ ___ __ Bes,dzlll'_l[Ilti, I),,
vin over the Bear star, Willad-
son, at 45 feet, .. ineh; Gcno Shelton Lodge No, 1684 {etle --
Wells' triumph in the broadjump 0-4e1% CoIIToI
at 19 feet 11 inches; and LaVerne LOYAL ORDER OF
Peterson's win aL 9 feel, 9 inches
in the pole vault. MOOSE GO TO CHURCH
rr WAS WEI,I,S' first taste of
competition with the 1-1ighclinlber MEETINGS HELD EACH
Olympic F rniture
tativelf:tbbed to win the broad- 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
jump and Wells wa; figured for of the Month ' I U
at least a place in the high jump, " , Phonl
but neitior placed to cross np 8 p.m.--Eagles Itall 32al/radoR COMFORTABLE
and Wishes Success to the 5th Annual
Marvin Leman, Governor
W. D. Coburn, Secretary
TUNE IN TED MALONE... evow momlng, Monday through FrRkllf., k '4
COSTS $875 TO $2,428 LESS* TO
Unique among the nation's four finest cars,
the Nash Ambassador is huilt with a Unitized
Body-and.1 tame.
This great advance'ill design lowers the cen-
ter of gravity.., ine:'eases stability.., light.
ens driving effort.., expands pasngcr space
• •, dimin.tes drag of useless weight.
It is why you will find the Nash Aml),qssador
• the most eomfi)rtable car you ever rode iu. ]%
is quieter at all speeds, and magnificently
powered. Yet owners of the other three finest
cars who have changed to the Bash Amlmssa-
dor find they are obtaining as much as 30%
more milege on gasoline.
In feature after feature it more than mcrit
)is dislinciion as the most advanced of Ameri-
ca's fine cars. Yet--it is priced from $875 to
$2,428 less* than the other three.
Your Bash de.slot will gladly place an Am-
bassador at your command.
•Baecd oil prices relmr ted in Automotive News, April 18,19,19
The OnlN Fine
with 100% eounter-bala
... t:oil Npringino n all
hools... Uniseopo... TwI, ,
Naih Motors,
First and Pine Street, Shelton, Washington "
Other high spots of the fete are slates for SaturdaD
May 14, with the Ctfildren's parade at 10:30 a. m., the
mile long Paul Bunyan parade at 11 a. m., the Logger's
Sports Show at 2 p. m. and a public street dance at 10.
We are pleased to send our greetings and .best wishes
to the progressive people of this tall-tree country and
to Queen Mary and suggest that you visit Shelton
during the Forest Festival.
This adverf;semeM luppo,ti.g #he FesHval w;/I appeor ;. the
Seat#/e Times and Seatt/e Post.lntelllfencer Satuiday, May 7' ,
BEcausE the livelihood of Mason County is primarily
dependent on its forests, the residents of Mason County
are acutely aware of the devastation that can esult from
forest fires ........... .
Desirous of focusing attention on the "Keep Washington
Green" campaign, as it gets under way each year, Mason
County's civic-minded people, five years ago, started the
Forest Festival as a modest pageant.
Home produced and well planned, the fete has grown
each year so that three days are now set aside for the
celebration, and on May 12, 13, 14 the population of
Shelton will be more than doubled as persons from all
over the Northwest join in the salute to forest protection.
One of the highlights of the Festival is the "Magic Tree"
Pageant at 8 o'clock on the evenings of May 12 and 1.5,
in hich 550 school youngsters participate, The Pageant
,, is a fairy:tale presentation of how the FireDemon threat-
ens the future of forests and how the Magic Tree stands
out as the future forest maker. Thousands visit Shelton
each year to wimess the pagea because of its excellent
staging and,petformance,
at Sh,elton, May 12, 13, 14
Member Federal Deposif Insurance Corporal|on
Coach Ermnett Oliver's expecta-
The other five Shelton points
were scored by John Marshall's
second in the mile, Merle Liud.-
gren's third in the 880, and Jack
Davidson's third in the ccntmT.
Olympia swept the 220, 440 and
high jump, won the relay, 100,
880, and mile.
This Saturday Coach Oliver
takes his squad to Hoquiarn f()r
the annual Grays Harbor county
re;b-district meet.
.100--t-/edberg, O; McClain, O;
Davtdson, S: 10.5.
220--Hedberg, O; McCIain, O;
Malloy, O: 23•9.
440---Budd, O; Bratton, O; Hun-
ter, O: 54.4.
880---Williams, O; Clifford, D;
Llndgrt, S: 2.18.
Mile---Lund O; Marshall, S;
Puckett, O: 4.52.
Low hurdle, 14g yards--l}.
ocll, S; Crowe, O; Peterson, O:
High hurdle---l}. Keels, S; Crowo,
O; Budsberg, O: 16.4.
.... Shotplit---l'. leech, S, Willad-
son. O; Thompson, O: 45' U"
Discus- -D. Koch, S; Willon, O;
DunRelberger, O: 144' 4 '. " ,
Pole vault---Peterson, S; Brown,
O; Hall, O: 9' 9".
Itigh jump---Woodcock, O: WaN
ker, O; DeLa.cey, O: 5' r./,,
O/') • *
Broad jump--Wells, S; Wood-
cock, O; Itiliman, S: 18' 11".
RelayOlympia: Herdberg, Mal-
loy, Budd and McClain: 1.42. ,
BlazersHead B "
Field at Hoquiam
]Blazer traokmen wpn the Clas;
B division honors with a, total of
21 points by scoring victorious in;
five events at the Southwest Wash-
ington junior high school relays
at Hoquiam Saturday, but fared
less successfully in the other two
divisions so wound up fourth in
the over-all scoring.
Aberdeen won ne over-all hon-
ors with 54:4 points, Hoquiam had
48", Contrails 40,,:, Shelton 33/, :
and Chehalis 2,. The Blaers
cored only :five points in the Class
A competition and 7 points in ttte
Class C division•
This Saturday the Blazers are
hosts to Hoquiam in a dual meet
to be held at one o'clock on Loop
In the ]3 division Shelton's vic-
tories were scored in the shotput,
discus, broadjump, 220-yard relay,
and 110-yard relay, with a second
place in the highjump..
In the A division Blazer points
came from a second'in the firoa d-
jump and a third in the 110-yard
relay, while in the C division Shel-
ton won the discus and broadjump
and took second in the 100-yard
All events were relays.
Sports Club Sessions
Slated This Evening
The regular semi:monthly meet-
ing of the Mason County Sports
& Skeet Club will he ileld this
evening (Thursday) at 8 o'clock
in the Odd Fellows Hall, Secre-
tary Gwen Skeley reminded mem-
bers this week,