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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PLANTS NOW I:At Green House Prices UnRou ,, s BF, GONI&amp; :: NNIALS aTABLES i:: :E1)DING ili i TED PLANTS i":;i "ghnlbbery and Rerries : lowers For All Occasions K P'ANT FARM MILK FLOWS DOWN, N CENT PR, ICE DROP M/ll< prices scooted down an- other notch May 1 with both the Kitsap and Babcock dairies re- porting that a penny has been <.J,;ved From tile price of a quart el r,Hlk. The price is now 18 cents for a quart of good milk, i)leasing tlews to housewives, husbands and offspring in Mason county. The announcement of rail k price redLrtions here is reflect- • ire of trends in oiher Northwest cities where tile prices have tak- en a drop. Cot Grill To Serve I.,iquor-By Drink llay 6 First rest,urant in S]lellon to offer liquor-l)y-I he-drink under authority of the Class H license will be the Cola Grill, operated by Mrs. l;](lna ,Iohnson, which will el)ell li'rihty. It hfl'. heoll COll]- iI]-tely n io(lernizt.(l :l:(I re(teeor- lilII- "t od. , __ ': tR,Off. Olympia Highway on Colt Road The C()ta Grill was granted on • R. 3, Box 2.65, Shelton, Wash. of. two Clas.<; H ]icense,¢ :mt]lor- .. ized in Shelton I?y 1.ile State I,i- . ' oiler Control Board. DRAPER ,:?:;nd: ed u;:i 2 :.a s u, ements An attractive selection of the !atest in fabrics. An opportunity you can t afford to miss. Fro =11,95 to=22,50 ' and wh not F._: y get  ! a slip cover in  .<,:.. matching fabric i%,. :" ". for that-lounge ,. ,,,,L ...... or odd chair OLYMPIC FURNITURE 11 Railroad "SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING" Phone 94 r v v , v v v v,qw,,Ir ,w ,qr,q  ,qLr V qv V 'qF"qp' V'q, V   Coming Events... noon, ,qmlt;on Hotel. 40 el. 8 meets :,L 6:311 tonight, Shell:on Hotel. I,'riday, Ma.y 6: High seimol h:l;(,b:dl, Shelton vs. Centl'Alia, 8 p.m., Lor)ll Field. :tlln'lhly, May 7: Basehnll, Nhelton v!4. OlympiA, 8 p.m., Loop Field..Im}ior hiKil h'nck, Shelton vs. Fh)quiam, 1 ll.m., Loop Field. Slilthiy, M:ty 8: Mothers Day. (live tier the highest respect. Cheek Journal church pages. Monday, May 9: Shelton Mixed Chorus rehearsal, 8 p.m. senior Ibigh mlsic room. V.F.W,, 8 p.IIl., MemoriAl hall. Commtinity Con- tort. mPmbersbip drive opens. P. it.I), commissioners, 8 p.m., P.tL 1). bldg. Ctmnty c.ommission£rs, 10 A.m. COllrt house, Tuesday, May 18: Jaycees meet, 7 p.m., Colonial bldg. City cmn- missiol:ers, 2 p.m., city hall. Ki- wanis, noon, Memorial hall. Wednesday, May 11 : Chamber elf Conunerce Forest Festival din- ner, 6:45 p.m., Masonic Temple. Before marriage a man yearns for ,<i w'ontan. After marriage the "y" is silent. I DollArs and sense do not ncces- s2ffly__ttia/e! t°geth2r L __ ___ ! LOGGING ] Modern EquiPment il _ °°F'°' Y [| Experienced Men I - FOR I • LAND CLEARING i I ..o.00ooz.o Ill • BASEMENT EXCAU.T - Ii '"° Ill Fo, Land o Water III • DUMP TRUCK8 ltll r,..r Hire Ill • PILING AND LOG8 !11 ,.o. ,o, /,L _ , ,-, - ( -'" 'T , ,, - , c i STUDENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL ELECT DON CLEVELAND LEADER Donald Cleveland was elected student body president of Irene S. Reed high school for the 1949-50 school term in an A.S.FJ. electior Tuesday. Other officers inchlde Jim Miller, vice president; .lack Valley, secretary-treasurer, and Jim Leggett, sergeant-at-arms. Cleveland iN active in music and basebqll and has served as vice president of the Junior class dur- ing the present year. Valley was chosen for a second term at the post of secretary-treas- urer. Millet' and Leggett have represented their respective classes, sophomore and junior, on the board of control during the 1948-49 school year. The election wag eonaueted on Tuesday morning after a brief compaign climaxed by speeches by. the candidates and their managers over the school's public address system. Liquor Store Notes (Continuetl from page 1) cording to Wiseman, he had not closed the store the evening be- fore, that task having been taken care of by an assistant. ON ARRIVAL at the store Wise- man discovered that the back door to the building was unloeked, a burglar alarm had been switched "off" and the safe was unlocked. A check of receipts showed that a sum of about $559 was missing. A sum in excffss of $100 was not taken. Wise,nan reported the event to ,qhelton s police chief, that official conducting an investigation. His report to the liquor board at Olym- pia resulted in another investiga- tion by Claud H/wens, former Shelton policc chief and now act-I ins chief enforcement officer for l the liquor board. I Prosecutor Heuston, commenting on the failure of officials to give I him details of the money disap-I pearace until several days after! the incident was reported, said that he was determined to take action in behalf of his office. Tuesday he conferred with newly-appointed Police Chief Paul Hinton and Sher- iff Roy Roessel, the three reaching a decision to conduct their own in- vestigation, the results of which would be used to base charges if evidence to support tmch charges could be found. BUT HEUSTON said that evi- dence so far developed is not suf- ficient to support a conviction. A spokesman for the State Liquor Control Board said, "The board's inspectors were unable to discover how the money happened to be missing. But the facts as they found them were turned over to Prosecutor Heuston." The prosecuting attorney de- clared that the handling of the matter so far has many confusing aspects and that he was determ- ined to get to the bottom of the affair. It was disclosed that at least three persons had knowledge of the safe's combination. Olympia Man Hurt I In Accident Here i Driving into the left side of a} I- INDOOR ,00ARNIVAL East Fourth Avenue, Olwnpia, re- I ceive(l a fra('tln'ed neck" vvhtn his l eal' sntashed tip about three nliles I $ north of Shelton last Saturday I night on Olynlpic llighway, tLan-I AT DAYTON HALL dy Jordan, St;aLe Patroblian, 1'0- i ported. The truck, (h'ivcn by Albert E: LaRue, of Sequim, was moving'[ Friday Evening, May 6 south when Lovins' north-bound cal veered into its side. The car was a iota1 wreck, and the truel¢ AT 8 O'CLOCK was slightly damaged, Jordan said. From Shelton General Hospital Bingo - Ball Throw - Fish Pond and Dart Lovins was transferred to H.ced Hospital in Seattle. Games. There will be food concessions. In an .accident near Duwamish bridge on the Seattle-Tacoma highway last Friday, John Kun- de, 50, was one of three who were injured front a head-on collision. Kunda suffered fractures of th6 right elbow lind shoulder. The CALLING ALL MOTH cars skidded tllrough a guard rail. CLIMBER NETMEN The Eagles Are Sponsoring a TROUNCE OLYMPIA Faring nearly as well a they PROGRAM IN YOUR HONOR did on their home courts just three days earlier, the Highclimbe , • tennis team repeated its triumph over oiypi Friday on tho for Mother s Day Olympia courts by a" 4 to 1 mar- g'he earlier match were to Shel- LISTEN TO TED MALONE ton by a 7 to 0 count on the Loop Field surfaces. Best match of the day was Don- At 8:30 A.M. on KJR Friday, May 6 hie Cole s tight verdict over Tho- mas in the No. 2 singles, bnt the TO ALL EAGLES, remember you are to call or re- Climber net,men won the duke in straight sets by 6-4 margins in mind at least 5 mothers to listen to the Mother's ,,each case. Day broadcast, The scoring: ' Don Knndsen (S) beat Eide (O), 6-I, 6-0. 7. Don Cole iS) beat Thomas (O), 6-4, 6-4. Boyd (D)beat Bob Ashley iS),  I J * ..% .,, -. Cole-Knudsen (S) beat Thomas .... iljJjlill]l- Eide (O), 6-3, 6-2, ql -lll,qilll lill Dave Lamon-Lou Desehamps • • * ,s, beat .rding-ukelhan O,. Apphances-- Supphes-- Fixtures 6-4, 6-2. SlM&2E--R rU-U . HEARING AiD BATTERIES LAMPS-6 to ,oo watts ELEffr OFFICRES - ] WigTINCHfilI£1;' .ange.. Re,rigerators J Simpson Logging CompAny ] Vlll.llJllllUtltlvqJiiJ Laundromat, the best I bowlers, both men and women, re- ceived their rewards for the past ] automatic washer built. Does not have to be bolted I I to the floor. I season and elected officers for ] ALSO FEATURING A COMPLETE LINE OF ] next season at their annum meet- I I ing in the Colonial Hm,se Thurs- I £fifil I;RATfiR PRODU£r .... ,,o I day. [ iJ%#Vi.lllllg& xlii li .£1 qJVili.# $179.95 to the I Men's league activities will be directed by Jess Daniels, president; [ deluxe at $279.95, refrigerators from $219.95 to $329,95 for ] Lou Redman, vice-president; and [ the big 82 cu. ft. box with 5-year warranty and a big I Don MacDonald, secretAry-treAs- I 16 cu, ft. Freezer locker wittl a zero cold "compartment I urer. I at $535 with a $200 insurance policy against loss of food I Women's league business will be ] [ handled by Margaret Brown, presi- by mechanical failure. dent; Vera Thomas, vice-president; Edna Stewart, secretary-treasurer; Complete Information on Electric Heating Freda Fredson, sergeant-at-arms; ELECTRICITY.Your Best and Cheapest Servantl and Merna Haskins, hlstoria. Remember- Some people say . & CII]P Title Insurance Building just what they think--others have J-Je .L le L_AliJL JIL PHONE 645 Shelton friends. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY AT THE e BIG GIIt,LS' SHOES lck Patent, Instep Strap, 8ling Back Wedgie Sizes 6 to 9 - AA & B Friday and Price Saturday Special =3.89 'SFto E DEPARTMENT • TROUT FED EGGS 16-Ounce Size Friday and 'l ! ae Saturday Special . 45 ¢ 00E,L LSE, 5OO FT 54-Pound Test Friday and Saturday Special 3 GOODS DEPARTMENT Seersucker PAJAMAS AND GOWNS Sizes 2 to 6X Regular Price Friday and Saturday Special $1.95 " =1.49 KIDDIES KORNER DEPARTMENT Boy's Sleeveless PULLOVER SWEATERS Sizes 8 and 10 Friday and Regular Price Saturday Special $1.00 50 ¢ BOYS PULLOVER SWEATERS f , Regular Pace $1.75 Sizes 8 and 10 Friday and Saturday Special MEN'S SHOP RAYON KNIT GOWNS Friday and Regular Prie Saturday Special $3.95 =2.95 ACCESSORIES AND LINGERIE DEPARTMENT 00LAID LINOLEUM REMNANTS lS= Square Foot FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Valincot WASH DRESSES Sizes 12 to 44 Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Friday and Regular Price Saturday Special $2.95 =1.95 $3.95 =2,95 READY TO WEAR DEPARTMENT GALVANIZED CLOTHES LINE Regular Price 100 Feet Friday and Saturday Special $1.15 € GARDEN Regular Price SPRAYER Friday and Saturday Speeial $1.1.5 99* LAWN MOWERS- 16-In Blade Regular Price Friday and Saturday Special $21.95 =1:8.95 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT