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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Net men know00:..00 ............ "It's a Case of Enjoyment" f OLYMPIA "lt's the TV BREWING CO., OLYMPIA, WASH. • INTRODUCE MOTHER Mother's Day Dinner --0-- Mr. Waldon formerly operated well known restaurants in Aberdeen and Seattle and has just joined our staff. We invite you to give Mother a treat  and yourself, too  by taking her out for Mother's Day dinner at SHELTON HOTEL COFFEE SHOP (Contlnued from page I) 'in January. But only a minor part of the increase was for grants to this state's own needy aged. Al- most two thirds of the $590,583 increase for the one month period went to "general assistance" for which $1,433,121.83 was obligated in February. General assistance is the relief category which provides permanent payments to residents of one year and assistance to down-and-outers with no qualifica- tions, other than need, regardless of residence. Q N the same month expenditures for senior citizen grants increas- ed only 1.5 per cent, with 971 new cases drawing grants slightly below the January average. Half of the remainder of the increase went to added costs for "health care," for which four fifths of a million dollars was spent. Flag- rant abuse of the program was given as the reason for the recent resignation of the Pierce County hospital director after 25 years of service. Quitting in disgust, he cit- ed the case of a woman demand- ing, and getting, more than $10 in ambulance anti taxi transporta- tion plus medical fees and drug expense for a simple throat In- flammation, "something for which you and I would have gone o the corner dnlg store to get a bottle of cough syrup." But, he pointed out, "the hospital has no choice  (under 172) but to accept these LU and similar cas;." ..= t /7_ {4,,,  I'TRWNT rlpHE tragedy ts that if similar I t   l monthly increases are eontinu- Jt qkJ l.Jl  ed throughout the next two years, WALDON'S the general assistance and health care categories alone will require more than three quarters of the I ; "a''Z, ., f- COOKING $203 million appropriated for all l.- i if public assistance. What will be left for the state's senior citizens, I lir-- \\;X\,, :or who ah'eady were drawing grants exceeding $60 per inonth before I Initiative 172 was foisted upon! them ? ! SON ARRIVES Mr. and Mrs. Torger J. Lee of 1919 Stevens, became parents of a son born April 29 at the Shelton General Hospital FOREST FESTIVAL SPECIAL Miniature Red Hats 10€ & 25€ Artificial Flowers for Floats Let us help you work out your ideas for floats, YOUR GIFT SHOP 119 No. First Phone 920 Go# this Fli PLAN !i ForYour Own New Kitchen's Measuremenls This is thc big fi'ec kitchen plan offer you've read abo0t in your favorite magazines ... thc great offer that can start YOU on your way to making your "dream" kitchen a reality ... wilhoul a pe?my' cost to you/ If you are a home- owner, or prospcctivc buycr or builder, just bring us the dimensions of your kitchen and we will show you---on the wonderfiil American Kitch- ens Plan-A-Kit---just how it will look when it's trarlsformcd into a beautiful, tuodcrn AMER- ICAN KI I?(,HLN how it can t:ut your work- ing time in half.., how you carp have a PER.- I"IC'l' kitchen for just a fcw dollm's a month! WE FINANCE ALL OUR CONTRACTS OLSEN FURNITURE l,'INlr I,'UI{NITUI]I l,'OR THE tfOME 328 Cote Street Phone 102 A small down payment starts your mod- ern, efficient America/t Kitchen. Begin with a beautiful American Kitchens cab- inet shak. Later •.. Fo,- just a few dollars monthly, you ca add bac and wall cabinets until your Amerit "Dr(:am" Kitchen b complete! SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI BOYS LEARN FACTS ON TREES AT MONTHLY FORESTRY CAMP Eleven Grays I-Iarbor and Ms- the major phases of tile project I son county 4-H forestry members work. i held their second monthly fores- i try camp at the Panhandle 4-H camp April 23 and 24. Bill Loon- ey, forester for the South Olym- pic Tree Farm and forestry pro- ject leader for the camp, was present to teach tile boys prin- ciples of scientific tree farming. A SURVEYING crew of 4-H boys, led by Looney, nearly com- pleted running the lines on the 30 acres of forest land owned by the 4-H clubs. Two additional crews began cruising the down timber in two plots of the land. Early in the two-day camp the 4-H boys planted a "dedication forest" of 100 trees. This plot of! trees will be staked off and used for observation during succeeding camps and will be remembered I as the first planting made by 4-H! groups of the two counties. Re- ports were given by individuals instructed to find markets for various types of timber. During the first camp in March members learned to read maps, surveying instruments, and sec- tion posts and began the survey- ing. Plans for .the forestry project are to establish the boundaries of the property and estimate the down and standing timber accord- ing to kinds used. Down timber and snags will be then reclaimed and sold. Marketing wil be one of Air Drift SHELTON AIRPORT NEWS by Kurt Mann The high winds and terrible storms of the past week end up- set a number of plans for cross- country trips, Several of the local "birds" had intended flying east of tim Cascades and others planned trips south, but the weather-man decreed otherwise. Elgin Sharpe and Frank TraviS at- tempted getting to Salem, Oregon, but had to give up after reaching Scapoose. So... perhaps t h t s week end will be better. * * * Norris and Jackie Rau sold their T-Craft this past week and now own a Cessna I20, which is a two-pierce all-metal side by side plane. It will undoubtedly afford them more flying pleasure than a tandem. Norman Castle, who was re- cently approved by the Veterans Administration for a course of commercial flying, is quite the eager beaver. Hardly a day passes that he isn't out there trying to get ill some flying time, and should solo this week. Tommy Wilkerson and his fam- ily left Shelton this week for Blakely Island where Tom has ac- cepted a position as pilot for a flying club. We understand he will have charge of a Seabee and an Aeronca Sedan. Sounds like lhe perfect job for one wbo is as fond of airplanes as Tommy. All wish hijn good luck. STANDING TIMBER will be thinned later and tim thinnings sold. Alder will be sold" to mills sawing furniture stock. Areas which are bare of evergreens or made bare by harvesting trees will be reforested. Once the project is well under- way a perpetual forest will be maintained by selective logging and reforestation, and at no one time will all the trees be cut. Boys will then be able to man- age their farm woodk)ts with the know-how of an educated fores- ter. From reports of the "timber cruisgrs" at the week end camp, the timber will be utilized for peeler logs, saw logs, shake bolts, shingle bolts, fence posts, piling, telephone poles, ties, furniture stock, stove wood and fibre board. Tlere will be relatively no waste from all timber harvested or re- claimed. Plans were made by boys to plant a crop of Christmas trees on their home woodlots. Grays Harbor 4-H boys present for the last camp were: Rex Valentine, Montesano; Jerry Schellke, Gor- don "' C0dy: Allen. Sexton, Don Borden, Tally Hall and Dan Ho- g'an, Elms. Mason county 4-H members attending were Jerry Richert, Gene Irwin, Bob Hunter, Jim Hunter, Tom and Joe Buechel. JUNIOR HIGH BAND TO PLAY ON MAY 17 The Junior high school band un- der the direction of Lynn Sherwood will present a band concert at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, May 7. Concert will be held at the high school auditorium and will feature the entire junior high school band. This is the first Junior high school band concert this year, and it will give the parents in the commun- ity an opportunity to see and hear students of Junior high school age L Pl'°" admission charge of 25 cents will be charged for Junior high and Senior high school students and adultS. Grade school students will be' admitted for 10 cents. David Thompson, British fur- trader, was the first white man to travel the entire length of the Co- lumbia River. I0 I I I Shelton Aerie No. 2079 Fraternal Order of Eagles Gordon S. Peterson, W.P, Rudolf J, Kraal, Secretary Meetings Every Monday, 8 p.m. Office Hours: Monday - 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I I I Hospital Notes CLINIC HOSPITAL Patients admitted to the Clinic PIANO TUNING & Hospital for treatment this week i included Mrs. Jack Kimbel, Robert Turner, Claude Rickards, Woodsic Lane and T. C. Thomas. Among those discharged this week were Wendell Knauss, Ned Wilson of Camp Grisdale, J. H. Winsor, John B. Johnston, Mrs. Emil Benzke, Charles Clark, War- ren Gilkerson, J. D. I-Iulbut and Edward Dunla p of Seattle. SHELTON GENERAL Admitted to the Shelton General Hospital during the last week were ! Teddy WinK, Union, Floyd Godwin William Edwards, Mrs. Sam Buck Mrs. Robert McClanahan, Port; Vicky Rucker, Mrs. Ed Ma- lavey, Stanley Linn and Omer Dlon. Discharged this week were Ken- neth Busse, George Miller, Gus Backlund, Ola Layton, Dessie King, Donald Olli and Colonel Blake. Don't let moths use you.r piano for an incubator-- have it moth-proofed. CALL OR WRITE; DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Tratnick of Route 3 Box 39, became the parents of a daughter born April 28 at the Shelton General Hospital. Floyd H. Witherow- [ 642 Bellevue, Shelton THESE GIFTS WILL TRULY EXPRESS YOUR ELECTRIC RANGE - STEAM [1i£ MIXMASTER-- WAFFLE IRON PACKARD BELL TELEVISION SET , LAUNDERALL AUTOMATIC CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR Apex Clotlie-s Dryer -- Apex Foldaway Ironer KILLMER ELECTRI(: 207 COTA STREET PHONE Needh.00,n Food ' i ? BIGGiST FREE PARmNG LOT IN MASON eOUNT:Y : :::} } JamesR.,Needham, p, op.. , .: ;: : :,:i, : .' ':: ..... : " " " 2:' FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT lb. 11€ BANANAS SHAFTER WHITE NEW POTATOES 10 lbs. 43€ lb.: • • • • • • • • • • • e 4 ORDER MEAT BY PHONECALL FOR UNTIL7 P.M. i Obituaries , I I I I 1 I I,, II I IIH AXEL ZARLSON Axcl Karlson, Star Route, Gig Hrbor, died in a local hospital the nmrning of May 4, and the ldy wa, taken to Perpltm Funeral home ha Gig Harbor where the funeral will be lleld Saturday. The thne of Use service has not been set. Intertnent will be in Artcnd:tlc cemctery. He was born h Sweden-on May 20, 1877, Survivors incld lain on, Ldoyd Kloa og Gig arbor. lor. Callers at the E. E. Taylor home were Mr .and Mrs. Loren Adams and daughter, Betty of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mainwarring of Renton were at the D. Woods home Sunday and helped Janice Mainwarring celebrate lmr 9th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. AI Schiller of Route 6, Bremerton visited old friends in Kamilehe Saturday. Tle drill team will practice at Progress Hall at 8:00 o'clock Thursday. The team will put the work on at Shelton Valley Hall on May 12th. PURE PORK SAUSAGE ........ lb. 39 € PURE LARD ........................ 2 lbs. 25 ’ SLICED LUNCII 00EAT ........ lb. 49 , hort Shanked, Pre-cookcd, 4 to 6-Lb. PICNIC HAMS ............................ lb. 45 ’ Fresh, Dry-Picked COLORED FRYERS ............ lb. 53€ AGED GOOD GRADE BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS ANO STEAKS * RABBITS  COLORED FRYERS Bulk Kraut- Pulk Pickles The small anmtmt of damage ..... r : done to the Taylorcraft when it >.  PFNt00Y0000 ' ! Lake near Arcadia Point was of but little concern to the owners of ./_. ili  l  when a second inspection found the plane an almost total wreck. Four teen-agers were apprehended by the local law after they had W t'W a W W .'  all but stripped the plane and caused about $300 worth of ad- ditional damage. The names are ON THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIpAY & SATURDAL withheld because of the culprits' ages. , -- .. O'.OENB...O , Dowmlraft...She was only a build in a girdled cage... STRING l ,,,,..,,,,,,...χ,,,,...... .... BEANS  g DOG FOOD SUGAR ! " NO. 2 TINS  IFfllll NO. 1 TALL TINS 10-LB. SACK ) Kamllche 2 for 31€ i lgt 3 for 29 ’ 89€ ! ' By Berth Taylor OliCer Petty is home after be- -- g t I He was stationed most of the tim, in Germany. /I, ) FISHER'$ 3 TA'L T,NS ........ 35 ’ : other dance May 7 and one on May 21. It is hoped by then to have raised enough money to LLRISCU 3-LB. TIN  FLOUR lEVI Standby, WAX PAPER start work on the floor. m,,N///, (  25-Lb. Sack Thedrtll team is holding a food  , - $  .251 I sale in Shelton May 7. We un- ...  ,OLLS .......... 20* derstand at this time it is to be -., held at the'L.M, store. wes. Rau, Mr. and Mrs. E. ELS NAPTHA SOAP 2 bars 5 € HEgSHEY BarsP,ai. o, a,mo.00 Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor at!ended a fur farmers meeting held in Olympia at tlm I q home of Jim Myers. Little Glen Rau is to have his tonsils removed this Thursday.  ?_ Effie Brownficld, Doris Nelsoll and Florence Taylor called at thc  J .... it home of Mrs. Cothary in Brcm- erton last week. Mrs. Dan Woods has bccn on the sick list but is improving. FLORIDA ORANGES.. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Droham of Olympia called at the homes of Mrs. Z. Waldrip and E. E. Tay- -- .......