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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1049, STORE[ CATTO HA,RBWARE B RAILROAD PHONE 48 i &apos;MIX CONCRETE Prefer to do Your Own Mixing SAND and GRAVEL "" OTHER CONCRETE PRODUCTS -- Pipe ._. Culvert Pipe -- Drain Tile Building Blocks L i:tl ,L:J a . ,°,I-VELTON-MASON COUNTY ,7OIrRNAL Page 5 i i i i i ii ii i i ii iiiiiiii .... : ............. Street Dance Set For May 14, Last street (kmee in front of Memori:d tlall on Saturday night, May 14 will again fe:iture exhibiti()ns (if lolk (l',lncing, according to Chai)'- man Bill Rawding of the (;eneral \\;VoI t';i )'c Chlb. "The folk dancers wil start per- forming at 8 o'ch)cl and regular s))'eet dancing will follow," l{:wd- in K said. Music is to be supl)lied by three I)ands John Weeks' popular Mc- Cleary orchestra, the ltonle Town- ers "rod Oeky Seljestad's orches- trtl. "We filled lhe street with dancers last year and hope to have ollt anotiler big e)'owd this year," H.awding said. "Ad- mission is by forest festival mem- bership bntton." VAN CLEAVE NAMED POLICE SERGEANT Following examinations c o n- d'ucted by the Shelton civil serv- ice board in April for certification of police force nmbers, Les Van- Cleave has been reappointed ser- geant by Mayor Harry Car]on, two others were certified for the ser-J gcant rating, and seven qualified] for patrolman jobs. [ Cecil I. Clark, Jr., and Orin S.! Duncan qualified for sergeant I Patrohnen approved as a result of I the tests inchide Kleese Warner,[ Theron Mell and A. L. Cartwright. Also c(,rtified but put on the wait- ing list were Robert H. Lamb, Thomas Nelson, Ed Reynolds and Clifford Sntherland. i ii;;;i200;'00GJJ Applications for marriage li= eenses were filed during the past week in the office of Mrs. Susie Pauley, Mason county auditor, by the following couples. Melvin F. Phillips, 28, and Ger- trude Ann Thomasen, 22, both of Shelton. Doyle J. Barnett, 3J, and Fh)r- cnec 1L Demler, 28, both of Shel- ton. Robert Nuernberg, 46, Brinnon, Wash., and Ethel V. Putnam, 44, Aberdeen. Cha)'les M. E.nhl, 30, Port Or- chard, and Borghild Larson, 32, Tacoma. Frank Eugene Tooker, 65, Cen- tralia, and Hazel Marie Allbee dg, Centralia. COUNTY PLANS 9-MILE ROAD Action to oI'>('n a )li)i(,-nlile-hmg road jntthlg northwest fr()ni the Northshm'e highway between 'l':l- huya and P, elfair was crystallized MollCI;iV whim (ih,r'tl(I I. Allen an(l I ))thers" 1)resenled i I)('tithm all bond l.() c()llnt7 conlnlissionel's. I THE PROPOSED ro:ld would g'( i,. through the lqlfendahl pass ariel I conilect tile N(-iP{hshore road t() l the old Dewatto r()ll(I il()i'{tl i)f I I W'+)ol;en Pike. } All;hough there are not many I residents in the area through wllich) [the line would pass, that district I would be opened up to sportsmen, 'deer hunters, Mrs Snsie Patlley, tJlork for tho comi'nissioncr boilrd, I expressed. The petition, sigt{ed by 31 per- SOILS, was aCeOlnt)t)l)ied hy waivers, from property owners. ()pening of the road would involve the con- struetion of a bridge across Tahu= ya creek. County Engineer Arthur L. Ward was instructed to examine tbe proposal and report on its feasibility. View was presented to the com- missioner board Monday, and the date of a hearing has been sched- tiled for 10 a.m. May 16. Tbe plat involves a tract of land, 220 feet square, adjacent to the Mountain View addition. It pro- poses the land be broken into ten lots, . Commissioners opened bids Mon- day on three pieces of county equipment. Of two bids on a pole grader, that of the Howard Cooper cor- poration was accepted at a price of $2,494; and of three bids on a Ford pickup for the county en- gineer, that of Al Huerby Motors was accepted for $1,298.58. To the Howard Cooper corpora- tion went an okeh of the commis- sioners on a bid of $2,103 for a 600 - gallon oil distributor. Two filed. Simpson Hobby Show Slated Monday Night Fntries in the Simpson Logging Company's employees' hobby h0w will be placed in a display window of the Lumbermen's Mercantile furniture store on Monday eve- ning, /ccording to Marian Gaff- jlcy, hobby show chairman. Exhibitors are requested to bring displays to the furniture store be- tween 7 and 8 o'clock on Monday evening. A committee will as- semble the exhibit that evening., The hobby show, sponsored by 1:he Simpson Recreation Association, will be displayed throughout F()r- cst Festiwd Week. cuBS ................... iN PACK---12 ' " ' RECEIVE AWARDS, DISCUSS FESTIVAL Cob scouts of Pack 12 met at Bordeaux school April 25 to lay plans for participaiAon in Forest Festival and to receive awards, : for activities. After the den mothers present - ed rep6rts, awards were given Roger Hoff, gold arrow and sin Qallet We Have A Fresh Stock of Lovely 1 1 University Students See Rayonier Harbor Opera,tions Last Week I h]lev,'n Ki':ldnating lo,%gin,,:4 Oll- ','inl'(!l'l fI'Olli the (!ollcge of Piir- eslry at the llniversity of 'yVilsh- inKIon sl)ent Wednemhly, April 27 ;il. the logging Olorntions of I Laynnier hleorpora ted in the (frays flarbor al•et io gain first- hand l<nowledge of mo(lern meth- (')(is of ]og'ging and tran:.q) i inll)er. (In Thtn'sday, April 28 these same senior students in logging engineering' visite(I t:¢.a yonier's ('.lallam county operations. Here they studied engineering details involved in bri(toe construction and road location and inspecting the comp;ay's modern tI'uek log- ging operation. This group of students is visit- ing htrge logging operations in western Washington fully to in- form tliemselvcs on the latest methods of handling our timber crop. This scrvice which Rayonier In- eorporated is extending to the ed- ucational system of the state is A PRELIMINARY plat on W. Iin addition to the company's fac- S. Nash's add]thin to Mot ntainl lities offered and now i)eing used in a six-week field study of for- edt managem'ent by other senior students from the forestry school 'at the nniversity. Of all the days in the year, only one is reserved lust for telling that grandest person in the world lust how wonderful she really is. Remember her this Mother's Day, May 8th, with a line quality 6ibson Card from :, i ¸ ver arrow; Jerry Buzzard, gold arrow; Bobby Fitch, silver ar- row. On display during the meeting were woven baskets, airplanes and other works of handicraft. Re- freshments were served by mem- bers of Den Three. Next Pack meeting will be at 7 p.m. May 16 at the Bordeaux school• Fihns will be shown. SON BORN, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ray of Brem- erton became parents of a son born April* 29 at the Shelton General Hospital. Feminine 00"00 Station, ery our complete selection. • GIFT WRAPPINGS STYLED BY GIBSON .... .... Boxed Candies i Brown & Haley McDonald ! Whitman Johnston ::::!!i!!::i* .... i!iiii!il and Aplets i :i?:: ! iilii:::' !.i • :: Be Sure and Have Enough ,, Film MeCONKEY'S DRUG 213 RAILROAD PHONE 63 PEAS .. ......................... t)# •l  , IIIIOCCOLI ................. 31¢ ASPARAGUS ............ 33¢ STRAWBERRIES .. 53¢ I Darigold I MILK } Case i 13i*{)l I Strawl)erries box 9 (i/, Shafter White New I'otai:oes il). 5¢ II). !)¢ R,litislii,s (reen ()nions 3 bllll. I()¢ I)ON'T FORGET 3-LB.CAN Gold Shield We' Have our Usual i Q . (()FI .l ,E FINE SELECTION OF i I PLANTS for MOTHER'S DAy $|.{,) Ralph's Fine Foods LOTS OF FREE PARKING SPACE Hillcrest Phone 121 Whitman Samplers $2.00 & $4.00 Montag & Penway Stationery Lucien Lelong Perfumes Eastman Kodaks Sheaffer Pens & Pencils PRRFUIll 0 CftRflT$ h00roo Va/ A gift of glamour to add elegance to Mother's Day and many a day :. golden 20 Carats Perfume by Dana luxuriously presented. ; : . • :. breathlessly received! Per/ume $2,']5 to $35.00 C0hg,¢ $2.25 to $6,50 l00ady Buxton Bill Folds s2 to '10 (bmplete Stock Rubinsteins N Cosmetics Dubarry Dorothy Gray (:00oty : Lentheric Ronson Table & Pocket Lighters 1 odern methods of pasteurizing, refriger- ating and packaging, plus improved milking procedure on our farms makes today's Grade "A" milk so much better than that of a few years igo. KITSAP DAIRY MILK has Extra ,Value in Flavor... Nourishment.". Use.ability. KITSAP DAIRY OWNED AND OPERATED BY KITSAP DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION THIRD AND GROVE Your Choice -- Paper or Glass PttONE 26 8 lit,;