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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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+ 6 SI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL AMONG YOUR MERCHANT'S' 00Hom : rin e Show In side House 40 ET 8 TO MEET TONIGHT IN HOTEL ] are rainproof even when ()pen be- draperies and bedspreads and slip- (?(runty xoiture No. 135, Forty • A newcomer to Shelton is put- last Friday, Mrs. Pearl Ber0eson ing u,ned extensively throughout covers and selected tile fttvniMl- :tzld I,;i,,)t will bo ]lehl tonight tirtg a new idett to work ill his ad- expressed her sillcere appreciation the relainder of the house. Col- ings to achieve a harmoniou:; of- at 6:?,0 o'(,]ock ;tL Lho (qubro()llS '¢ertising and business promotion, ptblicly through these coltlmn,q to- orftll Kentile and rtlbber tile feet. Many new products such ts ill lJOttq Shcltoll. A get-together J. G. HALVORSEN, new owner day and in an advertisement ap- floors harmonize with the inter- vrtlndtt Weave loomed cotton rugs, hour it) he tollo\\;ve(I by dinner will of Scott's Ice Cream, which is to pearing on page 16 of this edition, iors which are finished with the widely used by leading California pave tht, way for t|l(! .rcguhu' t0ntinue to be the firm's name, "Our business has been far be- new Ftlller's Decorator Colors. decorators, and Chest-O-Bed bed- monthly business meeting. Mere- incidentally, is giving a quart of yond my expectations," Mi:s, Berg- A floor to ceiling fireplace of room furniture have been intro-bers are urged t()be properly at- COMPLETE NURSERY  g IANDSCAP[NG |Ce cream, either bulk or brick of eson said. hawthorne pink sandstone brick duced. Modified modern and /)to- tired for the occasion. any flavor, to some Shelton real-I * * * conceals a Mortemp chimney fur- vincial furniture have been blend- . ........................................................ ,dent each week. t Meal preparation at the Hotel nace which automatically circu- ed to gain a "different" yet thor- The name is being chosen at Shelton Coffee Shop is now in the lates oil heat. An ahtomatic hot oughly "homey" atmosphere, t Shelton Air Service 1 Mile East of Olympic Highway on Fairmont 'random from the city's water de- skillful and veteran hands of Ru- water heater, Frigidaire antoine- A Frigidaire range and refreig'- pertinent meter files and the name ben Waldon, whose culinary ab- tic washer and dryer are included erator complete the kitchen equip- I TICKET AGENTS iS to be placed in the Scott's :Ice ilities have directed restaurants in with the house. The attached gar- ment. For WILBERT S. CATTO PHONE Cream advertisement in The .]our-,' Seattleand Aberdeen in past years, age is equipped with overhead n-ih'l'--n-(wi'ein-n.-of nll West Coast Air Lines Hal each week. The first winner's'His Rube's Restaurant in Aber- door and features a large storage The For Reservation name appears in the ad on page deen has been the largest and one i platform, w ars 10 of today's Journal. I of the most popular Harbor eating t Geraldine Stewart, interior dec- March 1, 1949, was 18,879,000, ac-i Phone 25-J Jaok Christensen, mltnager of  spots for ycars, , orator" for Lumbermen's Mercan- cording to the VA. t the store here for Vance' $tt, left Shelton last Friday by plane to l :.:'::::i Join Mr. Scott in his new business; i!:! enture in Redwood City, Cali- I fomia. I C R I SC0 The business is new but.the pro- I prietor is an old hand in this corn ............... .!  ]]1 tttorellaunitYbeingin tlleopenedCase tllts°f thesaturdaypaint i:ii : ¢0M" r0 S & F € W&Y'S "'l" /03/ Hollis E. "Bugs" Daniels, a na- FLUFFO tiDe son of Shelton. A painter by profession himself all his life, Mr, Daniels is going into another phase .of the busi- ]ess by opening a retail paint store which will feature the famous ' Dutch Boy paints and other pro- u ' Ishow of volues B His new store is located at 222 South Second street, across the LI| street from Pantorium Cleaners. " ' , ,, , Ready Business shifts have moved or  Step right up foulks, for one of the biggest Hot are in the process of moving two shows of money-saving food values ever pre- well-known Sheltonians to new of-.L.__...ii.... rice locations over the past week- sented! Safeway's Kitchen Karnival is an out- end. standing performance! There are collossal sav- ' Jack Cole, recently resigned Ma- son County sheriff who bought the ings., amazing and stupendous values! W. A. Magoon real estate and in-  iurancc buslnesg, .hs moved his office from the Govey Building at TOPEDO BRAND, LIGHT MEAT ATTRACTION 32 ,,o. o,,uo, ,,,,,, + GRATED TUNA FISH 6-oz. can 29 € AODED Joined forces with Walter George .......... at. 125 North F'irst street. James A REAL VALUE. BUY SEVERAL! ailr''/jrAFg/tr.= B. Trovato ,,as left the George . CANNED ..o tea.lty Company. DEWKIST PUMPKIN 1 lb S*  MEATS The office space at 325 Railroad ............ " , can , o, being revamped for Attorney LIBBY'S OR HOSTESS DELIGHT Gle. Cortes, who has occupied a FRUIT COCKTAIL 30 * 29 € Everyone *.*e Quart mflte upstairs in tile Govey Build- "OZ. can CHILI lb. can 29¢ ing sincc coming to Shelton a year ................................... ago, He expects to move in by the SNOWFLAKES OR BUSY BAKER For quick tasty economical meals! l-lb. end of this week.** thc FRESH BAKED CRACKERS 2-lb. box 4S' CORNED Beef Hash 3 cans $1 Those money-saving specials : " " " Wonderful for sandwiches! 3/-oz. can Lumbermen's Mercantile has fee- ALL-PURPOSE POTTED MEAT 2 cans 19€ " tured each Saturday for the past ...... several weeks have been expanded ROYAL SATIN SHORTENING .. 3-lb. can 79 ¢ ,x, ,, to cover Fridays also, Advertising B Manager Gene Hanson announced I WESTVALE. SOLID PACK LUNCH TONGUE .... 6-oz. 31€ ,,,,woe. ' I CANNED TOMAIOES 28 oz. ca 3/50 Qt. "   ' -  '" n € Ready to eat! "We found so m,ny people who t " ..... VEAL LO--F 7 oz. 27i (Oll]dll't got 'l[trO town O|1 Satur-] I SPECIAL FEATURES  a .............. - days would like to take advantage 1 . Genuine deviled ham, no fille added! ,   v V LED A oz. Fridays°f our specialSthat weanddecidcdC°Uld doto somakcon I C & H, PORE CANE, FINE GRANULATED SPRING EGG ,, DE I H M ........ 32 19¢ , ,, ,wo.+ ,+c,, ,,, ,,+, ,,, ,- =1 SUGAI' ' ) " Enjoy. eggs. ,ow- the "AA" SMALL LARGE "AA 81,'wY litle sausageg 4-Oz +yo,,,,o,,a,,,o  lO-lb batgR¢ ECTIIIA[ o.,,,,,.xoo,,o.,.o, =,. .... ,...;.*. o.'+.- The two-day specials begin with • " * o -- I!1 r _11 I ! ill the price is Iowt -- n=,=u, ^. =,=,K, v.=,.,.. u...., ..... 19,, this weekend. I J, dl'JJ 1 • f JIlL IJ " Wonderful for salads! t.,u:. BII  uu. 1141 , ' m m | Elated at the warm welcome and H . ,i plendid patronage accorded her 1 F[ )UR. ba, mg¢ ,o, o, c...,o.. ..o (,, ,,  ...... ' • , new Pearl's Cafe since its opening MILK ..................... tall Call ,,,',3¢ Known To New Stars Sparkle t' DIAMOND "F," FRESH RENDERED, PUREe OATMEALGerber's Cereal Or (8-Oz) 17¢ m,yir,]r/,'.";,£$irl , I ..... ] J I 10g='0f In '49 Ice Follies , LARD... 2-lb. pkg. 25 ..............................  11 11!I 2 for Brilliant new skating stars spar- It Town House, sweet or natural. 46-Oz.  I  )*2 l¢le in the spotlights of the Ship- I " ' -- stads and Johnson Ice Follies of LUCERNE - NEW LOW PRICE - QT. CTN. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .......... 20¢ ................ i :1949, which opens a 13-day en- ' Nu-Made, Guaranteed Fresh r . . cerement at Seattle's Ice Arena [ FRESH MILK ...... I 7 ¢ MAYONNAISE ................. pt. 39¢ STRAWBERRIES ! NEW POTATOES  on May 11. Heading tile list of new sLa,'s I GUARANTEED FRESH, Parchment Wrap B°uill°nn'TPackaage°;,,L2 . ,): Red-ripe, luscious berries  California, White Shafte C al*e Marilyn Take, former Cane-  • otJP.JP.Jt1U tUDF.; .................... O Dont forget whipping creaml  U.S. Grade No. 1, Size "A' dian figure ukating queen and  IrlriI][' ]- € Playfair,'Nourishing r&/,  I,dk Olympic Games star, and Na.rena allNorris, spectacular adagio and • uwz xa:a. ....... .u. v-- S¢. , F('M'MFt 1 ,, 0/1{) iR/ t I1,1 - Del ...... "'" '/'" ' Box " Lb. " acrobatic team. I ................. -i  # vo, I ght 00g"°"COFFEE € They join such established Ice  " -9 , . HILL ro,,o ,,,o  R,, ,,,,,+,,,, Mrs. Wr s BREAD . 89 2 , ' d 11 iazelis LeggFranklin'Frick andPhylliSFrack,andBettyHar" . Deluxe mend, rcsh grou,d. -.46¢ GREEN' " ' PEAS,' ' °tell er full' pods .................... lb. 1~¢ Schalow, Les Hamilton, the Scof I White or wheat, =nrichea, Made with 21 hl "" ' - " vold and Schramm Twins, Mort- I t , , € AIR 2 LB € TOMATOES, lor shcmg 12 oz. etn. 20¢ 1¢ Moran, Ginger Clayton and a o a of m'lk and sugcr ........ ly,-LB. W," rN.. P'KG: 85 ' " ....................... = ,t o, ot,,o,., mc,,,m to oau. I  [] ..... 7=cl:Tlb -k" ") CALAVOS, medium size, ripe ........................ 2 for 29¢ ( ! tiful precision-trained lee Folli- • (, Iv tuna - n " t - • p g. ' ¢ vit- ette. I Mrs. Wmghts. Makes wonderful toast ) - \\;\ + f!lkl.l.i?V f,o,h qll rre,,,, lh .q, T= h'Jgc c't °f 16' i[' all i* 1 "' ' '  [ : II ''|'" '   6 Ch'rub 0' b¢l,gith productionPres°ntednumbersin a serieSfeaturingOf lay- • Potato. Bread .. l-lb. 14 ,WARDS C0ffEE Can 99 PEPPERS, Green Bell, for stuffing ............... lb. ?,7¢ Tall llW ttaging and lighting effccts, I  am'F-  Luxury blcnd, vacuum can, 1-1b. 53¢ the performers being adorned in  _ y CABBAGE, medium sizeheads lb. 10¢ 0rc than 700 dazzling costmnes. \\;. " .......................... (Case ........ ;-7 ...................... • ............................... FORESTED LAND CARROTS, fresh snap-tops lb. 9¢ ORANGES, Florida, large size Valencias ........ lb. 9¢ CAN YIELD MORE BANANAS, golden-ripe, limited supply lb. 19¢ S Half t.he forested land in Wash-I .......... ington could yield twice au much l iome as it does now, according I II tO Knut Lunnum, Extension For- Washington,e'tcr at the State College of r.----.* Lowest Price In Ycarsl uy'* """""" " .... pkg Kan ][T"=t;'r*]l "Dinner Hour, Pure Egg For' All' NOODLES 12-oz. 19 ¢ - .... He refers to the 5,500,000 acres . . 1 Snow Cloud, 8.oz. oo,a, ,,o,0 o,....,ao. ..43 ¢ _2-, Date owners, They number 45,000  Marshmallows 2 pkgs. 25¢ Jan.U.Wine, complete vegetable. Carton '" =lld include :,3,000 farulers. They FRYER .u,,,-,,,, pkgs. in '' CHINESE DINNER 49* orm tic gro]p at which the new- " ..... ,o,;,,o ,,o,o T, oo ,.o,. S lb. 63 ¢ Marshmallows .... l-lb. 29¢ " " ,,,,,no,," ,.o,-+, , ,,,mo. " P I C N I C S ,o,.,., l-lb. carton Oscar Mayer, with barbecue aauce in sack irmum is doubling as state di- Fresh, ready.drawn, head and feet Chocolate Mints .......... 59¢ WIENERS 14 49 ¢ ector of the program, only one removed. Grade "A" birds. Hunter's or Oscar Mayer. Air 5¢ Varieties "OZ. can Of: its kind in tile West. Short shank, tenderized " " " * " F "ALL OUR SMALl. woodland tenderized smoked picnics. Chocolate Bars ............ 69¢ owners could double the income U.S. graded "good," blade cut Price is lowest in years! Camel, Lucky Strike, Raleigh, Carton $1,69 . h'Omhd¢g.their,,,tlla:y acct.;land'' timber.growing. ',,'ands° tl; y" Beef Pot Roast .... lb. 45¢ Lb. 38 ¢ SpeciaICig ars,oo&o,Beverages c,.. CIGARETTES . ..... pkg . 17 ¢ '"'.. extra in('oJm on a teady, endless Brisket or plate, U.S. "good" o bals by making their trec a Boiling Beef lb. 23¢ Sunny Dayn, large 46-Oz. l[J* ......... - ....... rl r Pfi cash crop--not just one crop thru Vall Dyek Cigars 45¢ l|quidation, but repeated harvest Sure to be tender Cragmont .+o o,a o. (,u 00) -- 0MA... JUICE ......... 25' thru good management." // Skinless Wieners lb. 45¢ Root Beer .......... 2 (its. 29¢ i.unnum said the "Morc Trccs" Sky Room (plus bottle deposit) Round Golden. Party Crackers. 1.Lb. , drive it a long-range cffort just Large or small Steak or roast cuts Tom Collins Mix 2 (Its. 29¢ TEA TIMERS 25' begun by the Washington State Bologlm lb. 49¢ Fresh Slmon lb. 67¢ case of 24 cans $3.59. 12-oz. " .... * ...... Forestry Conference, tr 30-year- ........................ 11' old organization combining more Rib End, Loin Ready to ook Acme Beer 2 cans 31¢ j than a, dozen pxtblic agencies and ........ Breeze Cheese Food, package t) industrial groups. "rhc Conference Pork Roast .......... lb. 55¢ Fillet of Sole .......... lb. 45¢ "Private Reserve" Washington is lies(led by Dt'nm Gordon l). Center Cuts, Loin Pacific, medium size Loganberry Winc.+5th83¢ AMERICAN_...lU........ CHEESE .... 75* arckworth of tim University of Wahington's CoUcge of Fores* Pork Chops .......... lb. 75¢ Fresh Oysters ...... pt. 67¢ paCES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AN[:) SATURDAY, MAY 6 & 7', 1949, SUBJECT No try., Ltlnitulll said the cttmpatgn TO MARKET CHANGES AND STOCK IN SHELTON. NO SALES TO DEALERS. is 'the first all-out educational 'rill TDIZL-V(  € SORRY. WE MUST RESERVE THE RtGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. QU/kR' history." }Tc dccla,red "it, illt)|y imt't good buMtles to let parL of a l A__Jl Ill .... Illlllll Ill l- 1£1 . III farm--tire woodiand--hty idle or ,.,.. ,,,,o ,,o,, , ,o, o ,,,.o VEL SUDS R I N S 0 PAR SOAP a money-maker," .lie POINTED OUT the calll- ] Mdk(li ands in any wa- J=j¢ For whiter, brtghter J}dP¢ Granulated soap - con- 1 lJlMgu will give iaLere.uLed land* I tcr! ............ , 15.oz, CTN. €lothes ...... 23-0Z. CTN.4K= - rains Heli 0 23.OZ. CTN.r,, - owllcrs a chalice to Icarn how to I " ... illCrcac ca:sll illCOlllt3 'l'OYll forever, I " ................. " - " * ' lttilds. Trained /'orestert4 will lead[ E wood lot demonstrations at which CAMAY SOAP CAMAY SOAP D R F T .... latest methods of g,'ow, ng. bar- The =oap of beauti-€,,,+/.I!€ The .o+ o, ..u,,,o, 9€ S+a.,,...+.. w,,+. +-,+ 50 vesting and selling the crop will ful women, Bath size+a--drB women ......... REG. BAR . out wiping 11-0B. CTN.,./+ ,"¢, //" ' "+ e/,'J ,,,'";¢',%, +,Z.'*-" " 4,,,, :/,,,,. $